Allegations that John Archer School Principal Deborea Montgomery dragged an unnamed student face down by his legs through the school lobby and outdoors onto the concrete have prompted an investigation by Harford County Public Schools, according to HCPS spokeswoman Teri Kranefeld. John Archer School is the only public special education school serving students with disabilities in Harford County.
The allegations were among several claims of abuse at John Archer that were made public at a March 12th school board meeting. In a separate allegation, parent Janice Wright told school board members about an incident where her son, Matthew, was illegally restrained at the school. Wright said in an interview that a police investigation in October found that her son was put in danger of “positional asphyxia.” She has since removed her son from HCPS. Other John Archer parents told school board members that they were concerned for their own children’s safety in light of what happened to Matthew.
John Archer parent Frank Janczak said that parents were trying to get answers, but staff members and contracted transportation workers were under a “gag order” by the school administration. Kranefeld later denied that a gag order was placed on anyone.
The alleged dragging of a student by Principal Montgomery reportedly occurred in 2009 and was brought to light in an anonymous letter sent to parent Janice Wright from a person claiming to be a staff member at John Archer. Wright mentioned the claim in her March 12th comments to the school board, which included the allegations involving her son.
The anonymous letter writer claimed to be among several witnesses to the dragging incident, which involved a student who was not Wright’s son. The dragging allegedly occurred when the unnamed student would not walk to his bus during dismissal.
Appearing to corroborate the anonymous letter, Don Endlich, who said that he was a John Archer para-educator from 2005 to 2010, told The Dagger in an interview that in 2009 he also saw a student who was lying on the floor being pulled down a hallway by Principal Montgomery. Endlich, whose granddaughter currently attends John Archer, said the hallway led to the school lobby and outer doors.
Anonymous letters and Wright’s allegations concerning her son, Matthew, have been circulating in the school community and apparently prompted a March 6th letter to parents from Principal Montgomery.
In the letter, Montgomery writes to parents that “unfounded allegations” against staff were distributed via email and on social media sites and, “anonymous letters sent to our administration do not allow us to follow the prescribed protocol in working directly with the concerned person to remediate their issue, therefore we do not respond to anonymous letters.” The principal’s letter welcomes parents to visit the school at any time without an appointment.
Matthew Wright
According to HCPS spokeswoman Teri Kranefeld, Janice Wright’s allegations that her son Matthew was illegally restrained did result in a police investigation, but the charges were not prosecuted.
Monica Worrell, spokeswoman for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office said that the police reports in the case were not releasable to the media, citing the Family Law Act regarding reports of child abuse or neglect involving a minor.
However, police reports provided to The Dagger by Wright confirm that her son Matthew was restrained at the school on October 14th in a device called a “Tumble Form Grasshopper”, when he dropped to the ground and refused to walk. Wright said in an interview that the 14-year-old is less than 4’6” tall and weighs 75 pounds.
Wright said that Matthew was strapped into the device with his hands behind his back and incorrectly placed lying down on his stomach, rather than on his back, leaving his chin elevated on a pillow-like wedge without support from his arms. Wright said that she did not give the school permission to use the device and she later found out that it had been used on Matthew on more than one occasion since the school year began. She also said that Matthew had an unexplained bruise on his leg earlier in the school year and that he sustained a torn tendon that she believes was from the use of the device.
The October investigation conducted by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office concludes:
“It is the opinion of this investigator that the position Mathew was placed in, with his arms strapped at his side and torso elevated, [p]ut him in a position placing him in danger of ‘positional asphyxia’. This danger is compounded by the fact that Mathew is non verbal.
Based on this investigation there is no indication that anyone involved had intent to abuse Matthew and after a discussion with [Assistant State’s Attorney Diana Brooks] it was determined that, based on the evidence, no crime was committed.
Based on the facts of this case it would appear that this incident is a result of poor training in the use of the Tumble Form Grasshopper, and it appears that, since the device is described as a therapeutic device, that it was not intended to be used as a transport device.
This case is closed.”
Below is the letter to parents from Principal Montgomery:
Below is the anonymous letter sent to former John Archer parent Janice Wright:
How the hell does Terry Kranefeld know if a GAG order was placed or not. WAS SHE THERE????? Is she taking the word of the principal of John Archer or Dr. Tomback. I have worked in 3 different schools in this county as well as worked for crappy principals for 18 years and GAG orders ARE PUT ON TEACHERS ALL THE TIME. As a matter of fact, it was quite a common thing for Jackie Haas to do and she did it all the time. She was a huge bully. The principals would do it all the time as well per Jackie Haas. Teachers in this county are threatened with losing their jobs all the time for spilling any kind of beans and letting parents and the taxpayers know exactly what is going on in our schools. Dr. Tomback has no idea what his principals say and do to their staff. I applaud the teachers at John Archer for writing those letters. Good for You!!! I have written many anonymous letters over the years. It is the only way anything will get done. As for the parents of the children who attend John Archer who have suffered this abuse, KEEP FIGHTING!!!!! You will win in the end. It is about time someone did something. I hope this lights a fire under the current board to actually come out and have sessions with teachers at schools to see and hear what is really going on in our schools without fear of losing our jobs. They need to begin with the staff at John Archer. The Board of Ed wonders why more teachers do not come to board meetings. Well now you have your answer.
Let me positively assure you that Tomback knows EXACTLY what his teachers are told…HE’S the one that has given them these directives. HCPS Number 1 goal? SEPARATION OF CHILD FROM PARENT. PERIOD. Teachers will “fall in line and do as they’re told” or lose their jobs – end of story. As for the “Teachers’ Union?” They’re in on it, too.
AS a health care worker at john Archer , I am witness to the fact that a number of students suffered mental and physical abuse at the hand of certain staff at this school. Abuse to include making students cry by pinching , ect , from shaking and severe scoldings for not doing as they are told. I was told that the teachers that I identified were experts in child behavior problems. I thought the treatment was excessive , but I am not an expert and had no idea how appropriate or inappropriate the treatment was. All I know , is that I reported it to the principle and no appropriate action followed , the next school year I was not allowed to return to my post. I had no idea about the abuse charges or I would have been more verbal about what I knew. It appears that having tenure at the school gives you might to do as you please without reprecussion even the ( at the time ) , new principle was afraid to confront tenured teachers. Oh yes ,,, I forgot to mention the letter I emailed to the school board relative to this issue and certain tenured staff and the fear new staff endured afraid of being fired if thy reported tenured staff because nothing would happen to the staff member , but by reporting them your job was on the line.
“Dr. Tomback has no idea what his principals say and do to their staff.” Amen.
Dr. Tomback and the other HCPS leaders have no excuse not to know how the teachers feel about their school administration. All teachers in the state of Maryland were asked to complete a survey last year. There were specific questions that asked teachers to rate how they felt about their school leadership. The results for John Archer are pretty clear. I teach in a school with similar results, yet no one from central office has come to my school to make changes or help address problems — or if they have it has been in secret not to mention ineffective because the climate is even worse.
Check it out for yourself:
Bravo to the anonymous teacher! It really could have been written by any of them. Or any parent, too. Please, please let something finally happen to help the whole situation.
How sad that it takes smearing the reputation of an entire faculty to finally have some light shone on the one person who has caused all of the problems at John Archer School. Will the BOE finally take action and dismiss this person or will the teachers and staff be forced to continue to suffer under her abusive and poor leadership for another year? Dr. Tombeck, do something…please!
Jeff, will you please read my posts carefully! If you read carefully every post states that I know there are good people at this school. Do I want those who did this to Matthew to be prosecuted? YES. Do I want to help make the necessary changes to make this school better? YES. I am NOT smearing the entire school faculty. I want teachers and staff to take the support they have received from all the posts to help make the necessary changes. I am not the enemy. If Matthew had to endure being abused to help initiate change then I think at the least the good teachers and staff should take a step forward. Don’t waste this opportunity. Unhappy staff, take a stand, come to the Board of Ed meeting, contact Cindy Mumby and tell your story. Do what you need to do in order to ensure your work environment is safe and the children you love to work with are safe.
Hi Janice:
I want you to know that I have read your posts carefully but the public has not. They only see the headlines…it does’t matter what is said in the body of the article. I know that the staff is now feeling even more demoralized and alone. People will never look at the school in the same way again…and it is all because of the poor direction and leadership that stems from one person…the principal. I don’t believe for a second that anyone intended to hurt your son but I can appreciate and understand you being mad and upset. The staff at Archer have dedicated their lives to the students but few will believe this now. I just wish that your anger had been more focused and directed to the one that deserves this scrutiny. I do hope that the BOE addresses your issues and makes the proper but late coming decision of dismissing the current principal. (Trust me when I tell you that the staff has done all that they can to beg for help. They have gone through all the proper channels…but to no avail.) Do take care and I wish you all the best for you, your family and your son.
The children at JAS are safe, and its seems a little to late to take back the headlines.
Jeff please stop talking. Perhaps you have forgotten how you attitude was when you worked for harford county.
Dear Bel Air,
I’m not sure why you would want me to “stop talking”. My attitude remains the same as it was when I left HCPS. I left BECAUSE of the lack of respect from the “higher ups” and the poor leadership that is allowed to continue in many of the schools. I speak in support of my hard working and maligned friends who continue to work under such harsh conditions. My prayers go out to the staff of John Archer School. I pray that parents truly know how much their children are loved by the teachers and support staff and recognize what the problem really is….the principal. Parents, you need to join together and demand a new leader for YOUR school.
Not all staff agree with the teacher’s anonymous letter. It is just hearsay as the letter quotes.
I’m beginning to think that you may be this “personal assistant” to the principal that has been mentioned because no one that I have spoken to, parent or faculty member, expresses your thoughts.
Maybe this will lead to the closing of the school. This has been rumored for years. This could be the tipping point. I would be sad if that happens, my nephew thrived at John Archer. He would have been eaten alive if mainstreamed.
Please don’t even suggest that! These children need a school of their own. They deserve a place where they can learn without ridicule. This can be a great school if the necessary changes take place and has the support it needs. I’m not just talking about the BOE or the administration, as far as I’m concerned they can all go, but of the community as well. Many people believe that children with MR are stupid but they’re not. Many of these children are quite intelligent and have learned to adapt. If given an opportunity to learn to communicate and a safe environment, you would be surprised at what they can accomplish!
Mathew’s Teacher at the time. Was told recently her contract will be renewed next year. The incident did not did not happen in the classroom. It happened in front of the school. I believe she is being targeted as the Escape Goat.
Concerned Parent,
Are you saying that Matthew’s former teacher’s contract WILL be renewed or WILL NOT be renewed? If not, I agree that she is being targeted as an escape goat when she was probably only doing what she was being told to do. I think she is a good teacher, and if her contract is being terminated, maybe that is a blessing in disguise, and she can put her talents to good use elsewhere.
Escape Goat??!! LOL. I think you meant “Scapegoat”. 🙂
lol! i meant scapegoat! (said with red face)
Sorry, it is not being renewed…
There have been so many anonymous letters it isn’t funny. The Board is aware of them – this has been going on for years – 3 LONG years to be exact. The teachers are reaching out to the parents for help because the teacher’s union won’t do anything. It is a shame that it had to come down to this but maybe now something will be done and the parents can have peace & piece of mind again. WE would rather be doing anything than writing letters, going to board meetings, fighting with administration. WE HATE IT and have much more important things to worry about. JUST DO SOMETHING. Transfer xxxxx, pay her off, whatever!!!!!!!
Just because the state’s attorney decided not to pursue criminal charges, dos not mean that a civil suit can’t be pursued. File the case now, go get a top-notch civil attorney and file it now. The only thing people understand nowadays is when you hit them in the pocketbook. BTW, before anyone jumps on me for being law suit happy, I don’t believe in frivolous suits, but I do believe this is a case where the courts should be involved, and once dollar signs come in to the equation, something might actually be done. Sue the principal, the assistants, the Bd of Ed members, the Superintendent, everyone. You can always amend the filing later and remove parties from the suit individually, but by suing all of them, the evidence will come out as is necessary.
PUNISH UNRULY STUDENTS! I am 100% FOR the principal in this matter!
It must be so boring to have never had a special needs person in your life. You obviously do not know what it is like to have someone who acts differently than you for reasons beyond their control. So, your opinions on this matter really don’t carry much weight or validity.
I’m going to make one final comment, because all this ignorance is infuriating me. Special needs children are not unruly! They are trying to communicate the best they know how. Those of us who know them are aware of that. Those of you who don’t, either get to know them or stop talking about what you know nothing about!!
Amen,sister! Lawrence obviously has no clue. Perhaps one day after he has had a stroke, major car accident, or simply experiences the effects of old age and he’s sitting there in his diapers with drool dripping down his chin and is unable to communicate, he will finally understand what it’s like to be disabled and won’t appreciate people referring to him as “unruly”. sorry for the run-on sentence
Lawrence get a freaking life
Is this you Dr. M? Get to packing up your office.
Shame on you. These are not children who are discipline problems, but children with the most severe kinds of developmental disabilities. These are often children who cannot speak legibly, if at all. Many do not have the cognitive ability to follow any but the most simple directions. I hope that you just did not realize that. If you did, and still felt the need to post such nonsense, then shame on you!
This makes me think back to several years ago when some coward felt the need to send an anonymous letter to a wonderful family about the 96 seconds that it took the busdriver and aide to load their severely disabled son’s wheelchair into the bus each morning. How can people be so intolerant?
I’m the parent of the child you mention…he is doing very well and so many people took the time to stop by our home to say they were sorry for the ignorant letter writer…a small child ran up to me and my son with a lovely plant and a sorry! We found that the letter writter was a minority of a loving county! Our son also has attended John Archer since he was three…they have been wonderful! If my other children had the same level of care in school they would have all been valedictorians!
Wonderful to hear that your son is doing well. I am happy to hear that your experience with the school was so positve. Being the parent of a special needs child requires dedication, love and commitment that the rest of probably don’t even understand. God bless you.
Hello, Mrs. McVey!
I do not know you, but we attend the same Church and I see your family there together every week. It always makes my heart smile to see all of your children (and their children) with you and Mr. McVey.
I am glad to hear that people like Lawrence and the anonymous letter-writer are in the minority in our County, and wish you and your family much health and happiness always!
Lawrence — Please tell me why disabled and special need children need to be hit or held down ? Normal kids cant be touched, if they are then there would be a law suit ! The teacher would be on leave and the student still in school – FACT ! This principle should be on adminstrative leave until this is resolved – she can wash buses just like they make teachers do when a teacher is put on administrative leave. SHE IS NOT SPECIAL ! Since you said we should do what they did in the 40’s and 50’s, this obviously makes you at least 70+ years old ! There was alot less kids and problems back then ! Please dont hide behind a computer to voice you ridiculous comments ! This is probably why GOD did not give you a special needs child ! GOD intended only special parents to take care of these kids and YOUR NOT ONE !
Lawrence, you are obviously speaking with true ignorance of special needs students and this principal in particular. If you have no first hand knowledge of John Archer students, staff or this principal, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Lawrence is what is called a “cyber troll”. Ignore his posts.
How could the police have dropped this case? It’s not that they weren’t trained properly–they were using something not for its intended purpose to harm. How is this protecting a child who cannot speak for himself?
Thank you for realizing this. I agree 100%. How can anyone say they, the school, put a child in danger of positional asphyxia and not consider it criminal and not want to prosecute. Ask Mr. Cassily why. If you or I did this they would be prosecuting immediately. The staff admitted doing this to my son at least 6 times in a 5 day period, again never notifying me and he is unable to tell me what is being done to him. I am outraged the school can walk away from this with no repercustions, justice for my son and not even have to address myself and other parents as a group as to what is being done to make sure the children are safe.
File a civil suit in addition to what you are already doing. .02
Hank you are right. Just because the police aren’t able to file charges in this case doesn’t mean that something didn’t happen. The logical conclusion would be that the school system would realize there are problems and then deal with them appropriately. That seems to be where this case is now. If the school system isn’t compelled to take some action(s) over something like this, what will they take action on? At Patterson Mill $10,000 was stolen over a period of time. No charges were filed there either because police didn’t have enough information to determine who was responsible. The principal is still there (not saying he stole money but major oversight issue)so then what does it take to get fired or demoted. I do know the one way to get demoted is to be principal of high school with low test scores. Guess that tells you something about what our current “leadership” really values.
Apparently, the Assistant Principal who was demoted from North Harford Elementary for drinking before a concert then drinking and driving later on that night, has told people herself that she was told that after a few years and all the dust settles, she would be put back in an assistant principal job!!!!!!! She asked this past year if she could and was told the dust had not quite settled yet but be patient and she will be placed back in that role. I have no faith what so ever in the Board of Education who would do this. If a teacher did this we would be fired immediately. What the hell???? See, this is just what this county does.
I would like point out several thing and that is not the entire school is at fault. The employees who are not at fault loves their job, they love going into work everyday knowing that they can and will put a smile on the Childeren’s face. They take full responsibility at their job. The employees who have done the crimes are the ones that are at fault, and will have to pay one day. It takes a special person to work at John Archer School.
Monday, March 26 @ 6:30pm is the next Board of Education meeting. The meeting will be held at the AA Roberty Building located at 102 South Hickory Ave in Bel Air. It is directly across the street from the parking garage. I will be speaking again and I would encourage anyone who is supportive of John Archer’s administration being replaced to attend. You will not be asked to speak or identify yourself (unless you want to). I would just like for you to stand up in support while I speak. I want the Board to see that this isn’t just a handful of individuals on a “witch hunt” but rather a large, diverse group of caring and concerned people who want to see John Archer return to being a wonderful, productive place to learn and filled with staff that are honored and rewarded for their dedication and commitment to our kids.
Kudos to you! Gather as many friends and supporters as you can. Try to get parents and others to speak so that the BOE finally understands that this principal HAS GOT TO GO! I am sure that the staff of John Archer would stand with you if they could.
I’m still trying to figure out why the newest school built in Harford County has 2 padded rooms. They look like holding cells in a prison or insane asylum. Is this what public education has come to.
They are technically not padded rooms. They are specifically designed for students with severe behavior difficulties and they are used so students can safely de-escalate and don’t harm themselves or others. Staff is trained on the proper use of the rooms, staff has permission from parents for their child to access these rooms, and it is noted on the students’ IEP’s. The students who have access to these rooms are placed in a special program because of their emotional disabilities. Use of the rooms are rare, and always a last resort, and is a much better way for children to safely calm down in place of staff needing to restrain the child. Unfortunately, seclusion rooms are misused and not built appropriately in many places, but I can assure you that in MD, and in Harford County, they are being used correctly and safely.
Do you know where I can get on of these rooms? They sound useful. I could put my wife in there when she is watching American Idol and starts crying profusly because she sees pround parents in the audience. This has to be some form of emotional disability, right?
I would say if you feel your wife’s behavior is a safety hazard to herself or others then it would be appropriate. As long as it’s a last resort and you monitor her closely. I know what American Idol can do to people’s emotions…haha
Just wanted to make a suggestion to Beth or anyone else that will be at the BOE meeting. Be sure to take original copies of the Aegis papers that have the front page stories. Also, copy the Dagger articles and comments as well as calling WXCY and asking for a transcript of the broadcast report about this topic. Make sure to have copies for all of the folks on the Board including one for Mr. Tombeck….I would expect that they would not ignore you then.
I just sincerely hope that this gets rid of the problem. I would have thought with all the publicity, public outrage, etc. that this has caused they would of removed her immediately from the school. But to no avail. Nothing is ever going to happen. I loved the line about staff retention. The staff has been leaving on a steady stream. I wish she had some redeeming qualities but none are apparent. I guess one could say she dresses well, leather and stilettos are perfect attire for special needs school. Other than that I can’t find one good quality. I hope the whole staff comes together to complain. The parents have really gone out on a limb because of their complaints, this could be the only chance they will have get her removed. Organize the demonstration people!!!
Seem to me you have a bigger issue with how she dress than how she perfrom her duties. This witch hurt by some parents and staff needs to sto.
first of all, please go back to school. Second of all, without a witch there would be no need for a hunt.
Believe me, the problem is how she treats people not how she dresses.
Truth, not to be mean, but please check your spelling snd grammar before you post. I can understand a mistake, but all of your postings are poorly written with equally poor spelling. Wait a minute…is this the principal? I heard that her writing ability is terrible… hmmmm
wouldn’t you know it…I strive to make a funny and blow it! Typed an S instead of the letter A….(red faced lol)
You are not funny, this is not a joke. This is ruining people’s lives. No one is LOL.
Teachers and Staff if you are interviewed tomorrow please be honest and forthright. This could be your only chance to make a change for the better. Thoughts are with you from all the parents
@ Winds of Change are Blowing – Why are teachers and staff being interviewed tomorrow?
Heard someone might be coming in to talk to staff. Hope it is true.
The winds of change have been blowing for the past two years and some do not like it. Before she assume the job as Principal some staff members were making nasty remarks about how she dress and what they presume was a nasty attitude.
Say what? I’m sorry but no one can understand you. Dr. Montgomery has been principal for 3 long years. Is that what you were trying to say? Is this you Dr. M? I thought they told you start packing up your office.
I was so devastated the day I heard what happened to Matthew, Janice was so upset I couldn’t understand her at first. Matthew is a great kid and yes he certainly did have some teachers at John Archer that were loving and kind to him. This is not in question. What the issue here is that Matthew was illegally restrained not once not twice not even 3 times, but 5-6 times was admitted to and reported to mom and the police on the day mom found him this way. Additionally staff, admin, volunteer or others that were in that hallway that day must not have thought anything of it, since everyone knew that Janice was right outside video taping Matthew cooperatively walking into the school; which Janice had been told by the school he was not doing so that is why she was there to video him going in. This says to me an outsider that this whole situation was par for the course same ole same ole no big deal. Yes I am sure many of you ask how could a mother see her child like this and not continue to record the occurrence for physical evidence. Well I can tell you it’s because she is a mom and not just a mother. Her first instinct was to get her child out of what could have potentially killed him through asphyxia. Believe me she sits up at night and asks herself that question enough so none of you need to do it for her. I can’t and won’t believe that this was out of the norm there or else someone there would have had to have a conscientious and step in and rescue Matthew before this happened even 1 time to him,let alone the 4-5 other times this occurred. I am praying that every parent who has a child that attends that school does some replaying in their heads not that I hope more children were abused but because I believe sadly that they were. Rethink bumps bruises, odd moods, changes in behavior before or after school how about Monday mornings. I believe that there is a lot at stake far more important than jobs but the lives of children that we don’t understand or haven’t take the time to learn how understand their individual means of communication. Parents of children with disabilities I know that you each do all that you can to try to do this but your children have the right to a voice especially if they can’t use their own in a way that is commonly understood. Way to go Janice I know this hasn’t been an easy road for you, but being a Mom is never easy with what some may call a typical child or one that I would refer to as an exceptional child like Matthew. Love you all know your in my prayers!!!
Special needs! Special needs! Special needs! There, I yelled it, does that make everyone guilty now? The staff at John Archer School do not, have not and will not abuse students. They are not in this profession for the big bucks, people, it is for the love of the students. Please stop villifying the only people who are there to work with these students.
All John Archer Teachers and Staff, we (the parents) know you are not abusing our children. Please know that.
I think you are more the abused than the abusers. I really hope once the problem is terminated, the weight will be lifted and the school can once again be a pleasant place. Having to work with our kids is challenging enough. You don’t need the added stress of constantly looking over your shoulder for the tyrant.
We are pulling for you.
You are not pulling for us you are pulling us thru the mud. This school will never be
the same. You can’t blame that on the administration or the BOE.
Yes, certain staff members are being interviewed. However, the sad issue is that many staff still fear for their positions. Dr. Montgomery has indirectly let it be known that anyone saying something negative will have to answer to her.
As for a gag order, metioed in an earlier post, they may deny it, but Dr. Montgomery said no one was to say anything to Dr. Tombeck unless he talked to them first.
If everyone sticks together and tells the truth, she will be gone and no one will have to answer to her. Be brave, it is probably the last chance to get her out of there.
How was it indirectly know?
I was one of the people on the “ad hoc committees” when they interviewed Dr. Tomback. We asked him about his Management Style. He said he didn’t have one. We also asked him what are parents supposed to do if there is a problem that isn’t being dealt with. All he could say was he believed in the “chain of command.” His words… The people who are reponsible for Dr. Tomback’s contract and holding him accountable are the Board of Education. Maybe they should be the ones hearing from parents, teachers, etc. If you have to send them specific incidents anonymously for fear of your job, I get that. It’s like the Reign of Terror. If the school system is ignoring this situation, can you imagine what else they are ignoring or blaming parents for?
Bottom line, Doctor Montgomery needs to get fired!! She will not let the school have the alumni dance, and all of the graduates love to go to the dance, and so does the kids that go to the school. This is so wrong..It’s like a prision in that school, and the staff don’t need to feel that way. She stoped lettiong the high school department from having the end of the year pinic, and they have been haviung it for years. The school needs to go back to way it use to be, where everybody was not afraid to walk on egg shells around her. IT NEEDS TO STOP!!! And the staff are afraid that they will loose their jobs,So if there is any justice, they need to FIRE HER!!!!
The next BOE meeting will be on Monday, March 26 @ 6:30pm at the AA
Roberty Building, **Please note: For those visiting the new Harford
County Public Schools Administration Building – the Post Office
address of the building is 102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air. However,
the public entrance to the building is off of E. Courtland Avenue, Bel
Air, adjacent to the E. Courtland Avenue entrance/exit of the Bel Air
Town Parking Garage** I will again be speaking to the Board asking
for them to replace the current administration at John Archer. I am
asking for everyone who is supportive of this change to please attend
the meeting. I am again taking my kids to the meeting. I think it would be powerful if the BOE saw lots of John Archer students and staff in the room. But I also know that many are fearful of retribution and I understand that. Everyone needs to do what they feel is best for their family. If you do not attend the meeting, please be sending positive thoughts our way while we are there. You can also watch/listen to the meeting on the web. As soon as I find out the exact website/details, I will post them here. If you do come to the meeting, you will not be identified or asked to speak, but you are certainly welcome to do so if you want to. I will be asking everyone to stand up while I speak as a show of numbers for the BOE. So far I know of at least 30 people who have told me they will come and stand. I hope we have so many people come to support this change that the Fire Marshall will show up because we will have exceeded the capacity of the room. LOL How great would that be?
So Beth, What are your own witnessed, complaints. I mean that you were actually apart of.
Was your chid treated poorly? Did you complain to the principal personally or the assistant
principal. Or are you just jumping on the band wagon.
To little to late,
Jumping on the bandwagon? Really? As another person before me spoke, where there is smoke there is fire. Did you not read the letter from the teacher? Did you not read the article? As far as we KNOW, with this specific administration a child has been drug out of the school building by his legs by the current principal because he would not walk. This was confirmed by another person who witnessed it. I found my son mechanically restrained in a prone position which is illegal because he would not walk. Do you see the pattern? Beth has the insight to address these serious issues now before another child, including her own, gets killed. Would you like to carry that burden on your shoulders? She prefers to be proactive, would you like to fault her for that? This principal was asked to address the parents concerns and she would not. We have asked Ms. Spakowski and Mr. Tomback to address these parents concerns, they refuse to meet with them as a group. In fact, Mr. Tomback has never addressed me directly, instead, choosing to go through Ms. Spakowski and the Board attorney. We have asked the Board to address these issues, again no response. There is no “bandwagon”, only concerned parents that want assurances that their children are safe and the school is following the laws that MD sets. Does the current administration affect the staff, absolutely. If one works in a hostile environment long enough, it will rub off and bad choices will be made. My son, case in point!
Janice, I was speaking to Beth. You tend to expand the truth.
To Little too late – I am happy to explain why I am doing what I am doing. First off let me say again that there are 2 very separate issues being discussed here. One is what happened to Matthew Wright. I was not present at John Archer when Matthew Wright was restrained. I have never claimed to have first hand knowledge of the incident. Therefore, I can only give second hand accounts from what I have been told. I have never had a concern for my daughter’s physical well-being while at John Archer. She has come home with many bumps and bruises, as a matter of fact she came home today with one on her knee, and I have never had the thought that she was being mistreated. I have said it before and I will say it again, I have nothing but respect, admiration, and love for the staff that chooses to work with my daughter day after day. They choose to give up so much of their own personal time to make my daughter’s life happier because they want to work with these kinds of kids…not because they are making big bucks….many work second jobs because they are not paid as well as they should be. I have only had one major concern in the 17 years I have been involved with the school, which I explained in another post, but I will explain it again if you need me to, just ask. For that concern I went to the teacher first. When she failed to improve the situation I went to the principal.
The second issue is the need for administrative changes at John Archer. As I said before, my daughter has been at John Archer for 17 years. In the past 3 years I have witnessed the morale of the staff steadily go down hill. Consistency is very important to kids like these. In the principals’ first year she moved teachers into different classrooms with different kids and moved kids into classrooms with different kids. She has over the years repeatedly done things at the school that were not, in my opinion, good for the school. She has also done many things that show me that she doesn’t understand or value the students or community she is supposed to be leading. A few examples of this behaviour are: her parking in a handicapped parking spot in front of the school, she had signs made so she can park in the closest space to the front door of the building (no other administrator has ever done this)and this took away 2 spots designated for visitors, she had all of the students artwork removed from the entrance of the school, she does not attend school functions,….I could go on but I won’t. I have witnessed staff in tears over things the principal had done to them. I have had other parents relate stories of their own difficulties with the current administration. I have had past and present staff relate their own difficulties with the administration. I have been told of the multiple unsuccessful attempts by the staff to try and get things changed, even the Teacher’s Union has had no success improving things at the school. As I said before, the staff is not staff to me, they are trusted friends. They are working under difficult conditions, to say the least. I feel the need to try and help them facillitate positive changes at John Archer and the first change that needs to happen is for the current administration to be replaced. The leadership at the school sets the environment for the staff and the staff sets the environment for the students. Without positive and nuturing leadership the staff cannot sustain itself and ultimately the students and their education are hindered. The leadership at a school can either pollute or enhance the learning environment. This pollution has gone unchecked long enough. It’s time for a positive change for the staff, the students, the parents, and the community. I believe that all parents should be advocates for all children, not just their own….and in the community of special needs children this rings even truer…when we advocate for one child we are advocating for all.
I don’t know if this answers your question or not but hopefully you can at least understand where I am coming from and why I’m doing what I am doing…even if you don’t agree with me.
I would like to add one more thing…This is not an attack on Dr. Montgomery because of my personal feelings towards her. I have had to deal with alot of different people because of my daughter’s disability, some I have loved, some I have hated. Of the ones I didn’t like, I could look past the fact I didn’t like their personality but could see that were effective and competant doctors or therapists, they had something positive to contribute to my daughter. I put aside my dislike of the person/personality because they were knowledgeable/effective. As an example, in the beginning of my daughter’s life I took her to a private PT that at every appointment my daughter and I both cried…and that was twice a week. Her office was a 45+ minute drive from my house. I am sure I could have found a closer PT with a more likeable personality but I knew this PT was making a difference with my daughter so that’s why I continued to take her there. Not everyone gives you the warm and fuzzy feeling…I know that. There is, however, a big difference between not liking someone’s personality and thinking someone is not effective in their job. I won’t pretend that I like Dr. Montgomery’s personality…I don’t. In my personal dealings with her I have found her very aloof, I felt she talked down to me, I have had to leave multiple phone messages before she would call back, I have sent multiple emails before receiving a response, I have asked specific questions and she hasnt given me a straight answer, she tells me what she wants me to hear instead of answering my question (that is the kind of thing that erodes my trust in someone), she seems very detached from the students (she has been in that school for 3 years and she still mis-spells my daughter’s name), her behaviour appears self-centered, …this is a few of the things. Lastly, I am well aware that this is something that could have a very negative outcome for Dr. Montgomery’s job and possibly her career. I know you don’t know me but I can promise you that something like this is not taken lightly. I would NEVER do something of this magnitude without complete conviction that it should be done. And it is from MY personal interactions with Dr. Montgomery and the staff, added to accounts told to me personally by those people involved that have prompted me to be the mouthpiece that I seem to have become for this issue. I don’t take lightly anything that is happening with this. I completely understand the gravity of the possible outcome for Dr. Montgomery. I also understand the gravity of the outcome for my daughter and her school if Dr. Montgomery remains in her current position.
Oh no! Have these wretched excuses for human beings already killed one student? I am not sure how reading the articles or letters would help anyone, because they were simply subjective accounts of what you would like put forth. There was certainly no investigative journalism. That would have uncovered many of the inconsistencies in all of the stories. Please stop making accusations of things that you have not witnessed, and claiming things in public which are not true.
I think you meant to type, Too Late Too Little, as your name. Any way, the only one I was laughing at was myself for my typo. The situation is in no way funny. Lives are indeed being adversely affected by this principal’s failings but she is the one that has put her own career in ruin. She is making lives miserable…that is so very true. I hear that the teachers and staff had their chance to expose her inepitude during some private interviews with central office personnel. It sounds like the parents will have their time on Monday evening at the BOE. It’s past time for the BOE to move her elsewhere for the sake of everyone.
No not her failings, yours by making stupid remarks and comments that effect the whole staff.
Ah, yes…another cyber troll.
It has been over a week since the first board meeting, now another one is coming up on Monday. We all know this will again lead to another firestorm of negativity for John Archer. Why hasn’t anything been done? Why haven’t the parents gotten answers yet? Why, Why, Why? What is the hold up? Come on Board of Ed, do the right thing and let this be done with already!!!
I wonder if they are still having the bullroast?
I agree that they need to get rid of the principle,but this stuff has been going on for years even before she started ,it was just kept hush hush,I have seen the incident where the child was dragged by his ankles as well,but I have got to say that there is a lot of staff members that need to go as well ,I;ve seen staff set kids off because they didn’t like another staff member,I’ve seen staff who were placed to work with kids that any one with common sense could see that they were not going to be able to handle(so much for safety).I have heard from every staff member about every child there must be something going on at home,when the truth is it’s going on in that building ,Don’t get me wrong there is some really great ones who really care but it has gotten to the point that there is more bad ones then good,my payers go out to you and I only hope for the childrens sake that something is done and the school gets cleaned up
Maybe you should come forward. I seriously doubt you are one of the parents of a JAS student and would see this type of behavior from staff and let it go unreported. If you are – shame on you – you are part of the problem.
It is interesting that you witnessed a child dragged by the ankles and continued to send your child to school there. John Archer has not experienced an increased absentee rate despite the “tremendous fear and concern” expressed on this website. Hmmmmmmm?????? And if you are referring to the incident that was incorrectly reported by Mrs. Wright because she did not witness it, then you have your facts wrong.
I was a parent there from the time my child was in infant and toddlers til 21 years old
I repeat, part of the problem. Why would you not report abuse? If the stuff happened like you said – why would you not report it? Why would a parent let that happen? I don’t get it. Especially from a person who said they had a child in the school? Wouldn’t you worry that your child would get the same treatment? Truth is stranger than fiction.
More concerned for the safety of my child then any thing
Concerned parent and emoplyeeboth parent and ex employee
I’m glad you are an EX employee, cause your ass was not concerned.
Oh and you can add your name to the list of the “Bad Ones”
more concerned that my kid would get treated that way which is why I worked there ,don’t judge me,you can’t begin to realize the fear I had for my child ,I was trying to help by saying something,but even with him out one agency washes the other ones hands and I still have to consider my child.If I thought there would be others there to help me and back me up I might have,because I have seen many who have spoke up and things didn’t turn out to good for them.NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM,not afraid of losing a job afraid of losing my child.AND IT HAS HAPPENED.
So all the parents that have to work out of the school – that was just fine to watch their kids get abused. What a cop out…..
I really can’t believe what I am hearing. Whatever, thank God you are gone.
One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch.
And they called it puppy love
Hey, don’t sue anyone! I know I said to sue them before, but don’t. Some people on here don’t agree with that. So I propose you all just keep bickering about the issue amongst yourselves and keep writing letters to a school board that hasn’t and won’t respond. That should get some things done, right?
(without getting the courts involved, you stand NO chance of getting anything done)
Thank you for your suggestion. I have read it and have spoken to several attorneys, prior to going public. Unfortunately, we do not have the financial resources with which to file a suit. However, that has turned out to be a good thing. Had I filed a suit the school probably would have settled and the kept the abuse quiet and nothing would change. I have gone public because I want to make sure the children that attend this school are safe. I also want the state’s attorney’s office to prosecute and he refuses to do so stating the school did not “intend to harm” Matthew. I view the desception of the staff shows they did not have Matthew’s safety and wellfare at the forefront of their minds, thus meeting the intent to harm.
Well maybe the staff are correct and you have just blown it totally out of proportion. Maybe so much, that if you take a poll, you would be shocked at what they would tell you. And if you had a case money would not be an issue. Maybe you like the publicity and attention. Just maybe!
I agree. If there was any case at all, one of the local school bus chasers would have picked it up on spec for a percent of the “damages”.
Janice, please stop saying “the staff”. You are blacklisting an entire faculty when you do that. As I stated before, when you say things like this the public takes it to mean that EVERYONE at John Archer is not to be trusted. It is not fair and it is wrong. Your anger should be directed toward the person in charge because ultimately she is the one that needs to be held responsible.
There are TWO separate issues going on here and people are putting them together which is making people confused. Let me try to help:
1) Archer has an ineffective leader
2) The incident with M. Wright
“Lying, self-serving, disrespectful, uncompassionate” and perhaps even “evil” would be better words to describe her than “ineffective!” She is gone now and hopefully will never work with children again.
Sorry about that my computer is acting up. Ok let’s try this again.
One does not necessarily directly affect the other. We know that the principal is ineffective, but what happened with M. Wright is being called abuse and the principal is being blamed for letting it happen. I am not in any way defending this ineffective leader, however, why are quick to assume that what happened with M. Wright was abuse and wrong? Because we are believing one side of the story. What would the general opinion be if we knew ALL OF THE FACTS!
We won!!!!!
We’re gonna have a good time tonight, let’s celebrate, it’s alright. Let’s get it started in here, let’s get it started in here! Everybody Dance Now. Celebration time come on. Where’s the party people??????
Maybe you should be careful what you wish for,you can’t take back all of what was said. Maybe it’s your justice, but not justice to all you have slandered.
Nobody is commenting because everyone is at happy hour right now.
People are just happy to have a fresh start. You can’t blame them for being happy after 3 years of hell. Hip Hip Hooray!!! I feel like shuffling.
Ding, dong the wicked witch is dead! Thank God she is gone from JAS!
Congrats! Ya’ll got what you wanted! At least have the decency to look at the staff in the eyes whilst stepping over their bodies.
These allegations coming out have not damaged the staff. The reign of terror of the principal did that. Now that she has been removed from Archer, the staff can have their morale boosted and show again what a great school JAS is with a couple of exceptions. One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch.
You are wrong. Although the administration was a problem at John Archer, we are hurt by the false accusations put out by Wright. Most of us have been there 20 years or more, and watched your children grow up with you. Why are you so quick to believe a person with a history of lying, over people who have cared for and about your children for their entire lives. The Wrights have poisoned the morale at John Archer as much as any administrative decisions, and will prove to be the final straw for more than one talented and dedicated staff member. I agree that one bad apple can spoil the bunch, if its the wright apple.
Why bother getting on forums when you have no idea what you’re talking about. Go back to your parents basement, and keep playing your video games. Buh bye.
I think that maybe the Janczak’s should help JAS by NOT being on a committee and NOT helping with morale. I think maybe they have done to much already.
So who will the next victim be? Watch your backs! Sad days still ahead.
Victim? Surely you’re not saying the principal was a victim!!!
Now the parents will work on the 5 staff that are left, as stated to the board. So I guess they are next to be moved or let go. Squeaky wheel gets the oil. Doesn’t matter whats right or wrong. It’s all in the appearance.
Have got to wonder who some of these people are with such warped perspectives on what the parents are doing to the staff as opposed to what the principal has done to the school as a whole since she came to POWER in 2009.
Really! The parents wouldn’t have e Ben known about her terror if it wasn’t for the staff begging us for help. If you miss the principal don’t let the door hit you on the way out! We do not want anymore incidents to ever happen again like the past few years. I just wish some of the fabulous teachers she drove out would consider returning someday.
Not true
da-man : I don’t know you and I don’t know why you think I am not going to “look the staff in the eye as I step over their bodies.
To late too little: I don’t know you or why you think I am going to “work on the 5 staff that are left”.
hon: I don’t know you and I don’t know why you are asking who my “next victim will be”.
And finally to maybe: I don’t know you and I don’t know why you would state that I would not help the morale at JAS.
This is a copy of what I said to the Board last night:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak before you again this evening. I am so pleased that this time I am here for a very different reason. I am here to thank you. To thank you for hearing the concerns that have been expressed so passionately over the last three years regarding the safety of the students and the declining morale of the staff members at John Archer. To thank you showing the staff a t John Archer that they are valuable and worth your time and effort by sending Ann Marie Spakowski and the other central staff employees into John Archer last week and giving the staff a safer environment in which to express their troubles with the administration. To thank you for acting in the best interest of all the vulnerable students and dedicated, hard-working, loving staff at John Archer by having Dr. Montgomery removed from her position as principal. To thank you for now giving John Archer the opportunity to once again become a school where loving, caring staff can receive the respect and support they so deserve for the incredible job they can and want to do. To thank you for giving my daughter and the rest of the students at John Archer the opportunity to accomplish all they can.
Thank you for making the much needed and necessary first move in improving the conditions at John Archer. I am now excited to be able to take all the time and energy I have been spending trying to get this change made and put it to good use in re-building the staff morale and parent trust in the school system and returning John Archer to the welcoming and uplifting place it was when my daughter started there 17 years ago. I am relieved that the parents of the 3 and 4 year olds just starting their time t John Archer are going to be able to experience the same warm and caring atmosphere that I did . I am looking forward to working with Mary Gernand for the remainder of the school year and then with whomever you choose to permanently fill the position of principal.
I hope that after reading this you will see that the things you said were not based in facts but in your emotions. And I understand that this is a very emotional issue. I hope that this “fact” will help to pave the way for the positive things that we will all see at JAS very soon.
Beth, you spoke for a lot of the parents, myself included, regarding the former principal(how awesome it is to say that). Now, it is time to look forward and get John Archer back to where it was. Thanks again for all of you efforts, and know that you efforts did not go unnoticed.
Bill: Thank you…I hope one day to meet all of those who have been supportive on this, and the other forums.
Montgomery Out as Principal of John Archer School, Will Take Central Office Job; Departure Follows Allegations of Abuse of Students
The cancer has been removed. It is now time to support the dedicated and professional staff that has, for years, committed themselves to the well-being of the students they are charged with. If they were not dedicated, they would not still be there putting-up with all the garbage that has been thrown at them and still properly dealing with challenging situations everyday under the scrutiny of the law, parents, the public, the media, and administration. This is not babysitting. It is trying to variously enrich these students’ lives that, in the past, were ignored, neglected, abused, and worse. These folks give these students a reason for getting up.
It is now time for parents, the public, and especially the media and administration to support this neglected school and staff. Accusations and recriminations are easy; doing the job is hard. Indiscriminately throwing stones is easy; lending a helping hand requires commitment. John Archer staff are committed to these kids; how about the rest of the vocal chorus?
Well said George.
George: So well said….thank you.
So you got the principal out at the expense of the staffs’ reputation, broad abuse statements will do that…
da_man: I have never made an allegation of abuse nor have I ever said anything negative about the current staff…just the opposite. I have always said that in 17 years I have had one problem with one staff member. I have maintained that I have nothing but respect and admiration for the staff I have had contact with at JAS. They are a loving and caring group of professionals that are there because they want to be there working with kids like my daughter. I didn’t “get the principal out”. I may have provided the final straw, so to speak, but it is certainly not something I “accomplished”. This was a response, in my opinion, to an accumulation of things from the past 3 years. Parent and staff complaints, when looked at as a whole instead of individually, were used to decide to “get the principal out”. I seriously doubt, as I am sure others will agree, that one person going to the BOE one time to complain about one person would ever result in that person being removed from their position in such a quick fashion. If I am that good, then I should be setting my sights much higher and solving the unemployment problem, the economy, the national debt, and the hole in the ozone layer. I wish I was that good but I am just one person who stood up because I saw a problem and I wanted to see it fixed. I said what I thought was wrong and I offered my opinion on how it can be solved. I didn’t see anyone else at the BOE meetings offering any other opinion. I didn’t see anyone else at the BOE meeting defending the administration. If you feel that strongly, why didn’t you come and defend them?
You don’t have a clue to what we went through with this principal.
So true! We complained about her several times to several sources.
Can you be more specific? Who was contacted, when, what was the response? With specifics the school system can not claim they did not know.
Great questions!
The response was nothing until it all came to a head and the problem was finally solved.
Da_Man – SHE’S Gone and I would bet you that over 95% of the staff are as happy as can be !They can come and do their jobs without looking over their shoulder. As a former teacher in Harford Co. and a parent of a child (Beth’s daughter’s father)at JAS I’m very happy that someone stood up to the Board of Education and spoke the truth. It may seem as though the falculty was dragged into this procedure, BUT, the intent was there to explain what exactly has been going on for the past 3 years. If YOU(Are you a JAS employee ?)feel as though the teachers and staff have been looked down on…YOUR WRONG !!! Get a clue !!! The parents were backing the teachers and when this happens (the school and community working TOGETHER)positive things will happen. So please acknowledge the fact that the parents have pulled together to promote a postive change in how JAS is being influenced by their leader !!
P.S. This comment has nothing to do with the other issue (child being dragged !!)…ENOUGH SAID !!
P.S.S. If you dont like it…TOUGH !!!!
“Enough said”, you are correct with that statement. But you are incorrect with the “intent” statement. You should think before you speak. Anyone can see by your writing in this blog, that you do it from emotion and not common sense or fact. Many of the parents statements are out of context or just plain false. And I should remind everyone that only a very few parents agree with you. And most of the staff are tired of the rantings of the few parents. Most parents come and go day to day and love JAS. You in everyones face is just making people entertained at first, then sad for the school in the long run. How do you know that what you are doing is positive? It will take years to build up the school’s reputation again. The administration didn’t ruin it, a few parents and gossip did. You think you are helping but to who’s expense, the school and staff.
Hey HMMMMMMM…..I think you are ridiculous !! When a principle comes in and parks in a handicap parking space at a HANDICAP school…I think this would be enough to get rid of her !!! My daughter has been at this school for 17 years and my father worked there for 5+ years !! If anyone knows what was going on …he would. He didn’t have to work..he’s retired…he didnt need to help those kids, but, he did ! He does it for my daughter and the rest of the kids. He would come home with stories about the principle and her ways and it was ALWAYS negative. He would always say how the teachers fill threatened by their boss…..I dont get how anyone feels that this school was actually at a good status…BE REAL !!!!!!!!
What does a parking space or your father have to do with the slanderous statements you and the others are slinging around. The school was always in good standing. So glad that you are no longer associated with HCPS with your bad attitude and terrible spelling.
That’s where your theory is screwed there top dog. Over 95% of the staff are STILL looking over their shoulders because of the blanket accusations. See the difference? Not looking over their shoulder for Dr. M, but for a way their reputations can be repaired from the doubt and questions such innuendos produce. So I’d say my +96% trumps your 95% estimate.
Da_mnnn – Let me repeat myself the comment I made has nothing to do with the teachers…….do you have a GUILTY reputation ? Do you actually teach at JAS ? If you do you must be e rookie at your job….that would make sense !!
Hey Top.
May as well ask “are you a witch?” “Jude?” “Commie?”
“Hell no, I ain’t worried. I didn’t do this. You can’t convict me of something I didn’t do.” – John Stoll, one of the
accused in the Bakersfield day care scandal
Do some reading.
Done with you and it.
“I have seen there it takes on a very sneaky characteristic. It gives the appearance of wanting to give the staff a heads up, if you will, so things will appear “in order” when you get there instead of allowing you to see a true picture of what your child is doing. I may be being paranoid and reading too much into it but when it comes to your child, especially one that can’t speak, uses a wheelchair, needs her diaper changed, and is basically defenseless at the age of 17, you can’t be too careful.”
Beth: your quote from 3/14/2012 (6:36am) on another post regarding this subject. Seems to imply there is (was) collusion to hide things.
Just refering to general statements made about the staff, doesn’t help.
Da Man is probably DA Dr. Get to unpacking your box and try to sell some more jewelry.
You are correct, I did say that and I will still stand behind what I said. You, however, have taken it out of context. It was said not as an attack on the staff but as an explanation to the topic that was being discussed, that being the procedure we as parents had to follow in order to see our child in his/her classroom. I was explaining the way that policy made me feel and how that contributed to the general mistrust that has plagued the school. The mistrust began because of the actions, inactions, and policies of the current(now former) administartion.
I hope this clears up your misconception of my general attitude and posts. If it does not, I am happy to continue this discussion but I am also happy to let it go and just agree to disagree and let the future actions and results speak for themselves.
You are absolutely correct that it wasn’t until ’09 when the now former principal took over that you couldn’t freely go to your child’s classroom immediately after signing in at the office. I had the exact same feeling that everyone needed to be forewarned that a parent was coming to the classroom and I was made to wait quite awhile more than once. Does make you feel uneasy.
It was not “09”, it was spring of “11” after a visitor followed a HCPS employee around acting aggressive. Then the policy to be escorted in the building changed. And visitors have always been announced in classrooms even before Mary Denton. Would you want anyone walking into your child’s class during the middle of a lesson or even perhaps, during a time when teachers and paras are changing your child. JohnArcherMom, why do you only say negative comments. Is your child treated so poorly that you can’t say anything positive.
ALL of my “negative” comments have been directed at the now former principal NOT anyone else! She deserves nothing but my contempt. You know nothing of the things she said and did at our family’s IEP meetings, so don’t judge me HON!
Would you want another parent being brought to the classroom while your child may be having a breakdown? could that be the reason you waited? Just a thought. I don’t know if you ever considered that.
Just a correction of statements and an example of how easily the staff have been pictured as co-conspirators in the abuse…should be more aware of what’s being put in print and the insinuations made in these discussions…
I am sorry that some people took my statement as an insinuation against the staff. I have tried to be very business like in my posts and very specific so as not to be misunderstood. I will continue to try and maintain that standard and hope my future posts will leave less room for a person to “read into them”. Thank you for your comments and I hope I can do better in the future. I know I can’t please everyone, but it doesn’t hurt for me to make a genuine effort either.
OK, so the principal is ineffective and incapable to doing her job….I don’t know what she did to any child/children but this media mess is directly the result of her inability to run a school. So the BOE’s answer is a promotion. Typical Harford County.
With any luck her so called “promotion” will be a position that is suddenly eliminated due to budget cuts. Let’s hope anyway.
Please stop with your media blitz, we are very sorry that Matthew was restrained improperly. The teachers and staff will be educated on the proper use of restraints in the near future. New and improved protocols will be put in place. For this and the removal of the principal we are grateful. However, you are acting like they purposely meant to cause harm or kill your child. You know in your heart that was not the intent – come on! Matthew is not in John Archer anymore, you got what you wanted. You say you are trying to help the rest of the kids but you are are on some sort of vendetta against the whole school. Please stop, we need this school for our kids. Let us worry about our OWN kids, John Archer, the staff etc. You should focus your efforts on your own child and his new school. I wish you well in the future. NO one thinks the case is a criminally punishible act. Let JAS start over with a new beginning without further “help” from you.
Thanks so much and we truly hope you find peace in your new school.
Amen to Enough is Enough! Matthew was not being restrained or punished but transported. NO ONE had intent to harm him. this did not go on for months and Janice was present at every IEP mtg. She has had a history of changing details and facts to suit her mood and whim including “facts presented about her son’s medical history. Let it go Janice, this will only end sadly for everyone if you continue to harp on imagined wrongs.
yeah now they would like to get the focus off the ones who were involved,all you have to do is look at the tumbler and you can see how a child is supposed to lay in it(thats a no brainer)plus these people have been their for years wheather they’ve been trained or not they have seen it used enough times to know thats not how you place them and last it wasn’t on this childs IEP,therefore they had no business using it on him
How would you know if it is a “no brainer” ? You can put a student on the grasshopper in a prone position with a wedge. I don’t think Anthony was ever in one, was he? Just google tumbleform grasshopper instructions and look at page 6. You haven’t been at JAS for years so why are you making comments. Maybe you are an ex-employee for a good reason!
I guess the principal dragging a child face down by the legs isn’t a criminally punishable act either in your opinion.
I never said anything about the principal dragging incident. Yes if it occurred – she should be charged but obviously no one had the balls to call the authorities when it happened.
I have to agree with you on that one! IF she did indeed do that, it is DISGUSTING that no one who witnessed it called the authorites. Being fearful of losing your job is NO EXCUSE for not standing up for helpless young people being abused like that.
Enough is enough,
If your definition of intent to harm includes lying, deceiving and ommiting that a team of persons was using illegal restraints, then yes, they intended to harm him. If going contrary to his IEP and what was agreed upon in the meeting, then yes they intended to harm him. If using a SIP so that they would not need to notify me, which is against IDEA law, then yes they intended to harm him. It sounds harsh, but given the facts, it can only lead me to believe that this team did in fact intend to harm him. I am glad you are willing to look after your OWN child but will you look after the other children? What about the parents that need to work? Will you look after theirs? Matthew is still affected emotionally, if someone touches him the wrong way he responds with absolute fear, would you like to help him? If expecting the state’s attorney’s office to uphold the law that you and I are expected to follow is considered a vendetta, then I am guilty.
As for “A concerned party” you supposedly know me and Matthew’s dx so well, are you a staff member, or maybe part of the team that decided to break every law regarding restraints. The fact that you still see this as a “transport” concerns me all the more. If you would like to meet I”ll show you documentations of the supposed “imagined wrongs” including the MRI that shows Matthew received a torn tendon and the emotional trauma he sustained that is documented. Then you can show me the documentation of your allegations.
I wasn’t aware that an MRI was able to document the dat and time of an injury as well as who caused it.
JAS has a new start with the positive attitude of the staff and administration. They can overcome a parent that is not satisfied by the truth. The students are educated and loved at that school. Surely we can move on and ignore her negativity. Happy Easter, all is anew!
You only hear what you want to hear, read what you want to read…and ignore the facts that demonstrate this was not what you say it was. Instead of throwing around accusations, trying to get the new acting principal and four others fired to satisfy your bloodlust, just move on with your life and stop blaming everything that your child does 6 months after the fact on a group of people who just tried to help you with your child.
Dr, Montgomery not only failed in her role as principal at John Archer School, she failed as the chairperson of Central IEP Team. If a teacher made this many misjudgements, they would be on an assistance plan. Why does she get to move into another position at HCPS? There are different standards in place across the county. The leadership in this county is failing the students, parents and teachers. It is time for new, effective leadership at Central Office. I only hope the Board of Education is making plans. The citizens, including the children, deserve so much better. I don’t even recognize the county school system I was so proud of be a part of for decades.