A Baltimore firm retained by the Harford County Sheriff’s Deputies Union will represent an officer charged this week with the reckless endangerment of a suspect in an April incident, but provided little additional detail on the deputy’s actions which led to the charge.
Though confirming that his firm, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner, would represent Behles in the criminal proceedings in their role as the firm retained by the deputies’ union, attorney Shaun Owens declined further comment.
“Unfortunately, I can’t get into the facts of the case,” he said. “It would be unethical for me to do so as this is an active case.”
Sgt. Kevin Thomas, president o f the union, expressed support for Behles when reached by phone Thursday, but likewise would not discuss specifics of the case or name Behles’ attorney himself until an official appearance was entered into court records.
“The union’s response is that we are in support of all union members to include DFC Behles, but as it is an active investigation, we can’t comment further,” Thomas said.
Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins said Sheriff Jesse Bane was not available for an interview and would not comment on the case, “suffice it to say the investigation was conducted by the Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division and the matter was turned over to the State’s Attorney’s Office.” Hopkins directed further questions to Cassilly’s office.
The documents filed in Harford County District Court, obtained by The Dagger, include no additional detail of the specific actions taken by Behles on April 8, or the probable cause behind the charge against him.
So now the union says no comment. Having the attorney represent them….isn’t that what union dues are for? If this is news in the case then someone wants to think the king in wearing new cloths.
Where are the facts in this case and why is everyone being so fishy about talking? Where is the Probable cause, what is going on? This is an officer safety issue, deputies will second guess firing there weapon if they are in fear for there life. Everyone deserves the right to have the basic facts, and all across the board they are being hidden from the public. Why?
The Sheriff’s Office has been in the news so much lately–none of it good. Maybe the naysayers are starting to open their eyes as to what so many of the deputies have been saying about Bane and his honchos. Hopefully this time, Bane is in so deep that he can’t bail himself out. He needs to step down immediately. And Kevin Thomas and the other Union cronies are a joke. So sad what has happened to the agency. And Chris–keep fighting the fight–we are behind you 100%.
The Sheriff is unavailable to speak to the media? Sheriff Bane must think he is sovereign and doesn’t owe the citizens of Harford County an explanation. If this man is innocent then stand up for him. What is wrong with you?
Unavailable for an interview says the Sheriff’s spokesman. From a politician this is sad. From a public servant it is disgraceful. What is he afraid of, he has a job and cannot be fired in the traditional sense. Stand with your employee. Support the man. Let him know you appreciate him and the work he and his fellow deputies do. He works for you. Weak response from a weak public servant. How does the Sheriff expect his people to trust him if he is not in their corner when it counts. No one is asking for Sheriff Bane to present the facts and try the case on the steps of the courthouse, just to do the right thing because its the right thing to do. Things happen and we deal with them. The Sheriff supported the Major, arrest after arrest. Now look how he treats a career public servant who can’t bring in votes or donations. Even O’Malley of all people appears to stand behind and support his Public Safety Director in spite of the evidence. Realizing it is nothing more than spin, he is still out there publically supporting the guy.
Yup, well said!
Bane had no problem airing all the information in the Johnson case? Leon, the rank and file know that Bane does not support them. He started campaigning before the ink dried on his new term.
Jesse Bane is a weasel.
He is also Mr. Burns and Frank Perdue
Where are the facts in this case, this is ridiculous? No one wants to talk from the Sheriff to the States Attorney, to the Union President, to the suspects attorney. BS, BS, BS, BS, BS. This case is BS.
ballistics showed that he was not actively being dragged when he fired his weapon and a second witness gave a supporting statement. The reasoning behind the charge is that the deputy was no longer in danger when he actually shot at the suspect. There may be cell phone video of the event also, …trying to confirm that as well as in car.
Well then why wont they disclose this? If this is the case then make it public.
They only charged him with one criminal charge, if certain evidence is obtained then he may face more charges so they don’t want to release any information on that.
You make it sound like he is suspected of additional wrongdoing and they are waiting to see if a witness or video comes forward validating their suspicions. This incident becomes more bizarre every day.
@tuthspeaker…Take a friend and have them set in a car with it in gear and running. You just stand beside the drivers door and pretend with you finger gun. Have the person pull away as fast as they can and you fire your finger gun. Fire your finger gun four times and tell me where that fourth shot ends up. You will find this will happen very fast. My problem with this is Chris was cleared by CID. If Bane (how he would figure this on his own) thought he did something wrong then he should have had an internal started on this. If a Major can start an IA complaint from lip reading a video and thinking someone was talking about her then why not start one on this shooting? Second, if anyone thinks that Cassilly just charged Chris without talking to Bane you wrong. My take on this is competent men with integrity conducted the investigation and reported their investigation to Bane. Bane did what he does often, he was not happy with the findings and decided to change the outcome for political or other reasons. This would be like Bane saying he would always abide by the findings of a trial board and not go beyond the punishment the recommend and then just terminating that person because of his personal vendetta. Bane has issued the cover up order (also know as a gag order) Kevin Thomas is held by this order even as the Union President.
I know a thing or two about firing a handgun and I also know a little about ballistics, so I don’t need to pretend with my hand as you suggested. CID cleared him??? Really? Are you so sure that you would make that statement when you don’t even know the PC behind the charge? You need to wake up. I’m sure Cassily spoke to Bane and said I’m charging your deputy, it wasn’t a good old boy conversation. The silence is to protect the deputy and keep future proceedings fair for him. Internals are done after the criminal charges are settled. Maybe if everyone stopped complaining about not knowing whats going on and remained patient they would eventually realize the importance of not having all of Harford County knowing the facts of the case while its still being investigated and give the deputy some privacy.
Too bad it didn’t apply to Deputy Johnson. The HCSO provided a very detailed press release regarding Deputy Johnson and the probable cause for his arrest.
Share with us Truthspeaker, exactly why is it important for the citizens of Harford County to not know the facts of this case. Since when has it become necessary to keep the citizens in the dark about the circumstances of a Deputy being charged with a crime. I agree that there is a time to inform the public regarding anyone charged with a crime, but once you have let the cat out of the bag (as they have in the instance) then its time to come clean with the public.
Sorry, I do know what is going on. Much to Bane’s dismay I have my connections.
Schlachman Belsky and Weiner also represent several other maryland agencies including Baltimore City Police. Michael Belsky is the normal attorney for the Sheriff’s Office who handles criminal proceedings, has been for years. Marshall handles the civil side and defends the officers in departmental proceedings.
It won’t go public because there may be more evidence in the case that has not been obtained such as additional witnesses and possibly more video. I’m sure when the state is positive that it has a solid case and all evidence needed is obtained they will then issue a vague statement but still won’t give all the details.
The statement from Mr. Hopkins indicated that this case had been investigated by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Unit, and that the investigation cleared Deputy Behles of any wrongdoing. You are saying that there is evidence to prove the incident did not occur as previously reported by the Sheriff’s Office. In other words the Sheriff’s Office didn’t tell the truth. Is that what you are saying?
They did not clear him of wrongdoing, they simply investigated as usual and turned over their findings to Cassily. Its the state’s attorney’s office who chose to pursue charges. That office has final say over any criminal proceedings regardless of what the Sheriff’s office’s position is on the matter.
OK. But if he had done something wrong, or not in accordance with the Sheriff’s Office rules, would he not be a subject of an internal investigation? Mr. Hopkins said that Deputy Behles was not being internally investigated. I would take that as the deputy did nothing wrong.
I’m not exactly sure how the Sheriff’s office internals are handled,but any intelligent person would hope that if they cleared their deputy (thus,closing their investigation) they would have found their deputy doing no criminal actions. I find the documents to have very weak to non-existant probable cause. I think their needs to be more dialog from officials on this. They were quick to disclose information on other deputies with charges.
This entire sitiaution is shady. Come out with the facts, I have lost faith in the system. Someone named “truthspeaker” on this forum knows there is more to this story. The things that makes me mad is that elected officials think oh well I dont need to tell you anything. In fact I do need to know and I demand to know, not all the facts because I do know that its an ongoing issue. But they could at least give some probable cause, anything??????? Instead you get no comment, no comment, no comment from everyone, or a generic blah statement from the rest.
What some don’t realize is that IA investigation findings cannot be divulged to CID. CID has to do their own investigation as it pertains to criminal offenses. IA is geared more towards departmental offenses which may or may not be a criminal offense.
The HCSO spokesperson has stated that Deputy Behles is not, and has not, been the subject of an internal investigation regarding the shooting incident. Any logical person would take that statement to mean the HCSO does not believe Deputy Behles did anything wrong during or after the shooting incident.
All of the information released so far from the HCSO would lead one to believe that Deputy Behles discharged his weapon while under threat for his life or serious injury. Now that Deputy Behles has been charged with a crime related to the incident and involving the discharge of his weapon, the HCSO wants to play coy and cute with the press. Every citizen of Harford County should be outraged with the lack of transparency from the Sheriff and his spokesperson, who think this is some kind of cat and mouse game with the press.
If the Deputy did nothing wrong then stand up and say so publicly. Support your Deputies. If he did do something wrong, then say so, take corrective action, and move on. Playing around with peoples lives and careers is wrong and destroys the good faith and trust citizens have in the Sheriff’s Office.
I agree with Mike Welsh, $hit or get off the pot. Quit playing games and make a statement for or against. Right now I don’t know what think. What I see is that for some reason things are being concealed. Thats concerns me and the rest of the non police citizens one would think. Mike Welsh also says “Playing around with peoples lives and careers is wrong and destroys the good faith and trust citizens have in the Sheriff’s Office”. I couldn’t agree more, this whole case has been fogged, its like driving through a tornado and saying no that didnt happen. John blames Jack, Jack Blames John and Jill says it doenst involve me. Well then Sheriff Bane and Joe Cassilly and the Union President who will talk this needs to be cleared up.
Mike, give up. Truthspeaker apparently has all the facts and a very good knowledge of how IA investigations work.
Sorry Marc. I see no reason for me to give up asking Sheriff Bane for an explanation to the citizens of Harford County of what occurred during the Behles shooting incident. I feel the citizens deserve to know what really happened.
I want to believe that the initial reports of this incident where correct and therefore Deputy Behles should not be guilty of any wrongdoing. But if those initial reports were not accurate, and information developed during the investigation tells a different story, then I fail to see how keeping this information away from the public is in the public’s best interest, or somehow makes it more fair for the Deputy.
Why am I wrong in believing that the public has a right to know what really happened?
You are not wrong to demand answers. Bane is protected by the media, the Sleagis will not ask these questions and I don’t see the local tv news asking them either. If someone thought there was a crime committed here I know they had to explain it to Bane. He is a paper pusher, he was never a cop.
In an ideal world the sheriff and the states attorney have a good working relationship, well not in Harford Co. I know that in the past when deputies were investigated for something the sheriff chose to discipline the deputy but not go as far as to charge him/her with a crime. Mr. Cassily on numerous occasions has disagreed with the sheriff’s decision and went ahead and charged the deputy. The sheriff and past sheriffs have said that the deputy in question is an outstanding police officer and just made a stupid mistake, we’ll handle it and discipline the deputy. State’s attorney’s office (Cassily) says…Oh no your not….I’m going to override your decision and charge the deputy. Now the sheriff has to decide to support the decision and look good in the publics eye or fight it and take a chance on a not so good reputation on a political level. In short…the problem here and in most cases is Cassily, not the sheriff’s office.
Is that the case here? Did the Deputy do something wrong and deserves to be disciplined internally rather than charged with a crime?
Typically, after criminal charges are resolved, the IA will conduct an investigation to determine whether policy has been violated and if so, administrative charges imposed.
In my opinion I feel this situation can be handled internally without criminal charges. The deputy is a good police officer and performs well. Some retraining and refreshment of departmental policy would be adequate.
Here are some questions/observations:
1. I believe Reckless Endangerment is a felony and question as to whether Cassily made this decision or was it taken before a Grand Jury. If Cassily made this decision I would wonder what the conversations with Bane where about. Unfortunately Bane does not support any of his personnel except a select few, I.e. the Union Admin.
2. President Kevin Thomas says that ” the union is in support of all it’s members…” Really President Thomas? Need I remind you of the female deputy recently terminated, the inconsistent promotions, the inconsistent transfers, and yet, the union has done what? Other then the union admin personally benefiting, the union members do not stand a chance with your so called support.
3. I seem to remember the Sheriff making a promise that his administration would be transparent. Am I remembering this wrong or is my definition of transparent a bit different then Bane’s? I would also caution against blaming PIO Hopkins for this. I would be willing to bet that he is taking his direction from Bane and would not dare go against this if he still wants to be employed.
I agree with most of what you have said.
I don’t blame Mr. Hopkins for this incident. As far as I know he wasn’t there. However, given your words about Mr. Hopkins taking his direction from Bane and not daring to go against Bane if he still wants to be employed suggests Mr. Hopkins would sacrifice his credibility for employment. Mr. Hopkins is the Public Information Officer for heavens sake, should we not expect that he is a credible source of information?
I hear you Mike and in theory I agree with you. Unfortunately, those who speak the truth about Bane end up either transferred, not promoted, demoted, terminated, or whatever else it that could happen to make life miserable. I can’t speak for Mr. Hopkins but I do know him and believe that he would not jeopardize his integrity but would rationalize that he indeed works for Bane and thus, the reason for being quite. Mr. Hopkins really has not jeopardized his integrity, I am guessing he is just following orders to not speak.
Can’t imagine needing a job so bad you would accept one under those conditions. Must be a real bummer.
This is something the Sheriff should be addressing personally. The Sheriff should be the one speaking publicly when one of his officers is charged criminally. He should not send one of his spokespeople.
My name speaks for the Sheriff’s Office and it isn’t pretty. You speak up you get terminated you are sick or a whistle blower you get terminated. True criminals within the department disgust me but will have there day in court, but the lack of taking care of your own also does. Everyone is a number dont forget. The female deputy that just got termnated after a board recommended three days loss of leave didnt deserve that, regardless of what you think of her or the situation it could be you one day. Sheriff Bane thinks its a free for all, enjoy it while it lasts you are a short and last termer. DISGUSTED!
Bane terminates a female Corporal who had a trial board and the trial board recommended loss of leave. Bane when running in 2006 he said in a gentlemen’s agreement with a prior Union President that he would never raise the punishment above the recommendation of the trial board. This Corporal was a marked woman when she reminded her fellow Union members of a Union meeting to discuss support for fellow members who were contemplating a law suit for Bane’s not following the promotions list. Bane was able to keep the Forwood case going until after the election for over one year at a Major’s pay. I wonder if the female Corporal’s firing could have anything to do with the EEOC complaint she filed against Bane. Maybe she should have lied during a Staff Investigation or maybe taken leave and then tore up the leave slips after she got back from vacation. The best thing she could have done was have given money to Bane or banged signs for him.
Bane, you should be ashamed for what you have done but you do not have the capability to be ashamed. You sold your integrity for campaign contributions, race, and whatever else could further you agenda. You have managed to degrade the office of Sheriff in Harford County. You do not get the respect that I have for my brothers and sisters who are the back bone of the department. It sickens me to see you on TV speaking at a service honoring my fallen brothers. They deserve to be represented by a person with integrity and honor, you are lacking in both. They served with honor and integrity and made the ultimate sacrifice. When you leave office in 2014 you will not be leaving my Sheriff’s Department better then you found it, but for the good people who serve your leaving will be the best thing you ever did for them!
Its ok the ship is already sinking. Slowly the cabin fills up with water. Sheriff Bane I have lost ALL respect for you, and I voted for you in the last election. I will not do so this time.
Yes, the ship is sinking, and Deputy Behles is caught up in the sinking ship.
Given the track record of Sheriff Bane during his first four years as Sheriff, and all the information that was coming out about the Forwood incident, why did you feel Bane was the better choice the last election?
The female Corporal that was just terminated, had received more awards than any other female in the history of the HCSO, she is the first and only female in the HCSO to ever be awarded with the DUI award, and she did it two years in a row (That award is given to the top five officers in the agency who have the most DUI arrests). After patrol she was assigned to CID where she consistently had the highest clearance rates for solving burglaries. She was the only person to serve in the CAC (child advocacy center) to have a 100% confession rate. There are current employees in the HCSO who have gotten in trouble for tax fraud, insurance fraud, hiring prostitutes, burglary, and assaults. They are still on the Sheriff’s payroll, but not the female Corporal. She wasn’t one of the good old boys. And Kevin Thomas what a joke, he doesn’t support the unpopular for sure. Especially if it makes him look bad in the eyes of the Sheriff. By the way, the reason the Corporal got fired was because she didn’t have two Deputies write a report on a verbal domestic call, even though per policy a report wasn’t required. And she has been a model deputy for 10 years, not a single negative thing in her personnel file.
It is good to see more people with firsthand knowledge starting to speak out. I think more will do so in the coming year. As a Union Member I would hope Bane does not get our support in this election.
Kevin is my friend and I respect him. I am sure this mess eats at him and he does not turn it off when he ends his shift. Remember, a gag order has been issued and he must obey this order. I think it is time for the Union to maybe elect a retired Deputy to run the Union. (No I do not mean me; I am not P C enough to do this) Someone who has not been President but someone who can give this Union the full attention it needs. We are not the same sized Department now compared to when the Union was formed. Being a supervisor and Union President has got to be stressful; dealing with Bane makes it worse. This is not a knock against Kevin; he to like the rest of you could be in Bane’s radar. Remember that. A retired Union President would not have that concern.
you still deny the truth and listen to her lies. a house of cards was that career, nothing more.
Hey Fluff, share the truth with us. Are the awards she received from the agency a lie? What kind of agency would present awards for actions that were nothing but lies?
I would also like to hear what her lies were. Are you saying that the comments provided by Only Speaks The Truth are false? One truth we know for sure, the trial board recommended the loss of three days of leave as her punishment for violating policy, not the termination that Sheriff Bane levied.
I also want to hear what her lies were. The board recommended 2 days loss of leave, a letter of reprimand and additional training. YET she was fired by Sheriff Bane. Remember you could be next, regardless of your personal feelings towards this person, it could be you any day.
Sheriffs disciplinary action can be more than the recommendations of the board. He did it by the book. He looked at the totality of the situation and made a decision.
Because you can doesn’t mean you should. But you are correct, he did look at the totality of the situation. In the end he decided that he totally didn’t like her, so he fired her.
Many deputies in the past have been fired or asked to resign bcuz they disrupted the political balance in the Sheriff’s office. A deputy stepped down to protect another deputy even after the accuser was found to be lying. This deputy also hooked several people for DUI who have connections with very high political figures. The deputy was later charged bcuz he released 10-43 about certain command staff actions to the press (cover ups). Another was charged before all the facts of the case were investigated and when it started to look like they made a mistake it was quickly silenced. I could go on and on about deputies who should still be working for HCSO and how some should be behind bars. Its sad that when Admin goes after a deputy and suddenly it appears that the admin was wrong, they won’t admit it publicly. If the story creates good political light for them then forget admitting that they were wrong. They have continued to ruin the deputies career even though the deputy was not in the wrong after all. It would make them look incompetent and embarrassed and we all know that can’t happen.
The Union is a joke! They are the sole reason Jesse Bane was reelected. They practically financed his entire campaign. They worked the polling stations and showed up with their patrol cars in some places. Of course, the Aegis didn’t call out their intimidation tactics. Be nice if the Dagger or Aegis did some investigative reporting on past union leaders like Fred Visnaw and Donnie Gividen to determine what special accommodations were made if any…
Lt. Donnie Gividen is the one that kicked in the door of a motel room and beat someone up because the guy was allegedly cheating with Donnie’s girl friend. Donnie is also the one that was having sexual relations with a female recruit going through the HCSO academy while he was her drill instructor. This is the kind of people that move up in the agency.
This is for your Jesse Bane, Enjoy the last years of your term, the truth comes out more and more everyday:
The Titanic song sums things up, the ship is sinking sir-
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance
and spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Near, Far,
wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on.
All I can say is WOW. If these things are true which I don’t doubt then this Police Department is in sad shape. From what I read where is the accountability or does it only apply when it is politically necessary. Why has this stuff never been brought to light in the media? I’m stunned at some accusations on here. I also hope that this Officer Behles isn’t being used as a scapegoat. Someone needs to be held accountable for the major issues happening within this government agency.
@Abingdon Mom- I along with many others have been trying to say this for several months. Finally now people are starting to see that it is the truth. Deputies lives are being ruined and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is in complete disarray. Just stating the facts. Imagine working here and having to deal with it and knowing that your job that you truly loved has changed so much. Can anyone name one positive thing of significance that Sheriff Bane has implemented?
Does anyone know how many deputies have “retired, resigned, separated from the agency” or been flat out fired since Bane came into power? Not to mention those who have been jerked around but have somehow managed to hang onto their jobs. I’m sure the numbers are staggering. Yet the above-mentioned individuals and many many more have committed actual crimes and are still employed! Go onto the Md. Board of Elections website and look at who from the agency contributes to the Bane for Sheriff campaign fund. Those are the players who are safe from his wrath and who move up in the agency to further his political agenda. A total and complete disgrace. The general public doesn’t know any of this because The Aegis won’t print anything against L. Jesse and the news stations won’t touch it either. Don’t you think the abnormal number of deaths at the Detention Center would be something the news media would chomp at the bit to report on? The only thing keeping the agency running is the loyal and dedicated employees. God help Harford County if their morale sinks any lower.
Took your advise and looked up the Md. Board of Elections website for contributions to campaign committees. The names, dates, amounts given (by cash, check, and through ticket purchase) was very revealing. Everyone would be well advised to visit this website. The information is all there. Just request information for contributions to the “Bane (Lionel) for Sheriff” committee. What an eye opener!
This stuff has been going on well before Bane, remember Meadows, Golding?? Go ask 635 what its like to be threatened and forced to keep quiet or get charged. Go ask an APD female what she went through, Go ask the other “Donny” about hopping through hoops and keeping quiet, and we all know about the big one… More threats and orders to obey or else. Even when you don’t work for the Sheriff’s office any more they still control you. Its pathetic. The puppet master has many strings.
Exactly what kind of stuff went on well before Bane?
We don’t all know about the big one. Tell us about the big one, the citizens would like to know. When you throw out the kind of accusations you are making, you need to be more specific, but leave out names.
Also as for the ID # you reference he did get charged with misconduct in office and received a 3 year suspended sentance. Court records show this and Joe cassilly per court records was the prosecuting attorney.
@Lovinglife- What exactly is the “Big One” that we all know about. Also the APD female you are hinting at, if its the same one that was Bane who screwed her over.
After reading comments for months about harfords finest (boots on the ground) on this site I will always nod in respect and admiration for what you deputies go through and still perform your great service to the county.
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
In other words, what’s in your heart determines what you say, (or in this case type.)
Mr. Eaton, I have never formally met you, however, I have heard admirable things about you from an Author acquaintance of ours. That said, the formal process hasn’t drastically changed since you retired. You know there is a systematic process for these types of cases. We get that you don’t like the Sheriff, but encouraging the deputies to air the laundry, makes us look foolish. While some of it is true (which is embarrassing,) most of it is just political.
As to the rest of you sworn / active, I have a great deal of respect for you personally and professionally, but I don’t like seeing the Agency drug through the mud. I am proud to be a Deputy with the HCSO, and honored serve our community standing side by side with you. It is heavy on my heart that a few of you would go to such lengths to make us look dumb. Please consider that before posting on this site. Save your hate, discontent, and politics for the Union Meetings, where your voice, and your vote count.
@matt Welsh- You are just saying that becuase you are safe, you clearly are one of the chosen few. Are you kidding me with this quote—-“Save your hate, discontent, and politics for the Union Meetings, where your voice, and your vote count”. REALLY the same retired idiots jump in at Union meetings looking like a caveman and stopping any anti Bane action, and zero gets accomplished. Deputites have no voice, votes dont count. Someone should send you for a random drugtest if you truly believe any different.
I am no more safe than anyone else. I have made my fair share of mistakes over the years. I am certainly not on drugs, but I am proud of what “I” do, what “We” represent, and who “We” serve. Boss’s can come and go every 4 years. Openly discussing personnel matters on this forum is disgraceful. None of the posters on this blog site can convince me that there is some greater good in bashing the agency, and / or in spreading facts / lies about Deputies personal lives, and personnel matters.
If you believe that your voice, and vote do not count, you are defeating yourself.
Not only will your voice be heard and your vote counted at the union meeting, it will, with great haste be reported to Sheriff Bane, who will immediately, along with other senior staff, decide your future within the agency.
Mike W. digest my main point. Let your thumbs downs fly. Those red pixels won’t make me bleed in real life. Good luck to everyone else on the anger campaign. One day you will see that this isn’t the proper place to reconcile your differences because nothing can be accomplished here.
I would agree that this isn’t the best forum to solve the HCSO problems, but at the moment it is one of the only outlets that provide an opportunity for the Deputies and other staff to air their feelings. I wish the employees could get a fair and impartial hearing of their grievances within the Sheriff’s Office. Both of us know that is not possible with the current leadership.
Sometimes hanging dirty laundry out in the sun for all to see is very refreshing, even if it is temporarily embarrassing. I am not suggesting that people do that, but I would not discourage them from doing it.
@ MATT Welsh- You sound like a PIO for the sheriff or someone close to him. If facts are being presented on this site and they are the truth then who cares. Sometimes the truth hurts. You sound like you are reading off of a teleprompter. Is the 2nd floor of 45 S. Main that scared? Ask your fellow deputies how they feel about Sam 1. Sure he can go to roll calls this week and attempt to smooth things over but it won’t work anymore. Actions speak louder then words brother.
Matthew W – If you don’t like seeing the agency drug through the mud and look foolish, then you need to go talk to your boy Jesse Bane. He is the one turning the agency into a laughing stock. And wow, do you sound arrogant and condescending. Talk about sounding foolish and dumb.
@ Matthew Welsh
I understand you don’t want the negative things to come out, but if it doesn’t, the average citizen like myself has no way of knowing what’s really going on. I’m a registered voter in Harford County and knowing these things helps me not only to know where to place my vote, but allows me to offer to help make the necessary changes so the officers that are out there putting their lives on the line for me and my family are taken care of and don’t have to fear retaliation at every turn. Call it selfish, but if you guys aren’t focused you can’t keep the community safe for me. Of course I’m joking, but seriously for your safety as well, you need to have a clear head to keep yourself safe on your job. When you have people in law enforcement without integrity, the community will always jump to the conclusion, that everyone is bad. That’s why integrity is even more important in law enforcement. I can’t tell you how many conversations I have had over the years trying to prove not all officers are bad and that in fact the majority of them are good. Speaking out is the only way to get the word out and give the community the knowledge they need for making an informed decision when voting in elections. Thanks for all you do.
@ Have Seen Enough
Thank you for your support and your positive comments. Thats what we need right now, nobody wants it to be like this. I will however remind everyone that Chris Behles also needs our support and he is somehow caught in the middle of all this drama. Don’t forget him and take the time reach out to him and do what we should be doing for each other. They can try to treat us like crap but we can stand as one and support each other. Be Careful out there my brothers/sisters.
@Hunt for Red October
I will support Chris Behles in anyway I can. I have said in other posts that I feel officers should be given the community’s full support and respect until it is proven they don’t deserve it. I have no problem speaking out in support of someone or asking questions some people can’t ask due to fear of retaliation or being a member of certain organizations. I always do my homework and will only speak out on proven facts, so feel free to let me know whatever you guys need me to do to support Chris Behles. I have no doubt he is caught in the middle of something bigger than him. My heart goes out to him.
If a “Police Officer” can’t grasp the reasoning behind the charges then maybe that “Police Officer” shouldn’t be a “Police Officer”. You can’t discharge your weapon at an unarmed suspect fleeing without your life being in immediate danger. Sure, you can claim the car as a “weapon”, but if your firing in response to flight the immediate danger has passed and the results are a Reckless Endangerment charge. Just because you are a “Police Officer” doesn’t excuse the risk of an unnecessary discharge of a firearm. However, I’m sure considerations will be made as to the nature that led up to the events in question, but those actions are still under investigation and it would be unwise or maybe even unlawful to discuss the charges until the investigation is complete. You do want your “Brother” to receive due process like everyone else, don’t you?
Valid points, could you have made it like less of a Jerk?
What’s suspicious is that that is the only charge. If it were the case that the suspect was fleeing at the time of the shots then 1st and 2nd degree assault charges would also be applicable in addition to attempted murder. So if he did something wrong why only one charge?
Too funny Red October…..
I am close to neither. It is encouraging that your eye is still on the ball, Crhis Behles.
@ Mike Welsh,
I understand what your saying. Quick question, how far back must one read in this blog to find supporting messages too and about Chris? It is easy to succumb to negativity and loose sight of the goal. This article has been diluted with hate and frustration……..Hang in there Chris.
I have always supported Deputy Behles. My support is based on the information that was provided by the HCSO. Now comes additional information that does not sync with the initial information provided by the HCSO, and then the HCSO shuts down the dialog with no further comment. My goal has been to push the Sheriff to comment in support of his Deputy, or explain the new developments. If the Sheriff is not in agreement with the SA then he needs to say so. His actions seem to add credence to the charges levied by the SA, which, as you know, stem from the information provided to him by the HCSO.
The “goal” with regard to this incident should be having the truth come out, whatever that may be. The goal here should be reassuring the public that officers of the HCSO act appropriately and that their actions are both justified and necessary given the circumstances.
Chris knows we support him. And this is the right place for this. The public should be informed on the conditions at the Sheriff’s Department and this is the only outlet. The sleagis and local news will not report on any of this. The second floor of the Kingdom wants nothing more then to keep this in the dark. The choosen few of Bane’s head hunters want this to stop. Every citizen who is reading these stories should show up at all of Bane’s community events and ask him about this. I would think if this would happen he would put a stop to his community forums. The people being most effected by this mad house are not upset about this being made public. So those of you who work under Bane and are posting keep up the fight, it is your department to and you deserve better working conditions. You have a grea and honorable job and it can be rewarding and fun. Four years of Bane being the number two man in charge was enough for me. I don’t hate Bane, I hate what he is doing to good people and my department.