From Jeffrey R. Gahler:
Recently, I announced my candidacy for the Office of Sheriff in 2014. Many reasons have led to this decision and over the course of the next two years it will become obvious that the current Sheriff has failed to maintain the level of commitment and integrity to remain in office. Sheriff Bane has held strong a course of conduct that includes political posturing and self serving law enforcement leadership. I believe our families and communities come first, without exception.
A couple of months ago, I thought it necessary to highlight inaccurate information being conveyed by Sheriff Bane in an apparent effort to scare Harford County citizens into supporting a larger staff and significantly increased budget for his office without demonstrating such need based on measurable data driven demands for law enforcement services. Police to citizen ratios, even if accurately presented, are not accepted by national police organizations as an effective measure of law enforcement needs and should not have been presented without crime, collision and 911-based data (the whole story) by Sheriff Bane as a justification of need.
Today, I am troubled as I read and listen to Sheriff Bane announce the effort he has finally decided to make concerning the rate at which people are being seriously injured and killed on Harford County roadways. Troubled:
• that the current Sheriff failed to take notice and act on this issue during his first term.
• that when in 2008 I made the rate of fatal accidents and highway safety a focal point of my 2010 campaign platform, the current Sheriff failed to take any action.
• that after numerous community forums and the distribution of nearly 100,000 pieces of campaign materials identifying this issue on my platform for a safer Harford County, the Sheriff failed to act and the deaths and serious injuries on our roadways continued at alarming rates.
• that it took this initiative proposed not by the Sheriff, Harford County’s chief law enforcement officer, but rather by the local State Police Commander for the Sheriff to finally take notice.
It is understood that not all harm to our families and friends can be averted, but I would rather stand before you knowing that more were saved by well crafted and relentless efforts than were lost due to inaction or delayed effort or attention. In a recent news story, Sheriff Bane indicates that the fatality rate is “increasing in dramatic proportions to the point that it’s time Harford County looks at this issue as seriously as it looks at crime” (Aegis. June 21, 2012). The regrettable facts are that this is an issue that always deserved the same serious level of attention from law enforcement and that Sheriff Bane is nearly four years late in this realization and response. I applaud the local state police commander for his leadership and vision that brought the formation of this Task Force and hope these efforts result in accident reductions and lives saved.
Any loss of life is tragic. These lost tragically in traffic accidents are brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives and sadly, our children. Many of these deaths could have been prevented or avoided. Law enforcement is duty bound to act quickly, responsibly and relentlessly to protect the community. An issue recognized is an issue half addressed. Sheriff Bane had the issue of serious injury and fatal collisions occurring in Harford County clearly pointed out to him and yet he failed to act timely or aggressively in our best interest.
Jeffrey R. Gahler
2014 Republican Candidate for Sheriff
OnPoint says
Once again Bane is caught with his pants down. Had everyone believing he had a clue and now we see the truth, the state police held his hand!
HAHA says
Pants on the Ground, Pants on the Ground, Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. Walking downtown with your pants on the ground.
Mark A says
It’s not Sheriff office that has failed. It’s the state of Maryland and the State Police that failed all the people. They haven’t stopped speeder on the state road and all tall suv & trucks. P.S. look at Jones Junction or Adam Jeep both places have sold allot of overheight and have over height SUV & Truck in stock.
RandomPoster1 says
I’ve personally heard of Jessi refusing to send special enforcement units to northern areas of the county when requested because his focus is on edgewood. despite people begging for enforcement he told them that the agency didn’t have the manpower to support an initiative like that, but then immediately detailed a large number of personnel and the mobile command unit to edgewood.
DeputyDog says
This is why Bane needs to go. He has not had an original idea in his career. Mr. Gahler called for this years ago. Why didn’t he do anything until now?
David A. Porter says
Mr Gahler. Instead of attacking Mr bane… what are you going to do to improve the office of sheriff – and No, you don’t get to compare yourself to Bane with negativity. Say something positive that does not involve you bad mouthing your opponent. I would have thought intelligent people would have gotten tired of this method of campaigning a long time ago. Then again, some people are just doing the best they can.
OnPoint says
I know there is no talking to you, but get real! Would you accept your mechanic knowing you needed new brakes on your car, but waiting four years until you were in a bad accident to tell you about it? Gahler obviously had this topic on his platform as a major area of concern and yet Jesse does nothing until now? I call that incompetence and gross neglect.
David A. Porter says
I told you before, your viewpoint is skewed by anger and hatred towards Bane. Pure and simple. None of you have any credibility, no matter how many times you log in here with different aliases and give each other thumbs up.
Jessica (recie) says
Amen please please let’s get Bne out of office!!! He has hurt us daily with his greed,Bane thinks his shit don’t stink but is he wrong. He wanted larger jail he got it he wanted highter pay he got it he wanted control he tried but never got it. Bane gets his pockets lined w/drug $ let’s get his ass out of office so a REAL MAN CAN HELP US WHO’S TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please hell I would love to post signs up for Jeff up n down my yard I believe he will make a difference in Harford county n 4 the ppl. I’m sick n tired of seeing Bane, Brown n his crew out eating at 5star restaurant while we have to enjoy dollar meals for our family Bane needs to GO NOW
monster says
Jessica (recie), Let me compliment you on your well written example of the English language. Just one question: If you are eating at cheap places, how are you seeing Bane eating at 5 star restaurants? Marc, I am surprised that a Christian such as yourself, would use that kind of language. Shame on you.
Jessica says
Bane belongs on the short bus along w/ his little buddies,Only problem is Bane would get lost coming off the little short bus. Not only has he lined his pockets he has stolen from the people. Bane can go screw his self!!!!!!! N the people that follows him can BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder the towns in Harford County all has problems, if the police n Bane gets away with the shit the gangs think they can. Hell walk down your streets see the trash,corner baggies,crack stems,Take awalk thru the tunnel at train station you’d be surrised what you see. Think about this if Bane gave 2 cents about Harford county why wouldn’t he clean up Aberdeen where people comes to visit their loved ones off the train really think bout this my family came here from Ca their were 25 that came in at one time for family reunion out of the 25. 16 of them were asked if they wanted to buy crack,dope,r pot 16 of them meantime there was 3 police cars parked out front of station that did Nothing wtf. Aberdeen,Édgewood,joppa, and even Bel Air. Fallston north Harford area everywhere its like the Bane gang is making a huge huge amount of money especially with police turning their heads n not giving a dam get Bane out so our town’s can get cleAned n back to they were 50yrs ago
BBC says
anagram: David A Porter = Err Vapid Toad
recently retired says
The only thing I can say to you is that you also have no clue. Likes attract and apparently you have attached yourself to a clueless person. Oh, you must also be vindictive….
Monster says
Dagger, why do you say “hidden due to low rating” when David A. Porter sends two earlier statements. Has Obama removed freedom of speech also? This comes from an enemy of DAP.
Fact Finder says
@ David A. Porter What facts do you dispute in this letter from Mr. Gahler. PLease tell me what you dispute. PUT UP OR SHUT UP! You are making your self look like the idiot Porter. Not Marc Eaton not other people posting YOU look the idiot.
David A. Porter says
I dispute his tone and words that have everything to do with character assassination of Bane and nothing that somehow elevates him to the position of electability. Enjoy your cult of personality… every single one of the three of you that post here anonymously.
Fact Finder says
@ David A. Porter From watching your posts you are an expert in the school system, sheriffs office, county government…etc Thats just amazing I bet you are so proud of yourself. Do you have any inner knowledge of any of these areas of the government? You always need to have the last word and challenge everything which shows me you are a weak person. At least you are not disputing the actual facts of Mr. Gahlers letter. Keep making yourself look like an idiot!
People For the Ethical Treatment of Deputies says
Now the true stories about how Sheriff Bane is driving the Sheriff’s Office straight in the ground are coming to light. I am not ashamed to put the uniform on everyday, I am ashamed at the decisions that are being made by commanders and the Sheriff. This is not 1974 it is 2012.
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus says
“It is understood that not all harm to our families and friends can be averted…”
It appears that mr. Gahler is trying to cover himself in case he gets elected. That’s surely the way to solicit the public’s support.
“The other guy is a rat. However, if, I miss the mark you must remeember….accidents happen. Even on my watch”
We’ll be taking statistics on the amount of unintended traffic deaths.
Way to go Jeff!!!
OnPoint says
How many accidents do you think are intended? Just curious.
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus says
You need to ask Gahler that. Twas the point of my post in reference to his comments about Bane and then attempting to back himself up with a disclaimer of forewarning. But, I understand. I’m picking at your hero
OnPoint says
Thanks. I understand that you and Porter are anti Mr. Gahler. Are you guys sitting on Jesse’s porch enjoying some lemonade? You see rainbows and most everyone else who reads this objectively sees incompetence.
Jimmy says
No…most people just realize that you guys are artifically thumbs-downing the rational comments in an attempt to hide any opinions that differ from yours.
Just watch — In just a few hours, this comment too will be hidden because of a poor rating — only because it is contrary to your viewpoint.
Fact Finder says
@ jimmy- explain to me how you can artifically thumbs-down any comment? You can only thumbs down a comment once. unless you know something I dont?
David A. Porter says
Let me help you with that Fact Finder. By logging in using any number of aliases you can vote multiple times for a thumbs down or a thumbs up to give the impression that other (non real) people share in your particular point of view. Of course, propaganda can shape perception and for the weak willed and stupid among that ilk there is a sense of improved self esteem by virtue of having your putrid ideas shared by others with your limited ability to understand that you are asocial and probably worthy of psychological counseling.
David A. Porter says
He is picking at your Hero. That is why you guys collaborate on multiple identities to artificially skew the popularity of the crap you say.
120 Proof says
Bane takes credit for this taskforce but wont take credit for his deputys making a rap video, appearing to pay cash for a vehicle and parking in handicapped parking spots.
democritic says
I worked for Harford County and I know that the deputies have one hell of a job on their hands. Nothing made my hands sweat more than a call in the upper end of the county, knowing that units were so far away. Harford Co. is the largest of all the counties. We have always needed more units working shifts because the land mass is so vast to cover. If you have a unit needing back-up, his cover could be 30 mins away. Not good for the deputies, not good for citizens, not good for anybody. Facts are facts. If more people are dying, and that can be corrected, and it is simply being ‘neglected’ for political reasons, that is a travesty. I think that Jeff Gahler has a sensible plan and it is based on factual data. There is a lot of political stuff with the current Sheriff and the people who are the ‘troops on the ground’ know what is needed. If it wasn’t for the awesome 911 workers you have in Harford County, your entire system would be worthless. They are the only thing protecting the citizens until units arrive. They are the 1st line of defense for the people of Harford County. Until that patrol car arrives, their lives are in a calltaker/dispatchers hands. Thank the good Lord for them, and give Jeff Gahler a chance to make Harford County S.O. what it deserves to be!!!!
RandomPoster1 says
Since Bane has no idea what patrol does he is super quick to yank people from there to fill whatever pet project he has this week. He also is quite fond of creating positions to hide his supporters that fail at being the police. In each case he never fills the holes he creates, always leaving patrol short handed. I have never ever heard as many “any unit available” dispatches as I have lately all because patrol is swamped and the FOJ units can’t climb off their high horses to help out.
Monster says
Democritic, get your facts correct. Harford is not the largest of all the counties. Take a geography class some time.
Truth Be Told says
Bane keeps digging himself deeper and deeper in a hole. Its more like a sinkhole at this point. Now you know how your employees feel when you treat them like crap. I anticipate that the FOJ folks are currently creating a response letter to send to the dagger. We will see what points they try to argue about Mr Gahlers letter.
Titanic says
If you want to know how Jesse Bane’s Campaign is going to go, all you have to do is listen to the titanic theme song. The ship is sinking Jesse step down with what little dignity you still have left.
Road Dog says
Who is David A. Porter? What connection does he have to Bane? That is the million dollar question. Maybe he is in line to be the next Warden or they are making another job for him.
David A. Porter says
I love watching conspiracy theories unfold. I wouldn’t take the cut in pay, thank you anyway.
Marc Eaton says
I would hope that David A Porter who seems to be a really smart guy reads up on the Hipaa laws. My retirement was medically related. I have not signed any release for the Sheriff’s Office to discuss or release any of my information. It would be sad if you or one of your Baners were to post any information about my retirement on here. I am sure I can find out who did it, I have a good lawyer in Bel Air.
David A. Porter says
Marc…. were you diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder? Why would I even give a damn about why you were discharged from HCSO because it was medically related? You really are tilting at windmills. Is that your esteem I hear crying in the wilderness of your fetid mind?
snsd says
where do all these gahler supporters come from? they flood every thread and downvote anything that remotely questions gahler’s supremacy? why not entertain a little discourse?
RandomPoster1 says
Actually it’s because there are only two options in this section: Bane or Gahler. As such, most posts appear here. I’d bet a paycheck though that there is only one common theme among actual sheriff’s employees, which is “anyone but the current guy.”
snsd says
See here’s the problem I have: When I ask for a little discourse, I get one decent reply, and everyone else downvotes my comment into oblivion. I’m not pro-Bane, nor am I anti-Gahler. What I would like to see is a little more civility and discourse from both sides. Instead, all that seems to happen is attacks from both sides, with no one saying what they’d like to see done.
All I’m asking for is for Gahler, and Bane, to actually provide some insight as to what they would like to change to have a more efficient police system in Harford County. I’m sorry, but “anybody but the current guy” doesn’t really work for me when I don’t know if the next guy will be better.
Ed Kabernagel says
Just so you know, Jeff Gahler explained his positions during the Republican debates. In addition, I believe he was interviewed by the Patch and Aegis. You should be able to find that information. Dealing with Harford County’s growing traffic issues was one of Jeff’s platform issues during the 2008 – 2010 election cycle. Jesse Bane has clearly failed to identify and address the traffic subject.
Thank you,
Ed Kabernagel
OnPoint says
My guess is that you get thumbs down because the information you “want” to see is there, but you refuse to acknowledge it. What I see is that Mr. Gahler had on his 2010 campaign platform to improve traffic safety and reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents and stands by that as a necessity today. Jesse did nothing for years and now wants to pat himself on the back for a great job for someone else’s effort. As I have already stated on here previously, that is incompetence.
You don’t have “anything but the current guy”. You have Mr. Gahler for improved traffic safety and Mr. Bane four years late to the same conclusion. How is that for discourse?
snsd says
I’m sorry if I haven’t looked hard enough for the information, I will certainly do better research as the election draws nearer. But still, highlighting something as a key issue in your campaign does not equal having a plan to improve it. That’s what I would like to hear.
Joe says
Me too.
Uncle Benny says
Randomposter1- You are 100% correct. So correct that you would double your money. I wish time would go forward and the union would be voting for their endorsment. It will be a huge win for the men and women of this department that have suffered. Then I wonder if the union will spend $60,000 on an anti-bane campaign.
Fact Finder says
@ Uncle Benny- with the amount of people that have dropped out of PAC or plan on dropping out of PAC and the large amount that a certain union board spent on the last election, how much money will even be left.
Mike Welsh says
Perhaps it is time to form an anti Sheriff Bane PAC.
RandomPoster1 says
Well if they keep blowing money on sponsoring fishing trips for politicians, buying tickets for fundraisers, etc the fund will be quickly depleted. The way I see it, the money folks save by withdrawing from the PAC is just making up for the money stolen by the crooked county exec in taking back their bonuses.
Truth Be Told says
Make sure if your going for promotion that you read Serpico. Its a very similar story to the current conditions in the Sheriff’s Office. Oh and what happened to County-Stat and sharing information with other agencies. Didnt HCSO throw all of the MSP detectives out of their CID. This place is being destroyed.
RandomPoster1 says
Yea you have to read a book on corruption from the 1970’s because it is “relevant” but according to the sheriff and his cronies time as a senior non-commissioned officer in the military is irrelevant to leadership abilities. Of course the anti-military feeling could be because he and his command staff couldn’t pass an entry level physical agility test. Unless the events included hand wringing, back stabbing head hunting and the 50 yard buffet sprint.
Richard Jones says
Does the Fella that stole the tools from Home Depot still work for the department?
RandomPoster1 says
No only because another department had charges on him. Otherwise he’d probably be in charge of internal affairs or the academy or some other cushy job drawing the salary of two patrol deputies actually doing the job.
BBC says
Didn’t he actually have the cushy job the whole time he was ripping off Home Depot? Uncle Jesse knows how to pick ’em. Next thing you know, he’ll be hiring David A Porter.
RandomPoster1 says
Pretty sure he was suspended with pay until the charges were filed then it became without pay, but that is still almost a year at major’s pay for sitting at home.
David A. Porter says
Sorry BBC, my occupation is engineer. My hobby is to annoy people who express hate and dissent in this forum. I do it for free. Sheriff Bane does not need to hire me at all. You provide me all the incentive I need to continue.
David A . Porter is my Hero says
David Porter is so sad. He has resorted to pretending to be an 11 year old in other threads.
Marc Eaton says
Then you must annoy the hell out of yourself Porter!
Concerned Citizen says
While I personally don’t believe Mr. Bane could have prevented the accidents, I do agree that it’s time for a change in law enforcement leadership in Harford County.
Mr.Banes experience? Harford County Sheriffs office for 37 years.
Some would say that his experience benefits Harford County. I disagree for a number of reasons.
I would argue that 37 years is too long to serve in one agency. To me, it is more the mark of someone eligible to retire years ago, but just won’t step aside for financial or other reasons and allow younger, or more experienced law enforcement officers to take over.
To listen to a man speak about “new ideas” to deal with gang problems that developed while that same man was “on the job” when they developed in the first place, speaks volumes to me about hesitation and inaction. That same inaction affects accident prevention, crime prevention and all other aspects of law enforcement in our county.
Personally, if there are any improvements in crime prevention or safety in Harford county during the past term, I just don’t see them. I now routinely fear for myself and my children in many areas of the county that I once could walk freely in. That’s a shame.
I do thank you for your 37 years of service Mr.Bane. But for the good of the citizens that you once served, please take the retirement you deserve and step aside so that we can all move forward.
Thank you
Rightontarget says
Why would you thank Bane for his “Service” ? Doesn’t he collect a handsome salary form the Taxpayers for his job?
BBC says
CC: If you are referring to Bane’s “service” as to him being self-serving, then I completely agree with your post. You are right, he is just muddling along, collecting his paycheck. That in and of itself is outrageous. However, most employees in that situation take it easy and are basically harmless. Bane is the opposite of harmless. He is wreaking havoc within the agency and ruining his fine deputies careers, families and health. Way past time for him to go.
Mike Welsh says
Concerned Citizen,
Sheriff Bane is indeed collecting the retirement you think he deserves. He has been collecting it since the day he retired as a Deputy with over 30 years service. The salary he receives as Sheriff is in addition to the retirement he is also collecting. Put together, somewhere over the $150,000 mark annually.
monster says
and…if Gahler was elected, how much would he be earning with his MSP pension. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Mike Welsh says
It is only you who thinks its a stone. What I said is a fact, not a stone, and it was said in response to a comment above that Sheriff Bane should step aside and take the retirement he deserves. I pointed out that he his already collecting that retirement, no need to step aside.
I have no problem with Sheriff Bane collecting his ‘Deputy’ retirement and also collecting his pay for Sheriff. It is you who somehow sees this in a negative light! Otherwise, why the stone comment?
Monster says
Just clarifying your position, Welsh.
Mike Welsh says
It is what it is Monster. The facts don’t change. Only your perception of what one says. It seems to be your perception that anything said about Sheriff Bane that is not laudatory is somehow a negative, and a positive for Mr. Gahler, and only said because the person supports Mr. Gahler. That is not the case.
It is early in the election process, and only Gahler and Bane have announced that they are running. Someone else may enter the picture later and could become a better choice than either of the two announced candidates. That would not change the fact that Sheriff Bane still has many negatives at this time, and has done some pretty dumb/hateful things.
Republican Voter says
The voters and the unions made a mistake in supporting Bane for Sheriff in the last election. It’s as simple as that. Learning from mistakes is the key to correcting them.
Otto Schmidlap says
It is not the job of police to prevent accidents, crime or anything else. It is the job of police to investigate accidents, crime and anything else. By the way, I’m leaving my driveway in 30 minutes, could I have a police escort to Safeway, please? (And please stop whining!)
Mike Welsh says
Otto, while the primary function of the police is to investigate crime, a secondary function is to conduct policing techniques that also prevent and abate crime. Even Sheriff Bane will admit to that! To suggest that the police have no responsibility/function in crime prevention is absurd.
David A. Porter says
Hey Otto, watch out for those cars that spawn spontaneously from asphalt… they may spring up right in front of you. By the way, yesterday in my commute home along MD 22, I was amused to see so many cars reducing the actual travel speed to about 15 mph. This of course is a repeat occurrence if you travel MD 22 between 5pm and 7pm each and every day. Still that feeble two lane road is really no bigger than MD 136 or MD 155 and yet those roads did not seem to spawn that much traffic. Why do you suppose that is Otto? They are just as wide after all.
Fact Finder says
I checked the Bane resume link listed above and it tells me nothing. During his 37 years where was he assigned. How long was he actually performing police functions. What did he do for the 37 years????
BBC says
F Finder: You can find Bane hanging onto other deputies coattails for the past 37 years.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Well the Monsters back. David A. Porter missed you Monster, now there are two idiots on here. Monster is definitely an FOJ card carrying member. I think its the sgt they call sam3.
Monster says
to Marks 8th cousin in-law, you inbreeds have to stop posting using different names, or least come up with better ones. You can send as many posts as you want, we know it is a couple of people doing the posting. Don’t you all ever get tired of doing this over and over. I would expect Mr. Gahler to be an expert in traffic safety, after all look at the great record of the MSP in preventing traffic accidents around the state. So sad.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Monster is really really scary. I think I struck a nerve on Monster. Monster only nice to FOJ members. See you at the meeting Monster.
Monster says
I think I hit the nerve… and speaking of nerve… how much does it take for a former MSP trooper to talk about preventing traffic fatalities when this is the major job of the agency. Rather ironic isn’t it that Gahler would set himself up for this when we look at traffic fatalities across the state of Maryland. Of course, we could talk about managing inventories, I am sure that will be the next issue and one of the key provisions of his last unsuccessful campaign. You Gahler supporters are really full of yourselves- all three of you.
Fact Finder says
I’ve decided i’m not going to the union meeting to listen to these two idiots talk out there buns. They will tape it I will watch it on the website.
Monster says
Fact Finder, No, you shouldn’t go. You would do better staying home learning how to spell and write correctly. Do study the difference between there and their. That would help you more than the meeting.
Fact Finder says
I will take your advice SKIPPY. Their, no I mean there is no place like home.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
The monsters back, and you’re gonna be in trouble
(Hey la, hey la, the monster’s back)
When you see him comin’, better cut on the double
(Hey la, hey la, the monster’s back)
You’ve been spreadin’ lies that I was untrue
(Hey la, hey la, the monster’s back)
So look out now, ’cause he’s comin’ after you
(Hey la, hey la, the monster’s back)
Monster says
Hey, inbred, good one. We found something you can do.
Olaf says
Monster, good point about Gahler talking about preventing auto accidents. As a former trooper that was his job. How well was it done? Take a look at fatalities and other Maryland statistics. This is a feeble attempt to discredit an officeholder that someone(Gahler) wants to replace and will stop at nothing to do so.
Rebecca Johnson says
a lot of posters give the impression that they are or were deputies. Are they? How do we readers know?
Mike Welsh says
You don’t really know unless they use their own name and you can check out their current or prior status in law enforcement. Then again, we don’t really know that you are Rebecca Johnson, do we?
Rebecca says
This doesn’t really answer my concern. How do I do this when I hear that deputies are scared to use their real names. This is why I don’t like getting information from this site. Then, there is monster who is so mean and that doesn’t help either.
Mike Welsh says
What happened to the Johnson, Rebecca?
Fact Finder says
Uh oh someone got caught using different screen names! FOJ’s just made a mistake.
Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up says
Rebecca your real name is Major or Captain ___________? Please fill in the blank for me.
Fact Finder says
Well Rebecca when the Deputy Sheriff’s Union takes the endorsement vote then you will know. Also if you know anyone that knows a deputy that isnt part of the chosen few, all you have do is ask them and you will get the truth.
Mike Welsh says
Fact Finder,
Speaking of the Deputies Union, how did the meeting last night go? What were the words of wisdom from Craig and Bane? Will any of the Deputies other than the new category of super DFC’s be getting a raise?
Fact Finder says
I didnt go I took the scary Monsters advice. I stayed home and practiced my their and there, I still just cant get it. Here I will give it a try- There are alot of heartless backstabbing people at 45 S. Main Street. I cannot wait for their last day so I can watch them carry their stuff to their personal car after the 2014 election. I do not think I will be the only one there to watch. I think I got it!
Marc Eaton says
Good job Fact Finder.
Rebecca says
That is an answer. When will the vote be taken?
Truth Be Told says
@ Monster If you are a Bane supporter and are protected for 2+ Years until he loses the election. Why not come out and give your name? As much as I cant stand David A. Porter at least he uses his real name. I cant because If I did I would be fired, transferred, or placed under an internal investigation. You on the other hand are protected if you did wrong no matter what you do, you will be taken care of. So do us all a favor give your real name and quit being a coward.
Monster says
How many times do I have to answer this question. I am not giving my real name to protect my family from idiots like you. If you want to meet me in person, pick a time and place. When are you intelligent Gahler supporters going to respond to my statement about accident prevention and the MSP? You all dodge real issues which is why I generally just attack you. You really are a bunch (probably 2-3 posters)axe grinders and want to be’s.
David A. Porter says
Pot calling the kettle black. If you might suffer from any of those consequences for your tactless posting in this forum then I would hope someone looks into your true identity and let’s us all know who you are. You are yourself a fraud for failing to identify yourself. I post with my real name because I will stand by what I say and accept the consequences for doing so. If you are that timid perhaps you should reconsider posting here until you develop sufficient backbone to stand by your words with your real name. Now, let eh scurrying of cockroaches begin. It’s high comedy to me to read that some of you think I am somewhere in command staff, a candidate for the warden, or anything else related to HCSO. All you folks are is unprofessional disenfranchised individuals passing off as greater numbers than you really are for the sake of your own importance.
Fact Finder says
Monster is it not the state police commanders job from the bel air barrack to propose the taskforce. The sheriffs office is the primary law enforcement agency in this county. Yet it took the state police to bring this to Banes attention for him to do something about it, but he took credit for it. So the state police do alot of traffic enforcement but I don’t get your point about accident prevention and the MSP?
Fact Finder says
Monster I am waiting for a response from you!
Mike Welsh says
Perhaps Monster and Rebecca have gone to dinner. They will probably return soon.
monster says
Fact Finder HA,
My response is in relation to the original article of this blog. You Gahler people love to talk about everything but the topic. My comment was and still is that the MSP should be called the highway patrol. Everyone knows this. The MSP is a good organization just as the HCSO. No one can prevent traffic fatalities and you know this also. Look at traffic fatalities for the state, or do you blame Bane for this also?
For you Gahlerlites to try and make an issue out of this is an obvious ploy to try to find something when you really don’t have anything. If you are police officers, I find this an unethical and sickening attempt to discredit someone.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Monster- No your wrong. Unethical is giving evidence with residue in it back to a suspect after his mother calls to complain. In fact that’s borderline criminal.
monster says
sounds like an impeachable or removable offense to me. So, did you contact the SA? How about the feds? No. Just bs.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Oh I didnt say that actually happened, I was just giving an example of unethical. Are you eluding to the fact that this actually has happened?
David A. Porter says
“You’re” Mark. The word you were looking for is “You’re”. I’m sure we can help you with some enlightenment while we engage you in discourse on this forum. You may learn something. Like how you can gain credibility by not posting multiple times under aliases.
BBC says
Monster, do you have your 11 year old daughter named Rebecca posting on here? Didn’t realize you could be under 18 and carry a FOJ card.
monster says
Another name of the gahler guys.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
You know what’s kinda strange, the Monster starts posting again and David A. Porter is no where to be found. I think David A. Porter, Monster, Rebecca, Rebecca Johnson, the 11 yr old kid, SNSD, and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus are all the same. Very creative 7 different screen names.
kristwn says
I just find it funny that he cant find a warden for hcdc he spoke and said that the annex of hcdc will open but he doesnt and cant find man power for that and cost of that is beyond the amount the county wants to invest in so there is big section of hcdc not being used..Also no matter where you go and what ever accidents you see I always see the STATE POLICE not the sheriffs, now bel air town police stay regardless of who takes over the call. and also calls that come thru dispatch are categorized in differnt priorities so I dont know i think they need to do something I mean they losing states attorneys as well as sheriffs and other personel something gotta happen
Across the Bridge says
Accidents are handled by what roads they are on. State road = MSP, county road = Sheriff’s Office. So you’re probably just seeing the state road accidents since they are on the more heavily traveled road. And about 80% of the time a deputy was probably there first and cleared once the Trooper arrived MSP is stretched thin in this county. Not a bash on the guys at the Bel Air barrack because we have a great working relationship with them and only having 3 or 4 guys working isn’t their fault.
Marc Eaton says
The had a good man, his name was Mike Capasso. Bane told him that Mike did not fit into his plans so Mike retired. Just another great asset let go because of poor management skills.
Alfred says
Jesse Bane is a good community activist and leader. He has greatly helped my neighborhood in Edgewood. We alls voting for Jesse Bane.
BBC says
Alfred: I hope this is your sorry attempt at sarcasm. If not, you alls are messed up dudes.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Alfred keep drinking Banes fruit punch. Didnt a shooting take place in Edgewood last night? Nothing has improved in your neighborhood, you just see the horse and pony show he puts on at his community meetings. Having all his commanders come with him, taking deputies off of patrol duties to attend with him to make it look good. Give me a break how do you justify taking a deputy or more and an officer off of patrol duties to attend community meetings, when patrol is already shorther then short when it comes to personnel.
Truth Be Told says
I have personally seen instances where a deputy , maybe even 2 deputies and a supervisor were told to go to a community meeting. This is deputies that should be patroling an assigned area but are taken off the street to attend these meetings.
Mother of a Detention Center Deputy says
I hope Mr Gahler wins I cannot watch my son work in these working conditions much longer. Please Mr. Bane treat your people good. Its just not fair they are so understaffed and always in trouble. You have to have more faith in your people my son and his coworkers who work there are good people.
MOTHER: You don’t know what your talking about. No one is mistreated at the Sheriff Department or the county jail. Mind your own business and let your son speak for himself.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Proud to be a Liberal you are an idiot. Look at the thumbs up vs. thumbs down. That should be a wake up call alone. If you work for HCSO you probably have a paperpusher job. Shut your mouth, people are suffering here. Dont be fool. You will be looking at HCSO from the outside in in 2014, so enjoy it while you can.
Monster says
Inbred, you make up people and accuse me of making up people. What mother would do this? It is you Gahler trio and everyone knows it. Want to talk about jail history? Let’s do and all of the previous administrations that were in control at the time.
If you missed my point about the MSP, you are dumber than I thought.
Mike Welsh says
Go ahead, talk about jail history. What do you have to say about it? What does any past administration have to do with what is happening at the jail under this administration? Are you suggesting that if past administrations crapped on the employees, then it is OK for this administration to also do it?
monster says
every administration with the possible exception of Bill Kunkel has gone through this kind of crap. It is politics. Some see it as an opportunity to get rank that they couldn’t get any other way. Election time is approaching again and so it goes. I have never seen the Sheriff’s election begin so early as it is at present. You do not present Gahler in a good light, even though you spend a lot of time mouthing off.
Mike Welsh says
You need to go back and re-read any and all of my posts. I have never said anything positive or negative about Gahler. I have made some comments regarding Sheriff Bane, both positive and negative.
You stated you were prepared to talk about the jail. So talk about it. I believe it is you who does not really know any of the facts about HCDC operations, facility, staffing, personnel issues, etc.. However you are the one who said you were prepared to talk about the jail with regard to the treatment of employees there.
Sheriff Bane is the one who has had two senior leaders up and quit on him from the jail. Warden DeHaven, and then Major Capasso. Sheriff Bane is the one who said after the departure of Warden DeHaven that he was not going to fill the civilian warden position, and then later announced that he was backtracking on that and would hire a civilian warden, which, by the way, he still has not done. Those are facts Monster, not just my opinion. There are many issues at the jail that need immediate improvement. Sheriff Bane didn’t cause all of them, but he sure isn’t fixing them, and therein lies the problem.
I voted for Jesse Bane the first time around. I did not vote for him this past election because I had heard to many negative things about him and his treatment of employees. His handling of the Forwood incident was also high on my reasons list for not voting for Jesse. Since this past election, Sheriff Bane has done many things that have confirmed to me that my decision not to vote for him was the correct one. He has two years to turn things around and get back on track within the HCSO. Should he do so he may get my vote in the future, but frankly, I don’t think Jesse can change. It’s just the way he is, and it’s sad!
Marc Eaton says
Dear Monster, your wrong I was there for Moyer, Mele, Comes, and Meadows. It was never this bad. Even under Mele with Bane as number two. So get your facts right. We had fun and loved going to work. No one counted days to retirement. Face the truth, Bane is the reason for all of this. I know the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office finished the IA complaint on a Major and it was turned over to Bane. I understand it was just dropped as if it never happened. Go figure. As for the evidence being returned I have the case number for it, have had it for some time. I have many tidbits of information, this is only 2012 and the election is too far away. People will forget by then. Stand by for the information just a little closer to the election. Hey, buy the way I am coming up in September don’t have the date yet to qualify for us old retired guys. I will give you the date and maybe after we qualify we can go to Ball Park for a bite to eat… treat.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Hey Monster how was dinner last night with Rebecca Johnson and the Sheriff? I’m sure you ate light, Yeah my stomach would be upset too knowing that the walls were falling down and the truth was coming out. Well anyway tell your FOJ buddies I said Hi. Oh and please stop talking about my West Virginia heritage your really hurting my feelings.
monster says
Inbred, you characterize West Virginia that way? That is a beautiful state with many wonderful people. But why should I be surprised? That is what you do. You assassinate people’s character and don’t think that it is wrong to do so. In fact, you are even flippant about it. Oh, yeah, while you are studying English, brush up on your and you’re.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Monster- What I support is anyone but Bane. In the 5 years he has been in office he has managed to run it straight into the ground. You are that guy, the one that smiles to everyones face and would stab anyone in the back. It really doesnt matter that you wont say who you are because the chosen few stick out anyway. Your brothers and sisters see who the selfless cowards in this department are. If thats what you FOJ cowards want your career to be remembered as, then keep doing what you are doing.
monster says
Inbred, I don’t know who you are and I don’t care to know. What is an FOJ? You gahlerlites like to accuse anyone who speaks against you of having this card. You need to tell us all what this is.
Once again, you mention I won’t say who I am. You don’t say who you are either. So, what?
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Scary Monster- Friends of Jesse = FOJ. I won’t say who I am for fear of being transferred, fired or brought up on internal charges. You dont have that problem you are untouchable right now.
monster says
How do you know who I am? What difference does it make? I have explained at least 3 times why I don’t use my name. Are you that slow and thick? Again, if you represent the Gahler side, you are letting your candidate down. Instead of the made up posters, one sided stories and the other negative things about Bane, why don’t you all post positive things about Gahler? I am sure that he is a fine man, so brag about his accomplishments. Do your profession a favor and say positive things. Instead, you are a simpleton and try to tear down the profession by using Bane as the reason we have crime, traffic fatalities, gangs, etc. I also don’t accept Marc Eaton who says that he isn’t for Gahler, he is against Bane. That is double talk. Who will he vote for? Hmmmmmmm. I think this is how we got Obama.
Marc Eaton says
Dear Monster, how are you? I have missed you. I did post on here by mistake my friend. I thought I was on the Citizens Academy thread when I made that post. I live in Baltimore County and by the time this election takes place I will be living in Carroll County so I can not vote. I mis posted, sorry for the confusion. I am out of the election process but I am in the putting you boy Bane in the spot light for the coward and bully his is. It just kills all of you Baners and FOJ members that more people are posting from within the department and telling the truth. I love it and I hope it grows. Monster, how is you new business going since retirement?
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Scary Monster- What does Marc Eaton stand to gain from this? He has a job. I think you have alot to lose from this, I am so sorry to hear that. I am not blaming Bane for the crime, gang and traffic problems. I am blaming him for not taking a proactive approach to solve these problems, but trying to take credit for it anyway. Credit for the issues and forming taskforces/units to combat them should go to the following people: Gangs- Sheriff Golding, Traffic Taskforce- Lt Moore MSP.
Monster says
inbred, slow down. You don’t want to risk losing the few brain cells you have left.
Fact Finder says
Hey Monster how was Karaoke last night with Rebecca and David? I bet your favorite song was:
He did the mash
He did themonster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
He did themash
It caught on in a flash
He did the mash
He did the monster mash
Monster says
Fact Finder HA, you and inbred both write lyrics. Oh, wait a minute, you are the same person. Do you really think people are this stupid?
Monster says
Fact Finder HA, you and inbred both write lyrics. Oh, wait a minute, you are the same person. Do you really think people are this stupid?
BBC says
Monstrous: At least FACT FINDER is smart enough to only post his comments one time. I’m going to write a song now so you can further your conspiracy theory and say that everyone on here is the same person. Let’s all write songs to confuse Eddie Munster.
Fact Finder says
You are a fool monster. Yes we both wrote a song, so what? You open you self up to this. Unlike Marks 8th Cousin I actually support Gahler. Yes I will come out and say it. Its pretty pathetic how Bane supporters use multiple names, get caught doing it, and then want to blame everyone else. I’m Fact Finder thats it and the funny thing is others like Mike Welsh, Random Poster, BBC, Marks 8th Cousin, OnPoint, Truth Be Told and Marc Eaton are all laughing at you because they know your wrong. So keep thinking its “just three” of us. Actually I am suprised at the amount of people that are speaking out. This should let Bane know that he is in trouble. Of course he probably has you posting because of that reason.
Monster says
Fact Finder HA, your lyrics don’t bother me, but your dishonesty does. We all know you are several different posters. If you are a policeman, I would hope for honesty on your part. Seeing how you all operate, I know that is not going to happen. I am not Bane and am not posting because he has told me to do so. That is the truth, believe it or not. I also think you all are being dishonest when you say that most of you, not you of course, don’t support Gahler. Come on, at least be honest about who you support unless you are ashamed to do so.
BBC says
Eddie Munster: So you are not Bane and you are not posting because Bane told you to. You are a member of his command staff who is posting on your own behalf because you want to sit on your fat ass all day, collect your big old paycheck and decide where you want to eat lunch. Yup, the FOJ card is worth it’s weight in gold, isn’t it? Too bad it expires in 2014.
Fact Finder says
I said I do support Gahler. I cant speak for the rest of the people on here. Oh and by the way when it comes to honesty cant you lie and get a position created for you? Cant you lie and only get demoted? I thought the states attorneys office made it clear if you lie you cant be a cop? I guess that all depends on who you are. The rules are flexible in Banes mind I guess.
clarified butter says
Wow, you guys are all way out there. Lets get it straight, Gahler is the choice because anything is better than Bane. Bottom line is in Harford County Law Enforcement is just as classy as these posts on here.
monster says
maybe you understand what you posted, but I do not. WTH are you talking about?
clarified butter says
Most of the Anti-Bane Posts are done by current or former deputies of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, it shows the public the class that our law enforcement has. Secondly, Porter is out of his mind, always has been. He’s been on here for years spreading manure across the internet! For law enforcement or former law enforcement to even argue with this guy is just classless and pathetic. Get off your butts and go clean up edgewood, instead of wasting everyones time with PORTER!
monster says
Marc Eaton, moving to Carroll County. I have a lot of friends there, I will warn them you are coming. Best wishes to you. Hope you don’t find any axes to grind out there.
Truth Be Told says
@ Monster Why does Marc Eaton bother you so much? Is it because he is a threat to you? Be scared be really really scared!
Marc Eaton says
Dear Monster, thank you for your help. We are looking at Sykesville so I can be closer to work. Can they give me any good information on new developments? I would appreciate your help. Your not such a bad guy, your looking out for me and I like that. When Bane is voted out of office I will come help you carry your things to your car for you okay? God bless you Monster. And again no axe to grind, Bane is evil and needs to go. Hey Monster do you think that a vote of no confidence on Bane is a bad idea? I think I can get it passed and voted on. Let me know okay. Take care buddy.
It just kills you that I won’t shut up doesn’t it. You so mean to everyone, and I am amazed at the amount of posts that you and David A Porter have hidden due to low comments. I guess no one is really paying any attention to you. I still love you guys. Remember None of you have contacted me yet. I mean you Baners, I have plenty of VOJ who contact me. VOJ ( victims of Jesse).
monster says
Marc Eaton, try the Taylorsville area. Of course, it will depend on what kind of house you are looking for, but Taylorsville is still country but close to the urban areas also. Dagger began hiding my responses when I stood up for David A.Porter. Believe me, that was hard to do because I don’t agree with him on anything except Bane. I really cannot understand why comments are hidden, when they can be opened so easily. Seems like censorship to me.
I suggest you arrange for a vote of no confidence since you say you can do it. Then, I would believe all of this crap that I hear.
When can we expect the vote to be taken. Tell us all-inquiring minds want to know.
Truth Be Told says
Fact Finder you will not get a response from monster about lying and keeping a job. The States Attorney has made it clear that you cannot commit perjury and still be a police officer. How cannot you not agree with that yet Bane makes his own rules. Did he notify the States Attorney, I think not. You have one thing as a cop and that is integrity and once it is gone you are nothing.
monster says
I think you must have been hit by lightening the other night. My comment was to the idiot who described an alleged illegal act by Bane. My comment to this guy was that if he knew that this in fact happened, why didn’t he contact the SA or feds. If he didn’t he was derelict of duty. The rest of your statement would be correct. You guys with all of your handles make up a lot of one sided crap to fit your story. Most of it is political crap, and you are too.
BBC says
Monster, I’m going to try to be civil in explaining how the Sheriff’s Office is run. The Sheriff, no matter who it is, has accountability to no one. Those who work for the SO cannot open their mouths about anything to anyone. You don’t know who you can trust. Right or wrong, dereliction of duties, whatever. They need their jobs. They became police officers because they believe in it and that is their calling. People have written anonymous letters, have had friends write letters, no one does a thing because the sheriff is untouchable. Those who have spoken out have been unjustly targeted, harassed and punished just for standing up for their rights. If you do not work at the agency, it truly is a hard concept to understand. He can’t be impeached, arrested, charged, reprimanded or any other legal term you can think of. The only power anyone has is the deputies union and he has that sewn up and the voters, who, hopefully, are beginning to see how destructive he is. I know that it’s hard to believe most of what you are reading on here. It is more than a disgruntled few. There is almost an entire agency against Bane. And, it will be said again, no one can do anything to stop him. Can’t go to the SA, can’t go to the State Prosecutor, Attorney General, hell you probably can’t even go to Obama. Power, if used properly, can be a make any agency thrive. Abide by the rules that are in place. Don’t play favorites. Promote those who are deserving. If used as Bane is using it, is is destructive and ruinous. I know some of the posters on here, myself included, are very negative towards you. We are so frustrated and this is the only way we have to vent. It’s also frustrating that people don’t “get it”. The theme over and over is anybody but Bane, vote for Gahler, etc. This is not a debate about issues any longer, it is a forum for trying to let people know that Jesse Bane is an evil power-crazed unhinged megalomaniac.
Peacekeeper says
Hey Monster. I know its not easy to deal with the fact that your days in this administration are numbered. I support ANYBODY BUT BANE(ABB). I’m so sorry that you could do what you wanted for 8 years, but you know all good things come to an end.
monster says
Peacekeeper, you don’t know who I am. How do you make statements like that? No wonder people don’t always believe police. Unscrupulous ones like you make things fit your situation. You don’t present a professional image of a police officer on this site. Your credibility goes with it.
OnPoint says
Had to jump in on this conflict in your statement. You are writing in support of the guy who kept a deputy on the payroll whose integrity was so shattered that he was not permitted to testify in court only so he (jesse) could get the union endorsement. Then he (jesse) kept the lid on the case against one of his campaign donors and top commanders in order to ensure he won re-election. Then, he (jesse) goes out and makes up stats that are clearly shown to be fictitious and now, he stands up to take credit for someone else’s effort four years after he should have been on top of it. The house of cards is weak and falling and no matter what you and monster try to sell, these are the sad facts about jesse the man and his lacking character. There is your image of a police officer.
OnPoint says
Sorry, I meant no matter what you and Porter try to sell…
monster says
I know what a police officer is. I don’t need you to morph it to fit your position. Now, Mark, when you get to Carroll County, get a life will you?
monster says
BBC, what does that stand for, BIG BAG of CRAP. You don’t show any respect for your superiors do you? I thought they taught respect at all academies. NO? Or were you absent the day they covered that topic. Go away, oh, you are to Carroll County.
BBC says
Monster: I attempted to give you the courtesy of a civilized response, but you chose to keep it ugly so it was a complete waste of my time. Nowhere in my post did I say anything about disrespecting supervisors. I pay the highest regard to the supervisors in my chain of comman. But since you brought it up, I do not respect Bane and the way he treats his own. There is nothing to respect. Obviously you advocate Bane’s way of doing business and you are a hypocrite because you show no respect to any of the posters, their opinions, or anyone’s whose thoughts differ from yours. You are a pitiful insignificant troll.
monster says
I try not to use foul language or I would tell you what you are, Mark, you axe grinder.
Marc Eaton says
I get tired of counting how many of your posts are hidden. Please for the love of god find a new saying. The axe grinding thing is old already. Monster, show your true colors tell me what I am on here hiding behind your fake name and computer screen. Or say it to my face at a Union Meeting. Your choice. I don’t scare, you will not intimidate me, and you will not silence me got it. I am going to ride Bane until election night so get used to it. Your fear is so many more people are speaking out. If you such a true Baner use your real name you coward. Stop hiding behind the screen name. And your BS you tell about being harassed never happened okay. Your just a coward like you Sheriff. I post my email you too much of a coward to email me, I know you have my cell phone but you don’t call. You have a lack of testicles my friend. If you going to get on here and post and proudly where your FOJ card then use your name, you have nothing to loose. No one will come and bother you. You will be a hero among the few people who are still coming to Banes defense. Do you really think you can call me anything that I was not called for 22 years? Name calling is your new strategy. Sounds like desperation to me.
David A. Porter says
Name calling? Marc, count the number of posts where you have engaged in the same sort of thing. Your heroes, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh also subscribe to character assassination to achieve their objectives of defaming people they simply disagree with. The fact that you can muster the hate of two or three people that can post with aliases to overwhelm the Dagger Forum into believing you are discrete individual votes is simply a sham perpetrated by a few petty little men with self esteem issues. This back and forth is entertaining to a degree because it’s always fun to come back at you and identify precisely the exact lack of decorum and professionalism that probably got you that medical retirement in the first place. It’s clear you are a nasty hateful little man with a desire to blame Bane for all your misfortunes. Find another outlet for your time, if this is the best you can do with your life you are really shallow and kind of hopeless. Take your energy and do some good for someone else and leave the demon inside you to whither and die. Only that way can you really grow and become a better person. The hate only consumes you… and the organized endorsement of your hate further illustrates just how sick you are.
monster says
Mark, you have been told by me at least three times that I will meet you anytime anywhere. I don’t want or need your email or phone number. I hear enough of your crap on this site. Now why don’t you get some new lines to go with all of your phony posters, and get some help for your sad mental deterioration.
HCPSTeacher10 says
I find it disturbing that two of our important public service organizations…teachers and the sheriff’s dept can be at such odds with each other and the public. The vitriol in some of these posts explains some of the attitudes that your children carry into the classroom (they actually do learn a lot by observing their parents) and the attitude many of the public has to law enforcement. The personal attacks and name calling remind me of a middle school classroom. In both institutions the politics and “it’s my way or no way” attitude of Bane and Tomback and the power of Craig undermine what this county could be but seems destined not to achieve any time soon.
monster says
Your comment lacks coherence. I thought I saw where you were going, and then you did a u-turn. If you really are a teacher, and I have my doubts, then I would say you should include the HCEA in your list.
HCPSTeacher10 says
I am indeed a teacher so put let me put your doubts to rest. Actually, I am a long time teacher, having been with HCPS through it’s many changes starting back with Dr. Roberty.
I have no trouble including HCEA as part of the problem, but have to also say that if there was even a small level of trust between the Board of Ed, Dr. Tomback and teachers the HCEA’s role would be insignificant in the day to day working of the school system.
Trust and honesty do not exist in public employment, everyone has a personal agenda of ladder climbing and it’s become a vicious circle of name calling, finger pointing and word manipulation with the students and citizens being the ones victimized in the end.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
HCPSTeacher10- Unlike the scary monster I think you are a teacher and respect your profession. I would like to say that this is the only place that fellow deputies have a chance to post the truth about the major problems inside the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. To some it may seem unclassy. But for those of us working here it is our only way to get the word out and we do take pride in our jobs. With that being said I cannot sit back and watch Sheriff Bane run the Harford County Sheriff’s Office into the ground. I will speak out and will continue to speak out. I can go to sleep at night knowing that I am doing what I can to make this department a better place and rid it of the evil that currently exists.
monster says
Whose fault is this? Maybe you could elaborate a bit.
truth be told says
This one’s for you Monster and David A Porter
Sung to the tune of the Adams Family
They’re dastardly connivers
They’re all a bunch of liars
Their Bane card soon expires
The Baner Family
monster says
This is for you truth to be told
Sung to the tune of cops
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
When Mark and friend’s crap is through
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
when mark and friends are only a few
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
when Mark runs out of town too
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
when all you freeloaders don’t have anything to do
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
when the voters say to Gahler, “who”
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
when you no longer are wearing blue
Whatcha going to do, whatcha going to do
when you all have to eat poo
BBC says
Oh my, little Eddie Munster. You’ve resorted to stealing other people’s idea of writing songs because you don’t have an original idea in that pea head of yours. Didn’t you know if you write a song you’re automatically issued a FOG card? You must have had Rebecca write it for you, as it is so childish. Now be a good little girl and make yourself a Skippy peanut butter sandwich. Smooth or chunky?
David A. Porter says
Addams Family. Don’t give up your day job.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Dont expect a response from Monster. He is down with Bane and Rebecca at the Joppatowne 4th of July Parade.
monster says
Is that the best you have? Pathetic little poster.
Marc Eaton says
Monster, respect is earned not guaranteed. Just because you are of higher rank does not mean you get respect.
monster says
Is that what you were taught, or that is what you say.
BBC says
The heat must be getting to you Eddie/Rebecca. Your last comment is incoherent. Again, not much in your pea sized head.
monster says
BBC (Big Bag of Crap)/Mark,
Don’t you get tired of making up names. You should, you stink at it.
Marc Eaton says
I was taught that by my Drill Instructors and my supervisors. If you want to be treated with respect then you need to show others respect. If you want to act like a Monster then you will be treated like one.
monster says
at what rank did you retire? Is that why you are so bitter?
Marc Eaton says
Well Monster I was promoted to the rank of DFC in 1988. I was in K-9 then and I took the test twice but I didn’t study because I really didn’t want to ride a desk and I liked working the street. I never took the test again. After K-9 I worked the streets for another year and then went into Traffic and did many things. Send me an email and I will send you a copy of my resume. I liked my one stripe and not being promoted never bothered me. What else do you have? Oh yeah I worked at the Detention Center from 1982 to 1985. I had a good career. I didn’t get put into applicant investigation for lying like some people did. 172
I didn’t get demoted and put back into patrol for lying while in school police. 530. Because I was only a DFC I could work all the over time I wanted and I did just that while in Traffic. I have a pretty good resume thanks to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. What have you accomplished other then having the most post hidden on here? Silly Monster I can see the frustration with each post you do. You have the sad pathetic life, not me on my friends on here. You can always tell when a person is a looser because they will attack you personally and try to make themselves look better by putting others down. Like you do. Hey buddy look forward to your next post. ( that will be hidden to to low comments)
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Marc you dont have to defend yourself to the scary selfless coward monster. His true colors are coming out. Marc you know that you had a good career and would do anything for your fellow brothers and sisters. Monster is a backstabbing coward, his career will be rembered as such.
Monster says
Hey inbred, do you always post right after Mark? You are so obvious. Sad.
Marc Eaton says
Hey Monster I will put my resume up against Bane’s resume. Maybe someone should search Sheriff’s Office records and see how many arrests Bane made in his short and brief career on the streets? Go to Md Judiciary Case search and look my name up, I did my job did you?
monster says
Marc, one would assume that your resume would be written by you. Now that would really show how wonderful you were wouldn’t it? Not everyone is as stupid as you.
Marc Eaton says
Im sorry Monster, next time who should I get to prepare my resume?
Monster says
Marc, slow down. Your paranoia is getting the best of you. When are you leaving for Sykesville? Hopefully, you will get the help you need.
DFC for how many years of service? I think I see why you have an axe to grind. You are an expert at DFC, these jerks who have studied and tested and achieved rank don’t know anything. You know all as proved by your rank. Get help and get a life.
Monster says
Hey mark, I am a “looser.” Poor guy, you mean “loser.” By the way, you exemplify the very thing of which you accuse me, Bane and Porter of doing. You give it, you just can’t take it.
monster says
Marc, I will warn Sheriff Tregoning that you are coming. That is the least I can do. He will be so happy to hear that you know everything about being a sheriff,staffing,staff relations, community relations,etc. By the way, you are going to Sykesville? Isn’t that the site of the mental institution? Has your paranoia gotten that bad? I am not joking about this. If this is the case I apologize to you for the nasty comments I have made to you.
Marc Eaton says
Monster I appreciate that, but I have already been working with several of his people and his recruits. Great guys and they like their Sheriff. Imagine that. And yes I can see that hospital from where I work. I also appreciate your concern for my mental health which is fine thanks. Your a good friend. What else do you have? Who do you think readers find to be more of jerk me or you?
Fact Finder says
Monster you still have not answered my question. Is it acceptable for a deputy who is proven to be lying to still have a job in a position of public trust? Can he/she testify in court? Do you condone lying? How can a deputy make an arrest, write reports, investigate backgrounds, or serve papers if they cant tell the truth?
Marc Eaton says
Let me help you Monster, 172 & 530. Fact Finder, don’t worry those two could not stumble upon a crime to make an arrest.
Monster says
What a stupid question; of course I don’t. I also don’t condone people who accuse others of crimes and don’t go to authorities because they claim the sheriff is untouchable. Was Meadows untouchable. Do you always post right after Mark. Gee, what a coincidence.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Everyone please stand by for Monsters response. He is with David and Rebecca, they are busy right now cleaning Banes car for the next parade.
I expect his response to me to begin with- Hey Inbred.
David A. Porter says
Marc, if you looked elsewhere in the Dagger, Monster and I have had open disagreements about some of the same topics he has raised here about the fictitious aliases you guys use to inflate your importance. Good thing you are not in law enforcement. You seem to have all the salacious qualities of Chief Inspector Lestrade.
BBC says
Porter: And you have all the contemptible attributes of your beloved sheriff
David A. Porter says
Of course BBC… you know me intimately don’t you… other than what I post here in the Dagger. Use your real name. Or are you another one of those aliases that like to come and flame people opposed to your simple venom? Just post to make personal attacks against anyone that disagrees with you. You are ultimately little more than a coward.
Monster says
Hey, Inbred
Monster says
monster, take it easy. you are a bit over the top even though I think these posts are strange in many ways from these anti bane guy(s).
Mike Welsh says
Now we have Monster replying to Monster?? Now Monster is telling Monster to take it easy?? You should have switched to your Rebecca sign on!!
Richard Jones says
I don’t like the fact that a police officer is found to be lying and is still employed. You telling me that this is going on now? How can we trust the police if one of your own is lying and you keep him on your force?
Mike Welsh says
That is an excellent question. Sadly, it has happened and in more than one instance. When the Harford County States Attorney advises you that one of your Deputies will not be permitted to ever testify in court because he is a proven lair, you should have no choice but to relieve that Deputy of his/her duties. No credibility, no job as a Deputy!
monster says
Welsh, the fact that you make this statement should give any thinking person cause for concern. Are you a policeman and know for a fact that this is true, or is this war story bs. If it is for real and you are a policeman, why haven’t you or the union done anything to make it known to the public? Now the SA is a Republican. He wouldn’t mind going after Bane, after all he went after fellow-Republican Meadows, now didn’t he. Your stories don’t hold water and once again destroy any credibility whatsoever. Go get a life, Welsh, you moron.
Mike Welsh says
Why would the SA need to go after Bane? It is not a crime to keep on staff a Deputy who can’t ever testify in court…just bad management! It is the kind of thing the Deputies have been referring to in many of their posts. Bad management is just that…bad management, its not criminal.
RandomPoster1 says
The statement made by Welsh is spot on. It happened, and because it happened one of those persons was hidden in a non-uniformed spot and another was demoted and transferred. Why wasn’t the SA informed of this? Well in one case that I know of he was, and he said 100% that one of the individuals was never allowed on the stand again. The sheriff really is untouchable. Short of him robbing a bank he can’t be touched by his rank and file, and his rank and file serve at the discretion of the sheriff. There is no contract, no bargaining rights, nothing.
Those are just two examples. As stated earlier, why was an IA handled by an outside jurisdiction of a command staff member swept under the rug when presented to the sheriff? Why was an accused command staff member allowed to sit at home while suspended and still being paid? Rank and file officers that are suspended are usually forced onto non-uniformed duty, such as answering phones or filing papers. Why are higher ranking members of the department too good for the same treatment?
Does it look bad, a bunch of people coming on here complaining? Sure, and from the outside as a non-member of the department I can see why you would think so. In fact, most members of the department you talk to won’t comment on the bad because they are afraid it will get back to the powers that be. Most will only speak within a close circle of friends. It really is like the colonial times, no representation.
Monster says
Random Poster, time for a fact check. Don’t police take oaths. So, did the supposed deputy commit perjury? You leave out a lot of details and again make definite statements. Perhaps you could tell us all who in the SA Office made this statement about the alleged deputy. If this is true, then the SA needs to be investigated.
Marc A Eaton says
I love you Monster
monster says
Marc, I suspected that you were of that persuasion. When you move to Carroll Co. maybe they can help you come out of the closet.
Marc Eaton says
Now your just showing desperation Monster, you look silly.
Monster says
Marc, Not as silly as you look. The word is you’re (meaning you are) and not the word your which is a pronoun. I guess you were absent that day also. This surprises me for a DFC when you know all there is to know about being sheriff.
Marc Eaton says
Well got to give you that one. I sucked at English, hated it. You are better then spell check.
Mike Welsh says
I don’t believe Mark ever said that he knew all that was necessary for being Sheriff. He may have said that he knew as much about being Sheriff as Jesse knew, which may be accurate.
I do believe Mark does not lie, and I believe he knows the difference between right and wrong, along with the ability to have compassion for his fellow man. You can be the judge as to whether or not our current Sheriff possesses those attributes.
monster says
Oh, wa, wa, wa, Monster you are so mean. Someone should tell their mother on you, oh, wait, they did in an earlier post.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Scary Monster- You are on fire today with attacks. It just eats you up that the TRUTH is being posted on here and you cant keep a lid on it.
Brentwood Park Resident says
So what do the citizens of this county think about keeping a police officer in a position of public trust after he has perjured himself? I dont think they would be very happy about it. But they have the right to know and I am glad that several posters on here have brought this situation to light. I now call on Sheriff Bane to rectify this situation in an effort to keep the publics trust. If you truly have a police officer that is lying then he/she should be terminated. As a member of this community I would like to think that I can trust the police.
Monster says
Yes, and you can believe Marc. He is going to have a vote of no confidence against Bane. He won’t say when, but you can always believe him. He also told us that Bane was untouchable. Amazing. When Republican Sheriff Meadows, who had more decorations than Eisenhower, misbehaved, the Republican States Attorney went after him. He resigned- remember. But, the Democrat Jessee Bane is untouchable by the Republican States Attorney Joe Cassilly. Now that makes real sense doesn’t it. Unfortunately, Marc is a disgruntled retired Deputy First Class. Does anything else need to be said.
Mike Welsh says
Sure, much more would need to be said. What were the reasons the SA was looking into Sheriff Meadows conduct. Could his conduct or the allegations of his conduct been considered criminal? If yes, then of course the SA would look into such allegations. Being an ineffective and loathed agency leader is not a crime.
Marc Eaton says
Well said Mike.
monster says
Welsh, Mark, DFC,RET. complemented you because you are probably real and not him posting over and over again. By the way, I know the law and the SA Office duties and procedures. My point was that some (maybe all Mark) have accused him of illegalities and actually breaking the law. You acknowledged that he has not broken any laws. You talk about focusing on facts, that was what I was doing. What we are hearing are complaints, and from how many really? When you focus on facts, you also have to focus on sources for evaluation of those facts. My evaluation is that until the union votes No Confidence as Mark has promised, or until the union does not endorse him, what I am hearing are a few posters complaining. So, Welsh, tell me how I evaluate this site for facts.
Mike Welsh says
Facts are facts. They need not be evaluated.
An example is the fact that Sheriff Bane chose to pass over the number one and two Deputies on the promotion eligibility list for the grade of Lieutenant. No one can change the fact that he did so. What is left for people to debate is the real reason why Sheriff Bane took that action. Most employees who know Sheriff Bane and his history/career allege that he did so only because the number one and two ranked Deputies supported someone other than Jesse for the office of Sheriff during the last election. In my opinion, I would concur with their premise, especially with regard to the Deputy who was number one on the list. Let me also say that I believe Sheriff Bane had the legal right to do what he did, he is the Sheriff. However, I also know that his action was against his own written promotion policy, and something he had verbally stated he would never do. Having the legal right to do something does not mean it is the right thing to do. Jesse made a mistake with regard to that promotion issue, and has since corrected his mistake by promoting the passed over Deputy. It was however to little to late. Jesse showed his true self to many of the Deputies who could see the same thing happening to them.
The above is just one example of the many things that cause the Deputies to lose confidence in Sheriff Bane. There are many other examples, some have been stated on this thread, along with many that have yet to have been mentioned.
I don’t have any personal animosity toward Sheriff Bane. He can be a very affable person in a non Sheriff’s Office setting and if he likes you. I would not, and I repeat, I would not want to work for him. A people person he is not!
Monster says
Welsh, at least you have finally conceded that Bane has not done any criminal acts. Earlier, there were statements made that he had. The story seems to change, much like Bane is untouchable. Is he the boss, yes, that is what it means to be sheriff. Why don’t you come out with positive things to say about Gahler instead of trying to run down Bane? Marc and you, who are probably the same, should post as professional as you want everyone to think you are, but you aren’t. What is your rank? Let’s get an idea of your qualifications as measured by the HCSO.
Mike Welsh says
I have never alleged that Sheriff Bane committed any criminal act, and you can not reference any post by me that alleges such.
If you want to know a persons rank/grade, then lets start with you. What is your rank/grade?
BBC says
Brentwood Park Res: Bane will come to a community meeting and tell everyone how wonderful he is, how crime is so much lower under his command, how he has single handedly turned Edgewood around and how many innovative ideas he has come up with. Sounds very impressive to the general public. However, ever person who works there, outside of those in the ivory tower, knows that he is a cowardly fraud. Try to get a one-on-one with him. Will never happen. He’ll either send one of his merry henchmen to handle you or else he’ll ignore you. It is a sad commentary on the state of the Sheriff’s Office. Most definitely you should be able to trust police officers. The rank and file are hardworking honest men and women except for the chosen ones that Bane has let remain in their position even though they have committed criminal acts while in uniform. It’s the higher ups with all the power who are the underhanded liars. Everyone who has come forward on this blog with examples of Bane’s deceitful actions are not lying. They are 100% true. There are not 3 different people on here posting under different names. Everyone who has come forward would love to give their name but they would lose their jobs. Ask 735. Or 189. You should be very disturbed and I hope you continue to search for the truth.
Marc A Eaton says
Monster you act like I am the only one who retired a Dfc. The just created a special rank for a Dfc with over ten years service as a Dfc. Don’t understand your beef with my rank. Your desperate.
monster says
Marc, I don’t have any problem with your rank. If you are happy with it then I am delighted also. I just find it amazing that for a man who knows so much about being sheriff that he learned it all as a DFC. I would say it is amazing. You still don’t know the difference between you’re and your. When can we expect the vote of no confidence on Bane. I will be waiting.
Marc Eaton says
Monster when I do it you will read about it. Why would I give Bane the heads up? You sound jealous of my career.
Monster says
I can’t wait to read it. How long will I have to wait?
monster says
Marc and himself, with all of your inside knowledge and all of your vast compatriots, if you can’t get any where with the SA, which I think is a crock, then why not the newspapers. They love those kinds of stories. How about the tv stations? They do too. It’s time for you to put up or shut up and that includes your fictitious posters also.
Marc Eaton says
You do know that Monster is a fictitious name right. I know you were scared after the last election we know. Just do me a favor Bud, be patient and wait. The time is not right. It is coming. I think this is your way of trying to outsmart me I may be poor at English but I am a little brighter then you think. Just tell Jesse it is coming.
RandomPoster1 says
Monster the issue with the SA is that they investigate criminal conduct. While what Bane is and has done can be considered immoral and unethical, it becomes a gray area with whether or not it is criminal. A paramilitary organization, especially a sheriff’s department, is a much different animal then a private company or other public service entity where the employees have more rights.
Secondly, as far as the media they love corruption and headline grabbing stories. It is hardly a top story that a cop lies or is demoted and transferred.
Monster says
It is not a top story when a cop lies? Did you really post that? I think this reply would astonish most citizens. Try again.
RandomPoster1 says
Apply the brakes a bit and re-read what I wrote. You are so quick to jump on the anti-anti-Bane’s that you missed my point. I didn’t say that this wouldn’t shock the average citizen, what I said was for the media lying during an IA without the grittiness like a homicide cover-up or drug theft is hardly a headline worthy news story. Now come up with several instances of the sheriff protecting liars then you have a conspiracy and that makes better news.
Monster says
You do realize that when you refer to the anti-anti banes that makes it a positive and Pro Bane. Do you ever proofread, or are you just illiterate?
Marc Eaton says
Is it me or when Monster comes out to play Porter goes away?
Monster says
Marc, why don’t you follow him and go away. Actually, don’t go away. Every time you post you prove your vindictiveness. Yes, I will say it again, you have a perpetual axe to grind. You are always going to do something, yet, you never do, except expound ad nauseum your personal hatred of Bane. Did he keep you at DFC? Is this what it is all about?
Marc Eaton says
What is you fixation on my rank? I only post under my real name buddy. Again with the grinding of the axe. I never worked under Sheriff Bane. I worked there when he was cast aside by other Sheriff’s due to his poor performance and lack of getting anything done. How is the accreditation going. When I left we were working on red light cameras. Did that ever work out? No. Bane would need help in running a red light. So enough with the rank and my mental status, please find something else to rant about already. I started to count how many post you had hidden under both of your names, I got tired of counting. You have the record. Congratulations, or is it congratulation? I get them mixed up all the time.
Marc Eaton says
The only person who says I am vindictive is you and Porter or as I like to call you Dumb and Dumber.
monster says
Marc, DFC Retired,
You never worked under Bane? He was demoted because of politics and you know it. The people promoted him. Maybe they could promote you. I wait in great anticipation of the No Confidence vote. Bring it on.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Evil Monster- Even if Marc does not bring a vote of no confidence, the sheriffs union will not endorse Bane when the time comes. Take that to the bank, unless the voting is fixed. Maybe you live in a bubble and dont hear how deputys feel about Bane. Maybe that is because they know a coward snitch when they see one.
Mike Welsh says
If you know that Jesse Bane was demoted because of politics, then you know that he was promoted because of politics under the Mele administration. He was the campaign manager for Mele. To the victor go the spoils!
Marc Eaton says
The four years he was Under Sheriff were so insignificant I had forgotten all about them. So your right I did work under him. And When the new Sheriff came in he was demoted from Major to Capt. When Im wrong I will admit it. Political probably, or maybe the new Sheriff knew he was not a great asset. One thing the new Sheriff did do, he let him keep his job. He was not screwed with. This is more then he did when he was elected. And for the last time, I never wanted to be promoted. I made more money as a DFC then I ever could as a supervisor. So give the Deputy For Career a break Monster.
Mike Welsh says
For the record, when Sheriff Comes was elected, Major Bane was demoted from Major to Lieutenant. That was still a grade higher than the Sergeant he was when he was elevated by Sheriff Mele to the grade of Major.
I would have to disagree with Marc regarding Major Bane’s time as Chief Deputy being insignificant. His conduct as a senior administrator and Chief Deputy was an significant factor in Sheriff Mele being a one term Sheriff. To get rid of Jesse Bane as Chief Deputy meant defeating Sheriff Mele in his run for reelection.
RandomPoster1 says
I mis-typed in my post that you so eloquently responded to with a personal attack. It should have said that you “were so quick to jump on board with the anti-anti-Baner’s” which would mean that you were against those of us who are anti-Bane.
Again, I can’t see why you are turning this personal if you don’t have a personal stake in the discussion. I have told nothing but truths while being forced to maintain a level of anonymous existence. The reason behind this is the direct targeting of individuals who have expressed dislike of the current administration, whether openly in a public setting or in written word. I’m sorry that this is unimaginable to you, but it is the truth. I’ve never met Marc but we have spoken on here and by email. I can assure you we are two different people, and further more I can assure you that what has been typed here is the truth.
I wish we could continue a healthy debate without the personal attacks. We are not inbred, we are not any other names you have used to describe us. We are people, albeit behind a nickname in order to save protect our jobs.
Marc Eaton says
RandomPoster1, Monster has a stake in this. When you have no way to defend yourself or your position you have to name call tear people down. Monster accuses me of posting under multiple names because there is no way others could have their own opinions about this. Bane, Monster, and many others on his ticket are worried that the end is near for Bane and their soft jobs. This is not the Sheriff,s Office I retired from. We did not treat people like this.
Ghris P. you didn’t treat people like this.
Uncle Benny says
If you have an integrity issue you should not be a deputy. It makes the rest of us who are actually honest looks like idiots. The sheriff has made some pretty piss poor decisions and continues to do so. Whats the sense in having a manual of operations if you do what you want to do anyway. I dont want to work with someone that has an integrity issue and I think I speak for any honest cop in saying that. What once was one of the best agency’s to work for has become a complete and utter joke. That is what happens when you allow unacceptable behavior and personal vendettas to overtake your agency. With courage, honor, and integrity we protect the rights and dignity of all citizens. That is the mission statement and is not situational based. It is clear and I am ashamed that it is not being followed. Sheriff Bane you were elected to uphold this promise, so do it.
The Land of Misfit Toys says
Well the best comment I have seen yet was just posted by Uncle Benny. Even the Land of Misfit Toys does not want to work with a deputy with and integrity issue. As for comments against Marc Eaton, I have never met him but already like him. People have been talking and are starting to become more and more outraged by the actions of Sheriff Bane and his command staff. I hope this makes sense- When I first started this job I loved coming to work, The sense of pride I had was like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. This has been taken away from me and everyone I work with. I love my job, what I hate is that I have no support from high level commaders in the agency. I know that one day I will get that sense of pride back but right now it doesnt exist. I dont want to go anywhere else what I want is an equal, unbiased, and fair shot at doing my job. I signed up for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to work and make better a community I live in. This has got to stop. The men and women that put their lives on the line everyday are not supported and it is a sad time.
Fact Finder says
Well said Benny and Misfit!
Bel Air Fed says
Perpetual candidates looking for more $. Sick of them all.
Baltimore county makes it with a county police force.
How many times has Baltimore County hired/fired a police chief in recent history that wasn’t due to predecessor retirement or promotion. There is precedent and track records for County Police Departments that succeed and thrive.
Fact Finder says
I agree 100% Bel Air Fed. Some would say that there would still be a Sheriff’s Office which is correct. But they would only handle court matters like-(serving papers, court security, detention center). With the current state of the Harford County Sheriff’s Department maybe a county wide police department wouldnt be a bad idea. This was on the ballot I will try to post a link. Sounds similar to whats going on now-
OnPoint says
I had to go back several months to find the following points that were discussed about this previously. He you go:
Once again you could not be more incorrect. Any police department with an appointed chief gets nothing more than a puppet to carry out the political agenda of the elected appointing authority. This has been seen clearly in the Baltimore County Police Department, the Baltimore Police Department and the State Police. Dutch Rupersburger appointed Sheridan who was a train wreck in Balf. County. Governor Shafer appointed the guy best known for walking his dog, Governor O’Malley appointed Dutch Rupersburger’s buddy Sheridan who continued to be a train wreck to the State Police and every City Mayor has gone through every chief who did not tow the company line. I will tell you all of this is first hand knowledge having worked in an agency with an appointed chief.
I am curious as to what it is you do for your Federal “scraping by” taxpayer funded paycheck. Will you share your area of expertice with us? To be clear and fair, mine is law enforcement.
@Bel Air Fed and Factchecker,
Factchecker, you forgot to mention Aberdeen Police Department where the Mayor fired the effective previous chief of police and then conducted a NATIONWIDE SEARCH at taxpayer’s expense for the best candidate to fill the vacancy. This NATIONAL SEARCH located the best law enforcement executive and it just happened to be the guy who supported the mayor’s campaign and had been in an acting role since the first chief was fired. Yep, no politics with an appointed chief.
To answer your new question, why would they change too often when such a farce has been made to get a puppet in place?
Bel Air Fed says
Well we’ve had a sheriff forever and nothing but politics. So what’s wrong with trying something different. Waste of money for a national search? How about the waste of money from these perpetual candidates. How about the waste in time and morale that the deputies have to endure every election cycle. If you don’t like the hiring/firing that a county exec, etc would make – you vote them out. The people that cry the loudest about how awful a county police force would be are the folks that are either seeking a big fat paycheck in the sheriff’s office or afraid of being replaced in a new command structure. As was brought out in the recent vfc/emt furor with the county exec, Harford isn’t Mayberry anymore. I for one would be willing to retire the Andy of Harford whoever he may be and trade him in for a police chief.
Marc A Eaton says
Monster, please tell me more about your friends who work for The Sheriffs Office in Carroll County?
monster says
My friends aren’t in the Sheriff’s Office. I told you I had friends in Carroll County. Keen mind, DFC.
Marc Eaton says
Monster, friend or family member? I will have that answer very soon for you and finally we will know who you are and how close you are to Bane. This will also give us some good information on one other item.
Monster says
Marc, I eagerly wait to see what you find. You talk a lot, now let’s see what you can do. Will this be before or after the No Confidence vote?
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Again this is a very busy time for Monster, Rebecca, and David they are spit shining Sheriff Lionel Jesse Bane’s BMW for the Bel Air 4th of July parade. Im sure a response will occur tomorrow and will again begin with hey inbred. Happy Fourth of July Brothers and Sisters! Be Safe! Dont let the Monster bring you down, keep up the fight!
monster says
hey, inbred
tell them, Marc
Marc Eaton says
Monster, it is clear now. Why you know so much about me. You do work for the Sheriff. It is amazing that after ten years I have still got it. Please stand by as I get more info on you and your help with my move to Carroll County. I should see a few of the guys next week from Carroll County and I will talk to them. Since you know so much about me you should also know that I am like a dog with a bone. Once I get my teeth into something I don’t let go. You were a challenge, but it took me some time. Soon you will be exposed and your link to Bane also. I wonder how high up you are on the food chain at the Sheriff’s Office? How is my grammar on this one, any thing not proper? Looking to meet you soon at a Union Meeting. Have a good July 4th.
This is not a threat so don’t soil your panties. I will walk up to you and shake your hand. Then we will do that vote of no confidence on your buddy Bane. No one will see it coming I promise, it will just happen one night at a Union Meeting.
monster says
Marc Eaton,DFC,Retired
You are so wrong, but good try. You can really get things done. I will be waiting for the NO CONFIDENCE vote. Have you notified the press? Or are you just going to notify yourself and your fictitious posters on this site? As far as you being a dog with a bone and never letting it go, that is obvious. Once DFC has an axe to grind, he never lets it drop. You don’t like that line because you know it is true. Why don’t you tell us all what Bane did to you that has you as his hated enemy. It had to be something personal.
monster says
Marc, Oh, by the way, your grammar was superb! Keep up the good work, and happy Fourth of July to you and your imaginary friends. It amazes me that right after you post, here come Mark’s 8th Cousin. What a coincidence.
Uncle Benny says
I just saw Bane in the Bel Air parade. I think I saw the monster but I’m not sure. Why are politicians allowed to be in the parade? What do you tell your kids, hey kids here come all the corrupt politicians?
BBC says
I saw Mr. Burns too. He was with little Rebecca who was wiping the sweat off his shiny chrome dome while Monster and David A Porter were in the backseat texting ludicrous messages to The Dagger.
Monster says
Uncle Benny, we all know your post is a crock. Go back on the rice box.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Jesse Bane are you exempt from wearing your seatbelt? During the parade today you did not wear your seatbelt. Good example. Yes it was a slow paced parade but if you allow this how can you expect your deputies to issue citations to citizens. Last time I checked the law it did not give an exemption for a parade. If you are in the front seat wear a seatbelt. No Exemptions!
Monster says
Oh, that is terrible. That is certainly something for which he should be removed from office. Losers with nothing to say.
David A. Porter says
I thought that it was standard knowledge that law enforcement is exempt from the seat belt law… not just the sheriff but also the state police.
Monster says
Hey, Inbred,
Read what Mark had to say about the seatbelt and parades. Did you get confused?
BBC says
Mr. Burns breaking the law before thousands of constituents. Gotta love it. David A. Monster must have forgotten to tell him to click it or ticket. Even little Rebecca knows better.
Monster says
Marc Eaton, DFC, Retired,
I am glad you finally admitted that you have never served under Sheriff Bane. It took a long while, but you did it. You assault me by using phony posters, or getting others to do so, and then get mad when I return it to you. I have asked in previous sites for you to stop assassinating Bane personally. If you want to talk about the issues, I will not attack you, but don’t attack a good man for whatever reason you personally have. I will stop the attacks when you do. As far as getting information on me, good luck. But, my friend you are on websites and there is a great amount of information on you. Why don’t you tell us all why you hate Bane so much, since he wasn’t even sheriff when you were there. As far as being the spokesman for the deputies that are afraid to speak, how about their union? Isn’t that the purpose of the union? I know you can’t trust the union either I guess. If a no confidence vote is indeed given by the union as you promise, I will stop posting because I will then believe that there is something wrong. Until that time, I don’t believe that there is widespread disgruntlement. There are always those who are unhappy at any workplace at any job. The top people who are farthest removed from the DFC’s are easiest to blame. Now, I have promised to stop posting when I see a vote of No Confidence from the union. What will you do?
Marc Eaton says
Monster I feel like I am in the movie ground hog day with you. I wake up and it is the same thing over and over with you.
Monster, I did work for Bane when he was Under Sheriff I posted that. I only post under my name, unlike you who hide behind a screen name. Others who are posting are VOJ’s and can not post with their real names, and we both know why. People are posting on their own, you can say a million times it is me but your wrong. You work for Bane. Your post has a new tone to it. Sounds like retreat, or you Bane and the command staff got together and came up with this latest post. I have offered you my email but you refuse to use it. You have access to my cell phone but won’t call. I don’t care if you attack. I was given a gift from Porter who made a big mistake. You and the command staff need to read up on releasing medical information that is private.
Really websites with information on a lowly little DFC like me? Please let me know what sites I would love to read about myself, we both know I am all about me.
Kevin runs the Union. The VOJ’s can not go to him, but the can call me. I do not interfer with Kevin, he has enough to deal with. I just read the Union minutes and it would seem a past President has forgotten he is no longer in office.
Call me I will give you two stories on the reason I dislike the way Bane does things. He cost Sheriff Mele a second term. Mele was a good man, Bane was a tyrant back then. I know what people are dealing with. He is not honest, and he does not treat people with respect. So man up and call me.
I had a good career, not without my share of bumps. Monster, I never lied when complaints came in. Do I still have my own file cabinet in IAD? Now I would love to see some of that on here, wouldnt that give the public confidence if a retired DFC had that information leaked?
So either email or call me or just stop. Bane will know about the vote comes after it has been done, no heads up.
Monster says
Marc Eaton, DFC, Retired
Why did you repeat things that I never asked? I don’t know anything about your private files, but there must be something there you don’t want people to know since you have referred to confidential information in the past. If my earlier post seems like a retreat, you should read it again. It is not a retreat. I merely made an offer of what I would do if your promise of a NO Confidence vote was made. Then, I asked you what you would do. You obviously either are running off at the mouth and know that you cannot deliver, or you just can’t give up that axe that you like to grind because you never addressed my question. By the way, how come Mark’s cousin hasn’t posted. He always follows your brilliant posts-never has anything to say of value-but always supports you.
DeputyDawg says
Marc, I know your trying to help out the guys but I don’t think you need to use names or ID#’s of people who have had “trouble” in the past. What good does it do to single them out. You didn’t like it one bit when someone “leaked” info about you, did you? I know you very well and I do believe your trying to do some good but sometimes your rants are uncalled for!!
Marc Eaton says
Now you posting? Where have you been? Have you seen Monster’s or now the Short Bus’ post? Or are you him?
David A. Porter says
Seek out counseling Marc. You are going where no Glenn Beck has gone before. He was crazy, but he had more of a following than you – and they were usually real people. Step away from the keyboard…. find a nice counselor and tell them all about your issues. It’s the help you need… not this enabling behavior from this forum.
Marc Eaton says
Porter, lets meet at the Dinner on Baltimore Pike for breakfast. You live near there right, I will buy. You can bring Short Bus.
David A. Porter says
Marc. I don’t like you and I have my doubts about your sanity. No. Breakfast will not do. Go get help. My amateur psychology schtick will not help you at all, seek a professional. Your views are diametrically opposed to mine. The things you enjoy I despise, the people you hate do not bother me. I see no common ground. I appreciate your desire to reach out. But do it with a professional. You are not remotely interesting enough to illicit a response in this forum on a regular basis and I have no interest in talking with you or being in your presence. You scare the heck out of me.
DeputyDawg says
Marc, I am no one other than deputydawg. I actually was trying to agree with you regarding some of your posts but at the same time tell you that sometimes revealing all is detrimental! Using others names or id’s does not help any issue. I am retired from hcso and worked w/you for many years so I do know what’s going on and there needs to be changes but I’m not sure you all will get them this way. I have been reading these post and finally got “sick” from what I read, that’s why I responded to you! See you sooner than you think.
Marc Eaton says
Monster I am done with you. If I ever talk with you again your name will now be Short Bus!
Monster says
Marc, I take it by your response that you do not intend to answer my question. I would like to ask a favor, can you tell me what “short bus” is? I am sure that it is derogatory, and you have used this term before, but I don’t know what it means. Please tell me.
Monster says
Marc, I hope your term “Short Bus” does not refer to the short buses used to take special children to school. You wouldn’t make fun of that would you?
marks 8th cousin in-law says
Moron, and I use this as the common definition of the word–a person who is notably stupid. Short Bus is a 2006 movie dealing with, among other things, politics. Your paranoia is making you crazier (common definition -mentally deranged) than you already are.
marks 8th cousin in-law says
Munster: Please noted I posted my comment precisely 2 hours and 6 minutes after Marc Eaton posted his. It’s really hard to come up with random times to post so you can continue your delusion that we are the same person. Common definition of delusion –false opinion or belief.
monster says
Inbred, I looked up the movie “short bus” and I think you are a bunch of crap. That name short bus is an affront to special education students who ride a short bus to school and you know it. Shame on you/Mark for using this term. Call me any derogatory name you wish, but leave everyone else out of it. You show your lack of sensitivity to people with names like short bus. Shame on you.
BBC says
Easy there, hypocrite. You’re condemning people for usage of a term which in your mind is derogatory. But it’s ok for you to refer to everyone as INBRED. Typical Baner.
Monster says
Inbred, you are one. That is why I use that term. Are you telling me that I am a special education student or that I transport special students? My term is aimed at you. I don’t know any inbreds, other than you. Do you? I am not making fun of special students of which I know many. Good try. Try again.
Marc Eaton says
Short Bus, call me or email me. WhenI call you short bus it is the vehicle not the riders. Spin it how every you want to. I can see all of you sitting around the Bane’s dest trying to figure out your next move. Short Bus, what rank does you family hold in the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office? NOW YOU WORRIED ABOUT NAME CALLING. Read your own posts pal, I think you and Bane have a lot in common.
Monster says
Marc Eaton, DFC, Retired,
“I can see you sitting around Bane’s DEST.” Are you really that slow? I don’t work for Bane and I think you flatter yourself to think that he is aware of you, let alone concerned about you. You need help badly. I am starting to feel real sorry for you.
Monster says
Inbred, why are you trying to explain the term “short bus?” Did Mark screw up again?
Monster says
Mark’s 8th cousin, Hey, Inbred, since you want to respond for him, what about my question. You had better answer because I don’t think he can.
Monster says
Mark, I think you gave yourself away when you responded to Deputy Dawg as if you knew who he was, and then the reply of Mark’s 8th cousin. You are a sad case. You ought to go in business for yourself. Crap would be a good business for you.
Marc Eaton says
Short Bus, again with the Ground Hogs Day. I………do………not……….post………under………..any…………..other…………….name. Ask Porter to check with the Dagger and confirm this for you.
This is for you and Short Bus.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town.
(Roll hands over each other)
The wipers on the bus go “Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish”
The wipers on the bus go “Swish, swish, swish”
All through the town.
(Put arms together in front of you and’swish’ like windshield wipers)
The door on the bus goes open and shut
Open and shut, open and shut
The door on the bus goes open and shut
All through the town.
(Cover eyes with hands on ‘shut’ anduncover them on ‘open’)
The horn on the bus goes “Beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep”
The horn on the bus goes “Beep, beep, beep”
All through the town.
(Pretend to honk horn)
The gas on the bus goes “Glug, glug, glug
Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug”
The gas on the bus goes “Glug, glug, glug”
All through the town.
(Pretend to fill tank using pointer finger as gas nozzle)
The money on the bus goes “Clink, clink, clink,
Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink”
The money on the bus goes “Clink, clink, clink”
All through the town.
(Pretend to put money in cash box on bus)
The baby on the bus says, “Wah, wah, wah!
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!”
The baby on the bus says, “Wah, wah, wah!”
All through the town.
(Fisted hands in front of eyesand rub them like baby crying)
The people on the bus say, “Shh, shh, shh,
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh”
The people on the bus say, “Shh, shh, shh”
All through the town.
(Put pointer finger to mouth to ‘shhh’)
The mommy on the bus says, “I love you,
I love you, I love you”
The daddy on the bus says, “I love you, too”
All through the town.
Monster says
Mark, I think I need to apologize to you. You really are in need of help. I think I had better stop egging you on. You worry me and I would hate to be responsible for what your rage is doing to you. I am sincere in this post. Please get help.
Marc Eaton says
I think that Porter, Short Bus and others are frustrated over the fact they can not shake me. You say you know me, then you should know I do not rattle or get intimidated. Certainly from you two, or one or what ever.
Bane hold all the meetings you want about me, I am not going any where. You were a failure as Under Sheriff and you have continued this as Sheriff.
Porter only Taxi cab drivers are exempt from wearing seat belts. No one expects a person in a parade to wear a seat belt.
Monster says
Marc, call me any derogatory names you wish, but I am respectfully asking that you not use the term short bus. Everyone knows short buses take kids to special schools such as John Archer School. You are making fun indirectly of special children even though you are aiming it at me. Families of special kids have enough to deal with and don’t need to have their situation ridiculed. I know you are not making fun of them, it is me you want, but you are being hurtful to these folks. Please come up with another name.
Monster says
David A. Porter,
David, I know I can be harsh, but I agree with you that Mark is greatly in need of help. I don’t wish to be responsible for allowing him to vent and will stop egging him on. He is in need of counseling, and I do not want to send him any further over the edge. I think it took your comments to make me aware of this. Even though you and I have disagreed and will probably do so in the future- Thanks.
David A. Porter says
Agreed, I started at the bottom of the posts this morning. Karma will deal with Marc accordingly. It always works best if it is not pushed. Probably the best thing to do is to simply ignore him and let him achieve his own level. Still, it is fun to poke….
James R. Davis says
You are all starting to make yourself look like complete idiots. Monster, Porter and Marc stick with the facts and cut the rest of the BS out.
Marc Eaton says
Mr. Davis, do you really think these two want to debate the issue? They want to use big words and grade everyone’s grammar. They refuse to meet with me in public to discuss the issues so I have to assume they are just on here to call names and correct grammar. Short Bus works for the Sheriff so he won’t give up his name. Porter seems to be on every post just being rude and insulting to anyone who has an opinion different from his. Attacks on me I could care less, what is interesting they play like they don’t know each other but both seem to post the same things. So your right, I choose to ignore Short Bus and Porter until they agree to meet me.
BBC says
Wow, Monster and David A Porter’s new strategy is to question Ret. DFC Marc Eaton’s mental stability. Pretty desperate, scurrying like the spineless yellow bellies that you are trying to come up with a new plan of action. How many hours did you spend at the roundtable coming up with this lame tactic? You 2 are so transparent and predictable. You’re pissed because Marc is unpredictable and you can’t even PLAN to be unpredictable without messing it up. Ever since he posted that he knows the connection between you and your Carroll County relative, you know you’re about to be exposed and you and your demagogue Bane are going down in flames. No fire extinguishers here, just on the sidelines watching you crash and burn.
David A. Porter says
Carrol County relative? Are you really that stupid? I don’t even come from this state originally. Having arrived here I can easily say this county is filled with some of the most arrogant and ignorant and hateful people I have ever met. It’s as if you guys never got over being occupied territory in the civil war. What exactly is wrong with you? Marc is a symptom of so much of what is wrong with a lot of people I have met here. Seriously, you need to get a real look at where you are on the bell curve.
BBC says
Dear Egoist (I know big words too) David A Porker. I don’t care where your relatives live. I’m referring to Monster. Now go find some more screen names to call yourself because it’s obvious that the latest round of new names and posts are from you.
Monster says
Big Bag of Crap, so you know big words,huh? Good, now learn the real word- Not egoist; it is egotist.
BBC says
Oh literate Monster, egotist and egoist are both words. Check it out dumb ass. They both mean the same thing–braggart (yes, that is a word), self-centered, narcisstic, egocentric, conceited and so on. All of them describe you perfectly. Run along and look up some new words.
David A. Porter says
No they don’t mean the same thing…. Ayn Rand was very clear on that point in the forward to her book “The Fountainhead”. She preferred the use of Egoist to describe someone interested in themselves as opposed to Egotist being someone conceited and self absorbed. The distinction is small certainly but given her penchant for trying to drum up the notion of self versus society, she tried to make one seem less conceited.
Egotist: A conceited, boastful person.
Egoist: One devoted to one’s own interests and advancement.
That was her intent. I feel differently and believe she was so self interested she was unaware that she was conceited. But since she is the darling of the right wing, it really matters little to me which definition she, or anyone else, uses.
BBC says
Monster–you are too good to be true. First you don’t know that egoist is a word, now you are an expert on it. The saying “a legend in your own mind” suits you perfectly. You make me laugh.
Uncle Benny says
Well David A. Porter and Monster continue to try to make Marc Eaton look like a fool. But the deputies know better. David and Monster keep drinking Uncle Jesse’s coolaid. Your post(s) sound like they came from the county attorney. I think you(who are both one)are worried sick. I dont blame you, be worried, your days in the command staff with Uncle J are numbered. Anyone that knows what is really going on knows the truth and knows you are trying to make Marc Eaton look like a fool. Good Luck!
David A. Porter says
Marc doesn’t need any help… he does it to himself. If you weren’t so busy trying to be like him you’d see it too.
Monster says
Marc is a sick man. It is no longer fun to watch him make a fool of himself. I would like to leave him alone, but not you or anyone else of your ilk. So, Marc, quit using so many different names. You really aren’t fooling anyone.
Monster says
We aren’t just trying, we do.
The Land of Misfit Toys says
Do you really think that the deputies dont see the character assassination that you are attempting on our fellow brother and union memeber Marc Eaton. We see it and we know that you are using Muammar Gaddafi tactics as usual to discredit him. But we see through your crap we will stay strong and continue to support Marc. People are suffering financially, personally, and just wanted to be appreciated. This administration uses tactics that attempt to scare deputies and keep them quiet. It will not work too many deputies are disgruntled and are talking. The sheriff and his commanders created this problem and need to quickly fix it or walk away with what little dignity they have left. We are not asking for the world but we are not your third class deputies either. I respect your rank but that does not give you a right to belittle me or make my life miserable. You have fired people, people have retired and you have transferred people really without cause because you can, Dont forget where you came from, and have a heart. If you continue this the the Berlin Wall will come down. We will not let you hurt or destroy another one of our brothers and sisters, It stops now, Bottom line not up for debate, You dont wanna listen then game on. GOOOD LUCK
Kharn says
“We see it and we know that you are using Muammar Gaddafi tactics as usual to discredit him.”
I don’t see any truck bombings, human rights violations, bad facial hair or funny hats.
Monster says
Misfit, good name. Why are you a misfit?
The Land of Misfit Toys says
@Kharn he makes his people live in fear that they will be next.
@monster im not a misfit we work togther well on my shift, its the ridicuolous and constant policy change to change a policy that was just done, It is the public wanting the neighborhood to be safer but filing complaints that are catered to the the higher ups. Its MICROMANAGMENT.
I dont need to explain myself to you facts are facts. So I will not post in response to questions that you already know but wanna play stupid about. Just be realistic as leave the BS behind.
Monster says
The Land of the Misfit Toys, that is one hell of a name. You never think that you have to ezplain anything to anyone.
BBC says
Eddie Munster, do you post things twice because it makes your asinine comments sound more plausible or are you just an idiot who doesn’t know how to use a computer?
Monster says
The Land of the Misfit Toys, that is one hell of a name. You never think that you have to explain anything to anyone.
Peacekeeper says
David A . Porter is not worthing arguing with, He is the most educated uneducated person known to man. He thrives off of controversy. He has no clue how the Sheriff’s Office works. I dont kmow how to be an engineer and wouldnt even go there. David A. Porter please get a life and focus on your job , come home watch tv, eat dinner and go to bed. david just do it. monster you are a mule for the command staff. You see the ship is sinking, so you use desperation acts to confuse people and make Eaton look like a fool. This is not how you want your career to be remembrered. Go when you can with what little you have left. Alot of sad people from Banne’s staff will be very sad in a year or two. If they just retired and walked away it could save all of this, That ok we are ready for that fight. We Will win. ABB
David A. Porter says
Nice name Peacekeeper… where did you get the idea for the name? Did it come with the animosity you have inside you? And just exactly where did you learn to spell and have little regard for editing? Incomplete, vacuous, full of enmity… you’re no peacekeeper – you’re here to express hate like everyone else that visits Marc’s little corner of personal derision. I have hobbies dear… they include coming back at you to point out your limitations and your inadequacies.
Monster says
Peacekeeper my butt, you are just another fictitious poster. Why don’t you save this until the No Confidence vote that Marc has promised occurs. Then, and only then, will I believe that there may be a problem in the Sheriff’s Office. We go through this political crap every four years….it just started early this time, but it is the same old thing. If you are a deputy, do your job. That is what you are paid to do.
Monster says
If you are going to continue to criticize him personally, at least spell his name correctly- BANE. I can see that you know him well.
Fact Finder says
just wondering says
Don’t assume the command staff agrees with Bane …..
Mike Welsh says
Just Wondering,
What should we assume? That the Command Staff disagrees with the Sheriff, and tells him so on a daily basis. That even though the command staff disagrees and tells him so, that the Sheriff just keeps them around to voice their disagreement because he thinks its a fun thing to do!!
The sad part is that even though some may disagree they will not speak out. Why, do they fear repercussions from Bane? If the answer is yes, then that confirms exactly what the Deputies have been saying. Bane is a tyrant. If the answer is no, then that confirms exactly what the Deputies have been saying, that command staff is only out for themselves and do not care about those under their command.
The best answer to your comment is… We should not have to assume what the Command Staff thinks. They should express their thoughts and position on issues, not leaving anything to assumption!!
Monster says
Welsh, are you a deputy. Please tell us.
Mike Welsh says
What difference would it make if I was or was not a Deputy? Are you a Deputy?
Monster says
Welsh, no, I am not a deputy and have never pretended to be. You, on the other hand seem to side with Marc and a couple of others as though you are. If you don’t want to tell us, just say so.
Mike Welsh says
I am not a Deputy. I don’t side with anyone because of who they are. If my comments from time to time reflect the same thoughts/position as others then it is because we are talking about the same facts. It has nothing to do with personalities.
RandomPoster1 says
Seriously? If they don’t agree with him they do a really good job of putting our stupid ideas and orders. Also, Bane stated (on camera) that he isn’t the boss of the agency and doesn’t make the decisions. So if the command staff doesn’t agree with l-jessi who is the idiot running this sinking ship?
BBC says
the command staff needs to start distancing themselves from Bane if they want to remain with the agency in 2 years. those who remain aligned with him are just living for the moment and not thinking ahead.
Monster says
Big Bag of Crap, the command staff is not thinking ahead? Isn’t that what you want. All of you can then get promoted?
RandomPoster1 says
Again why are we calling names?
BBC’s point was that every election year the appointed positions, namely major’s and up, face the possibility of losing their positions. They truly serve at the will of the sheriff, and if a command staff member is associated with a bad command staff it is possible that a new sheriff could clean house if elected.
A good leader doesn’t simply tow the company line, they look out for their people and ensure that the mission statement that is being beaten into everyone’s heads is being followed by the beaters, not just the beaties.
Monster says
why are we calling names? Have you been reading the horrible things that have been said about Bane personally. You will have to look a long time to find a better person than Bane. You can believe or not. The voters will make the final decision, not you, Big Bag of Crap.
RandomPoster1 says
There have been lots of negative things said about Bane, but only a few (and which pollutes an otherwise professional discussion) have been personal. The biggest and first thing they teach in any academy is that police work is business, not personal. The things that are being brought to light are business issues that Bane has made personal. We can go on and on, but I’ll point out PERSONAL attacks that have come from the headquarters:
1. a member who campaigned against the sheriff, followed the SOP’s to the letter on how to do so, was told that “it’s not personal” by the sheriff and never EVER campaigned on company time. As soon as the election was over he was not only removed from his position he was removed as an instructor, a mentor and banned from talking to the lower ranking members and new recruits. His shift was destroyed and a person was transferred in that helped in that destruction.
2. a member who was associated with another campaign, who was called by Bane to be an “expert” in his field and heralded over and over again by the command staff was passed over for promotion into the very spot he was supposed to be the expert in. Is new blood a bad idea? No, not at all but don’t tell the community someone is absolutely the best at something and then not allow them to grow even more in that spot.
3. Bane has said he isn’t in charge, so that means his command staff is running unchecked and they are a direct reflection of his leadership, doing such things as:
– higher ranking members banging lower ranking members
– lower ranking members allowed to make video’s with gang references because they are banging someone who sued their way to the top
– transfers people out of spite, with no justifiable reason because they dislike someone (more then once)
– transfer people who cannot meet the standards for their job into newly created positions in order to protect them
– harass and torment sick members of the agency to the point that an outside agency rules the complaints justified and opens investigations on behalf of the officer
– allows a command staff member to sit at home WITH PAY for almost a year while accused of numerous crimes, but harasses any lower ranking member injured or sick and hems and haws on whether they should be paid sitting at home (on doctors orders) when they could be forced onto light duty.
This wasn’t personal until the main street gang made it personal. I’m not a Gahler supporter, I am a “we need change across the board” supporter. If Bane really isn’t to blame then some house cleaning is needed really really badly.
Common Cent$ says
Gahler, you’ve been crying the blues since you lost to Bane in 2010! You sound like a scratched record. Sheriff Bane has to work within his budget AND with the County Executive (both of which he has done well!) Has he been perfect? No. But I’m certain that you couldn’t have done any better. Overall, I believe that Jesse Bane has been a good steward of the department AND the revenue allocated to the same. Politics!!!!
Kharn says
I agree.
Gahler kicked off his campaign much too early and he’s solely posting negatives about Bane’s performance, never any positives about his plans to improve.
John Paff says
It appears to me Gahler is not focused on when his campaign kicked off, but rather what is best for the people of Harford County. I commend him for bringing the issues to the forefront!
monster says
John Paff, what issues are you talking about? The sheriff is responsible for traffic accidents? Where is the MSP? How are fatalities around the state? A reasonable person would say that no one can really stop traffic fatalities. Political responders will try to use it as an issue. Very sad, and you fell for it. I take that back, you are probably a Gahler supporter trying to pile on top.
Dissenter says
hey gahler!..even if you win your still goin to be stuck with a police department that is chuk full of flaming assholes!…from drunk judges to incompetent patrolees who should be parolees. you people who call yourself law enforcement in harford co are a joke. you are the subject of ridicule and disgust, not to mention laughter. you should all be in jail with the rest of the riffraff. who needs a police dept that is detrimental to its constituents. its no wonder you hurt your citizenry, you perfect your destruction on each other?
David A . Porter is my Hero says
David thank you for your posts. Each time you post it makes you look like a bigger idiot. Its like meeting the woman of your dreams and finding out shes happily married with 2 kids. That is how you look, so DAVID A. PORTER YOU ARE MY HERO.
Monster says
You really are a jackass. What do you have against a single mother with children. You revealed a lot about yourself. Even though David A. Porter and I disagree regularly, he has more character and care in his little finger than you have in your whole body. I am sure your picture is next to the word moron in the dictionary.
BBC says
Monster, you’re slipping. If a woman is happily married with 2 children, that doesn’t make her a single mother. You’re in panic mode and it’s making you blunder.
Monster says
Big Bag of Crap, No, you just screwed up. You revealed that you post in more than one name. What a surprise. Oh, what is with the name calling? That is what you posted. You are arguing with yourself?
BBC says
Monster, WTH are you talking about? You want so badly to believe that people are posting under different names that you believe your own paranoid delusions. A happily married woman with 2 kids is not a single mother with two kids except in your feeble mind. Now go think up some more conspiracy theories.
David A. Porter says
BBC, you have done nothing to dispel the notion at all… your continued use of a pseudonym is proof that you are part of the problem. I have never seen as many thumbs down on a topic as I have seen in this Anti-Bane Pro-Gahler column. I know it’s easy to fool the system into believing you are someone else because I’ve seen people mimic me and make up any name they like to post here. Monster is right for calling you a big bag of crap, because you are indeed full of yourself. Just like the other fakes that post here to give more weight to a vicious and personally motivated point of view than it rightly deserves.
Mike Welsh says
If you use a pseudonym such as “Monster”, does that make you part of the problem?
Amber Richardson says
Wow I have been on vacation and just read this arcticle. I didnt know that the local police force was this screwed up. Sounds like it is time for change. I hope things change and you all get treated better. Thank you for putting your lives on the line for us! Even if you dont feel appreciated we appreciate you!
Monster says
Amber, are you related to Rebecca Richardson?
The Hunt for Red October says
This Sheriff Department sounds like a bad episode of Hells Kitchen. I don’t even think Chef Gordon Ramsay could fix the problems that I see posted on here. I had no idea it was this bad.
snsd says
BBC says
SNSD: You wonder how people are still making comments on this thread and then you comment on it. Baners are losing it.
Monster says
snsd, I get your point, it seems silly. I cannot sit by and watch a good man like Bane be assassinated
BBC says
Monster, you can’t sit around and watch Bane’s character get assassinated, yet you don’t have any problem sitting back and watching the Home Depot guy getting paid, deputies getting fired one after another and other atrocities your boy has committed. That tells me a lot about your character. Tells me that you have none. God help you if you ever have done to you what your boy is doing to the members of his rank and file. You make me sick.
Monster says
Big Bag of Crap, when Marc gets that vote of No Confidence or the union does not support Bane in the next election, then I will believe that there are major problems in the Sheriff’s Office. You tell one sided stories and try to find anything that you can to embarass Bane. I make you sick, you are sick. I am convinced that you are DFC, Retired who just can’t let go of a peronal/personnel issue that he had with Bane. He is loaded with paranoia, thinks that he is important enough that Bane is scared of him, and is a sick individual. If you are not him, help him get the vote of no confidence. Other wise, he/you look like a fool. This kind of crap happens every four years in the Sheriff’s Office. You know that this true. How come you never say anything nice about Gahler either? Actually, I know why. You don’t think that way.
The Land of Misfit Toys says
Well SNSD unlike you, fellow brothers and sisters are suffering at the wrath of the almighty Bane. I think people are to the point now where nothing will stop them. You may be ok but this is ruining peoples careers and lives and it has to stop. HCSO is a complete joke and it shouldnt be this way. Its beyond the ship sinking it has sunk. Its a shame that it will lay at the bottom for at least two more years. But I think there is light at the end of the tunnel and a complete change in the command staff would be a start. Well with the exception of two or three people. Hope that answers your question SNSD.
Monster says
Misfit, this will all happen after Mark gets the No Confidence vote. Then, the election will come and you won’t have to worry about this for another 4 years.
David A. Porter says
Except of course in the Dagger where they can vent their little personal issues for the rest of us to share.
RandomPoster1 says
If not here then where? I have PERSONALLY never been attacked by Bane. I have no problem PERSONALLY with Bane, but I have seen this department go downhill for quite some time now. If Bane isn’t the problem then who is? Who on his command staff is running things (because as Bane said on camera, he isn’t in charge?) So if Bane truly is blind to all this, and as the supposed head law enforcement officer in Harford County he shouldn’t be, who should we be focusing on?
Mike Welsh says
We should be focusing on someone new to do the job. Someone who actually thinks that he/she would be in command of the agency. Someone who would accept responsibility for running the agency. Someone who would accept responsibility for the decisions made, both good and bad. Someone who will not stand in front of a video camera and exclaim that he is not in charge and is not accountable for the decisions made. That’s who we should be focusing on!
Cuthbert J. Twilly says
I’ll do it Mike and Marc…. and whoever all the rest of you are either singularly or pluraly. I have no prior law enforcement experience except knowing a professional when I see it and an unprofessional as well. I can look up the regs as well as any of you. If you want management I know the primary function is to enable my people to do their jobs. Anything else that inhibits their ability to do their jobs is counterproductive and should be placed secondary to work. Beyond that I will employ basic daycare principles… you know, like sharing… keeping your hands to yourselves… if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all… and learn to clean up after yourselves. Exactly how hard is it to get adults to act responsibly? It is ridiculously hard… and if those of you that post the way you do here were in my employ and you chose to put your grievances out here in the public to denigrate the good name of the Harford County Sheriff Department I would let you work the rest of your days at the Detention Center cleaning up vomit on the cell floors after some idiot citizen spewed his guts from an overdose or being drunk. It just might teach you some humility.
Mike Welsh says
Feel free to place your name in the election process. Many of the Deputies are looking forward to a change in leadership come 2014.
OnPoint says
Since you understand that “Anything else that inhibits their ability to do their jobs is counterproductive and should be placed secondary to work”, you are already a better candidate than Jesse Bane. How can he not get this?
David A. Porter says
Go ahead and sink it again, enough people will read it and realize what caliber of people are posting here.
Cuthbert J. Twilly wrote: I’ll do it Mike and Marc…. and whoever all the rest of you are either singularly or pluraly. I have no prior law enforcement experience except knowing a professional when I see it and an unprofessional as well. I can look up the regs as well as any of you. If you want management I know the primary function is to enable my people to do their jobs. Anything else that inhibits their ability to do their jobs is counterproductive and should be placed secondary to work. Beyond that I will employ basic daycare principles… you know, like sharing… keeping your hands to yourselves… if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all… and learn to clean up after yourselves. Exactly how hard is it to get adults to act responsibly? It is ridiculously hard… and if those of you that post the way you do here were in my employ and you chose to put your grievances out here in the public to denigrate the good name of the Harford County Sheriff Department I would let you work the rest of your days at the Detention Center cleaning up vomit on the cell floors after some idiot citizen spewed his guts from an overdose or being drunk. It just might teach you some humility.
Mike Welsh says
Feel free to place your name in contention for the office of Sheriff or any other office in Harford County. You will have an opportunity to find out how people really feel about you at the ballot box.
Uncle Benny says
Monster I copied your post(see below), my question is have you suffered any recent head trauma? A good Man like Bane are you kidding me?
“snsd, I get your point, it seems silly. I cannot sit by and watch a good man like Bane be assassinated”
Posted by Monster | July 7, 2012, 9:42 am 1 4
monster says
Uncle Benny, the head trauma comment sounds very familiar from another poster. I don’t know why you felt the need to cut and paste my comment about Bane. Anyone can read it on this site, you are just repeating what I said, and I stand behind it. This constant posting is a small sample, even if the posters were legitimate. The entire story is never told such as the major who was paid to stay home- he is innocent until proven guilty- and you gahlerlites would have crucified Bane had he not done that. Don ‘t tell everyone that Bane is the only sheriff that has had problem staff. I believe there have been some DWI situations and other problems in other administrations that you fail to ever mention. Telling only one part of the story might work on the frail of mind, but not to thinking people. Now, as I said before, and you may wish to cut and paste this, go back to your rice box.
Mike Welsh says
All administrations will have situations that arise from time to time. How the leadership handles those situations is the crux of the issue.
Uncle Benny says
Monster yes there have been problems in other administrations, but how does that make the current problems acceptable? As for the Home Depot case he was a Major and did not have to be afforded his LEOBR rights. You know it and I know it. So he sat home and collecting his $ 107,000 salary. He could have been suspended long before without pay and if the case was dropped he could be reinstated and back paid. Innocent until proven guilty is applicable to his criminal charges, but has nothing to do with administrative sanctions. I will say it Bane is NOT the only sheriff to have issues, but in MY opinion there has never been a sheriff with this many widespread issues.
BBC says
Dear Cuthbert/Monster/Davy: If you’re going to make reference to a fictional character as your own name, at least spell it correctly. It’s Twillie. You Baners can’t do anything right.
Uncle Benny says
I have seen instances where Monster, Porter and SNSD accuse Marc Eaton and others of Bane character assassination. The only person responsible for this is Jesse Bane himself, he is assassinating his own character. His actions speak louder then his words and the deputies have had enough.
Monster says
When will the union speak? Isn’t that why there is a union? Yet, you say you are all afraid to reveal your real names. Isn’t that why you have a union? You all say that you are tired of Bane getting away with mistreating deputies. Isn’t that why you have a union? So, my question is, why aren’t you going to your union. I have said numerous times that I will believe you when Mark gets that vote of no confidence and/or the union doesn’t support Bane for reelection. Until then you are just a disgruntled employee who can be found in any job in any organization.
Monster says
Uncle Ben,
…or you are a gahlerlite trying to campaign.
Uncle Benny says
So Monster I say what you wanted me to say which is yes other administrations have had issues. I then go onto say that it doesnt make the current problems with the Bane administration acceptable. Your only response is that im a “Gahlerlite and I need to go back to my rice box”. Is that supposed to be some kind of cultural joke against chinese people? If so you are a heartless person. You and David will never admit that 45 S. Unethical street has major issues. So that makes you part of the problem. Please do not make any more rice box jokes as I feel that you are disrespecting the chinese culture.
BBC says
Looks like Monster needs a a little cultural enlightening with his insulting remarks about an entire ethnic group. But then the Baners are like that, calling other people out for something they do regularly.
Monster says
Uncle Benny, you are saying that only Chinese eat rice? I eat rice and I am not Chinese. Your stupidity is exceeded only by your lack of sensitivity. Now, go back on your rice box.
Monster says
Mike Welsh and others, If someone says that they saw a martian last night and get two others to also say it, does that make it a fact? Hence my other comment. You seem content to accept what is being said as facts. I am not. On the other hand, when Mark gets that vote of no confidence and/or the union does not support Bane, then I will believe that there is a problem. Taking the word of Marc and the other multi-posters is sad for an educated person to do.
Mike Welsh says
So you don’t believe it is a fact that Sheriff Bane passed over the number one and two persons on the Lieutenants promotion list and promoted the number three person?
You don’t believe it is a fact that Sheriff Bane kept a Major on suspension and on full pay for over seven months while he was being investigated for grand theft from Home Depot?
You don’t believe it is a fact that Sheriff Bane stated many times that he could not fire or suspend the Major without pay because he was innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and protected under the provisions of LEOBR?
You don’t believe it is a fact that Sheriff Bane did fire Major Forwood after Forwoods alleged second theft at Home Depot, and prior to Major Forwood being found/pleading guilty in court, doing exactly what he had previously said he could not do?
It is difficult to have a cogent discussion with someone who states that they will not believe facts until there is some kind of union vote to validate that a problem exists!
David A. Porter says
What we choose to believe will not be spoken by you are Marc in this forum, or any of the sympathizers you have enlisted to flame this column. Do what you say you will do and be done with it. If it succeeds fine, if it fails, don’t come back and blame politics as usual. The majority of you are simply disenfranchised and have found an outlet to spew your irritations and pat yourselves on the back for being so clever. In the end your words are meaningless without action.
Mike Welsh says
Why are your panties in a wad over “meaningless” words? Both you and Monster are becoming less and less rational in your comments. You are two different people…right?
Monster says
To Mike Welsh, earlier I had some degree of respect for your posts but have come to realize that you are no different than the other Bane haters. While you can compose your thoughts better than the others (which isn’t saying a hell of a lot) you still have your version of facts and their importance to your anti-Bane cause. As I said earlier, Marc has promised a vote of no confidence on Bane’s leadership. If that happens and/or the union does not support him in the next election, then and only then will I believe there are problems in the Sheriff’s Office. YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING. This would substantiate how bad Bane is, according to the nut cases who are posting on this site. Otherwise, there is nothing to substantiate that these (how many we really don’t know)posts are more than disgruntled employees which can be found in any organization. I am also convinced that you are a Gahler supporter. Yet, you really don’t say anything positive about Gahler. I thought that this strand was really about Gahler and his call for Bane to be proactive on preventing traffic fatalities. Of course, Gahler could write a letter to the MSP and every other police agency in the state and say the same thing. We both know that is a crock. You talk about meaningful dialogue, you don’t really want that because it is so much easier blaming Bane for everything you perceive wrong with the HCSO.
Mike Welsh says
I would be interested in hearing your version of ‘my facts’, since you have stated that the facts I listed are ‘my version’.
I am not a supporter of Mr. Gahler yet. He needs to convince me how he would lead/manage and improve the HCSO before he gets my support.
I am convinced the HCSO is currently experiencing serious leadership issues, and that includes the current union leadership.
I don’t need a union vote to confirm to me that problems exist. There have been problems from time to time in all administrations and it didn’t take a union vote of no confidence to prove those problems existed.
Mike Welsh says
PS, I did get your wit with regard to the rice box comment to Uncle Ben. Enough said about that!
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Monster you keep saying “where is the union, or when will the union speak”. I dont know you tell me where the union is, they are non existent right now. I would love to leave the union as they have done nothing for me. If it wasnt for the prepaid legal benifits I would be gone. What the union does do is take care of a select few, but you already know that because you are one of them.
Monster says
Inbred, You are really a winner. Now, the union is bad. So, Bane is bad, the command staff is bad, and now the union cannot be trusted. Are you the only one that is any good? You need help. According to you, the only words that can be trusted are the ones that are anti-Bane. You guys are something.
By the way, what is the significance of “Well Loved” at the bottom of your post and code 67. Did you give yourself away again?
Code 67 says
What the Harford County Sheriff’s Office needs is a sheriff who stands up and supports his rank and file. Sheriff Joe from Maricopa County, AZ or Sheriff Mike Lewis from Wicomico County would make awesome Sheriff’s here.
BBC says
Code 67. I don’t know anything about the Sheriff in Wicomico County. If you could give some more info that would be great. I sure know a lot about Sheriff Joe from AZ. Now that guy is a true police officer. Not an inept coward like the one we have now. I’m sure Sheriff Joe doesn’t have Kumbaya meetings down at the border with the illegal immigrants like Bane has with the thugs.
Monster says
Inbred, neither of them live in Harford County, Maryland.
Monster says
Inbred, are you comparing those two to Gahler. Please tell us.
Monster says
BBC, Uncle Benny, Mike Welsh all have “Well Loved” at the bottom of their post. Can anyone explain why?
Monster says
Also, RandomPoster 1 does too. Hmmmm.
Monster says
Also, Onpoint. What a stupid ass.
Monster says
and The Land of the Misfit Toys. Wow. A gang.
Monster says
All the same line at the end. Just like Marc Eaton has. Shame, shame, shame. Now go away you evil little man.
Monster says
I missed one-Fact Finder has it also.
Monster says
I missed another- HaHa has it also. I think I have discovered a huge gang of fraud, would you not agree Marc?
Monster says
Bad me, I missed another one- Bad Dog, not to be confused with Deputy DAwg. Marc you have really proven what David A.Porter, myself and others have been saying. I hope your conscience bothers you, it should. You are a fake and a phony.
Monster says
My bad again, I missed People for the Ethical Treatment of Deputies and Recently Retired. I will keep checking.
Monster says
Add Demicritic and Road Deputy to the list. Also, John Paff.
Monster says
I count 14 posts made by Marc Eaton using different names. This is disgusting and sad at the same time. That someone could hate this much to fabricate phony posters is sickening. Mark Eaton couldn’t have been a very good investigator when he is tripped up so easily himself. Now that you have been caught, do everyone a favor and get the hell off of this site. You are a weasel and a coward, now take a hike.
Monster says
Eaton, one final thought-I never thumbed you down once. Yet, you did that to David A.Porter and I numerous times. You are a sad case.
Across the Bridge says
“Well Loved” doesn’t mean they are the same person you moron. It’s based on the number of thumbs up or down they have. Lots of thumbs up = Well Loved, thumbs down = Poorly Rated, and if it’s close = Hot Debate. Please tell me you aren’t really that dumb? Or were you just trying to make people who aren’t familiar with the Dagger believe your conspiracy theory???
Mike Welsh says
Awww, why did you tell him!
OnPoint says
Yes, he is really that dumb apparently, but look who is idol is.
BBC says
Monstrosity: Go to Barnes & Noble. Buy the book “Idiots Guide to Blogging” or “Blogging for Dummies”. The thought of you feverishly reviewing almost 400 comments, sweat pouring down your face, fingers trembling, calculating numbers, then inserting them into a flow chart to verify your ridiculous supposition is hysterically funny. All 14 (or is it 16–did you miss a few?!) of us Marc Eatons “well love” your stupidity. Posters, please give this comment a thumbs up so Monster can perpetuate his conspiracy theory when he reads Well Loved at the bottom! Thanks for the goodnight laugh, Monster.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Monster- Hey its Inbred here, perhaps you should have consulted Rebecca or David before making your self look like such an idiot. I bet you wish you could take all 15 comments back. Its all good you made me laugh, you are a moron. I think you drank too much of Uncle Jessie’s coolaid tonight. In acts of desperation people do stupid things, Monster you are desperate.
BBC says
Still laughing this morning. If only Monster would go away with his tail between his legs in shame. But I’m sure he’ll concoct another conspiracy theory whereby Gahler is hacking in to the Dagger’s computer and placing thumbs up for all the Bane detractors. Right Monster?
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Monster- Hey its Inbred again. You have been quiet today, whats wrong? I figured you would come back with a post about how everyone on here is wrong. I guess even you now longer believe your own conspiracy theory.
I also just realized that it has been 13 days since Mr. Gahler wrote his letter and I still have yet to see a response from Sheriff Lionel Jesse Bane. Is Sheriff Bane conceding that he did “Fail to Act Timely or Aggressively” on Fatal Accident Prevention? Who knows maybe Rebecca, David, Monster and Lionel are having a response letter preparation retreat.
OnPoint says
Good point on the lack of response from Jesse. Maybe he wants to invite Mr. Gahler in to the office to help him review this issue, but wait, he already has a trooper showing him the way!
BBC says
Lionel doesn’t have time to respond to important publicy safety issues that are of the concern to the community. He’s too busy throwing darts at his employee board to see who he’s going to fire next. Maybe even you, Monster, for your hilarious well-loved blunder that has sent Lionel and his minions into damage control mode.
Mike Welsh says
In my opinion, if Sheriff Bane had a good response he would have responded. Pretty much it in a nutshell.
Monster says
Welsh, in your mind any anti-Bane statement is a fact. Then you hide by saying that you are not sure who you support, which is, excuse the expression, a big cop out. You don’t have anything positive to say about Gahler? Come on.
Mike Welsh says
I didn’t hide anything. I said I DID NOT support Mr. Gahler. I may support him sometime in the future, or perhaps another candidate. Several months until the election. Time for several candidates to enter the race for Sheriff.
Monster says
Anti-Baners, thanks for filling me in on what “Well Loved” meant. I thought it was the name of your posting organization that is on every site. Ever since Marc Eaton,DFC,Retired, told me that he loved me, I assumed that was the code for dumb asses. Why should Jesse Bane answer Gahler’s post? Who is Gahler other than a want to be. When Gahler and you come up with a real issue, I am sure that he will respond. Until then, just keep grumbling about your job. You are the only one to ever be unhappy with a boss or bosses. If you are a DFC, then I guess you have many bosses.
Mike Welsh says
Actually the code for dumb asses begins with M and ends with ONSTER.
Monster says
Welsh, any respect I had for your posts is long gone. You are nothing more than someone who wants to send anti-Bane messages to get your candidate elected. You can’t tell me anything good about Gahler. What kind of poster are you? As far as dumb asses, that is you even more than Marc. Poor Mark is just sick and not too smart, you are literate and should be able to tell me why Gahler is your man. But, you don’t. Prospective voters can see that also.
Mike Welsh says
It is not my job to convince you or anyone else why Mr. Gahler is a good candidate for Sheriff. That responsibility rests with Mr. Gahler. I am my own man and you should be too. Quit being controlled by Jesse.
BBC says
Monster, you are denser than a forest. How many times does Mike Welsh have to tell you that Gahler is not “his man” or “his candidate”? Yet you continue to ask him to say good things about his candidate. He doesn’t have a candidate you simpleton. You Baners are just as stubborn and misguided as your lunkheaded leader.
Monster says
Big Bag of Crap, issues? You take one sided stories and call them issues. The one on this site deals with crap created to seem like an issue. How can a former member of the MSP criticize anyone for not stoping traffic fatalities. How do stop traffic fatalities? Maybe, the MSP could pull their radar off 30 mph roads and put it on Rt 24 and other truly dangerous roads. MSP is the highway patrol so why do we have so many fatalities and dangerous accidents in Maryland. I am not blaming them per se, anymore than Gahler or you should be blaming Bane. It’s the post calling the kettle black. Tell Gahler to get some real issues if he can. And by the way, personnel laws do not allow HCS to give the other side of personnel cases. You also know that as well.
Mike Welsh says
Well the other side of the Major Forwood issue was, Mr. Forwood marched into court and plead guilty to grand theft, subsequently receiving an 18 month sentence in jail.
Monster says
Welsh, So, what? The captain that was DWI in the Golding administration, did you get upset by that (you do remember that it was kept quiet at first and he was given a ride home). You and I both know that no one can control all of his employees at all times. Did you burn up the AEGIS and blogs with that information. How about the Sheriff who was harassing females and was forced to resign. There was a man who never served a day as a deputy and yet became sheriff. He wore a uniform with decorations up the ying yang. Had you not known better you would have thought he was a hero. How about individual deputies in the last several administration that should have been fired and yet managed to survive. Have you burned up the blogs with those stories. Deputies have a union. They should be using it two years before the election. Why aren’t they doing so? I believe there are approx. 500 employees in the HCSO. How many have we truly heard from on this site?
BBC says
Monster, why don’t you count up how many employees the Sheriff’s Office has just like you counted up how many WELL LOVED posts there were? Rebecca will be happy to help her daddy and Uncle Jesse.
Mike Welsh says
Sheriff Meadows did the right thing and resigned. Are you suggesting that Sheriff Bane do the same?
Sheriff Golding declined to run for Sheriff when his term was up. Are you suggesting Sheriff Bane do the same?
According to you all of those problems you refer to in past administrations are not really ‘real’ since the Deputies Union never took and passed a no confidence vote regarding the Sheriff’s handling of those issues.
You can’t have it both ways. Grow up!
Fact Finder says
@ Monster Why do you keep saying MSP and talking about fatal accidents in the entire state. In this county the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is the primary law enforcement agency. In other counties that is not the case and MSP is the primary agency. Sheriff Bane dropped the ball but tried to take credit for this taskforce. All for media publicity.
Monster says
fact finder, give me a break. The MSP patrol our highways to the point that they are the highway patrol. You are being a stupid ass, that’s all.
Fact Finder says
@ Monster Anytime you are called out on something you freak out and call people a jackass or stupid ass. Calm down and go take your happy pill!
Fact Finder says
@ Monster You say that when Gahler comes up with a “real issue” then Bane will respond. So are you admitting that Bane messed up his crime statistics because he responded to that?! I think your full of it, you made a complete idiot out or yourself lastnight. If Bane had a good response to this arcticle about fatal acident prevention then he would have responded. This just tells me that he knows Jeff Gahler was right. The voters in this county are not stupid, they will see the same.
Monster says
Fact Finder, No, I am not saying that Bane messed up the crime statistics. That is what you are saying. Interpretation of the statistics is where the rub was, and still is. Again, read what I have written numerous times about traffic fatality prevention also. You won’t because you are only interested in trying to poison the reputation of Sheriff Bane.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Evil Monster why do you keep talking about past administrations. The year is 2012 and I dont care what happened in the past. This is about was is currently happening. Go drink more of Uncle Jessie’s Coolaid tonight. By the way you wouldnt know what a Well Loved comment looks like because all of your and David’s comments are hidden due to low comment rating. Sincerely, Inbred.
Monster says
Inbred, you don’t read well do you? I was explaining to the slimey Welsh that other administrations have had problems also. You really are a stupid ass. Vote this down.
Monster says
Welsh, so it appears that your only role on this site is to put Bane down. I guess that is what slime balls do.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
@ Monster You seem very angry tonight. You are also doing what your preached not to do. You are assassinating people character, keep up the good work, your slipping faster then I thought you would.
Monster says
Fighting fire with fire.
Mike Welsh says
Monster, it would appear that your only role on this site is to hold Sheriff Bane up as a perfect person, having no faults, and making no mistakes. When cold hard facts are posted, you ignore them and instead revert to name calling and finding some kind of label to tag someone with.
When replying to the Forwood incident you do not address the incident or how Sheriff Bane handled the incident, you instead revert to previous administrations and incidents they had. Your point of view is if others screwed up then it is OK for the current Sheriff to screw up. Help us understand that logic!
Monster says
Welsh, you don’t cite facts, you cite one sided war stories.
Mike Welsh says
You can read about those one sided war stories in the Aegis, Baltimore Sun, archives of the local television news programs and even the Dagger.
BBC says
Hey Eddie Munster, where’s your sidekick Davey Boy Porter? Wait a minute, you two must be the same person because all of your posts read: Hidden to low comment rating. Must be a secret club for FOJ cardholders.
Monster says
Big Bag of Crap, he is with Marc Eaton,DFC, Retired trying to get him help in Sykesville.
Code 67 says
What ever happened with the investigation into the Sgt that suffered a medical emergency in March? Both EOC and HCSO were supposed to do investigations. What was the outcome? The public deserves to know what happened and so do the deputies. “Bane said he was unable to characterize the actions and efforts of the county’s emergency dispatchers in the incident until the inquiry was complete”.
So what are the results of the investigation? Is it complete? Was one ever done?
Monster says
You know everything. What is the answer?
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Oh and Monster I don’t think Welsh is a slimey person. I think he is just telling the truth about things you will never admit to. Uncle Jesse taught you well protect him at all cost.
Marks 8th Cousin in-Law says
Code 67- Good point what are the results of the investigation into the SGT who suffered the medical emergency? Is there something more going on that we need to know about? Monster is this a “real issue” or do you think that Bane should just not respond because it isnt important?
The Land of Misfit Toys says
@ Monster- Are you the retired guy that looks similar to the Geico Caveman?
@ Code 67- Mr Burns cant remember what happened yesterday, how do you expect him to remember something that happened two months ago. I do think that the Dagger should follow up on that though.
BBC says
I would think that not having contact with your deputy for several hours while he was in the throes of a medical emergency would constitute an immediate and complete investigation. That’s what a competent & sane administrator would do. That’s the opposite of what we have. An absolute disgrace. Even Eddie M and Davey P can’t argue that point.
ALEX R says
Well I have to say that 455 comments is a lot of comments for any article on The Dagger. I’m not taking sides on this but it seems to have turned in to a political dog fight with a lot of accusations and counter-accusations being thrown back and forth.
Congratulations Mike Welsh and I wish you a long, healthy and happy retirement.
Mike Welsh says
Alex R,
Thanks for the best wishes in my retirement and my continued good health. Please accept my wish for the same to your and your family.
Mike Welsh says
…you and your family. Sorry!