Meet the UroClub.
Imagine, giving the appearance of taking a practice swing, while both privately and confidentially, you are able to relieve yourself without any embarrassment! This can be accomplished easily while standing by the golf cart, as well. Have the confidence to drink whatever you wish during your game and not worry if you’ll make it to the clubhouse in time!
From Deadspin
This reminds me of the infamous Wizzinator.
Remember a few years ago in Havre de Grace when a city police officer, standing in the bathroom with a guy while he took his urine test, noticed the “stream of urine had an odd flow” and that “color and texture” of the penis looked unsual?
The trained eye of the HdG cop ended up in the dude taking the pee test getting in trouble for trying to outwit police. But thanks to the trained eye of police, he was busted.
I’d still like to know precisely what is going on beneath the towel. Maybe the web site has a better photo. And what do you do with it when you’re done? Fore!