The blotter is compiled from records of calls for service received by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The records are reviewed and prepared for publication by Dagger staff. They do not include records from municipal or state law enforcement agencies.
A caller from the 4800 block of Mantlewood Way reported Wednesday someone was riding a four-wheeler on private property.
A caller from the 100 block of Spesutia Road reported Wednesday the caller possibly found a stolen bicycle.
A caller from the 3300 block of Nova Scotia Road reported a confrontation at the caller’s location Wednesday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Aldino Road reported Thursday someone was trying to pry open a window at the caller’s neighbor’s.
A caller from the area of South Philadelphia Boulevard and Old Philadelphia reported a vehicle swerving in the road Thursday.
A caller from the 600 block of Chelsea Road reported Thursday someone got out of a car and pushed the caller.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Technology Drive reported vandalism Thursday.
A caller from the 100 block of Waldon Road reported Wednesday a vehicle had been vandalized overnight.
A caller from the 2700 block of Philadelphia Road reported a juvenile complaint Wednesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported a hit and run accident Wednesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Branchwood Court reported Wednesday being shot with a BB gun.
A caller from the 3000 block of Laurel Bush Road reported an accident blocking traffic Wednesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Waldon Road reported Wednesday drug fumes were coming from an apartment.
A caller from the caller from the 3600 block of Longridge Court reported theft of money Wednesday.
A caller from the area of Long Bar Harbor Road and Longley Road reported a suspicious person or situation Wednesday.
A caller from the 3400 block of Philadelphia Road reported a possibly broken down vehicle Wednesday.
A caller from the 3900 block of Pulaski Highway reported exposure Wednesday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Old Emmorton Road reported Wednesday the caller’s wife broke in and stole a PS3.
A caller from the area of Kensington Parkway and Box Hill Court reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from Boxridge Drive reported Thursday a random was requested for the caller’s daughter.
A caller from Wegmans Boulevard reported Thursday a vehicle was struck in a parking lot.
A caller from the 500 block of Nanticoke Court reported Thursday the caller’s daughter was being harassed.
A caller from the 2900 block of Strathaven Lane reported a suspicious vehicle across the street from the caller Thursday.
Bel Air
A caller from the 100 block of North Lynbrook Road reported a suspicious vehicle Wednesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Richwood Road reported Wednesday an overdose.
A caller from the 1500 block of Northam Court reported Wednesday a person previously identified as missing had returned.
A caller from the 1400 block of Rock Spring Road reported theft from a locker Wednesday.
A caller from the area of Route 924 and Ring Factory Road reported an accident requiring rescue Wednesday.
A caller from the area of Brierhill Drive and Todd Road reported an accident Wednesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Churchville Road reported an accident Wednesday.
A caller from South Main Street reported Wednesday a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle in front of 45 South Main Street.
A caller from the 500 block of West MacPhail Road reported a dog bite Wednesday.
A caller from Patterson Mill Road reported a suspicious person or situation Wednesday.
A caller from South Bond Street reported Wednesday the caller believed his vehicle had been stolen.
A caller from the 500 block of David Drive reported of a parking complaint Wednesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Shirley Drive reported loud music from a vehicle Wednesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Evergreen Road reported Wednesday someone left a water hose on.
A caller from the 700 block of West MacPhail Road reported violation of a peace order Wednesday.
A caller from the 800 block of High Plain Drive reported a suspicious van in the caller’s neighborhood Wednesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Royal Oak Drive reported loud music from another apartment Thursday.
A caller from the 500 block of South Fountain Green Road reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from the 2000 block of Elm Street reported Thursday a vehicle had been vandalized and a tire flattened.
A caller from the 1500 block of Fountain Glen Drive reported Thursday a car was broken into.
A caller from the 1300 block of Brushing Lane reported theft of cash and a GPS unit Thursday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mary Jane Lane reported theft from a vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the 700 block of West MacPhail Road reported an abandoned car Thursday.
A caller from Bel Air Police in the 400 block of West MacPhail Road requested assistance with a traffic stop Thursday. Help was needed to print a ticket.
A caller from the 1800 block of Emmorton Road reported Thursday a camera in a tree was aimed at a bank.
A caller from the 600 block of Hoagie Drive reported two counts of employee theft Thursday.
A caller from the area of Shephard Court and Brentwood Park Drive reported a vehicle without tags Thursday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mary Jane Lane reported theft from a vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the 800 block of Bel Air Road reported theft of a tag from a vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the area of Route 136 and Goat Hill Road reported a dog in a roadway Thursday.
A caller from the 700 block of South Fountain Green Road reported Thursday tools had been stolen.
A caller from the area of North Tollgate Road and the Bel Air Bypass reported an accident Thursday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Agora Drive reported a hit and run accident Thursday.
A caller from the 800 block of Bel Air Road reported a civil dispute Thursday.
A caller from South Main Street reported a suspicious person and circumstance Thursday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Bramble Brooks Lane reported a disturbance with a neighbor Thursday.
A caller from South Main Street reported identity theft Thursday.
A caller from South Main Street reported telephone harassment of a minor Thursday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported a fight with another resident Thursday.
A caller from the 300 block of Brunswick Drive reported theft from a vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the 100 block of Courtland Place reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from Greenridge Road reported a vehicle speeding through a neighborhood Thursday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Byrnes Court reported Thursday someone broke into an apartment.
A caller from the 1400 block of Golden Rod Court reported an overdose Wednesday.
A caller from the 4800 block of Water Park Drive reported Wednesday a minivan with Texas tags was parked in a restricted area.
A caller from the 4400 block of Sanford Court reported Thursday a suspicious vehicle across from the caller’s address.
A caller from the 4600 block of Mercedes Drive reported vandalism Thursday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Jervis Square reported Thursday the caller’s mother was having a stroke and the caller’s brother was on drugs and may kill someone.
A caller from the 1300 block of Policy Drive reported suspicious juveniles Thursday.
A caller from the area of Route 155 and Glenville Road reported an accident requiring rescue Wednesday.
A caller from Glenville Road reported an accident Wednesday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Darlington Road reported Wednesday the caller’s daughter was grabbed by a man and then followed home from an unknown grocery store.
A caller from the 1700 block of Trappe Church Road reported Thursday a vehicle was stuck in the caller’s back yard.
A caller from the area of Route 1 and Shuresville Road reported an accident with injuries Thursday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Candlewood Court reported Wednesday tags were stolen from a car.
A caller from the 400 block of Meadowood Drive reported theft from a residence Wednesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Holly Avenue reported drug activity at the caller’s location Wednesday.
A caller from Carroll Avenue reported Wednesday a person came after the caller with a bat.
A caller from the 500 block of Jamestown Court reported Wednesday a neighbor was harassing the caller.
A caller from the 600 block of Edgewood Road reported a parking complaint Wednesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Kingston Court reported Wednesday a coworker’s husband was being disorderly.
A caller from the 1800 block of Eloise Lane reported Wednesday a group of people was going outside to fight.
A caller from the 1700 block of Edgewood Road reported Wednesday a woman was banging on doors.
A caller from the 1700 block of Deerwood Court reported drug deals at the caller’s location Wednesday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Emmorton Park Road reported Wednesday the caller found two bullets at a hotel entrance.
A caller from the 1700 block of Edgewood Road reported a drugs deal at the caller’s location Wednesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Meadowood Court reported Wednesday someone tried to break into the caller’s residence.
A caller from the 1600 block of Candlewood Court reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Trimble Road reported an accident involving a fork lift Thursday. There were injuries.
A caller from the 500 block of Candlewood Drive reported hearing a woman scream Thursday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Bayberry Road reported Thursday trailers were parked in the roadway.
A caller from the 500 block of Meadowood Drive reported theft from and damage to a vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Harford Square Drive reported Thursday a vehicle had been parked at a park since May 4th.
A caller from the 1000 block of Waterside Court reported a possible burglary Thursday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Willoughby Beach Road reported theft Thursday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Willoughby Beach Road reported vandalism Thursday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Hanson Road reported Thursday a friend had been assaulted.
A caller from the 1300 block of Goldmeadow Way reported noise in another apartment Thursday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Brookside Drive reported Thursday a suspicious man was at the Edgewood recreation center.
A caller from the area of Fountain Rock Way and Brookside Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from the area of Entrance Way and Woodbridge Station reported Thursday a person fell off of a bicycle.
A caller from the 2500 block of Hanson Road reported fraud Thursday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pulaski Highway reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mountain Road reported a suspicious person or situation Wednesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Smith Lane reported Wednesday a suspicious man was following women on the Ma & Pa Trail.
A caller from the area of Suffolk Lane and Aintree Lane reported an abandoned vehicle Wednesday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Furnace Road reported a burglary Wednesday.
A caller from the area of Watervale Road and Vale Road reported a tree in the roadway Thursday.
A caller from Franklins Chance Court reported an abandoned utility trailer Thursday.
Forest Hill
A caller from the 1900 block of Munsey Drive reported theft from a jewelry box Wednesday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Robin Circle reported receiving threatening telephone calls Wednesday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Denwright Court reported identity theft Wednesday.
A caller from East Jarrettsville Road reported Wednesday someone threw or shot something and the caller’s vehicle.
A caller from the 2300 block of Ady Road reported a suspicious person or situation Wednesday.
A caller from Walters Mill Road reported a cow in the roadway Thursday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Forest View Drive reported telephone harassment Thursday.
A caller from the 100 block of East Jarrettsville Road reported theft Thursday.
Havre de Grace
A caller from the 100 block of Hopkins Road reported a person violating a protective order Thursday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported theft Wednesday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported Wednesday the caller had been assaulted by the other driver in an accident.
A caller from the 2000 block of Nelson Mill Road reported Wednesday someone was stealing wood from the caller’s residence.
A caller from the 3900 block of Madonna Road reported Wednesday a front door had been tampered with.
A caller from the 3800 block of Old Federal Hill Road reported Thursday an accident had just occurred.
A caller from the 4100 block of Federal Hill Road reported a suspicious man who came out of an abandoned house Thursday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported fraud Thursday.
A caller from the area of North Bend Road and Old Federal Hill reported suspicious people in the caller’s area Thursday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Pulaski Highway reported harassment Wednesday.
A caller from the area of Old Joppa Road and Jerusalem Road reported an accident with injury Wednesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Foster Knoll Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Wednesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Wednesday the caller thought her van was stolen.
A caller from the 700 block of Pulaski Highway reported a trespassing woman Wednesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Wednesday vandalism to a vehicle.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft Wednesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Haverhill Road reported an injured dog Wednesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Joppa Farm Road reported a suspicious person or situation Wednesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft of 300 feet of electrical cable Thursday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Thursday a man at a gas station took the caller’s money.
A caller from Joppa Road at the railroad tracks reported Thursday a train struck a pedestrian.
A caller from the 2500 block of Lincrest Road reported Thursday a person fell out of a wheelchair.
A caller from the 900 block of Trimble Road reported Thursday a fourth grader had a knife.
A caller from the 300 block of Brittany Drive reported Thursday the caller’s son was being bullied.
A caller from the 700 block of Falconer Road reported Thursday a wallet had been stolen.
A caller from the area of Singer Road and Atkisson Road reported Thursday the caller was following a person driving under the influence.
A caller from the area of Route 152 and Trimble Road reported an accident blocking traffic Thursday.
A caller from the 900 block of Philadelphia Road reported a suspicious vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the 800 block of Karylou Circle reported an abandoned vehicle Thursday.
A caller from the 200 block of Pylesville Road reported an assault Wednesday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Federal Hill Road reported Wednesday a young man came out of an abandoned house. The caller took a picture of him.
A caller from the 3300 block of Forge Hill Road reported attempted theft Wednesday.
A caller from the 3500 block of Mill Green Road reported Wednesday someone was banging on a door.
A caller from the area of Route 440 and Route 543 reported a suspicious person or situation Thursday.
A caller from the 3600 block of Emory Church Road reported an allergic reaction Thursday.
A caller from the area of Prospect Road and Bay Road reported a reckless driver Thursday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Dublin Road reported an accident Thursday.
A Caller from the 2900 block of Dublin Road reported Thursday an accident with entrapment and the vehicle was on fire.
A caller from the area of Route 136 and Ridge Road reported an animal complaint Wednesday.
A caller from Quarry Road reported Wednesday finding an ATV in the woods.
A caller from the area of Route 165 and Saint Marys Road reported a traffic offense Thursday.
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