The first order of business at the July 29th meeting of the Harford County Board of Education is a changing of the guard.
Serving at her first Board meeting as interim superintendent and secretary-treasurer of the Board, Mrs. Barbara P. Canavan will call the meeting to order, followed by the election of a Board president and vice-president, and the swearing in of the student representative for 2013-14, Benjamin C. Barsam.
Other business on the July 29th agenda includes proposed revisions to the policies on extra-curricular activities and clubs, approval of a revised policy on student use and possession of cell phones, and an update on the capital budget request for the fiscal year 2015.
HCPS General Counsel Patrick Spicer will ask Board members to consider revisions to the policies on extra-curricular activities and clubs on Monday, for Board action at a later date. The revisions were formulated by an in-house work group and reviewed by the Board Policy Review Committee, which approved the changes for presentation to the Board.
The revised policy on extra-curricular activities prohibits team activities, including practices, celebrations or meetings, from taking place at the private residence of any HCPS employee, coach, assistant coach or team member. Extra-curricular activities under the revised policy must also adhere to HCPS scheduling, including inclement weather scheduling. The revised policy also explicitly requires coaches and supervisors to comply with HCPS policies and procedures.
The Board policy on school clubs would be similarly revised to include the prohibition against club activities in private homes and the required adherence to HCPS scheduling, policies, and procedures. In addition, clubs are newly defined in the revised policy to specifically include dance teams, chess clubs and language clubs.
Mr. Spicer will also ask Board members to approve two policies first proposed at a meeting in June. The revised policy on Portable Communication Devices (PCDs) such as cell phones, lap tops and tablets, newly allows elementary and middle school students to use and store the devices at school and on buses within certain limits. On buses, the revised PCD policy newly allows students in any grade to use the devices, except for conversation, calls, photographing, videoing, or the use of audio without ear buds. The revised policy also includes provisions against use of PCDs for harassment or invasion of privacy.
The new policy entitled “Procurement of Green Product Cleaning Supplies” will also be up for approval Monday. The policy is in response to 2012 state legislation mandating that school systems make best efforts to buy environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
In other business, Board members will get an update from staff on the capital budget request for the fiscal year 2015. New projects to upgrade security and make “domestic water improvements” at North Harford Middle School have added $1.1 million to the budget since it was last presented in June, bringing the new total to $76 million. The capital budget is subject to further revision prior to Board approval and submission to state and county funding authorities.
The following items are slated for Board approval under the consent agenda:
Board members will ratify a negotiated agreement for 2013-16 with the Association of Harford County Administrative, Technical and Supervisory Professionals (AHCATSP).
Charles E. Kearney, Jr. Esq. will be appointed to a second five-year term on the Board of Education Ethics Panel.
Board members will approve an amendment to the restricted budget for the fiscal year 2014. According to the published agenda, the budget was misreported at $26,697,222 at the June 24 Board meeting, and will be amended to reflect the correct figure of $27,697,222.
Pretzel items for the school lunch program will be provided through a $100,102 contract award to Glennco, Inc. of Baltimore. The contract is for one year beginning in August, with a renewal option for four additional one-year periods.
The engineering firm of Burdette, Koehler, Murphy & Associates, Inc. will receive a $1,219,934 contract award for professional design services for HVAC systemic renovations at Fallston High School. The firm was chosen for the award recommendation following a Request for Qualification (RFQ) process, and a HCPS selection committee that considered responding firms’ qualifications, experience, workload, and references. Following a similar selection process, the engineering firm of KIBART Consulting Engineers is recommended for a $230,300 contract award for professional design services for HVAC systemic renovations at Norrisville Elementary School.
Finally under the consent agenda, Heartland Payment Systems Inc. will receive a contract award, and the Board will receive the monthly report on personnel. No additional details have been published for these consent agenda items.
Board members will honor Edgewood, Havre de Grace and William Paca/Old Post Road elementary schools for implementing activities to improve the wellness of their staff, students, and families in the 2012-13 school year. Funding for the activities was provided through a federal Community Transformation Grant received by the Harford County Health Department to promote healthy lifestyles. Edgewood High School students Matthew Demorest and Shaquan Wilhoyt will also be recognized for creating outstanding videos to educate the public about obesity.
Ryan Burbey, president of the Harford County Education Association, is on the agenda to make a presentation to the Board Monday evening. No additional details have been published for this agenda item.
The meeting will conclude with a report from Interim Superintendent Barbara Canavan.
The July 29th board business meeting is set to begin at 6:30 p.m. in the A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air. The public comment period is set for 6:55 p.m. The published agenda appears below. Please note that published agendas are subject to change.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Board Open Session – 5:25 PM – Board Room
Board Closed Session – 5:30 PM – Board Executive Conference Room
Board Business Meeting – 6:30 PM – Board Room
*Times are approximate6:30 PM
Call to Order – Mrs. Barbara P. Canavan, Interim Superintendent of Schools and Secretary-TreasurerQuorum Roll Call
Election of Board of Education PresidentElection of Board of Education Vice-President
Swearing in Ceremony of Mr. Benjamin C. Barsam, Bel Air High School,
2013-14 Student Member to the Board of EducationOpening – Newly Elected President
Comments of Newly Elected President
Comments of Newly Elected Vice PresidentAdoption of Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance6:50 PM Recognitions:
Community Transformation Grant (Goal 2)6:55 PM Public Comment
7:10 PM Board Committee Reports and Comments
7:25 PM Presentation – Harford County Education Association (HCEA)
Mr. Ryan Burbey, PresidentOld Business
Action Item(s):
7:45 PM A. Consent Agenda:1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Monthly Personnel Report (Goal 3)
3) Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: June 24, 2013 (Goals 1-4)
5) Reappointment of Candidate for Board of Education Ethics Panel (Goal 4)
6) Approval of Amended Restricted Budget (Goal 2)
7) Decision on Contract Award: Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. (Goal 4)
8) Decision on Contract Award: Glennco, Inc. Frozen Pretzels (Goal 4)
10) Decision on Contract Award: Architectural/Engineering Services Norrisville Elementary School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement Project (Goal 4)
Presentation(s):7:50 PM B. Presentation of FY 2015 Capital Improvement Program, Ms. Patti Jo Beard (Goal 4)
New Business
Presentation(s):8:10 PM C. Presentation of HCPS Board of Education Policies, Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. (Goals 1-4)
– Curricular and Extracurricular Activities (06-0007-000)
– Portable Communication Devices (06-0005-000)
– Procurement of Green Cleaning Supplies (18-0003-000)
8:30 PM D. Superintendent’s Report
Closing8:40 PM Future Meetings Review
“On buses, the revised PCD policy newly allows students in any grade to use the devices, except for conversation, calls, photographing, videoing, or the use of audio without ear buds.”
Yeah, I can see students adhering to that rule…
Will we receive the monthly personnel report after the meeting tonight?
why do you ask?
Curious because it’s always available before the meeting.
The HCPS monthly personnel report was published Monday. Here it is:
Robert Tomback SUPERINTENDENT 4.0 June 30, 2013”
Worth a chuckle.