Deputy First Class Jeffery Gerres, 29, of the 200 block of Maple Leaf Drive in Rising Sun, was charged by Baltimore City Police early Sunday morning with second-degree assault and general prostitution.
The Baltimore Sun this morning reported that a “twice-convicted prostitute” alleged Gerres was among a group of men who flashed a police badge and asked her to come to a bachelor party. At the party, the woman was allegedly paid to perform a sex act, but then asked to return the money and told the “bills were marked.” A fight ensued and the woman ended up bloodied, crying and on the phone with Baltimore City Police – who arrived to find Gerres, with a fresh black eye, answering the door of the residence.
Gerres faces a charge for second-degree assault and a charge for allowing someone into a residence for prostitution. He also filed assault charges against the woman, Denise Lillian Rothwell, 47, of the 1400 block of Ward Street in Baltimore, who was charged with second-degree assault.
This incident apparently occured at the bachelor party for another member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office – Deputy First Class Scott Blankenship – although he doesn’t appear to have been charged with anything.
Blankenship was assigned to the Gang Suppression Unit and received an award from the Maryland Sheriff’s Association as Deputy of the Year in 2006 for his work with the Gang Suppression Unit during 2005.
Gerres and Rothwell both have trials set for 8:30 a.m. on October 9.
According to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office 2007 Annual Report, Gerres was awarded the agency’s Merit Commendation last year.
“Merit Commendation is awarded to Deputies who have performed their duties in an exemplary manner and displayed initiative, professionalism, or devotion to duty that is beyond the expectations of their normal duty assignment. It may also be awarded to those individuals whose performance increased the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the Sheriff’s Office as a result of a procedural recommendation or other meritorious professional accomplishment.”
Amazeing how they take there dirty work out of town.with no expectation’s of getting caught. he will get a pat on the the back. and don’t do it again.
Surely we can expect another commendation for a good job well done. Headline news. prostuition sting gone awry” Deputy injured in the ruckus.
I find myself believing the chain of events presented by the prositute. Sorry, but somehow I can see an young, cocky cop doing exactly what she says happened. Obviously, not all cops, but unfortunately I can see some of them doing this. He might be just the type that shouldn’t be a cop in the first place. They make the good ones look bad. If guilty, hopefully he will get more than a slap on the wrist. But of course there is a chance the prostitute is lying as well- I’m sure she’s not exactly a pillar of truth either. Either way, as the saying goes- “you sleep with dogs, you get fleas.
Appparently the ”lady” of the evening was injured. in which case it become’s Who did it. that’s when the finger pointing start’ we a have a deputy’ sworn to protect & serve.
Who feel’s he above the law. he should be fired! no reprimand’s. & no excuses.
Vet…sad but true…
We all loose when young Troopers, Deputies, and Police SEE this swept under the rug. They are forever tainted.
Go Dagger !
From what I understand, this incident occured at the bachelor party for another member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office – Deputy First Class Scott Blankenship – although he doesn’t appear to have been charged with anything.
Blankenship was assigned to the Gang Suppression Unit and received an award from the Maryland Sheriff’s Association as Deputy of the Year in 2006 for his work with the Gang Suppression Unit during 2005.
Is this possibly the prostitute contacted by then delegate Chuck Boutin on his State owned laptop? Hey Ritchie, didn’t this incident get swept under the carpet and Boutin became a judge.
Slow down on that Dan. Boutin never was accused of anything other than being stupid. What about all the other guys on that same hooker’s list? My information is that there were at least two prominent democrats on there. The story is old and the use of it is juvenile.
DaddyRabbit…anyone who betrays the public trust should leave office and not be rewarded with a position on the PSC and then made Judge Advocate. This goes for all elected officials, no matter their party affiliation. All those elected are to act in an “honorable” manner in respect to their office and to those who elected them. Chuck Boutin was not stupid, he was arrogant. Too many in power are guilty of believing they are above the law and the moral standards of the community. I guess I did start this with a previous posting and it maybe because people still (believe it or not) think I am the delegate that used my State issued laptop to solicit the possible services of a prostitute.
To the Honorable Dan riley. I don’t think you have to prove anything’ to any body I think it’s apparent to those who read the Dagger. you have taken the time too speak to Richiec. who is simply a working class man. not a man of money.
You took time out of your schedule to address some of his issues. that speak’s volume’s.
I understand what you’re saying Dan. Really I do, but the fact remains that no criminal or ethics charges ever came of it. The fact that the two of you hate each other from the very bottoms of your souls is the item at play. I’m telling you to let it go. You’ll be a better man for it.
I’m not on top of that lap top stuff…and i believe she, according to the story, was just a skanky street walker as opposed to a skanky high class call girl.
Now when I look at a deputy I have to wonder. ( isnt this the real problem ). Don’t the deputy’s know that most of these girls are addicts and many are aides infected…..ewwwwww……
This broad was 43 years old…street hookin….WTF is wrong with them.
…………Can you picture it…………
OFFICER: “Yo hoe…cummon on over here…..come to a party and %$#@ 10 guys for a hundred”.
For a bachelor party….cummon…a lap dance and a good drunk at a strip club isnt enough? Are their sex lives that void? Are they that hard up?
These are smart guys in a noble profession sworn to uphold a line. They are a disgrace. Every one of them should have to be punished for conduct unbecoming of a deputy…and have to re-academy.
So at this point you say to yourself “what a self righteous prick Richie is”. Remember….. Richie didn’t take the oath. Richie isnt a deputy. Richie just wants a department where GOOD deputy’s can do a good job without the pressure of having to conform to crap like this hooker stuff in order to be one of “the boys” or be compromised by Polaroids .
This Is where we see what our Sheriff is made of.
I wonder how the would-be wife of Deputy First Class Scott Blankenship, the one for whom the bachelor party was being held and – presumably – the alleged prostitute was procured, is taking all of this?
Something tells me, not well.
I have no sympathy…..hes a big boy and ten different things could have been done…a dinner roast….maybe even a strip club…but this was clearly just lowlife crap…on O’Donnell street….the hood.
Whats at that O’Donnell St address ?
Go Dagger ! !
Lets not forget a few thefts of less than 500 and a few assaults !
Go Dagger !
Im sorry I am mistaken ….In post 11 I stated that the HOE was 43 years old. That was incorrect. The HOE was 47 years old.
Thats nasty !
Good goin fellas !
Go Dagger !!!!!!!!!!!
An environment has to be promoted where the officers who do NOT engage in stupid behavior are the ones who are the mentors…..this is a Sherrifs dept…not a boys club.
I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to ask Sherrif Bane ( a job for brian) to comment in general. In general on how this could and WILL be wiped out of the dept.
Or will we here…I CANT (wont, dont want to, not gonna ) comment ?
I find no reason that he cant make a statement here in general.
Go Dagger !!!!!!!
I remember my bachelor party…about a thousand years ago..we went out on the town in a limo…a friend of the family knew a Nassau county cop who moonlighted for a limo service. He rode us around to bars and strip clubs, we talked shit…barked at the moon…got pissed (drunk) beyond belief… hookers and no drunk driving. Big Hangover. No regrets or lasting legacy.
The more I think about this the more I’m skeived.
In fact this HOE …is probably one of the truck stop HOES.
When I stop in truck stops many allow the HOES. There is a truck stop on O’donnell st. I have timed the, (for a laugh), HOES from truck to truck as they advertise on the CB radios. 5 Min’s and non stop all night long.
Go Dagger !!!
We will hear all the excuses. he was drinking it was a bachelor party. like it or not it’s behavior unbecomeing of a police officer. unless we have double standards.
He won’t do it again” he is now standing down until further investigation until the sheriff’s office can explain away the ” charges”
If the deputy is in the click, it’ll all go away and he’ll be eventually be rewarded with something he didn’t deserve. If he’s not in the click, he’ll be terminated.
I would look for his name during the awards banquet. Something tells me he’s a kept man up there!
That’s an injustice to those who serve honorably.
Go Dagger ! ! !
Richie, I’ve learned the hard way. The administrators don’t care about truth and justice. Trust me all they care about is political agendas and doing favors for buddies.
Hey…just remember, the police are our heroes!
Hey Dan; I just heard today that Chuck Boutin is forming an exploratory committee to look into resigning his judicial position and running for the House again. He remembers how much fun it was stomping you into the dirt the last time he ran.
Well Daddy…
There’s always election day…and a pissed public is a voting for the other guy public.
Go Dagger !
I have it on good authority that Sheriff Bane is circling the wagons regarding this Baltimore bachelor party/prostitute-fight – calling it a bump in the road and asking that no one rush to judgment.
I’ve heard that Bane has requested the HCSO family stick together and refrain from judgment until the rest of the story comes out.
Deputy Dog is absolutely correct. Bane is not in the business of running a police agency, he is in the business of rehabilitating wayward employees. Dog knows the deal, everything is touchy feely and no doubt Blankenship and Gerres will appear to be repentent and thusly be rewarded by way of promotion since they are already in a specialized unit. I am one step removed from someone “in the loop” and for every one incident like this that makes the headlines, there are 10 others that don’t. No one is punished for their transgressions, therefore, there is no reason to play by the rules. Thus the good guys who do have integrity, who are the backbone of the department, are constantly having their morale crushed by Bane the Healer and his merry band of favorites who are untouchable. Very sad. Keep the names of those throwing their hat into the ring to run for Sheriff coming because I will give each and every one of them consideration when it comes to my vote.
Three words….Civilian Review Boards.
Go Dagger !
Lets call it what it is…a sex party. More important is the fact that these sheriff’s allowed the law to be broken with the hooker. Did they not break their oath?
Go Dagger !
Re – academy them……re- academy them……bust them to buck recruit.
If , but I don’t, I get 3 tickets in 18 mos for example…or three moving violations…I loose my license…investment…livleyhood. This over the stretch of 100 plus thousand miles in that short time. This is supposedly for safety reasons. Yet there seems to be no problem with this kind of behavior with the guys that are armed and giving me moving violations for such things as a pebble on a flat bed…(unsecured cargo)….oh please….please …re academy.
After all…that pebble is a real safety issue…I must loose everything I have because it may chip a cruisers windshield.
Not to mention that the allowance of bad behavior sends a sign to officers who still have the attitudes they joined the force with. The attitude that they are to honorably protect and serve.
Go Dagger !
Cummon Jesse….
MAN-UP….get on these “Bolo’s” asses. Make them walk the walk of shame…!!! Don’t protect them…it will send a message to the majority of great officers who are forced to work within a system that accepts and writes off this conduct to an extent.
Go Dagger !
Well I’am sure the public will be happy too discover we have a fatherly figure in charge of the sheriff ‘s department. Father bane’s department for way ward deputy’s.
I had my doubt’s about him when he was elected.this is a disgrace to the good deputy’s on the force.
That’s right Vet….
we the people, owe unending support to the deputy’s , troopers, and officers who maintain, even through the constant peer pressure, their professionalism, integrity, and values.
Go Dagger !
Ahhh people are changing their tune about Bane now huh?
G maurice… heres a hint
do you know who the real G Maurice is?
Go Dagger!
Whops …wrong thread
Go dagger
i just learned of this blog and would like to say i know Gerres and he is an honorable person. Maybe you should research the reason behind him receiving the award last year. As i have heard it from multiple sources Gerres was at the party however when he learned of the HOE he made her leave the residence and as a result was assaulted by her and received injuries to his eye and neck, and was arrested after she made a false claim of rape and implicated only Gerres, however her story was recanted after further investigation. Gerres had already been arrested resulting in him still being charged. He took the fall while trying to do the right thing. The truth will come out.
So quick to judge are we. My son is a police officer and i am astounded that you all would be so harsh when you quite simply don’t know all of the facts. Do you know how hard police officers work in this county, most of you have know idea. And those of you who claim to be police officers should be ashamed of yourselves, ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?Now i dont know the whole story, but i am confident that my inside source is telling the truth. And you wont believe the bullshit! Truth is those police officers that wrote those comments above probably do a pretty crappy job themselves and that is why they are not considered the “protected” or whatever it is you referred it as. My only hope is that when the truth is told, the Aegis and this wonderful site covers it-but i highly doubt it. You all only like the negative stuff. How about if one of you or your family members gets into an accident or has a heart attack-guess what those “protected” deputies are going to be the ones who save your stupid butt! hope you can all sleep well-having an opinion is one thing, but being cruel is another. Anyone with any intelligence can read your comments and see what a bunch of cowards you all are. My son does not work for the Sheriffs department, but for a town department, but that still doesnt mean he, nor i, dont know what is going on. You all are going to look really stupid. oh and i forgot, baltimore city police always do such wonderful and complete investigations-i am so sure everything was done right. hope those baltimore city officers that live up in the county dont plan on getting any special treatment anymore when officers respond to their houses for domestics, as they do regularly. i am sorry if this seems harsh, but this is the time we have to support our local police officers, as one day you may be needing one, and it may be the exact one you are judging without even knowing what in fact occurred.
thanks tammy…. even though i am reading your comment about a year and half after you posted it, i am glade you layed it all out… and you were right! no one ever did hear the truth.
why would you buy a whore, when you can pay a stripper or private dancer, why would you use your police badge to be little someone who already has issuses why would u contribute to a bad situation, you need to get gang raped in prison and see how it feels u sex offendor
Because you can!!
Wow, I never knew about this. Sad, sad, sad.
Glad you found this in the archives. Of course, all deputies involved are in Lionel Bane’s good graces despite this incident. But a young corporal on medical leave gets fired by Uncle Jesse. The Sheriff certainly has a twisted sense of morals, ethics and standards.
Your right BBC, why are people with medical issues being terminated, yet integrity issues seem to be fine.
I am sure the deputy who shoplifted from Walmart will soon find a home as a civilian within the agency. This deputy who punched the hooker in the face is in the patrol division, as though nothing ever happened. The former union president who couldn’t testify in court because he is a liar had a nice cushy desk job before he retired. The thugs making the gang video are still correctional officers at the jail. But the poor corporal who had a medical problem is fired. The civilian who is a breast cancer survivor was transferred 5 times in 8 months in an effort to get her to resign. Uncle Jesse thinks he can “cure” those with integrity issues with his many programs and hand-holding sessions, but he can’t cure a medical issue so he just gets rid of the person. Sad but true.
Gerres was found not guilty on all charges.
The Judge reasoned that Gerres would never have shown his badge if he were engaging in business with a prostitute and based her judgment solely off of that reasoning alone.
Look, I get it that a good cop would not flash his badge when doing something he should not be doing but a bad cop most definitely would flash his badge to a hooker if he wanted her to play the game which in this case seemed to have been performing at a bachelor party on the cheap.
I feel she asked if he was a cop and he flashed his badge, told her he was and that it was ok.
I don’t think he flashed his badge to menace.
I do believe he flashed it.
The judge believing he never would is ridiculous.
Look, the world’s best grandpa should never touch children.
Does that mean you can safely assume all elderly men would never do such a thing?
Not all cops are bad but not all cops are good and I feel too many of them get away with anything based upon their connections. As it is they all can drink and drive without risk so why is it so farfetched to believe they would not order up a hooker.
A local PI I know personally who was a decorated law officer had a bachelor party that was filled with drugs and strippers.
Does that make him a bad guy? Nope. Does that make him a cop who partied like a guy he would have cuffed and stuffed and ruined the life of for doing the same thing? Yep. Many cops do the very same things they ruin another man’s life over. The difference is the average civilian has not sworn to never break the law and a cop indeed has.
This guy got off and we knew he would from the start. It’s all a work.