From the office of District 7 state Del. Rick Impallaria:
Annapolis Update #6 — February 29, 2012
The Governor is to sign the gay marriage bill on Thursday, March 1, with pomp and ceremony. Attorney General Doug Gansler has already begun voter intimidation on the referendum drive, stating that “it doesn’t really matter what the voters think, for the outcome of referendum. The Governor has appointed three new Judges to the high court that they control, and will give the results that the Governor demands.” So much for the separation of powers. Clearly these comments by Attorney General Gansler show his lack of concern for the Constitution and the people’s right to referendum laws or to the ballot which, in a true free society, allows the people the final say on what authority the government will have, clearly never intended to be an absolute authority.
The Governor’s wind energy bill has now taken a change in direction, as the wind often will do. He is now proposing that a surcharge would not go on the consumer’s utility bills for at least 5 years and only once the wind energy is up and operating and that energy is available to the State of Maryland. One could be led to believe that the Governor’s bill is an attempt to get the camel’s nose under the tent without the public feeling the effect until long after he has left office.
The budget and BRFA (Budget Reconciliation and Finance Act) are now moving through the House and the Senate and both pieces of legislation have numerous tax increases and fee increases within them so that the public will not be able to voice their opinion on these increases. And once again, trickery is in place on many of these increases, by making them “step” increases over 3 to 5 years, which only goes to prove that (1) they don’t want to be honest with you, and (2) they plan to continue increasing the budget regardless of the ability of the people to pay, guaranteeing further increases of fees and taxes. But the only chance for the public to speak out is now, when the people don’t even realize what’s taking place
I will do my best to dissect each of these fee increases, tax increases and elimination of tax credits that will affect Maryland taxpayers, and notify you as soon as I know they are part of the bills.
Having about two-thirds of the Session over, you can see that only the worst is yet to come.
Delegate Rick Impallaria, District 7
Harford and Baltimore Counties
The biggest Bully in Harford County is complaining about intimidation? get real! Could you get a “new” address in Bmore County so we don’t have to see you anymore?
I don’t give a damn where Ricky lives (and maybe I should), but just like politics on the National level….get off the the social issues and do what you SHOULD be doing….solve budget and employment issues!
B.T.W., if Civil Marriage goes to referendum, I believe (and hope) that the majority of voting Marylanders will approve the bill (and why not afford all of us the civil liberties we deserve?).
Delegate Impallaria represents parts Harford and Baltimore counties.
wow your so smart. thanks for trying to correct me, however next election District 7 will not include even 10% of the old Baltimore County District.
And Delegate Impallaria represents the current boundaries. If you want to talk about the new boundaries we can at the time they take affect.
Delagate Impallaria and McDonough have both made it clear that they do not care about what their constiuents think unless they agree with them. I was told as much when I called the radio show in the summer after I was unable to get a reply to numerous e-mails and calls to them. In fact one suggested I was probably an illegal alien! Additionally would the delagate feel that the Batimore GOP was attempting to suppress the vote of a delagate when they branded him a traitor for voting yea?
I doubt what you say since I’ve always received returned telephone calls from both Delegates McDonough and Impallaria and have met them in Annapolis.
How did someone suggest you were illegal? Do you have a heavy Irish brogue? If you called into a radio show and the screener asked you if you were illegal why is it a problem if you’re not illegal? And if you were illegal it might make for an interesting show discussion.
Because Pat said that last caller was probably an illegal and that INS should be coming for me! Bottom lineis these two do not care about their constiuents views unless they agree with them. I was not hopping to change their mind simply tell them how I, one of the people they represent felt about an issue that they would be representing our views on!
I heard that show! You are too thin-skinned, it was comic relief.
I did not find any humor in it coming from my elected representative!!!!!
Well you need to be less sensitive. Elected officials who are also radio personalities can make jokes that you may like or not.
Is it possible that you would never support either of these delegates?
being that I have voted for them in the past and agree with them on some issues I could but I am beginning to feel that the two of them have lost touch with who their consituencey is and are pandering to people who do not actually live in their district. We did not send Rick to the house to settle personal and famaily scores with the sherrif. We did not send Pat to the house to be create radio publicity for his show. We sent them there to representthe views of the district and I am getting tired of these two who are turning into a side show act and making us look like clowns. As was suggested they need to do what we sent them there to do and things that matter!
Well both Delegates Impallaria and McDonough have very fiscal and social conservative voting records.
Vote Larry Smith For Congress –, Maryland’s 2nd district needs a representative of LTC Smith’s caliber!
Who is Larry Smith?
Thanks for spamming, but what has larry smith done to fight same-sex marriage or anything in Annapolis?
LTC Smith doesn’t work in or for Annapolis. He has served in the military, protecting your freedom to write commentary. Mr. Smith is a former intelligence officer, based out of the Pentagon. Larry Smith was a military liaison for Congressman Harris, working on Capital Hill. A congressional representative works in Washington, D.C., not Annapolis. Why is fighting for or against gay marriage a prerequisite for a position in the House of Representatives?
Because this post is about Annapolis, not Larry Smith or his asinine ideas for D.C.
Delegate Impallaria:
You act as if rallying support for or against an issue has never happened before. I remember when the slots bill went to referendum I got told that anyone who supported the slots bill was condemning society to utter ruin by allowing gambling (not just gambling, but government endorsed gambling!). Of course, I was also told that without the extra income generated by slots that the education system in the state would go broke and the horse industry would leave the state forever. Imagine, both sides of an issue using emotionally charged half-truths (or outright lies in some cases) to try to sway voter opinions.
You are just continuing a tradition that goes back thousands of years. You are right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. I get it. It’s totally incorrect, but I get why you feel that way. Everyone does. Some of the more enlightened might be able to consider that their argument is flawed, but obviously in this case with this issue, you don’t.
What concerns me the most is how hypocritical it is of you to complain about “voter intimidation”, when every time you open your mouth on this issue your rhetoric is worse than what you quoted Mr. Gansler as saying. Pot, meet kettle.
Concerned Teacher,
Delegate Impallaria’s letter to his constituents is put on this site by The Dagger Press and not the delegate.
Perhaps, but did not the delegate (or one of his staff) write these words? If so, then they are his words and should be treated as such. If they are not, then whoever wrote them and unfairly attributed them to the delegate should be fired immediately.
The email is from the delegate. He didn’t post it on the Dagger and you shouldn’t expect a response.
Wow! So none of you are bothered by Gansler’s statement?
“it doesn’t really matter what the voters think, for the outcome of referendum. The Governor has appointed three new Judges to the high court that they control, and will give the results that the Governor demands.”
Not bothered as much as the letter below dated Feb 17 in which the GOP is more worried about an O’malley victory. I thought is was a moral issue?
It is a scary thing for any political official to make this type of statement regardless of the side you fall on. It is unfortuante for anybody that our government is run this way, it just stinks more for the folks who don’t happen to agree with the issue.
To answer your question, I am NOT bothered by Gansler’s statement. First of all, this is a representative republic, and OUR elected representatives passed a civil marriage bill. I am in favor of the bill, therefore all is well with me. In general, elected officials should know more about the issues they are legislating on, and by extrapolation, should make their decisions accordingly. We, the generally less informed public are mere “armchair quarterbacks”, many times making “knee-jerk” decisions and / or establishing opinions without the proper information. Sorry Charlie!
And so comes an end to Government, “of the people, by the people, from the people”.
It’s interesting that so many have stated that officials shouldn’t be focusing on social issues, but they only mean that with regards to the fight against the bill. Some of the same people who say that were aredently for the bill and didn’t find it to be a waste of time are the ones complaining about a lack of focus on the other issues. If it was good enough to discuss and pass as a bill, then it deserves the same amount of time as a referendum issue. You can’t always have your cake and eat it too.
I am for a bill which gets the state out of defining and taxing a religious construct and instead defines what is required for a joint tax return and treats eveyone equitably in that regard.
Couldn’t agree more with Fred Flintstone and Qualified. I weep for the future of this country, especially since so many seem to be willing to give up rights and freedoms, as long as they are getting what they want for now. Let’s put aside the marriage debate for a moment. What bothers me about Gansler’s statement is the disregard for the voters. For him to reveal the forethought of intalling judges who will give the “results the governor demands” re. reforendum says to me that they knew full well that this bill did not reflect the will of the people, so they took steps to sidestep the people. I would be just as bothered if the bill in question was to decide what flowers to plant in the statehouse gardens.
You sad pathetic Pharisees,grasping at social mores long obsolete. You worship at the bully pulpit of synchophantic hypocritical bullies like limbaugh and santorum, grasping at your gold like scrooge mcduck on steroids. You are all about nothing but hate and fear and you have more in common with Iranian ayatollahs than Jefferson or Jesus or George Washington
I see you doubled up on your laxative last night!!
I’ve never said that I’m without sin so I think calling me a Pharisee is absolutely incorrect. The very real point is this, if you are a christian and accept the bible as the word of god (those two can’t be sperarted) then you have to believe all of the bible not just the parts that are convenient. I don’t hate anybody based on their orientation, but am well within my rights to not support their effort to enter into marriage (a practice based on a religious covenant between a man and woman in the eyes of god). Rush Limbaugh is usually an idiot who never says the right thing and assuming all conservatives are like Rush shows a real lack of world experience or an absolute denial of the truth. The fact that Santorum doesn’t approve of gay marriage only speaks to his beliefs and not the type of person that he is. It is a shame that someone would feel the need to resort to comments that truly show hate when they talk about someone who only shows conviction when addressing their beliefs.