From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
(Edgewood MD—August 28, 2012) The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s assistance in obtaining information regarding an armed robbery that occurred on Monday, August 13, 2012 at approximately 2:55am.
Three suspects entered the 7-11 located at 1020 Gateway Road, Edgewood, MD 21040. The suspects pointed handguns and a long gun at the clerk and demanded money. The suspects obtained money and cigarettes from the clerk. The suspects then fled on foot in an unknown direction.
Investigators believe there are unknown witnesses to this incident.
The suspects (pictured) are described as follows:
1. Black, male, 5’7 in height, medium build with facial hair on his chin, wearing a dark colored ski mask, dark colored short sleeve t-shirt, dark colored shorts, blue latex gloves, dark colored tennis shoes, white socks carrying a black handgun in his right hand and a grey back pack in his left hand.
2. Black, male, 6’0 in height, thin build, was wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt with a bright blue tag on the shoulder, white and dark spotted mask, jeans, dark and white tennis shoes, blue latex gloves, carrying a dark colored long gun and a blue gym type bag.
3. Unknown race male, 5’7-5’8 in height, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, a white mask, blue latex gloves, grey colored pants, white tennis shoes and carrying a red colored gym bag.
Anyone with investigative information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detective Brian Potts 410-836-5408.
Anyone with information regarding the crime who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips submitted to the tip lines below that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $2,000 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637). Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Suspect 1
Suspect 2
Suspect 3
Must be real hard times if criminals are barely deterred by the fact that HCSO is right up the road.
For shame.
Took 2 hours for them to find someone who was even able to take a fingerprint off of a car that was broken into to. And that was after the victim drove to the barracks and demanded to have someone investigate the crime.
If they drove to the barracks then blame MSP, not HCSO.
maybe if edgewood didnt have a bunch of animals living in it, the officers wouldnt always be spread out on calls, which prevents them from being proactive on these dirtballs!
Has anyone asked Mildred Sammy or Jesse Bane?
I do not blame Jesse Bane.
However, I do blame Mildred Sammy along with every other self-professed, self-proclaimned, locally elected community leader in that area. That includes their county representative Dion Guthrie, Mildred Sammy (most visible) the Edgewood Community Association Board, its’ president, the local political affiliations as well as all other advocates of those Edgewood communities that are inclusive of the heavily concentrated, crime ridden areas. They enable the behaviors to exist. They need to be compelled to act! Those actions need to produce positive quantifiable positive results!
There are many actions that they can and should be taking as opposed to standing in front of municipal buildings, in front of the county council with bull horn grandstanding, protesting, and whining about not enough assistance from the sheriff’s department, or the county is being given ti them in helping them treat their “enabled self-inflicted gunshot wounds.”
Heretofore, they have been energized by, and have only done that which, gets their names to show up in the local news media. The are drunk with self-aggrandizement and no accomplishments.
They need to be challenged as to the substance of what they claim they are doing, what they do, and its’ results. These overnight or “School Lock ins” as they like to call them where they ask for donations to gather a bunch of kids for a sleep over where they run amok for an evening and drug treatment programs do absolutely nothing.
These so called leaders need to take these bull horns to their streets.
They need to go door to door in those neighborhoods which they say they represent.
They need to go stand in places such as the basketball court right next to the Giant plaza on Rt. 40 and protest to the malingerers that they know are amongst others that frequent there, challenge, enlist and compel those residents and malingerers to take an active part in securing their peace, in their responsibility of creating a standard of decency, civility, respect, and proseperity in their community.
They need to establish community expectations and interaction guidelines for those areas.
They need to go to the local store owners who cater to inappropriate activity by allowing them to loiter on their premises or sell products that enhance,, encourage, or accentuate the outlaw lifestyle(strawberry cigars, white t’s, and all the other “NEGATIVE” subcultural (and that is not racially contextual) paraphernalia) to cease encouraging what is undesirable in their environment.
They need to condemn ANY and ALL illegal trade whether it be drugs guns or stolen property.
They need to go door to door to each resident espousing those guidelines and inform those residents that if, they are not met then they as community representatives will have no other choice than to actively seek to have themn removed from the community.
They should be establishing their own crime watches.
They should be reporting the suspicious activity they see daily.
They should be alerting Sheriff Bane of all those people that they know, are familiar with, and interact with on a daily basis of those who are questionable and that they are indeed questionable.
If, not they are aiding and abetting them themselves.
They should be forming alliances for their cause for positive change with the local churches of thos areas to help in that charge.
After all, they should be able to march into the face their fears with God on their side.
These are the boot strap that they say do not exist.
Then when it can be clearly illustrated that they are making a substantive sacrifice the rest of the Harford County community can possibly asked to assist them in whatever forms that can be agreed on.
However, these problems are NOT I repeat NOT the fault of, lack of committment, or lack of effort of Sheriff Bane, the rest of the county council or, the county executive rather they are the fault of the individuals initially pointed out at the beginning of this piece.
Thats nice we keep getting taxed to pay for people all over this county to have a place to live, we buy there food, pay the electric and it still is not enough. Oh I forgot and pay for town go round to take them around to the stores to steal. I still do not know of one person who supports spread the wealth taking these poor people into their homes and fully supporting them to save taxpayer dollars.
***poor people**** you idiot I know alot of hardworking “poor people” that live all over this county and others… difference between poor people and lazy dont give a shi* people.. also a difference between NON poor people and A-holes
Police shouldnt look any further than the Dagger Post..seems everyone has all the answers to where you can find these “poor people” and “animals” shouldnt be too hard. Who would of thought solving cases would be so easy, just take advise from all of these “Rich People” that are posting they are soooo rich they have all the answers.
Well if you were not so quick to be ignorant you would pick up on the fact it does not mean that type of poor people. They are not poor people, everything is paid for them and they steal at gunpoint. I am one of the people who works and keeps paying more so these” poor” people have more programs. They are all not on route 40 they all over. The true poor people do not get the help but a drug addict theif does. So if you dont mind taxes keep being raised and you feel sorry for this type please bring them into your home and spread your wealth.The few of us who still work are tired.
Please… me ignorant not hardly, you were the one stating all poor people were lazy, welfare grubbing, gun yielding criminals. I understand the point you are trying to make about people in society that have made it their career to live off of others and dont give a darn about anything around them and would rob or kill for pennies. I hope you realize that not just “poor” people are on some type of welfare/assistance. People have learned to scam and cheat who’s gonna audit them. I always tell everyone to visit the local welfare office and take a look at who’s in line….. no one is really looking soo poor. The “system” is in bad shape and has been for a very long time. So I apologize for calling you an idiot its just frustrating ….. not everyone on welfare is lazy or criminals, nor is everyone in Edgewood/RT40 corridor an animal…just saying.
“They, they, they.” It’s so much easier to cover over the flaws in an argument when painting with such a broad brush…
The first 17 years of my life were spent living in Joppa and going to school in Edgewood. We’re talking 60’s and 70’s. In all that time I think there was one murder – over at a home off Abingdon Road. Robberies – unheard of, except for shed break ins. Come up to current time – crime and even murders – not so rare. Something (things) changed. Who? what?
Baltimore City tore down a bunch of gov’t assisted housing and a lot of the people living there migrated to Harford County and brought the gang, drug, and other crime problems that tend to congregate in that type of housing with them.
Well, that and you’re talking about 40+ years ago. Population has substantially increased since then.
Evolution of modern society. “What can I do that will ‘potentially’ yield the most profit with as little effort as possible?”
Efficiency works both ways, one of which just happens to be an illegal method.
What can we do to mitigate this problem? Tougher punishments? Tougher law-abiding citizens?
Allow concealed carry to responsible law-abiding citizens and allow store clerks to wear sidearms or to be able brandish a shotgun with no fear of arrest.
I hope they stay away from my customers store right there on Route 40. Knowing her, the cash would be in the register, and they would dead.
There are many working poor in this country and there are many hard working people in Edgewood. The thugs pictured above are just that – thugs. Edgewood has a higher concentration of thugs over the rest of the county for two main reasons in my opinion, they are: high concentration of section 8 housing (not all people in section 8 are thugs, but many allow thugs to live in their homes), Edgewood does not have a central government.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Edgewood needs to incorporate, get its own town council and its own police force. It won’t solve all problems, and it will cost more tax dollars to the ones who pay taxes, but it will allow for cleaning up the mess that has become a bedroom community for the thugs of Baltimore.
Those of us who live in the towns of Havre de Grace, Bel Air, and Aberdeen pay higher taxes and enjoy cleaner, safer communities with more services and a greater sense of community. It’s high time to pony-up, Edgewood. If you want better living conditions, pony-up or move out.