Experts say the most important thing to remember in a hostage situation is to not attempt to negotiate or argue with the hostage taker.
They also recommend against making threats, demands or personal attacks as a means to diffuse the situation.
On Thursday, the Aberdeen City Council got about half the guidelines right – avoiding direct confrontation with the man holding its future hostage, but at the same time laying into him with a savage display of public repugnance.
You see, as of Wednesday afternoon, would-be council candidate Steve Johnson and his team of lawyers and political advisors effectively took the Aberdeen election hostage.
During a hastily arranged special session of the city council Thursday afternoon, the mayor and four council members – each incumbents seeking re-election – reacted emotionally to word that Aberdeen’s Nov. 6 municipal election is almost certain to be postponed.
“It appears there’s not going to be any way to have the election on time,” Mayor S. Fred Simmons solemnly announced to a sparse crowd of city officials, interested parties and reporters Thursday.
The response was immediate and intense from those who only learned of the special session an hour or so before it convened and were unsure of its purpose until Simmons spoke.
“You’re kidding!” shouted a flabbergasted councilman Ron Kupferman. “That’s incredible.”
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” councilwoman Ruth Elliott added.
In brief: Johnson, chairman of the city’s Economic Development Commission, auxiliary police officer and local business owner, filed to run for city council even though there were questions about which of two properties – one in Aberdeen and another in Perryman – was his residence and which was his office. Johnson’s candidacy was invalidated by the city Board of Elections on Oct. 8. The city council alleges Johnson should have appealed the election board’s invalidation to the city Board of Appeals, which just so happens to be another role of the city council. Instead he took the matter straight to the Harford County Circuit Court. Johnson filed suit on Oct. 16, appeared before Judge Steve Waldron on Oct. 17 and was granted a postponement of the election until his residency can be sorted out. The purpose of Thursday’s meeting, the latter part of which was closed to the public so the council could receive legal advice, was to determine whether it should, as the Board of Appeals, decide Johnson’s candidacy or allow Waldron and the Circuit Court to proceed with the matter.
While Simmons said it would be at least a 60-day delay in the election, city council president Mike Hiob let the full gravity of the situation sink in when he said he understands the process could take a “series of months.”
During the public portion of the meeting, the city clerk read the official reasons why the Aberdeen Board of Elections, during an Oct. 8 conference call, decided not to validate Johnson’s candidacy. I’ve taken the liberty of organizing those reasons here (adding a couple of my own) into an easy to comprehend format.
The Top Ten Reasons Johnson’s Aberdeen Election Candidacy May Be Invalidated
10. The city previously presented a Community Legacy Grant to Johnson through his Perryman address
9. The state Department of Assessments and Taxation lists the mailing address for Johnson’s Aberdeen address as his Perryman address
8. City water and sewer bills for Johnson’s properties are mailed to his Perryman address
7. Johnson received a Homestead Property Tax credit on his Perryman address. That tax credit can only be applied to one’s primary residence
6. The mailing address for Johnson’s 13 Aberdeen rental properties is his Perryman address
5. The most recent Verizon phonebook lists Johnson’s Perryman address next to his phone number
4. Johnson’s driver’s license, which DOES display his Aberdeen address, had been issued on Oct. 2, 2007 – three days before the candidate filing deadline
3. The personal check Johnson used to pay his own candidate filing fee to the city listed his Perryman address
2. Johnson has been seen by numerous city council members coming to and from his Perryman “office” at all hours of the day and night
1. Johnson has aligned himself with Art Helton
Johnson himself was not present for the meeting – he showed up with his attorney and a sweat-beaded brow after the council had moved into a closed session and retired to the second-floor ‘war room’ to hash out the matter.
Even without the presence of the man they believe to be holding their personal re-election campaigns hostage, city council members spoke frankly about Johnson and his continued pursuit for candidacy, at any cost.
Some wondered why Johnson was so doggedly pursuing a spot on the ballot.
“Steve, what are you trying to prove?” Kupferman asked rhetorically. “Get a life.”
Others insinuated Johnson was knew this legal battle was coming all along.
“He knows it’s wrong, but he did it anyway,” Hiob added.
Only one person, city resident and police officer Jason Neidig, stood and addressed the council. Neidig, who works for city council candidate Rick Denu’s campaign, pointed out the groundwork for such a residency-requirement conflict was laid ever since Helton, a Darlington resident, has been allowed to vote in the city.
While some council members fought to keep the session open to the public, they all begrudgingly agreed to move the deliberation upstairs and out of public view.
After about an hour of deliberation, a visibly flustered Kupferman stormed out of city hall, throwing his hands in the air and indicating he was leaving while the argument continued. A half-hour later, Elliott emerged from city hall. She said no determination had been made and the council would not open the meeting back up to the public – not even to adjourn.
Word from the Johnson camp is that his case is to appear before Judge Waldron again Friday, ostensibly to decide how to proceed based on the determination of action on the part of the Aberdeen City Council.
– Johnsons’ lawyer, while polite and quite competent, looks younger than me – a difficult feat which doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Johnson himself looked like a man in over his head who, if given the chance, might have done a few things differently.
– Elliott said it is “certainly a conflict” for the city council to determine the future of Johnson as a candidate they would all face in the election. She publicly deemed it more appropriate to leave the matter to the court.
– Elliott was also involved in a post-public session, pre-private session argument with Wetlands Golf Course owner Sam Smedley in the city hall lobby. Smedley told her none of this would have been a problem if Helton weren’t involved – a comment which elevated substantially both the hostility and voices being used by Sam and Ruth, who actually had to be separated by someone else.
– While the city council debated inside, the buzz outside city hall was about the chain-reaction of events following the postponement of the election. Questions of merit included: Whether the city election law will require all candidates’ signs to be removed BEFORE the election ever takes place; Which candidates will be hurt by a postponement because they budgeted their money and resources for a Nov. 6 peak; and What sort of public hearings are necessary since the Nov. 6 election has already been legally advertised in the local newspapers.
UPDATE: In his ongoing battle for residency/candidacy in Circuit Court Friday, Johnson effectively delayed the city’s election by at least four months.
The case of Johnson vs. the Mayor and City of Aberdeen seemed almost a relief for Judge Stephen Waldron, who had previously listened on as an attorney detailed a night in the life of an admitted Aberdeen prostitute who stole snack food from the Dollar General Store on Route 40.
Council for both sides emerged after a conference in Waldron’s chambers to a sparsely seated Bel Air courtroom Friday. Johnson’s Doogie Howser-esque attorney Joseph Creed took to the front row awaiting the Judge’s ruling. Johnson did not show up to court. Aberdeen was represented by lawyer Fred Sussman, who was hired because city attorney Elwood Stark is purportedy recovering from a hernia.
Waldron took the bench to explain he had a “lengthy” conference with both sides and discussed a number of issues, including “pit falls” and expenses associated with delaying the city’s election. He then announced the process would be turned back over to the mayor and city council.
New Timeline for Election Day: 1. Waldron said Johnson’s injunction would continue until the city makes a decision regarding his appeal. Johnson is expected to file Monday (Oct. 22) with the city and Simmons said the council would hold public hearings (at least a month-long process) following his filing. The council and mayor will have 15 days following the hearing to render a decision about his candidacy. 2. If approved by the council, Johnson will be permitted on the ballot and the campaigning process will start anew, as to give adequate time for Johnson to get his name about town. The election would likely be held five to six weeks from that time.
3. If the council does not rule in Johnson’s favor, he may appeal back to the Circuit Court level, where Waldron would hear testimony in his case (and probably at least one more Aberdeen prostitute story that same day.)
4. Even after a Circuit Court ruling, Johnson could appeal to a higher court, further delaying the election.
Of note:
– Waldron announced that both the council and mayoral election would remain connected and would both be postponed until a resolution is reached regarding Johnson’s candidacy.
– Johnson was ordered to pay a $10,000 bond as part of the injunction.
– Election signs are being pulled by candidates throughout the All-America City this weekend. Simmons had uprooted approximately 100 of his own signs by noon Saturday.
– Miller said even if a decision was rendered in November, he would postpone the election (which is driven by volunteer manpower) until after the holidays, though he doesn’t prefer a winter election because of possible inclement weather issues.
– Election expenses already total $1,500, in addition to employee and volunteer man-hours (this does not include legal expenses at the rate of God-only-knows per hour.)
– Word on the street is Johnson’s attorney intends to amend his complaint to include challenging the constitutionality of the two–year time frame used to establish residency in the city’s charter. – Perhaps the most melancholy face Friday was that of Miller (who is charged with organizing volunteers and the city’s election.) He sat in the back of the courtroom with an expression as if someone told him his mother was fat and wore combat boots.
– The earliest possible election date would be the first week in February, unless of course, Johnson withdraws his appeal. The rumor swirling after the court hearing Friday afternoon was that Johnson may, in fact, end the entire process and possibly allow the election to proceed on Nov. 6 as originally intended by withdrawing both his appeal and his intention to run for city council.
Just to set the record straight – I went up to Ruth and said none of this would have happened if Helton was not involved. You need to get out from underneath of Helton's umbrella. Then she screamed " I'm not underneath his umbrella Sam!"
There was no physical contact I walked away when I thought she would have an aneurysm.
Ah yes. Perhaps the most entertainment we've had sitting in the same room together in…what? A week? Bravo my boy, bravo.
Great work Brian!
Am I the only one who sees the similarity between Simmons and Johnson?
While Johnson is getting a lot of hate for trying to run for city council even though he is residing in Perryman, Simmons is causing a big stirr because he wants to send his Aberdeen police force outside city limits to crack heads in Perryman.
Maybe the law change should be the annex of Perryman into Aberdeen. Could solve a lot of heartache.
Fred Simmons would have many more supporters, including me, if you had not been involved!
The Dagger – One thing I forgot to point out at the special meeting yesterday. Ms. Elliott cannot believe how this could happen. Although she shows are GREAT emotional concern for this ordeal, someone needs to ask Ms. Elliott how she could not know what Steve Johnson's tactics are or the direction he is going with this entire mess? Ms. Elliott, Mike Bennett, Steve Johnson all meet and walk with each other campaigning weekly. Nice try Ruth. Let me guess, you're going to jump the fence again?
Alright guys, funny is funny. But isnt it time you fessed up? I mean, you're making this up, right? This cannot be a real election. "The personal check Johnson used to pay his own candidate filing fee to the city listed his Perryman address". That cannot possibly have happened.
It is quite evident that S Johnson is completely under the Helton spell. It is unfortunate that Art has convinced Steve to allow him to live his political career now through Steve vicariously.
How can anyone trust someone that will go to such lengths as these to obtain an office-what possible motive can he have that reduces him to being so deceitful? It certainly isn't to instill confidence and trust with the residents of the city. Well maybe his wife and Art since they are "quasi-citizens" HA HA!
The solution is very easy – just let him run – nobody in their right mind would vote for him now and the election can go off as scheduled.
Ray I don't disagree but they have already advertised the ballot and sent out absentee ballots without his name on the ballot. So if I understand it correctly that option would create a delay too.
Listen, this whole situation that Johnson has caused is only to set up Art Helton to run in two years for Mayor. Johnson could less about the Aberdeen political scene. He's just a puppet here. It's a shame he's holding the whole process hostage. How could any of this be good for the City? I would agree to put him on the ballot but (I'll repeat myself) it's only to set a precedent for Art Helton~! I am the only to see this?
Remember, you herd it here first!
here comes steve johnson. nobody in particular.just a maint man from rite aid.and low and behold he has the town council in a dither.could be he's taken lesson's from mr helton.anybody that know's mr helton know's he's a tough customer. but look what he has done for aberdeen. maybe we could expect the same from steve?
I really think core of this issue is being ignored here.
I'm not certain of all this retoric about Art Helton and Steve Johnson, but I do know this first hand…
The previous City Administrations and THE CURRENT ONE all knew about the holes in our charter and many if not all of the City Ordinances.
Proper legislation is an integral part of leading this City…let's face it legislation is created to protect us and not encumber us. To ignore these issues is deplorable and the security of we the CITIZENS hinge on it. The fact this issue and many others have arisen should be proof enough for all of us.
If the current administration had taken a serious look at these issues (which they were all well aware of) and fixed them, we would not be seing this situation arise.
Was the fact an election was coming in two years a surprise to them?
These facts are being overlooked by many and should be taken very seroiusly.
You're absolutely right, but it's the pursuit of that proper legislation that's going to postpone this election until Groundhog Day '08.
I've said all along this situation has all the trappings of becoming THE PRECEDENT concerning election law residency requirements in Maryland.
Think about it. In order to take something to the state's highest court you need to have the right ingredients:
– someone stubborn and obstinant enough to refuse to back down who will push forward, appealing loss after loss, just to prove a point or win a grudge
– someone with deep enough pockets to be able to sustain a lawsuit for as long as it takes to prove a point
– someone with ego enough to want their name forever associated with effecting change in the state election law
– someone with little regard for what such a pursuit will do to his or her name or 'hometown'
I am currently out of town and I have limited access to the www. Can anyone tell me what today when it all went beck to Judge Waldron?
Also, RICK:
What impact is this going to have on your campaign if the election is indeed postponed?
If any one is attached or under an umbrella it's Smedley under Freds. If Fred turned a corner suddently, Sams nose would break.
One thing about Sam, he doesn't know how to tell the truth.
Acrobat-there can't be that many absentee voters – hell only 2500 voted last time.
Tax, tax, tax,
Okay S. Fred what are your thoughts on this…
I think we can agree that, "If we deal with demand supply will take care of itself. "
One Governor's said, "I kind of like the idea that everyone is taxed a flat tax of 23%; of course 22% is embedded tax. What does this mean to the construction worker? You do the homework.
Anyways, if his proposal were to come to fruition April 15th would just be another pretty spring day.
No matter how hard the residents work, no matter how innovative and creative the politicians are, no matter how superior thier products are, the people suffer from built-in competitive disadvantages simply because of the tax system. Example: When the government exports over-priced goods as the US has, you inevitably end up exporting jobs and industires as we are now.
So S. Fred, why do you publicly support the opposite theory when it disagrees with Ayn?
I am,
Sally – Sam lie? Hmm, again everyone is being childish. I assume you are part of the ACT group? So, if Art Helton wanted to develop the Wetlands, you'd be okay with that. Thought so.
I remember someone once asked me if I knew what the most read book by the public was………… After I answered they asked me what the 2nd greatest book ever read was.
Well this is about the greatest book. AND once again I have to disagree with the mystic spirit philosophy. The nation's GREATEST book uses a parable stating "salt was used as preservation because there was no refrigerators to preserve fish, therefore the fish was packed in salt.
The parable was talking about FAITH being the preservation of today. Now, you can read the greatest book and still miss the point.
Something to think about…
I am,
Mr. Denu – What is your take on the whole Steve Johnson ordeal? You are a man who stands on principle and ethics, if I read your posts. Please give the voters your take on all this.
Has anyone even considered the financial cost to the taxpaying citizens of Aberdeen? Legal fees and staff salaries multiplied by the hours spent organizing and defending the City's charter in this highly unusual case will surely be in the tens of thousands of dollars when this thing is finally settled. What a shame! Steve Johnson should be ashamed of himself (and he probably is), but "Uncle Art" (owner of the Johnson Family Pharmacy building) won't possibly let Steve-O bow out now! One thing that all citizens of Aberdeen should immediately do is boycott the Johnson Family Pharmacy (in Aberdeen!) and send a message to the "carpet bagger" Johnson to head home to his residence and domicile at 305 Fords lane, just off of Perryman Road (in Perryman!) . I invite everyone to drive past his home (10 minutes from downtown at the most) and check out the Johnson residence. It is quite a spectacular site! Then drive by ANY house on Post Road (where he claims to reside) and tell the readers of The Dagger where YOU think that Steve and Julie actually reside.
Justin, Are you suggesting we harass a candidate?
Someone once showed me a card trick. At the time, I didn't understand the trick because I didn't seek first to understand the person holding the cards. But then I read, "ATLAS SHRUGGED."
Without giving away any magic secrets, the limits of the human MIND can be used to give the wrong picture and memory. The MIND can concentrate on only one thing at a time. The magician uses this, and the "VICTIMS" idea of how the world is supposed to be, against him. Some of the results are startling. A coin seemingly dissolves in air, and yet it was never there. The face of a card that was not seen is seen. Things can be torn that are not torn.
An example of misdirection in magic might be as simple as a magician rolling up his sleeves and saying "nothing up my sleeve" and then "magically" producing an object that in no conceivable way could have been "up his sleeve." The audience (INSTINCTIVELY) scrutinizes the magician's arms but ignores the location where the object-to-be-magically-produced is hidden.
(INSTINCT) IS inherent disposition of a person toward a particular behavior. Now, we are talking about cognitive processes, intellect and creativity.
Memory can manipulated in this way…
An audience member may "remember" a coin–which, lying on the magician's palm, first wobbles and then stands on edge–as having leaped into air or any other exaggeration that the MIND may make while being misdirected.
Be careful, because the same "tactics"used to trick you in cards can be used in real life with real people. In cards, the trick is to hold something in one's hand and move it or better known as "manipulation."
Be in control of your MIND and rely on your instincts–they usually are right.
I am,
Steve and Art, Aberdeen is good enough to make money in, but not to live in, eh?
I have lived in Aberdeen for almost three decades now. I am a homeowner and do all my business and entertainment in Aberdeen.
Neither of these guys care about the citizens of Aberdeen. Its strictly a business move for both of them.
Would any smart Aberdeen resident vote for someone who doesn't even live in Aberdeen?
I think now that the word is out about Steve Johnsons' actual residency ( and I intend to help get it out more) he wouldn't win anyways.
The illusion is that the issues are Art Helton and Steve Johnson. In reality, the issues are TAXES, CRIME, WATER and ANNEXATION.
Let's concentrate on what is important.
OoO Art Helton and Steve Johnson have made themselves the issue. This is a no win situation for everyone – especially for the citizens.
There is a lack of trust in ALL politicians now there is a lack of trust in the process.
We all know if the current administration had addressed the loopholes in any part of the City Charter they would have been hung out to dry for trying to change the rules to benefit them (response to Denu's previous post).
Most people in town agree we should go back to the staggered elections and longer terms but the Wilson administration and the current one did not have the guts to address it. Bet Kupferman wishes he had created a group to review the City's election rules instead of annexation policies now.
"Get a Life"
Well, if this morning's Examiner is correct, we are now in for the long haul because of Johnson and a wishy washy Judge who can't make a decision based on fact. It seemed simple to me, Johnson does not live in Aberdeen – the rule is simple – you must live within the City Limits for at least two years prior to the election. Now should we take it one step further – lets all get together and sue Johnson for mental anguish. I'd say for being stupid – but there's no law against that. Maybe all the candiates could do it to recoupe the financial loss he caused them. And then all the residents should get together and boycott his business and anything associated with Helton or Helton properties. Childish right!
Observer….all I ever discussed was facts. You're missing the point. What one may think is a fact can be nothing more than an illusion.
Let me clarify what I last wrote to you. When you are given a math problem–don't you have to prove your work? Once the work is proven, it become a fact (A=A).
What happens when the work doesn't prove? Does A then become B?
Dagny, Maybe I am missing the point. What do you think is the illusion and what is fact?
Does anyone know Bennett's take on this? Haven't heard a peep, suppose that is due to the fact that he is a Helton drone.
I'm thinking about the resources wasted and the uncertainty that clouds this election and the ultimate effect on the REAL taxpaying residents of Aberdeen the city not Aberdeen the zip code. If Johnson, Helton, et al gave two poos about the citizens, the monkey shines would cease and the natural progression of the Aberdeen evolvement could proceed unhindered. I wonder what some people living in NJ who are going to be moving to Aberdeen think of this.
I think all the candidates that have had to remover their signs should amass them in front of Johnson's Family Pharmacy.
Why would Johnson drop the case? He's gone this far, and has ruined his reputation in the process, why not keep going?
rwinger –
Don't know Mr. Bennett's take on this but Elaine Bennett his Wife and Treasurer was one of the signatures on the nomination form Steve Johnson filed with the City.
Does that answer your question?
Acrobat – Say its not so? Bennett's wife did what? Did Mike sign it too? Now the phrase, Its all about honesty is more like "It's all about deception!"
Boycott Johnson Family Pharmacy? Maybe, if anyone actually went there.
I'm also starting to hear a little history on Mr Johnson. Don't know if it's true so I will not post it. But if it is, shame on you Mr Johnson! You shouldn't even consider yourself a man let alone a candiate! If it's true you should drop out of the race immediately!!!
Oh, and thank you Dagger for keeping me posted!
Hey everyone! The pointed comments about wives is totally inappropriate! I'm certain none of you would like families dragged into this NONE issue!
I can't believe that everyone is going on about this one and that…
I haven't heard one response to the FACT that Fred Simmons and the goofy little glee club knew about the insufficiencies in the election process and done absolutely nothing to FIX IT!
For those who may not be up on legislation…there has been in existance for years the issue of duel residency and that time constraints can not be placed on years of residency to qualify as a candidate. DO a google search and you'll find enumerate Federal Case Law that supports this FACT.
Let's talk about that!
The next issue is that of an election board that is appointed by incumbants…fair or not fair?
An election appeal process beyond the election board that consists of the Mayor and Council who are seeking re-election to decide the fait of a possible competitor…fair or not fair?
I have a particular problem with these processes which are not designed in the best interests of the community, but those that benefit those in power!
Where is the protection…where are the checks and balances in Aberdeen?
Answer the question for yourself, but place yourself in those shoes….it could be you!
This is just too much. Is there a movie deal in the works already? Any ideas on a title?
I don’t think just driving by his residence(s) would be harrasment. It would just be the public informing itself. Now if they yelled obsenities or threw poo, that would be harrasment. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with voters making an educated decision on where he lives.
good evening. i just got back from an out of town trip. i am cathcing up on things here and i must disagree with mr denu and his attack on simmons and the trio. i thin k mr denu would agree that things dont get fixed in this country until something goes wrong, i.e. laws…there are a lot of broken laws that dont get fixed until something happens so devastating. that is just how we americans are. while i am sure everything is perfect in mr denus world, there are no failures in policies and procedures, mr denu wake up and come to reality. the bottom line is, steve johnson from how i see it lied about where he lives, and lied to the courts, the public. i have no tolerance for outright liars, cheats, and wannabes.
Mr. Denu: Who mentioned anything derogatory about anyone's wife?
Anyway, your defense of Johnson is growing a little suspicious. Why would you concern yourself with defending your competition for council?
Furthermore, do you think that your obvious dislike for Mr Simmons would prevent you from working together?
And finally, I have to agree to matthew2001. Even the US Constitution was ammended. Documents, like City Charters, are a work in progress. The authors could not possibly think of every single loop hole. No human being could be expected to. That is why there is a process of appeals, and if that doesn't work, litigation.
Problem is, Mr Johnson forgot to follow due process when he didn't file an appeal (a key part of the process) That's why the judge sent him back to the City. Mr Johsnon, who would have everyone believe he actually wants to be on the council, has not been present at any of these hearings (court or City Council, theres been at least 3). The only question that comes to mind is if it was important to me, I would have been there. Why wasn't Mr Johnson?
Another thing though Mr Denu, you don't seem to take opposing points of view very well. You shouldn't take things so personal.
Can't believe all the talk about Helton. For all you Helton bashers and Simmons supporters (can't believe anyone other than Sam supports him) Helton helped get Simmons elected the first time. Of course Freddy Simmons Promissed to "only serve one term". Wonder what changed his mind? Oh, thats right, all the developers money…Need to get some of that…..Oh and I forgot…..let's see if we can patch all the water problems instead of fixing them for good while we spend the peoples money on trying to find ways to pay 50 million dollars (oh sorry Simmons, Yensan and Hiob think they can build a plant for 20 million)for a Reverse Osmosis Water Facility….Wonder where that water would go? East side maybe…I doubt it….Could be Yensan found a smart solution to the water problem…At one of the meetings he wanted to truck potable water from the sewage treatment plant to be used for drinking water. Probably thought the Demented Old Women he referred to could drink it…..
You wrote: "Mr. Denu: Who mentioned anything derogatory about anyone’s wife?"
What I stated was this: "Hey everyone! The pointed comments about wives is totally inappropriate! I’m certain none of you would like families dragged into this NONE issue!"
Notice the difference?
You stated and asked: "Anyway, your defense of Johnson is growing a little suspicious. Why would you concern yourself with defending your competition for council?"
Perhaps you should re-read my earlier posts. I, in fact, was not defending anyone. I was fertively addressing the core issue which was the causation of this whole hoopla. That issue being, the legally insufficient guiding documents that exist in this City.
You asked or stated: "Furthermore, do you think that your obvious dislike for Mr Simmons would prevent you from working together?" (Suspicious…yes…this is the exact question posed to me by Mr. Wright…right?)
I do not recall stating I have any dislike for Simmons. I have worked with him in the past and would do so again, but what I will not do is stand by during situations of amoral behavior, nor will I engage in any "shoot from the hip" projects at the expense of the Citizens, and/or be his blind "yes man". Aside from those instances, I'm sure that I can work along side any Mayor or any other member of Council for that matter.
Moving on. Amendments to a document that is many times older than our charter is very understandable and these changes should be made in keeping with societal shifts, but I don't recall stating anything about failing policies as Matthew 20101 made reference to.
What I did say in fact was that the current administration knew of the deficiencies in the electoral policy and did nothing about them. He also referred to " a perfect world scenario", but I surely don't reside there, however, I do and will take PROACTIVE and RESPONSIBLE ACTION when I am aware of issues that cause harm to or do not protect and serve the Citizens of this City.
Documents such as these, true are a work in progress, but where's the work? The only change I have seen comes on the heels of some type of failure or trouble. I'll pose another example, the law enforcement camera system. Where is the written plan, written bids, ordinance proposals for its use and funding, and or the police departments policy/rule/regulation on its use? Wait I'll answer the questions for you. There are none. You tell me, where's the "work in progress"?
As for the "due process" portion of your commentary, is the process "due process"? To have your competitor decide your fate in any situation hardly seems fair and I do believe the "appeal process" should be in the hands of someone fair and impartial like a judge of the courts.
Since you ask of Steve Johnson, I'll answer. I was introduced to Steve Johnson by, as they stated, their "long time friends", S. Fred Simmons and Steve Wright in late 2005 prior to the election. Since that time, he and I have been of good acquaintance and have spoken recently on Aberdeen issues. As for the remainder of your questions, I can not speak for the man, as I do not have your answer. You'll have to ask him since you stated it is of such importance to you.
I'm not certain what opposing points of view you are referring to, perhaps you can elaborate? As for your advice on taking "things so personal". No not personal, just exercising decency.
Again, so defensive. If you plan on surviving public office you should really learn how to accept a difference of opinion.
Additionaly, I don't know any citizen who has studied the City Charter as you say you have. But, as matthew2001 stated, changes to these documents are made when a conflict arises. And the due process includes the court system. So your reference that Mr Johnson would have his fate decieded by a competitor is false. If his appeal fails, then the court system takes over (at least that's what I gather from the news articles).
On a side note, who's wife were you writing about?
Denu, Would you say Mayor Simmons was "shooting from the hip" when he authorized you to take 260 hours (or so) of extended leave because of your severe family medical issues with your son, who passed away? And you never paid the City back? You just quit. Can you explain that in relation to the venom you continue to express against the Mayor? It's clear that with you "no good deed goes unpunished". Huh?"
The wife reference was my fault I should have just left it that Mr. Bennett's campaign treasurer signed Johnson's nomination papers for Candidacy. I am sorry. It is just that we all know if the trio had pulled this stunt and Simmons' campaign treasurer (Wright) had signed the papers we never would have heard the end of it and they would have constantly referred to the Aeropark relationship.
To Fair-minded and any others who must know:
Listen up as I will only state this once, my name is Butch Jansen and I had the pleasure of working with Rick Denu at the APD since 2000 until his recent departure.
I want to set the record straight where Mr. Denu and his authorized leave for his terminally ill son is so obviously a concern to many whom have alterior motives.
I was present at the Denu household the day Mayor Simmons stopped by and offered Rick and Elaina all the time he needed to deal with his dying child and told him "don't worry about owing anything, he'll take care of it. Just go be with your son!" He told Rick that he need not worry about it, period! No strings attached and no mention of having to pay back anytime missed. Rick was concerned that he would use all his vacation time up but the Mayor told him not to worry about anything. Mayor Simmons was even kind enough to offer a charter bus to anyone from the department and city hall a ride up to New York for the funeral if anyone wished to attend in support of Rick. Mayor Simmons did the only decent thing he could have and should have for one of his employees. Mayor Simmons has also made that comment to me personally at the PD in roll call. I dare and challenge anyone to call me a liar. I was there and it is true, PERIOD!
And now some of you people out their need to leave it alone. Frankly, I think that someone should be chastised for allowing this personnel matter to be leaked as it is absolutely none of anyones business but Rick Denu's, Mayor Simmons, and the Human Resources Officer. It's disgustingly obvious that someone is trying to attack Rick Denu for wanting to be with his son and those of you spewing this drivel to stir the pot are incompassionate, spiteful individuals whom contribute nothing worthwhile to this campaign but scurrilous vilifications based on conjecture, misinformation, and more likely hate for the Denu's.
Leave Rick and his family alone where such a personal matter is concerned. He broke no law nor asked for any special favor, the Mayor offered help to a valued, dedicated employee and nothing more. Detractors should try to attack Rick Denu on a more appropriate and fair playing field where politics are concerned. Oh, I figured it out, they have nothing to attack him upon so they take what they can at the expense of hurting his family and casting dispersion where none need arise. Grow up people for the love of God!
I am, Butch Jansen, a good friend of Rick Denu and a member of the Aberdeen Police Department.
I am Elaina Denu. I am completely disgusted with the comments from one calling themself "Fair-minded".
You coward! How could any decent human being spew out such hateful venom toward another?
Our son will be gone one year, this Tuesday. This is a difficult time for us as has been since his death and prior. We were not supposed to bury our son, it was supposed to be the other way around. I don't think I have ever in my entire life seen such a terrible lack of compassion!
Mr. Simmons did come to our home one evening, over a year ago, unannounced and wondered why my husband was home. My husband responded he was on duty and supervisor, for that matter and didn't have his RDO's (regular days off) for a few days. My husband further explained he not having the time, as he just returned from knee surgery in which he had requested light duty, but denied. The Mayor responded to he not having the adequate leave by assuring time off for as long as needed. He further instructed my husband to take this time effective immediately, for as long as he needed and without worry of repaying the leave as he stated, "Don't worry about the time, I will take care of it." He then looked me straight in the face and stated the same. He told us it did not matter how long at all as time will NOT be an issue and will not be required to repay. From that day on, my husband did just that, he sat by our sons side , until his dying day almost one year ago. The pain and anguish was almost too much to bear.
Never did my husband ask for "special favors" nor did he ever take advantage. In fact, the Mayor commented to me he felt, "Ricky returned to duty, too soon!" The Mayor also specifically related to me how Mr. Wright fought him and disagreed his giving this open-ended leave to my husband!
I cannot believe the depths one would reduce themselves to find to hurt another human being!
Who are you, you coward? Let me see your REAL name, then let me see your face. What sort of hideous monster are you?
Are you the very same individual whom attacked my husband in front of City Hall on October 8 or 9, spewing out such hateful dispersions while in the presence of several witnesses? You must be as I am reliving this scenario verbetum. It was due to the responses you received from my husband, of which you realized quickly how far out of his league you were when you turned on your heels with your arms in the air storming away with nothing more to say! There were many witnesses to this encounter, Mr. Steve Wright!
You stated, "If you plan on surviving public office.,,,,". If this is how you play this game, you are a dirty player and it is apparent you have so much to fear that you would grab at such a hurtful blow! By the way, he WILL survive. We have weathered many storms and ALWAYS make it through! This will be no different!
This is appalling and unacceptable. You have no idea what our family has been through. From this gross post, it is obvious how shallow an individual you are. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You offend me with your obvious lack of taste and moral sense! It sickens me to realize such beasts exist living amongst us. I am nauseated by your arrogance.
I am a lady always and cannot conceive of the type of individual with whom would have the audacity to write such horrendous, shockingly dreadful things.
A measure of a man begins at home. Ricky Denu can move mountains with his strength, character and integrity, of which, it is unmistakable you have none of the above.
Fair-Minded & others asking, wondering, or questioning: What Mr. Jansen and Mrs. Denu stated is the truth, and nothing but the truth. I challenge anyone reading this blog to ask Mr. Simmons if what is wirtten is anything different. Mr. Simmons did what was right, the right thing, as I would expect any employer to do. As for Mr. Denu working with Mr Simmons, Rick can work with anyone. Rick is a great friend, great husband, great father of eight. Rick and Elaina have been though many "storms" and they will get through this. Who ever you are "Fair-Minded" you need to seek professional help. I too cannot believe there are people like you in the world. What makes this worse is there are criminals, murders that don't even go as low as you did in your post.
My name is Jason, and I am a supported and friend of Rick Denu. My name is Jason, and I am a supported and friend of Mayor S. Fred Simmons. While I don't agree with all Rick's thoughts and opnions, while I don't agree with all Mayor Simmons thoughts and opinions, there is one thing that we have…a real friendship. We can agree to disagree and still shake hands knowing life is full of disagreements. Only REAL and TURE friends can say that.
I'll share a story with you all since it was asked.
The City of Aberdeen has and does extend re-assignment, leave and or leave donations from other employees in extreme instances; dating back as long as I was employed there.
Some examples have been an employee with a son with heart trouble at birth and nearly not making it. That Father was given liberal leave, leave donation and monetary donations from the employees or employee groups. Another is that of another Father who's daughter battled cancer since birth, but ultimately lost the fight. That father was re-assigned and given liberal leave, leave donation and many organizations gave monetary donations. Yet another was that of a wife who's husband was battling cancer. She was given liberal leave to be with her dying husband.
These instances are all as they should be and have been since before I came. That said….
My eldest son of just twelve years old was found to have a brain tumor that was to ultimately take his life just a year later. During the time of his fight for life, I traveled to New York to be with him in hospital and not long after to be with him at home while in hospice.
I did this with what little leave I had left and planned to take leave without pay when the time came as I had requested to be re-assigned, but the response from a certain Captain was, "That's not gonna happen". In addition, although it was not expected, that same Captain never extended a request of leave donation.
So, from September 11th 2006 until the first week of November, I sat by and watched helplessly as my first born son went from a healthy young man to one that was three times his normal size and paralyzed from his swollen toes up to to his chest and when his young life ended in his sleep. Less than two weeks after he passed, I returned to work to find that my pay check consisted of four days pay. When the situation was addressed the finger pointing and excuses started, but in the end it was resolved. It was the next week, I discovered that my vacation hours were in the red. Since that time as I worked, the hours reduced as the months went by, but yes by the time I moved on some six months later there was a residual balance of vacation hours that Simmons said he would take care of many months earlier.
So, in the end, I'm not certain what "good deed went unpunished".
I have nothing personal against Fred Simmons and have not made any personal attacks on him, just addressed the failures and or perhaps the methods used to achieve the end results.
Let's just stick to political related issues. Personal attacks are not warranted or justified, especially when it has to do with Denu's situation with his son. The death of a child is a burden no parent should have to endure.
Now let's just get back to the issues.
I am a close personal friend of the Denus and I am insensed at the reference to "owed time" by Ricky for the leave he took to be with his son during the final days of his life. I can't believe that something so personal and which caused such pain should be brought up in a political debate. Stick to the issues! I speak as a mother of two who can't fathom having to bury one of my children. Rick Denu showed great strength and courage during this heartbreaking time. Leave his personal life out of the campaign and focus on the issues at hand. For all of you who have something to say about the leave time Ricky took, look deep into your hearts and imagine how you would feel if your child was dying and then tell me about the leave time Ricky took.
Maintain Rick!
I know that you are running for office because you believe in the people and the employees. I know that when you are elected, you will bring many talents and knowledge to the elected board.
You made the decision at the beginning of this race that, even though you could, you would not stoop to dirty politics. Congratulations for staying on the high ground (the view is better.)
Keep running your race Rick. I am proud by the way you are maintaining your character and I am proud to call you friend.
I still believe that you will be the highest vote getter and when they start attacking you, that means that they believe it to.
I am,
I have been a neighbor and friend of Rick Denu's from the time he and his lovely family moved onto my street seven years ago. During that time I have come to know and respect him highly as a man of unquestionable honesty and integrity. He is a loving and devoted husband and father who sets a wonderful example for his children to emulate.
When I learned that he was planning to run for city council I was thrilled by his decision. He is extremely knowledgeable of the workings of our city government, and has the best interest of the citizens of Aberdeen in his heart. I am quite confident that if he is elected to this position, he will give his all in attempting to do the best job for Aberdeen.
With these thoughts in mind, I was absolutely shocked and appalled at some of the vicious and uncalled for attacks on his personal character. That is the lowest form of journalism to personally attack someone's character, and then hide under the anonymity of an unsigned email. I totally agree with Mrs. Denu's indignation and outrage at such vile statements. She has every right to defend her husband's honor, and I applaud her for that courage. She, too, is a person of the highest character, and I was delighted to see the mother lioness pounce in protection of her family. No one likes unwarranted criticism, especially when it is so reprehensible and done in such a low and sneeky manner.
I would encourage the citizenry of Aberdeen to rise above such dirty politics, and focus on what is really importanat — the issues. Rick Denu is quite versed on these issues, and has ideas for how to make Aberdeen a better place in which to live. I encourage the citizenry to get out and exercise your most prized possession — your right to vote — and to cast your vote for an honest and learned man of decency and integrity — Rick Denu.
I am proud to call Rick Denu and his family my friends, and I am equally proud to sign my name to this note.
Respectfully, George Brown
Rick & Mrs. Denu: What does "10-96" mean?
Could you tell me how you get $ 900 a month for each kid? My friend's family has seven kids of their own. They have to work to pay for their kids. they don't get money from the government. Are you trying to be Mayor too? Mayor helped you and your family. Getting money for not working from the Mayor and then bashing the Mayor, unmercively. You've got some REAL talent, eh! No good deed goes unpunished with Denu, for whom?
fair-minded: from reading your posts an the response from friends of the denus, you are obviously someone who is close to the city that knows way too much? could you be steve wright? could you be fred simmons? could you be a jealous employee? your words are cold hearted, down right rude. you are someone with issues that need to be addressed. maybe you need to seek professional help right away.
Fair-minded, I think you know the answer in regard to the money for his kids. You are just slinging mud, hoping it sticks in voters minds. I don;t see Mr. Denu bashing the mayor personally, just his policies. Isn't that what campaigning should be about?
Fair Minded,
Your complete ignorance prevails. I do not get money from the government for my children (kids are baby goats).
My wife and I ( come see me I'm at 609 S. Philly every day, I'd love to talk personally) both work very hard to provide for our children, three of which we've adopted and have special needs.
As for being Mayor, no, but as for being a keeper for the Citizens as a Councilman, yes.
Lastly, since you're the uniformed score keeper, I'll bet that all the overtime that is routinely cut from the officers pay and all the extra hours I worked for the City without even considering getting pad for it, will certainly cover the bill; again something I earned and was not given.
Fair Minded (so you say),
No, I do not know what this 10-96 is? I do know, however, it is some sort of "10 code" in which the police department uses for dispatch purposes. This leads me to believe you are a member of the department or very close. If it is what I think it is, this 1-96 – such slanderousness! Are you also "Daddy"?
I am not sure whom are WHAT you are, but what I do know is you are a coward and a monster! I challenged you to show your REAL name, show me your FACE. Both of which I have not seen! I want you to look me square in the eyes and spew these most dastardly offensive expressions of personal attack! How dare you!
My children are none of your concern nor do we ask for any help! I will always concede, with gratitude, to the Mayor offering leave time to my husband as to be with our DYING SON! I have had many conversations with the Mayor, in regards to this subject, in fact. This act of kindness was very thoughtful and with all due respect to the Mayor, this off-book leave time and/or leave donation, etc., has been somewhat of a practice when families have been in similar situations for many years prior to the Mayor's tenure. Regardless, we are thankful and I will reiterate again since it is clear you did not get this the first time. We were told explicitly the leave was GIVEN, not a LOAN. See the difference?
For inquiring "fair-minded" minds as yourself, allow me to give you some background on my children. These three babies are products of only a few of what drug dealers and drug abusers offer this beautiful world we live in!
Let me set the record straight. The "state" does give a monetary allowance for extreme cases such as these children belonging to the HOPE unit in which my parents (whom raised seventy-four children in the system, I might add) started back in the early nineties. The state provides medical insurance (MA), medical equipment expense reimbursements, etc., but not to the tune of this $900 while they remain in the system. We could have chosen to have these children remain in the system their entire life, but never was this a consideration! We adopted these three children we consider immeasurable gifts!
Further, since you are so rude and need to know our personal business, it was never $900, it worked out to be $1.80 (I will leave it up to you to do the math) for THREE very Sick little boys!!!!! THIS $1.80 ceased when we gave each of them our name Denu! They would have had our name the moment we CHOOSE to add them to our family, but we were at the mercy of the courts!!!!!!!! This money, while the state is still guardian, is given for help with their level of care.
They were barely living, they did not have a home!!!!! They were each a pound at birth. They were each attached to breathing and feeding apparatus'. They were in need of breathing and deep suctioning machines, not to mention heart monitors. We have a oxygen compressor that runs constantly, only to aid in their breathing on a daily basis due to their lung disease! They suffered substance withdrawl as a result of the drugs fed to their helpless, fighting, growing, little bodies causing them to have tremors and extreme stomach pain! They continue to suffer from global delays in which who knows if they will ever overcome! Many nights when 'normal" children have a simple cold, my little boys' common colds quickly turns into whereby their lungs squeezing only what must feel like breathing through a thin straw. Shall I go on? Oh, there is so very much more.
I will not not boast, nor will I reduce myself to explain how very much energy, fortitude and devotion it takes to care for my three little boys, of which I would never change, but when it comes to my family I will stand with excessive pride! We work as a family unit , creating a caring strong support network where sacrifices have been made, viewing these as trading one gift for another. We strive to bestow upon our children loving, giving, open hearts. If you knew us, you would witness this for yourself.
If and when you show me your face, you deplorable beast, you will rue the day you challenged Elaina Denu when it comes to my children, my family.
It is readily apparent you could never conceive of these sentiments. Are you without a conscience? Your hatred and animosity toward my husband and now myself and my family is bitter and sleazy which makes me question your motives.
I am a tough, little Italian and I am extremely proud and protective of my own. You need serious help and prayers! By the way, you have no idea my unending talents!!!!
That was $1.80 per hour for three medically fragile children. My mistake.
Charlie Chan used to say it was better to remain silent and have everyone think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. I see nothing in your rants and accusations having anything to do with the issues facing us in this upcoming election. It would be very interesting to hear how your attack on Mr. Denu's family is relevant to Aberdeen's City government. On second thought, no it wouldn't be. Disregard.
Mrs Denu:
There is only one Daddy, Mrs Denu. And it's not fair minded!
However, as I posted before, since your almighty husband decieded to enter PUBLIC LIFE everything him and his family do are open to PUBLIC EYES. If you, or your husband, can't handle that, I suggest he find another hobby to take up!
It sounds like some people on this blog may actually know your husband better than you think. Personally, I could care less if you make any money off of those children. What concerns me is how your husband deals with confrontation. So far it's not so well!
I also find it hard to believe that you wouldn't ASK your husband what 10-96 means. Since it offended you so much. I looked it up and according to it means mental subject in police code. Is your husband mental Mrs Denu?
That would explain his little squintting thing when he's asked pointed questions.
Mr. Denu,
Back on the 20th you brought up the Election Board being appointed by incumbents. The City Charter states:
"3. There shall be a Board of Elections consisting of three members appointed by the Mayor for terms of two years, with the approval of the Council, on or before the first Monday in January after the effective date of this Charter and on or before the same day every second year thereafter. Members of the Board shall be qualified voters of the City and shall not hold office or be candidates for elective office during their terms of office. The Mayor shall appoint one of its members as Chairperson. A vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the Mayor, with the approval of the Council, for the remainder of the unexpired terms. Compensation of the members of the Board shall be determined by the Council."
Since the Mayor and the Council members all have two year terms, it looks like the Board of Elections will always be appointed by incumbents seeking re-election. How do you propose resolving this issue?
Mrs. Denu: I have three girls of my own.
Even your husband would NOW have to agree (after your comments) that he has a good friend in Mayor Simmons. Mayor Simmons has done a lot for your husband and your family in your truly time of need.
Your husband owes the Mayor an apology but is too proud to give it I am sure. Your husband could win the election even at this late date if he would simple be "fair-minded", stop bashing the Mayor and City Council, and campaign in a fair manner. ( I am not sure Rick understands what I am talking about, however.) Agree or disagree with him from time to time, Mayor Simmons has been a great leader for the City. However, Nicole might pull it out with all of the attention she seems to be getting.
I cannot believe the depths to which " fair-minded "and "Daddy" have stooped!!! Have you no sense of decency! Please stop these vile and unwarranted personal attacks and stick to the issues. One of our most precious freedoms is the right of free speech. You are abusing that precious right with your venom. An old axium might apply — if you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all. Please, enough already!!!
(A genuine candidate), I have known Rick since at least sixth grade and all I can say is he is a genuine candidate, as well as a genuine human being. He treats everyone with the utmost respect even if he isn't given it. He may not be the most recognized person but those who know him, love him very much. A true family man with true family values, which I believe is not lost but sometimes is put on the back shelf more times than not in this world. A man with true passion for what is right, and to get the job done, RICHARD R. DENU JR. Is that person.
I keep in touch and spend time with him and his lovely family quite often. All I can say is I wish we had such a candidate with the true honesty and values where I live.
I would say good luck Rick but I won't. You have already won, you've already won the hearts of everyone who knows you. The most important votes for you come from your loving family and friends, we will always be your rock no matter what. Shame on ABERDEEN if they can't see what is so apparently clear!
William E. Rockefeller
Rhinebeck, New York 12572
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Kristin Denu-Allard. Richard R. Denu Jr. is my brother and today, October 24, 2007, is one year since Dillon's death(his son) and I do not appreciate the bashing you have done to my family. Leave his personal business out of this campaign and stick to the issues that your community has.
All you need to know is that my brother is a ROCK and he can move mountains. He is someone you can count on and someone you can trust.
To the so-called "Fairminded" who I shall rename "The Coward" for obvious reasons….Have you ever watched a young child pass away? I hope you never have to do such a terrible thing. My nephew, Dillon, was one day walking and the next day stuck in a wheelchair….never to walk again. Not to mention dealing with pain everyday and you want him not to have his father at his bedside?
RIck is a very honest man and would never take anything that was not given.
Again, leave my family's personal business out of this campaign and stick to the issues your community has. I am sure there are more issues to discuss before Election day.
Ok enough already! This is a political thing, we all realize that Mr Denu's family loves him and his old buddies are behind. That's great. (Not sure how that makes him a good choice for Council though.)
I know you have been struggling with your feelings for Mr. Denu. It seems we need to work on this further.
Breathe. Breathe.
You ask what all this testimony of Mr. Denu's family has to do with making him a "good choice for Council". I am here to help (55 minutes worth, remember).
From what I read, it seems he will be a strong pillar in this City. Mrs. Denu stated, "A measure of a man begins at home." Obviously he is a "rock". He can lead this fine City in the direction it needs to go.
Times up.
Character is Destiny
Thoughts become Words
Words become Actions
Actions become Character
Character is EVERYTHING!
DENU for YOU!!!!!!!!! ABERDEEN
I agree that personal attacks on the family have no business in politics BUT this is the business of politics. I feel like a horses behind if I tell Mr. Denu to bite his lip and take it like a big boy because it's policitics and Harford County politics have a history of letting the personification of evil bear it's ugly face. I feel like a horses butt giving that advice because Mr. Denu has been biting his lip the best that he can. I respect Mrs. Denu as well as his friends and family that have posted and I can respect their personal feelings and passions because they are not seeking my vote…….Mr. Denu IS, and he has not dodged questions, he has slung a little bit of mud (it is Harford County politics afterall), and Mr. Denu has put out a platform and has stuck by that platform.
I disagree with his overall assessment of the police department and I think that there is a little ax to grind (not as big an ax as some others have) and I disagree with him on his "Fred Simmons is all evil" tirades, but I agree with him on other issues like Ripken Stadium, water, etc. and can only sum up that Mr. Denu has that certain unreasonable quality that true progress comes from.
I want to see him on a Monday night lobbying with Bruce Garner, debating with Mike Hiob, offering insight on an issue based upon expertise, and working side by side with S. Fred Simmons…………I want to see Rick Denu put up or shut up, I want to take him to task, I want him to earn every bit of respect that he'll get (and he will get respect). I want Rick Denu in there because I believe that he can take the heat and I think that he can harness his passion and I think that the citizens can feed off of that passion. Rick Denu is up for the challenge and I'm all for letting this man take that challenge head on (and WHEN you are elected Mr. Denu, we the people will make sure that you don't waive and stay on task).
Cute Elaina, and I'm assuming this was less a mind-bender than something you hoped would sell on a T-shirt in a self-help store.
But…how does character equal destiny? If character refers to one's moral qualities, ethical standards, and principles…it is in no way equal to the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events. In fact, the only relation to the two is that one's character may determine how (or if) they effectively cope with their destiny (assuming that fate/destiny were inarguable absolutes–which they aren't).
Thoughts do not always become words, nor should they–as evidenced by your strange attempt at poetry—or was that a cheer? Neither do words always become actions, which I'm also glad about, because then there would be no election: your husband would be elected to City Council…just because he said it.
Actions do not become character, but rather express character, good and bad. And while one’s character is important (no one would argue that our moral qualities, ethical standards, and principles are insignificant) they aren’t—unfortunately—everything. No one stands in a vacuum—even if they are on a soapbox—and you will find that you must work, pay taxes, have potable water, protect your family and your community…all the issues that this election hopes to address.
I’ll let you in on a secret that will save you (and your husband) a bunch of time on these blogs: no one cares if he’s a nice guy. (Well, that’s not true—there may be a charity vote or two in it for you.) But mostly, people want to know what he plans to do—how he plans to be a producer for the city—they want to know how it will affect their pockets, and then they want to have the confidence that this guy will get it done.
So much talking, talking, talking. Such thin skins. As a candidate, get off the blogs and sink your teeth into the real stuff. Stop the cyber-crying about the mayor and show what you’re going to do to improve the city of Aberdeen. Because words, the ones spoken here, do not become actions…and with no actions (no production), there is no character in your paradigm. Then good guy, great guy, it doesn’t matter. He’ll still be the washed up police officer who attempted to be Councilman—but man he sure wrote a mean blog.
I’ve taken the liberty of revising:
Progress pushes Production
Unconventionality informs Change
Ambition Pushes Progress
Progress for Aberdeen
just abit late catching up on the new's here. I was shocked to see it has come to mud slinging. i'am willing to bet none of you' have seen mr denu in his position of police officer. heart of gold when needed but strict attention to the law. when required. it appears his personal family affairs, have been aired to the public.hopefully to everybody's satisfaction it's a shame his family was dragged in to this.
Character and Destiny
Character is destiny. – Heraclitus
Thoughts lead to acts,
acts lead to habits,
habits lead to character,
and our character will determine our eternal destiny. – Ezra Taft Benson
Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny. – Tryon Edwards
Out of our beliefs are born deeds
out of our deeds we form habits
out of our habits grows our character
and on our character we build our destiny.
– Henry Hancock
Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire. – Orison S. Marden
If you create an act, you create a habit. If you create a habit, you create a character. If you create a character, you create a destiny. – Andre Maurois
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits: they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. – Frank Outlaw
Sow a thought, and you reap an act;
Sow an act, and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, and you reap a character;
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. – Charles Reade
mrs denu, very nice script. to all my fellow citizens, it is simple for me: simmons, hiob, denu, dewitt, and young.
DENU S: Would all issues be so personal with you?
You're mad at Mayor Simmons, though he treated you like a friend by forgiving 260 hours of unearned leave time. You quit the job you love and you want it back? You need it back to support your wife and 7 children? Instead of simply apologizing and asking for your job back, you make a deal with candidate bennett, that if bennett wins you will become Chief of Police or something like that? Now you have your tough, Italian wife taking up for you and making excuses with your shortcomings and screwups. Did you show her the emails you sent to us —-the FOP could not take your word for it, and we endorsed Mayor Simmons over your ridiculous statements. Darlene Ostroski ? Joe Bray ? Art Helton ? Steve Johnson ? It's 10 -96 all around.
Mrs. Denu: BAD Character leads to a BAD Destiny!
BAD thoughts become BAD words!
BAD words become BAD actions!
BAD actions reflect BAD character!
BAD characters enjoy BAD COMPANY!
Fair-minded, You are a complete JERK. Maybe YOU should find another job.
mr denu can squint those gorgeous eyes all night long for all i care
Uh, Fair-minded, as I read Mr. Denu's explanation of events, Mr. Simmons did not forgive the 260 hours of vacation. Mr. Denu returned to a shorted paycheck and a significant negative leave balance, which he subsequently restored.
Perhaps you should read some of the prior posts before you make your opinion known. Remember the words of Charlie Chan: It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.