From Todd Holden:
Dear Editor
This time of year brings out the worst in some folks, arguing and slamming candidates running for office. Why is it always the Sheriff’s Department that gets the most discontent splattered all over the pages in the press?
Beneath all the attacks and innuendoes there is the truth and the record of performance of the candidate. In the case of our sheriff, Jesse Bane, allow me this, I’ve known Jesse most of my life, I’ve never personally experienced any thing with him that was not ethical and open and honest.
I recommend voting to return Jesse Bane to the office he now holds. The opponents he has faced and will face are good men surely. But they offer nothing more than what we now have in our sheriff. Hopefully we all can support our police in the ever-growing battles on crime.
Todd Holden
Forest Hill
jacjordan says
I was really hoping for a well thought out letter discussing what your title was all about. Instead I get another vague endorsement without fact based analysis of anything said.
This race-or whatever, is really a sad depiction of our world today. Just like w/the President it is all about personal perception versus any type of reality based information.
I can only hope that for whomever you or anyone else chooses, it is based on some fact-based evidence that can be substantiated.
callmepappa says
I completely agree with jacjordan.
You stated,
“Beneath all the attacks and innuendoes there is the truth and the record of performance of the candidate.”
Todd, do us all justice and answer these 3 questions:
1.) Is the murder rate up in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased by millions under Bane?
These are simple YES or NO answers. Please do us the justice.
Jack says
Hey Dagger & Holden,
What’s next an endorsement from Dale Neeper because Jesse Bane’s his friend.
How about running a story on how Jesse Bane totally misrepresents his facts and figures in the Aegis Article.
Violent Crime is UP and the Budget is Up. Yet Bane continually makes statements like his budget is flat or stagnant and cherry-picks crime stats that represent only a portion of his tenure.
Holden – if you don’t think that Bane is not dishonest at least in this instance then you must be dishonest.
Dale Neeper says
So that is the new handle you are using. What you can’t stand standing behind what you believe by using your real name. You aren’t a deputy. What do you have to fear?
Dale Neeper says
Jack, or Big Blue, or any of the 3 other aliases- why are you so afraid to give your name? Are you in trouble with the law?
RinoHunter says
Jesse Bane = Union Increases
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
The Monster says
Big Blue, you left out your last name- ASS
The Monster says
Is your last name “ASS?” Big Blue is at again.
callmepappa says
I keep seeing your name pop up on these forums but you have offered zero information of value. Please do us a favor and answer these simple questions:
1.) Is the murder rate up in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased by millions under Bane?
These are YES or NO answers. Let’s see what you have to say now.
Shelly says
Has anyone seen the Aegis yet today? Great Gahler ad that really lays out the facts on Bane.
RandyFlare says
Great article on Bane in the Aegis today. Basically shows how Bane has mismanaged his staff by allowing dishonest deputies to stay employed at the Taxpayer expense. No wonder the Budget has exploded over 40% under Bane.
david roadhouse says
The only problem I have with the ad is that it wasn’t placed very well in the paper, but that’s no surprise since the Aegis is pro-Bane. And I wish it could have been a 1/2 page spread at least since the significant FACTS he said about Bane are so small. Mr. Gahler, please run it again and plaster it full page!
blacula1 says
Agree. Aegis = pro Bane. We’ll place the Aegis with the rest of the liberal media. So let’s add up the liberals here:
Hummmm. Does anyone not see our county, state, & country is heading in the wrong direction with the likes of these folks?
A vote for Gahler is a vote in the place.
Watcher says
Oooh…. there’s that ‘liberal media’ buzzword again. Please pick up a different talking point from Fox News.
callmepappa says
I still smell something. Oh, there’s a watcher out there. Please go away.
callmepappa says
I saw it and did some research to confirm it. I have to say, it’s a great ad. It’s also scary. The facts were truthfully shared. Bane clearly failed Harford County. Millions of our tax dollars for what? More murders and more rapes that’s what! Gahler won my vote. I pray he wins the majority. All those rapes of young women under Banes watch is so scary. I’m afraid for my grandchildren under Bane’s umbrella. I think he’s lost touch with the Harford County voter. We need to keep Harford County a conservative county. It’s when liberals like Bane get ingrained that the proverbial **** hits the fan. We can’t keep going like we are.
The Monster says
It is time for you to go away says
The Wednesday & Friday Aegis Ads are great and really tell the whole story on Bane. I’m surprised that liberal rag even ran the Ads.
Jesse Bane = Union Increases
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
ProudDemocrat says
Wait wait… let me stop choking… YOU THINK THE AEGIS IS A LIBERAL RAG!?!?!?!?!? What planet do you live on!?!?!?!?!?
callmepappa says
The truth hurts doesn’t it? Hey, Bane’s a nice old guy though.
Jim says
I do not know Jesse Banes that well, only seeing him in action in the community. I do beleive that he is the one to continue serving as sheriff, he has the backing of the men and women of the department. He is good for the community and the children of the community. Both men running for the office have great character and I feel that Jesse Banes has work that needs to be completed before he leaves office. Good luck to both.
jacjordan says
Be careful saying that he has the backing of the men and women in the department. He does have some support, but the numbers also show that there is just as much, if not more, non-support.
The Union went out and made an ill-fated decision based on numbers without critically thinking what the numbers actually mean. The signs that are popping up are very misleading to the general public and I personally feel that the signs should say “This Deputy” versus Deputies, if there should be signs at all.
Jim says
The signs are not misleading, as a Union they have decided by a majority to support Jesse Banes, for what every reason, they as a group offered there support for his reelection. Now when they go to the polls and put their true vote in, that is when a Deputy can say this Deputy votes for … Weather or not the Union made an ill-faded decision, unless you are a board member of the Union,then it is your opinion that it was an ill-faded decision. And again, you have that right to say that, but be careful of speaking for the Union and the Deputies.
TimmyJ says
Jim – Public Employye Unions are bankrupting America. It is really time to reign them in. I expect most conservative voters will Vote for Gahler.
the Monster says
david roadhouse says
Jim: If you are going to support the man, can you at least get his name right?
jacjordan says
I speak only of and for myself. I also do it trying to use appropriate spelling and grammar so I am not misunderstood.
That being said, I am only saying to look at the numbers critically. Evaluate the information and look at the whole picture. That is all. I will vote for who I want, no matter who endorses what.
The Monster says
where did you come up with this?
callmepappa says
Sounds like you need to answer these 3 questions:
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rape incidents increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has Bane’s budget increased by approximately 40%?
Are you sure all those rapes are really good for the children of the community? I’ll tell ya what, don’t answer that one. Take a shot at the 3 on the list though. A simple YES or NO to each will do. I’d love to hear what you have to say.
NoToJeff says
Lets talk qualifications: Trooper Gahler used to command the Bel Air Barrack; where its common to only have FOUR troopers working the entire County. HCSO has at least 4 deputies in Edgewood alone. This is a major safety issue for MSP, and they cannot come close to handling the call volume that HCSO is. Trooper Gahler then went from Bel Air to regional, commanding Cecil, Carroll, and Harford, and then got moved out of commanding that region. This is not a dig on the Troopers, just on the one who chose to become a candidate. I feel for the “Road Dogs”, and their manpower issues. This guy couldn’t straighten out an issue at a barrack and increase manpower, how is he going to manage HCSO? Like a barrack? Every time he speaks, you only hear 26 years exoperience in MSP…Not a bad thing, but you should have more qualifications than just that. Bane and the troops supporting him are where its at. Support the men and women who overwhelmingly ENDORSED BANE, and keep their working conditions and services at the level they are today, keeping Gang members in check, raiding Meth Labs and picking away at the street level violence as best they can while answering calls from the citizens. Please support BANE, as your support for him also shows your support for the hard working deputies.
BaneFactWatch says
Bane has the support of the Deputies UNION. Don Gividen the President of the UNION was recently quoted as saying that he needs leverage over the Elected Officials so he can acquire larger pay increases for the Deputies.
When addressing the Union Bane basically said that he has given the Union everything that it wants.
trigger88 says
As someone who knows a little bit about unions; Bane will give us everything we want. Oops, did I just say that? Hey, maybe I’m not in favor of that. Morals are the right way to go. Gahler has character. Bane + Unions = failure for Harford County.
Smokeoutyourass says
A vote for Bane is a vote for Bane and his bloated Union Budget. Let Gahler help this County out with modern policing instead of Bane and his good ol boy network of Union cronies.
A vote for Bane is a vote for the Union ways of Obama, Perlosi, and Reid!
Wise Old Guy says
It’s obvious that you do not know how the State Police works, either. A Captain, hell, for that matter, even a Major, has no authority to hire, train and increase the number of Troopers in any barrack in any county in Maryland. This has to come from Headquarters in Pikesville but, ONLY after funding is provided, in recent years, by Owe’Malley and his cronies in Annapolis.
It burns my butt that there are some people on this blog that seem to be trying to pit Troopers against Deputies. I say to them, “You have no clue!”
When you are out there by yourself in the middle of the night in a life-threatening (yours) situation, you better not care what color uniform is coming to help you. This I have experienced many times in my career.
Please support Bane??? NOPE! You, sir, have been sold a bad bill of goods!
The Monster says
where did you get that? What you are saying is that Gahler doesn’t have the experience to be sheriff of Harford County.
yes4jeff says
Wise up insider. It might be time to start saying yes. BANE = mismanagement 101. There is no disputing the facts. Huge crime increases while spending MILLIONS more to get us those pethetic results. Hey; Bane’s a nice old man though.
trigger88 says
Can you even argue with Bane campaign insiders like notojeff? They want their power and extra millions to continue driving Harford County into the ground.
I challenge Mr. No to come out of the closet and tell everyone who HE really is. For many of us who know it’s humerous to see how HE tries to fool people on these forums. The facts about the failure of the last few years under Bane came out this week for all to see. Mr. No shouldn’t continue to try to hide on these forums. It’s time for Mr. No to complete a fact check and tell everyone who HE really is. Shame on you Mr. No. If these people only knew. Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret a little longer.
blacula1 says
I’m intrigued. I’d like to know. I’ve suspected he’s a Bane insider. Are you confirming it? Maybe he can??? Anyway, you’re right though. How can anyone argue with the facts of huge increases in crime under Bane while spending millions upon millions of extra tax dollars to get there. Gahler is the clear choice at this point. What was that I saw in another post about someone being a ‘nice old man though’? Sounds about right.
Dale Neeper says
don’t step in that pile you just laid down
callmepappa says
Pile? The only piles being laid down around here are coming from the likes of posters of your sort. I thought I smelled something. So stinky. Please go away.
The Monster says
When you give me qualifications of Gahler, besides he is in the MSP, I will listen. But I am sick and tired of your attacks on Bane. Bane is the Sheriff, Gahler is not. There is a reason for that. Why don’t you go away.
The Monster says
Like you, Big Blue, who uses 10 or more aliases?
Don G says
“If we don’t prevail in this election we will lose the reputation that we have, and in the future when we try to get raises and go before the council with various issues we will not have the same LEVERAGE” Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union President Don Gividen (Oct 11, 2010)
Don’t let Bane and his UNION LEVERAGE your tax dollars for another four years!
NoToJeff says
How unintelligent you must be. Bane was fiscally responsible enough to be able to hold off on furloughs where the rest of Government was not. There are deputies working here that have not had a raise or step increase since being hired. The Union has not ‘leveraged’ anything to get an increase, they realize that the County cannot do it in these times. It just needs to be realized the Gahler could not get more than FOUR guys to patrol the entire County, depending on HCSO to provide backup, or the barrack simply refuses to respond, telling the caller to call HCSO. He is not a manager, has no working knowledge or working relationship with the Executive and Council, and no concept of what it takes to run the agency. Like it or not, if the guy asking for money doesnt have a relationship with those that control the purse strings, you will not be able to accomplish any goals, no matter what platform you run on.
Don G says
Wow – you really sound like an angry UNION COP – are you Don’s second in command?
“If we don’t prevail in this election we will lose the reputation that we have, and in the future when we try to get raises and go before the council with various issues we will not have the same LEVERAGE” Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union President Don Gividen (Oct 11, 2010)
Don’t let Bane and his UNION LEVERAGE your tax dollars for another four years!
NoToJeff says
No I am #145 against your 33….landslide endorsement, speaks for itself. The 100 not returned wouldn’t have helped you either, so dont waste your keystrokes.
The Monster says
Don G,
Another stupid meaningless comment.
Dale Neeper says
I agree. Without being disrespectful of the MSP, they should be named the Maryland Highway Patrol. It has been known for a long time that it will be the Harford County Sheriff’s Office that will be there if you need help, and to solve the case. Mr. Gahler has no idea of budgets and the County budget process. I appreciate what the Maryland State Police do and I know they, too, have a difficult job, but we need someone for sheriff who understands Harford County and the Sheriff’s Office.
NoToJeff says
Thank you Dale, good to see intelligence prevails. Don G or “donkey” its common sense that you have to be politically connected in order to be effective in getting the budget approved etc. If you do not have the knowledge and know how, you get no where, and the platform you ran on is all for naught. Common political sense. I wish they would take the politics out of it, I am a “union cop” not angry by any means, except that a mole took a membership only email and forwarded it to Jeff.
BigBlue says
Neeper – aren’t you a retired home economics teacher? Your rhetoric for Bane is boring….
Watcher says
No more boring than your constant repetition of Fox News / Republican talking points.
the Monster says
Hey, Big Blue
you are using that handle again; Isn’t it true you were a BS er, oh, wait a minute, you still are.
the Monster says
Hey Big Blue,
are you using that handle now? Isn’t it true you used to be a BS er, oh, wait, you still are.
The Monster says
Big Blue BS, is that all you have? Tell me how Gahler will correct all these problems that say are due to Bane. You like to make ridiculous comments to Neeper, who knows 10 times as much as you do. By the way, you are cowardly. Stick to supporting your guy and stop trying to smear Bane and everyone who supports him, you jackass.
callmepappa says
Did you see what Bane did with the budget? It is fact that Bane wasted millions of our tax dollars. What was it you said about budgets?
The Monster says
Did you? Did you really? Or are you another parrott of Big Blue. Are you Big Blue?
Trash Bag Knot says
I’ll take four troopers over one deputy anyday!
One riot, one trooper. Don’t put the troopers into this. If u want more MSP, call O’Malley and tell him to raise the pay for a starting trooper which is about 40,000. The deputies that work the road and the troopers in the county have a good relationship. Its everyone above that cause the problems. they dont take the calls, EOC does and they and the barrack make the decisions on who gets the call. U know its unfortunate that people want the truth but if the road deputies and troopers gave their REAL opinion of what’s going on whether it pertains to crime or the election, they would ALL be fired for brutal honesty. And by the way if anyone thinks u hurt the feelings of the deputies or troopers by the comments on here, then some of you live in fantasy land. Over time they can care less. Like the quote says ” talk nice think mean”. And yes I am a trooper and I love my job. I enjoy working with the deputies on the road. They are good people who go to work and do their job. Most dont want to be put in the middle of the election but unfortunately they are. We are no different than anyone else working trying to provide for out families. Like I tell people if you can do it better, police departments are hiring even in a bad economy. but u get the usual comment ” I cant do your job”. In the long run, whoever gets in has no real impact on the ROAD OFFICERS. Remember its the ROAD OFFICERS, DEPUTIES, AND TROOPERS who are the backbone of the police. We know more on whats going on in the communities than any detective or anyone who shows up once in while to make themselves known.
Terry says
You are right on the money, brother!
The Monster says
maybe you could explain a little more what you are saying
Trash Bag Knot says
Well said. I hate hearing troopers being bashed on here. I do respect the deputies and know they do a good job. But theres nothing like seeing that green and black car roll into your neighborhood. And correct me if I am wrong but I dont think Gahler had any control over how many troopers got assigned to the barrack. His job was to make sure the best job was done with what they had. Which they did and currently do.
The Monster says
you people are distorting what has been said here, no one has criticized troopers, stop the crap
Walter Smith says
Walter Smith says
Thought a prayer that it takes four troopers to do the job of one deputy might help. HCSO Deputies do a great job, so tie your trash bag knot tight and place yourself on the curb, its garbage day!
Trash Bag Knot says
Yes deputies do a great doubt. We need them. But I am not ready to have troopers leave this county. It may be too late. In my opinion, more police..(no matter what the uniform they wear)… is good. Thanks for the insult though.
yes4jeff says
Clearly notojeff is a ‘real’ union guy. I suggest a little common sense and true sincerity for once. Unions have broken our country. Bane supports unions. Enough said.
Information says
I have verified the Budget & Crime Numbers Floating around this site.
The Crime Numbers can verified on the MD Uniform Crime Report. Violent Crime (Rapes, Nurders, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault) is Up in Harford County.
It is very TRUE that 3 Years Prior to Bane 2004 – 2006 14 Murders & 111 Rapes occurred. During JESSE BANE 2007 – 2009 18 Murders & 176 Rapes occurred.
The Harford County Population increased slightly – average 04-06 = 237,193 – average 07-09 = 242,590.
The Budget submitted by Jesse Bane in 2010 exceeded $63 Million, an increase of $19 Million since 2006 – Up over 40%.
In his last Aegis interview Jesse Bane was quoted as saying his budget was stagnant. He was also quoted as saying Crime was down. I find Jesse Bane to be a very disingenuos individual at best.
Voters – these are all public facts and matters of record. It will take you approximately 25 minutes to verify these for yourselves.
BlueBull says
Interesting, The arrests and convictions seem to be missing from your TRUE information.
Information says
Arrests are down – look it up.
Hey Dum Dum says
What is the inmate population at the Detention Center? The average daily population has increased steadily over the past 10 years from around 250 to close to 500. This is because of more arrests and more convictions.
Rather than post up numbers, why not focus your energies on coming up with a solution to social disorder. Crime is a community issue. You can’t blame Jesse Bane for crime. (Social issue) You can’t blame Jesse Bane for small conviction sentences. (judicial issue) How should the Sheriff or any of his deputies single handedly stop people from killing or raping somebody? They can’t Mister Numbers.
The problem with the “system” is there is no sever consequences for committing such acts. Violent crime is an effective management tool. That’s why gangsters adhere to it.
Also, how many of those rapes that you have posted were domestic related? I would bet most of them. Should Jesse Bane be responsible for family counseling too?
Pretty much you would like a Sheriff that is a family counselor, judicial official, and have the mystic ability to reform society………good luck with that.
david roadhouse says
Dum Dum: Bane is all of the above. All except Sheriff.
RinoHunter says
Dum Dum – your boy Bane is a liar..
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
blacula1 says
Were you looking in the mirror? Pure ignorance. In a lifetime you meet many a people. They come from all over the world and all walks of life. The thing is, there aren’t many who make statements as dumdum as yours. This solidifies my vote for Gahler. Based on you, and your comments alone, you probably just cost Bane some votes. Hip Hip Horay! Hey, but he’s a nice old man though right. It’s ok.
Dale Neeper says
thank you for giving your approval and blessing of this information. I am convinced now. Now go back and give us the rest of the story. You do what you accuse Bane of doing, giving your part of the story. Statistics lie, and liars use statistics.
BigBlue says
Instead of bullying people who are actually looking up facts, why don’t you come up with some useful information other than hey “Jesse Bane is my friend”.
The only liar is Jesse Bane as evidenced in the last Aegis Article.
Neeper – you are as pathetic and desperate as Bane.
Thank God you are out of the Classroom!
The Monster says
Big Blue, knowledge, and the other 10 names you use, you are a coward.
The Monster says
Big Blue, Am I bullying you? Go tell your mommy, and don’t cry.
yes4jeff says
All hail Information. All hail Information.All hail Information. All hail Information.All hail Information. All hail Information.All hail Information. All hail Information.
Finally we are seeing some common sense break through on these forums. Gahler is the clear choice.
J. D. Shellnut Jr. says
Mr. Holden knows of what he speaks. Nuff said.
Dale Neeper says
Mr. Holden has lived in this County for all his life. He knows the history of the Sheriff’s Office. What he is saying is simple and true: every 4 years someone who doesn’t have the job of Sheriff tries to get it, saying whatever to get the votes. We have a good sheriff already.
Information says
Dale Neeper – Our current Sheriff Jesse Bane just lied in the Aegis article last week. If your definition of a good sheriff is one that lies what type of person does that make you?
Verified Budget & Crime Numbers Floating around this site.
The Crime Numbers can verified on the MD Uniform Crime Report. Violent Crime (Rapes, Nurders, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault) is Up in Harford County.
It is very TRUE that 3 Years Prior to Bane 2004 – 2006 14 Murders & 111 Rapes occurred. During JESSE BANE 2007 – 2009 18 Murders & 176 Rapes occurred.
The Harford County Population increased slightly – average 04-06 = 237,193 – average 07-09 = 242,590.
The Budget submitted by Jesse Bane in 2010 exceeded $63 Million, an increase of $19 Million since 2006 – Up over 40%.
In his last Aegis interview Jesse Bane was quoted as saying his budget was stagnant. He was also quoted as saying Crime was down. I find Jesse Bane to be a very disingenuos individual at best.
Voters – these are all public facts and matters of record. It will take you approximately 25 minutes to verify these for yourselves.
Aberdean says
Hey Information, let’s do some number verifications from an objective source. These numbers were pulled from actual Uniform Crime Report statistics and NOT from these blogs of misinformation. As i pointed out to another blogger on one of these Sheriff stories, i found it interesting that the Gahler Groupies want to point to two categories of crime. Of course when adding these two categories (murder and rape) you have a rise. Now, let’s look at the crime rate from the perspective of the FBI. Every year the FBI compiles crime statistics by each law enforcement agency in the country and publishes these statistics in the Uniform Crime Report. The FBI rates crime in a jurisdiction by selecting and analyzing categories of crime that they feel are quality of life indicators in communities. These crimes include not only the two categories (murder and rape) that your group has focused on, they also include Robbery, Aggravated Assault, B&E, Larceny/Theft, M/V Thefts – they are defined by the FBI, not me and not the Gahler Groupies. It is common knowledge that the criminals committing the robberies, burglaries, M/V thefts, etc. have already committed a violent crime in their past or are likely to progress to the violent crimes status unless caught. The ones I’ve interacted with definitely aren’t thinking about the different categories of violent and non-violent crimes when they are captured. They are only concerned about getting enough money, through theft or other subversive means, to support their drug habits, and they will normally do just about anything to keep their fix alive.
To add more clarity to my post let’s get into more detail about how the crime rate is determined by the FBI. In order for objective comparisons to be made of different jurisdictions with different population sizes you need to get them all on a level playing field. The FBI accomplishes this by taking the total number of Part I crimes, averaging in the population of a jurisdiction, then multiplying by 100,000. This figure is referred to as a jurisdictions crime rate. I thought it would be interesting to use the crime rate equation to compare the crime rate of the previous sheriffs administration to that of Sheriff Bane’s past tenure. In raw number terms the actual difference of Part I crimes between 2004-2006 and 2007-2009 is 111, a .6% decrease in Part I crimes under Bane’s leadership. When you factor in the population growth between the two periods, the crime rate during the former period (2004 – 2006) is found to be 7,515.8. The average population of 234,000 was used for that comparison. The crime rate for the latter period (2007 – 2009) is found to be 7,221.5. The average population of 242,000 was used for that comparison.
By factoring in the crime rate, there was found to be a 3.9% reduction of Part I crimes between the time frames compared. This reduction is in Bane’s favor. To remain objective I used the crime rate formula on the two categories that your group continues to focus on and found a 1.9% increase in murders and rapes. What I’m trying to communicate is that numbers and statistics need to be communicated to Harford Countians objectively and in a fair manner so that we can draw our own conclusions. Your homespun figures are unquestionably biased. Now, who is really the disingenuous person here?
The Monster says
Aberdean, thank you for your work. Unfortunately, Big Blue will ignore them and come back with his statistics over and over, not smart enought to realize what you have said. You just can’t help stupid people.
david roadhouse says
Mr. Holden is another one of Bane’s herd of dinosaurs.
Todd Holden says
Cannibal Clues Worsen Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Bad Rap
As if its reputation weren’t bad enough already, scientists have unearthed new evidence that Tyrannosaurus rex was one of fiercest predators the world has ever seen. It turns out the 7-ton, 13-foot-tall monster may have been a cannibal.
david roadhouse says
I don’t know what you are rambling about, old friend of Jesse Bane. Why don’t you cannibalize him? He tastes like chicken and looks like one too Frank Perdue.
blacula1 says
Mr. Holden is cannibalizing his own article by trying to monopolize on his 5 minutes of fame by continuing to post in these threads so I guess it’s possible that he wants to cannibalize Bane too. The ‘wierd’ stuff always seems to come from liberals like Mr. Holden. Do we need anymore liberal tendancies?
The Monster says
and what are you Roadhouse?
The Monster says
Roadhouse, you are the dinosaur. You hate Bane so badly you can’t see straight. Instead, why don’t you tell us how wonderful Gahler is.
RinoHunter says
Shellnet – according to the info below neither Neeper or Bane know what they speak…..
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
The Monster says
Big Blue, we know it is you
blacula1 says
Nice old guys. yeah ok……. WHY DOES BANE KEEP WASTING MILLIONS TRYING TO BUY DOWN CRIME RATES? The facts are clear. Bane has failed.
george says
Time for the election of Sheriff to go away. Make it an appointed postition or a department head, so the folks who are in the office can do what they do best, fight crime, without having to worry about an election every 4 years. Remove the politics from the Sheriffs office. It is long overdue!
Henry says
We’d still have to worry about an election every 4 years…just the focus would be on the County Executive position rather than the Sheriff position.
The fact of the matter is that no matter which system we’re under politics is not going away (as much as the vast majority of deputies would prefer otherwise.) Whether it’s political crap regarding promotions or assignments to other units or general elections it’s not any better under a county police department than it is under a sheriff’s office. Plus, the county can’t afford to create yet another agency. The sheriff’s office will still be needed (though smaller) and a county police department will need new command staff, facilities, uniforms, support staff, etc and all that will cost tens of millions of dollars just get started let alone run each year. People think they pay too much in taxes now? What do you think will happen if there were another agency that had to be funded?
george says
Henry, I agree with you to a point. Sure, we would still need to elect a CE and there would still be some politics involved, there always are, its the nature of any office. What it WOULD do is remove the guys and gals on the street, whose job it is to protect and serve, from the inevitable squabbling and side picking that occurs every 4 years. Let them concentrate on the job at hand instead of worrying about if they have joined the right team. And don’t tell me they don’t have to pick sides. I spent 20 years in a Sheriffs Office, election time, you’d better pick sides or you’ll be labeled as a fence sitter and dealt with accordingly by the victorious Sheriff in due time. Believe me, that’s the truth.
As far as the set up costs, much of what you say is true, there is an associated cost. Some would come from the reduction in the current SO budget, I am sure our creative County Leaders could come up with other ways to fund the newly created agency. As far as raising taxes, I am also quite certain that our taxes are going to be raised with or without the newly formed PD. What with the reduction in settlement fees that the County coffers are short since the housing bust, they got to get their money somewhere, and in their minds, better our pockets then theirs.
recently retired says
You are going to vote for Jesse based on a personal friendship and that is fine, but you don’t know anything about how he mismanages the Sheriff’s Office. If you were to know the facts you would change your mind because he is not ethically motivated and he is certainly not honest.
You have never sat in a Command Staff meeting and watched him perform. The problem is he can’t. He has little real law enforcement experience. Although he says he does his record reflects otherwise. In my 30 years there I never knew him to make an arrest. While the other deputies were working nights in high crime areas he was working days in the upper end of Harford County. He was never involved in fighting gang or drug activity. He was always on the sidelines criticizing but never offering solutions. His decision-making ability is compromised by his lack of real-world experience. He has even been known to fall asleep during meetings. That is real professional…So yes, he smiles to the public but can’t perform the duties of his office.
You mentioned honesty. Well, how about the fact that Jesse says he has a degree in Criminology. His degree is in Sociology. Why does he continue to convey this to the public after it has been brought to his attention?
He claims credit for the anti-gang efforts here that were initiated under Sheriff Golding. The men who confront the gang members in the middle of the night deserve the credit.
Why does Jesse continue to pay deputies overtime for court when they know in advance that they are not needed? (Because the Union members, who make their living writing tickets, want that overtime to supplement their income.) So you have Union members acting unethically and the Sheriff endorsing that unethical behavior.
Why did the Sheriff hire a personal friend who was not qualified to be an executive secretary and then pay her overtime for typing meeting minutes?
Why did he volunteer the Sheriff’s Office to perform free fingerprints for the Boys and Girls Club volunteers and then pay (out of Task Force Funds) for their background checks? I am sure all of the other organizations here in Harford County who have to pay for the fingerprinting and background checks will not be happy about this. The Sheriff actually wanted to run and turn over criminal history information to the B&G Club. That is against the law.
Jesse wants the public that his “ComStat” program is the reason declining crime rates. First of all we were tracking crime stats long before Jesse became Sheriff. He was just never involved in those efforts. Don’t believe all the facts that his office conveys. If Edgewood is “so safe” I would challenge you to drive down to Edgewater Village or Windsor Valley at 10pm, park your car, and walk around the neighborhood, by yourself, without a gun. The residents there live in constant fear and cannot depend on Jesse to make their world safer. He once stated there was no connection between the spike in robberies and the drug trade in Edgewood. That comment alone demonstrates that he does not understand the dynamics of crime. (Remember he supposedly studied criminology in 1970)
This is just a sampling of the Sheriff’s ineptness. Nice guy…yes, but as a Sheriff he flunks the test. Too bad he has the press and public so buffaloed. We deserve a competent and knowledgeable Sheriff. One who can make a decision and not mismanage the funds that the taxpayers put in his pocket.
It’s time to put a law enforcement professional in office. I will vote for Jeff because I know he is a capable decision-maker. I worked with him on the road and I would go through any door to back him up because that is what he would do for me. Jesse would run away, criticize, and claim the credit.
Todd Holden says
Recently…I appreciate your comments, and your respect for my stand as well.
As far as comment #2 from Jack
“Holden – if you don’t think that Bane is not dishonest at least in this instance then you must be dishonest.”
I am not dishonest, and that rhetoric sickens me. I simply put forth my open and honest feelings for Jesse Bane. I have met and spoken with Steve Bodway and Jeff Gahler, and I mentioned they are good men as well.
What concerns me is why, then sheriff Tom Golding, on who’s watch the sleeping Visnaw was caught and brought to light, why then was this handed off to the incoming sheriff Jesse Bane? Then, candidate Gahler, is joined by Howard Walter, who was also in the Golding camp at the time of Visnaw’s ‘rip van Winkle’ fiasco.
That’s troubling, but at least we can keep this civil and respectful of our feelings for each candidate.
not to belabor this any more, suffice it to say, to Jack, call me dishonest to my face, and i’ll stand my ground.
Just a thought says
Additionaly Todd, the SUV’s that Retired likes to throw into conversations from time to time, were bought under the Golding administration.
recently retired says
You are referring to the SUV’s outfitted for patrol. Check out the vehicles that Jesse outfitted the Warrant Unit with… He allows the Warrant Unit Sgt. to wear whatever clothing he wants such as beach shirts and sandals to work…favoritism? Jesse as a Captain and as a Major prohibited “undercover clothing” and unmarked vehicles to be a part of the Warrant Unit. Now he permits them and claims to be progressive…
There has been one word missing from Jesse’s resume…”VINDICTIVE” yes, that’s a good descriptor. I once witnessed Jesse criticize a corporal at a grant meeting. She was a minority Corporal and she left the meeting with tears. Instead of complimenting her on the success of the grant he criticized her for not submitting a wider in scope grant in the first place. And he approved the Grant!
GV says
I can verify the incident with the Corporal. She retired 4 months later. Jesse would not even deliver her shadow box to her. It sat in the office for months. He’s a real leader I must say.
NoToJeff says
They were indeed, in face, Golding himself had the first one, and it was re-assigned to warrants the day Bane was sworn in, and i believe it is still in use with warrant unit today.
Wise Old Guy says
Sheriff Golding was unable to terminate Visnaw because the defendant’s attorney kept post-poning his hearing until AFTER Bane was elected. The deal had already been cut between the defendant, his attorney and Bane to keep him employed so he could retire after a couple more years. The defendant was seen carrying Bane’s campaign signs out of Bane’s campaign headquarters, while he was on medical leave, obvously to put them in people’s yards.
By the way, there was more to the ‘Rip van Winkle’ fiasco than was released to the news media……much more.
Wise Old Guy says
Recently Retired and GV:
Here’s another thing that you two, and everyone else, probably didn’t know about. Sheriff Bane was seen, in uniform and driving, and using gas that is paid for by taxpayers of Harford County, an unmarked Chevy Impala police car that belongs to the taxpayers, placing his campaign yard signs, which were loaded in the back of this police car, in folks yards.
That is a direct violation of the written Rules and Regulations of the Sheriff’s Office.
The incumbent Sheriff obviously IGNORES the written Rules and Regulations of the Sheriff’s Office! Do what I say, not what I do!
What if a Deputy did the same thing but, instead, posted yard signs for the incumbent’s opposition? He, or she, would be fired, without a doubt!
Recently Retired: After reading your facts, we can only hope that the Republicans that have Bane for Sheriff signs posted amongst a bevy of Republican signs, as well as Democrats supporting Bane, read your posting. They need to take a long, hard look at what they are about to do on November 2nd. Hopefully, they will come to their senses.
Joe C says
If this is factual then state your name, where you saw it at, and I would like to see the photos that you have. ENOUGH ALREADY SHUT YOUR MOUTH IF YOU CAN’T SIGN YOUR NAME. Anyone on here can say whatever B.S. They want without verification. Let the votes be your voice and shut up until November 2nd. This is worse than a bunch of 5 year olds.
Joseph Capling
david roadhouse says
Capling: Get off your pedestal. If you have read any of these postings, you will see the word VINDICTIVE used in conjunction with Bane. Anyone working at the agency cannot use their real names for fear of repercussion from the one you see as so saintly.
The Monster says
Thanks Joe C., you have the guts to use your name.
callmepappa says
To: Wise Old Guy,
You are so wise. I saw activity as you described. I saw gas being put into a tank. I saw signs being posted. I saw rules being broken.
To: Joseph Capling,
You are clearly an insider. Why don’t you help us all and take the pictures for us? Oh yes, did you count yourself in that ‘Bunch’ that you talked about? Your arrogance only enforces my decision to vote for Gahler. The facts speak for themselves. BANE = INCREASED CRIME and INCREASED WASTED TAX DOLLARS. How can anyone argue with fact? The only way is if you aren’t sincere in wanting what’s best for Harford County. They’ll be a lot of gut checking here in the next week and a half. In the end, will ignornace & arrogance (BANE) win out, or will character, results, and sincerity (GAHLER) rule? I’m confident that Harford County voters will check the facts and make the right choice. Why on earth would we shut our mouths when people like you spew this garbage in an attempt to skew voters from making the best decision.
C. Reynolds
Bel Air
trigger88 says
Wow, can’t argue with pappa. My vote is for Gahler!
blacula1 says
I’m with pappa. My votes with Gahler!
yes4jeff says
Of course I love people like pappa. Way to support Jeff pappa. I appreciate you and your well laid ou points.
The Monster says
Big Blue,
you are going to get carpal tunnel syndrome and a headache if you keep sending in these messages. You aren’t fooling anyone-everyone knows it you. Gahler would do well to pay you to stay off the site, you are costing him votes.
recently retired says
Why should he follow his own rules? He is the King of his Kingdom….He can relate bad facts because he is the King of his Kingdom…He can spend your tax dollars at will and misrepresent his background because he is the King of his Kingdom…There is no effective oversight. Only voters every four years.
Since he controls the press he effectively nixes the bad and promotes the good because…yes..he is the King of his Kingdom. And there are people who will blindly follow because they know no other way. When they hear something bad they say “Shut up” and cover their ears. There will always be misguided followers because they are told what they want to hear. Sometimes the truth is too hard for them to comprehend. Perhaps they should review history when the Sheriff used to come around and collect taxes. Today he just spends their money with no accountability because he is the King of his Kingdom…
The Monster says
Recently Retired,instead of attacking Bane, why don’t you explain to the voters how Gahler will be able to handle the job of Sheriff. All I ever see you guys doing is cutting on Bane. I think they call that mudslinging. Yet, don’t see any real support of Gahler.
1ManWolfPack says
Then explain how Bane saved over $150K in the 1st year the Court Liason was in place? Deputies are tired of sitting in court, and went to Bane asking for a liason to help with this. Bane came up with the position adn saved over $150K….how is this Union deputies raping the OT system? Glad you “recently retired” cause having your old ass around would probably drag the agency down. see ya! says
Bane = Union Increases
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
The Monster says
Big Blue, you messed up again. You used Big in one of your earlier emails; now you are using RINO hunter at the same email which is false anyway, much like you.
BigBlue says
Wow Monsta – Lions and Tiger and Bears oh my….
Liberia is probably a good new home for you when your ready…
Henry says
Actually if you look at the numbers for 2008, 2009, and 2010 (3 years) you’ll see they’re pretty much flat. Going back to 2007 is 4 years (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.) I know counting to tough for some people, but you can use one hand for this one…
BigBlue says
Past 3 years is past 3 years 2009 – 2008 – 2007
In addition if you are an honest person (whuch we know Bane is not) – you give a full disclosure which would include the fact that Bane’s Operating Budget has increased from $44 Million in 2006 to $63 Million now – a plus %40 increase.
Pretty simple math even for you Henry.
trigger88 says
The facts are finally being published about Mr. Bane. Harford County residents take note of those facts. Do your due diligence and you can easily verify that the new Jeff Gahler advertisement spotlighting the real facts of the Jesse Bane administration is truthful. Why on earth would any educated voter who cares about Harford County place a vote for Bane after understanding the truth. Mr. Bane might be a ‘nice guy’, but Mr. Gahler, you clearly are the better choice to do the job. You won my vote!
Walter Smith says
Here is an interesting tidbit not everyone is privy to: The word is that if Ehrlich gets elected Gov. and Gahler wins or loses Ehrlich is going to offer Gahler the Top MSP job. Just something that was heard at a Republican meeting.
Walter Smith
William says
Nice try Smitty Magee. What could be better than a Sheriff with the ear of the Governor of the State??? I say Gahler for Sheriff!!!
Wise Old Guy says
Walter Smith:
Don’t ya’ just love rumors? That’s all this is. I really like William’s (11.1.1) reply!
NoToJeff says
In a perfect world,Ehrlich would becoe Governor, and make Ghaler Colonel of MSP. This is where he started and all his knowledge is, stay there, dont try to turn the County into a mini MSP. Take Old Retired Howwie with you, and when HdeG chooses not to renew ms Howwie’s contract, take her too….All this led to your downfall
yes4jeff says
Sounds like someone is close minded and not open to simple fact. Bane = rising crimes rates while wasting millions to get us to this point. How could even ‘you’ say no to Jeff?
trigger88 says
You said it! How can anyone say no to Jeff after seeing all the facts come out this week? Sounds like ‘Say no’ might be a Bane campaign insider. Haven’t we all had enough of ‘insiders’? Harford County can do way better than Bane. Nice old man though.
The Monster says
Give me a break. There are at least 2 higher ranking officers in the MSP who served in the Ehrlich administration who are ahead of Gahler in consideration for Colonel.
trigger88 says
Sounds like the Bane train derailed. This has you made you anxious grasshopper.
belairfed says
how long has baltimore county had a county police force. how many chiefs have they had. they are probably one of the most effective, stable local forces on the east coast. we start talking about these local yocal guys like their supermen. I don’t know who is “better” Jesse or Jeff or none of the above. This politics game turns important matters like law enforcement into a political side show. It also puts deputies in the middle of a stupid power grab war zone every 4 years. Once elected, who does the Sheriff in Harford answer to on a daily basis? Who can yank his chain when he screws up? Get a county police force and hire somebody with a proven track record – especially somebody that has effective experience with dealing with drugs and gangs. Yeah politics will come into play once in a while just like what happened in Aberdeen but hey, even that guy served for 10 years. A firing once every ten years – seems like that’s a better deal than the circus every 4 years.
NotSoQuick says
Unless you are 12 years old, it is really sad just how naïve you are. I would agree if I thought for a second the best police leader would be sought to head a county police force, but what you would get is the best friend/biggest supporter of David Craig and then who ever follows the next person and so on. And as to who the Sheriff answers to, that is the citizens every four years who can choose not renew their contract so to speak (kick them out in other words).
belairfed says
well past 12 and why would you think that cozy up relationships don’t exist in this elected sheriff format? We’ve got Gahler cozy with the Walters, we’ve got Bane cozy with unions. what’s so great about that? and when it comes to Craig becoming il dulce if he got to pick the county pd chief – he should be gone by the time for picking would come as putting this thing to referendum would take forever, if ever.(the county killed this 20 years ago, anyway). And where does it say the county exec would pick and put into place a county pd chief anyway? is it in harford charter? I don’t think so. Take Aberdeen – it took more than Bennett and his forerunners to hire/fire Rudy. And since when do “the people” have a say in elections anyway? Will all the money that’s been pouring into elections, even here in good old harford county – do you really think the elected sheriff doesn’t have political paybacks. Just like Clark Turner helps Craig and Boniface run the county, I’m sure favors will be owed by either Bane or Gahler – if i’m right neither of them is Jesus, so perfection is out the window on both. People that blow with this “the people have a voice” rhetoric are the ones that better wake up and smell the dirty socks. Money and power makes the world go round and the millions being dumped into Harford’s election races are included. We are so far from what the country of Roger Williams envisioned it’s not funny anymore, it’s sad. just plain sad.
NotSoQuick says
Easy to sit back and be the critic. Why don’t you run next time so that the citizens can get it right? Point is that we will either vote for our police chief or have someone else decide what is good for us (and you can bet that it will be what is good for them). Of these two options, I’ll take the electing route.
Trash Bag Knot says
I have to agree. As a former Baltimore County resident, I prefer the appointed chief system.
The Monster says
Good, Head back to Baltimore county
Trash Bag Knot says
Wow! That’s your reply? Monster, you are a wordsmith. No thanks, I’ll stay in Harford County and cancel out your vote!!!!
trigger88 says
Hey… I wanted to cancel his vote.
The Monster says
You wouldn’t be the first to do that. Does that make it right?
Todd Holden says
well, I knew my letter would be a tinder-box of comments, and it surely was, and i’m sure Bill Kunkel, an old pal, and a his pals are thinking this has really gotten to me. But it hasn’t, not a bit, because i said my piece, and each of the commentators in this publication have said theirs.
I still believe in the elected sheriff method of picking our county law dog, and I still feel we have a great department taking care of business in the county.
callmepappa says
Will you answer them? YES or NO please:
1.) Is the murder rate up in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased by millions under Bane?
Reminder: These are YES or NO answers.
RinoHunter says
Jesse Bane
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
trigger88 says
Well said RinoHunter. The facts clearly tell the real story of Jesse’s nightmare leadership. Harford County can not continue to suffer with rising crime rates amid 40% increases in expenditures. Sounds like Jesse models himself after FAR left politicians. Maybe some of the tag lines out there should read: Out with Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Bane!
The facts say Gahler is the better candidate all the way. Any reasonable person basing this race on facts, and only facts, can not logically make another choice.
blacula1 says
No one can argue with the facts coming out this week. The latest ad spotlighting the huge increases in crime rates and the addtional millions in expenses under the Bane team is eye opening. How could anyone vote for Bane after seeing that record of failure?
yes4jeff says
I couldn’t have said it better. Keep the wave going all you Gahler supporters! I think the next tagline should be: ‘Out with the ‘old’ and in with the Gahler’
The Monster says
Tigger 88- now you are answering yourself as Big Blue. You aren’t fooling anyone fool.
trigger88 says
Must have fooled you because I have no idea what you’re talking about. Can you answer these questions:
1.) Is the murder rate up in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased by millions under Bane?
These are YES or NO questions. Why will no one answer these questions?
The Monster says
Big Blue, you must not have a life to continuosly say the same thing over and over with 10 or more handles. You really are a simple minded soul.
Watcher says
Way to pick and choose the numbers. The 2008, 2009 and 2010 budget numbers are virtually identical. And please remember that the seven member County Council approves the budget. Lord, what are all of you people going to do after Election Day? The hate speech and venom has been unreal.
trigger88 says
You certainly are taking a play from the liberal play book by referring to anything said about Jesse Bane as hate speech. I think some honest to goodness facts were mentioned. How is that hate speech? This clearly outlines you as someone not looking out for the best interest of the Harford County voter but only spouting political ideology. Some of us on here may reference left leaners which indicates our conservative ideology but we also clearly spell out facts. The facts are on the table and can not be disputed.
Bane = Higher Murder Rates (look out when you get south of Bel Air)
Bane = More women being raped (god pray for our children)
Bane = Millions of our tax dollars wasted (how much more of our money will be taken from us with no results)
Bane = Comments that appear to be dishonest (specifically about the budget).
What have you been watching Watcher? Or should it be what have you been smoking?
Watcher says
My reference to ‘hate speech’ was meant in general terms (just read other posts across the Dagger) not specifically this one.
And please don’t assume to know anything about me and how I feel about Harford County.
trigger88 says
Just like Bane you take accountability for zero. The Bane train has derailed now that you and the rest of the gonnies are acknowledging murders, rapes, and spending increased under Bane. I do recall the excuse being, ‘these crimes happen under the cover of darkness.’
I guess for those of us living in Harford County we just can’t go outside anymore. That’s encouraging…. Bane’s a nice old though.
BigBlue says
One at a time Watcher. Once Bane is out we will be working on Craig and his RINO buddies – Boniface, McMahon, so on…
Dale Neeper says
If deputies had doubts about your intentions, you just cleared it up for them. With you speaking for Mr. Gahler, you have added additional votes for Bane. Good work. Keep talking. says
I speak for myself Neeper. You speak for Bane.
Union Boys and the Good Ole Boys are desperate now. Lets see how many more UNION SIGNS GO UP ON UNAUTHORIZED properties tonight.
The Monster says
Big Blue, another alias. Are you trying to give the impression of support for Gahler?
The Monster says
Big Blue, so now you are the Rhino hunter. That is really interesting, a dinosaur hunting for Rhinos.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, Todd Holden definitely stimulated reaction. Of course, Big Blue, has responded about 10 different times using a different handle each time. He thinks he is slick, but he is pitifully stupid. You aren’t fooling anyone.
As for his statistics, I have already answered that. Whoever he got his statistics from, because he isn’t smart enough to do it himself, has biased the results. An excellent detailed description is provided by Aberdean, if any objective person wants to read it. Big Blue under many different handles, repeats this information over and over. He refuses to answer any questions and repeats the same information, as flawed as it is.
The Gahler people here, and this is no way an attack on Mr. Gahler, are rude and make statements that many times are not true or have no basis, and try to make an honorable man look like a fool.
BigBlue says
Creeper – Thank God you don’t teach children anymore. Once again you talk out your ass and refuse to address the facts that are on this site which clearly show that Violent crime is up and the budget is up. This is all public information – Voters please see the Harford County Budget and the MD Uniform Crime Statistics.
Dale Neeper says
Back to your air raid shelter, Big Blue.
BigBlue says
Neeper – Thank God you don’t teach anymore. You are clearer off your rocker….
Watcher says
Not a single one of the Bane haters would have the stones to go up to him and challenge his claims in person. Everyone is content to be an anonymous Monday morning quarterback and think they know better. Put your money where your mouth is. Get involved. But no, you’d rather sit on this blog and name call, mudsling and bitch and moan. So sad.
recently retired says
Mr. Watcher, you have no idea. Clueless, just like Jesse. Jesse is the one who has no stones. He proved that by avoiding working nights and Edgewood, by not performing real law enforcement duties such as making arrests, and writing tickets. Ask him when was the last time he did either one of those. He has never been a real officer. Know your facts before you mouth off next time.
Watcher says
Again, more anonymous blogging. I double dog dare you to say this to his face. Coward.
Sammy says
Watcha – Are you paid by the DNC? I think you’d fit right in w Balto City, Mont, or PG County. I’ll buy ya a bus ticket…
Watcher says
Yes, I’m paid by the DNC to post on The Dagger. Moron. Actually, I’m just a free thinking county resident who actually listens and learns rather than you lemmings who don’t have an original thought among you.
The Monster says
Sammy, are you from New York?
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue and others,
My vote goes to Bane. I don’t care how many times Big Blue and others send in the same message. I would also remind you that Bane is not the County Council or County Executive. Some of you have made him an executive/council by comparing hime to O’Bama, O’Malley, etc. You have to be kidding. Bane understands the budget process and how to work with the public-Democrats and Republicans, as well as the Council and Executive. I am sorry, but none of you have addressed this about Mr. Gahler, even though you are so sure he will not spend any money. In his position in MSP, he probably has minimal knowledge of this process. The biased way you chose what statistics to highlight in the Uniform Crime Report, you purposely did not report the good that has occurred in the Bane administration. What statistics do you have for Mr. Gahler? The MSP, should be renamed the Maryland Highway Patrol. I highly respect the MSP, and I have many friends who served this agency. But, be honest, what you all know is true- the MSP crime investigation isn’t up to what the Harford County Sheriff’s Office can and does do. This is not the fault of MSP troopers, but of administrators who basically allowed the funding to disappear. Mr. Gahler hasn’t dealt with this, now has he?
I respect Mr. Gahler, and I respect Jesse Bane. However, I think that Bane is the man for this job. As far as some of the insiders, whine all you want. Your job is to protect the people of Harford county and not to whine about working conditions.
I am sure many of you will have some comment. All I ask is that the same 3 of you don’t send 10 replies under 10 different names. Did you get that Big Blue?
BigBlue says
Neeper – You don’t address any of the facts. You fail to address that Bane openly lies in Aegis interviews and you have failed to address any of Banes’s shortcomings which are numerous. Instead you try to marginalize people when they cite facts directly from the MD Uniform Crime Report and the Harford County Budget. Your one of those pricks that will simply try to marginalize someone because they simply don’t agree with them – much like the Obama administration.
By the Way – While Voters on this site cite facts – you write garbage like Gahler “probably” hasn’t done this or that. You really don’t know much and I’ll say it again. Thank God you don’t teach anymore.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, yes, I do and I do it in my name one time. Unlike you who are 10-12 people. You are a phony and a fraud. As I have said many times before, you are a coward.
Sam-52 says
I am tired of hearing everyone say that the “Walters” are coming back and using Jeff Gahler as their puppet to re-gain control of the Sheriff’s Office. These statements could not be further from the truth. To prove this fact I want to say here and now the I am no longer apart Jeff Gahler’s campaign for Sheriff. I wish to officially announce my resignation as his campaign manager, and will remove myself from any affiliation with his race. For those who can’t see eye-2-eye with me, I hope now that this will put these nasty rumors to rest. I wish Jeff well, and the best of luck in the upcoming race (he‘s going to need it). I have come to realize that I need to leave the Sheriff’ Office alone. I was voted out almost 4 years ago, and even though it took this long for it to sink in, I realize that no one there really likes me. I hear Aberdeen is going to be looking for a new Chief; perhaps I’ll put my resume in for that. If I can’t have the County then 2 out of 3 towns isn’t bad!!! If all else fail’s I plan on heading to Florida with my old pale Golding. I think there is an agency down there we can destroy, and treat their people like dirt.
Rob in Bel Air says
You have probably noticed that it is the same few who are making the attacks and espousing much of the hate. The majority of the members of the HCSO see themselves as professionals and just want to do their job. Many deputies are uncomfortable and embarrassed by the remarks of their colleagues in this forum and in other arenas.
I see some trying to use crime statistics to support their candidate. The fact is, regardless of who is Sheriff, there will still be crime (much of it in the Edgewood area). Crime in Harford County and other areas (across the country) fluctuates due to a number of factors including migration of people. But what causes crime is generally out of the hands of law enforcement; for example, poverty, joblessness, ineffective parenting, and addiction are some of the major factors that cause crime. These are factors that cannot be cured by law enforcement or any of the candidates running for sheriff. Look at the war on drugs; how long has this war been going on and how much money has been poured into it.
I see some quoting budgetary issues. I doubt very seriously that these individuals know anything about the HCSO budget, how it is proposed, the politics involved, or anything about the procurement law. The SO is always in competition with other county agencies, including the Board of Education, and it takes someone with some political savvy to survive.
It is only a few malcontents that are posting the most “harsh” and negative comments on this forum and it should not be used to judge the entire agency (and its members). My opinion is, these types should not be working at the HCSO, but would be more suitable working at a place where there is repetition and more direct control.
Dale Neeper says
Thank you for your comments. I and many others appreciate what you all do for this county. I know how many candidates it takes to find 50 qualified to become deputies. I respect Mr. Gahler and Sheriff Bane, I don’t appreciate those who want to sling mud and do a character assassination of a very fine man- Jesse Bane.
Al J Thong says
interesting article on about one of Jesse’s command staff and what smells like political misdirection.
BaneWatch says
Only the Union can save Jesse Bane now. How many lies does the public need before they fire Bane.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, another new handle!
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, are you drunk? I have answered over and over your biased statistics and you. Don’t you read? By the way, Big Blue and your phony other aliases, I told you where you could find me each morning. Why don’t you come up and see me sometime, you cowardly moron. You hide, and think people are stupid enough to believe that you aren’t sending in numerous responses using different names. You want to support Mr. Gahler, that is fine and that is the American way. But when you only want to character assassinate
Bane, that is not. Put up or shut you coward. People are on to you, and I would bet, even the Gahler supporters are tired of you.
BigBlue says
Neeper – Are you suggesting the following reports are biased? Please tell us how. The Voters are free to visit them on-line without Bane’s biased commentary.
Harford County Budget
MD Uniform Crime Reports
Bane assassinates his own character everytime he lies or tells a half truth in public or the Aegis.
Win or Lose – the Voters need to understand that Bane is simply dishonest.
Terry says
Big Blue:
To get the word out, you should write to the Aegis, Record and (Delta) Star with your information. More people read those than the Dagger or any other blog site.
One problem….the Aegis is in Bane’s back pocket and sometimes pick and choose what they want to print. I’ve been through that several times with them.
Steve says
You’d be surprised at how many people read The Dagger compared to some of the local papers.
The Monster says
Terry, with your post, you showed a terrible lack of understanding.
Terry says
With your postings, all you show is criticism of everybody that makes a posting on this blog. You have nothing to offer.
Dale Neeper says
Terry, big blue under 10 different handles is getting the word out and he looks stupid…. and it is going to hurt Gahler. If you are really for Gahler and not just opposed to Bane, you had better shut him up. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt if you used some space to tell us all how Gahler will right all of these wrongs you see in the Sheriff’s Office instead of your attacks on Bane.
BigBlue says
Neeper – Great Forwood Story in the Dagger today.
Any comments?
Why didn’t Bane fire a DISHONEST “at will” employee collecting $107,000 for doing absolutely nothing (3rd in Command by the way). Any place in the private sector – this guy would have been fired, but oh wait this is the land of Bane – where people like Visnaw sleep on the job and get paid. Don’t see registered Nurses on 12 hour shifts sleeping on the job on night shift….
Dale Neeper says
What is new about this story. We all know it, so what? Bane did the right thing. What’s your problem. See my response on the site. By the way, Caruso, don’t forget the Tea Party meeting this afternoon.
Terry says
What makes you think I know who he is? I have no clue who he is and I don’t care who he is.
recently retired says
I would encourage everyone to just ignore the Neeper man. He is not interested in the facts. He just calls everyone cowards. Most people I know of who call others names don’t have the mentality to carry on valid conversations. For some reason the truth is upsetting to him….
Dale Neeper says
I would encourage you to go back to your original handle of BigBlue.
recently retired says
Well, You are wrong again…
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue,
Can you read? I didn’t say those reports were biased, I am saying that what you chose to report is biased. You don’t tell the whole story. I am not going through this again, you are just playing dumb. Oh, I am sorry, you are not playing.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue,
Since you like to get personal, I told you about me. Why don’t you tell everyone about you. I sign my name, I clearly have told you why I support Jesse Bane, I tell you where you can find me at any time, and yet you hide and talk tough. Why don’t we meet to discuss this, whereby neither of us can hide. I am willing. How about you?
BigBlue says
Those in power are so paranoid about their positions that I’m unable to identify myself for fear of retribution.
BTW Neeper are you stupid? I’ve pointed out numerous reasons why I will not vote for Jesse Bane. Jesse Bane openly lies in newspaper articles and at best tells half truths.
Violent Crime is up = MD Uniform Crime Report
Budget is up 40% = Harford County Budget
In addition, you haven’t told us anything about yourself other than your Jesse Bane’s friend.
Thank God you don’t teach children anymore…..
the shadow says
Tim (385) we all know its you. Nobody likes you as it is so just sign your name.
Only the shadow knows
Tim Impallaria says
This is the problem with you all, you all are trying to figure out who is who on this sight. This is the first time I have written on this blog about the Sheriff’s race. This is the second time I have been metioned maliciously on this blog. I have stayed out of this race and my feeling are well know. I do not hide what I like or dislike. You can ask Sheriff Bane we have discussed issues and we don’t alway agree after it over, but he and I know where we stand on this issue. I have been elected to the Central Committee and my support is with the Rewpublician Candidate and that would be Mr. Gahler. But I will work for who ever is elected. So Shadow shut your Pie hole!!!! Sam 385,so just let me enjoy you fools going back and forth.
ProudDemocrat says
REWpublican? Apparently prerequisites to join the RCC do not include spelling your party’s name correctly!
yes4jeff says
Proud American YES but proud of our direction; NO! Are you proud of our unemployment rates, foreclosure crises, and continued deficit spending? Are you proud of Harford County’s increased murders, rapes, and spending? Maybe you being a liberal or progresive thinks that is getting us pretty far. Then again, you are a Bane supporter. Thanks, I think you just swung some votes Gahler’s way.
Dale Neeper says
No one has to figure out who I am. I am Dale Neeper, and I handed out Republican campaign literature on primary election day. I support Bane.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, Okay, we have heard it 10 times, you are glad I am not in education anymore. However, I cannot say that I am glad that you are not in rehabilitation anymore.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue,
Give up. I have told you everything that you say I haven’t. I am beginning to believe you have some kind of problem with reading. Perhaps, you don’t like educators for that reason. As far as your fear of retribution, you are not a policeman, what are you really afraid of by revealing who you are. I don’t care whether you do or not, but I believe anyone who has as much hate in them as you, should be willing to put their name where everyone can see it, like me and a few others. You are a wus and a coward, and I again heartifly invite you to come and discuss this with me in person. That way, your facts can be disputed, and maybe, your manners would improve. I am done with you and your stupid repetition of what you say, and pretending that I don’t answer you. Supporting Gahler is your American priviledge and I support it. I support Bane and have tried to explain to you why, but you would rather deal in personalities and the rediculous, and try to character assassinate Bane. I can respect people who have different opinions than I, but I don’t respect your comments or you in general. Unless you want to get together with me, don’t bother me.
BigBlue says
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
Watcher says
BigBlue – you continue to misrepresent and cherry pick the facts to try and smear Sheriff Bane and his staff. Yes, his budget in 2007 was indeed $50.4 million. What you continually fail to mention is that the 2009 budget was $60.9 million and the 2008 budget was also right around $60 million. This essentially represents ZERO growth therefore making his statement of a flat budget for the last three years entirely truthful. Surely even you can grasp this concept. So please spare us all the headache with your constant ‘tax and spend liberal’ temper tantrums. Go polish the guns in your bunker.
And in case you aren’t aware of their workload, here’s what they do (taken from the HCSP website):
In a year, the agency will serve more than 51,000 court papers, handle over 5,900 Part 1(serious offense) crimes, conduct over 22,000 criminal investigations, answer more than 161,000 calls for service and house over 5,500 prisoners in the Harford County Detention Center. says
The Sheriff’s Office is basically handling the same load they handled in 2006 (Look it up in the budget) and it is costing the Taxpyers $19 Million or Over 40% more (Look it up in the budget).
Watcher says
The ratio of deputies per 1,000 people is 0.8. Statewide, the figure is typically around 1.8-2.0. The department is terribly understaffed. But you wouldn’t care about that. Just still looking out for the liberal bogeyman. Get a clue.
William says
Sorry Watcher, Another Bane miscue. Harford County has a ratio of 1.9 police officers per 1000 population. Bane just forgot to give credit to the municipal departments, the populations in each municipality and to the number of State Police in the County. This is according to the 2009 UCR Report and not Bane spinarama.
Watcher says
Actually, William, you should be sorry. My statement was about HCSD deputies. Not MSP which rarely solve actual crimes and mostly handle traffic stops. Not to disparage the MSP.
William says
WOW!! Well there is nothing in that statement that would disparage the MSP. I am actually worried about just how dumb some of the statements on here are. Just because you say, “not to disparage the MSP” doesn’t change the FACT THAT IT REALLY DOES IN A BIG WAY. What a lack of respect! Why don’t you call some of the MSP investigators at the HCSO CID building or call down to the barrack and explain to them how they don’t solve “actual crimes.” I suspect that when some troopers read this, you just motivated some voter turn out for Gahler!
callmepappa says
Don’t detract from the substance. Don’t detract from what questions have been asked. I’ll ask them again and we only want answers. By the way, for anyone else just reading through, you can verify these facts within 10 mins on the internet. It is all public information.
Here are the questions Mr Watcher. Will you answer them?
1.) Is the murder rate up in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has th ebudget increased by millions under Bane?
Tell the truth now because everyone can look it up.
The Monster says
callmepapa, why don’t you tell us all how Gahler will correct of these areas
Watcher says
Why don’t you go up to a Sheriff Deputy and tell him you think his agency budget is too high. Let me know how they respond to you.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, Watcher has answered you at least twice, and I have answered you at least twice. Yet, you still throw these numbers around. Why don’t you tell us all how Gahler will change all of this? says
I love and respect educators. I just don’t care for dumb and stubborn educators like you.
If you want to dispute the following while Bane has been in office:
Violent Crime is up = MD Uniform Crime Report
Budget is up 40% = Harford County Budget
We would all like to hear it. Problem is you can’t, because it is true.
Sam-52 says
I would like to bring up something that was hinted at by “NoToJeff”. Gahler’s way of running things at the Bel Air when he was Lieutenant and Captain was to dump calls on the Sheriff’s Office. Time and time again telling the public “We don’t handle this type of call. You need to call the Sheriff’s Office.” Any patrol deputy on the road long enough knows what I’m talking about. Deputies respond to a call for service, (i.e. burglary, vandalism, missing person) and the complainant would tell the deputy “I called the State Police, but they said to call you because they don’t handle this type of call.” How was this good working relationship with deputies? And now he wants to run the Sheriff’s Office? If that’s the case, and Gahler is elected Sheriff, can we choose our calls? Whatever we don’t want to handle we can tell the public “We don’t handle this type of call. You need to call the Sate Police”.
TommyTT says
The truth is out and the gloves are off and Bane is shaking in his boots.
I saw Jesse Bane dressed up like Uncle Sam at the library today. Bane will do and say anything to get reelected.
Watcher says
Hey TommyTT – I was also at the library and that wasn’t Sheriff Bane dressed up as Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam was standing across the street from the library when I was speaking with the Sheriff. Get your facts straight.
Dale Neeper says
I bet that is not true
Dale Neeper says
Thanks, Watcher for the truth
callmepappa says
hahahahha. I saw that too! Comedy central out there. Hey, he’s a ‘nice old guy’ though.
Watcher says
Except it wasn’t him. Maybe you need Lasik.
david roadhouse says
Doesn’t matter if it was Bane or one of his henchman. He sent someone out there in costume, probably a deputy on overtime, because he is desperate. I guess having signs on every corner and having Colonel Waltman and ex-Sheriff’s Union President lowering themselves by waving isn’t getting the job done.
Watcher says
Right. Because there’s no chance a supporter decided to do that on his own. Had to be a paid deputy? Give it up. Your lame and pathetic attempts to continue to smear him are not only without merit but without any shred of class as well. Please move to Cecil County.
1ManWolfPack says
Whats the matter david shithouse? die number one on teh Lt’s list? awwww the residents of harford county should be happy about that, saving that money to pay someone who deserves it, not a bumbling idiot…
LSU says
callmepapa, you are just
another liar
callmepappa says
I said I saw that too. It was even posted with a picture in the dagger. Where is the lie? This is exactly what Bane supporters do. They try to tell you something didn’t happen that was plain for all to see. Just like:
Bane= Higher Murder Rate
Bane= Higher Incidents of Rape
Bane= Spent Millions of tax dollars with no results.
Hey, he’s a nice old guy though.
Todd Holden says
man oh man, did i ever start something with the letter in favor of Sheriff Jesse Bane. I wonder if there are really 100 Big Blues out there, we may never know will we?
It’s hard to manage all the comments and statistics that are flying about. When some of the ‘detractors’ mention how many tickets or arrests Sheriff Bane has made, I seriously doubt any past or present Sheriff’s have made any either. Good Sheriff’s run the show, and good ones like Bill Kunkel, D.J. Mele, Bob Comes, Joe Meadows all would likely be getting the exact same criticism that Sheriff Bane is getting now…unless of course any of the above mentioned sheriff’s are writing under the pseudonym of Big Blue. Just sayin’.
Rob in Bel Air says
Hello all,
I agree with Dale, BigBlue should ID himself or at least provide something about himself that will lend credence to his statements. Based on what I have read so far, I do not believe he is a law enforcement officer (although he uses the name “BigBlue.” He could be just a “wannabe.” I haven’t read anything to come to any other conclusion other than the fact that he is an ardent supporter of the candidate Gahler. So tell us more – than perhaps – we’ll consider more of what you write as having some substance.
callmepappa says
The substance is out there andcan easily be verified by anyone with an internet connection. Here are the facts:
Bane = Murders way up in Harford County
Bane = Rapes way up in Harford County
Bane = Budget increased by MILLIONS of our tax dollars to achieve the above mentioned results.
No ID’s are needed. A simple internet connection and 10 mins of anyones time can verify those facts. That IS substance my friend. Who can argue?
The Monster says
spoken like a distorting coward
callmepappa says
There is not one Bane supporter that has yet to answer these 3 questions:
Please answer for all to see. They are simply yes or no answers. I challenge every Bane supporter on here to answer with a yes or no answer.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
Remember, these are simple yes or no answers.
1ManWolfPack says
call you jackass3D….all you do is spout BS statistics that you distort to look like Bane is doing a horrible job, when in fact, he has done excellent. You sir are a broken record, probbaly on a desk hoping to get promoted and too dumb to get there. says
Bane = Fred Visnow = Don Gividen = Mark Forwood = Union Increases
Straight from the Aegis 10/15/10 Quote from Jesse Bane
“I think we have worked miracles considering we have not had increases in budget for the past three years,” Jesse Bane
Fact Check:
2007 Operating Expenses $50.4 Million
2010 Operating Expense Budget $63.7 Million – $13.7 over 2007
Oh and yeah, in the interest of the whole picture, the Sheriff’s Office Expenses in 2006 were $44 Million. Poor Jesse Bane can’t get it done on a 40% increase since he took office.
1ManWolfPack says
Blah Blah Blah Blah…same BS from a new screen name…..impalaria felts nevin…..= no backbone waste of space
The Monster says
So, You are answering fo Big Blue….or are you Big Blue–yes
callmepappa says
I see supporters answering for supporters because we all see the same things going on. We see negative results. It is simple as that.
There is not one Bane supporter that has yet to answer these 3 questions:
Please answer for all to see. They are simply yes or no answers. I challenge every Bane supporter on here to answer with a yes or no answer.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
Remember, these are simple yes or no answers.
trigger88 says
I saw someone else post this. I’s like to see a response.
There is not one Bane supporter that has yet to answer these 3 questions:
Please answer for all to see. They are simply yes or no answers. I challenge every Bane supporter on here to answer with a yes or no answer.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
Remember, these are simple yes or no answers. says
Yeah good sheriff’s run the show. The Union doesn’t run the show. Good sheriff’s don’t need to cater to the union for votes which Sheriif Bane obviously has done. When Bane addressing the Union he opened by saying he has “given them everything they have wanted”.
You and your buddy Neeper are two peas in a pod – Republicans in Name Only.
BigBlue says
Wow – how many Watchers, CDEVs, US Taxpayer, Neepers and Creepers are out there Todd?
Are you a reporter for the Dagger, Columnist, what are you…? You are definitely friends with the Bane for Sheriff Facebook Page.
It is sad the Dagger lets you post pro-Bane propaganda given that you are a routine contributor to the Dagger.
Watcher says
BigBlue – you spew more than twice the propaganda and Republican talking than anyone else on the site. Keep living in that glass house.
callmepappa says
There is not one Bane supporter that has yet to answer these 3 questions:
Please answer for all to see. They are simply yes or no answers. I challenge every Bane supporter on here to answer with a yes or no answer.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
Remember, these are simple yes or no answers.
Watcher says
Yes, yes and No. You have all been distorting the facts about the budget. Budget increase in 2007 was up about 10$. Flat since then. And as someone on another post pointed out, can you or BigBlue or anyone else address how Gahler is going to tackle these problems? You can’t.
Watcher says
that should be 10%, not 10$
AttorneyforChg says
Jesse Bane Distorts Facts – can not be trusted to tell the “Whole Truth”
Aegis article – Bane makes it sound as if the Sheriff’s Office Budget has been flat. The Guy is clearly dishonest by not telling the whole picture. The Budget prior to him taking office was $44 Million in 2006. Today that budget is approximately $64 Million.
Bane tries to bolster his credibility by saying crime is down… Another ethical blunder by Bane. What he fails to tell us is that VIOLENT CRIME IS UP – MURDERS, RAPES, BURGULARIES, AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS.
Can BANE be trusted to tell the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth. The facts say No!
Dale Neeper says
I wish the anti-Bane people would stop mudslinging and start telling everyone how Mr. Gahler will correct the problems they see in the Bane administration. Do us all a favor, tell us.
callmepappa says
Mr. Neeper,
It is important for all involved to lay out all the facts on the table for everyone to see so we can all work to put the proper plans in place. Gahler is assembling an incredibly strong team to meet the challenges of Harford County. Answer these 3 basic questions:
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
You’ll find the answer to each is YES. With that said, it is clear for everyone to see that Bane has had his chance to correct these problems. So instead of worrying first about how Mr. Gahler will correct these issues we must all start by realizing that Mr. Bane did not correct these issues.
Dale Neeper says
When you tell the whole story I will answer your questions. You guys won’t answer any of mine and I have repeatedly asked them. You are negatively campaigning and want to cut up Bane. We have not done that with Mr. Gahler. Why don’t you try to be positive about your candidate since you think he can control murder and rape. That is absurd. Now, if you want, we can begin a series of attacks on Gahler. What would that accomplish? The same thing you are doing with Bane- trying to destroy his character. “He is a nice old man” which you repeat over and over, is sad on your part.
callmepappa says
Jesse is a nice old man. What do you have aginst that?
Additionally, are you saying that your candidate can’t control murder and rape? Here is what YOU stated,
“Why don’t you try to be positive about your candidate since you think he can control murder and rape.”
That statement clearly infers that you don’t think murders and rapes can be controlled. That is not a plan I want my Sheriff to have.
I am being positive about my preferred candidate. I am confident that Jeff Gahler has the where with all to put the best team in place to ‘reel’ in increasing numbers of murders and rapes and get them under control. I can’t get more positive.
There is nothing negative about saying:
Murders have increased in Harford County under Jesse Bane,
Rapes have increased in Harford County under Jesse Bane,
Jesse Bane’s budget has increased by approximately 40%,
Jesse Bane is a nice old man.
THESE ARE FACTS. There is nothing negative there unless you take those facts personally which you must have done. There is only one reason why someone would say that facts are a negative attack. It is the last recourse to deflect attention away from those facts. I give you credit for supporting your candidate though. You should give me credit for supporting mine.
Clearly, I acknowledge Jesse is a nice guy. He’s just not the guy to get the best results. He has factually demonstrated that.
trigger88 says
Agree with pappa on this. I see facts listed and not negativity. I also agree that it appears that you are pretty much saying that Bane has no plan to reign in murders and rapes. This wasn’t you best post Dale.
blacula1 says
Hey Dale,
Can you answer these? You seem to be vested.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
They are simple YES or NO answers.
Sam-52 says
Are you drinking more of that piss water from the MSP Barracks, or are you just really stupid?
I’m willing to say it’s a bit of both. Any cop knows that the UCR Reports are no where near accurate and using that as a gospel as you do is totally wrong. The ratio of .08 per 1000 person’s is totally accurate. Second you keep saying there are multiple MSP personnel at the CID building for HSCO; “some of the MSP investigators at the HCSO CID building”. WHO? There was only one, and he didn’t even have a cubical in the office area cause there was no room. Once again you put an “s” on the end meaning more then one. Obviously you have that Admin Trooper mentality cause you love to inflate your Stats, and get the facts wrong. You truly bring a bad name to the good men and women Troopers out there working patrol along side patrol Deputies. You go Watcher!!!
callmepappa says
Hey Sam,
Can you answer these? You seem to be vested.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane?
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane?
They are simple YES or NO answers.
Sam-52 says
Yes, Yes, and Yes.
But all you Gahler supporters are missing the mark. I never said Bane is the best sheriff we have ever had. You put someone out there who is and they will get my support. Gahler is not it!!!! The way he has talked about not needing or wanting the deputies support to win. Come on…why does someone like that want to work for people who don’t want him? It’s a power trip…plan and simple. His ego is as big as those satellite TV dish’s he has for ears. The main thing that hurts him is aligning him self with the Walters. It was clear 4 years ago everyone was tired of their shit and kicked them out. It’s clear today that no one wants them back…hence the unions lack of support for Gahler. The only republican candidate who had a huge support from with in the agency was Meckley. Had he won there would have been a totally different vote from the union. So yeah I’m supporting Bane. Over all I am pleased with him. I don’t agree with everything he does, but he’s the boss and you can’t please everyone. No one here wants to admit it…but even putting 100 more deputies on the road is not going to stop crimes of passion. Yes Murders and Rapes have gone up and your telling me that Banes fault? Please…crime is up all over the country. Bottom line is Gahler is not the answer for Harford County. He has no clue what it takes to run this agency. He want’s to put deputies back on the road who do civilians work. I agree…but where’s that money coming from to hire the new civilians? If there’s no money for deputies, there’s no money to hire a civilian to do the same job. You sure as hell are not going to pay them minimum wage and except to get quality work out of them. Tech’s and Planning & Research people are not cheap; and you will pay a high price for them to do the same work. Assuming you want it done right. That just shows Gahler has no clue.
SandraD says
Bane’s stance on Rape & Murder is that they are a crime of passion and nothing can be done. Lets get that in the Aegis.
Sounds like more Bane/Union excuses…. Man up you prick.
Sam-52 says
Ok….from one prick to a bitch…how is Ghaler going to stop the murders and rapes? He says he will but never explains how? So please..tell us how? What is his plain of action? That whole talk about moving deputies from civilian posts wont’ work because you need money to hire the civilians. So how?
OneWhoKnows says
SandraD, like BigBlue, from your posts, you seem very stupid. Regardless of who is sheriff, rape and murders will continue to occur. As the population in Harford County increases, so will the rapes and murders. It’s all about numbers and most here are misusing them.
trigger88 says
Yeah! Why isn’t the Aegis picking up something like that? It’s a pretty big admission.
The Monster says
Sandra, what language for a lady, are you Joseph Caruso, Big Blue, or one of the other handles that is the same person?
trigger88 says
Haven’t you been put back in the closet yet. You and the other union goonies have spelled it out loud and clear and caused the Bane train to derail. Admitting that murders, rapes, and budget spending are all up is quite ‘big’ of you union guys. I know that the ongoing excuse is that theses crimes happen ‘under cover of darkness’ so the Sheriif isn’t responsible. So you’re basically saying, “Give us your money to protect you but no one can go out after dark.”
Like I’ve stated somewhere else. Jesse is a nice old guy but a failed Sheriff. We’ll all be safer with Jeff Gahler as Sheriff.
BigTony says
Wow the Deputies supported Meckley and he finished a distant 4th in the Primary. I guess that is good news for Gahler. No wonder Gahler thought he could win without a UNION endorsement.
Go Jeff – we don’t need to pay Deputies for sleeping on th job…..
Sam-52 says
Meckely never received a public support from the deputies, nor did any other candidate until after the primary. That’s why I said from “with in” meaning privately. I think if more deputies were vocal about that the race would have been a lot closer. And most deputies try not to get involved for fear of retaliation.
On a side note even you have to agree that it’s sad that you can’t publicly support someone because if the other person wins your targeted. That’s the only thing I hate about these Sheriff’s races.
SmegmaPower says
Wow – some of you Union Officials are simply pathetic.
Sam-52 says
I forgot to talk about the budget too. Yes our budget has increased…but Bane does not do that. The County Council, and County Executive manage that. Bane request’s an amount of money he needs for the Office. The Council and Executive determine if that is appropriate or not. So to say the budget has increased under Bane is not true. It’s up to the County how much is given to the Sheriff’s Office. So you want to complain about that go talk to your council members. Also back in 2007 the Sheriff’s Office finally received a well deserved pay raise after decades of not receiving anything close….and that’s decades..not years my friend. We received a 16% pay raise and that only brought us up to normal with the other major agencies in the state. 16% was a lot, but we we’re so far behind it still didn’t even put us on top. So the main reason for that increase was our salary’s. You also have to take into consideration operating costs…mainly vehicles, and gas. Finally last time I checked operating budgets across the nation have gone up because of the economy. Hell McDonalds announced they were raising their prices because of operating/food costs. I guess that’s Bane’s fault too for not eating there and trying to implement a health program for agency members.
BigBlue says
Are you a first year Deputy with your head up the Union Presidents ass? You are clearly a small minded person with no Fiscal Management skills what so ever.
The Sheriff requests the Budget! Bane has requested 40% $20 MILLION increases and Violent Crime is Up Significantly.
Too many Union Deputies getting fat at Wawa and sleeping at Fred Visnaws….
OneWhoKnows says
From your posts, you seem very stupid. I hope you are not one of the County’s finest. You would be an embarrassment.
Sam-52 says
I’m still a slick sleeve, and I gotta say President Givden could use more fiber in his diet.
And duh…yes I said the Sheriff requests the Budget. Yes he’s requested more over the years because our costs go up just like anything else. Additional deputies, operating costs, fuel bills, supplies, electric bills etc. Again the council and executive must have thought his request of funds was reasonable because they gave him most of what he needed. And they still didn’t give him everything cause they trimmed some of that money back. If you want to attack the budget sit down with the county council and argue the point.
And Wawa has really good healthy choices, and awesome coffee. So most guys aren’t getting fat from Wawa. Now Royal Farms chicken…that’s a whole nother story there BigBlue!!! And the room service at Fred’s isn’t want it use to be so most guys aren’t staying there anymore; any suggestions?
Sam-52 says
Are you asking me or BigBlue?
BigBlue says
From your post ” And duh…yes I said the Sheriff requests the Budget.” “And they still didn’t give him everything cause they trimmed some of that money back.”
Yes Folks – I know it is hard to believe with our Counsil but Yes the Budget would have been higher than the $20 Million 40% increase had Jesse Bane had his way.
There are NO Limititations on OUR MONEY when LIBERALS like JESSE BANE are spending it.
callmepappa says
Your comments clearly articulated why no one it their right mind should vote for Bane. Here are the 3 questions we asked followed by your answers:
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane? YES
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane? YES
3.) Has the budget increased approximately 40% under Bane? YES
To do you jusctice here is your stated justification for each question:
1.) “No one here wants to admit it…but even putting 100 more deputies on the road is not going to stop crimes of passion. Yes Murders have gone up”
2.) “No one here wants to admit it…but even putting 100 more deputies on the road is not going to stop crimes of passion. Yes rapes have gone up”
3.) We received a 16% pay raise and even putting 100 more deputies on the road is not going to stop crimes of passion.”
Is this the best Jesse Bane and his top RHINO supporters can offer Harford County?
Voters of Harford County——> You too can see the answers to the 3 questions. It is all public record. The facts are the facts. Bane, even though he’s a nice old guy, failed us as Sheriff.
Sam-52 says
Your a goof. Stop twisting my words. As long as humans walk this earth you will never, never, ever stop murders, rapes etc. These are all crimes of passion. To blame one man for this, Sheriff Bane, is just plain bullshit. You can slow it down, you can reduce the rates but you can put 1,000 more police in Harford Co. and you will never stop it. And with anything rates go up and down. Bane has done a great job with what he’s go. The Sheriff’s Office is seriously under staffed and the men and women on patrol do everything they can to stop this stuff. Bane does nothing but support their efforts; but you can never stop it. That just human nature. Dont twist facts to prove a useless point douche.
BigBlue says
Has anybody heard from Neeper – I heard he was at a “Cacoon” sleepover with Capt McMahon and some other RINOs……..
callmepappa says
Funny you mention it, but yeah, I think your on to something. It seems our top County RHINO and Jeese’s bunch have been pretty cozy lately??????
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, I am surprised that you asked if anyone had seen me. I told you where I was, but you don’t want to see me.
trigger88 says
RHINO party and the creeper was there. Joys…….
Dale Neeper says
callmepappa, big blue, roadhouse, terry and others who only can criticize Bane without telling us anything about Gahler:
You keep repeating 3 questions that have been answered thoroughly by at least 3 writers on this site. You can repeat them as many times as you want- you have received answers! To say otherwise is to outright lie. You scoundrels should support Gahler, but you are not, because your involvement is not about Bane vs. Gahler, it is about cutting sheriff’s deputies’ benefits. Believe me or not, I am a Republican in good standing, probably better than any of you. Democrats and Republicans alike support Jesse Bane, and you know that. Now, let’s do this site a favor, and stop emailing so much. You aren’t going to change your mind, and I am not going to change mine. Big Blue, you are guilty of a lot of things, among them using 10-12 handles to post the same old thing over and over. Callmepappa, you have gotten your questions answered, whether you like the answers or not. But, you have failed to tell us anything about why you think Gahler would be a better sheriff than Bane. Put up and then shut up.
blacula1 says
I find this jargon enlightening. Let me offer something that will hopefully spotlight reality.
Let’s start by reminding our readers how the questions Mr. Neeper refers to were answered.
Here were the questions followed by the BANE supported answers.
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane? YES
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane? YES
3.) Has teh budget incread by approximately 40% under Bane? YES
*The excuse provided by the Bane team (all of which can be found in these forums) for for these results is: ‘Murders and rapes are crimes of passion that often happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff has no control and is not responsible. We’ve boot more boots on the ground with that money’
Harford County,
I ask, if Bane’s team admits he’s not in control, is it worth more Bane? It’s your money at work. Shouldn’t we all demand results. You see the results. You see the excuses. Do not let detractors stand in your way. Yes, Jesse Bane is a nice old man. He’s just not a successful Sheriff. I’s time for Jeff Gahler, a law man, not a politician.
Dale Neeper,
I ask you based on those questions and the Bane supported answers: By you supporting Bane aren’t you supporting increased spending to achieve more murders and rapes? It’s a simple YES or NO answer.
By what has been outlined here there is only one possible answer. Will you lie and say NO or tell the truth and say YES.
We’ll see who you’re really out for: Harford County or Who?
Who needs to put up or shut up?
William says
Desperate Neeper,
You must have missed the Republican rally yesterday. If Bane had Republican supporters, I think they are in Gahler’s camp now.
Dale Neeper says
William, I didn’t miss the Ehrlich rally yesterday. Tell me your name and I will make a special point of introducing myself to you at the next meeting.
Dale Neeper says
and I am one of the Bane supporters along with a large munmber of Republicans and Democrats.
Dale Neeper says
Big Blue, callmepappa,blacula 1,trigger 88, Let me be real clear about this for the last time. YOU ARE BOLDFACED LIARS. Your questions have been answered, and anyone can go back and see the answers. You refuse to acknowledge this because you don’t know what else to say. Objective people can see that you cannot support Gahler at all. I have been told that Big Blue, who has about 15 aliases and tries to make people think that lots of people are emailing his ideas, is a weanie by the name of Joseph Caruso, a retired fork lift operator. It doesn’t matter to me or anyone else who he is, but he is a treacherous individual. I am done with him and the rest of the mudslingers. I have better things to do. I don’t know what they will do after the election is over.
Sam-52 says
Dale Neeper,
You hit it right on the head..none of these guys will answer why Gahler will do such a bang up job. Gahler talks a good talk, and can say “We need to put more deputies on the road” “We need to reduce crime” Blah blah blah. The reason non of them can answer this is because Gahler has never talked about his plan of action for any of this stuff. EVER!!! Their platform is so weak that now they have reduced themselfs to mud slinging. I’ll ask them again…where are Jeff Gahler’s plans of action for any of this stuff? What makes him a better sheriff?
Todd Holden says
272 COMMENTS and counting…i never imagined so many responses to a letter. Now if I could just garner half those comments from a story about a retired State Trooper or The Band That Wouldn’t Die, that would be something. But folks just aren’t as up in arms about some things that when they are written, the all come from the same place, with similar intentions. It’s a marvel to me.
OneWhoKnows says
Now that does not make sense to me. Maybe someone can explain it. What would be in a story about a retired state trooper? Are you talking about Gahler or someone is general? Maybe I’ve missed something in an earlier post.