Since he was 16 years old, Joseph Woods intended to one day be a member of the Harford County Council. That vision was fulfilled Tuesday night when the Harford County Council voted unanimously to install Woods, now 30 and chief of the Fallston Volunter Fire and Ambulance Company, as its newest member.
It was a bittersweet moment for Woods – who intended on running for the District B Fallston-Abingdon seat in 2010 with the help of councilwoman Veronica Chenowith, but instead ended up being selected to fill the seat on the county council vacated by her death.
“I have been planning for this since I was about 16. My goal was to run in 2010 with help from Miss Roni and Miss Joanne. I never imagined and did not want to think about a potential appointment possibility. Now that I’m appointed I need to learn a lot in a very short time. I’m ready for the challenge, I look forward to meeting as many member of my District as possible. Once I get pass this admin process I plan to hit the streets and meet with everyone I can,” Wood said in an email interview.
Woods was selected over Fallston attorney Tim Braue and Abingdon attorney Derek Howell. All three had been nominated by the Republican Central Committee for the position.
Woods and Howell were in attendance with their wives Tuesday night. They sat in the front, Howell in one row and Woods behind him.
After county council president Billy Boniface called for a nomination, there was a pause for discussion and just when it seemed no one would go first and there would be none, councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti started.
Lisanti commended the Republican Central Committee several times for its choices, said they were great candidates, and that it was a good sign for Harford. She said she had looked carefully at what it took to be a good council member, that she had to look in the mirror to be sure she had what it took, and that these three did have what it takes.
Councilman Chad Shrodes went second and said he was lucky to be a part of both the RCC and council selection processes and that there were great candidates and that he will be happy to welcome Woods and to mentor him on the council.
Councilman Dick Slutzky said the good news is that they had 3 great nominees, but the bad news was the had to choose one. They all showed they would bring something to the council and it was a good group.
Boniface was unique; he said he was glad to vote for Woods and that he intended to work with him, and that he chose Woods for 3 reasons. He then named 4 reasons: (1) Business person, which is important (2) Fire Chief with Fallston, and anyone who knows or those of you who may not know, there is a lot of politics there, perhaps more than with the council, and it shows he can work with people (3) was that he has great support from his spouse, and that he couldn’t do it without everything his wife does at the business and at home (3) (again) was his gut, not that anything was bad with the other two but he liked Woods.
The vote was unanimous, as it had to be. Woods will meet with the council administrator today and be sworn in Thursday. When asked to comment he said he would save it for today, other than to say that he was pleased and grateful, and he thanked Joe Chenowith for his help and that Miss Roni meant the world to him, and he hopes to meet her expectations. He said he had a lot to learn very quickly, and that his district would be seeing him soon.
With the selection process now behind him, Woods stuck to his promise and supplied his cover letter and answers to the Republican Central Committee questionnaire submitted during the application for the position. Woods had previously said he was uncomfortable supplying that information until after the county council selection was announced.
Here is Woods’ cover letter (with addresses and phone number redacted) sent upon application to the Republican Central Committee:
April 13, 2009
Republican Central Committee of Harford County
P. O. Box 289
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Attn: Bob ThomasDear Mr. Bob Thomas:
Please accept this letter and the enclosed information as my application for the appointment to Harford County Council District B. I currently live at XXX in Fallston. I have lived at this address for at least 20 years. My wife and I own the properties at XXX and XXX Old Fallston Road. I have been a registered Republican Voter in Harford County since November 1996.
I consider myself to be a very conservative Republican. I believe in the traditional Republican values. I believe that Government should be held accountable and be consistent. Government also needs to operate with full transparency; full disclosure; cost-effective spending; fair and reasonable taxation; and respect for all life, the environment; and in the basic citizen rights guaranteed by the constitution.
I have been an active member of the Fallston Community and Harford County for the past 14 years. I’m currently the Chief of the Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company, Inc and an active member of the Harford County Volunteer Fire and Emergency Medical Services Association. I’m the Chairperson of the Harford County Training Committee and Command Staff of the Harford County Technical Rescue Team. I’m also the Chief Operations Officer / Vice President and part owner of Paramedical Personnel of Maryland a small business located in Bel Air which incorporated in 1990.
I have had the desire to be a member of the Harford County Council Since I was 16 years old. I have every intention of running for this office in 2010. I have already started preparing for the campaign. I will officially start this campaign soon after the appointment process is completed. My years of service and dedication to Harford County; my conservative and respectable nature will be a benefit to the Council and the citizens of Harford County. I appreciate your time and the consideration you have given me for this position. You may reach me by phone at XXX at any time.
Joseph Michael Woods
Here are some highlights from Woods’ RCC application:
What do you see as the biggest issue facing the County Council in the next two years and why?
In the next two years the biggest issue will be by far the economy. Budget cuts, furloughs, and complete government shut downs are only the beginning of the times ahead for our county employees. The unemployment rate on the rise and very few county employers hiring shows a continuing worsening of our economy. The affects of this worsening economy will continue to change how our County Government and essential services operate. A reduction in essential services and decreases in jobs and income will cause an increase in crime and the greater need for welfare. The decreases in available capital for future budgets like paid Fire and EMS Services, new schools, and new county employees will force the County Council to look harder at the budget and look for alternative conservative ways of balancing the budget. This issue affects every citizen of our county and it is past time for us to take action and insist on conservative means to protect our county. We need to focus on securing our future without compromising our values.
What is your philosophy on land use and property rights in Harford County?
I have lived in Harford County all my life and I am a property owner and a business owner. It is the right of every citizen to be secure in their property. Every person has the right to acquire, own, use, possess, enjoy, and dispose of private property. I feel that if you own property you should have the right to use it to benefit you and your family. I also believe that you must abide by the laws and zoning that are in place. The county’s responsibility is to protect and conserve our open and agricultural areas. We need to work with property owners and assist them with making smart decisions that will help make their property benefit them and our county. A coordinated approach needs to be used which maximizes the use of community resources, offers adequate incentives to the property owners, and minimizes red tape.
What is your experience and philosophy on budgeting at the county level?
The bottom line is that I am a conservative. I have worked on the budgeting and planning of future cost savings for approximately 10 years. I have taken a simple approach to planning the budget for my life, my business, my Fire Company, and for being on the county Fire Service Budget Committee. Plan and budget for the line items you must have to operate first. These items are called Committed Line Items. These items include pay roll and benefits; taxes and utilities; rent / mortgage; and other unavoidable items. Then we focus on the items that help us operate. These line items are Requested Line Items. Fuel, office equipment, services and contracts are some items in this group. These items are where we have the ability to plan ahead. I prefer to pre-bid and negotiate for better pricing with this type of line item. This year I have had overwhelming success working with other fire companies across this county and the state to reduce our cost by pre-biding and buying in bulk. This, I am sad to say, is a new concept in our County Fire Service. Finally we have the capital expense line items. These also are items we pre-bid and include vehicles and buildings. We can only spend this money if it is available. It may take several fiscal years to save enough money for a capital project to start.
Being a member of the County Fire Service Budget Committee, I have had an active role in county budgeting for approximately 6 years. I have attended county budget meetings and hearings with both the County Executive and County Council. I have spoken in front of the Council on behalf of public safety budgets.
Budgeting works for planning, however to make your budget successful you must hold the people responsible for working and maintaining the budget accountable. Failures to maintain or properly plan the budget must not be allowed to happen. My first year as Chief of the Fallston Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Company I needed to take money from our capital budget to fix our operational budget. I needed over $20,000.00 to continue to operate and we still had 6 month remaining in the year. I stopped all excess spending and limited who could spend company money. The Board of Directors and I held the member responsible for the budget problems accountable. I then reallocated line items to keep our department running. This year I was able to cut our operational budget by 30% and will be giving back over $20,000.00 to the capital budget at the end of the 2009 budget year. I am very proud of these savings and my conservative actions made it possible.
Congratulations, Joey! Remember me, Elaina Coccagna, now Denu? I cannot wait to tell my parents and brother, Paulie.
I remember you when you were so little playing with my brother at our house in Fallston (the sub station). Bud, Randy, Timmy Spangler, Stevie Coster, Paul Masserelli, Brad Reid, Annie Balmert and so many more just hanging around waiting for our tone to go off. Now look at you!
I know Mrs. Joyce, your grandmother is so very proud as are the rest of your family.
You were always a good boy, Joe. Mrs. Roni will be watching you and she will be so very proud. Joey C. was there to help you. I miss seeing you too, Joe!
Good for you, Joe and good for Harford!!!!!
Congratulations Mr. Woods. You have a tough road in front of you. Don’t let anybody give you any grief “because you were only appointed”. The people who will say that have no idea how tough of a job you will have. Again, congrats!
I see he bested 2 attorneys for the spot. I wonder what kind of education this man has? High school? College? Kind of curious.
No need to wonder, the resumes of all 3 candidates are posted here:
Congratulations, Councilman. You have a tough job and a diverse district, and I wish you success is serving your constituents.
I’m a volunteer fireman, with no education. Maybe I should be President.
Muzzy i am sure you would do a hundred times better than the one we have in office now.
Muzzy I think the Majority would like like to keep you as a fireman. unsung hero’s one and all.President’s are a dime a dozen. volunteer fire man are not.
Wow! I just looked at Joe Woods’ resume. He has no education and his only experience is fire related. I know Derek Howell has a law degree and a MBA and have heard that Tim Braue has similarly outstanding credentials. Either Derek or Tim would have been outstanding Councilmen. How could the Harford County Council made this decision???
This stinks of Billy Bob Boniface (the only other member of the Council without a college degree) wanting to keep the good ole’ boys network in Harford County alive and well. As a resident of Abingdon, I am very upset that I will not be represented by the best and the brightest (or at least someone that I elected) and instead will have Billy’s lapdog on the Council. Thanks Billy and the rest of the Council for denying us proper representation.
Funny Larry how that works. We complain about not having an elected board of ed but we can not hold a simple election to fill a vacancy? I just hope that the new guy doesn’t think Abingdon is simply target, BJ’s and the movie theater!
Hey Larry,
I don’t know any of the candidates and you very well may have a point. However, I’m just as leary of attorneys. Look at our federal government – plenty of attorneys lacking common sense, leadership, and integrity.
To your point though – look at David Craig and Barrack Obama. Neither had any experience and neither has a clue for either running a County or a Country.
Former IL Gov. Rod Blagojevich has a law degree; former LA Rep. Wiliam J. Jefferson ($90,000 cash in the freezer) has a law degree; Gov. Martin O’Malley has a law degree; Sen. Ted Kennedy has a law degree; former NC Sen. John Edwards has a law degree; former Vice Pres. Spiro Agnew had a law degree; former LA Gov. Edwin Edwards has a law degree, and so on…
Tell me again, what makes that so special in a politician? We need fewer lawyers and more people with real world experience in government.
I think you went a bit far in comparing Barack Obama and David Craig. As far as David Craig not being experienced, perhaps you should read his resume again. He has served in elected government at all levels for almost 30 years. He has a bachelors from towson and a Masters from Morgan and was a teacher and school administrator for 35 years. Some think that is good, others may think it is bad. Whether you like him or not, I don’t think you can fault him for not being experienced. Thought I would throw a foul flag on that call.
Derek spent a lot more time as a State Police Officer than an attorney and worked security detail for former Governer Ehrlich. Sometimes members of the Council don’t appreciate having an attorney on there because that person is able to interpret legislation without consulting the Council attorney. I guess the voters in District B can decide who they want next election.
Well, here’s my take. An election is one thing. But when you appoint, you must take the best qualified. I’m not saying an attorney automatically makes a good councilmemeber, but you must give the voters the highest “quality” representative. They chose Woods because he is not a threat to them. He will go along with the council for the most part. Especially since he has no mandate from the peope. But more importantly, they chose him because he will have the greatest ability to be re-elected. He’s a fire fighter….and they usually vote with one voice. It’s all about politics, not results. So, I predict Woods will be around for another 15-20 years as a council person.
Phil Dirt and Harford Voter: excellent points!
And CDEV: I have a suggestion….. if you disagree with the manner in which the county code dictates how a replacement for a deceased councilperson is chosen, why don’t you constructively lobby to change it, instead of complaining? That’s what the good citizens did to change how school board members are chosen: they saw the travesty of unaccountability and utter failure of oversight that an appointed board has brought us, and they changed it (in the face of some significant, disingenuous and powerful roadblockers, I might add; not to mention a very misleading and shamefully irresponsible PR campaign by Mr.Wolkow).
Congratulations and good luck Mr. Woods. You have a tough job ahead of you, and we wish you well. Ignore the elitists who malign your resume. In the end, it will be your work ethic, integrity, and intelligence that matters…… not a piece of paper.
I have lived in Fallston for over 20 years and I am OUTRAGED at this appointment. It is one thing for the voters to elect someone without any experience or education, but it is something entirely different for someone like Joe Woods to be appointed to represent me. No one that I have spoken with who has lived in the area for a while has ever heard of Joe Woods, so he is certainly not a pillar of our community.
My two daughters graduated from Fallston High School and went to college. In fact over 90% of the graduates of FHS go on to college. The quality of education is a critical reason why people have moved to and remained in Fallston. The vast majority of Fallston residents are white-collar, college educated families that want their children to excel in school and go to college. This guy is not even close to someone that will understand the community. And no amount of “Ms. Roni”, “Ms. Joann” and “Mr. Joe” talk will change the fundamental problem with his appointment. He does not represent Fallston familes.
Don’t leap too quickly to accusations of preparedness. Perhaps this young man wants to help the community.
Just because someone attended college or law school doesn’t mean their qualifications exceed those of someone who opted not to attend. Some of the most distrustful people I have known are lawyers and MBA recipients.
Perhaps it suits the council to represent those who have less than a college degree.
This decision was not lighted selected. Let him screw up before pulling out the guillotine.
Wow Alice, tell us how you really feel. A little elitist aren’t we? Apparently, no other area in Harford County has white collar, college educated families, with college bound children, so no other area in Harford County would understand your plight. Of course with all of that education overflowing, you should realize that the white bread elitists can unseat the poor common man (who probably has more integrity in his pinkie than the leadership in Annapolis and DC combined) in a little thing that we common folk call an election. That’s right, next election you can all vote for your candidate with a name that everyone (or at least everyone who counts) knows. BTW, my children went to college, earned degrees, one completed graduate school, and are successful citizens that have enlisted their ethic into my grandchildren…………only trouble that my son ever got in involved a girl from………Fallston!
As someone who has spoken in public hearings in front of the Harford County Council, I really regret that the members did not select someone with broad experience and the ability to quickly learn on the job. The fact is that because Joe Woods decided not to go to college (not to mention grad school), he will need to heavily rely on the other members of the Council to figure things out. I presume that is why he was selected.
The Council did a disservice to the people of Fallston and Abingdon by not getting someone who would be ready to serve on Day 1. I have no problem with Fireman Joe on a personal basis (never heard of the guy before this thing). My problem is with the members of the Council who obviously thought it was in their collective best interests to select someone that would not be an independent voice of the community.
Additionally, what are your issues with his qualifications?
He runs a business. He has a good relationship with his wife. He runs a business. He doesn’t want to spend money that we don’t have. He doesn’t want to impede on your private property rights. He’s the Fire Chief.
What’s the issue? He doesn’t eat Arugula? He isn’t progressive enough for you? Since when is a college degree necessary for Success in life?
Take a deep breath. Just because you haven’t heard of him doesn’t mean he is unqualified. I’m sure he would love to sit down and listen to you “white-collar college-educated families” up there in Fallston.
By the way, I went to Aberdeen Elementary Schools, Aberdeen Middle, and Aberdeen High School. Then I graduated, and went to Penn State, where I earned two degrees concurrently. Not only Fallston families value education.
Going to college doesn’t give you more independent thought. For all you know, the other members had their own prerogatives. This guy claims to be a lifelong County resident. Maybe he cares about the livelihood of the county?
Or perhaps he is underqualified.
I would be displeased if you had such prejudice towards me.
My two cents – Look at the makeup of the Council:
1. Horse Farmer (Boniface)
2. Radio Personality (Cap’t Jim)
3. Union Organizer (Neon Dion)
4. Teacher (Slutsky)
5. Land Use Planner (Shrodes)
6. City Manager (Lisanti)
7. Fireman (Woods)
In my mind, only Slutsky, Shrodes and Lisanti are really qualified to led our county on the Council, based on their backgrounds. So obviously one does not need an impressive resume to be on the Council. Everyone just relax and let these guys serve. They really have no power other than zoning issues and certainly only need half a brain.
What we really need is someone better in the County Executive’s Office. The Council is not an effective body to reign in David Craig and it looks like they (and the people that elected them) do not want to provide leadership on taxes and the budget. Rather than worry about having another good old boy on the Council, let’s work on getting a better leader in a position that matters.
Alice in all fairness whomever does not just represent fallston they represent Abingdon too. the previous holder of the seat forgot that hopefully the next holder will not or we might forget to vote for him!
He states in his resume that he is a MFRI Instructor, I’m also a MFRI Instructor, but I can no longer teach other instructors because I have to have a degree in education to do that. The days of Mr. Smith goes to DC are over, you need a degree now a days. I think the county council wanted someone they could own and would just do as they say.
College degrees don’t hurt, but I have to question if anyone who thinks a degree is necessary to understand the world went to college. You may have gotten that kind of a lesson in the 70s when there were protests and activism from campuses, but from the class room? Life, and decision making, is about interpretation and experience. Book learnin’ don’t go so far there.
You can question if someone was the most qualified, but to say he’s completely unqualified? That a degree is imperative? You may want people with degrees, but it isn’t because college taught you the traits of a good councilman.
Let me explain something about college for all of you non-college educated people out there that are trying to justify and make yourselves feel better that you don’t have to have a college degree to be successful. College doesn’t make you smart. College is a gut check for mental toughness and resolve. College teaches you HOW to learn and think critically. Plus, while you’re there, it rubs off a little bit of social class on you as well. Trust me, of all my family and all my friends, I’m the only one who made it through college and eventually grad school. My friends and family all had a million reasons why they couldn’t go or didn’t finish, but in the end…excuses are like belly buttons….everyone has them.
So back to my new apointed official. As someone who knows and appreciates the hard work and resolve of a college graduate, I am very dissapointed that the council opted to give me the least educated of the group. But that does not surprise me the least bit. Why would a council body want to appoint a person who may work harder and be smarter than themselves? Self political preservation at its best.
Give him a chance. Abe Lincoln was self taught.
I seriously hope that the post from Alice was in jest. If no one that you have spoken with who has lived in the area for a while has ever heard of the chief of the Fallston Volunter Fire and Ambulance Company, you and your friends probably think of our public safety folks as “the help” who get a ride from their humble abodes in Bel Air (shudder) and simply are there to serve your every whim. Perhaps you can call him Jeeves and ring a little bell when you need him.
You say that “The vast majority of Fallston residents are white-collar, college educated families that want their children to excel in school and go to college. This guy is not even close to someone that will understand the community.” I would hope that he wouldn’t want to try to understand a community like you describe. Where do the plumbers, electricians, store clerks, and armed forces personnel come from? How about bank tellers, cosmetologists, postal workers, law enforcement officers and salespeople? I could go on but I won’t. In the rest of the county, we want our children to be happy, find a career that they enjoy (whether it requires college, technical school or just on the job training), and be productive members of society.
If yours is the prevailing attitude, I suggest we build a wall around Fallston. You would probably like that to keep the rest of us out. I want it to keep you in.
Alice, I hope that if your house catches on fire, Mr. Woods is not off taking courses at a college to try to deserve to represent your Fallston.
And LaxMom only adds to the stereotype of lacrosse families as elitists. I graduated from a well respected private college. I didn’t need a gut check for mental toughness and resolve, and I didn’t get one. I thank God that what passed for “social class” there didn’t rub off on me. What college did was expose me to materials that broadened my knowledge base. It also exposed me to a group of people (about half of the faculty members) who had no idea of how the world outside of higher education worked, but who also insisted that they had all the answers. One of the most important things that college taught me was not to blindly believe what others preached without verifying it through outside sources.
It seems like there will always be a distinct group of Fallston residents with this feeling of superiority and entitlement, who thinks that the rest of Harford should thank them for gracing us with their presence. I remember years ago when there was talk of a fast food restaurant opening in Fallston, a resident was quoted in the Aegis as saying something like, “We don’t want that sort of thing in Fallston. If we want fast food, we can go to Bel Air. That’s what it’s there for.” The same when Kleins THREATED TO DESTROY THEIR WAY OF LIFE by opening a supermarket on the edge of their charming village. “Why should we have that here when the rest of the county can provide it for us?”
I feel sorry for what I believe are the vast majority of Fallston residents who do not think like these two, but are tarred by their elitist brushes. If these actually were serious posts, then I pity the authors.
Good luck, Councilman Woods. You’re going to need it.
LaxMom – I think these are your words “College is a gut check for mental toughness and resolve”. “Let me explain something about college for all of you non-college educated people out there that are trying to justify and make yourselves feel better that you don’t have to have a college degree to be successful”.
My friends and I have our college degrees and other professional qualifications. Your comments are a JOKE! They show how much of an elitist you are. They show you are a closed minded person. And they show how truly uneducated you are even with all that so called “eduction”.
My father, mother, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles all had mental toughness and resolve and certainly didn’t need college to prove it to anyone. They showed it through their efforts and actions.
I feel sorry for you.
Wow! I would hate to hear what Alice and Laxmom would say about my mother. Silly teenage mother from route 40 with no college degree whose job it is to explain things to the degree holding council members. But I am not sure how I typed this anyway my education is also from a 40 school were we don’t send kids to college. I wonder what that’s thing in my office that says masters degree is? Huh?
vietnam vet, Abe Lincoln was self taught in early life; but he too was a lawyer!
Thank you’ Phil Dirt. I think that was well spoken, 40 Years years ago fallston was a spot in the road. I came from a family of (9) education was set a side for family support. Hay season the boy’s skipped school & worked the fields. it was under stood.
Brave Heart very well said. Cdev thank you for the correction.
Joe already has the 2 most important qualities needed to be a representative of the people, integrity and devotion to his coomunity. These qualties are not aquired with degrees, but with life experiences and upbringing. Joe I wish you all the best in this new rewarding aspect of your life.
I guess a 4 year degree in the Liberal Arts or French poetry, or Russian art, English, History, Music Appreciation (a favorite of many college ball players), Computer Sciences, and the list could go on would give some relief to the Fallston elite. After all it is a college degree. Maybe he could have gone to Berkley, smoked grass, and majored in Zen, received a degree, and be an ultra left wing “let them have sex in the streets and let the community raise the babies” liberal cloaked socialist……but hey, he would have a degree.
I don’t wish to rain on anyone’s parade, but so much stock was put into a college degree in previous years that the degree has become what a high school diploma or an AA degree represented 30 years ago. These days it’s all about the masters, it’s all about the graduate school, it’s all about sky rocketing costs, second and third mortgages for tuition jumps, jobs with crappy health benefits but tuition reimbursement…………all in the name of furthering the education of those that “know it all”.
Give me someone with morals, a backbone, and common sense that has mastered the skill of listening and thinking before speaking.
To the Honorable Dan Riley. Who seldom get’s the credit he deserve’s publicly Just a Big Thank you. in a public forum.
Sem-per Fi.
Vietnam vet,
We are from the same generation and share the sacrifices by friends and relatives in Nam. Obviously it made a lasting imprint on your life. But it is I and the million of Americans who enjoy our freedoms and lifestyle who to you, say Thank You!
“Least We Forget!”
Vietnam was a Hell on Earth. The Haunting, memory’s never go away. killing a man up close and Personal. you’ don’t see fear in this man’s eye’s. but only Hatred. for a man he has never met.
Vet’s can never forget. Gary Owen & Sem-per Fi
Amen and Amen. To all of my brothers in arms, A Toast To Fallen Comrades.
All five branches served well and honorably throughout our history and we who came home are grateful and forever indebted to our brethren who didn’t.
A heartfelt and sincere thank you to all our servicemen/women who have served and all those who are still serving today.
As Americans we owe you a huge debt of gratitude. There are not enough words to honor our military who have fallen while serving this nation. May we never forget! Thank you!
I have read the posts on Joe’s appointment and actually think its funny. We have Ivy League educated CEO’s running companies in the ground. Politicians educated in Law in public scandal after scandal (Edwards, Blago). I would prefer to have someone represent me that has a good work effort, common sense, strong morals and values. For those of you that don’t know, being the Chief of the Fallston VFD is a demanding job in itself. DID YOU KNOW JOE DOES THIS JOB FOR FREE!!! Hence the name VOLUNTEER. Who better to be appointed to a Council Seat than some one that loves their community enough to protect its citizens for free year after year. Being a volunteer firefighter not only takes away from his own job, but from his family too. The Chief position he currently holds is the highest ranking firefighter in the Company, he manages the firefighters, conducts meetings and interacts with leaders in other Communities. If you are dissappointed by these credentials, why didn’t you care enough to run for the position.
There is an old saying that hold true to some of the posters to this article “Those that can do, those that can’t criticize”.
Good Luck Joe and Congratulations.
How dare you state the Joe Woods is not a “pillar of the community”! In fact ma’am, he indeed is. Mr. Woods has been very active as a servant to his community for just about as long as you’ve lived in Fallston. He began as a volunteer firefighter with Fallston as a 16 year old kid. He has promoted through the ranks and now is the Chief. Do you understand what type of energy, intelligence, and commitment this takes? By your condescending post – I certainly doubt it.
As far as Mr. Woods not having an academic degree, rest assure he has been educated in his desired field. Mr. Woods has chosen a trade – the trade of being a firefighter. Much to your surprise, there is immense amount of training involved here. As he elevated through the ranks….more education required. So don’t sit back in your lofty Fallston house and make silly accusation that Mr. Woods is not educated nor intelligent. Have you engaged in a discussion with him? Oh wait…it’s easier to damn a person than to get to know them…sorry.
Maybe it’s a good thing Ms. Alice, that you don’t know Joe Woods. That tells me that you and your loved ones may not have ever needed the service of the community fire department. That means you and yours remained safe. But rests assure, that under the leadership of Joe Woods you and your family would received the best care that they have to offer. It is my suggestion to you Ms. Alice, before you openly criticize a person on the simple argument you’ve presented, focus on the specifics of the job he does. Don’t come out swinging the dagger about an unknown. It only makes you look foolish!
For heaven’s sake!!! The man has yet to make a vote, write a bill, or pass a law and some of you are already condemning him? I don’t get it. Give him a chance!!! No where does it say that a college degree is required to be a humble servant. We all put on our shoes one at a time. The difference is what we do when we’re done getting dressed. Some complain and whine about all the problems of the world. Others simply walk the walk of a servant and fix them.
Joe, if you’re reading this, let me say congratulations to you. No doubt this job requires a daily dose of armor. Keep your guard up and your heart pure. God bless you and your wife as you begin your new job.
Kangaroo court is in Session.
Someone from Fallston that has my respect, despite not have that “gutcheck” degree.,0,3274875.story