More than 2,500 Aberdeen voters cast a ballot Tuesday, a greater number than participated in the record-setting pace of the December 2006 special election, flushing Mayor S. Fred Simmons and his right-hand man Councilman Dave Yensan out of office and ushering in a new era for the city with Mike Bennett as mayor and first-time candidate Ruth Ann Young joining incumbents Ruth Elliott, Ron Kupferman and Mike Hiob on the council.
With just 68 absentee ballots left to count Tuesday night and an undisclosed number of provisional votes to be tallied Thursday morning, the results of the 2007 Aberdeen municipal election are unlikely to change.
Elliott, who considered running for mayor herself about a year ago, garnered 150 more votes than Bennett, even though she ran in a field of 10 from which voters could select 4 candidates. Bennett collected about 400 more votes than Simmons and 19-year-old challenger Nicole Burlew didn’t have the impact many hoped she might – bringing in fewer than 200 votes.
Council candidate Bernard DeWitt finished 63 votes behind Hiob, who took the fourth spot on the council. It is unlikely DeWitt will be able to make up the difference with the absentee and provisional ballots. Hiob had been the leading vote-getter in each of his two prior elections, but this go-round was just barely able to survive being taken down with the anti-Simmons/Yensan ticket with which he was linked. Council candidate Rick Denu finished in sixth place and 34 votes behind DeWitt. Yensan finished in a disappointing 8th place out of the 10 council candidates and 21 votes behind first-time candidate Bruce Garner.
Election Day began with rain, was punctuated by a boy playing violin on a street corner and the traffic-weaving antics of a loose dog and ended with tears in the eyes of both the victorious and defeated.
The announcement of the vote totals was much less dramatic than previous years as the numbers were taped up on a wall of the Senior Center as they came out of the voting machines. As such, the writing was literally on the wall after the first few machines tallies had been posted.
Speaking with the soon-to-be-former mayor as he was told he had lost by a sizable margin in each of the first seven or so voting machines, Simmons told me there is greater poetry in his losing the race. It brought to mind a frequent saying of his, “The people get the government they deserve.”
Simmons said he has no plans to remain involved in city politics, will not accept a local or state government appointment and is content at having done the best job he could do for Aberdeen.
It remains to be seen whether the Bennett administration, with Elliott almost certainly serving as council president, will maintain some of Simmons’ most productive and questionable initiatives.
Will Aberdeen continue to pursue the sale of Ripken Stadium? Will the city continue to look to the bay for the future source of its drinking water? What will become of the $100,000 surveillance camera wall and program in Aberdeen? How about the long-ballyhooed Matrix – an end-all-be-all to solving annexation problems, which never materialized? Will the city continue with its Unity in the Community events? Will the police department’s Rapid Response Team continue to have the funding and carte blanche support to clean up Aberdeen? Will the ‘War Room’ stay as Fred set it up? Will the giant bell Fred hung up in City Hall remain? What city department heads and officials will be next to go?
Mike Bennett – 1,323
Nicole Burlew – 181
S. Fred Simmons – 908
Alfred Bell – 333
Rick Denu – 829
Bernard DeWitt – 863
Ruth Elliott – 1,484
Bruce Garner – 698
Janice Grant – 428
Mike Hiob – 926
Ron Kupferman – 1,113
Dave Yensan – 677
Ruth Ann Young – 970
Did I really see Art Helton walk in to the Senior Center with Steve Johnson as votes were being tallied? Steve grinning ear to ear, Art culling his herd. The puppet master has one, welcome to Artheltondeen for the next two years.
Well congratulations to the winners, condolences to the defeated, and Denu and Garner don't give up, please do try again in two more years.
To the winners I wish to say that I have held on to the literature that you handed out and you will be held accountable. Mayor Bennett will be held accountable for lowering taxes and water rates…..HE PROMISED………and no cutting services, that's a cop out. If Aberdeen doesn't get the full benefit from BRAC, you'll be held accountable for that too.
Special congrats to Ruth Ann Young, you earned every vote and please do not lose your passion!! Stay tough on crime and gangs just like you promised, the police are going to need some backing to keep our streets as safe as they are now. I submit that you are indeed the voice of public safety when it comes to this new council, so please stay focused, informed, and , well, stay just who you are because you will do good for the residents of Aberdeen.
Once again, Denu and Garner, don't give up, two years isn't that long away, start early, get the war chest built up, and the second run will be the charm.
Fred: THANKS for the ride!
Oops, left out the word "plan". Should be: The puppet master has one plan, welcome to Artheltondeen for the next two years. My bad.
Hooray, hooray, hooray. That’s all I can say!
The People have spoken. We do not want a bunch of Brown Shirts kicking in doors,spending tax dollars on Cameras or an untrained officials riding Shotgun with the police to stage raids on "Undesirables" Hopefully (now) we will not see roadblocks manned with Citizens asking "Where are your Papers"?
The People have Spoken
Great victory for the citizens of Aberdeen. As an Aberdeen property owner and businessman for over 40 years my passion and love of Aberdeen is deep and lasting. I will continue to do my part to help this great place grow and prosper. Please don't question my love for Aberdeen and it's citizens. Art
Ditto Mr. Helton
Rwinger let me give you a tip.
In future elections you may just want to stay away from these venues. You make no sense most of the time and only show you have no facts. stop speaking with emotion and hatred, growup and gather facts.
your boys Denu (where is he?), Simmons, Yesnan got soundly defeated.
Mrs. Elliott cleaned house!!!
You cannot expect Mr Bennett to clean the mess up that Simmons created in 2 years. It took him longer than that to mess it up.
Mrs. Elliott has a following for a reason. She listens to ALL the people. Notice the word LISTEN?
"You cannot expect Mr Bennett to clean the mess up that Simmons created in 2 years. It took him longer than that to mess it up."
But…he's only been in office for 2 years…and you expected him to clean up Wilson's mess…I don't get it.
I am soooo pleased with the results.
Mrs. Elliott DID clean house!! She is for the citizens and the citizens came out and showed their support for her.Congrats Ruth on a job well done!!!
Mr. Bennett is a wonderful man and will make every effort to try and start the healing process for Aberdeen. I'm sure of that!
I'm sure Mike Hiob will be doing some groverling now that his comrades have been sent packing. Mike,I hope you learned your lesson. I was at the polls last night when they tallied the votes. Mike was not to happy .Red faced and aloof,standing away from the other winners.Sorry MIke, if you can't hang maybe you should resign.
All in all it was great! Onward to a newer and better Aberdeen!!!! I love this city!!!!!!
Congratulations to Ruth Ann Young, Mike Hiob, Ron Kupferman, and Mike Bennett.
I left Mrs. Ruth Elliott out on purpose. She has no purpose. Her only purpose is to say, "I am for the people." What has she done for the people? Elliott falsified documents and assisted the NON RESIDENTS with a lawsuit against the City, thus costing the taxpayers a lot of attorney and legal fees.
All of your posts have been very nice to read throughout this election. You seem to have done your homework. Kudos to you.
I too offer my congratulations to the winners while also leaving out Ruth Elliott.
fred is gone.what did he expect? raiseing tax's water etc. trying to convince the people. he was a one man army.I suppose the police department,will lose interest in solveing there internal was advised the top officals get the credit. for a good job well done.fred you made the mess.theres no cleaning it up. it's over for you.
Funny how people blame the one with the title. There are consequences that needed to be taken to make Aberdeen better for the future. The taxes raised for EVERYONE, including the mayor, so that we would no longer be in debt…thanks to Doug Wilson. Price for water went up, but guess what, it did everywhere. There was no personal gain…it was what our water cost. Yes, it is over for Fred Simmons, but the struggle is not over for Aberdeen. The new leaders had better have some amazing ideas and plans to prove that the incumbent mayor was wrong for the job. Bennett MAY lower the taxes…but for anyone who plans to be a lasting citizen of Aberdeen beware, there will be consequenses for not balancing the budget now and continuing to borrow. When that time comes I will quote…."the people get the government they deserve"
as for the future,aberdeen will alway's be in a struggle just do to the fact where it is down areas just recently being recognized as and important part of the city. yes the people have spoken.and you can bet there going to be watching very carefully what is takeing place.rick denu was defeated this time. but he promises the people he will run again in the mean time he going to watch the going's on very carefully.he will become the voice of the people. sem -per fi.
Isn't the one with the title in charge? What consequences? Why are people still blaming Wilson? Yes, it is over for Simmons and you can believe that Simmons wasn't the only person that had solutions and Aberdeen's heart at hand. Wouldn't we be a gullable city if we were to believe that simmons was our last answer. New people bring new ideas. Isn't that what makes the world unique?
Let's give Bennett a chance. He might surprise us and maybe even you.
Jason (alias "first and last time poster")…….My guess? Steve Wright (at least sounds like him) .
Nice way to give yourself "kudos" pal. who could not figure that out. who could possibly enjoy or even begin to acknowledge the crap you posted on this blog.
go back and read all your posts, maybe even where you called someone else a "whiner"…..what is this junk your posting?
Jason, with all the alias', Rwinger, and the rest of you need to look at the numbers. Your people other than shortimer Hiob flat out got smashed!
This was not even close. knockouts in the first round.
Come on back for more in a couple years but bring some facts. maybe you can last to the second round.
It does not matter if Bennett, Elliott, or Young gave you a gold bar (or a couple). you will not be happy because that would mean you have nothing to whine about.
what are all of you? 10, if not, put your money where your mouth is and run in a couple years.
Bennett wins with almost 50% more votes than Simmons, Elliott just plain dominated the council voting and, Hiob barely hung on.
The writing is in the voting. Look at it, wipe your tears away and go back to your padded cells. above all stay away from politics. your as unrealistic as the people you supported. There you go!!! make new friends if any will have you.
Our town needs to shut up and avoid listening to negative voices like all of yours and work together towards solutions and it seems that we have started that process. Look at the voting results
Oh, my bad, that might make too realistic for you.
Enjoy your miserable lives
I for one can assure you that Jason isn't Steve Wright, and neither am I. Let's turn the swords into plowshares people, and get to work.
My life, for one, won't be misreable, and I doubt Jason's will be, either.
I say Jason's an Aberdeen Police officer more than likely afraid of loseing his job right about now.
Hey Jason all your hateful rantings about how Mrs. Elliott does not get your well wishes on the election is mute. Sore loser you are! You should be re-evaluated for psychological problems! She won fair and square and was the TOP vote getter. Elliotts' IN Simmons OUT. Wish you were too.
You are an idiot. Do your homework before you post. No Aberdeen Police Officer is in danger of losing their job except maybe the Chief because he is appointed and contractual. Police officers jobs are protected under something called the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill Of Rights. The new Mayor nor the Council could terminate any of them without just cause and even then it's a lengthy process.
Ok Jason…..
Jason accuses Mrs.Elliott of helping with a suit filed against the city. Well then tell me why the lawyer representing the wetlands in a suit against Aberdeen was standing in Simmons' corner last night when the totals were being read? and why was that developer who wants to develope the wetlands also there with him to? seems to me it's the other way around. Idiot.
To first and last time poster:
You and jason should live together in a padded room!
To all who think I am Stephen Wright, RWinger, Employee, or who ever else your little minds can think of, I'm not any of those.
As for those of you who don't have the testicular fortitude, or guts to post a "real" name (and I have identified my full name) or your real identity, your comments are as valuable as false money.
"Jason" that tells us alot.
Okay my name is Rudy. There I actually have "testicular fortitude".
You sure do like to refer to body parts alot.
I think we do have a good idea what goes on in your mind. Take your testicular fortitude out of your hands and write this down.
"I, jason, need to grow up and get a life"
Put your mask back on and do not come back until nect Halloween mr. "I put my name out there".
What a joke
"doctor feel good": Your comments should refer to the article rather then one on one attacks. If you want to speak one on one feel free to e-mail me…(no thanks).
Dr. Feel Good, interesting you should post about negativity and leading a miserable life. You won! What is there to be pissy about on your end at this point? I am assuming you are one of the same people at the polls on Tuesday snapping pictures of Fred's family after the results. Unnecessary, Unprofessional, and very immature coming from someone who calls others "10."
Jason (and I only barely know him) has been pretty up front throughout this election and on this blog. Whether you agree with him or not, the phrase "testicular fortitude" is amazing! I will be using that from now on.
As for the rest, the results are in and no amount of arguing on this blog will change what is. Fred Simmons gave all of himself to the City and the City said "no thanks." That is what it is. There will be plenty of time for "I told you so" later on.
You have attacked everyone. You have also accused people who do not reveal themselves on this blog as cowards and such. Hey dude, I don't have a GUN straped to my waist giving me "testicular fortitude". Do you seriously think people are going to reveal themselves to you, a police officer that they may need for assistance some day? You are truly a stupid man. I hope the new council changes your shift to walking the beat or sittting behind the desk. You can't be fired ,but you can be made to do less desireable work. even amougnst your peers there is a" bottom of the barrell". That is where you are at the bottom.
"Insider" – Lets get this right up front: I don't discriminate and I don't hesitate. If YOU or someone were in need of assistance, that is what you get. I took an oath to serve and protect and where ever you stand on the issues, view things, I apply the law no matter what I think of you. Maybe you need to ask some people who know me if I am fair or not or rather people I have had contact with as a police officer.
"Insider" – Attacked everyone. No, just spoke a free mind on certain persons. Do I hate them? No, hate is a very strong word. Dislike, maybe.
"Insider" – As for walking the beat. Whatever. I am game. The citizens pay me for eight hours not to mention I'd get my exercise in for the day and could spend more time with my beautiful wife. Behind the desk, not really cost effective to the citizens is that? Nahh.
I would posit that Aberdeen will remain a political backwater as long as two-year term limits stand. The part-time mayor and council don't have enough time to institute meaningful change, and the high rate of turnover places the institutional knowledge in the hands of the city's career staff. Thus, you end up with the atrophied Pete Dacey system and the radical purging of the Simmons administration. Four-year term limits would throw cold water on the incestuous popularity contest that was the 2007 election and force the city's leaders to build real records to stand on — or be thrown out for.
daggermatt you are absolutely correct – it should be one of the first things the new administration puts in place. I would also suggest staggered terms so that a complete turnover is not possible and some stability could be created. I hope if nothing else the residents realize that at the end of the day it is City Manager who runs the City. The elected offiicals need to make sure they are in the loop so a situation like the stadium agreement does not happen again.
two years is not enough time to measure any effectiveness of instituted programs or procedures.. it's not – especially when taking into account the fact that a new mayor has to spend a significant amount of time cleaning up the mess that was left for him.. what can be said is Fred's "in your face" approach to fighting crime produced IMMEDIATE results, which is remarkable, especially in a city with such drug/violence history and being surrounded on all fronts by other less-than-notable towns.. 2 years is relatively short… imagine what he could have done if he was given the chance to follow through on some of the other long term projects he had plans for.. it's a sad reality that the people of aberdeen could not appreciate a fiscally responsible mayor, and their desire for a safer, cleaner town could so easily be diminished by an opposition to raising taxes by pennies on the dollar. i'm curious to see how the new mayor continues to build on Fred's crime fighting success without the necessary funds.. I wonder if the people of aberdeen will still be satisfied with the decision to not raise taxes when they are faced with the reality of losing their own personal police department. don't get angry when replacing the back windhsield of your mini-van that was busted out by some punk kid in the middle of the night costs the same amount as your annual tax increase.. i supppose you'll have a nice clear view of the mayor and the police department you left behind in your rearview mirror. congratulations, aberdeen…
I imagine if the election had gone the other way, Steve Johnson would be knocking down Fred's door trying to defend his pre-election actions using such excuses as "i had to back someone who i thought could ACTUALLY WIN" and "c'mon, Fred, you know I have all the respect in the world for you – you're such a smart, charismatic individual – and you're the right man for the job.." luckily for him, bennett won.. and now he's just following Art Helton around waiting for a turd to fall out so he can chew on it and have as sh*tty breath as the rest of Helton's puppets..
Turd Breath,
great post. I will get a laugh out of that visual for a while.
too funny.
Turd Breath,
I can smell you way over here.
"just following Art Helton around waiting for a turd to fall out so he can chew on it"
Isn't that just what Hiob and Yensan did with Simmons? Oh, and you too? Bet you still are.
smell you later.SORE LOSER!
That's funny – you bring up "Sore Loser".. I suppose you're right – I lost, we lost, HE lost.. In a way, I went down with the ship.. admirable, wouldn't you say? Standing on the bow of the underservingly and illegitimately named "Pirate Ship" Captained by the notorious "Blackbeard McSimmons" waving the ol' Skull and Crossbones.. all while Stevie "One Eyed" Johnson rowed away in the life boat because he "saw the looming rocks before anyone else."
Yensan and Hiob believed in what Simmons was doing – it may have taken them a bit to adapt to his style of EFFECTIVENESS – but once they realized that things had to get done, and the only way they were going to get done was by DOING IT, they supported him. Where were they when the ship was going down?? Right on the f*cking bow!
Leo – I smell delicious, don't I?
Silly of me to think we could actually talk about the issues now that the election is over.
Leo I must remind you that at least Hiob and Yensan were elected and city residents you can't say that about Helton and Johnson. I guess they are already working on how to convince the City Manager that eminent domain is a good thing so Helton can get cheap real estate. I bet the White House on Rt 40 will be the first victim.
I agree with both of you: four year, staggered terms would definitely help maintain continuity as the City moves forward.
One of the statements I’ve seen is that with two year terms, incumbents have to start campaigning as soon as they’re elected. We see this in the House of Representatives all the time. It makes it difficult to get anything meaningful accomplished.
No Steve Wright you smell like at turd.
Turd Breath,
You should be called turd mouth. No need for the " F " word. I hope the dagger removes your last post. You are foul.
you must be smokeing again. You know that stuff kills brain cells. Not that you have any left. Isn't your bud Steve a non -resident who you gave carte blanche to do as he pleased inside city hall? Before you start pointing at others maybe you should start with yourself. A bit of poeitic justice wouldn't you say. HA!
poetic justice…Sorry about the misspelling everyone.
Doctor Feel Good: Check my posts, two of my candidates won. I’m not a big Ruth Elliott supporter I lean a lot more toward Ruth Ann Young. I’ll give credit and congratualtions to Mrs. Elliot. Top vote getter and surely to be the next council prez…….heck I think that she could have beat Bennet and Simmons looking at her numbers……………regardless, something that I learned from Ruth Ann Young…………..I’m going to hold Ruth Elliot, Bennett, Hiob, Kup, and Young accountable, plain and simple.
As for Sweeeeeet’s comment, I have plenty of fracts. Here’s a fact for you, the Bennet transition team was at City Hall throwing it’s weight around……..led by none other than Art Helton with lacky Steve Johnson salivating like Pavlov’s dog.
i am not Steve Wright, so don't going making assumptions.. and i apologize for the foul language.. i was simply trying to emphasize my point..
you had me fooled. I thought you were him too. With the foul language and all. Yensan it that you?
nope… in all honesty, I am just a young concerned citizen who followed the election process very closely because seeing a difference in crime in my neighborhood was remarkable.. not having to come outside and see my car vandalized because I'm the one that called the cops on a drug deal.. Not having to walk to my car with my head down because I don't want to make eye contact with a gangster because EVERYTIME I DO they harass me.. and I KNOW for a fact that it was due to Fred's determination to make it that way.. Believe me, I don't want to pay more taxes, but as a REALISTIC citizen, I know the crime fighting comes with a price – and that small price was something I was willing to pay. I'd rather pay more taxes once a year than my insurance deductible everytime my car is keyed or window is broken. This election was very simple to me, and it frustrates the hell out of me that my fellow citizens made the choice they did. And behind the scenes you have Art Helton with his personal agenda, playing chess with his pawns and not caring in the least bit about what I face everyday I walk out my door.
So no, this is not Wright or Yensan – my name is Kyle and I'm 22 and I'm angry… I hope you all read this as a very unbiased and objective point of view. I don't know the game of politics.. I don't know who is to benefit when a particular council member is elected.. I don't know a single thing about this Bennett guy (does anybody) – I don't know much, but I don't care to know much.. What I wanted was the City of Aberdeen to continue improving everyday, and that is what was happening.
Who should I send my next insurance deductible bill to? Leo? Mayor Elect Bennett? The new chief of police because apparently Rudy won't be around long, right? How about you, Helton?
Wow! Are the citizens of Aberdeen really that dumb? What is the new mayor and councel gona have to “clean up”? People speak and have absolutley no facts in this forum. I don’t care what anyone say’s. The out going council and mayor did an amazing job in cleaning up the mess of a government we had and cleaning up the gangs and crime. While they were in term you could not pick up a prostitute, or buy crack in the city limits. I don’t care what their tacktics were to fight crime. They did it! In only a few months you can already see a differance for the worse. Welcome back drug dealers, pimps, and ho’s.
chris I have’nt seen and organized gang per-se in aberdeen. now and then a want a be.or a punk wearing a bandana. trying to gain attention.
drug’s are no problem’ the open air sale’s, have slowed. there selling in the hall way’s. it’s safer. the ho’s are still here just less of them.
every town has it’s problem’s.
I assure you the gangs are here..Do you remember the heavy blood activity that was arising on the east side of town prior to the last council. If you don't frequent that side of town you wouldn't be aware. The east side of Aberdeen was terrible. The open air drug market was horrendous. You could not drive past the presbyterian church without seeing drug deals happening. If you haven't seen them it is because the former mayor and council members made sure it was eliminated. The east side had become a cleaner, safer and more desirable area of the city. Not anymore, they are coming out of the woodwork again.
Did you know that prior to his term on counsel?, Dave Yensan stood outside of Church Green with the neighbors and prayed and sang with bibles in their hands every Friday night so the children could play outside safely if only for an hour. They were threatened and had things thrown at them by thugs. He stood with the community and fought. It hurts me to see all the lies told about this man. He is an amazing person. He doesn't have to speak up or defend himself everytime something bad is said. Dave Yensan is what a true gentleman and a real christian man is.
The east side of town' was and still is my stomping ground. church green stood out as a very' bad area.
dell grove was too. constant drug dealing' in the parking lot out back. there both a lot cleaner than they' were partly due to a change in owner ship.
the police need the help' of the well as the owner's of the property,
gang's have been disrupted due to constant police patrol's. s. fred was a stickler for crime prevention' and I salute him!
but he raised my property tax & water and made me mad as he…ll along with a whole lot of aberdeen citizen's.
mike if your reading this. it's nice to see a council man reading the dagger there may be help yet for aberdeen.
the people of east side L / A lower aberdeen can pick up a phone when there is criminal activity takeing place. the police will respond.