Kicking off the new school year with a packed September 12 agenda, the Harford County Board of Education will take votes on a previously proposed gang policy, a school facilities maintenance plan, school bus contracts, and promotions and appointments recommended by Superintendent Robert M. Tomback. Also on the agenda are the fourth quarter financial report and two presentations on efforts to improve classroom instruction.
Entitled “Continuous Improvement of the Quality of Classroom Instruction and Supervision”, the first presentation is to be made by Bill Lawrence, associate superintendent of curriculum, instruction and assessment. The agenda exhibits offer the following background:
“In July 2010, Dr.Tomback established expectations for the planning of effective instruction and protocols for completing classroom observations. This five step protocol includes: effective lesson planning by the teacher, a classroom observation by the observation team, a debriefing dialogue among the observation team members, a post-observation conference with the teacher and observation team, and a written observation report prepared by the observation team. The written report becomes part of the teacher’s personnel file.”
Also on the meeting agenda is a presentation on the Educator Effectiveness Academy (EEA). Driven by the federal grant program known as Race to the Top, EEAs are intended “to assist and support the transition to higher standards and expectations for teachers and principals”, according to the agenda exhibits. Race to the Top Project Manager Susan Brown is scheduled to discuss recent and future EEAs focused on implementing the new Common Core State Standards for English language arts and mathematics. Designed to establish a shared set of educational standards among the states, the new standards have been adopted by Maryland and all but a handful of states.
As always, the meeting will conclude with a report from Superintendent Tomback.
Below is the published September 12 agenda for the Harford County Board of Education. Published agendas are subject to change:
102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD 21014Board Closed Session – 6:30 P.M. – Executive Conference Room
Board Business Meeting – 7:00 P.M. – Board Room7:00 P.M. Call to Order – Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President
Quorum Roll Call
Adoption of Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance*7:05 P.M. Public Comment
*7:15 P.M. Introductions
*7:20 P.M. Board Committee Reports and Comments
Old Business
Action Item(s):
*7:35 P.M. A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4 )
2) Minutes of Previous Meetings: (Goal 1-4 )
• August 8, 2011
3) Award of School Bus Contracts,
• Ryan Transportation, Anderson Bus Service (Goal 4)
4) 2011 Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
5) Personnel Report (Goal 3)
6) Decision on Electricity Supply Contract (Goal 4)Old Business
Action Items(s):
*7:40 P.M. B. Decision on Policy, Patrick P. Spicer, Esquire (Goal 2, 4)
• Prohibition of Gang Related Activities (Policy No. 02-0008-000)
New Business
Action Item(s):
*7:50 P.M. C. Decision on Promotions and Appointments, Dr. Robert M. Tomback (Goal 3)Presentations(s):
*8:00 P.M. D. Presentation of 4th Quarter Financial Report, Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 1-4)*8:20 P.M. E. Continuous Improvement of the Quality of Classroom Instruction and Supervision,
Powerpoint Presentation, Mr. William A. Lawrence, (Goal 2, 3)*8:40 P.M. F. Educator Effectiveness Academy, Dr. Susan P. Brown (Goal 2, 3)
*9:00 P.M. G. Superintendent’s Report
Future Meetings Review
Any classes or seminars regarding internal theft, how to do it, conceal it and get away with it.