From Harford County Campaign for Liberty:
Fellow Harford County Resident,
Just before their summer vacation the Harford County Council quietly passed Bill 13-26, a bill to create a new “Healthy Community Planning Board.”
Now that the Council has reconvened, it will begin staffing this brand new advisory board with nine members who will immediately begin to research ways to implement the suggestions of the 2012 Obesity Task Force.
The bill’s sponsor, Councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti, says this bill is about “creating partnerships and not at all about limiting the rights of the citizens.”
But any time the government thinks it knows best about how individuals should eat, drink, or live their lives, what do we get??
We get bans on 32 ounce drinks in New York City.
The government says: Too bad that it’s a hot day. You can only buy 3 cups, you’ll manage.
We get a proposal in California to replace all vending machine snacks in public spaces with only low sodium choices under 200 calories.
Would you like a bit of chocolate while you wait nervously at the hospital for your grandchild’s arrival?
Too bad – have some apple chips.
We get bills like that in North Carolina requiring every school to provide every child free breakfast, not just those who qualify for free and reduced meals, in the name of healthier eating.
And you thought our school budget was tight this year?!
Friends, our forefathers knew that it was imperative to limit the role of government, lest it become a weed choking out our individual rights as it spreads and swallows everything in its way.
When will the Harford County Council learn the importance of limited government?
The Harford County Obesity Task Force in 2012 called for the Harford County government to enact ‘incentive programs’ and use ‘policy decisions’ to influence the eating and health decisions of your family.
The Task Force advocated for ‘intervention’ in schools, workplaces, restaurants, food stores, day care centers, and public infrastructure to shift the decisions you make toward the decisions they want you to make.
It may sound non-threatening now, but that’s where it starts.
It starts with a new “Healthy Planning” Advisory Board. Where does it end?
Want to learn more about nanny state planning in Harford County and other local issues that are affecting your family already?
JOIN US on September 24th and the fourth Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 23 Newport Drive, Forest Hill, MD and visit our website at
For Freedom,
Christina Trotta
Steering Committee Member
Harford County Campaign for Liberty
We get the government we deserve. Unfortunately, we have become used to the idea of being “told” what choices we need to be making in our lives. The majority of the populace is more concerned with which celebrity is having a baby than they are about their own kids. So, who’s there to fill the gap left by brain-dead parents?…..the church?….yeah, right……the community?……they’re just as brain-dead. So, we have the government.
Removing the government from our lives takes work…..and who needs that?!?…..I’ve got a People magazine to get through this week.
Sounds to me like the folks at Campaign for Liberty are stepping in to fill the gap. Close to 100 activists attend every month and they’re not there for Bingo.
They are doing the work. Why don’t you join them? Complaining is just another way avoiding reality through People Magazine.
This group continues to spread their fringe, venomous, anti-everything message. These are the same 60-100 group of angry old white people afraid of anyone or anything that is different than their version of America. Their far fetched conspiracy theories and baseless attacks have pretty much become nothing more than white noise in the background. If you believe anything this group is trying to sell you, I have a tin hat for you to wear. Perhaps you too can get an advanced warning of a pending martian attack.
Saul Alinsky, is that you?
Mr. Sanity, Have you ever been to one of our meetings? Our members, while majority white are not exclusively so. We reflect the local demographics as well as the local political leanings. Would you believe me if I told you our keynote speaker for this month is African American. One of my best memories from a past meeting was when an African American member, present at a candidate debate we hosted demanded of Dr. LaFerla (democratic write-in; last election), that his party let African Americans off the plantation once and for all. In other words, there are plenty of folks of color that support conservative policy and see liberal policy as the cause of much social injustice. So much for the last defense of a scoundrel. When you can’t fight the facts, just sling some mud and see if it sticks. Shame on you.
As far as being against everything. NOT SO! We are for sound money, Constitutional government, personal responsibility, a noninterventionalist (not isolationist) foreign policy and much more. We like government small and big liberty.
Oh, I’ve been to your meetings. What I have seen is a bunch of paranoid angry mostly white angry old people willing to believe any potential conspiracy theory that is cooked up. I’ve seen your groups postings, e-mails and claims. You talk about facts!? Much of what I have read that comes out of your group are what most call convenient facts that are taken out of their context to fit whatever far flung message you want to spin off. Your group does nothing but feed off of anger, and fear. Just read what your own press! You start out with a message of fear that some big government is coming for your big gulp! Really?! So, what size hat do you wear?
Mr. Sanity, Have you been paying attention to the news. Banning Big Gulps is exactly what big government did in NYC. REALLY!!!! Out of control government is guilty of all kinds abuse.
Perhaps you’ld like to give an example of our inaccurate messaging. We began an anti Agenda 21 campaign that resulted in the CE withdrawing from ICLEI. We pressured Kratovil into voting against Obamacare. Our actions have resulted in the CC rejecting and withdrawing anti property rights legislation. The fact is, we have core beliefs which have already been outlined for you, and we act on them. Perhaps its the fact that we are effective that irks you most.
So I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the Obesity task force. Isn’t that why you posted??? or are you just trolling for the government. I love a good conspiracy, can you enlighten the public or are you just throwing stones at the big scary Liberty monster?
Since you are the adult in the room, please let everyone know the “Sanity” approved method for voicing your opinion if it differs from the one espoused by your local politician. Perhaps you and Elise could get together and lobby for legislation to have any one who attends a C4L meeting arrested; i know some local politicians who would support that cause!
What does the Campaign for Liberty believe as to President Obama’s birthplace?
Sanity Check is trolling….stop giving him/her what he/she wants….a response.
Obesity Task Force??? Is that a joke? What communist would even think its OK for any government to consider such lunacy? Throw these County Council clowns out!!!
Ms Lisanti, you disappoint me. Isn’t there a better way to spend your time and our money than with this foolishness? Or here’s a suggestion. Just give every kid who buys his/her lunch or gets it for free a head of lettuce. It’s cheap and will definitely make them lose weight. By the way I got my rain tax bill recently. Thanks for that bit of lunacy too.
If “most” citizens were adept enough to understand the importance of health and its relationship to the economy (take note you fiscal conservatives), they could easily recognize the correlation of obesity (and the resulting cancers, heart attacks, diabetes, etc.) and the rising expense of medical care (their own and that carried by our community). By trying to HELP citizens understand and by supporting efforts to curtail obvious reckless behavior when it comes to consumption of JUNK FOOD, i.e. unhealthy eating, we can better protect those who are unaware of those dangers. It took “government” to ban plastic bags around infants, requirement of seat belts in vehicles, limiting sales of cigarettes to minors, and vast numbers of other methods to help save lives and prevent debilitating illnesses. UPDATE: Government = WE, THE PEOPLE.
Healthy Harford also promotes exercise – YIKES! Everyone might be encouraged to get out there on some trails and take a hike – what might that do for our hearts and lungs?!
Why not try to re-think your vision of community and citizenship to include possible ways to assist others in having a better quality of life and get off the bandwagon of paranoia you constantly try to engage in? A more positive outlook that includes caring about others (i.e. your family, neighbors, citizens in your community and country) would really do wonders to temper that anger you all seem so burdened with. How about campaigning for something worthwhile?
Government allows Monsanto to poison the food chain. They allow High Fructose Corn Syrup to be put in almost everything. They allow your chicken and other meats to be pumped full of antibiotics. They will not allow you to consume raw milk. They tilt the playing field so small responsible farmers have no way to compete with giant “farms”. Government doesn’t care about you. Wake up! Get the government out of our lives, we will all be better off.
I choose not to eat those things because I do not want to end up needing the government run healthcare system.
I truly feel sorry for you. Do you really think a person shows love for his/her family and friends by asking the government to use force of law to have people bend to your will? Do you really thin a community can’t prosper and care for one another without government intervention? The government has been operating outside its proper role for so long many don’t realize the alternatives. Apply some critical thinking to some of the challenges we face as humans and try to see a world where people do cooperate with one another and help one another. Such a place existed once upon a time in America. Government allowed slavery, it decimated the original inhabitants of our land, and is destroying incentive and responsibility as we speak. Its best to keep the chains on government and make it as small as possible. Have a nice day.
Are you referring to the House of Representatives? They, too, seem to exhibit that “cooperation” you suggest.
The House of Representatives? Cooperation and caring are qualities flesh and blood humans can exhibit. Government is not your Mother and Father (unless you live in North Korea). Don’t you see that its the government that keeps the false left right paradigm alive; causing much of the nastiness you see displayed on Blog’s like this one. Why do you think it is OK to lobby the Government (which is force) to do what you yourself cannot do. Try convincing others to eat healthy, set an example. Don’t ask your local CC rep to spend Other People’s Money on your pet project.
If “most” citizens were adept enough to understand the importance of health and its relationship to the economy (take note you fiscal conservatives), they could easily recognize the correlation of obesity (and the resulting cancers, heart attacks, diabetes, etc.) and the rising expense of medical care (their own and that carried by our community).
Do you really feel that most people are too dumb to take care of themselves and should be thankful that people like you are around to take care of us? That is the mindset of our dear leaders. They care so much that have made us their slaves…but we should thank them for the poison laced food we have on our plates.
Don’t worry because the NSA will probably send the brown shirts to deal with the likes of me. I just hope that humanity wakes up and allows freedom and Liberty to foster a better future for our children.
Who the hell wants to drive to the gym in Harford county rush hour traffic? Im sure as hell not riding my bicycle on these roads after work to have some inattentive jagoff run into me with their automobile.
I typed all this while drinking a 2 liter soda and eating a chocolate donut.
Elsie, most of the “bad” behaviour you mention should be left to the parents to handle. “Most” people realize that being fat and not getting exercise is bad for you and many don’t care. Maybe the “government” should take all kids away from their parents as soon as they get 10 lbs over what the “government” deems a proper weight. Please “government” leave me alone.
“If “most” citizens were adept enough to understand the importance of health and its relationship to the economy (take note you fiscal conservatives), they could easily recognize” —blah, blah. The tone of your post tells me everything I need to know about folks that want to indoctrinate, I mean educate, me. I’m not smart enough to know what’s good for me. I need a government bureaucrat to tell me how to eat, live think, raise my children. If I go outside the prescribed bounds you’ll be right there to save me. Even if it kills me. No thanks, Elsie. I’ll take my chances out on my own.
And by the way, the more government does, the more it grows and needs to be fed with taxpayer money. Maybe we should start an obesity task force for government. I think I’ll call M. Lisanti right now. I’m sure I have her on speed dial.
These Liberty RINOS are a joke. Their meetings have more wing nuts than the local Home Depot.
shouldn’t you be working on the campaign for Governor….from your Harford County taxpayer funded government desk job. C’mon, we know what goes on in that office.
Who needs a gym membership?
I benchpress my truck axle for reps, cardio on the roof, pull ups off tree branches.
I saw an article about magnetic north changing,its not because of science its because when I do pushups in the yard, I am literally moving the Earf.
Global warming? Polar ice caps melting? That’s because I’m sweating so much, and breathing so hard all my hot air is going up in the ozone from my workout routine.
Selling the fear to people who are willing to buy all they can. It’s a shame the campaign for liberty doesn’t do anything but complain about what everyone else is doing. We have become a country of chronic complainers and c4l is the spokes model. That’s sad.
Bill H,
Glad you brought that up. The Government uses fear to promote lots of good ideas (sarcasm).
Fear of Obesity
Fear of Terrorists
Fear of Guns
Fear of Rain (see rain tax thread for more on this)
Fear of being “Too big to fail”
Fear of the weather changing
Fear of becoming a victim of a crime without having access to SWAT team actually located inside Harford County
and the list goes on and on.
It helps your credibility when you can list examples for the claims you make…give it a try sometime.
I’m not afraid of any of those things, but I bet the c4l can tell me why I should be. Once again nuttin but complaining. Bill go out and actually do something for a change.
And will there be an open cash bar at this meeting like the rest? What’s a good bitch fest without cheap liquor.
Pd. county employees or “pd. volunteers?” Where do I submit an application?
Neither the government nor the tea party is right about everything, but there are reasons to fear obesity, terrorists, guns, global warming, and polluted run-off from rain (there is NO rain tax, but a tax to prevent pollution from poisoning the bay and other waters). I fear Coca Cola for making sure you get thirsty from drinking a Coke and wanting more (check out the sodium levels in Cokes) and for using high fructose corn syrup. Tea party, please look beyond the one-liners and get as much information as you can on these issues. Not to do so is a laziness of the mind that will could cost us our liberty in the name of liberty. Finally, for the wisdom of our founding fathers in creating a limited government is a bit of a fallacy. Government was limited partly to ensure that slavery would not be ended. Was that wise? Did that ensure freedoms? Is a big gulp defending? Yes, if you own stock in the company.
What a breath of fresh air! Comforting to realize there really are some level-headed, astute folks out there that can comment intelligently about issues.
How are you breathing air and not paying for it? Does Cohagen know?
Maybehe should start the reactor.