(Abingdon, MD – October 13, 2008) – Harford County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating a home invasion and robbery which occurred early Sunday morning in the 3600 block of Longridge Court, Abingdon, MD.
On Sunday October 12, 2008 at 12:39 am deputies responded to the 3600 block of Longridge Court in reference to a home invasion. At approximately 12:30 am, the residents were awakened by a loud noise which they believed was caused by an object falling in the house. The male occupant went downstairs to investigate the noise and encountered two individuals at the bottom of the steps. One suspect displayed a silver handgun and ordered the homeowner back to his bedroom. The suspect accompanied the homeowner back upstairs then ransacked the bedroom while the second suspect remained on the first floor where he ransacked the kitchen and living room.
Deputies determined that the two suspects made entry into the house by forcing open the rear basement door. Neither of the residents was physically harmed during the incident, although an undisclosed amount of property was taken during the robbery. Both suspects are described as white males, approximately 6′ tall, wearing bandannas on their faces.
Anyone with information regarding the home invasion and robbery is urged to contact the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division at 410-836-5442 Additionally Harford County Crime Solvers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for this crime. To be eligible for the reward, tipsters must call the 24-hour tip-line at 1-888-540-TIPS. Callers do not have to give their name nor appear incourt. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
What the hell? What is going on around here?
Get used to it.
I agree, things are getting crazy. Also, it’s not always “Another Day In The Hood” as previous bloggers have suggested. These bloggers have not suggested that the suspects were gang members either. Interesting.
This story is scary! A couple of weeks ago the cops were arresting two individuals near our house at 6:00 a.m. on a work day morning. They were part of a group vandalizing and stealing from cars in close by Abingdon area neighborhoods. There seems to be a trend of crime radiating though the county. Or am I just paranoid these days? What do other readers think?
I think it is very troubling. I heard that the Bagel Works in Bel Air was robbed last night. I called Bel Air Police to see if it was true and they said it was a breaking and entering. I guess that means that nothing was taken? So why break in if you’re not going to take anything? Just to be an idiot I guess. It used to be that we felt safe if we didn’t live in the Rt. 40 corridor, but like SZQ said, it is radiating outward, so if anyone feels safe, it is a very false sense of security. So, no, you are not just being paranoid, SZQ, you are being realistic.
This County is growing so fast, and the population is increasing. These crime and those who are conducting them are across the board. I’ve become somewhat paranoid too. I often wake up in the middle of the night to check the surroundings of my house. Not just “Another Day in the Hood” anymore, as Brian & Richie B. would put it. HOOD OR NO HOOD crime is imminent.
Weel this is just another reason everyone should have a gun and be trained to use it. These two men would have pulled their last job had they come into my home. I would rather be judged by twelve the carried by six!!!
Off Duty,
I agree, these two guys would have died of acute lead poisoning if they broke into my home. An armed society is a polite society.
A “white male” broke into the home of a Fawn Grove couple and shot the husband, stole a car and money. The car was found yesterday in Harford County. The couple lived just at the end of Rt 24, north of Rocks. Scary.
That’s our breaking news story: