By Richard Clements
The homeless pair that have graced the corner of Ostego St. and Rt. 40 for a few years now have been arrested by Havre de Grace police. These women have been called the invisible women and the ladies on the highway. Jim Newby, public information officer for the office of the Mayor, City of Havre de Grace, has released the following information for publication in the Dagger.
The homeless pair, whose names are Mary Ann Pugh and Fatima Inez Haney of no fixed address, were arrested without incident at approximately 6:30 am on Friday Oct, 16 2008. They were arrested on warrants for failure to obey a lawful order, disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace by hindering passage.
The arrest was without incident. An ambulance from the Susquehanna Hose Company was standing by in the event medical assistance was needed. Their cart and other items from the corner are being stored by the Havre de Grace police. They were processed at the Havre de Grace police station and later brought in front of a District Court Commissioner for initial appearances. Each has been remanded to the detention center on bond of $2,500 and $3,000 dollars.
Track the full history of the Havre de Grace homless pair on The Dagger.
So then is this the custody case in which the mother lost her son?
Her listed address from May 2002 was a Comfort Inn in Edgewood.
Court System: Circuit Court for Harford County – Civil System
Case Number: 12C02001443
Title: William C Richardson vs Mary Ann Pugh
Case Type: Custody (Two Party)Filing Date:05/17/2002
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Lack of ProsecutionDisposition Date:03/23/2005
Horaaay for Mayor Dougherty!!!!! He finally did it!! He’s got my vote next election!
Wow HdG Citizen! Your vote is bought cheaply.
He fullfilled his campaign promise….that’s reason enough to vote for him.
Congratulations Richie and congratulations Dagger. If not for this site and some of the posters Mary and Fatima would still be gracing the corner. Who says politicians don’t read the Dagger!!
It had nothing to do with this website.
I’m delighted that the women are gone from the corner. What an irritant and eysore they were! As someone in the neighborhood who had to look at them daily, it is a great relief not to see their scowls. I hope that a Good Samaritan doesn’t bail them out and put them back on the corner. I think that whoever bails them out should take them to their own neighborhood. “You post ’em, you host ’em!”
It may not have had anything to do with this web site. but the dagger ran this story for a long time. to a point where it became and imbarassment to the city council.
The next long running issue, will be the marina mafia
Petunia I’am sure the mayor has ample space at his home.
I want to know whats in the cart. Any suggestions?
Well, I kind of have mixed feelings. I mean, if any country on the earth can allow you to stand on a side walk freely and look up at the blue sky it should be the United States of America! Really, they were not hurting anyone!
But, with that said, we can all honestly say that we did not want them there either. It makes HdG look bad. Any visitor coming off of I-95 gets a first impression of our city as a place of homeless people….with racist inferences on the cardboard signs…’s not really good for tourism….or the image of a city that tries so hard to attract visitors. I guess, if your homeless through a series of unfortunate events and you’re looking for help that’s one thing….but in their case, they wanted to STAY on the street and would not accept any help from no one.
Tough call….but like most things in America, we can just close our eyes and hope it all goes away.
We’ll see who bails them out…….
I don’t think any body in bel air is likely to bail them took Haver de grace years to get them off the street. and I don’t for see bel air putting up with them. more than likely, will return to Home sweet home. right back to Haver de grace.
“Any visitor coming off of I-95 gets a first impression of our city as a place of homeless people….with racist inferences on the cardboard signs…’s not really good for tourism….or the image of a city that tries so hard to attract visitors”
It is a place of homeless people. There are tons of them out there at night.
OK JH, educate me…where are the homless people in HdG? Where do they hang out?
First he came for the Slip Holder, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a Boater.
Then he came for the Down Town Parking Lot, and I did not speak out –
because I don’t go down town..
Then he came for the homeless ladies, and I did not speak out –
because I was not homeless.
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.
i’ve seen the people, for years, and wondered what the point of it all was, why the same place every day…to make a statement…fine…it’s made, now be done with it.glad they’re gone
Their cart and belongings needs to be sent to the Harford County Detention Center where the women are locked up. This way they will have no reason to return to the corner on Rt 40 in Havre de Grace. Now the citizens can focus on
the attractions that HdeG has to offer.
Their cart and belongings needs to be sent to the Harford County Detention Center where the women are locked up. This way they will have no reason to return to the corner on Rt 40 in Havre de Grace.
I, HOPE the HDG POLICE DEPT. sends their belongings where they are. This way the welcome home sign won’t be hanging out.
Jh #14… What do you base your statement on? I can tell you that as of yesterday the mayor has a deep disdain for the dagger. Comments to me such as “why don’t you go write something in the dagger” or “I never look at that garbage”…than reciting letter and verse whats in it…tell a different tale.
HdG citizen #4…Its good that they will get the help they refused but its far from a campaign promise kept…more like beaten into submission to do whats right. Mayor Dougherty did not want to deal with this. Putting him on the spot at the council meeting along with many who contacted him …along with many hours of lobbying to all that would listen did it.
Speak up #16…thank you and agreed.
Whiskey#11..they did take money…just selectively.
Petunia#7…yes indedde…and we can feel good that they will get the help they need…or be dealt with if they are just trying to be pains.
And my friend VET…..yes that story and issue, “Marina Mafia” needs revitalization and conclusion as its still as relevant as ever. Vet I can tell you that the posts from folks who thought they were being cute told a story that would have never been told. To this of Monday …this mayor has never actually said why he refused to allow my lease to be signed…or signed it…and every bar that Ishak and the Mayor have set to settle this issue has been met by me. Every time they simply raise the bar or simply ignore whats presented to them. The last event of this was last monday. That’s called bad faith dealing. Even his own city council has told him “your on your own on this one Wayne ol Buddie”.
Personal Comment.
It seems that Dougherty only responds to PUBLIC criticism that he cant control. It seems to be his biggest fear is that hes not Mr. popular. When he is in an environment such as City Hall or as a sheriff where hes in control he is one arrogant ass…until public outcry starts…than he folds like a cheap lawn chair. Lately hes had a rough time over many issues in city hall…including, the handling initially, the Billiards club. No parameters. Manipulative. Vindictive.
I do wish them well…its not often we get a chance to do real good.
Go Dagger ! !
As of 5 pm they are still logged into the detention center.
Go Dagger !
I understand that citizens have a hard time understanding where others come from if they don’t walk in their shoes.Were they really hurting anyone? Did they beg for help? Did they beg for money? no.There were numerous times when approached they refused help.What appears as an eyesore to one person is simply another persons hard time.Ones life.I do think they need to be checked to make sure they wont harm themselves.After that let them be.There are homeless people everywhere that you would never recognize unless you were told by them that they are homeless.No I dont live in Harford County But I live in Cecil County where our Homeless population is growing.Do i consider them an eyesore or a problem no I consider them human and they have feelings.
Yes Peanut they were hurting people….they dragged each one of us down their pit of self imposed despair. They dragged my neighborhood down…the neighborhood you just pass through. Put yourself in OUR shoes. Peanut…I work like a pig to have a 1/2 acre and a house for my family. I don’t want their statement on my corner forever and ever till the end of time.
These people have been offered what is a homeless persons wet dream…a place…and refused. Today I watched Phil Police route out a homeless couple from a old row house in Phil on Ruth street. Take my word…these people in Philly just wanted shelter and a place to do their drugs in peace. Our ladies, although not implicated in drugs, were offered a place on many occasion and refused…its not my cross to bear.
I’M also told by a reliable source that they had injuries from their long stay …probably gout or festering wounds. In that case they were hurting them selves.
Remember Peanut…after you have passed, and are at home watching American Idol…they are still in the rain standing exactly where you last saw them.
Go Dagger !
Who says I watch American Idol? I do alot of volunteer work In communities with the homeless and those not able to help themselves.I do understand that everyone here works hard for what they have.My only point was maybe a little compassion not such harshness and others pretending to be better then those without.What are we teaching our children then? That its ok to move people on as long as we pretend the problem goes away?As long as people have their own place and nice things its ok to point and judge? I do know they were offered help I myself have gone that route.It didnt stop me from caring about what happened to them.
With that being said I also stated that yes they need to be evaluated to make sure they were of no harm to themselves or someone else.
I applaud your ability to work like a pig.Not alot of people do.But this isnt about you and your job or working.Its about human beings.Just because they were removed doesnt mean they wont be back.
Peanut… what right do they have to intentionally degrade what I have. If you really cared for them you would be happy that they are in an environment where they will be coaxed into reality. Stop being an enabler! It just hurts them in the long run.
Maybe now the truth will be learned…and in a lucid state maybe they can get any justice due them.
Go Dagger !
I am happy they are in a controled safe enviroment.I hope they can get the help they need.
That isnt what I was saying.
What I was stating is there seems to be a lack of human compassion.That to me is a concern.
I am in no way an enabler.I help people.To me that is what makes the world go round.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Like I said I applaud you for your hard work. And in no way was attacking you or anyone.
Peanut to that we can agree.
I hope you have a great night.And Hope to see you around here again
God Bless America and for Free Speech. I applaude all of the folks that have submitted their thoughts on “Homeless Floks” In HDG. It take courage to dispatch your thoughts and ideas. This is what our country is all about.
While I did not agree with some of the post, I enjoyed the interactions. I believe all of our elected officials are trying to do their best. They all fall short of our expectations from time to time, but if you are not walking in their shoes, give them a break, it takes a lot of courage to serve “John Q. Public. If you do not think so, I challenge you to run for an elected office or become a civil servant.
Have a great day,
Honest Abe 1
Peanut are you sure the people’ you help are Homeless? what problem do they have that made them that way. the marjority ”choose” the way they live. it requires and effort to ”work”
there drug’s are not free. there the ”creepers” you see lurking in the better neighbor hood’s. hopeing to find a car unlocked. stealing anything’ they can sell breaking in to shed’s etc.
too support there drug habit’s. in low income neighbor hood’s you will find there voice’s speak loudly” against drug’s. telling the police what ”need’s” to be done too combat the problem.
When they are the problem. I commend your work. but your time could be better spent helping senior’s & handicapp’s.
just 31 years working these low income areas.been there and done that.
Looks like Peanut’s alias should read Peanut, LCSW.
There’s compassion, like in the world of clergy and social workers, and then there’s practical solutions, in the world where everybody else lives.
I have been out on “Homeless Outreach” nights.
One night, I led a group of clergy and other advocates to a tent in the woods- through 6 inches of fresh snow- to connect them with one of our local homeless women. A woman who was “in the system,” and had been offered every type of aid imaginable in the past.
She welcomed us to her “home,” spoke briefly to the assembled masses, and retreated back to her domicile. She neither wanted or felt that she needed their assistance.
There’s homeless by chance, and homeless by choice (good or bad). My assertion is that the majority of the local homeless population fall into the latter category.
Honest abe…true in most cases…yet some politicians……are manipulative and let their personal feelings override their objectiveness in issues. Some politicians are OK while in a council where they CANNOTT act unilaterally…but as mayor whee they CAN act on their own…they are horrific.
That’s a real problem at this time in HdG.
Go Dagger ! !
Hi Vet!
I have dealt with alot of cases where the homeless were there by choice But almost 80% of the time its a person who ran into a job being cut or simply no famlly to help them along.I have helped Seniors as well as the handicap when there was no where for them to turn.
Alot of the “homeless” that I have interacted with and helped have emotional, physical, and sometimes mental problems. Sometimes all they need is a little help other times they need alot There are some that refuse it for them I say I tried if I cant help I go on to the next who is willing to get help.
yes it does require an effort to “work” however not many employers are willing to hire someone without an address or without basic skills.
The sad reality is most folks are only one paycheck from being homeless.I have been there.If it were not for someone giving me the chance I would still be out there.
I’ve been homeless’ I lived in a large concrete drain pipe. with a wooden pallet for a floor. not very comfy’ when it rained. moved to a rail way over pass to mingle with the hobo’s who use to frequent the track’s.
I simply’ try to hide my physical disabilities. from employer’s so I can work. I’am still one pay check from being homeless. but at least I make a sincere effort to avoid it.
One foot in the grave & the other slipping.
Gary owen & semper fi.
Wonder if they will be a topic at the comedy show tonight in Havre de Grace.
Its great that you can avoid it but there are still thousands who cant and not for lack of trying.
Mike reminded me of the show…I’M going…so I call the larripin and ask if there’s tickets to the show…than I ask the girl …”and what time is it?”…she tells me “its ten to seven”…ahhhhhh maybe blond !
Go Dagger !
You are wondering what is in the cart?
One thing is city issued yellow rain coats, and boots to match.
Plus other interesting things.
HdeG citizen
You say hats off to the mayor, wrong. He did jack , Won’t get my vote for something he didn’t take care of.
If you recall the record paper stated he said that they were on state property.
He passed the buck to the state to deal with the women.
Go Dagger !
Anyone who looses domicile as you described is happy for any help.
Go Dagger
I reasonly found out that the Rosa Parks card board that are in the cart.
Will go on display in City Hall this week right next to the mayor’s chair. The cart which belongs to the grocery store on Rt 40 will be chromed and parked in front
of city hall. Since the mayor did Jack about this issue.
The mayor was frightened to make a move the NAACP was watching his every move. & then there was RichieC. who up set’s the mayor’s blood pressure. I’am sure he’s not prepared for another term.
hmmmm…not too often I comment. I know these ladies were offered help from lots of people. I also know about HdG’s efforts to market their community as a tourist attraction. But phrases like “coaxed into reality,” “won’t harm themselves,” and “controlled, safe environment”….hmmm have to say those phrases are equally as scary to me.
I, too, have mixed feelings and I do hope they get the ‘justice’ they’re looking for… if there’s any to be had. But, golly, I do have my disdain for someone who might be deciding what a “controlled, safe environment” might be if it was for me!!
Well Ellie as one who has used a few of the phrases you have mentioned….And as one who has personally been the victim of abused power in the very city I have tried to get to take action I understand your concern. The fact is that they were (are) unique in their actions.
I understand your concern..I feel that’s another Issue. We as citizens have to insure that what we consider a “safe, controlled environment” that can be used to “coax them into reality”…is just what its supposed to be. This is done by not sitting on our hands and remaining silent. Being ever vigilant and communicating with each other. By doing this we insure that our govt’s don’t become fiefdoms where there is “Govt and those who are Governed” verses “Government by and for the people”.
Your concern is understood loud and clear.
Go Dagger !
Ellie the ladies’ were in the lime light every day. the story was continueing to run on the ”Dagger” with the continued reporting’ of there activity’s by RichieC & others.
The story continued to show the in ability of mayor & council to do any thing. but yet they can manage the day to day operations’ of the city of Haver de grace. of which people are beginning too see. this Mayor & council was a mistake.
And now they are a waiting a good samaritan to bail them out. as far as Health Issues I would’nt expect to much from bel air detention center. for proper health care.
Candy, It was rumored that the Mayor was the one who ordered their arrest, not the state.
HdeG citizen
The mayor passed th buck to the state, because he did not want the women hurt
anymore then they have been.
Well I guess I was misinformed then…I was told the Mayor took care of this one personally.
The mayor didn’t so much as order the arrest…(see the other stories)…but untied the hands of the police after being badgered here and in person at council meetings. He in fact stated that they couldn’t be arrested….The fact is that he shouldn’t be telling the police what they should do anyways…there is an old saying I learned from the mayor….”the king is not immune”….he just doesn’t seem to think it applies to him.
Its chronic in his administration. He seems to think hes under siege and any input from the peasantry is reviled and opposed even if its valid…based solely as he sees it as a challenge he must win. This is bad Govt…crippling govt…the results of which we will have to live with for years to come.
The mayor has restricted the police in a few areas…such as the Marina…no statement of charges or even a police report taken re: any marina issues unless the city atty (the mayors atty) first reviews it and approves it. Than he cutely says to any issue raised…Prove it…is there a police report?…Knowing full well that he has banned the police from making that first step. This is to avoid any counter information supported by judgement, that he doesn’t want out there. The result is crime and shannagins in that community that go unchecked.
To this end Wayne Dougherty throws the city of HdG under the bus in favor of his personal agenda. In affect he has politicized the police dept and every other dept in the city to include code enforcement. This is bad govt…and all over what……a frickin boat slip he played games with and now that it hasn’t gone away hes willing to go to any length to promote his agenda.
Teddy was right…”power corrupts..absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Go Dagger ! !
The fact is the ”mayor” had a night mare on his hand’s’ and did’nt have the slightest idea what to do. so the next best thing to do is pass the buck.
If human life had’nt been at stake. it would have been absolutely comical that these poor soul’s put a city on hold. as a second thought might bail them out and get them to represent the case of RichicC versus’s the marina mafia.
By all do respect’s I do believe them too be mentally ill. as for Haver de grace seeing the last of them I doubt it.
What many don’t understand is that Dougherty and I go back both personally at least 10 years and also to before he was elected in our city issue discussions. One of our discussions was about bad government….this man yeses you to death than does the opposite….he talks the talk but walks another walk….hes clever and manipulative…that’s great if your a shoe salesman…but as mayor its embarrassing and damaging to the city He’s entrusted with.
Our city is known, as a result, as a bad faith operator…unless its in writing. His only solution is not reform of his ways , but rather he attempts to hide it. There is an over abundance of lieing…all directed from his office.
All cities and administrations at times cannot fulfill promises….that’s normal. In the Dougherty administration its chronic and elevated to a point of…buyer beware…look for the bait and switch.
Go Dagger ! !
the quote is by lord acton.
RichieC, it sounds like you know this Mayor well.
Wich quote…..”The king…”or “Power corrupts…..”
I see it…lord acton…I stand corrected…..
(why am i thinking TR said it…mabey he cited it)
Go Dagger !
Its funny how this leads to that. We have , in HdG today, a number of Elephants in the room. An “elephant in the room” is a phrase used to describe whats very obvious yet isn’t discussed because its not comfortable.
The little , subtle things such as a Mayor who stops police from policing and puts personal agendas in front of good civic policy, ignoring the issues surrounding an entire dept…the marina, rapidly become elephants in the room.
Go Dagger !
RichieC for Mayor!!!
Richie you know the ” mayor” has asked you to be ”nice” not that he has any intention of speaking to you’ on none other than his term’s. or has any intention of helping you with your problem.
Have you been to a council meeting lately ? or has he had you barred. when you choose to exert your right’s to freedom of speech. or maybe nothing less than a trespass notice being served. to prevent you from speaking.
Blessed be the Dagger. for allowing the peon’s to speak.
No tresspass notice yet…although im sure hes doing his best to get a petition started.
Go Dagger !
Viet…its not the council…its the mayor…..he and he alone is doing this childish nonsense. The council walked on this issue and has been pretty honest…they say its his and his alone adgenda.
Go Dagger !
Thank’s richiec for clearing that up. I don’t like finger pointing at innocent people BUT they are the ” council” it would’nt hurt to exert a little pressure on the Mayor. since they were put there by the people & for the people.
Yes Vet…
A little pressure is whats in order…..very many good people have been misinformed, and as you and me…we want nothing less than to point at the wrong people. I was even misinformed for the first year as to the motivation and some fine details that came out just within the last few weeks. At this point some are seeing it…..on the council…and are looking for a way to deal with a very vindictive and stubborn man without tearing the city apart. Its not easy to do…and remember that even I know that there are other concerns. I’m not trying to make anyone look like a jerk…..I’M just trying to get the right thing done
Never forget that this wasn’t public in any way until 6 mos into it…the marina mafia that is….and the silence was working to his advantage.
The panic he exhibited when down town business were ready to crucify him over their parking woke me up in earnest. This was when I decided to become as public as possible.
There is another marina related…homeless related issue I’m working on that many will find interesting. Ive done a public information request and even though many documents were refused , there is enough to show that this mayor is protecting people that have done great harm to our city and its reputation. In fact this mayor has made a substantial track record of excusing off everything he can to not acknowledge the facts. His refusal to take appropriate action against these persons gives these persons license to continue to do what they do. The tax payers and those who love our city loose.
As for these women…the more I spoke to the mayor the more he hunkered down with regard to these women…as if their presence was somehow a testament that I was wrong and he was right…..all this at their expense. In the end he did the obvious….used the laws on the books. I didn’t have a brilliant idea…I just questioned why he wasn’t doing the obvious.
Go Dagger !
I think it’s apparent richiec. what type of man he is by the apparent disregard of treating the people who put him in office. as tho they never existed. and I agree they are well aware of the ” DAGGER”
they may choose to ignore it now.but it will come back and bite them.
I wonder if it was two men standing on the corner for a couple of months or more would action be takening against them? The way I look at it, is everyone of us
as a purpose in life. We choose to live how we want to live.
i’m glad i voted for dave malin!!
Ktr…lol….Malin… this point I think Malin would have been better !
Go Dagger !
I hope we have a vigorous Mayors race this time around… forums and all. To include reform on respect for core values such as our covet civil rights.
To long have we in HdG had a secret govt…working in the back room and discounting the citizens. Trampling the constitution they swear to uphold.
To long (since June of 07) have we allowed a city govt that says “if we can get away with it its OK”.
To Long have we as citizens said “that issue isn’t BIG enough to worry about” …!!
Lets remember that pnemnonia starts with a sniffle! We ignored it…now we are sick sick sick !
Go Dagger !
I know dave and he would care about the real HDG and it’s people
maybe he’ll run again
If David Malin were mayor he would the ladies would still be standing there or anywhere they wanted to be standing. It took allot of soul searching on whoever made the decision to act.
Now lets bail these people out and stop this madness.
When does the ACLU get involved and the City spends thousands on its defense.
Mike T
Mike the women were ”breaking” the law. regardless of what we think. they were allowed to exploit what ever they were protesting. to a point it was becomeing ridiculios.
The mayor had no intention of ”soiling” his hand’s. he simply passed the buck.
I disagree. The mayor is a good law abiding man who I believe has spent much sole searching and sleepless nights on this subject. He is not a “Buck Passer” and has no sights set on any office other than being Mayor of Havre de Grace.
Putting people in Jail because they don’t live (or want to) like you do is a dangerous trend.
Mike T
All do respect’s to the mayor. there are Home less all over the place. these two chose to live on and active street corner. I’am sure the boy’s in blue would have removed them as soon as they were released to do so.
And what Law were they breaking? If it were a legal law would we see homeless vagrants on the DC mall. I know the officer who arrested them and it was probablky not on his top ten things to do that week. Just because someone does not live like you is not reason for arrest. Whats next….red front doors against the law? Oh yeah probably in your homeowners association.
A few years ago I had a member of the planning commision berate me because I wanted to build a home with the garage door facing the street. Guess what….his house has the garage door facing the street
Mike t…
Glad you opened that door. If the mayor was a law respecting citizen or even an abiding citizen…he would
1 Recognize and honor the city code as law, follow it , and not ignore it.
2 Would not have interfered with , blocked, and lied about the investigation of the one city employee, a quarryville resident, who had a pile of evidence in cause alone proving he operated his personal business in the marina…on our nickle.
3 Would have allowed, and not blocked , a hearing on the statements by 2 of the marina managers close friends accusing me of waking someone up in a boat by use of my boat (much in the same way a neighbor might wake up when you start your car early). The convenient stating of him that this means a rule was broken and I must be thrown out of the marina , disregarding the rest of the rules such as reasonable standards, and holding on to this like his last him to be a highly manipulative and devious person.
4 He would have rec used himself and let a mediator take charge as I asked. This considering the personal grudge he has dating back 10 years or so.
5. There would not have been recounting of personal telephone conversations that only the mayor and I know the content of, on the dagger at all hours of the morning under different names in the various marina mafia and related threads.
Yes Mike T…I too trusted the very charismatic Wayne Dougherty at one time. The fact that it was never actually him, just the persons closest to him, that made me give him the benefit of the doubt. As it turns out its him all along…and even today , having been emboldened and alienated at the same time simply has hunkered down in city hall , by executive order mandating that his agenda be city policy… this is not good law abiding and ethical conduct.
The mayor has not done these things in support of the law , ethics, and good government. The mayor has done the opposite.
MikeT… not one moment of sleep was lost.
Go Dagger ! !
Mike t…
I also know the officer…please dont speak for him…you may or may not be correct.
As for laws…they are laws…thats that.
Go Dagger !
Hey mike t…..
WOW the ACLU…ive heard this logic before…when John Narvall was abusing and tha marina manager was allowing …a handicapped slip. My concern was that the city was taking unnecessary risk…and they cleaned up their act. Many seemed to think that that was outta line …and fought it than complained about the cost of fighting it.
Mike you cant have it both ways.
Go Dagger ! !
I endorsed malin in a sarcastic way…I know dave from a number of years ago….take what I said for what its worth. I have nothing against Malins. Dont know him beyond that relationship at arms length from 13 years ago
Go Dagger
Mike T..
Lets stick to the mayors own words as broadcast on HCN…”they arnt blocking the walk”….
“Ive checked with the “NAACP”…..
“The states atterney wont prosicute”
These are all his excuses.
What you must realize is that we are a nation of laws for a very good reason…it protects the MIKE T’S of the world from being victimized when the Mayor is NOT their friend.
That’s why this stuff is so important !
Go Dagger !
I supported David Malin in the best way I know…..I wrote a check of four figures. Have known David for 40 years and know him to be an honest hard working man who loves his children and stands up for what is right. If half of you had his (Davids) testicle fortitude the world would be a better (if not more interesting) place to live.
well mike…
I said i dont know him beyond what I know….Im not bashing him.
And yes it may be a more interesting place…for sure the old boy network would go into shock…
Go Dagger
Everything about this is ridiculous, from the story to all of your comments. Regardless of how incompetent the mayor is, and the action he took, does anybody else see how outlandish it is to arrest these women to improve the aesthetic of a city? On a highway littered with fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and shanty restaurants?
These women caused no harm at all, they have very little interaction with anyone, and yet you’re all ostracizing them because of it? They’re bad people because they aren’t accepting help? They weren’t pan handlers, they weren’t actively trying to disrespect anyone (which I don’t see at all, I’m a frequent pedestrian and they’ve always responded politely to my pleasantries in passing), and they don’t contribute any crime in the community.
Lets be honest, these “disturbing the peace” and “memorial violations” are a joke.
Hoss…please give me your address and we can discuss this in your driveway at 3 am.
Does that creep you…it should as in the same way as having these folks standing guard over my sleeping family.
Go Dagger !
Hoss it wasnt for asthetics…it was for the good in general of us that live here including…like it or not….them. Hopefully they will be seen for what they are…pains or needy folks…and dealt with.
Go Dagger !
Sounds more like threat, which would be the creepier part.
Unless you live in One Stop Liquors, I think you might need to toughen up a bit.
They lived on that intersection. The odds of them coming down your street, choosing your house out of so many others, and disturbing your family, after living here for nearly a decade without conflict, are pretty slim if you ask me.
What good does it do to the population? Seriously?
Pains? What burden was this on you?
Yes hoss I agre there is never a problem on anothers block.
Go Dagger !
Hoss…I assume the only problems we have are those that affect you….ok..I stand corrected.
Go Dagger !
I really don’t understand a thing you just said.
Hoss read the over 200 posts…and youll find out what the problem is.
Hoss…whats wrong with me camping at the foot of your drive way…are you paranoid …the threat language and all…??? Or is it only ok when its not at your house.
Go Dagger !
Hoss you probably never will understand…
Secondly…they didnt LIVE at that intersection…thats a cross walk. People live indoors not out doors like animals. Stop your silliness.
Go Dagger !
I’ve read the 96 posts, and I know the problem. What don’t understand is the two nonsensical posts you just put up.
The way you phrased that, it sounded like a threat. “give me your address and we can discuss this in your driveway at 3 am” could definitely be construed as threat by most people.
Seeing as you’ve never had any direct contact with these women, and that they’ve never expressed any ambition to come to your house at 3 AM to “talk” to you, I feel safer with them in the city, than you.
So hoss what burdon is it on you if I drive drunk …after all the chances of me hitting you out of all the cars is remote…and whats the bourdon if I decide to pile my garbage up in the yard…its not hurting you…
See how rediculass that argument is !
Go Dagger !
I’d call a four way an intersection.
I’d call these women, homeless, not sub-humans.
Seeing as these women are sober, dormant, and not operating a vehicle, yeah they’re most definitely safer than you.
And yes, piling your garbage in your yard and comparing it to driving drunk is a ridiculous argument.
Hoss…96 plus 372 in the parent post….equals 468. Get familiar with them before shooting off half cocked. Get familiar with what the consensus was in demanding action be taken .
No One said there sub human…no one had them removed cause they were an eyesore…although diminishing property value is a nuisance in HdG under the law. Many felt that they were in need of help they were not capable of accepting…and now that can be evaluated.
This is not a complicated concept…
Go Dagger
Yes hoss every thing except your argument is rediculass….
(i wonder who this is…very much like the ones who always made the same late nite comments in marina mafia under a different name each nite)
Go Dagger !
Hoss…Ive heard unofficially that they (at least there first few days) were a task for the jail. Hoss…think about the sores that were report-ably on their feet.
Sorry Hoss…thats not what we are about.
What legitimate rational could you have for promoting their being there?
The citizens have rights too!
Go Dagger !
The things said in the other post were just as absurd. Theres so many other reasons for diminishing property value, including other homeless people. The only difference is that they were more notable than the average homeless folk.
Unless they are blatantly displaying a threat to a public, which they weren’t, they can’t incarcerate someone because of mental conditions. But aside from that, this would also mean that the police arrested them under false charges, which is awful in any situation.
This is my first and only name on this site.
For the record I don’t advocate them being there, but I also don’t promote arresting them under faulty charges because people were complaining.
The sores are terrible and probably caused by standing all day, but they could’ve had access to help if they had chosen, and I don’t think thats something that residents should be able to decide.
Also, can you please elaborate a bit on “The citizens have rights too!”?
I guess the question is…as this was handled so carefully…Is the city going to direct Ishak to work with the prosecutor to insure that they get properly evaluated…proper help….part of the issue in general. If this doesn’t happen and they return than the administration, (Dougherty), has not heard a word…not understood what was wanted. In this case he will have failed.
Go Dagger !
Hoss…the charges were not faulty…its a minor nuisance charge.
They cannot be allowed to stand on the corner and deteriorate as they do.
They cannot be allowed to stand on the corner and become cult figures as they were becoming to many.
Its not normal…its not fair to the people who live in proximity to them…its not safe…its not healthy to them.
Go Dagger !
Yeah, I think getting them proper help at this point would be the best we can hope for. If they didn’t, and were just released, I’m sure they would be pretty discontent and interpret it as some sort of discrimination.
Hoss…they were not arrested on anything false.
This was done the right way…what happens now is as important for the future.
I’m glad you realize their uniqueness.
Go Dagger!
Hoss…agreed….its not harassment…take my word.
Go Dagger !
Most homeless, are allowed to.
Hahaha, where’d you get cult figures from? Even if they were cult leaders, I’m sure the first amendment protects cults, as long as they’re not doing anything illicit.
How do these people in any way jeopardize the population’s health or safety?
Hoss you gotta pay attention…I said cult following…not cult leaders.
Go Dagger !
Either way, it’s a mundane, outrageous accusation.
Seriously, c’mon. Cult following?
Hoss…read the posts…religious references…many in another 400 posts in another blog…its a bazaar situation…
I’m assuming that you want them back on the corner at all costs. Have a need to argue forever ever hair splitting point…
Its simple…they broke the law…they got cited…with no address…somthing that’s their choice…they were arrested.
I guess that means they are in jail of their own choice…right Hoss…and you don’t think they have the right to make that choice.
Go Dagger !
Anything religious came out of the minds of these readers. The women have made no comment on this situation what-so-ever.
I don’t want them on the corner, I don’t want them being jailed and exiled for illegitimate reasons.
What law did they really break?
I never said anything about them choosing to be in jail. I said that it shouldn’t be determined because the residents of the city don’t want them here.
Hoss…they broke the laws the article says they broke….and if they are being pains in the ass they need to go for that alone…I don’t want them here targeting my neighborhood.
If they are mentally distressed…they can get help that mentally distressed often refuse unless coaxed along. In this even they are welcomed to come back live in a place and be normal reasonable citizens. Not a roadside shrine !
Go Dagger !
Richie, people get arrested for fabricated charges all the time, I think being a pain in the ass isn’t against the law, it just taunts these fabricated charges to be thrown at you.
To be honest, I’m not even sure what they were doing that could be perceived as being a pain in the ass other than being here.
Of course they can get help, but unless they cause immediate danger you can’t (legitimately) force them to get that help.
RichieC Hoss is only wanting something to argue’ about. notice he has’nt mentioned paying there Bail or takeing them home with him. now there is suggestion of ” Fabricated ”Charges”
Head’s up Mayor dougherty & Haver de grace police department.
Viet..I know that…he argued on and on to the point or ridiculousness. He makes a stupid argument (I’m sure hell argue with this also) that basically says…anything goes..anything is OK…as long as its on your block.
Go Dagger !
I have read through a number of the posts on this topic, and have to wonder…is this really that big of a problem? In a world where war is raging, scientists predict gloom for the environment, the economy is unstable, foreclosure signs are all around you, and the unemployment rate is beginning to rise, are these two women really your biggest concern?
Even if you look at the problems more locally than globally, there has to be more to worry about than two women whose biggest crime appears to be causing a blight on the neighborhood with their appearance and hand-written messages. The number of people staggering across Rt. 40 who pass the women on their way to the One-Stop is far more worrisome than any behavior I noted from these women.
As for the women threatening potential tourism with their appearance, your bigger concern for what might discourage tourism might be the spelling and grammar contained within these posts. If I were a tourist, or even more importantly, a prospective home-buyer with school-aged children, I would be far more fearful of placing my children in a school system that produced graduates with such poor writing skills than I would be of two women quietly protesting on an already squalid intersection.
no its not a problem…don’t worry about it…lets ignore it
by the way cd….its also not a problem if Nazis kick in YOUR door and haul you away to a death camp…after all…its YOU not me.
cd its also not a problem if the electricity and sewers on your block stop working…they work on mine…
and cd….if you get falsely accused of somthing…its OK…your only one person ….and its not that big of a deal in a world where war is raging, scientists predict gloom for the environment, the economy is unstable, foreclosure signs are all around you, and the unemployment rate is beginning to rise, are these two women really your biggest concern?
so cd i agree….lets not speak of it any more….lets just stop…and we can discuss what ever sir Wayne approves of….ONLY.
You win
By the way…whats your favorite flavor kool aid?
Go Dagger !
PS CD….its important…what in the world kind of person puts a level of importance on humanity…your really sad !
Please kool aid…I mean CD….we don’t want your kids here if there as imbecilic as you. Your priorities are for only big issues…of course that gives a pass on the little ones…and of course…we are all illiterate…unlike your inteligencia ass…cummon do you even read what you write…your sickening!
(cd is probably just a shrill…cheerleader) one comes…gets stomped after uttering stupidity…leaves…never to be heard from again…than another shows up spewing the same idiocy.
By the way cd…
There are no foreclosure signs near me…must be your elitist neighbors who outspent their ability to pay, counting on a re-fi in 5 years. Your neighbors with the perfect spelling and ubber intelligence who look down at my neighborhood as you described in your last post….CD…I hope I’m the one who buys your house at the sale you miserable piece of crap ! You have no clue what your talking about.
Further more…your use of hyphenated words astounds me…is that the one piece of punctuation you know…(chuckle)… you pseudo intellectual, elitist bozo!
Go Dagger !
Here are the corrections for your last two posts. Hope it helps with your citizenship exams! Feel free to compare and contrast my version and yours for your “cram sessions” before the test! 🙂
CD, no, it’s not a problem. Don’t worry about it. Let’s ignore it. Are you happy?
By the way, CD, it’s also not a problem if Nazis kick in YOUR door and haul you away to a death camp, after all, it’s YOU, not me.
CD, it’s also not a problem if the electricity and sewers on your block stop working. They work on mine.
And CD (note from editor: not much I can do about you beginning your sentence with a conjunction)….if you get falsely accused of something, it’s OK . You’re only one person. And (same comment as above), it’s not that big of a deal in a world where war is raging, scientists predict gloom for the environment, the economy is unstable, foreclosure signs are all around you, and the unemployment rate is beginning to rise, are these two women really your biggest concern? (Note from editor: at least your cut and paste skills exceed your knowledge of the English language)
So, cd, I agree, let;s not speak of it any more. Let’s just stop, and we can discuss whatever Sir Wayne approves of….ONLY.
You win
By the way…what’s your favorite flavor Kool-Aid (Note from editor: hyphenated. Google it)?
Go Dagger !
P.S. CD….It’s important. What in the world kind of person (note from editor: not even sure how to fix this) puts a level of importance on humanity…you’re really sad !
Please Kool-Aid (note from editor: if you’re going to insult someone with a brand name, punctuate it correctly), I mean, CD (note from editor: continuity would be a plus. Either it’s always CD or cd), we don’t want your kids here if they’re as imbecilic as you. Your priorities are for only big issues. Of course, that gives a pass on the little ones. And of course, we are all illiterate, unlike your inteligencia (note from editor: not commonly used as an adjective) ass…cummon (note from editor: are you writing to Penthouse or a blog?), do you even read what you write…you’re sickening!
((cd is probably just a shrill…(Note from editor: not sure of the reason for the ellipsis here) cheerleader)) one comes (Note from editor: again, maybe Penthouse? At the very least, it’s an incomplete/incoherent sentence)…gets stomped after uttering stupidity…leaves…never to be heard from again…than another shows up spewing the same idiocy (note from editor: not sure what ‘another’ refers to. If I was grading this paper for the G.E.D. exam, I would deduct points here).
By the way cd, there are no foreclosure signs near me. Must be your elitist neighbors who outspent their ability to pay, counting on a re-fi in 5 years. Your neighbors with the perfect spelling and ubber (note from editor: Wow! You have extended your ability to spell poorly in English and now have brought the German language down as well! Or did you mean to write udder?) intelligence who look down at my neighborhood as you described in your last post….CD…I hope I’m the one who buys your house at the sale, (note from editor: always use a comma to accentuate the pause before, “you miserable piece of crap”) you miserable piece of crap ! You have no clue what you’re talking about.
Furthermore…your use of hyphenated words astounds me…is that the one piece of punctuation you know (note from editor: if only I knew the proper, judicious use of ellipses)…(chuckle)… you pseudo intellectual, elitist bozo!
Idiota !
CD your so easy…I gave you rope and you took it…
Its clear you could care less about the issue and are simply here to discredit the writer…..
Very simply put….I make no bones that I’m not a writer…just a community member…trying to get my thoughts out. That does not warrant your high standards and your attacking the technically lacking points in my presentation is tacky.
As the intelligentsia you claim to be I’m quite sure that your aware your tactics of attacking the speaker vs the message was perfected by the Nazis.
Why do you find this necessary to do…you have no point of argument except a call to ignorance .
You showed it…took the bait…wore the rope…stepped in the trap…
So what were you saying…that this is not big enough issue …therefore it should be ignored…sorry…nothing is too small.
Go Dagger !!
PS glad you dont live here.
Well, at least when you use only one word and write in Spanish, you are impeccable!
CD…you see my friend…the same thought is conveyed no matter how bad the grammar…
The grammar is irrelevant…to the greater extent on a blog. Of course there is nothing wrong with good grammar but,… when one is not versed in the finer refinements as another that does not discount the thoughts, opinions, and feelings, not to mention the facts put forth even if in not perfect form.
You’ll Learn
Go Dagger ! !
Yes that was dead on wasn’t it…in context too! Thank you!
Go Dagger !
Wow – that’s just scary. Rather, you’re scary, on a number of levels.
1) Based on the rapidity with which you responded, you clearly did take advantage of the suggested exercise of “compare and contrast”, which might have prevented you from repeating previous grammatical mistakes.
2) Your claim that Nazis were the owners of attacking the speaker vs. the message? This is so offensive, on so many levels. I think that in this country, a spirited debate is always welcomed and even encouraged. Our voting process in a democratic country depends upon it. In a similar vein, one would imagine that those candidates engaged in public discourse on issues would speak coherently and would use proper grammar. That is not being elitist, but rather expecting that those who would help form public opinion would be reasonable and have the ability to exactly express their opinions.
3) I do live here.
4) I am half Jewish. My family thanks for your support.
CD…i cant do it…..i was going to let you come up with another clever diatrab…than tell you that idiota is Italian…..see what happens when you assume !
Go Dagger !
Please CD…try again…your the one who did it…dont pull the Jew card on me…now im going to give you a link to somthing I wrote on this very blog…back early this year.
Check this
Go Dagger !
And if my comparison made you uncomfortable…it did its job.
Go Dagger !
OK, let me understand you.
1. Only those who can write perfect English should be able to voice an opinion? cd said>>>””That is not being elitist, but rather expecting that those who would help form public opinion would be reasonable and have the ability to exactly express their opinions.””<<>>””Your claim that Nazis were the owners of attacking the speaker vs. the message? This is so offensive, on so many levels. I think that in this country, a spirited debate is always welcomed and even encouraged.””<<<
YOU should have stuck to the issue…the help these ladies needed and the growing problem they were becoming to a neighborhood.
Go Dagger !
CD..(somthing went wrong in the posting of the last)
OK, let me understand you.
1. Only those who can write perfect English should be able to voice an opinion?
cd said>>>””That is not being elitist, but rather expecting that those who would help form public opinion would be reasonable and have the ability to exactly express their opinions.””<>””Your claim that Nazis were the owners of attacking the speaker vs. the message? This is so offensive, on so many levels. I think that in this country, a spirited debate is always welcomed and even encouraged.””<<<
YOU should have stuck to the issue…the help these ladies needed and the growing problem they were becoming to a neighborhood.
Go Dagger !
Idiota is both Spanish and Italian. Diatriabe is spelled with an e on the end. You equated my heritage to a card, and most likely offended others in the same manner.
Good luck being you.
CD..(AGAIN somthing went wrong in the posting of the last)
OK, let me understand you.
1. Only those who can write perfect English should be able to voice an opinion?
cd said…””That is not being elitist, but rather expecting that those who would help form public opinion would be reasonable and have the ability to exactly express their opinions.””
2. You only seem to have a problem with the fact that i associate shouting down a person with Nazis. Where does shouting down a person stimulate debate?
cd said…””Your claim that Nazis were the owners of attacking the speaker vs. the message? This is so offensive, on so many levels. I think that in this country, a spirited debate is always welcomed and even encouraged.””
YOU should have stuck to the issue…the help these ladies needed and the growing problem they were becoming to a neighborhood coupled with inaction by leadership.
Go Dagger !
I did not equate your heritage with a card…I said you stopped so low as to use your heritage as a card. Disgusting !
Go Dagger !
yes stooped was spelled incorrectly…and in correcting me you will show that you understood and hence the spelling issue is really moot.
Go Dagger!
It works with stopped too!
Now CD…tell us why you think that issues of community concern shouldn’t be discussed…followed up on. Why is somthing like two homeless by choice women who don’t fit the typical homeless profiles somthing that should be ignored.
Do you feel that the only issues we should concern ourselves with are those of major significance?
What would you suggest the threshold be?
We do, in case your not aware, have various committees that deal with these issues. Do you think citizens should only speak when spoken to? If the answer is yes…how can the committees and council do there job without community input?
Did not our founding fathers regard the press as the 4th branch of govt and give it protections?
Go Dagger !
“poof “…there goes CD …as so many have before him (her). Attact the speaker..distract from the issue….and run.
Go Dagger !
I have been subpeaned. Oddly enough the state wants me as a wittness for them on one of the women, the defense wants me as a wittness for the other woman.
The trial is Nov 24.
Go Dagger !
What exactly does that mean Ritchie? Any update on what will happen to these women? Will they just stay in jail? Where will they go from here after the trial?
Im not sure….Im still trying to find out whats going on.
GD !
The trial has been delayed. They didnt have lawers. The S/A asked for an evaluation and there was dialog between them and the Judge.
Go Dagger !
It was interesting that the judge allowed a bit of confusion in when speaking to one the other would answer. When the States atty asked the judge for an evaluation she was directly spoken to by the mother and challenged “Ive had 6 of those, Ive passed them all, wanna make it 7”. The Judge should not have allowed that direct confrontation. They indicated they have a “TEAM OF PEOPLE” when asked about lawers. When asked about the reason they didnt have lawers and if legal aide was offered in the detention center one said “I DIDNT LIKE THE ONE THAT CAME”. The Judge answered that “you dont get a choice when using legal aid”.
Also present was also a mystery woman who has been seen many times on the corner with them. She always wears white and red. Today she also wore white and red . She sat behind them and was allowed to converse with them. She appeared to give them advice on how to procede before the procedding. In the end the judge set a new date and warned them about not having a lawer.
In the mean time there resting in the detention center. no doubt getting some much needed rest. & the lady in Red remains a mystery.
A while back, before the arrests, The Record printed a three page spread that looked more like a tabloid magazine. During the interview the “reporter” (I use that word loosely) determined that the women were suffering from some sort of mental health issue. Instead of doing the right thing and walking away, The Record printed the story,
What is more vulgar to the citizens of Havre de Grace:
Two women standing on a street, minding their own business, not asking for anything……
An article stating that the aforementioned homeless women used the post office grounds as a latrine?
Upon review of the article, I wrote the editor, staged a protest. He printed the letter. I had little “following.” This did not surprise me in anyway.
Regardless, a few weeks later, the “reporter” printed yet another article detailing the latest gossip on the women. Women she deemed to be mentally unfit. Why?!
They had already succesfully exploited them. They devoted three pages of photos (clearly shot at a distance) under the false premise that they wanted to “help them” tell their story.
No, they wanted to sell papers!
Furthermore the paper revealed all of the potential places these ladies slept. etc.. The other day a bunch of adolescent males were convicted of killing a homeless man in California, in what is known as “Bum Bashing.” Why put these ladies at risk? Why put them under further scrutiny in print?!
Instead of helping them, The Record gave creedence to their cause. Not that anyone knows what it is. Regardless, the article drove them further from help. It gave them justification to not leave, to believe in their cause. To not believe in others.
A few weeks ago, I mistakenly read the paper again. I discovered editorials and letters to the editor demanding the removal of these women..
One reader went as far as stating that she was tired of explaining to visitors why the women were standing there. I find that amazing. Does she also find herself explaining why the sky is blue?!
When I moved here, 20 years ago, an African American homeless man use to sleep on the park bench outside of the St. John’s Episcopal Church. Guess what he is still here! Instead of a shopping cart he carries his gear on his back along with a fold up chair. Why haven’t you people carted him off? Because he no longer stands in the same place, because he didn’t have signs?
For those folks that suddenly think Havre de Grace is some upscale town or folks that wish it to be a posh place (where there are no homeless), please know there is no such place!!!
What amazes me most is that when I moved here my neighbors kept a couch on their front porch which was merely three feet from my porch! It sat there for nearly a year and the city did nothing! Not a thing. These ladies are human, not some festering inanimate objects!
There is not one adult out there who doesn’t know someone suffering from a mental illness. This could happen to your loved ones. It could happen to you!
Homeless people are without shelter for many reasons: mental shortcomings, drug problems, financial problems, etc. Some are just homeless, it is for many “a way of life.”
With the way the world is currently going, one ought to keep things in perspective, it could be you or your loved one someday.
My significant other and I are considering bailing these ladies out, if at all possible. I thought perhaps I would stand in their spot and ask for donations!
P.S. David Malin will be standing at my side!
The Record started a war on homeless people.
Shame on them!
I too considered posting the required bail for these unfoutunate souls but, after talking with several like minded people I was convinced that they ( the ladies) are getting the help they probably need. Many people (over the years) have offered to “Help” these people ….with most help refused. I decided to let the System have it’s chance. Lets see what the professionals can do. We can always get them some cardboard and a shopping cart and put them back on their corner. I don’t think anyone wishes them any harm with the possible exception of a few that live behind the car wash.
Actuly alexandria…I havnt gotten past the first three lines of your post and Im steamed. The fact is that they ARE asking for somthing. They have a number of signes to that affect. So your post is wrong from the git-go.
Secondly…the sky being blue is perfectly normal. Standing on the corner in the open is not.
Alexandrai…please bail them out …but….I implore you to help them have their rights and encourage them to stand on your corner. You can stand with them and remember to introduce anyone coming to your neighborhood to them.
Its incredible that they are the Virgin Mary and Mother Therisa in your eyes.
Alexandria…exactly what is their cause and why that corner. Is that cause based on fact. Can I come to the foot of your driveway and stand a few years? Will you support me?
Last Question…this one is important…. Do they people in proximity to them have any rights, or are rights exclusive to them?
Miket wow the people behind the carwash wish them harm? Tell us more we want to know.
Alexandria….just like you Malins respects rights. When he was mad at Gunther Hirsh he grafittied in three foot letters Hirsh Castle all over the place on his rental properties. Notice I say rental properties. The house he lived in of course was spared that ghetto looking graphitti.
I see you also respect the right for people to degrade OTHERS neighborhoods. Alexandria…I will post the bail if you promise to put them on YOUR front lawn.
I feel that you , Alexandria, have some kind of warm and cuddley feeling when you take up an issue like this. Why is their being on that corner so important. Why does it make you sleep well to know they are standing in the cold babbling incoherently and accumulating sores on their feet?
Micket you are correct and pragmatic in your post until you go off the deep end and accuse people of wishing them harm. Thats absurd.
Mike T – But if we don’t stand up for them, who will this town bash next? The mentally challenged ( verses the mentally ill)?
Years ago there was a man who walked the streets in women’s clothing. Do you remember him? He loitered on the street for hours in between his constant walking. Usually on Ostego or Juiniata. I don’t think he was homeless, but was he mentally ill? Not a doctor, but I have a feeling he was. It didn’t seem like it was just a gender identity problem.
Didn’t see anyone arrest him up? I mean he would shout things at you when you passed him on the street.. Those women say nothing. They post signs like people wear t-shirts. Its freedom of expression, and pretty much why we can write on this site!
Again, I bring up the African American man who use to sit by the St. John’s Episcopal. He has been homeless and in Hdg nearly 20 years! He now sits behind Seasons sometimes, and the Lutheran Mission. Not that I want anyone to arrest him! Which I know officer Humprey didn’t want to do.
I watched that officer deliver those women rain coats and boots. So yeah, for the most part everyone has a good heart.
But we fail to see that they didn’t ask us for help! Whether or not they work a mental health program or not, eventually someone is going to have to pay for its continuation; good luck with that!
I mean they can’t keep them prisoners forever. Of course maybe they can? Wouldn’t that be sick? How would you feel if that was your loved one?
More than likely the ladies will be back on the street when the charity ends. Medications don’t come cheap! Therapy is expensive!
I think you and others that are empathetic have the best intentions. But these ignorant people discussing these lady as being an optical inhinderence is ridiculous. 40 isn’t exactly beautiful now is it?
Did they ask for help? NO!
Do mentally ill people have rights? Yes.
The city vioated those rights. Who wants to loose theirs next?
I personally feel The Record violated their rights, but what the heck do I know? I mean they accused them of deficating on the floor, inciting more trouble than good!
A good attorney, the ACLU, and the NAACP might have these ladies off the street living in Bulle Rock with maid service, if the powers that be don’t let them out!
No Name – I live up there too! And I don’t have a problem with them, I have a problem with ignorant people.
By all means stand on my private driveway, see what happens! The difference is, I own it!
No Name:
A sign is no different than some of the t-shirts I see people in.
I find it offensive to look at a girls butt and see “luscious” on it.
I see “Big Pecker” restaurant t-shirts and feel my children have been exposed to things they shouldn’t see.
Each year a group of radical anti-abortionist stand on public roads throughout this county showing 8 foot posters of aborted fetuses. I have driven by them with my children in the car!
When I called to complain about it the last time they were at HCC, the police told me that they had a right to do that. Granted they had a permit. Granted they didn’t speak.
But as far as I know these women have never asked anyone to stop and give them help!
A cardboard sign is no different than a bumper sticker, a bill board, a red-neck t-shirt with vulgar pictues and expressions.
I admit I use to be thwarted by the way Mr. Malin keeps his properties. But I have had a change of heart. I think it keeps things in perspective:
20 years ago, my neighbor was permitted to keep a couch on his porch. He had dog mess and trash throughout in his yard. A one year old child that roamed the streets alone (in merely a diaper)! No one did anything!
And then suddenly we recieved a flux of people who discovered our hidden jem, and they want to change a way of life! Havre de Grace was at one time the only place to find affordable housing in a somewhat safe environment verses the rest of the 40 corridor.
And those that were here, suddenly think they are from the Hamptons!
I have seen far worse buildings than Malin’s. But as we know that will be faded out with these corrupt politicians running about.
I guess the goal is to prevent anyone under a certain economic range from living here? And we are starting with the homeless!
Alexandria…the only reason they couldnt be released is because they have no known adress. Why didnt you help them get an address. Why wont they live in some kind of abode.
I noticed you do have a bit of a line drawn. You say…”By all means stand on my private driveway, see what happens! The difference is, I own it!” response to a suggestion that they stand at the FOOT of your driveway.
The city did not violate their rights and they are even resisting help in the lock up. Had they allowed legal aide lawers to represent them or had representeted themselves as they were going to do before being told, in court, to ask for lawers they would be out now.
Alexandria…Do you know what the adgenda of the woman in white and red is?
They said nothing…hardly…billboard size signs say…”LOOK AT ME”.
Alexandria….I know the Hamptons well and to some extent I agree with a few things you say. Where you fail is that you go from 1 to 10 without stopping at 3, 5, 7, 9.
Yes there are elitist wannabees that couldnt be a torch holder on the 3 mil an acre Hamptons. Thats a problem here. There are also those who feel that the anything goes attitude is acceptable. I find somwhere in the middle to be acceptable.
Standing in one spot and deminishing the neighborhood is unfair to those who live and work in it. Remember that they have been offered the world. When the trial takes place we will undoubtly here why they wont live in a home of some sort and why they targeted that corner for this mess. Thats if there is even a reason.
No name: Interesting, I thought the ladies were arrested on a public sidewalk, not while standing on your driveway! Do you own the sidewalk too? Or is just because its adjacent to your property?
Feel free to stand in front of my private driveway, I will just go around you! Stand on my property and well than there is a problem and I will gladly have you arrested!
As far as warm and fuzzy. I don’t really care what happens to these ladies as a result of the lifestyle they chose. Its their business.
If someone wants to jump off a bridge, that is their choice. They are accountable for their own actions.
I am glad you recognize the sky is blue, but don’t realize people can stand on public property!
I get snagged when I see paople that fight an issue through proxy. Its inhumane to use somone elses dilema or mania to fight your rights battle at their expense. The subject of the battle always gets hurt as these women will be when the activists and do gooders come out and fight for their right to stand in the cold until dead 30 years prematurley. After the battle these do gooders wont even know their names as they sip wine or have a coffee and discuss their acheivment as the women have shooting pain from the cold going through their arthritis as they stand on the corner with pnemononia.
Of course the dropping of a 10 spot will exonorate them from all guilt.
Whats to loose…let them go through the system…are you heartless!
? when did our priorities run amock ?
Standing on public property and moving in are two different things.
There are working homless in shelters that simply cant make ends meet….how about a little help for them. No war to fight there?
There was a recent story about a cecil county guy who wound up in a shelter with his family after his trailer was condemmed. He makes 11 dollars an hour at C&S. C&S is the supplier for Giant and safeway and superfresh. How about bothering C&S and demanding they pay a decent 2008 wage for a guy that audits loads. Auditing a load saves them millions a year in losses. Its an extra step where they have a third person verify certain high dollar items on shipments such as seafood and meats. Get on C&s’s ass instead of taking up this issue of these women. Im sure that the working guy was not offered a house and gets no support from folks like you.
No Name:
Yes, but you fail to see that they didn’t ask for our help.
I went to school for social work. I worked with the homeless and I was completely overwhelmed by the situation after one year in the field.
I think everyone over the age of 18 is accountable for themselves, and to be a good citizen.
For those that don’t want help, you either have to have hope that they will recover and see the light or you have to leave them alone.
Its like any program, that a person works (be it AA, NA, whatever). They have to admitt they have a problem before they get help. Without that, no mental health changes can be made. .
Are you saying that a person that is mentaly ill has to self diagnose and ask for help?
Some disorders are progressive. There is no recovery and hence no recognition that the person has a problem by the person.
Its universaly recognized that these people still have a RIGHT to help. Why would you want them to languish?
On another point they apperantly ran off the public defender, according to them, and like to make their own rules. This was exhibited in court.
I dont see a right for THEM to decide I live in a neighborhood where people just take up residance where and how they desire without reguard to laws and rules. When the act the way they do thats exactly what happens. Where are my rights?
The truth is they may be off the chart as the prosicuter mentioned. I was in court and during the recess everyone heard the exchange between the prosicuter and them. They were confused , dodging answers, and at times combatave. Its ether a good show or they cannott handle themselves. The prosicuter acted in compassion on behalf of the state when she asked for an evaluation.
The flip side is that they may have an adgenda…if thats the case they just need to take it somewhere else.
Not one person involved has violated their rights. Its curious that one can make a comment to the judge about more detention until trial would be more than the senatnce (an untruth) yet was the same one who could have resolved the case right than and there…or could have not run off the legal aide lawer.
IF they turn out to be an intentional and malicious nusance I fully expect HdG to use the nusance laws, RE acts that dimish property values, against them in protecting its citizens and their property.
At this point lets just see what the real deal is. Are they incapacitated (need help) or are they just nusances (attacking us as a community).
As for them not asking for help….what does that have to do with anything…. I hope your not the type that steps over those unconcious with hunger saying….they are not asking for food so all is well !
Futher more their signs are a statement that they want action…and action is exactly what they are getting.
No, I am not saying self diagnosis, I am just saying its inevitable that it won’t work. The meds, the therapy, etc…. too expensive. Eventually the state won’t pay. I mean they will continue to get thier meds more than likely free, but they will leave whatever therapeutic situation they are placed in eventually. One would hope?
Unless the conspiracy is to have these ladies spend their life in an institution so that folks can enjoy the fine esthetic beauty of the route 40 corridor!
The first time they miss a med or decide that they don’t need them, its back to the streets. Its a disease. One most of you folks need to see first hand, and I am not talking about observing them standing on a street..
I know how the system works! I have seen it first hand.
I do think if someone deliberately starves themselves then yes I would walk over them. Life is too precious! But that isn’t what you said, you said if they were unconcious with hunger. I would get them help because they cannot speak for themselves. The last I heard, these ladies, however confused, can speak. They also have managed some pretty tough winters in the cold.
Clearly they need mental help. But jail is not the answer. They aren’t criminals. Seems to me, the mobile crisis unit or someone could have intervened verses the police?
But my main gripe was the disgusting article that The Record wrote. If someone wants to help, they don’t do that. They exploited those ladies!
I think it’s apparent. the Marjority of people who came in contact with these two women felt they were in need of Help. aside from the fact’ they were breaking the law.
May be a trivial law. but a law obstructing the side walk Loitering etc. pay there bail & set them free. hopefully they won’t skip out. trust me Bel Air is not going to allow them too stand on a street corner.
So it’s back too there corner in Haver De Grace. to do it all over again.
No Name: You will be glad to know I will not post anything further today. I have had my say and you have respectfully had yours.
But before I go, back to the billboard comment: What signs were you looking at? I mean I have 20/20 vision, and well I couldn’t read their signs, although I tried.
Are you visually gifted, see things magnified? I mean you stated it was a “billboard.” The signs they mounted to the side of their Weis buggy kind of look small compared to the actual billboard they stood beside!
I have seen about the same amount of space devoted to bumper stickers on vehicles. Yes I read the bumper stickers, we all do. Save the whales, Rosa Parks, Love Your Mother, whatever! What is the difference?
Heck their buggy is their car!
You are wrong when you say the signs are asking for help. Thier signs are no different than a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, etc. A thought printed on cardboard with an ink pen is obviously no different than a bumper sticker, etc.
When asked for help they declined as quoted numerous times in that hienous Record article.
It all comes down to the “look” of our city.
I do agree with part of the one “letter to the editor.” The author stated that it did cause traffic issues, as people were trying to read their signs. But on the other hand, our eyes are suppose to be on the road, aren’t they?
They should have passed some new oridance, posted it in the paper, paid for signs along route 40. Issued an official warning prior to the arrest. I mean not just a verbal warning! These ladies clearly read the paper. That appears to be all they do, but yet it offends you!
Look no one likes to see someone on the street.. However, every letter I read in the paper and on here, seem to note the diminished beauty of our city. There are ignorant coments about having to explain homelessness to visitors and traffic issues. Grow up! This isn’t the Hamptons!
Before, when they had not been arrested, it was more a bit of feak show. Hence The Record article which was foul, vulgar, and insulting to those of us who have helped a few homeless folks.
It adds to the stigma and keeps them where they are.
In school you are told to remember a sense of “entitlement” with the homeless. The theory is repeated to you countless times, but until you see it first hand, you just don’t understand it.
Battered people (women, kids, men) want help, there is no sense of entitlement.. They just want help.
The medically ill, just want help.
Whereas mentally ill people are incapable of helping themselves, and yes, that is where interventions should come in. But arresting them makes them criminals, not patients. You victimize someone who has more than likely already been victimized.
Often these are the homeless that feel for whatever reason they are entitled to stay where they are. Thats what you folks have with these ladies.
On the other hand, there are those that come for help and want everything. Sometimes they want too much. They expect you to give them the world, they feel that they are entitled to it. You owe them:
i.e. I once had a “client” who after I secured her an apartment complained that her cable bill cost more than her rent.
She felt entitled.
But sometimes there are those folks that really want help, and applaud every attempt you folks make, however that article was rotten. As was the arrest.
They didn’t deserve that! Nor should they have been arrested.! Its clear they are mentally ill. The mobile crisis unit should have been deployed and they should have taken them to the psych ward.
Alexandria…I never read the Record article. I lived in proximity to them. The minor violations they were cited for are so nickle and dime its almost laughable. Even the prosecutor asked for an evaluation.
They need a social worker and a shrink to work on their ability to exist within society. That we agree and maybe that’s on the way to being identified.
It can only get better for them.
For those interested:
Please check The Record archives for the article.
The three page spread was printed around January 18, 2008. If I find the copy (I kept), I will post the actual date.
Another one page article was printed sometime shortly thereafter.
No Name,
” Correct and Pragmatic” Hmmm. I have read most of the post from at least one person that I know lives “Up behind the Car wash” and most of [his] post mentioned Property Values. Now, I have driven to that alcove. He is concerned about these two Ladies making a political statement[s] yet not once does he mention the home in his neighborhood that has a family that lives in an outbuilding behind one of the marginal homes.
Again…lets see what the professional Social Workers can do for two.If they fail lets all kick in the $350.00 for a new shopping cart so where-ever they decide to go they will not be guilty of theft.
Miket….Your so blind…Its not about property values only…its about sores on feet and frostbite and dillusions of suger plumb faries….OR NOT. I notice you cite some family living in an out building. Is it realy an out building,(not my house)? I think the key word you use there is “living in”.
Miket…just accept the fact that you are a lier and no one is mentioning property values as the sole reason or even the major reason. If it was only property values we would simply re locate them, pick them up and drive across the bridge or up to the pa line and site public saftey, or not cite anything at all. How about simply waiting for them to step away from their cart and dispose of it and than order them to move on every time they stop for 5 mins. Miket…there are ways to move these people along without involving the courts. Mikey …we havnt done that. We have gone out of our way to be compassionate to what seems to be two nuts and you sir are a shit stirrer.
No name,
If you were as concerned with the goings-on in your neighborhood ( I assume you live up behind the car wash) as you are the corner of 40 you would know that what I write about the living situation on your block is true.
I live there and am not aware of anyone living in a shed. There is a flag property that you may be mistaking for an “out” building, but it isn’t. I thought that when I first moved here also. You are mistaken.
Go Dagger !
If you are concerned about sores on feet are you helping other homeless folks throughout the state?
Or are they your “sole cause” in life?
Perhaps the African American homeless man that has lived in our city for nearly 20 years needs you to warm his toes?
Working in a soup kitchen this Thanksgiving?
I mean why do you feel compelled to help only those ladies?
And only those ladies?
Beautiful Route 40!
I think the women at the thrift shop. kind of watch out for the old guy. it’s church operated. as far as route# 40 it has along way to go.
Would someone tell me what a “lier” is……..I don’t know if I have been insulted or call Eyetalian money…….
RichieC……they are there living in your neighborhood and bringing property values down… we speak……
After reading so much of the vitriol written by some of HdG’s citizens toward the mayor, city council and other citizens I have come to the conclusion of several things;
1: this is a pleasant site for folks to post their ramblings and polemic diatribe I may even post some of my own “neurotic feelings” in the future.
2: it’s sad that most folks don’t aggree with some of the …shall I say…more “venomus regulars” who think they are doing the community some sort of favor.
3: self centernedness seems to be the norm.
4: the mayor, no matter what, can’t seem to please everyone…maybe Richie C should run..I may even vote for him however I am not sure he has the “alacrity” to step up to the plate…but who knows maybe he does.
5: folks really seem to think anyone who does make a post really givs a rats butt about anything….take for instance the issue in question.
I would be willing to bet next weeks pay check that any of the bleeding hearts saying just how those poor poor ladies who have chose to place themselves in harms way out of some mis directed and neurotic notion, no matter how noble it is, to do what they did, are doing or may continue to do….that those bleeding hearts would take them into the care and protection of their own home.
I bet…not a damn one of them.
But why should they? It’s the fault of the mayor, the city council, George Bush, their environment, their core beliefs, their religion, their behavior, the racist, the jews, the KKK, Obama, the county, David Craig and the Aliens… but definately.
Not US! Right?
oopps..sorry…forgot to spell check.
You make light of a serious matter. And to blame the KKK or the Jews is nuts. We all know it is the Catholics……and the Masons
You can bet a rat’s Ass I don’t care. if they don’t have sense enough to get out of the rain. then they need some help of some sort . you can bet I won’t be there to remove there carcass’s off of the street.
Does anyone know if prior to making this decision the mayor contacted a social worker, social service organization,etc?
Adult protective services?
The Record did not indicate that, only that people offered them housing, etc.
It is strange that no one seems to think its odd that the A.A. homeless man by the mission is ok, but these ladies don’t have a right to stand on a public corner?!
Mobile Crisis Unit with Aid of Adult Protective Services?
The mayor & council were ”Frightend” to a point where they would’nt do any thing or may be just like the rest of us could care less. they by all mean’s appeared to be harmless.
The fact they were breaking trivial law’ not important. law’s are only for people who obey them. the Maryland social services program remain’s where it was in 1953 behind the time’s. too many coffee breaks.
I have no doubt they will be back to adorn the ”Scenic” street corner of Haver de Grace as soon as a do gooder post there bond.
Sem-per fi
“No Name” is my name. It has capitol letters. “no name”, with small letters is somone else. I dont want my posts to be confused whth his.
Joe you already have displayed your neurosis here…welcome to the club.
Go Dagger !
no name……yes is the answer. They cannot be dragged of the street under mental conditions unless they are a clear and PRESENT danger to saftey or themselvs. Thats each one individualy. They refuse to cooperate and finally the “city” has decided that they needed to be cited and enter the system. The “system” has already asked that their condition be looked at. These cats are being handled with KID GLOVES. But handled.
The broader issue is that we as a community have and are doing what we can with what we have. I dont see how that can be criticised. This is not a war on homeless as some have illuded to. This is a situation of people in a neighborhood dealing with somthing in their neighborhood.
The cost is great for the city AND also those involved also such as wittnesses etc. IE lost revenue and production…and happily if it helps. I knew that going in.
Go Dagger !
Where is Joe today? Where is CD? POOPFT !
Regarding “concern” over frost bit toes, etc.:
-Ault protective services ruled them “not a danger to themselves or others.”
Or so someone said.
There are other homeless people in our city not under arrest for the very same thing.
It remains an issue of being an EYE SORE, nothing else.
And thats fine, but lets not say we want to help them. That was clear by the position of The Record.
You folks just don’t want to look at them.
I really think the ACLU or someone could make a case.
There are plenty of other homeless on the streets of Havre de Grace.
Stationed in the same locations, day after day.
And that article in The Record: Accusations of pooping on post office grounds.
The city’s Freak Show!
It look’s to me as tho they were pileing up charge’s vagrancy loitering a public nuisance. in decent exposure( Defecateing on the post office lawn) etc.
Alexandria…can you scann the record artical and e mail it to me…Ive never seen it.
If not alexandria….can anyone?
Go Dagger !
Alex…if you e mail me …i will give you a faX # if thats easier…I would like to see it.
Alexandria…its not the records position …granted…but its the position of many others. The record is not the end all get all official voice. The Dagger is.
Go Dagger !
Alexandria…the charges are very limited…and photographed…blocking the crosswalk button (sleepinmg up against it) and the side walk (with their carts and persons) from passing or use by other people. They were told not to…numorous times…and they did not comply.
Why do you have a problem with this….if they are mental…they can now be identified as such. Alexandria…this is good govt doing good things within the law. Why the chagrin over it.
Go Dagger !
The Record artical seems to be pretty accurate if not a full 4 days late.
Go Dagger !
I received a notice for new trial date of DEC 17 …a few days later I received a notice that DEC 17 was cancelled and I would get another notice. I also noticed an attorney has entered an appearance in the case per the Md Judiciary web site.
Lets hope the best for them…and I don’t mean some pawn victory that puts them back on the street and makes them a point of discussion over wine and cheese at some activist’s house party while they stand frozen on a corner.
Go Dagger !
Maybe they are going through the evaluation process that was requested by the prosecutor. That would account for the date being cancelled.
In today’s Sun, there was an article: “Elkton settles lawsuit with nine homeless.”
Makes for good reading.
(Somehow posted this on wrong page; sorry)
Lets just wait and see.
Just read where the Ladies were committed, they are not able to stand trial. Hopefully they are getting the help that they need. Good luck ladies I’m glad that you two are in a safe and warm place. Peace be with them.
I think it was apparent’ they were in need of help.rain shine sleet or snow they were on the corner. if there was a message they were trying to convey. I certainly hope it comes to light.
Because they certainly deserved that right. may be this time they will get the help they need. it was along time comeing.
Mayor Wayne Doughtery again violates the homeless civil rights. Thats the real issue. Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when you need them.
No Name would you like to see them out in the sleet and freezing rain? Again they would not accept help and kind a makes you think what state of mind they were in all these years out in the elements. Just think about the little boy, There is no way in Hell I would keep my son out on the streets like that just to prove a point! Crazy is as Crazy does! I hope they are well and receiving help.
Merry Christmas
G Maurice…where did you see that they were comitted?
I have seen it ..
Both ladies now are in care.
God Bless them and lets wish them the best.
Those of you that think they should push some agenda for YOU…shame, shame, shame.
Go Dagger !
This was a lot of work and outside the box…but it worked and they and us are better off for it. TY, city of HdG for the extra effort. Thank you for not simply moving them to another corner.
Go Dagger !
no name…
sharpton and jackson are out looking for a cause to cash in on.
Go Dagger!
Well said RichieC.
J.C. Watts, while in the House was asked about a comment that Jackson had made about him and he said; “I don’t listen to anything that race baiting welfare pimp has to say.” Think about that every time you here anything come out of Sharpton or Jackson’s mouths.
We New Yorkers knew Sharpton long before he came on to the national scene. We watched as he raised havoc from his south Jamaica Queens headquarters. Imus was, (in his more lucid days), all over Sharpton at the time.
Sharpton…known for calling Jews “Diamond Merchants” and thus inflaming racial tensions in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn that led to riots, and for being a catalyst behind the fabricated Tawana Brawley incident, also The Freddys Fashion fire bombing in Harlem in1995, and the Jewish seminary student stabbing in 1991, all incidents that Sharpton had a hand in. Yes Sharpton has made his mark in history as a world class race hustler, gas thrower, riot starter.
Go Dagger !
You mean they were people….humans??? I thought they were statues!
Im so stupid.
You are so interesting! I don’t suppose I have read anything like that before. So wonderful to discover someone with some genuine thoughts on this subject. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!