There’s a man headed to Harford County this weekend with a singular purpose: to drive Charles Darwin out of Whiteford.
Mike Riddle, a member of the creationist society Answers in Genesis, is scheduled to appear March 8 through 10 at Evangelical Methodist Church on Route 136. He’ll be offering his take (presumably with PowerPoint slides) on why the Christian creation story of Genesis is an accurate, historical account of things – and of why Charles Darwin (himself a Christian) had it all wrong when he said humans evolved from lesser creatures.
All geared up for the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, Answers in Genesis held a similar event last month in Lynchburg, Virginia. According to a Very Friendly account of the meeting in the Christian Post , it only took society president Ken Ham a few rhetorical turns to get from “America is becoming less of a Christian nation everyday and that it is due in part to the influence of Darwinism” to “Darwinism has been used to support racism and by Hitler to justify his actions”.
So, right off the bat, we’re into Reductio ad Hitlerum, the rhetorical fallacy that states: “Hitler supported X, therefore X must be evil.” It’s a self-defeating argument akin to yelling fire in the oratorical theater. As a commenter to the Christian Post story noted, “If some person pushed somebody off a cliff to kill him, that would not be evidence against gravity.” Indeed.
My question, and the question of reasonable people everywhere is, Why can’t both Darwin and the Bible be true? Could that first day not have lasted 3 billion years? In his talk, Mr. Riddle proposes to teach Christians just how to answer this kind of annoying question.
In an ad in last Friday’s Aegis, Riddle asks a question of his own: “Tired of answers from people who just guess?” Yeah, totally. I’d like to hear from someone with a line on the Absolute Truth. Mr. Riddle is poised to deliver it.
Answers in Genesis; Free admission
Evangelical Methodist Church
March 8: 10 and 11 a.m., 6 p.m.
March 9 and 10: 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
short of hot air.I wonder if he has the phone number to the man up stairs. I need a quick fix & sure cure.
Question #1: Is Whiteford dumb enough to let this freak “Chase Darwin Out of Town”? (I think NOT!) I hope The Lord sends a huge storm & he gets stranded.
Queston #2: Since George Bush said that he “communicated with Jesus” in his own way, AND since George Bush screwed things up so royally, then I suppose that means Jesus is responsible for the condition our Country is in today ! ?
Question #3: Matt buddy, Why are you giving “The Riddler” this Free Plug in The Dagger? You’ve probably tripled the the attendees this Sunday and Monday!
Like Falwell and Robertson, the next thing they’ll be blaming Old Charlie Darwin for is Homosexuals, Liberalism, Abortion and Gun Control!!
So Justin should I call Sen Jacobs and tell her not to save you a seat on her bus to Whiteford?
Most if not all of our president’s, have shown and interest in some sort of religion. some even delved in to the occult. I think it’s apparent the power’s that be. turned a deaf ear.
Actually, if you read their stuff, they’re definitely already blaming abortion (in part) on Darwin. As far as giving this event a plug, I just thought it was interesting. I personally hope they get a good crowd, and that they all go home and rent “Inherit the Wind”.
If you’re part of the science contingent Mr. Riddle plans on chasing out of town, be aware – he is fast, can jump long distances and is good with a spear.
“Before becoming a Marine, Mike became a US national champion in the track-and-field version of the pentathlon (in 1976). His best events were the 400 meters, javelin, long jump and 1,500 meters (almost a mile).”
Matt no’s a good read. I suggest they read ” Gone” with the wind.
Can’t we just round up all these religious kooks and burn them for Crissakes? Heaven knows science is never wrong about anything.
Anyone interested in a reasoned debate on this topic might look here:
it’s not going to make much difference what they’ have to say. the church is separated from the state. we don’t have any fire breathing preachers any more. just take a listen to joel osteen.
Every body is going to be rich & healthy’ it’s working for him he is rich & look’s healthy.
WOW! Nice Responses!
Mr. Al, Yes, Please call Nancy and give her the sad news about me not going.
But I’m wondering why she would even attend. I mean….she’s already bought into Creationism “hook, line and sinker”! I guess it’s about “power in numbers”.
Matt, Maybe I WOULD consider reading their “stuff”, IF I had an enormous amount of time to waste. But I don’t, so I won’t. That being said, “Inherit the Wind”, as well as “To Kill a Mockingbird” are two of my all time favorite flicks!
Chuck, Not a bad idea. Round ’em up and burn them at the stake.
Maybe they’ll end up where they long to be……In Heaven! (now THAT’S a plan!)
Vietnam Vet, I’ve listened to MANY tv preachers (FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY!),
and all seem like they’re in it for the power and the REAL GOD…..MONEY! (except Billy Graham) Anyway, after the intellectual death of Jim Bakker, the physical death of Jerry Falwell, the breakdown of hypocrite Jimmy Swaggert, AND the stupid antics of the bobble-headed Pat Robertson,….. the “Joel Osteens” of the Universe are relatively lame in comparison regarding their entertainment value! But I’m certain that the next “Big Thing” is already crawling his way up through the trenches of tv preacher-dom, ready to take over for the deposed aforementioned ilk! “Rich and Healthy” INDEED!
I wonder if there planning to pass the collection plate? I happen to know a church that will track you down if you fail to pay your tithing. got to keep them pocket’s bulging.
one pass for the church. a second pass for the poor….. I wonder who they thought I was. I’am the poor.
From the promotional material for Mike Riddles “The Riddle of the Dinosaurs” DVD for kids: “They’ll learn answers to such questions as: What day did God create dinosaurs? Could you outrun a Tyrannosaurus rex? Were dinosaurs on the Ark? What about the meteor theory of dinosaur extinction? Are there scientists who believe dinosaurs lived at the same time as people?”
And: “What about the story that dinosaurs evolved into birds?”
Really. And what about his crazy story:
Charles Darwin was no Christian.
Melvin he was an agnostic. I would think a wise choice to make. we certainly could not call him a Hypocrite. which the majority of our self confessed Christians are.
Just try to pry that stingy money. out of there pocket when the collection is passed your lucky to see a dollar. see me at the Musical inn. I will be there with the rest of the congregation.
Vet, hypocrite Christians; I doubt it. There are certainly those who call themselves Christians and are not; but, they are not hypocrites. They are liers.
It is impossible, by definition, for a Christian to pretend to be pious or even better than he is. In order to BE a Christian one must recognize himself for who he is. One must consider one self as described in Romans 3: 9 – 18.
True Christians understand that it is by grace we have been saved; through faith. We deserve eternal hell fire just like non-believers do. The only difference is that we will not have to endure such separation from God. Christians will live eternally with the Father in heaven because He says so; not because of any personal merit.
In the love of Christ,
Yea I hear a lot about ” Grace” it’s and easy way to explain why we’ do the thing’s we do. and expect forgiveness. The bible for bid’s. Eating crab’s clam’s pork etc. sure easy to for get your suppose to be a christian.
When your eating a Crab. thou shalt not add too or take from the bible. just bless it. and shovel it in.
Vet, I take it then that you reject the grace of God offered to you from the cross of Christ?
In the love of Christ,
I Have to agree with Darwin. been a methodist a Baptist a Pentacostal ( Holy Rollor) pentacostal is not for the faint hearted. could’nt take those jericho run’s Congestive heart failure.
For get the religion. be who you wanna be. eat what you please.
Hebrew 10:29
For the love of God…..get real, and SHUT THE “F” UP!!!!
If we wanted to hear preaching, we’d go to church and see wacko Mike Riddle!
Darwin Rules!
Justin, you should be ashamed. You just showed your true colors. wow.
That’s funny. After Justin’s rant in post #2, he accuses someone else of preaching (and had to resort to fake profanity to make his point… nice, real nice).
If you scroll up a bit, you’ll see my suggestion for further, reasoned debate on this topic.
Mel and Justin: you both get a prize, personally emailed from me, if you can come back with comments that show you are tolerant of views other than your own — even if you think those views damn the viewer.
My point is not personal. It concerns a logical contradiction.
Premise: Mr. X is Christian.
Implication: Mr. X knows in his heart the perfect Almighty loving living God Jesus Christ.
Observation: Mr. X claims he is no longer Christian.
Implication: Mr. X has knowingly rejected the perfect existence in heaven with God in favor of eternal suffering in hell.
Contradiction: One can’t know perfection and reject it as perfection. Therefore, either Mr. X was never a Christian or he still is and is lying in his observed claim. Either way, Mr. X is not an ex-christian.
Now, you can refuse to post this and ban me if you like; but, the logical error of a supposed ex-christian remains.
In the love of Christ,
That’s an interesting equation. But how does man ever “know” perfection? Isn’t God the only one capable of perfection? And isn’t that then the crux of faith — to believe in God’s perfection, even though we can never have “perfect” evidence of it, in the literal, scientific sense?
And doesn’t our human inability to create or judge perfection also prevent us from knowing for sure that other people’s religions are wrong? Do Muslims and Jews, as you say, favor eternal suffering in hell?
I don’t think anybody want’s to ban you’ mr x was once a God fearing man, do to to the fact there are no atheist in a fox hole. for those who follow the Dagger mr x is known to be old’ hatefull & grouchy.
And prone to disagree on most’ if not all subject’s posted on the dagger. but your comment’s are welcome.
Semper – Fi
I reject Mel’s notion that an enlightened thinking human being cannot one day wake up and decide that NOBODY’s imaginary friends are superior to anybody elses’.
Heaven, Hell, Damnation… the rational person can say “Prove it.”
And not just because the “Bible tells me so.”
The quest for real, tangible proof.
A true Christian has to believe the New Testament is fact, cover to cover. Old Testament too, Baalam’s ass, the loaves and fishes, everything.
Proof, my friends. That is all I ask for.
Dell very good point. In my not so ordinary exscursions I find ” Christians” bending the bible according to there need’s. we don’t need the old testament that is old jewish law.
We are liveing by grace. I say phooey. king james version, state’s do not add to or take from. I like pork crab’s etc. for just and hour or so a day I become a non christian long enough to eat a pork chop. as one preacher told me. just bless it and eat it.
If I were to bless it. I’am still breaking old testament law. for fear of the powers that Be. I Bless everybody & every thing includeing my self. less and agnostic & more likely Hypocrite.
Matt, I agree, it is a very interesting topic. I will assume from your tone that you want to understand my position; not that you necessarily want to agree with it.
When a person becomes a Christian certain things happen. These things are delineated in the Bible. I won’t take you line by line here but I will point out two of them:
1) You are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17); born again (John 3: 5) of the Spirit.
2) You receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (14: 16) who will abide with you forever.
Since the Christian is born of the Spirit and has the Holy Spirit abiding in them, then they “know” Jesus. It is not that they simply know of Him, Satin knows of Jesus, rather they know Him as Lord and Savior. You are correct to say that man, finite mind and body, can’t gain understanding of perfection by his physical faculties. Therefore, if he is to know the perfect God, then God must reveal Himself (Matthew 16: 16 – 17) to him. God chooses to reveal Himself to those with faith in Jesus Christ.
So, you are right to say that the individual must have faith in order to know God. It is backwards to think that man could deduce knowledge of the perfect God by means of some scientific method. This method is useful for man to know God’s creation but it is not useful to know God Himself.
You are also correct when you say the Christian has no authority to pronounce other faith traditions as wrong. And there is no need to go out on such a limb. For they make such proclamations themselves when they do not glorify Jesus as God. In the eyes of the one true living God their position is untenable (John 3: 18).
In summation, Mr. X could be like Peter (John 18: 25), still a Christian; or, Mr. X could be like Judas (Luke 22: 48). It is clear that Judas was one as talked about in 1 John 1: 19; “They went out from us, but they were not really of our number; if they had been, they would have remained with us. Their desertion shows that none of them was of our number.”
In the love of Christ,
PS – Vet, what or who is “SEMPER – FI”?
I’ve never heard a mainstream religion claim that believers must agree with a literal interpretation of both books. That’s reserved for groups more toward the fringe of Christianity (and I don’t mean that in a derogatory way).
Dell, however, does have somewhat of a point in his arguments except for the fatal and glaring omission of the element of “faith”. You can apply science to religion and you get a scientific view of religion, not pure religion. Science can prove only so much, and the next step for believers is the leap of faith – the belief in something that cannot be proven. There is no formula or experiment to test or prove faith – that is the definition, so proving it would negate it.
It is silly to argue about something that has no answer. To a nonbeliever, faith does not exist, and and truth of religion cannot be proven. To a believer, faith just is what it is.
Dell, We agree that a person can wake up one day and say that they are not a Christian because they don’t know Jesus. What I am saying is they can’t then claim to have known Him previously – ex-christian and all.
Vet, actually, the Word (Jesus) defends me according to my needs. That is how much he loves me and you.
Marine Slogan. semper- fi Latin for all way’s faithfull. Hell Hebrew for hole in the ground. or just maybe the earth we live on.
Guys you fascinate me. Trying to define and perfect is a great exercise, but there sure have been a lot of people who have gone before who led very frustrating lives trying the same.
I follow Mel’s point when he says you cannot be an x Christian. His argument appears valid and pretty easy to understand. It’s not the same as an x smoker, but the old phrase was fallen Christian.
This string began about freedom of speech or lack thereof. Early on several folks thought that Mr. Riddle should not be allowed to speak inside the walls of a particular Church. Justin took it a few steps further. His logic on this subject is so flawed as to not be worthy of comment. I know Justin personally and he knows that I pray for him and that pisses him off.
Why should we bother defending the first amendment? WE have all but destroyed the 4th and 10th and are on the road to disemboweling the 2nd. Hell’s bells the Supreme Court overturned :Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness” by finding a clause in the Constitution that isn’t there and wasn’t intended; “The Right to Privacy.”
The Constitution is dead. Bury it and join the European Union.
Hey’ Dave good to hear from you. I was trying to save this old wicked skin. went as far as getting saved. & Baptised down at the tank testing ground’s. broke the ice trying to catch some of that Holy spirit.
The only thing I caught’ was Pneumonia & a big hospital bill. better let some body else deal with this religion thing. Back slideing crab eating sinner.
Gary owen & sem-per fi
How is Mr. Riddle doing? Did anyone go and see him talk?
We were expecting, a detailed report from you?
Sorry, can’t do it. I live in Erie Pennsylvania and I must be to work in the morning.
I can’t help myself, I have to toss another tidbit in here. The opening salvo of this article has to do with the disdain held for a man who believes, strongly, in the THEORY of creationism. I can understand that. I can particularly understand it from anyone who got their total education in our esteemed public school system. Our educators know for a fact that the THEORY of evolution is the true scientific form of how we got here. That is all we would dare to stuff into the mush filled heads of our chilluns. I have a small problem though. Both methods and any blending THEORY are just that THEORIES! a theory is a supposition or opinion which has not yet been proven. The Wright brothers had a theory that man could fly. At Kitty Hawk they proved their theory and now it is a fact that man can fly. Simple so far. In order for the THEORY of evolution to be proven we need only go to the jungle and watch x number of human babies born per y primates born to a group of primates. Maybe it would be simpler to bring a fish into the lab and have it evolve and walk out of the aquarium.
You have to have faith in the scientific community, you say. As for me and my house, i prefer to have a faith in God. The science community is far more interested in getting grants to continue their research on global warming, AIDS cures, evolution and how many angels can dance on the head of the pin, than anything useful like resolving a century old debate.
Oh well, back to the lab to watch my goldfish. I thought I saw legs beginning last night.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind-
Albert Einstein (1941)
love it Dell, never heard it before. Thanks
Daddy Rabbit have you’ been Lurking? if I recall some of Einstein’s theory’s have proven to be incorrect. But none the less a great thinker.
Howdy Vet. I’ve been out on long range patrol and can’t figure out how to come back. Did McCain win?
It might be your best bet to stay out on patrol. if the need arises you can just stay lost. stay out of trouble that way. last I heard the election’s were still progressing. your and old timer on the Dagger’
Got to watch out for the Elder’s.
Gary Owen & Semper -fi. Gary owen is showing respect for our Army vet’s.