First they took back the White House. Then they surged to an overwhelming majority of the U.S. Senate. Just yesterday, they claimed Maryland’s 1st District Congressional seat.
Now it appears the Democrats have retained the Office of the President of the Aberdeen City Council. On Monday night, the Aberdeen City Council selected councilman Mike Hiob, Democrat, to serve as its president for the next year.
Sure, only 5 people could vote in this election (Aberdeen’s mayor and 4 city council members). Yes, the odds might have been stacked in their favor (no fewer than 3 of the 5 members are Democrats). Of course, Aberdeen municipal elections are (ostensibly) nonpartisan. True, Hiob won the presidency from another Democrat (councilwoman Ruth Elliott). Nevertheless, this is another win in a recent string of impressive victories for the Democratic Party.
The victory didn’t come without its perils, however. Hiob faced opposition from Elliott, who had unseated him as president just a year ealier. In the end, Hiob was once again crowned president by a vote of 4-1. Elliott cast the lone vote of dissent.
Congratulations MIKEY!
This is a great step forward. I have enjoyed working with Mike both on Council and other projects. The past year has been an embarrassment and maybe some actual work can get done in the coming year. Congratulation to Mike and the Aberdeen citizens.
This is great news for Aberdeen and Democrats in Harford County! Great job, Mike!
We will just have to see what ”Mikey” can do.
One of the best things to come out of Aberdeen government in the pst year, actually, just about the only positive thing that I can think of. Take a little more wind out of Ruth’s sails and hope that she sticks to her word that this is indeed her last term.
Thanks for the “tongue in cheek” article about my “coronation”. (it was a fun read!)
Being compared to “The White House, The U.S. Senate, and a Congressional Seat” is truly and honor! Seriously though, I am very happy to be Council President again, and I thank my colleagues on the dais for their votes.
Jason, Dave, Kim and RWinger….Thanks for your support, and keep in mind……
I am in a positive frame of mind regarding our City. I sincerely hope that The Citys problems are resolved not only a.s.a.p., but in the most beneficial manner.
Vietman Vet……No promisis, except that I’ll do my best with the talents I have.
(with the hope of not disappointing you or too many others) Well….it’s getting late again, (11:45 pm) and my alarm starts piercing my ears at 5:45 am, so I’m outta here. Thanks again to “The Dagger” for this forum.
P.S. Dagger Folks,
Maybe you should reset your clock to E.S.T. (I noticed a one hour discrepancy)
Well I guess my pet Hog will have too go. might try to keep the chicken’s under cover. kinda partial to fresh egg’s. might consider starting a ”Snake” farm in the spring. might be able to charge admission & pay my property tax or may be the water bill. any how or another.
Wishing you the best Mike. Gary Owen & Sem per fi.
Did any of you watch the Aberdeen Council meeting on HCN on Thursday? Ruth showed her entire psychotic side. She fidgeted and tapped her pencil and turned all red in the face. I always got a kick out of watching her neck get red and then her eyes would bug out and she always loke like she was ready to have a stroke. She did all that and more at the Council meeting. Reality sucks, right Ruth?
Dave I’am still laughing…. that’s one of my favorite saying’s. About to have a stroke & yes I did see it.
You know Yensan ! If anything bad ever happens to Mrs Elliott . You would be the first suspect the police would come to get. Because you hate her so much because she was the only one to buck you & Simmons & caused both of you to loose the last election, along with your dirty mouth, You have called her every filthy name that you can think of . You talk like a raving maniac.
Thanks so much for the head’s up “Bud”. I truly appreciate comments and criticism from some faceless nameless freak. Ruth Elliot is and always has been a pimple on the ass of progress. I would never physically attack the poor thing. I have always pittied those who are truly unfortunate.
Yensan I am not faceless or nameless. You are stupid enough to put your name on this blog because you have an ego problem. You want everyone to know who you are ,you lost the election & you are blaming Ruth for it . Put the blame on yourself for being stupid enough to believe that the people of Aberdeen would re-elect you . You did nothing for them, you repeated everything that was said by two other counsel members and you lie about everything you have ever said. I watched the video you talked about , Did not anything you said happened. you are nothing but a fat ass liar. All you do is CRY-CRY-CRY. Everyone has a right to be a a$$hole ,But you abuse the privilege.
Bud, or is it Buck or perhaps Bob;
Your lady has been shown for the wreck she is. I lost an election and haven’t had a minute of remorse. I do get a chuckle out of watching the two Ruths try to look like thet’re accomplishing something but otherwise don’t miss it at all. Ruth didn’t cause me to lose however. I stuck to what I thought was right and the electorate didn’t see it that way. That is my fault, or perhaps my strength. Ruth proved to be a vicious person who was out for herself and her family. The people bought her line and she won. Who lost most in that deal?
Go on spouting and believing Bud/Buck/Bob. It’s what most cuckolds do!
Yensan…You are a looser and thats all you will ever be. Go to see your shrink,and quit forgetting to take your pills that keep you calm. with all that fat you are carrying around you might have a stroke . And we sure don’t want that to happen do we. cry-on-cry-on
Temper temper…
Faceless and nameless , names that show up make a comment and dissapear forever, calling folks “stupid” for putting their names here. Thats only stupid if you have a reason that would make it stupid.
Go Dagger !
RichieC I was begining to worry about you’ had’nt seen your name on the blog thought may be the Boogie man got you.
Bud said “Yensan…You are a looser”. Thanks for noticing that my clothes are looser! It gets harder to lose weight as we get older.
With regard to my fat: I can lose weight but poor Bud will still be a faceless, nameless idiot!
Vet…actually the boogey man has asked me to refrain from certain comments until after a meeting we are to have late next week. Ive also been on the road.
Go Dagger !
Yensan CRY-CRY-CRY on fat boy .You are still a fat LOSER. You lost the election, your friend left town, your all alone, I saw the fans with you & Fred gave the churches. That was stupid because all of the churches are air-conditioned. Paper fans went out with the high buttoned shoes. They never took them out of the box. What a laugh they had about that. CRY-ON-CRY-ON…….
You talk about Dave being rude, You are just as rude. As for him using his name because of an “ego trip” yea, no. I appreciate Dave using his name. I make no excuses for the comments I write on here and there are alot of people who know exactly who I am. Does that mean I am on an ego trip? No, it means I will own up to what I say. Just as Dave owns up to what he says.
Yes, Dave is rude to/about Ruth Elliot. HOWEVER, she deserves all the crap anyone dishes out. She has done very little to actually benefit the city, but a ton to benefit herself. She makes promises she can’t keep and then whines when she doesnt get her way.
richiec please refrain from further comment’s, unless you see a I don’t like this scenario. the Dagger readers are waiting….
I do not know who you are & I don’t really care. I was not speaking to you ,so please keep your comments to yourself. You do not know the real yensan. He is rude,nasty & has a filthy mouth. You do not know anything about Ruth or what she has done or not done. You are a faceless & nameless like the rest of us on here. So live with it. Yensan is a sore loser & he will never get over it.
Bud seems to have a problem with open exchange of ideas, criticism, opinions, etc. This 1 year old media scares the old guard to death, yet its like fresh air.
Lets not forget…when no argument can be made…insult, demonize, and vilify the speaker.
Go Dagger !
Richie and Sandi;
You have to have a pretty good idea who Bud is. He has been the laughing stock of Aberdeen for a very long time. I wonder if he found the meaning of the word cuckold.
Wow, I really thought the comments were to be related to “Dems Stay On A Roll: Hiob Selected City Council President In Aberdeen?” I see however, someone had one too many BUDlites and, well, this is out of control. Sandi, speak your mind! Yensan, as you once told me, “Don’t stoop to his level.!”
Thanks for the reminder Jason. The event is one for celebration in Aberdeen. It could well be the most important decision that this Council has made. Mike is the right man for the job. Aberdeen citizens can only hope that Mike continues to focus his energy on the City and not set his sights on higher office. He is undoubtedly the most effective elected official on this Council.
Bud has to be boopin Ruth or some how related. Most of us smart citizens know Ruth has not done a thing.
Go Mike!!!! Thank God your on council.
Oh and Bud? Yensan is not at all sorry that he didn’t get re-elected. I know his family isn’t either.
Go Dagger!!!