From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today met with Harford County Executive David Craig (R-Md.) at Harford County Government Building in Bel Air. Senator Mikulski and County Executive Craig discussed the local impact of sequester, jobs and working together for the people of Harford County.
“As the Dean of the Maryland Congressional Delegation, I’m ready to work with County Executive Craig to make sure Harford County gets its fair share,” Senator Mikulski said. “We all need to work together as Team Maryland as we combat the devastating impacts of sequester, focus on creating jobs and remain committed to the day-to-day needs of Maryland families.”
“We are pleased to have had the opportunity to meet with Senator Mikulski to discuss transportation issues and concerns as they relate to Harford County and the Aberdeen Proving Ground. We look forward to working with Senator Mikulski on other matters of mutual interest and concern which will help the people of Harford County,” said County Executive Craig.
The only thing Mikulski will assure Harford County of, is that they get their ‘fair share’ of the MISERY she spreads. Alert to David Craig: D O N ‘T T R U S T H E R !!!
And, don’t ruin your currently good reputation by being associated with her !!!
David Graig, ” good reputation” my you know what.
Oh boy….a picture is worth a thousand words Mr. Craig. Or should I say aka Arlan Spector
Good for Mr. Craig – MOM and Tony Brown won’t give Harford the time of day – look at the way they played around with the Harford Community College / Towson Univ building program. Do the best with what you have – Mikulski is head of appropriations in Senate now – so maybe at least an outside chance of having somebody in Harford’s corner. Probably just have to keep reminding her over and over that we’re still here.
Two peas in a pod!
Babs go back to DC you left-wing La Raza & Casa De Maryland sell out. You have sold out our State and country to illegals.
We don’t want you or your ilk up here.
Craig is a RINO and Babs is a socialist. Good riddance to both of them after the next elections. Although Babs will hang around , if she doesn’t get voted out ( not much of a chance of that in Maryland) until Marty becomes president. If Marty doesn’t make she’ll retire & he can take her seat. If he makes it she’ll get a nice federal appointment.
Devastating impacts of sequester? Tell it to Obama. It was an idea that originated in the White House according to Jay Carney, the President’s Press Secretary. Besides, the only devastating impact of sequester so far has been that all of the trauma predicted by the White House hasn’t happened so the devastating impact has been to their credibility. Which was non-existent anyway.
Looks like Mr. Craig is preparing to kiss the ring.
Glad 2 C that Barbie has been hit hard by the sequester also. 70 (+) yrs. old and over 30 (+) yrs. in office. What a woman. U GO GIRL! NOT!!
Whoooooa….. Hmmm “Fair share”?????????? (did you get permission from POTUS to use “his” phrase) and sequester????? Now I am really confused. The hell has fair share ,got to do with sequester….More Democratic B.S…. Give me a friggen break!!!!!!!