From The Peoples Choice:
Harford County’s three-term Councilman, Dion Guthrie, has once again requested help from his long-time political ally…The Peoples Choice.
On June 24, 2013, one year to the day from the 2014 Primary Election, Councilman Guthrie asked The Peoples Choice to join his “Exploratory Committee” as the committee looks into a possible campaign for higher office. Desiring to serve all of Harford County, Councilman Guthrie is evaluating a possible run for County Executive.
The Peoples Choice has done grassroots outreach in the Edgemere, Joppa, Abingdon and Forrest Hill areas of the County and has determined that Councilman Guthrie would be by far Harford County’s strongest Democratic challenger to a Republican candidate in the November 2014 General Election.
“The Peoples Choice has done grassroots outreach in the Edgemere, Joppa, Abingdon and Forrest Hill areas of the County ”
Christ on a cracker…. It’s Forest Hill, not “forrest hill” you numbnut…. and when the hell did Harford county annex Edgemere?
Guthrie go home you’re dunk…..
Guess he can hold a get out the vote in edgemere. He would make a great proof reader for Paula Deen’s new book….oooopppssss it got canceled.
Unless Lisanti decides to run.
A slow Sunday night for news. If this is true, it must be very exciting news for Mr. Glassman.
Now it is Sunday, you were a day ahead of me when you wrote this…..
Dang if you’re not right Captain. Man, this retired life is getting to me. Everyday is becoming a Sunday!
I know the feeling.
Won’t support him. He was a poor union head when I worked for AT&T. Never fought for the people. Just talked a good game.
The Peoples Choice has done grassroots outreach in the Edgemere, Joppa, Abingdon and Forrest Hill areas of the County and has determined that Councilman Guthrie would be by far Harford County’s strongest Democratic challenger to a Republican candidate in the November 2014 General Election
Too bad he doesn’t even know who is in HIS county. Maybe he can get those same folks from “Joppa Town”, his spelling on another post, to support this
Edgemere…FoRRest Hill…ha ha ha
Some lousy politicians have been the best spellers and typists; Dion is great at what our elected representatives are supposed to do.
“Dion is great at what our elected representatives are supposed to do.”
Your right he is an EXCELLENT……………..LIAR
Dion is a true fighter for the people of Harford County. If he was our best choice I would welcome him to leave the council. However, the only person in the county that could put us back on the right track and is proven is Sheriff Bane. He has successfully worked with a bare bones budget to keep us safe over his last two terms. Bane knows how to reach out to the community and his employees to keep them happy and feel good about the progress he can bring. Bane is known county wide and that is more then Dion has to offer. Bane also has a professional staff that would never allow an article to go out to the public this poorly. Please Sheriff Bane bring your knowledge and ability to the County Executive’s Office.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read in a LONG time. Thanks!! Crime is UP, Moral within the Dept is lower than low.
Hey there HNTS: You might want to take a gander at “Moral” and ponder it for a second, if you axe me.
At least I know how to spell Edgewood, Forest Hill, and Joppatowne. I also know Edgemere wouldn’t be in HIS county. Unlike him
Win theCE: I sincerely hope that your post was written with sarcasm. If not, I think you are on some hallucinogen, but please please please by all means talk Bane into running for CE so the deputies can do their jobs and the agency can get back on track again. Let him be the entire county’s headache instead of just the Sheriff’s office. Then all the people throughout the community who know Bane can see for themselves what he is really like. Bane for CE!
Wow, you obviously bumped your head really hard recently. How did we get on the Bane Bashing again and who in their right mind would consider him for a County Executive? It seems to me that his own deputies have ruined his chances at ever holding another public office by the wonderful comments strung out about him everyday.
Someone else brought Bane’s name into the mix–I merely responded. Obviously Bane can’t run his own agency, can you imagine the damage he would do countywide? He is not fit for public office, so hopefully the word is getting out. As someone said in another thread–at this point, he is simply a figurehead and a mindless one at that.
Really? What good has he done? The Sheriff’s Office has no morale, he has turned the people against one another. What good has he done? Let Bane retire and go to the Old Sheriff’s home.
You’re not in it Marc. The deputies I see and speak with do not express the fear and loathing you seem to have. I’m going to say you are full of nonsense, generated by your particular world view.
Because: Do you think anyone working for the Sheriff’s Office is going to tell you their true feelings about the agency? Who are the deputies you are speaking to? Intimate friends or passing acquaintances? No one is going tell you the truth because they need their jobs. So direct your hate toward Jesse Bane for turning the agency into the sad state that it is in, not Marc Eaton.
No I truly expect I can come to the Dagger to get the truth about how a bunch of malicious vindictive people feel about the Sheriff.
How much were you paid or guaranteed to say this. Are you kidding me Do you think anyone has respect for the Sheriff or Dion?
He never should have left The Belmonts.
At you all, sounds like people that are afraid of a man that can actually win the election. BBC all you tend to do is bash a man that has done nothing but help the public and his deputies. You could hear the love and pain he suffered at the funerals of the deputies that past this last year. So stop your hate because you are soured for something you have done to yourself.
Jesse is that you?
Jesse and Dion would do a better job in our county than the Republican challenger who waits to see which way the wind is blowing before he can make a decision (if he even makes a decision) on ANYTHING, and then takes credit when works in his favor. OH wait, I forgot this is a Republican blog.