Faced with lower than requested funding levels for next year, the Harford County Board of Education will consider budget cuts at a June 11th board business meeting where a rally for higher salaries is being planned by the employee unions representing teachers and school support personnel.
According to Jim Jewell, assistant superintendent of business services, unrestricted operating funding for Harford County Public Schools will total approximately $424.9 million from all sources in fiscal year 2013, which is less than the $444.3 million originally budgeted by the school board and down nearly $4 million from the current year.
The school board’s funding request to county government for next year included salary increases for all school employees, who have not had raises for the past three years.
Despite the requested increase, operating funding from Harford County government will remain essentially flat in fiscal year 2013, except for a pass through of $5.5 million dedicated to the cost of teacher pensions, which are being gradually shifted by the state to the counties. State aid to HCPS will decline next year by $4.48 million, according to Jewell.
Staff recommendations for specific cuts to the fiscal year 2013 budget are expected at the June 11th meeting. Board action is expected sometime prior to the start of the fiscal year on July 1.
Advocating for higher salaries, the Harford County Education Association and the Harford County Educational Services Council, the unions representing teachers and support personnel respectively, are planning a rally beginning at 3:00 p.m. on June 11th in the parking lot at Bel Air High School that will culminate in a march to the school board meeting at the A.A. Roberty Building on Hickory Avenue. Together, the two unions represent approximately 4,300 HCPS employees, or 80% of the total workforce, in labor negotiations with the school board. Not all represented employees are members of their respective unions.
Also on the June 11th agenda for the Harford County Board of Education, Superintendent Robert Tomback will recommend a transfer of funds between budget categories for the current (2012) fiscal year. A total of $550,000 is to be removed from the budget for employee health insurance and transferred to the following three line items where costs are expected to exceed budgeted amounts: textbooks and supplies, instructional equipment, and school based activities. Budget officials expect that employee health care costs for this year will be less than expected due to changes in enrollment plan selections.
A board decision on “Special Education Contracts for Related Services” is also planned. No further details have been published for this agenda item.
Also on June 11th, winning teams from the 2012 Destination Imagination Global Finals tournament will be recognized. A team from Bel Air Middle School won second place at the international creative problem-solving competition; and a team from Bel Air High School, comprised of students from both Bel Air and Patterson Mill high schools, won third place. Both teams participated in the “Hold It!” challenge, which focused on architectural design and structural engineering.
HCPS Musical Composition Contest winners will be recognized. Students entered the contest by submitting a musical score and recording of their own composition. Winners were selected based on overall originality, composition and musical appeal. Begun in 2011, the contest is open to all high school students.
Individual student athletes and teams that have won spring 2012 Maryland Public Secondary School Athletic Association (MPSSAA) championships will be recognized, along with sportsmanship award winners named by the Upper Chesapeake Bay Athletic Conference (UCBAC).
Winners of the state eCYBERMISSION competition will also be recognized. eCYBERMISSION is a free, web-based science, math and technology competition for students in grades six through nine sponsored by the U.S. Army. Three Harford Technical High School ninth graders participated in eCYBERMISSION and placed first at the state level, each earning $500.00: Connor DeLancy, Leah Reusing and Madison Riley.
Cornell Brown, assistant superintendent for operations, is expected to make a presentation of data related to the condition of school facilities. According to the published presentation entitled “School Environment Data”, all Harford County public school buildings will have air conditioning by September 2012 with the exception of the Alternative Education Center, where funding has been requested. Surveys of indoor air quality and site security, along with semi-annual physical plant inspections have been administered at all 54 schools, according to the presentation. Property/safety inspections, planned for 10 schools annually, are proceeding ahead of schedule, with 19 schools inspected thus far.
As always, the meeting will conclude with a report by Superintendent Tomback.
The June 11th school board meeting is set to begin at 7:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air. The public comment period is planned for 7:20 p.m. Below is the published agenda for June 11, 2012; please note that published agendas are subject to change.
A.A. Roberty Building
102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Telephone: 410-838-7300 FAX: 410-893-2478
Customer Action Line (24 hours): 410-638-0022
Web Site: http://www.hcps.orgAGENDA
JUNE 11, 20127:00 P.M. Call to Order – Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President
Quorum Roll Call
Adoption of Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance7:05 P.M. Recognition
– Destination Imagination Global Tournament Winners– Musical Composition Contest Winners
– 2012 Spring MPSSA Interscholastic State/Regional Champions, 2012 Spring Sportsmanship Awards
– E-Cybermission State Winners
7:20 P.M. Public Comment
7:30 P.M. Introductions
7:35 P.M. Board Committee Reports and Comments
Old Business
Action Item(s):7:45 P.M. A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Meetings: (Goal 1-4)
– May 21, 2012
– May 31, 2012Old Business
Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action Item(s):7:50 P.M. B. Decision on Transfers Between State Categories for the FY12 Budget, Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 2)
8:10 P.M. C. Board of Education’s Proposed FY13 Budget, Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 2)
New Business
Action Item(s):8:30 P.M. D. Decision on Special Education Contracts for Related Services, Ms. Ann-Marie Spakowski (Goal 4)
Presentation:8:45 P.M. E. Board Strategic Plan Update #6¸ Mr. Cornell S. Brown (Goal 4)
– School Environment Data Informational Report
– School Environment Data Presentation9:00 P.M. F. Superintendent’s Report
Future Meetings Review
It is not a rally for higher salaries. It is a rally for our contract to be honored. It is a rally for fairness. It is a rally for justice and it is a rally for education. We want our children to be afforded a first class education. You can’t create first class schools with 4th class money.
Mr. Burbey,
Sir, after reading the contract posted on the Board of Education web site, it appears to me that your contract has been honored. Both HCEA and BOE, parties to the contract, agreed to a salary schedule that was contingent upon funding from a third party, not a party to the negotiated contract. That third party did not provide funding, therfore your contract was upheld. Appears more that HCEA did a very poor job in the negotiations.
Regarding your claim of attaining 4th class money, hardly so, Sir. $400M is hardly 4th class money in any book.
Burbey knows all of that but he conveniently forgets it on Dagger. The HCEA agreed to every word of it and their members ratified it. I suspect that HCEA did not explain to the membership what the contingency clause actually meant. But HCEA leadership knew, indeed they knew full well.
$400MM? Wow! No wonder the County Council has said enough. BOE and HCPS need to clean up their own mess and all of the waste before another dime is appropriated. Too bad the teachers are collateral damage. Most of them deserve something but it is being wasted on other junk in the system.
Teachers, you need to demand that the waste is stopped and you need to demand that your HCEA leadership tell the truth about the waste and what it is doing to your financial health.
Mr. Mallamo,
The Association negotiated an agreement to provide for the restoration of 2 of 3 steps already skipped and a COLA. They accomplished this entirely without major compromise in other areas open to negotiation. I respectfully disagree with your assessment they did a poor job.
The poor job is by the partially elected BOE that signed a contract and failed to honor it. If the County Council and/or County Executive did not provide the extra money to cover the agreed-to terms, that still does not relieve the BOE from honoring an agreement! This is hardly the fault of the Association.
If funding the agreement means that Dr. Tomback and his friends get one less trip to China, so be it. If it means he has to terminate several of his friends from Baltimore County who found themselves in high level positions after the purge and reorganization, then so be it. If it means that pet projects to fund doctoral disseration work goes away, so be it.
However, do not attempt to tell me the contract was honored only because terms were agreed-to and then not funded. And further none of that has anything to do with the Association and the job they did at negotiations or the jobs that thousands of outstanding teachers do every day to make Maryland #1 in the nation. I know you are wrong in your assessment because the courts disagree with your interpretation as well! This mess is exclusively the result of a BOE that has acted in bad faith, not the teachers, not the HCEA. Period.
I assume you are a math teacher or perhaps phys ed. I hope and pray you aren’t teaching anything remotely associated with reading, writing, speaking or understanding English. If, in fact, you really are a teacher.
Actually the BOE, and I am not particularly a fan of theirs, is honoring the contract to the letter. Lack of funding is specifically contemplated in the agreement and lack of funding is a condition that relieves the BOE of any contractual obligation to increase salaries as stipulated elsewhere in the agreement. I’m sorry that isn’t what you want to believe and I’m sorry that it doesn’t agree with what others have told you, but that is what the contract says and what the HCEA agreed to legally on behalf of teachers when they signed the agreement, and also what the HCEA membership agreed to when they ratified the agreement.
If teachers didn’t know that then shame on them for being uninformed and gullible. You have no one to blame but yourselves and the HCEA if the HCEA didn’t tell you.
Yes but they where obligated to consider other remedies than not funding salaries and they didn’t!
The problem with your statement that the BOE “is honoring the contract to the letter. Lack of funding is specifically contemplated in the agreement and lack of funding is a condition that relieves the BOE of any contractual obligation to increase salaries as stipulated elsewhere in the agreement.” is that there is funding available in the current HCPS budget to provide the agreed to salary steps. Just because the county council did not provide the extra money that the BOE requested does not mean that the funds are no there. The labor board disagrees with your assessment as well.
What you have also left out is that once the funding for the requested salary increases was denied by the county council, the BOE was supposed to return to the negotiation table and bargain in good faith, which they have not.
So to say that they have “honored the contract to the letter” is totally dishonest.
Mr. Mallamo,
Harford County is currently 17th in per pupil funding. It probably will be lower in the upcoming year. That puts on par with some of the smaller and poorer counties on the Eastern shore and in the mountains. Is that the kind of education that you think is first class? When you were young did you celebrate 17th place as a victory? No one would run up to their child and say “You won! You came in 17th!” The 400 million of which you speak is largely not provide by the county. You might not like it but our schools need more money. Maybe you don’t have any kids in school or any grandkids in school, so I can understand you self-interest but those of us who teach know that kids need more than they currently are provided. The offer still stands. Anytime that you would like to discuss education and the funding realities, I would be glad to sit down with you.
Mr. Burbey
Sir, actually your statement is absoluteluy wrong, and your analysis is terribly flawed. Harford County ranks 12 in educational funding in the state, which is about whree we should be given the wealth per student.
@Ryan Burbey
This compensation dispute is about how much teachers want and not about students.
We do not want the county council to spend another dime on education. What we do want is the BOE and Tomback to clean house and cut until the money is found. Those who are not in these schools would not believe the UNBELIEVABLE amount of waste… It is time that someone holds those with the purse strings accountable.
I have long maintained that there is more than enough money in the current budget to fund teacher pay raises. However, asking one of the top dogs within HCPS to trim something from their pet projects is like asking them to stop breathing. It is not happening.
What we need, and will NEVER get, is a committee of informed parents AND teachers to sit down and comb through the budget to identify waste. Teachers know what they need to effectively educate children. Someone who is on the county council or the school board, who is twenty years removed from the classroom (if they were in at all), is clueless and out of touch from today’s educational realities.
The money is there, waiting to be found.
That is exactly what needs to happen. There is more than enough waste to not only give the “Steps” that were lost but to fund all of the important things as they should be.
Reggie – Other school systems have such a committee, as does the county council. Our BOE had one too and (full disclosure)I served as a co-chair, along with a member of the business community.
The committee was comprised of educators, business people and parents such as myself. We went through the budget line by line, interviewed senior staff when questions arose and made a number of recommendations, both for cost savings and for more efficient operations. After a few years, the committee was disbanded by the school board.
Not to mix too many metaphors but pearls were cast before swine and the messenger was shot for delivering the wrong message.
How are those metaphors?
Why am I not shocked that the board disbanded this group?
What ever happened with the report that the county paid for about 10 years ago? I think it was called the MGD report. A company surveyed and reported on waste in Central Office.
It was recycled in to toilet paper because it didn’t say what they wanted it to say.
Baltimore County public schools: 1.5 billion
Cecil: 170 million
Howard: 703 million
Carroll: 330 million
I might be a little off, but these are the operating budgets of surrounding schools. Harford size wise falls in between Carroll and Howard (closer to Howard). I might add that most of these systems are giving either cola, or step and in some cases both.
One other note we are one of the last counties to get their budget approved so all of the top candidates for positions are gone. So everyone on here who complains about unemployment or how great teachers have it, sign up.
In 1992, HCPS operated on $136M of unrestricted funds. Figure that twenty years of inflation would bump that figure up about 70%, and also consider that enrollment is 12% higher today than in ’92.
Using 1992 as a baseline and adjusting for changes in both inflation and enrollment, 2012’s operating budget should be $259M, correct? Or we could even go as high as $300M to adjust for expense increases (like health insurance costs) that outpace inflation.
So $300M would have seemed like a reasonable budget for 2012. But the real budget for 2012 was $429M. So…
Did you consider technology? How many computers were available per student in each school in 1992? How many schools had high speed internet in EVERY CLASSROOM in 1992? How many computer techs were there in 1992? How ofter were computers refreshed in 1992? Does that equal your $192 million difference last year…no…but this is just one area where schools are significantly different than 20 years ago. Also consider special education costs which add a tremendous amount to the budget while those costs were almost nonexistent in 1992.
I did consider technology in the bump-up from $259M to $300M. I didn’t consider Special Education and while I’m sure those expenditures are many times what they were in 1992, that’s still less than 10% of the budget.
Not the teachers for 3 years running and soon to be fourth. Yet, somehow we draw this fraud, waste and abuse into the public forum to force the honoring of a contract; and then we are the villains in the eyes of Money Tree, Patrick, Harford Watch Org, Alex R, Really?, and so on… that is rich. You just can’t make this stuff up.
What’s rich is your defensive, reactive response to even a suggestion that someone read through the contract before deciding how bad things might be for teachers. Nobody wants you, nor anybody else to work for years on end without a raise…but the endless on and on about how hard you and almost all other teachers claim to have it needs a dose of reality. We had a 31 year old die in a tree trimming tragedy this weekend. How hard do you have it again?
Money Tree… you started with the county’s poverty – lie. Then you went to benefits – well just as empty. Then you went to hours worked – got schooled there. Now it’s ‘working conditions’? Keep casting your line, Money Tree, perhaps one day you’ll get a bite.
Put your line in the pond where the real issue resides – the BOE violated the contract. The courts agree. If you want to continue this dicussion, please argue the merits of violating contractual obligations.
I won’t respond to personal attacks. Haven’t attacked you at all and that’s even though you’ve baited me many, many times. This is about your contract, your benefits and your wages and how that works with the current fiscal budget with this added pressure now from the pension cost shift. Be an adult – even Burbey responds as an adult about this issue even though he’s as passionate as you might be.
I do try to stay adultish. I am sorry for your loss. However, the fiscal realities are not what they have been painted to be here in Harford County. Likewise, our schools desperately need more funding.
I took a cue from Mr. Mallamo and just looked at the contract. He’s correct. While you can argue priorities and question the decisions of the BOE, they are following the contract. Seems to me your real issues are with your union.
The court disagrees with you and the others. That is a fact. So, while you are entitled to your own opinion, the facts are what they are.
What court? Can you give me any specifics? There don’t appear to be any court decisions on this issue? If there are then there are much more effective ways of getting what you want than feel good parades and signs by supposed professionals.
You and Mr. Mallamo are wrong. You need to actually read the contract.
Did you consider the fact that there is more building space and more buildings which require more personel that can not be figured out at a consistent rate?
When calculating the rapid rise in Harford County education you also
need to consider the following:
1) Continual reductions in State funds,
2) Unfunded mandates – State and Federal,
3) and Maintenance of Effort (MOE).
You should ask the BOE for a presentation of the last 10 years showing
the decreased revenue from State and Federal sources and the increased
expenses for new and existing mandates. Every Federal and State dollar reduction must be picked up by the County. Factor in MOE, which requires each County to fund the next budget at current spending levels
adjusted for any increase/decrease in student population and you will quickly see how little control the Supt, BOE, County Council and CE, and the taxpayers have over the budget.
Many people have good ideas regarding more bang for the education buck while others just complain. What you need know is little control can be
exerted from the County level. The State has effectively neutered the
BOE through decades of legislation. Short of Wisconsin style reforms,
don’t expect things to improve any time soon.
how has baltimore, cecil, howard, and just about every other single county in MD gone without freezing salaries even one time?? That makes absolutely no sense. It can be done, it just takes smart people willing to make good decisions. (not sure any of those exist in downtown Bel Air)
We have had tremendous gains in technology and productivity primarily in the private sector.
We buy great amounts of software and hardware for public schools and we just get more expensive well equipped schools with no productivity gains.
You’d think a bunch highly educated administrators and teachers would at least stumble upon some efficiencies once and while?
Heck even a drunk squirrel finds a nut every so often.
I think we should appoint the smartest teacher I know, Ryan Burbrey to Lead Efficiency and Nut Finder. There’s no one more intoxicated with himself than Ryan Burbrey and if he can’t find productivity benefits…I say NUTS!
to Money Tree
Do youeven know or care? You keep saying hat teachers knew of the conditions prior to contracting for the job, so did these others. Does that make them less dead or less in need of the meaans of survival?
It doesn’t matter – I’m thankful; thankful for what I have in a very tough economy, nor griping about a working 187 days a year and only paying 5% of the cost of my insurance. I’ll repeat since you and this other person don’t seem to get it; nobody is against teachers getting a raise when taxpayers can afford it. Reality is the budget as it is can’t absorb across the board step increases and the pension – nothing was built into that budget because those costs were not expected. Without raising taxes the numbers don’t add up. Running deficits and making promises that can’t be kept would be fiscally irresponsible. The last comment “means of survival” although very dramatic doesn’t exactly reflect how teachers live. I would have you review the photo of the several teachers from the other thread – none appear to have missed many meals; they aren’t starving. That isn’t meant to tweak teachers either – more to reflect what a nonsense comment that was.
Casper that was the perfect response to “Money Tree’s” rediculous comparison. You cannot say well you have it good because no one dies or gets injured. If that is the case then no one in a “profession” ever deserves a raise again.
You know I actually agree to some extent with the sentiment of the moniker HCPS IS ATROCIOUS. But I believe Burbey has said on another post that there isn’t enough waste in the budget to cover what is needed. So I’m not sure that cutting waste is the total answer. That being said I find it hard to support adding money to a budget that already has enough fat in it to be labeled morbidly obese.
Alex, do you realize that you are saying it is worth denying teachers a contractually obligated step increase and COLA until HCPS cleans up its finances?
Questions for this line of thinking: What if they don’t clean up their finances? What control do teachers have over this? Why punish teachers for the sins of the managers?
I know you can’t get it thru your head but BOE is NOT contractually obligated unless and until it is funded. It hasn’t been funded. Had it been funded, or if it is funded in the future, a court will require that it be paid if it isn’t paid. Until now no COURT OF LAW has actually even ruled on the matter. An administrative board has ruled but their ruling is not legally binding. Repeat not LEGALLY binding. I’m putting some stuff in all caps here to see if I can get thru to you.
My point on cleaning up the budget mess is that the BOE and HCPS could probably do something for teachers if they really wanted to by freeing up funds that are currently being wasted. Apparently they don’t want to or they believe nothing is being wasted. That’s why we need a change in HCPS leadership and a fully elected BOE.
Momey tree, There is plenty of money if cuts are made. That is how all of the other counties continue providing the steps they promised. It’s simple math, cut 10 million and give ten million…
Then lets see where the cuts will be. You know we’ve pretty much gone full circle…the entire subject began with a thread in which Mr. Slutzky asked “just who do you want fired” in reference to a demand for across the board steps. If teachers want cuts to fund thier steps then have the guts to point to whom you would like to be unemployed.
No one has to lose their job. Between cutting uselessness out of the current budget and spending money already in the coffers – the cost is covered.
Since we have that out of the way… When is it okay to ignore contractual obligations?
When the money isn’t there.
In private industry you would find the money or default on the contract. And the services you contracted for would be cutoff.
In private industry you would follow the contract or go to arbitration then to court. They actually are following the contract. It may end up in court but I doubt it because the HCEA would get their butts handed to them. Teachers don’t realize what the full contract says and HCEA isn’t telling them. HCEA recommended that the membership ratify the contract which they did, then HCEA signed it. That little caveat of raises being subject to funding was glossed over and now is biting people in their backside. If the membership of HCEA ever realizes what the contract recommended to them by HCEA leadership actually says there will be heck to pay. Or worse.
In private industry you would have negotiations agreed upon by people who have the ability and smarts to enter into a contract. I have no doubt that the HCEA and HCPS are both represented by dolts.
I will make a list if it will actually happen… I’m telling you in all honesty, you would not believe the number of adults making good money that do nothing and in no way better the education of our kids.
I believe and have mentioned a few times this “Director of Community Engagement and Cultural Proficiency” position. Just happened to catch that on a list of presenters at some sort of meeting a couple weeks ago. Cultural Proficiency? Seriously almost spit out my coffee on that one – if that isn’t a position designed by county pinheads designed to make federal pinheads happy don’t know what would be. Pays 125K per year and as was repeated to me comes with support staff – what would that be “Assistant Supervisor of Community Engagement and Cultural Proficiency”?? Seriously that was meant as tongue in cheek – we do however have to be adults and face fiscal realities; a budget is nothing more than a money pie…you don’t just get more pie; it’s finite and if somebody wants a bigger piece, somebody else gets a smaller one or none at all.
Everyone on here is a hypocrite. You all want the same thing more money. Teachers want their raises, and those against want to keep more of the money they make. What truly disgust me is that none of you question the leadership. Why is no one questioning the pension, pay, or benefits of Tomback or Craig? Do really think Tomback needs to make 200k, be the highest paid county employee and not leave here? Craig’s motives are simple he is looking to make himself look good. If the dems were cutting he would be spending. They both have gold plated benefits and pensions, along with all of the people in Annapolis and DC.
All of you have followed the piper. If Fox tells you education is to blame that is what you run and scream in the streets. If MSNBC says the repubs are out to get the middle class that is what everyone yells.
Mean while Craig, Tomback and co sit back and laugh at you while you argue on a blog.
I would not say everyone…
After a long and arduous process, the Harford County Education Association has reached a tentative agreement with the Harford County Board of Education on language and salary enhancements for teachers.
The tentative agreement signed today includes several improvements in contract language, and, most significantly, a one percent cost of living allowance, a step on the salary scale for eligible teachers, and longevity increases for more experienced teachers. These changes will go into effect on July 1, 2012.
Teachers’ eligibility for longevity pay will be based on years of service, whether or not a step increase was granted in any of those years.
An agreement was made that the teachers’ last duty day of the 2011-2012 school year will be Wednesday, June 13.
The tentative agreement will not go into effect after ratification by HCEA members and approval by the Board of Education. The Board of Education plans to adopt a budget containing the negotiated pay increases at its June 11 meeting. HCEA members will vote on ratification of the tentative agreement in their schools on Tuesday June 12 and Wednesday June 13.
HCEA President Randy Cerveny thanked the Board for returning to the table and bargaining in good faith. “Make no mistake: this agreement came about because of the involvement and advocacy of the teachers of Harford County. They refused to remain silent in the face of threats to the quality of education for Harford County students and stood up for their right to be compensated as professionals.”
Come to the Rally today!!!!
Support your Schools!
Come to the Board of Education meeting on Monday.
MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012
102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD 21014
Board Business Meeting – 7:00 P.M. – Board Room
HCEA leadership and the negotiating team has put up with vindictive and uninformed babble on this and other forums. Although the settlement is far from equal to the harrassment received from the BOE, I applaud the settlement. I am so glad I moved to BCPS oven 10 years ago. Baltimore County leadership respects teachers and the BOE is encouraged to negotiate in good faith with the teacher’s association. This “he said, she said” display from Harford’s county executive and BOE negotiation team has been a joke. Yes, I am a taxpayer in Harford County and I have no children in the schools. But I do understand that a quality educational system with teachers and staff not belittled by the powers that be will truly affect my future here.
“vindictive and uninformed babble”? Come on, we all have read Cerveny’s statements and can see Burbey’s posts. You don’t have to come out and call them names like this. Don’t rub their faces in it.
Phil Dirt,
You really are quite humorous, in a sad way. This issue is a very serious one and you have been part of the innane rhetoric. Turn the words on yourself.
Please see related breaking news: http://www.daggerpress.com/2012/06/11/harford-school-board-teachers-union-sign-tentative-2012-13-contract-agreement-includes-1-cola-increase/
R yu all crazy teachers yu always r bitching u need more $ for this that every year yu always hear this from one school r another, but yu forget. Yur getting a aychech right every week r bi-weekly? instead of bitching why not b gratfull that yu have a job in order to pay yur bill unlike many many people they don’t have a job that they r losing their homes cars family everything, then yu have the older ppl on SSI that’s having even a harder time that they can’t get their Meds BC its food r meds! Now everywhere yu see signs,newspapers,TV everywhere about u claimin yur under paid. Why don’t yu try to live off my mommomns SSi pay of 735$ per month n see how u do. We need to stop n start helping the ppl on SSI n what about the homeless they worked lost their jobs home car then the children,HELL u teachers should b greatfull n say thank yu when u get paid. Plus what do u need extra $ 4 I kn I spent 150$ on the list of items for each child n after 3 list I shelled out 400$ for tissues,baggies all sizes, to hand cleaner us parents buys most of everything for the kids 1week u get over 100 boxes tissue glue sticks craft stuff we gave the shit to u even boxes n boxes of juices n snascks hell what more. Start worrying bout ppl on SSI VETS n homeless hell they cas teach if u have ur G.E.D u have a sub teacher job
@Ryan Burbey and CptnObvious
When Reagan fired all the are traffic controllers planes did not fall out of the sky!
Excuse me if I don’t genuflect everytime you invoke the name of Ronald Reagan.
Too bad!