(Aberdeen, Maryland) June 9, 2009 Aberdeen Police are investigating a fatal pedestrian accident that occurred last night at about 9:30. Harry McNeil 56, of Aberdeen was struck in the westbound lane of Route 40 at Carol Ave by a 2006 Saturn operated by a female from North East. McNeil was treated at the scene by paramedics from the Aberdeen Fire Department and transported to Harford Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The cause of the crash is still under investigation.
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That was my father who was killed and the city of Aberdeen did nothing…
I’m sorry that you lost ur father,my god b with you in ur time of healing trust me I feel 4 you. Now let’s say this everyone here in Aberdeen needs to get to the town meeting and vote out over half of aberdeen police officers due to the fact that we all know they don’t care about the ppl here I see them all the time getting on teens,but when it comes to crimes they pretty much tuck their tails between their legs reason is they don’t want to do the hard work. Hell there’s cameras all over the place at bridge the tunnel gas station everywhere But yet the know nothing. We need to re claim our city GET THEM OUT. Hell Rite Aid has been robbed 3 times in 8 months mind you the police is one block away n still he hasn’t been caught then the bank then walgreens. Plus over how many good ppl has lost a loved one without answers come on this should get you involved help get Jr n the other out of there they get paid for doing nothing,hell I wish I could go 2 work sit on my ass eating what ever 4 free n get my $ still but you know as they wish if any member of your family has been in trouble they watch you n if someone passes they take report n close the case. All BC One Of the Family members was in trouble. No wonder the town is like it is then they want to raise r water bill, for what until they get New Police Officials in town that can work the streets n do their jobs I say no way. EVERYONE needs to get involved GO TO NEXT MEETING FIGHT FOR ANSWERS NOW PLEASE. Again I’m sorry about your Dad my God b with you n God bless you n help you through this trying times
You bitch too much without offering any plausible solution. Maybe it’s time you strapped on a gunbelt and stop all this crime you seem to have a handle on. I know several of Aberdeen’s finest and can assure you that they don’t get into this type of profession without caring for the common good. It certainly isn’t for the high pay or the respect from the citizens. It appears you aren’t very supportive of any law enforcement according to your posts on this site. It sounds to me like Mickey Mouse should have hugged you a little more.
LMAO at your last sentence.
Here’s yur sign Aberdeen’s finest hahahahaha lmfao finest NO. NOT. AT ALL here maybe one maybe two the rest can go to hell. Is it your one of them that can’t past a Wa wa without stopping for a box of donuts and free coffee. Drive around cracker look at how many ppl r homeless,how many ppl r sellin drugs, we r tired of it we feed the homeless but its not enough. And a lot of us kids can’t go to park due to the fact there’s child sex offenders sitting at the park train station. So we kids want the parents to go to meeting get help for this dirty nasty town to clean it all up. And if yu say the police does their jobs why is it the guys sell pot n smoke pot at train stating n they do nothing smart ass why is that oh I know why u said what u said BC u’ll a cop it offended yu BC ur the one that sits on ur ass rite
Wow, you gave me a headache just trying to decipher what you wrote.
If your kids can’t go to the park, call the police so they can come out and do something. If you’re tired of sex offenders hanging at the train station, call the police so they can do something.
Police Officers do not have crystal balls and can not be in many places at once. If you see crime then report it. If you feel they aren’t proactive enough, then file a complaint. No use bitchin about it here.
And if all else fails… You can always move to a new place that you feel isn’t a dirty nasty town.
By the way Mickey mouse as u stated that would of been my daddy who past away when I was 2 thank asshole
I hate to burst your bubble but Mickey and Minnie were a couple not father and daughter so your comparison is completely off base. It sounds to me like you are young so I’m not surprised that your inexperience and immaturity are coming through. A little word of advice…embrace education. It will complete you as a person and hopefully allow you the ability to form complete thoughts and sentences. As the famous Dean Werner said so eloquently in ‘Animal House’…”fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life”.