We heard along with the rest of the world Wednesday morning that Harford County Executive David Craig had joined Team Rudy, signing on as Maryland co-chair of the Giuliani presidential campaign (http://www.joinrudy2008.com/article/pr/1007).
Craig joins his old buddy, ex-governor Bob Ehrlich and Anne Arundel County Executive John Leopold as supporters of the 9-11 hero.
What I’m wondering is whether anyone saw or remembers the spoof-quality Fred Thompson for President video shot on Main Street in Bel Air this July featuring, among others, Craig’s boy-wonder Director of Human Resources, Scott Gibson.
Gibson, who played the role of a man-on-the-street-who-just-happens-to-love-the-Law-and-Order-star, joined Harford Republican Central Committee chairman Mike Geppi and some completely weird announcer guy in the Internet video.
“I can tell you I’m voting for him for president this time around. I think he’s the right man for the job,” Gibson recited.
Also note the appearance of soon to be former state senator Bob Hooper, who overacts the role he must have been given of “politician hard at work.” Hooper seems to scarcely have enough time to glance up from his legislation to contemplate the questions being fired at him by the annoyingly sunny and overzealous questioner. Busily at work, Hooper nonetheless accurately prognosticates it’s “time for change.”
Certainly educated grown ups like Craig and the young Mr. Gibson can operate a half-billion dollar budget whilst disagreeing upon who can beat Hillary.
It’s my guess that Craig, unlike human resources boy, will not hide under an out of town baseball cap when appearing in public in support of his candidate. Maybe the ‘P’ is for pander.
Kind of corny. No big deal about the hat though. After Aberdeen's election, I wouldn't be caught wearing an Ironbirds hat!
Pardon my ignorance, Who the hell is Fred Thompson?
apparently no one of importance.the dagger ask's. does anyone remember?
fred thompson.I don't so I profane to be ignorant.
Are you kidding? Fred Thompson? You know, the actor from Law and Order? Also loved him in his breakthrough role playing an FBI agent in "Baby's Way Out".
well j.j. we have been in lightened.I never watch those show's
so I'am still in the dark.
As much as I wouldn't like to see Hillary President.If Craig or the "Flush Tax King" are for anyone I'm Against them….
I wonder if MD for Fred is any relation to MD4Bush.
What a piece of crap video that is. Who is the intended audience? Teenagers? It's like a rad electric guitar driven infomercial for dental floss. And this is from the Hollywood candidate. The republicans are doing everything but hiring the chauffer to drive Hillarill up to the White House. (Hillarill! Remember when Clinton was in the office they called him "Billary"? I hereby anoint Hillarill.)
Fred Thompson was a 2=term U.S. Senator from Tennessee (took Al Gore’s seat when he became VP). He was also a US Attorney who served as part of the Watergate council (Richard Nixon). But, as you mentioned he is also an actor and starred in several films and televison series. He is currently a republican canidate for president.
Fred Thompson…..He.. he is an Actor. Who in their right mind would vote for an Actor to lead their Country.
You asked who in their right mind would vote for an actor to lead their country?
In 1980: 43,903,230 Americans did (or 50.75% of the population) when they elected Ronald Regan over Jimmy Carter, John Anderson, Edward Clark, and Barry Commoner. And again In 1984 when 54,455,472 Americans (or 58.77% of the population) re-elected Ronal Regan over Walter Mondale.
He did a pretty good job for an actor.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Fred Thompson supporter. But he shouldn’t be simply dismissed just because he’s an actor by profession.
I had forgotten about “Babys Day Out!” To me, Fred Thompson will always be “Big John”, the head of NASCAR that gave Tom Cruise’s “Cole Trickle” his comeuppance in “Days of Thunder.” MASTERFUL!!
I’m voting for him on the off chance he should get the nomination, just to get his wife in the White House as First Lady. She’s SMOKIN’!!
Wasn’t he connected with Lorrie Morgan? Talk about smokin!
Lorrie Morgan is OK, but try “google” searching “Jeri Thompson.” Lorrie Morgan couldn’t hold her handbag….
Didn't even watch the video till just know. HILARIOUS! You'd think a big organization like MD4Fred could invest in some audio technology. Microphone guy looks like he's waving a pugil stick in poor Bob Hooper's face! Relax, microphone guy, Bob won't bite!!