Part two of a two-part overview of the year in music through lists and commentary. Part two contains lists and thoughts from other Harford County musicians and music affiliated, and a composite list of the Dagger Top Ten. Part one is from Dagger music columnist Scott Hammer and contributor Kevin Wenger.
Swans – The Seer – “Absolute quiet punctuated by bursts of absolute loud. Damn, I still get chills when I think about that” – Kevin Wenger “it’s Swans, so it’s good” -Kevin Niemann
Death Grips – Money Store – “This album has punk in its blood, but it was shot in there with a dirty needle. The production is raw, like Flatlander listened to a few Wolf Eyes albums” – KW “If you miss Public Enemy, don’t fear” -SH
Heavy Blanket – Heavy Blanket – “guitar solos rule, but it’s all about context. Heavy Blanket is just a full-length album with the right context” – Luke Boardman “I think Hendrix would be way stoked on J Mascis” – Brandon David (PSR, Enemy Insects)
Sea Patterns – Play Date – “from backyard trysts to wistful, aching hook laden wall of bloody valentines” – SH “Buncha Bel Air bros makin’ the big time, good pop songs, can’t wait for new sh*t”-KN
Dan Deacon – America – “glacial soundscapes, choral prairies, dancing beats, static stasis, abstract strokes, big country from Charm City’s ambient pop Deacon.” – SH
Ed Shrader’s Music Beat – Jazz Mind – “Sermon, Rats, and Gas Station Attendant are some of the most solid heavy songs to come out of Baltimore in a while. Stripped down, drum and bass, spitting in the face of hardcore” – KW
Gaslight Anthem – Handwritten – “Bringing the feel of blue collar America to the masses in the grand tradition of Bruce Springsteen” – Chris Allen “The group’s influences range from classic rock, to folk rock, to punk” – Aaron Hopkins (Colora)
Lee Ranaldo – Between the Times and the Tides – “Noise Rock meets Dad Rock, great melodies”- KN “scents of Haight-Ashbury” -SH
Sean Wilson – Chalkboard Kids – “pop songs to jam to…ambient explorations for hypothetical Australian mind voyages ” -KW “electro kandy kolored soul from a local kid” -SH
Spiritualized – Sweet Heart, Sweet Light – “Spiritualized continue to produce some of the most relevant and memorable psychedelic pop tunes out there today.” “heartache, regret, relationships, Jesus, and fast cars” – AH
Ty Segall – Twins – “Surf garage romps, tidal pysch waves, stonehenge pathways, avant delights from the Pacific.” “a plethora of wild ass lp’s released in last couple years – go get ’em all” – SH
*Swans number one, next three tied for second, seven tied for fourth. (midseason lists included in tally)
Top Local Sellers this Year at the Local Record Store on Main Street (in addition to the two above)
Roomrunner – Super Vague – “heavy nu-grunge noise rock” – KW Besides the dude from Bel Air on drums, for Record Store Day promotion label Fan Death Records, in support of indie stores, advanced copies of the 12″ to Baltimore’s stalwart punk store Celebrated Summer and Bel Air’s Coda Records. “Super Vague is a cigarette – short, audacious, and kills.” – SH
Nate Allan – When the Sun Comes Around – “a melange of cohesive smooth segueing songs spanning southern blues, bayside horizons and Greenwich Village” “Rhythm and blues, jazz, and white light/white heat.” – SH C Milton Wright High’s morning bell’s ringing, theres dancing in the hallway.
One Watt Sun – God Wants Us to Fail – “Intoxicating hooks, hammered into your skull with biting lyrics. Sweet nuthins’ whispered in the red, sliced like beefheart.” Guy Wallis, after a handful of years releasing his music free digitally, released this gem initially on cd only, giving a record store whiffs of days past as fans visited to grab their physical copy to hear the recording. “Pixie-like hooks and contrasts, but from loud to louder Husker Du’s” – SH
Pipe Smoking Rabbits – S/T – “Not psychedelic, but crack addled, hard rock candy” Would’ve moved more had they not given away free downloads from the get go, and they sold so many live, “riding that signature garage riff to the vanishing point with a naked girl on a Harley in the desert”. “Throttle back up, on the highway, death eating buzzards to the right, hazy horizon ahead – powerful and sexy as a ’70 440 Dodge Challenger.” SH
Special People – Advertise b/w Eye Movement – “while they played, I was reminded of Unwound, Shellac, and Jesus Lizard wrapped into one and spun around” – Travis Nutting “There’s a Baltimore sound and it is one of lo-fi guitars layered up to near hypnotic suggestion” -Blueberry, United Kingdom “phosphorescent grime from local label MT6” – SH
Friend Collector – American Demos – “The Baltimore zip code and solid CVs (see also The New Flesh, Pfisters) match well to the dunderheaded riffs, played with dedication to their own dunderheadedness and a singer who sweats by yelling. Inspirational Verse (from the sprawling “Least Offensive Option”): “Yeah… yeah, yeah, aw f**k yeah.” Yes.” -Joe Gross ( “powered up psychedelia urban guerrilla style – industrial, throbbing gristle and dark magus with local lad Gregory Dembeck, and Baltimore’s Jason Donnells and Scott Russell.” – SH
Feast of Epiphany – various – Nick Podgurski has released five cassettes and a vinyl edition of dark ambient, at once beautiful, old English folk, and harsh, black metal, drumless, guiding synthesizers and at times accompanied by guitar and bass, in the past two years since releasing the last Yukon release in ’11 where he lead a powerful intricate prog trio on drums. Mix that in with playing drums in now concluded art rock Extra Life who released their final album this year, and tours with both.
Carrying the Fire – Passed On – “each individual song carries their own character. Throughout the EP’s six tracks I hear everything from Downset to Good Riddance to Sick Of It All.” Sure it was late ’11 when they delivered a multitude of donated 7″ in about six colors. who’s gonna complain? Current and former members of xLooking Forwardx ” …definitely up’s the ante when it comes to song writing… Justin’s signature machine gun firing vocal delivery” – wren(sk) “riveting” – SH
Guest Lists – Local Musicians and music affiliated list and sometimes comment on their favorite records of 2012 and other primal listens
Chris Allen (DJ – WHFC 91.1/Lonesome Depths)
Here’s my 2012 best of list!
#10)”Uno”, “Dos”, and “Tre” by Green Day
Go ahead, crap on Green Day. It seems to be the cool thing to do for people who grew up listening to “Dookie”. If you want to be holier-than-thou and deplore them for their “commercialization” or “selling out”, be my guest. It’s just sad that you’ll miss three solid albums by a band finding it’s late period stride. People didn’t bitch about U2’s How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb sounding nothing like The Joshua Tree (ok, someone somewhere probably bitched a little). So stop trying to force Green Day to never grow up. Embrace them as they are, and discover a band who may not have grown up as much as everyone thinks they have.
#9) “Sun” by Cat Power
Some interesting rhythmic tracks, some heavy synths and a lot of emotion come out of Cat Power on her new disc. With a bit more drive and exploration then her previous album, Sun takes a trip back to the 80’s for some inspiration that is used to excellent effect. And if you enjoy this album, also look for “Generals” by The Mynabirds for more of the same feel.
#8) “Days Go By” by The Offspring
If you were laughing at me for listing Green Day, you’ll likely be discrediting everything I say at this point. Forget the pop-y singles released from the album. The band had to have SOMETHING to play on radio. Instead, go look up the opening track, “The Future Is Now” and tell me that it doesn’t sound like a reinvigorated band getting ready to thrash you in the face. The Offspring have something to say, and luckily they went into a studio to record it all. The resulting tracks include some of the strongest material the band has recorded in a decade. If you ever liked The Offspring, give their new disc a listen and you might fall for them all over again.
#7) “Nordo” by Air Traffic Controller
An indie band on it’s way up, fighting to be heard against the din. The tight hooks and arrangements help it stand above the rest, and the male/female vocal interplay a la The New Pornographers will bring gleam to even the low points on the album. The lead single “Hurry Hurry” is a high point on the album, a pitch perfect commentary about modern day society that hits close to home for lots of us. Please slow down and stop to enjoy the little things in life, like tiny unknown indie bands…
#6) “Handwritten” by The Gaslight Anthem
What else can I say about this band that hasn’t been said? Bringing the feel of blue collar America to the masses in the grand tradition of Bruce Springsteen, this Jersey band hits another one out of the park with a solid disc of tunes with the guitars cranked to 11. You either get it or you don’t, but at least give them a listen so you can be sure you’re not missing something great.
#5) “My Perception” by Black Box Revelation
Say hello to the first of the wave of new bluesy-rock bands in the wake of The Black Keys getting tons of mainstream exposure. Luckily, these guys are not some watered down cover band version. These two dudes are the real deal, so get in on the secret now.
#4) “Go” by Motion City Soundtrack
They’re one of my favorite bands, so of course they will find their way onto my list. Their lyrics continue to get more serious about complex life issues, as well as singer Justin Pierre’s OCD, among other things. They’re don’t sport as many full-on rocker tunes on this LP, which I’m a bit sad about since up-tempo synthy pop-punkish songs are what made me love them in the first place. But they certainly still know how to craft a quality piece of music, and fans shouldn’t overlook the album.
#3) “Not Your Kind Of People” by Garbage
Everybody loves a good comeback story, and everyone also seems to love a good comeback album. Shirley Manson and the rest of her band don’t disappoint. Like a lost old band shirt you discover behind the dresser that still fits, they’ve only gotten better with age. Classic Garbage with a few new tricks and instruments that they haven’t used since their hiatus, and definitely an album for a kick-ass Saturday night.
#2) “Lex Hive” by The Hives
God bless The Hives. Everything around them continues to change, and they stay blissfully the same, cranking out another batch of simple, catchy, balls to the wall rock n’ roll with a bombast that could only be made in Sweden. They use horns on a couple songs, for the first time ever, but they certainly don’t get in the way of the tried and true formula. Nothing game changing, except the fact that they don’t need to change to continue to be ahead of everyone else.
#1) “Blunderbuss” by Jack White
We all loved him in his other bands, but who knew they were holding him back? This solo effort, and his current tour behind the album, showcase that while he might be a bit obsessive and eccentric with his recordings and musicians, it pays off. Loud rocking numbers that are among some of the heaviest he’s ever written, along with some different number that make it a unique listen unlike anything else that will be put out this year (unless he releases a live album). Get. This. Album
Luke Boardman (Bloomer)
Ten Albums that shaped me in the year 2012:
1.) Heavy Blanket (almost too good to be true, It’s amazing this came out this year, makes me satisfied, if only briefly, with the state of music today. The fact that this album did as well as it did and people gave a shit says enough, guitar solos rule, but it’s all about context. Heavy Blanket is just a full-length album with the right context)
2.) Yes- Relayer (An under-looked Yes album but I contend it to be their greatest aside from Close to the Edge. The power and emotional intelligence they display through music is unparalleled)
3.) Fleetwood Mac- Rumors (Little did I know what really went into the album, but through the heartbreak and backstabbing, and affairs with the lighting engineer…and the rumors, one of the greatest albums ever made was created, there is no bad song in it, I dare you to make a case for one.
4.) Ravi Shankar and Yehudi Menuhin- West Meets East (A few months before Shankar’s death I came upon this record at Celebrated Summer Records (the one-stop-shop for punk and hardcore fans) of all places, and I just had to get it. Side one features duets between Shankar and Menuhin, on the sitar and violin respectively, and it’s brilliant. Side two is Menuhin and a piano, with jarring yet beautiful classical pieces.
5.) John Denver- Back Home Again (Got this for 25 cents at the Record and Tape traders in Towson, what a steal. The emotions evoked from this album are just wonderful.
6.) Grateful Dead- The first “Field Trip”, August 1972 (This live recording was my true introduction to the dead, and may I say, just wonderful. 3 full sets of them on top of their game, and psychic awareness…
7.) Joni Mitchell -Song to a Seagull (the way she plays guitar change the way I approached the instrument, and it’s best exemplified on this album. The moods she creates are tremendous, just with herself.
8.) Joni Mitchell- Blue (gotta have her on this twice, if you’re a songwriter and ever wondered what the essence of purging your inner space through music, this album is the master to learn from.
9.) Crosby, Stills, and Nash- Self titled (This album is harmony vocals 101, and vibes 401)
10.) Hume- Phasing (figured I’d put something else from this decade, on here, this released being in this year was just a plus. Now about to break up, Hume taught what groove really means and how it can effect people. Anyone who’s seen their shows can attest to this.
Abigail Dempsey (Paper Daughter)
1. Antifogmatic – Punch Brothers
2. The Head and the Heart – The Head and the Heart
3. Emotionalism- – The Avett Brothers
4. Live at the Banks House – United Pursuit
5. Winter – Jon Foreman
6. The Best of the Four Tops – The Four Tops
7. Cold Mountain Soundtrack
8. Here – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
9. Almost Famous Soundtrack
10. Shame Shame – Dr. Dog
Dolphinblood Clintnorris (The Golden Walrus)
1) Black flag – My War
2) Patti smith – Horses
3) Pearl Jam – Ten
4) Soundgarden – Louder Than Love
5) Nirvana – Bleach
6) At the drive-in – Acrobatic Tenement
7) Sonic Youth – Dirty / S/T
8) The Wipers – Youth of America / The Herd
9) The Residents – The Mole Trilogy
10) Cream – Disraeli Gears
other mentions
The Melivins – The Maggot
Incubus – Fungus Amongus
Primus – Frizzle Fry
The Jesus Lizard – Head/Pure
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Blood Sugar Sex Magik
The Mars Volta – Deloused in the Comatorium
Fugazi – The Argument – 13 songs
Leonard Cohen – Songs of Leonard Cohen
Tool – Opiate
Pink Floyd – Atom Heart Mother
Sean Gray (Fan Death Records/Coda Records)
top ten full lengths of the year (in no order)
Slices – Forever Cruising
Gabriel Saloman – Adhere
Silent Servant – Negative Fascination
Raime – Quater Turns Over A Living Line
Aaron Dilloway – Modern Jester
Swans – The Seer
Feast of the Epiphany – Indivinity III
Bukkake Boys – S/T
Grunt – World Draped In A Camouflage
Atom TM – Winterreise
John Hafferman (We’re All Ghosts)
10. M83- Until the Dawn Heals Us
9.Circa Survive- Blue Sky Noise
8. Caspian- The Four Trees
7. Fall of Troy- Doppelganger
6. You Blew It! – Grow Up Dude
5. Death Grips- self titled
4. Glassjaw- Our Color Green
3. Thrice- Beggars
2. This Will Destroy You- self titled
1. At the Drive-In- This Station is Non-Operational ( remastered/hits)
Nick Hammer (Coda Records)
Ty Seagall – Twins
Spiritualized – Huh?
Woods – Bend Beyond
Swans – The Seer
MV & EE – Space Homestead
Dan Deacon – America
Sic Alps – S/T
Heavy Blanket – S/T
Howlin’ Rain – Russian Wilds
Divine Fits – The Thing Called
Dustin Horsman (Of Rohan/Black Cohosh)
Favorite albums from 2012
Honorable mention: One Watt Sun- God Wants Us To Fail
10. Suis la Lune- Riala
9. Sea Patterns- Play Date
8. teen suicide- i will be my own hell because there is a devil inside my body
7. The Saddest Landscape- After the Lights
6. Sean Wilson- Chalkboard Kids
5. brick mower- My Hateable Face
4. Kishi Bashi- 151a
3. The Blue Letter- Love Is Not Control
2. Acidic Tree- Dead On Our Feet
1. Old Gray- Everything I Let Go & The Things I Refuse To
Jeff Koplovitz (Sea Patterns, Lean Horse Marathon)
List of favorites from 2012:
10. Nocturne | Wild Nothing
9. Mature Themes | Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti
8. Money Store | Death Grips
7. Spooky Action at a Distance | Lotus Plaza
6. A Different Ship | Here We Go Magic
5. Clear Moon | Mount Eerie
4. Shields | Grizzly Bear
3. Heaven | The Walkmen
2. Good Kid M.A.A.D City | Kendrick Lamar
1. Swing Lo Magellan | Dirty Projectors
Honorable mentions of 2012:
1. Bisch Bosh | Scott Walker
2. Attack on Memory | Cloud Nothings
3. Bloom | Beach House
4. Interstellar | Frankie Rose
5. Until the Quiet Comes | Flying Lotus
Something like this I think..
Chris Livingston (Failure by Design)
Here’s my year in music, 25 new/old records that stood out to me.
1. Handwritten – The Gaslight Anthem
2. The Front Bottoms (Self Titled)
3. The Clash (every album)
4. Let It Sail – Lost In Society
5. Floral Green – Title Fight
6. 24 Hour Revenge Therapy – Jawbreaker
7. Have You Seen My Prefrontal Cortex? – A Great Big Pile of Leaves
8. On The Impossible Past – The Menzingers
9. As The Eternal Cowboy – Against Me!
10. Go – Motion City Soundtrack
11. Live at Wembley – Frank Turner
12. The General Strike – Anti Flag
13. The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me – Brand New
14. Wrecking Ball – Bruce Springsteen
15. Covering Ground – Chuck Ragan
16. Comet – The Bouncing Souls
17. Resolutions – Dave Hause
18. Wasting Light – Foo Fighters
19. Incesticide – Nirvana
20. Uno & Dos – Green Day
21. Endgame – Rise Against
22. Maybe I’ll Catch Fire – Alkaline Trio
23. Jealous Again – Black Flag
24. Elsie – The Horible Crowes
25. Proper – Into It. Over It.
Andrew Mayton (Pallid, Libyan Suite, Son of the Morning, Mountainfeet, Of Rohan)
Top Ten for 2012
1. Dodecahedron – Self Titled (2012)
I had to warm up to this album at first, but it’s completely under my skin now. Progressive black metal at its most musically complex, as well as its darkest. The listener is dragged through pummeling, engaging rhythmic sections as well as into abysmal zones of pure texture.
2. Deathspell Omega – Paracletus (2010)
I actually got my first Deathspell Omega album, Kénôse, at CODA Records, after reading a whole bunch of hype about them all over the metal blogosphere. Don’t get me wrong, I still love that album, but it didn’t exactly justify the hype for me. It wasn’t until I listened to Paracletus did it click for me—Deathspell Omega really is the most progressive band in black metal right now. This album is stupid good and I had trouble putting Dodecahedron in front of it on this list, but Dodecahedron had the overall better album.
3. Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Allelujah! Don’t Bend! Ascend! (2012)
This is an obligatory addition to this list, as it’s not only one of the most solid releases of 2012, but it’s also one of the most anticipated. I only say “most solid” rather than “most mindblowingly amazing” just because I’d heard the two longer compositions from their live bootlegs I’d collected over the years. I’d essentially been listening to this album for about two years. However, hearing studio versions of the songs gave them full justice. The album is just as good as everything else they’ve ever released.
4. Raein – Sulla linea dell’orizzonte fra questa mia vita e quella di tutti (2011)
A somewhat new find for me, as I didn’t hear anything about it when they released it. Regardless, just when I thought their 2010 album couldn’t get any better, this comes out and tops everything they’ve ever released. Good old-fashioned skramz how it’s supposed to be.
5. Alex G/Phantom Lanterns/Pallid/Barbelith/Kilgore Trout show at the Bell Foundry (12/15/12) This was not one of Pallid’s most rehearsed sets, but we still pulled off a decent 25 minutes. However, it was the rest of the bands that really hit all the right notes for me—Alex G was some really good emo-ish poppy goodness, Phantom Lantern satisfied my craving for mathy, psychedelic chaos, Barbelith played one of the most perfect black metal sets I could imagine, and Kilgore Trout…man. Kilgore Trout. Truly one of the best emo violence bands still doing it. Everything about it was perfect.
6. Trioscapes – Separate Realities (2012)
7. Happy Apple – Happy Apple Back on Top (2007)
8. Ash Borer – Self-titled (2011)
9. Alice Coltrane – Turiya Sings (1982)
10. Between the Buried and Me – Parallax II: Future Sequence (2012)
Shane McCarthy (Andrala Music)
1- boards of canada geogaddi
2- spiritulized- sweet heart sweet light
3- bonnie prince billy- i see a darkness
4- eluvuim- talk amongst the trees
5- matthew dear- black city
6- pantha du prince- diamond daze
7- robag wruhme- thora vukk
8- pink floyd obscured by clouds
9- autechre- incunabula
10- radiohead- amnesiac
11- my bloody valentine- loveless
12- atlas sound- bedroom databank 4/ deerhunter- microcastle
13- fennesz- endless summer
14- man man- the man in a blue turban with a face
15- liars- drums not dead/ wixiw
16- aphex twin- richard d james
17- wilco- summerteeth
18- amon tobin- bricolage
19- nicolas jaar- space is only noise
20- department of eagles- in ear park
21- suuns- zeroes qc
22- bvdub & ian hawgood- the truth hurts
23- casino vs japan- whole numbers play the basics
24- fiery furnaces- blueberry boat
25- ussa pleasuredome- icon
Connor Neumann (Failure by Design)
1. Endgame – Rise Against
2. Handwritten- Gaslight Anthem
3. GO – Motion City Soundtrack
4. The Frontbottoms – The Frontbottoms
5. Let It Sail – Lost in Society
6. Proper – Into It. Over It.
7. Chamberlain Waits – The Menzingers
8. Floral Green – Title Fight
9. Deja Entendu – Brand New
10. We Don’t Stand a Chance – AM Taxi
Kevin Niemann (Libyan Suite)
top whatever list
1. Ed Schrader’s Music Beat – Jazz Mind [minimalist rocking beats, great lyrics, etc]
2. Swans – The Seer [it’s Swans, so it’s good]
3. Titus Andronicus – Local Business [Band that continues to advance and mature, and of course impress]
4. Sea Patterns – Play Date [Buncha Bel Air bros makin’ the big time, good pop songs, can’t wait for new shit]
5. Lee Ranaldo – Between the Times and the Tides [Noise Rock meets Dad Rock, great melodies]
Travis Nutting (Friday Morning Classics Host WHFC 91.1)
1) Keiji Haino / Jim O’Rourke / Oren Ambarchi: Imikuzushi
2) Lee Ranaldo: Between the Times and the Tides
3) Heavy Blanket: Heavy Blanket
4) Squarepusher: Ufabulum
5) Thurston Moore and John Moloney: Caught on Tape
6) Friend Collector: American Demos
7) John Adams: Grand Pianola Music/Steve Reich: Eight Lines and Vermont
Counterpoint, Ransom Wilson conducting, Solisti New York Orchestra
8) Autechre: Quaristice:Limited Edition, Quaristice:Quadrange EP
9) Kuedo: Severent
10) Philip Glass: Heroes Symphony; The Light
11) Vijay Raghav Rao, Alla Rakha: Flute and Sitar Music of India
12) Johann Johannsson: The Miner’s Hymns
13) Incantation: Diabolical Conquest
14) Philip Glass: Rework
15) Body Cop: Body Cop
Nick Podgurski (Feast of Epiphany/Extra Life)
1. Space Opera – Holy River
2. SAS Delemont (Switzerland)
3. Piotr Kamler’s ‘Chronopolis’
4. Pallbearer – Extinction and Sorrow
5. Longmont Potion Castle Vol. 9
6. Haus Arafna – New York Rhapsody
7. Buzzcocks – Love Bites
8. The Human Expression – Love at Psychedelic Velocity
9. The Roger Wagner Chorale (solo – Salli Terri) – I Wonder As I Wader (arr. John Jacob Niles)
10. Phoenix – Cei ce ne-au dat nume
Vincent Seadler (Libyan Suite/Of Rohan)
This year in 2012 I’ve found myself mostly going backwards into the mid to late 00’s and new local artists here in Maryland. This list is in no particular hierarchy:
1. Gold Panda /Companion
2. The Books / Food for Thought
3. Flying Lotus / Until the Quiet Comes
4. Kendrick Lamar / Good Kid M.A.A.D. City
5. Life Without Buildings / Any Other City
6. Sea Patterns / Play Date
7. Neko Case / Blacklisted
8. Pygmy Lush / Mount Hope
9. Phillip Glass / The Hours
10. Toe / For Long Tomorrow
Honorable Mention:
Shakey Graves / Roll the Bones.
An enormous amount of Ravi Shankar which has lead me deep into the musical tradition of India.
Guy Wallis (One Watt Sun, Mount Weather)
Top ten best Hungry D albums!!!
Sean Michael Wilson (Sean Wilson/Bloomer)
Bruce Springsteen-Wrecking Ball
Tame Impala – Lonerism
Kurt Rosenwinkle – Star of Jupiter
Fiona Apple – The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
Brian Eno – lux
Christian Scott -atunde adjuah
Ariel Pink- mature themes
Twin Shadow -Confess
the bad plus – Made Possible
Swans – the seer
Matt Zorzi (Bloomer)
1. Cloud Nothings – Attack on Memory
2. King Tuff – King Tuff
3. Titus Andronicus – Local Business
4. Dustin Wong – Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow Leads
5. Time Columns – Mana
6. The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Aufheben
7. Sean Wilson – Chalkboard Kids
8. Toe – The Future is Now EP
9. Dan Deacon – America
10. Dope Body – Natural History
chanel ???