On October 8, 2008 at 10:55 pm the Havre de Grace Police Department received a call to investigate a report of a person lying in a private yard in the 100 block of Bloomsbury Avenue here in Havre de Grace.
Police located an African American male unresponsive and suffering from a wound to his neck, at that location. Paramedics arrived and the victim was pronounced deceased at 11:06 pm.
Crime Lab Personnel from the Aberdeen Police Department responded to assist in process the scene. A knife has been recovered and is being held for further forensic testing.
The victim, who appears to be in his mid twenties, will undergo a post mortem examination at the Medical Examiners Office on October 9, 2008. At that time investigators will be working to establish a positive identification of the victim as well as other circumstances surrounding his death.
The investigation is continuing.
Interesting that the victim was found right in between the middle and elementary schools. In cases such as this, are the parents of students notified?
Police say they don’t have an official identification of the deceased yet.
The death is being carried as a homicide, unless the Medical Examiner’s Office determines something different this morning.
So how many murders is that in Havre de Grace in the last few months?
wow two responses…both from the inside….not a lot of sense to make a comment as it will be unfindable and there will be no continuity …but here goes
this murder is what in the area…since the abbingdon fire house shooting…?
(it doesnt matter as once this artical is off the breaking news banner noone will give it a second glance without seeing comments being made.)
No Hmmmmm….whats that all about…and one reads an artical they would never have bothered to.
Bring back the last posts scroll bar
its two murders…i beleive
(as i do not browse anywhere else in tha dagger as its just to much of task to open and read every post to see if anything has changed.)
Te last was the breakfast slaying
You guys had that latest posts scroll bar perfect….it was the lobby……
This is distant…where did everyone go….?
Ill be back…gotta run out and get a news paper.
Ok problem solved…I had a bad cookie…
FYI The correct spelling is article, and believe.
Thinker…im sarre fo not making yo life bedder bi not maginn a sepllein miastge.
Before this spate in the last two months we rarely heard the word murder…or homicide…whats going on?
Go Dagger ! !
A killing is a terrible thing to happen. Lets see…..the crime happened at 10:44eath was determined at 11:05….cops , paramedics etc all over the corner.
Jump to Thursday morning around 7:30 ….crime scene…..No tape No sign only a 2 foot by 4 foot pile of Exsposed Human BLOOD along a street (in the grass) flies crawling all over the blood . How many dogs came by for a taste? Went home and kissed their owner or the children who are at home for some Jewish Holiday ?
I sure hope someone cleans up this hasardus human DNA pile.
Why hasn’t this made the news? They had the identity of this victim since just after the victim was killed.
Johnny Serrano, 19, of Havre de Grace has been charged in the murder of Christopher Adam Fisher, 25, of Edgewood
Well hate to say it but here it goes. Some of us knew Chris (the vicitm). Yes he was involved in the drug trade. He pistol whipped someone in the past, and that person stabbed him. Whats really freaking out a lot of people in town is that it is beleived that the vicitms cell phone was recovered by the police which included the numbers of quite a few ot his “customers” This has people geeking.
Why the sudden uptick in this kind of crime? Here is why. Cocaine is hard to get in town as of lately. SInce the major source for the Edgewood/Aberdeen/Joppatown/Belair area was recently busted, the good coke has all but dissapeared from town. People are putting their money together and going down to Baltimore and buying off the corners. So there is a Huge void created by this bust that various people are trying to fill..Everybody wants to step up and be the major cocaine source in town. Thats why people are getting stabbed. If you dont beleive me, sit in a certin bar in town for about and hour on a Thursday Night. Your eyes will be opened
I don’t agree that people are getting stabbed over cocaine. People are getting stabbed because this town has more than it’s share of dirt. One of the major sources of crack, Maurice Harrison, was busted during a giant raid on Girard street, thanks to some diligent HDG officers and many others. If you think cocaine was hard to get before, wait and see what happens. The fact is that these types of people, usually abusers fight amongst themselves over everything coke or no coke. Chris was not even close to stepping up to be a source in town. This is Havre de Grace, not Baltimore or other cities where dudes start swinging over corners and blocks. Thank God for that. If you want to keep the city clean, you need more officers on the street, not 2 or 3 patrolling the whole city, and the citizens need to speak up about what they see.
Coke hard to get in havre de grace? Even if it is, its not hard to get in elkton, or perryville, which is where chris did most of his business. He wasnt some major drug player, low level wannabe at best. But he does have convictions. Just not ones long enough to make a difference. As long as states attorneys and judges are willing to settle for minimum sentences and nolle process charges for plead outs in drug related cases, little fish like Chris (victim) will continue elevate themselves to big fish crimes. Never heard or Serrano though, too many new guys to keep track of but im sure hes a big fish in his own mind. Police keep doing their jobs, it would be nice to see that reciprocated in the courts!!!
This is yet another in the “murder virus” that has seemingly spun out of control since the murder of Chris Fritsche on August 10th. I said it then … “Harford County is going to see crime out of control now”!! I seem to have been right. I guess it takes one person to do it to give all the others the “nerve” … I don’t know … but I do know that this is getting really off the hook!! I sure hope the “murder virus” is put to rest real soon!! It’s very scary to now see this tuff happening, twice in a month or so (the “breakfast murder” and this one) within blocks of my home, and right near the elementary school. As far as the drugs being hard to find … if they want it bad enough, they always find it. Unfortunately – a lot of this always seems to be found to be the result of one dealer treading on another dealer’s “territory”. I guess we’ll see if this is the case here.
sad to say when something like this happens, there is always another low life to take his place . What a sad way to die so young.
I have read other comments on here and just came across this website never knew it existed but i wanted to comment on this story everyone has bad mouthed people who did wrong but in this story they list this man as a vitctime but he was from what i heard that he was about to perform a drug deal that did not go the way he wanted no he did not have a gun but got into a alterrcation with someone related in some sort of way as a friend or girlfriend and the dude stabbed him soo yes he should of not been stabbed and killed but he was a thug to so i do not understand if you guys can look at other people by what is presented to you wether it is correct or not why not look into other things with other situations no one deserves dirt to be thrown on there name but things happen due to bad decisions but my heart goes out to the family who did loose a loved one but all aspects need to come out when reporting stories with the correct and conclusive information but i do plan to check in on this page from time to time to post my views wether i have agree or disagree and i guess karma is a bitch in this situation too.
one more thing if people like to pull up rap sheets why not pull them up and post them for every article and everyone involved to show there character cause this christopher’s is the longest i have seen on here for the situations i have read?!
get a clue on October 16th, 2008 11:56 pm
Post 15 (sort of edited into english from original language)
I have just came across this website, never knew it existed, read other comments on here. I wanted to comment on this story. Everyone has bad mouthed people who did wrong, but in this story they list this man as a vitctime. He was, from what I heard, about to perform a drug deal that did not go the way he wanted. He did not have a gun but got into an alterrcation with someone related in some sort of way as a friend or girlfriend and the dude stabbed him. So yes he should of not been stabbed and killed but he was also a thug.
I do not understand if you guys can look at other people by what is presented to you. Wether it is correct or not, why not look into other things with other situations.
No one deserves dirt to be thrown on there name but things happen due to bad decisions. My heart goes out to the family who did loose a loved one but all aspects need to come out when reporting stories with the correct and conclusive information.
I plan to check in on this page from time to time to post my views, wether I agree or disagree. I guess karma is a bitch in this situation too.
I think “get a clue” is mixing his stories up…the cecil co slaying and the HdG murder.
In the cecil co murder at the motel a comment was made that he was a victom of his past…not a victom in the crime…the writer cleared that up. That was a hand gun murder.
In the HdG murder there was no gun.
Two different stories.
Go Dagger !
when i refered to the gun i am sure that this is not the only articles you read so if you turn to page A11 of wed aegis you will see what i am speaking of
Neighbor told me…Chris was shaking up a young lady for drugs and was chocking her out. The boyfriend came out of the house and stabbed him. There was no gun involved.
You people have nothing better to do, but belittle a person who is no longer here to defend himself. Chris may have had his trouble with the law, but that in no way justifies his murder. I feel for the family of Mr. Fisher who happen to hear these rumors and read these articles. I think that you should be ashamed for speaking of the victim as a criminal. Instead of speaking of Johnny, a known murderer, as the criminal in this case you all chose to speak of the victim-the only person in this case whose voice was taken from him on that horrible night. Think about it this way there are two sides of every story. Because mr. serrano took the life of mr. fisher only one side will be told. The side of the story that will be told is the story of a murderer who is looking at life in prison. Do you think that anyone in mr. serrano’s shoes would admit wrong doing on his part and hand the jury a guilty verdict? I don’t think so. This whole self defense thing and stories about fisher pistol whipping serrano’s girlfriend seem to be a desperate attempt to save himself from a lifetime of being someone’s “friend” in prison. But who can blame him for that with no living victim to despute his accusations why shouldnt he try and save himself?
Just to let you all no that Chris fischer went to meet a girl friend and boy friend to buy 15 percocets for 4 dollars a piece instead of paying for them , like he has done before he decided to rob them he pistol whipped the girl broke her jaw in 3 places and her boyfriend then pulled a knife and stabbed him in the arm twice and as chris turned to shot the boyfriend he got him in the neck and killed him and now 2 people are sitting in jail for defending them selves from being killed it was not in anyway over cocaine it was over pills and now he can’t rob anymore people like he has done from 18 years old to 25 yearsold he has had 32 felony charges against him he should have never been on the street
I really didn’t realize how people can really make up some stories like they were at the scene if you all seem to no so much about how Mr. Fischer was killed and no gun was involved why isn’t there any witness to the crime that’s areal good one he was shaking a girl for drugs and mr. serrano came out of the house and stabbed he came all the way from 161 and killed him and he must have one hell of a punch to break her jaw in 3 places
again i will state there was no gun so why does it keep coming up do you people read before you write? anyone can look up chris’s record online and 32 felony counts….puh lease theres not one all minor possesion charges nothing even with intent to distribute-which would be the only way the charges become felony and some probation and traffic violations. and two people sitting in jail for defending themselves….then why are they charged with first degree and not involuntary manslaugher? better yet y doesnt the story read october 8 2008 10:55pm a 911 call was recieved from an individual stating that a man had been stabbed after an altercation with the indivual and his girlfriend? y do two people acting only in self defense leave the scene of the crime and not report the incident? perhaps time was needed to get their stories toegether. ya know the truth of the story is….we will never know what happened that night because one side of the story is dead and the other is fighting for less time in prison.
Sometimes I can’t help but be mad. I’m mad at Chris for leaving me when he said he never would. I’m mad he left me alone to raise our son. I’m mad at God for taking away my baby, my best friend, perhaps the only man for me. How could he take him from me leaving me in so much pain? I’m mad at life for being so unfair to me. I’m mad at everyone around me thats happy because I feel like thats something I’ll never be. I’m mad at the individuals that decided that they could play God and take the man I love so deeply. I’m mad at everyone who continues to spread rumors about what happened that terrible night trying to discredit my boyfriend whose voice was taken from him. Why bash an easy target, one who is no longer here to defend himself? I’m mad that my son will live his life without his father and that one day I will have to explain to him that his daddy was murdered, over bullshit. How do I do that? I’m mad at myself for not being strong enough. I’m mad I can’t turn to my family and friends and say I hurt so bad inside my heartaches. I’m mad I never said goodbye. I’m mad that I was mad at him, while he was fighting for his life. I’m mad I cry alone too afraid to let anyone see me cry. I’m mad that no one prepared me for this. I’m mad that I feel so mad and I wish I wasn’t so sad. To sum everything up I’m mad at the world for proving to me that it’s a cold one.
I miss my boyfriend! Rest In Peace Chris, I Love You Always and Forever!
I pray that Johnny and Danielle lay their stories to rest along with my boyreind for the sake of my son who will one day , unfortunatly, discover these stories and rumors and be just as hurt by them as I. Christopher is dead he cannot defend himself and it’s completely unfair that the two responsible have the chance to butcher his entire life when they did not even know him.
Mad at the world,
I am so sorry you have to feel the pain that Chris’s lifestyle lead to. You comment was very heartfelt and puts a little perspective on the other side.
The world of drug dealers is very painful. You have to remember that.
I live in the Bel Air area and trust me people have no clue how bad the drugs are invading this town. It’s horrible. But when you mention to people your concern they say oh no it’s not that bad in this area. Wake up, it is. I know some very young people I used to work with that were always talking about them or others having problems with drugs and how easy it is to get in this area, not just Aberdeen or Edgewood or HDG….I know years ago Edgewood was a very nice place to live and now it’s okay, but not so much if you have young kids…
I hope Bel Air wakes up before it gets any worse. Our police departments need to be more vigilant in scoping out drug activity in our communities!!
The sleepy little town of Bel Air is no more. the drug problem has always been there. the attitude was’ your kidding.there were a few good officer’s on the Bel Air police department. that tried to stem the flow.
The dealers were coming to the High school. right after the school day was over. pushing there dope.it would’nt surprise me to find they still are.
No one is responsible for their own actions. Writing off of irresponsibility and apathy is the name of the game from citizens to govt. No One is willing to accept a thing.
Look at the Black Friday disaster on Long Island. The police say Walmart was negligent and Walmart implies that the police were negligent and they both want a citizen to hang.
This is truly the ubber circle jerk of “its not my responsibility”!
This is the glaring example, thousands of other shunnings of responsibility exist that we don’t here about.
Go Dagger !
RicheC it’s called a witch hunt. justice must be done. Blood must be drawn. now we have to find a crazed killer.who was attempting to save a Dollar. only in America.
True – Chris was in fact a drug dealer. He was on his own since he was 14 years old, he was introduced to the buisness and that’s all he had ever known. When he was released for jail in December 2007 he decided he was not going back to jail and he wanted a new life. I treid helping him look for a job everywhere the two of us could think of. He was diappointed time and time again. The truth is nobody wants to give a drug dealer a second chance. He stayed strong and for the first time in his life gave an effort to adhere to his probation. He atteneded all meetings and classes he was responsible for. He lacked one thing though. Without selling drugs and unable to land a job he could not pay his fines and charges for his classes. He had racked up more bills than I could afford to pay with a baby on the way. So he turned to the only thing he knew how to do to make money giving every effort to make the money to pay his probation so that he could be here to see his first born son enter the world. His plans after his son was born were to be a stay at home dad, so that I could pursue my career. Now I know that this story does not excuse the fact that Chris sold drugs, but maybe it gives you a little insight as to why. I have to live with the fact that I let him deal the last few months of his life because I was afraid of losing him to the detention center for a few months. I never imagined it would cost him his life and I would lose him forever. Chris was a good man – he did some bad things in his lifetime, but he had the biggest heart. Had he been given a decent chance at life he would have become someone sucessful in life that we all could admire. Now I hated that Chris did what he did, but I love him for who he was and he was the best man he could be. Maybe this comment makes you think “so what” or “yeah right” or “who cares” but I have to tell his story for he will never be able.
After reading the stories on this website, I can honestly say that I feel very bad for you!!!!! Everyone is quick to judge but in the end, we have only one judge. Evidently Chris was cheated from the beginning. It’s sad that so many young people aren’t given a fair chance.
I can only imagine how you must feel. Don’t let what everyone says bother you. I’m sure it will somewhat but just remember Chris how he was to you and the side of him that you knew. Keep your head up and believe in God. I will pray for strength for you. I hope that you will be able to come to peace with this after time goes by. Not everyone in life is bad and as you know there are a whole lot of good people out there. It’s okay to be mad and angry because there are a lot of unanwered questions but everything happens for a reason and it was Chris’s time.
Again, I am sorry that you have to go through this and will pray for you.
Caring heart