Valerie Lianne Carlton, 40, of Joppa, Maryland, was indicted by the Grand Jury for Harford County on June 2, 2009 on 28 counts ranging from the Sexual Child Abuse of two young girls, agres five and six, to Attempted Child Kidnapping and Extortion. These offenses began on or about January 2008 and continued through April 2009. Carlton has been a resident of Joppa for the past fifteen years.
The case is being investigated by the Harford County Child Advocacy Center and anyone with any information concerning this case is urged to contact the Center at 410.638.3294. Please contact Joseph Cassilly, State’s Attorney for Harford County, at 410.638.3500 for further information regarding this release.
I have a friend who works in a residence in NYC on East 16th St called The Bernard Fineson Rsidence. The manager Curtis Walker is a notorious sex abuser and drug addict. He’s had unsolicited sex with dozens of DD males since his hiring. I can’t prove it but I know that this goes on in other group homes as well. This ais a group home for the severely retarded so most of them simply didn’t understand the activities they engaged in or the psychological consequenses of their actions. Is there any way to protect the DD population from this systematic abuse?
Well commenting on a local news story in Maryland vaguely relevant to the crime you’re observing is clearly the best way to report it to the authorities of New York. You’re on the right track! Keep up your vigilant crime fighting there, DANN. You’re a real service to your community.
I see that she is still listed on the ten most wanted list on Harford County Sheriff website. Is this an oversight, or is she really loose and out on the streets? If she is out, how the hell did they lose her?