A campaign sign for presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama was defaced over the weekend in Fallson in a manner that led police to contact the Secret Service and classify the vandalism as a hate crime.
Harford County Sheriff’s Office public information officer Sergeant David Betz confirmed there was a verified Racial/Religious/Ethnic (RRE) incident reported in the 2100 block of Watervale Road involving a presidential candidate’s sign being defaced. He said the incident occurred sometime between Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12th.
The Sheriff’s Office is investigating the hate crime and asking that anyone with information regarding the incident to please contact the agency.
What do people think after debate #3?
I wish McCain pressed his anti american ties issues a little more.
Obama is not even be eligable for a security clearance through the CIA b/c of his friends. He isn’t even eligable to protect our president ,so how is he running for president?
I thought I was responding to the article about McCain/Obama debate # 2. As for this article, any campaign should not be about race or gender but who is going to do the best for our country. Hopefully this was done by a kids prank and not a true
attitude of our community.
Sadly, it’s what happens when hatred and fear are fed.
Unfortunately I’m not surprised that this is happening. People are very close minded. As in the first statement above, well I would imagine if Senator Obama didn’t have the security clearance than he probably wouldn’t even be in the Senate….ya think? Yeah! So I am sure they have checked his background out thoroughly prior to running for President.
I am an independent , always vote and was considering McCain until I saw true hate in him. I really feel he has something personal against Obama. And although Obama may have a few negative ads running against McCain, it’s nothing compared to what McCain and Palin have said about Obama. It’s terrible that they just can’t run on their own merits….which I think Obama is doing more so than McCain…. So my vote will go with Obama….he’s able to keep a cool head even in the insanity of McCain.
Isn’t it a shame that in this day in time….we are still not able to love thy neighbor and treat everyone with respect? Everyone has a right to choose who they want to vote for and to vandalize someone’s sign on their property is very sad. It’s America so live and let live.
Havre de Grace had this happen as well..someone drew devil horns on an Obama sign