The Wetlands annexation group filed a $15 million defamation suit on Halloween Day against Art and Ann Helton, the New Harford Democratic Club and club president John Haggerty.
The suit stems from a flyer the Heltons and the Club allegedly designed and distributed prior to the December 2006 special election on the Wetlands Golf Course property annexation. The flyer purportedly asked residents to “Save Aberdeen” by voting against the Wetlands annexation and went on to claim annexation of the property would bring 7,800 townhouse units to the site, do away with the golf course, remove all open space and significantly increase crime in the area.
The Wetlands development team, of course, refutes those claims citing among other things, a provision in the annexation agreement which would have protected the golf course for a minimum of 20 years. The group also contends the 7,800-unit figure was extremely misleading as it was apparently calculated using the greatest possible density on the total site acreage without taking into consideration streets, setbacks, undevelopable areas, etc.
The word on why the libel suit was filed just 5 days before the city’s Nov. 6 municipal election officially has to do with the one-year statute of limitations in libel and defamation cases. Unofficially, the Wetlands guys want to show the public what kind of campaign Helton and his Club truly run.
The posts by joshua and amnesia are just plain funny. No matter what side of the issues you fall on, you have to admit that they were good.
Seems like ACT and Johnson aren't the only ones familiar with the court system. Good for the Wetlands!
I guess they need more money for Fred Simmons Mayoral election campaign! Haaaaaaa!
sure, because they’ll get that 15 mil in the next couple of days…
The Wetlands response to Artfully Done.
$15 million hardly seems enough. Why not ask for a bajillion dollars, a zillion bajillion dollars? And throw in a suitcase full of diamonds!
When I read the headline I thought that was the Aegis lawsuit against the Dagger….
Brian: Hopefully these smear tatics will end on Tuesday.I,Ann,nor The Harford Democratic Club authorized or paid for any mail piece regarding the Aberdeen annexation referendum.Is this bad information or a personal attack on us ? How about the timing? Art
That’s not smearing, that’s reporting. The timing is b/c it happened two days ago. That’s one thing these guys promise, to deliver the goods no matter what. If you read, Brian said “allegedly” and “purportedly”. That’s what the suit said, that’s what he wrote. If you’re looking for an endorsement for your buddies, I don’t think this is the forum.
Maybe you just “don’t remember” authorizing or paying for the flyer…kind of like how you “don’t remember” if you ever voted in an Aberdeen election.
Has anyone tried to call the number on the flyer?
The message says Helton Properties
AND this was on the email that went out for the New Harford Democratic Club…….
Campaign workers are needed for the Aberdeen election on Sat. Nov 3rd at 10 am and Sun. Nov 4th at 11 am for door knocking and literature drops. Meet at Mayor Candidate Mike Bennett's House, 5 N. Rogers
St., in Aberdeen. Call NHDC office for more info 410-272-7139
Oh I forgot "Its all about TRUST"
Hey Steve, Harfordnow:
That was a joke dude! Lighten up! I thought it was funny. HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA
Art is like Ruth…some much non-sense they forget what they have done or didn't do. Oh well.
Man, Acrobat you scared me for a minute. I have to remember to read the whole post! I was just browsing and thought you switched on us!
It is obvious that Art Helton has a selective memory. Maybe that’s why the citizens of Harford County don’t ever elect him (or his wife and thugs) to public office anymore. Let’s hope that trend continues on Novemeber 6th!
BTW: does anyone know what he ever did as a County Councilman or State Senator? I’m a little too young to have any first hand knowledge and it would be interesting to know.
From The Dagger mailbox this morning:
"Neither the New Harford Democratic Club, nor I, as president, had any connection to the flyer in question arguing against annexation of the Wetlands property into the City of Aberdeen. Further, I can categorically state that the New Harford Democratic Club was not involved in any way in any activity involving the annexation process or in any of the efforts for or against the annexation prior to the referendum.
With regards,
John Haggerty, President
New Harford Democratic Club"
Wow, that clears everything up! Thanks Mr Haggerty!
Sorry, I didn't make that last post.
Just like a non-partisan election and the New Harford Democratic Club sends out vote democrat literature but they leave Mike off and he's a democrat. Partisan politics within their own party, now that's sad!
Mike is a turncoat and does not deserve a seat on the council. By turncoat I'm saying he will go any way the wind blows.
I will agree that the election should stay non-partisan.
Where Is Daddy?
if you read and earlier post.daddy was proposeing a gun fight with aberdeen voter at city hall. he supposedly ( daddy) had out of town calling's.
so Daddy, Employee, &Jason are all one in the same. because none of them have responded to this blog lately. Hummm….interesting.
Not living in the city, but I have heard that Mr. Simmons was on the Stadium Board of directors, if this is true how come he Knows nothing of the Crazy contracts that were sent out and signed by the city?? Not bashing Fred but this Question has come up before and I have not seen an answer??
Dad – Unfortunately, the time for asking questions is over.
Regardless of what happens tomorrow, the sun will come up on Aberdeen Wednesday. I honestly believe that if Simmons gets elected, Aberdeen will continue on its course to forever be changed into a considerably more progressive city; utilizing a balanced budget and maximizing the potential of BRAC and ushering Aberdeen into this new era.
I also honestly believe that if Bennett gets elected, Aberdeen will fade back into the status quo; the flare will be gone, and the charge of the city will be handed over to Doug Miller much in the same way it was to Peter Dacey during the Wilson administration (which is the only possible outcome that can come from going from a full time mayor to a part time mayor). Unfortunately, I think this means that Aberdeen will probably also return to its position as Harford County's red-headed stepchild. In the past three weeks in Aberdeen I have seen Bennett walking in Aberdeen, and have yet to hear his voice. If elected, I certainly hope he decides to speak up on our behalf.
Either way, like I said, the sun will come up on Wednesday. I personally am voting for Simmons, but am unwilling to proclaim that anyone running or voting against him is somehow my enemy. It's a shame that so many – on both sides – have resorted to so much negativity and hostility.
No matter what happens, get out and vote tomorrow – and go knock on your neighbors door and bring them too! Should be exciting!
Good luck to all!
Wilson and Dacey are to blame for the Riken Stadium fiasco. Ripken Stadium was represented by big money lawyers that specialize and Wilson/ Dacey represented Aberdeen. It's not Fred Simmons fault that the former mayor thought that he could run with the big dogs. Forget the porch, he should have stayed on the sofa, them dogs were way too big!
To my favorite persons (?): Nope: Jason, Daddy, and Employee are not the same persons. I cannot vouch for Daddy and Employee, but they are not me. See you at the polls!
Just wanted to say that even though I don't really have a platform (other than I hate Simmons), and I have no idea what I am doing, please vote for me Rick Denu. I will promise to push Art Helton's, I mean Mike Bennett's, personal agenda through the City Council and help make Art Helton's pockets, I mean the City of Aberdeen, a much richer place.
Oh, and I want to use the park too!!!! Sniffle, sniffle.
and still not funny….its more entertaining to read what ridiculous comments the real maggie mae has to say….quit stealing her thunder, douche.
Citizen why waste your time on maggie mae…why not talk about dave yensan and all of the medals that he won while serving the city
or better……..lets talk about hiobs inconsistencies.
Why don't you guys let it go! All I did was tell you what I saw! Don't hate the messenger! Don't make me call on some other citizens who saw it too. I will not reveal who I am. He is s scarey man who carries a gun.
What a hoot….to think that Art Helton is the "Puppet Master". Trying to lead a bunch of City polictical wanna-bees is like trying to heard squirrels
aw shut it mike4400. Hooray, Hooray, Hooray! sour grapes that's all! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike4400…….I and many others (voters) agree with you 100%. As we all know Art Helton has done a great deal to improve our fair City AND on his own dime.Take a look at the derelick properties that are now some of (if not the best) the nicest looking buildings in town.
Uh, mike4400, unless you're actually listening to the squirrels, herd is spelled "herd" vice "heard".