From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office Community Policing Unit regularly visit neighborhoods as part of a dedicated effort to deliver crime prevention awareness and address any community safety concerns.
October is Crime Prevention Month and the Mobile Crime Prevention Outreach Office is scheduled to be in your neighborhood on Tuesday, October 23rd from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Look for the red and blue flashing lights at the Safeway Shopping Center located in Bel Air at 225 Brier Hill Drive.
Deputies will be on hand, in this open house type atmosphere to provide a variety of crime prevention information on topics such as Neighborhood Watch, Crime Reports, Project Child Safe, as well as discuss home and personal safety tips.
In addition, deputies will be collecting any unused/unwanted prescription medication for safe, eco-friendly disposal.
Again, please visit our deputies on Tuesday, October 23rd beginning at 5:00 pm at Safeway Shopping Center in Bel Air MD.
My comment is regarding what I feel is the mis-use of the Harford County Emergency notification system. I signed up for notifications relating to safety (weather, disasters, extreme traffic situations), not to get a call every time the Sheriff’s mobile unit is going into a neighborhood or holding a neighborhood meeting. It’s called an “Emergency Notification System” for a reason. Next thing you know I’ll be getting calls telling me where the pot luck supper is going to be held. The Sheriff’s office should have their own system and people can opt in or out of that one but they should stay off the county’s emergency system when it’s an informational matter. Anybody else getting tired of seeing it’s Harford County emergency calling only to hear about the latest sheriff’s office meeting?
I wholeheartedly agree Truth Be Told. I have gotten at least 3 “emergency” notifications about this same topic. I’m not interested to hear it one time, much less 3 times. It is absolutely blatant misuse of the system. This is no more of an emergency than the next basket bingo at your local fire company. What’s going to happen is that when people see they have another message from the emergency system, they are going to delete it or hang up before even hearing the message. And it’s going to be something that truly is an emergency. The story of the boy who cried wolf comes to mind. A disgrace and a waste of money and time.
Does anyone else think that this is a misuse of the system for political gains by a Sheriff who has repeatedly demonstrated integrity issues/judgement? I do.
Likewise. Anyone know of a way to opt out of the so-called emergency notification system? I’m more than tired of getting calls from “This is Harford Cunty Emergency Manager Rick Ayers calling on behalf of ….”
Mis-spelled County. And no it wasn’t on purpose. Apologies all around.
Total agreement. It’s worse when you’re uber-signed up for emails and texts. I get a phone call, a text, an email (personal) and another email (job)…
… and it was for traffic delays because of a funeral procession. Which I do appreciate hearing about, but I don’t think it needs to be “pushed” to me by an “emergency” system.
It’s not being used entirely in the manner it was described.
I wish they would come to East Belair Ave in Aberdeen and do what the Aberdeen Police Department will not do. It’s really bad from the train station to the boys and girls club every day all day. People loitering, doing, selling drugs and in plain sight. If you call them it take them thirty minutes to an hour to get there and went they do nothing is done, and the police know who they are. Makes one think either they are scare or on the take.