In a press conference Thursday afternoon, County Executive David Craig announced the county would be terminating the positions of at least 34 employees and further reducing existing services in order to meet the latest round of budget cuts.
The cuts are supposedly coming department by department, starting with several today and continuing with the balance tomorrow.
Check back with The Dagger for details as they become available.
Here is the official county release:
County Executive Announces Additional Budget Cuts for FY 2010
Furloughs and Layoffs to be Implemented(Bel Air, MD) – – Harford County Executive David R. Craig has announced the final decisions with respect to budget cuts the Administration was required to make following adoption of the FY 2010 budget by the Harford County Council late last month. The additional budget cuts from the Harford County Council totaling more than $5 million become effective July 1.
“Earlier today, I announced further reduction to our FY 2010 budget as the result of the additional cuts made by the Harford County Council,” Craig stated. “While these cuts will be difficult for many, they will not steer us drastically off the course we have set to improve Harford County. I am committed to keeping this county moving forward,” Craig remarked.
The budget County Executive Craig submitted to the Harford County Council in April contained nearly $38 million in cuts to the Operating Budget, an average of a 6% reduction to each of the county’s departments from the FY 2009 Operating Budget. “In developing the FY 10 budget my direction was clear, we were going to have the leanest budget possible without affecting direct services to our citizens and without having to layoff employees,” Craig remarked.
The County Council, made a decision to enact an additional reduction to the proposed Operating Budget of 5% across the board to departments of county government. Only the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Harford County Public Schools, Harford Community College and the Harford County fire and EMS service were spared the additional 5% cut.
“The action by the County Council to cut an additional 5% from departments’ operating budgets, making the total cuts over 12%, has taken us to the tipping point where there is no choice but to impose reductions to citizen services and programs,” County Executive Craig stated.
Among the reductions to the FY 2010 Operating Budget to be implemented
July 1 include, but are not limited to the following:– Five furlough days to all county employees
– Layoffs to some county employees
– Reduction in funding for materials for the public library
– Reduction in staff hours for those employed by Harford County Public Library
– The Harford County HazMat Team will no longer respond to blood spills for mitigation purposes
– Response times to HazMat calls for service will increase
– Elimination of public outreach programs to help individuals prepare for emergencies
– Elimination of the Gypsy Moth spraying program to help curb the spread of Gypsy Moths through farmland, forests and communities
– Closing of the Tollgate Road yard waste drop-off site
– Closing of waste oil drop-off sites
– Reduced funding for the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for the Harford County Circuit Court
-Elimination of Juvenile Counseling Services
– No trail monitors for the Ma & Pa Trail during peak hours and on weekends
– Reduction in county funding to Agriculture extension services
– Reduction in county funding for soil conservation
– Reduction in county funding to support the Economic Development Fund
– Reduction in county funding to support workforce training grants
– Reduction in county funding to support the Susquehanna Workforce Development Network
– Elimination of bus service on Saturday’s which currently serves more than 300 dependent citizens per month
“Even during these difficult times, it is the responsibility for government to provide essential services to the citizens we serve,” County Executive Craig remarked. “We will continue to do our best to provide exemplary service with limited resources and a reduction in staffing. Together we will move forward to keep Harford County as a place full of promise, opportunity and a great place to live, work and raise a family,” County Executive Craig added.
The FY 2010 budget is the 30th public budget worked on by County Executive Craig during his 30 years in public office. This was the 15th budget developed as an executive during his terms as mayor of Havre de Grace and now Harford County Executive.
I hope to see more details. If anybody has a source, post them here.
Hope those who wanted to save $50 are happy.
Now that the details are out it even more embarrassing what the tax revolt people have done to this county.
I hope you are happy.
I’m not embarrassed. The County Council and County Executive carried out the will of people. I hope that these cuts make people realize that citizens aren’t playing when they say they want responsible government.
That is responsible?
The only hurt I see here. is the bus service. a stab in the back for people who can’t afford a cab or other source of transportation.
This is a very solid step in the right direction.
Upon reading about these details, I am very pleased at what they have decided to cut. I am excited to see what else they cut.
Let’s go after the Hierarchy. we don’t see any pay cut’s in there department’s.
Bob H,
Lets hope this is only the beginning. We need real leaders that are going to investigate and reform the Bureaucracy that is the Executive Department, Sheriff’s Department, and Board of Education.
There is plenty that can be done to reduce salaries at the top and redirect those dollars to the Teachers in the classroom and the Deputies on the street. Less administration – more action.
My family and I as long term Fallston residents frequently use the library and its resources we are there at least 3 to 4 days a week. My children use the library and its internet services for research and projects. It is a shame that most of the sections in harford county have a library but we will lose ours.
I find funny the poll on the front page apparently 24 people do not know that the education budget can not be cut. It is exactly the minimum required by state law.
Donna I do find it odd that fallston branch is closeing. HOPEFULLY it will have and under payed care taker. Who will keep the Mice etc from takeing over.
Bob H,
Fifty dollars a person did not do this. Lost taxes from the real estate collapse did more damage than anything. A loss of bus service is unfortunate, but only one day a week. People will have to adjust. It is a shame politcians try to play one group of citizens against one another. Scare tactics in many of their cuts. Another example of no leadership.
When will the cut in salaries to the administration heads making six figures be announced?
Regarding Craig’s press release: How do furloughs and layoffs translate into terminations? This is absolutely reprehensible. How much notice did these individuals get? These people have lost not only their employement but most likely their homes as well. There are absolutely no cuts in the exec’s department. What a son of a bitch, he should be ashamed and embarrassed, but, as I’ve said before, it doesn’t affect him so why should he care? Closing a library and reassigning workers is one thing, ruining someone’s livlihood is quite another.
Bob H and anyone else in the “it’s only $50 club” –
Yes, it’s only $50 but when would you have cried “uncle”? When you’re being taxed 30%, 40%, 50% of your income? With the Homestead Cap at 9%, your property taxes would have doubled in 8 years. Maybe you can afford ever increasing taxes. My income hasn’t come close to keeping pace with rising taxes, gasoline, groceries, energy etc. The fact is our government has gone to the well once too often at every level. I hate to see anyone lose their job, but I applaud the Council for their action.
34 employees out of 1700 right?
Cdev, the option of reducing education spending was included in the poll as a suggestion that may warrant further consideration. Even though the county has no control over it, perhaps it should – especially in times/situations like these.
Brian 14 counties requested an exemption from that law and all got denied. Maintence of effort is there to protect schools from being victimized by last minute cuts (like these) when they have to plan out ahead in order to accomplish their important mission. ALthough they voluntarily gave 5% back last year which they did not have to do based on the way the county council handled the new school they will probably not do so this year.
Joe: I see your point but when Craig was originally talking furloughs and layoffs and then sends the head of his budget department and the head of security with plastic bins telling people they’re terminated, that’s just wrong. Only 34 of 1700 but 34 who had no idea this was coming.
“Patrick” McGrady……”The will of the people” my hairy butt! Just because a couple of hundred “tea-baggers” came in and stunk up the Council Chambers enough to convince the Council to kow-tow to their ludicris demand, doesn’t mean this idiotic tax rate reduction is “the will of the people”. Wake up you hillbilly!
Two weeks notice. It would be nice to have more but I am sure they will be paid for at least two more weeks.
Sounds like the way the teachers union or county employees have operated. Couple hundred people for one special interest trying to sway the council. The difference is the tea party people want to save money. They were not looking to take more of the public’s money.
You clearly show your intelligence level in post 21 above. Typical – you’ve got nothing intelligent to offer so you start with the personal attacks. Thank goodness concerned citizens are taking action. Grow up!
I was just up at school throwing away newspapers and saw several Algebra 1 Cognitive Tutor books in the trash!! Brand new 2007 date nothing written in them and I actually took one for one of my kids. Why in the world are these books being thrown away? I suspect this kind of thing happens a lot of time in HCPS which is why people get so upset (myself included obviously). They could have at least donated them somewhere. Some governmental agencies have gotten way to used to $$$ and not worried about conservation. Maintenance of Effort needs to stop because after today, I think it is being abused.
Kate – At work last week, I had 2 government employees (not sure if county or state) come in and they “had” to spend $250 before their budget year ended. All tax exempt purchases, of course. Jeez, that’s my money!!
County Executive David Craig tells us “we will get through this”:
Full story here:
Braveheart you have the unmitigated gull to talk about personal attacks? This from the person who said
“I must admit – I find it incredulous, some of the crap you spout off. Do you have a mother or are you a son of government?
There is a boat waiting for you somewhere…. to Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia,,,”
So you can talk about other people’s mothers but can not stomach someone telling someone else what they think of them?
You talk of freedom and independence but you want to suppress his freedom of speech ? This makes not sense. Your previous postings telling those who disagree with you they should move are very moving. You even call us socialists and communists. When we quote the Bill of Rights and US Constitution, two documents you hold dear, you tell us we should move. My Grandfather, Father and Brother all spent there lives as govt. employees, For the greter part of their service they were US Marines! The defended your right to do what you do. But that right does not include supression of others rights which you have started doing.
For future reference I have a job and Iran is not a communist country and niether is Russia!
I heard one of the employees that was laid off committed suicide. Any truth to the rumor?
My comments are directed at people like you that simply ignore facts and make up facts on the fly. Numerous times, I’ve called you out for reporting incorrect information. Simple as that. If you don’t want to be called out – stop making things up. I’m starting to worry about your mental status….
Two – I never said annything about your mother. I simply implied that you are reliant on Government.
Three – Everyone has the right to speak their mind. Is that clear enough for you Cdev? My point to you is that if you don’t like small Government – then move some place where government can control more aspects of your life.
Do you really have anything to add Cdev? I’ll be here, waiting for your false facts and statements.
It is true, it was on the Channel 2 news just now. A county employee who was laid off killed himself.
Regardless of where you come down oon this whole issue folks, I hope you take pause to realize the very real results of all of this.
All of this talk. All of this rhetoric. All of this grandstanding.
A man is dead.
Hope everyone is happy.
Hug your children tight.
Braveheart I have asked you numerous times to specificlly identify what you would cut and you fail to do so.
Next you questioned if I had a mother. Those where your words!
I moved here from PG county because I was happy with the size and scale of government. My wife got her job in Harford County and we could have moved to Cecil or Baltimore Counties but we chose here. I did not want the large govt Baltimore had to offer. Many of my neighbors like what they have had here as do I. The reality is many in your group need to understand that they are responsible for the irresponsible cutting that will occur all because they choose to get involved in the process too late. Why were the masses not at the public budget hearings? Had they been speaking then these cuts would have been planned properly.
Harford County Board of Ed. Facility Department should be the checked out…
lot of waste, there are some good people, But also some very lazy workers and supervisors…
Just talk to the people that do the day to day work, and they will tell you who the bad apples are!
Could be contracted out to a private company, where people are made more accountable…
I get really pissed off when I go into some of these schools and see the lack of maintenance…
Vacation is over in Hickory… time to buckle down or be fired…
Taxpayers (I guess most of us are in that group) had no choice but to get involved when it became obvious that our elected officials were failing us. Sorry it didn’t accomodate your time tables.
Cdev – I think we’ll have to just agree to disagree. We just see the world differently.
People losing their jobs does not make me happy, but it has to happen. If the man took his own life because he lost his job, he had larger problems than unemployment.
boxman I agree. entirely to many superviser’s,in the intire far as facility’s they work as called. the custodian in most case’s report’s to his her boss. the boss supposedly in some point in time report’s it to the vice principal
The vice principal. some where in time report’s the problem. to facility’s and hopefully some thing will be done.
I am sad by all the cuts, but we all knew it was going to come to this. I know that I will personally volunteer my time to help out in any way I can.
I am extremely saddend to read Comment #29 and #31
I have looked on the Channel 2 website and can find no report of this
can someone please provide any verification to this story
if not, people please do not make such statements unless they have been truely verified
this budget crisis that we are in effects all citizens of Harford County
wasn’t it just not last year that county employees received pay scale adjustments AND pretty hefty raises – how could the situation we are in now not have been a least a bit visible down the road – sounds like extremely poor budget planning on part of the Co. Exec!
I am always amazed when government, at any level, has to dismiss, lay-off, downsize, capsize, or whatever. There is this huge outpouring of sympathy for the poor workers and their families. Nothing wrong with the sympathy, but how about the poor schmuck at the plant down the road who also got laid off? The economy is in the toilet, and guess what, it’s going to get worse! Every employer has to make those tough decisions on how to make do with less. If I sell less, I make less, and spend less. Governments are going to have to face even worse times. Projections of income are, in most cases, ridiculously high. Half way through the next fiscal year reality will hit again and more cuts will have to be made. Smart businesses never make higher than real projections, and when sales are off they can whether it. One of my clients had three 50 man shifts at this time last year. Today he has one 35 man shift. That is 115 poor schmucks who got the axe and don’t have a prayer of finding work.
In private industry a lay off is handled by notifying the employee and having a person from security escort him or her to the desk to collect personal items and then escorted to the exit. That is smart business by the way! No time to wreck something or sabotage the computer.
Boo Hoo the county has to lay off people. Hopefully they will be in the overhead area but my guess is we’ll use the old tried and failed system of cutting out the folk who actually provide some service.
Braveheart I have no problem agreeing to disagree. When people do not resort to rude insults as you have done! Not everyone will agree. My point was there is a timeline for the budget for a reason. When we stick to the timeline we get responsible decisions when you stray from it you get illogical and reactionary decisions which are not well thought out and planned for.
This economic crisis that we are experiencing does have a “Silver Lining”. Remember that when one door closes another one and most certainly a window opens. .However, most of the time, WE tend to concentrate on the closed door.
I believe that this open window represents the opportunity for US to look at how we can do business differently in this county? And it is also an opportunity for ALL of us to start looking for policy-makers who can think beyond the next election?
We (the taxpayers) should encourage serious discussions about short-term and long range cost saving measures-COUNTY-WIDE (and include the municipalities) that can be implemented. For instance we should discuss the benefits derived from the consolidation of services. (ALL services including the so-called sacred cows).
We should also explore different funding sources. We simply can’t continue to rely solely on the traditional sources of revenue (income/property taxes) to support the services and programs that has made this county a place where people (like you and I) want to live. Every service/program currently provided by our local government is vital to the long-term vitality of Harford County.
Even if the demand for services that the government CURRENTLY provides remains level-the cost of providing these services will certainly continue to grow. Where then does the funding to support such growth come from, especially since we are experiencing serious problems at our current taxing levels?
Long Rang: We need a comprehensive strategy that outlines at how every segment/community in Harford County can generate revenue to support all of Harford County. (Building more houses is only part of the solution).
Why, because we can’t grow our economy by doing each other’s laundry. There are examples just across the state line in DE and PA. They realize sometime ago that growing the size of the pie requires a strategy that attracts revenue from outside of their respective states. In other words, they are growing their economy using revenue from outside their state- Maryland.
Why can’t we develop that same mind set? While slots (as in their case) may not be part of our strategy-certainly a community with as many SMART people as Harford County has, should be able to think of some ways to attract revenue from outside of Harford County to support the kind of quality of life that has kept and attracted many of us here.
While we may not be able to help the 32 individuals who have lost their jobs and therefore their livelihoods, we certainly are in an excellent position to prevent future occurrences.
Unless there are those who believe that there will not be more of the same- if we continue to do what we have always done?
For all those people who say the $54 didn’t cause this, you are wrong.
The budget was set before an arbitrary cut by the council that was not based on reality.
If you say otherwise you are a fool.
i think the county and city councils of havre de grace and aberdeen (especially) have to stop giving out all these “tax incentives” — the latest going to a company headed for bankruptcy anyway… OPUS EAST LLC doing the BRAC work. one moron on the aberdeen city council wants to support some high end retirement corporation disguised as a non-profit. even when one of the aberdeen city council members (woman) gave really a really compelling analysis NOT to support the measure (no property tax forever) — the moron says — we should do it anyway — even when the average aberdeen resident could NEVER afford to buy a place in that community.
that’s what i’m talking about … stop giving away the farm, aberdeen already got ripped off by ripken and the stadium fiasco — so what do they and craig want to do… support another developer looking to expand a 6 hole golf course with NO hope for making any money — just more traffic along route 22.
Hey boxman…you are on it…one particular supervisor at Hickory Facilities Management is a waste of time and money…he’s been a leech on the county trough long enough…get him out…this kind of trash works hard at not working…works at nothing…hanging out at the WaWa….
i am for County Executive Craig’s moves on this…
These cuts are typical. Designed to get the public opinion fired up. I’m surprised they didn’t try to close a fire station or two. Why not cut salaries across the board? Many Tax payers have had their income cut and energy expenses continue to rise. Why should county officials and workers be insulated from cuts in their income? …. Oh , I know .. because they can.
Hiram: I am sure anyone who works for the county knows of someone who is milking the system. The problem is, no one listens to the common worker who would be able to identify these moochers. You might say that someone just doesn’t get along with someone else and would put the finger at that person as worthless, but if enough employees mentioned the same person, it seems as though that would be credible. As always, the guys at the top who know nothing of the daily workings of any division, are just making haphazard cuts instead of listening to the folks who are there on a daily basis. It’s a shame because we all know of the slackers who are giving the rest of the county workers a bad rap.
Great points! Government salaries and benefits are well out of proportion with the private sector in terms of $$$ and responsibilities. However, I will add that in any business positions are eliminated when they are simply no loner needed.
I agree – many of Craigs moves were typical of a Political looking to Get Reelected -pit citizens against citizens.
Hiram Lodgepole,
I have heard of this LEGENDARY Slacker. I’m going to start carrying a camera to document & publish some of these unbeliavable abuses of Taxpayer $$$$.
When is Jesse Bane going to be held accountable for his lack of fiscal responsibility and lack of leadership? Does this guy have a horseshoe planted somewhere? Is he related to David Craig or Fred Visnow?
Just by reviewing the budget it is clear that he has an inordinate number of supervisory positions with no one being supervised. I understand that he is afraid to give up any authority. If I were running that Department I could easily cut 5% and still have a more effective policing department. Bane seems to be in the business of Going Along to Get Along. Sad….
No problem with cutting taxes and being responsible, however the myth that county employees make $100 is wildly exagerated. Most dept heads, about 2 or 3 make about that much, these people would be making this money had they worked for private industry . Most of the layoffs employees did not make those kinds of money. The cuts are for “show”, the real savings would be from cutting away sweetheart deals in procurement to buy computers from favored parties, and vehicles that others could provide for far less money. The executive office budget did not get cut, nor did the stipends that councilpersons receive for travel, food, and they are not being forloughed.
In my dept, we have 4 less people due to retirements (positions have been eliminated) which means that we no longer have a secretary and now have to take turns at reception because we don’t have the clerical staff needed to answer calls from …..guess……citizens like you. I now have to be the receptionis and the secretary for my caseload……now that is a waste of money. Meanwhile, if I am at the reception area or sending out appointments, I can’t do what I was hired to do, which impacts real problems that our citizens need assistance. My caseload has grown bigger, and leaves me to delay new clients requests about 3 weeks out from the initial call.
I don’t call this being efficient, to have a trained person do work that another could do for half the salary. The county rather keep me because my cetification gives the county a qualified person to complete the work needed, and they have invested dollars in training and experience that is critical to the work I do.
There are no savings from having less staff to do the required work, in fact the results will be less than what the county citizens deserve. I hope that you understand when you call me requesting an appointment that I won’t be able to schedule you for about 3 weeks, when you fall behind on your mortgage and your lender won’t talk to you or offer you any assistance.
As a trained and certificed housing counselor my job is critical to the people that are behind on their mortgages, that could be you one day or your relatives. If you think that you can also get this service that the county provides just as easily from someone else, think again the backlog of cases and demand for services will make some of you the victims of overworked staff and poorly supported systems that allow me to work on your loan, but I have to be a receptionist and a secretary at the same time.
We help hundreds of people in our county keep their homes or avoid foreclosure, I think that number is about the be reduced because we have less staff to be able to set time aside to work on new cases.
The real loss will be felt in reduced services toi those who need them.
County Employee I have too agree with you.. most would be eager to point out if they had not over extended there credit or bought more house then they can afford they would’nt need your Help.
That’s fine. except for the fact unemployment is extremely’ high. and there is a need for your service’s. of which one can never be sure may be needed. save a space for me I may be next in line.
As you’ say the Morgage company does not have the Home owners best interest at Heart.
I see several projects booming around our county… parks and rec… I hear they/ve even planned to install astro turf on some fields instead of natural grass…. These were probably started in planning a few years ago when the housing boom was bringing in a surplus of tax revenue… but now… they’r under construction and are a testament to poor foresight by those at the helm of our county government. Just like the Ceo’s of GM and AIG they don’t easliy consider themselves deserving of an income reduction for poor decision making, rather make the little guy pay. lay off the common worker and cut services to the public.
Maybe a cross the board pay cut to the top 60% of county employees…. leave most of the services as is. fulfill the construction commitments already made. But county employees at all levels and especially those at the top should be invited to feel the same stress to make ends meet as those they tax so freely.
County Employee,
Would you be willing to open up your work week to show everyone what you do during the week? Allow someone to follow you and show how much you do have to accomplish? We keep hearing how wait times will go up and services affected, but we have nothing to compare it to.
Another question for anyone:
How many building inspectors were let go? With the drop off in home building you would think we could do with a smaller staff.
I am not able to have anyone come over and see what I do, there are privacy concerns out there that I need to protect my clients.
As far as my administrative duties? They range from representing the county and agency at events, reports (documenting and tracking ) to funding sources, caseload management and the occassional staff meeting, along with training and research to make me the best prepared professional to serve our citizens.
I am glad to have a job that is relatively secure, my friends in the private market make more money than me, but are subject to market forces faster than I would. Their primary goal is to make money for their employer and seek no other kind of renumeration. I too have been a private worker for most of my life, but at this time in my career I thought that this would be a good spot to enhance my experience, and no doubt will use the experience and training received here to advace my career goals. There is something to be said for the lack of innitiative in the govt sector, they system is terrritorial and clique’s are popular.
But as a whole, I have learned that people in govt are just like all other people, most care about their jobs and their responsabilities.To compare private sector work to govt work is just silly. I get no OT or bonuses, like most of my friends in private market that have similar jobs. I can’t come in on weekends, and can’t just work until the work gets done because most of my clients receive on going services, not a one and done service.
The marketplace adjusts to supply and demand instantly, govt work is sometimes the reverse, more demand during a bad economy, just when our budgets get cut,. and demand for human services are at their highest. You can complain about high taxes, but when the shi**t hits the fan and the citizen needs something from me, they expect to receive it, because laws, mandates and politicians created feel godd and sometimes common sense programs to protect the public. It is my job to run the laws passed by others and voted in by you the voter. I don’t see how me working what I was hired to do should be demonized and considered part of the “fat” , just remember your “fat” is some other voter’s beef.
The obvious choice he has all the answers
Brought to you by the committee to elect Braveheart
Get a clue,
Go get a clue, I obviously have the solutions that you don’t want to hear.
No Braveheart you think you have the solutions. All I get out of your post is that you can do a better job than everyone and, oh yeah how many times are you going to copy and paste that the budget has seen a 45% increase. We all know that. So let me ask you how much should you be paying in taxes 30,40, 50 %? You might be a successful business man, but I seriously doubt that you run anything as complex as any government department with hundreds of employees under your direct control. So please spell out your proposed budget. Anyone can say they can run a department with 5% less than last year and keep the sames services so with all of your wisdom please spell it out. Oh I know fire some people nobody works as hard as me.
Get a clue,
Get a clue.
My job as I see it is to generally educate the masses. Contrary to your point, the general public has no idea that the Harford County Operating Budget increased 45% from 2005 $420 Million to $610 Million in 2009.
I’ll continue to copy and paste facts about the County Finances – what harm does it cause. Clearly it irritates people like you.
I have a job and will not be running for any office anytime soon.
I pay plenty in taxes as do most people in Harford County. There is no need for the State and Local budgets to increase any higher than the rate of inflation. I’d be willing to pay whatever State and Local rates are necessary to meet that level of spending. That has not happened anytime recently.
We have elected officials to craft reasonable budgets and pay reasonable salaries and benefits and tax the public in a reasonable fashion. That hasn’t happened. I fully expect that we will have some new elected officials that will do what the Harford County taxpayers require.
Too all the county employees that lost their jobs or a weeks pay spread out through the rest of the year. If you want to know wher you pay check went. Take a look at the local volenteer fire house. The county Executive is throwing all kinds of money at them in theguise of public safety. They have nice new cars to drive back and forth to their day jbs and to the local drive through when they are hungry. All the money that could pay your bills is given away with no accountability needed.
First of all, the government is not my bank. Its not my daddy. Its not my savior. It is not supposed to be in charge of me. I am. I resent it taking and taking and taking away my freedom and my responsibility to care for myself. I resent having to take my hard earned money and to give it to some idiotic program like a turtle crossing bridge. I resent the gov’t. taking my health care decisions into “court” if I want to have an abortion or not it’s my choice. If I want to kill myself, it is my choice, too…If I choose not to drive on the wrong side of the road, it is my choice, and I will pay the consequences for it. I should not have to pay the consequences for a horny teen aged boy’s actions that increase the voter base and increase the number of un-wed and un-prepared, un-educated, un-employed and un-achieving soc. service receiving people. I am angry that at the soc. services offices, the number of workers that dis Aberdeen and Edgewood and Hdg and Joppa areas is probably accurate in their assessment of the numbers of people sitting around watching soaps and neglecting their children. I am angry with our system that allows our seniors to live in ramshackle houses, but gives freely to lazy, slovenly and even filthy young single mothers the ‘taj mahal’ of sec. 8 houses. The number of single women with multiple children and fathers of those children is not being addressed, probably due to “political correctness”. CRAP. I am disgusted by the “I deserve it” attitude I see everywhere. If I seem ‘judgemental’, I am . I am tired of watching all of the people that have worked hard and paid their dues, cut the ‘fat’ from their own budgets to make ends meet and then, by the stroke of a fool’s pen, lose most of all that they worked for all of their lives. I feel sorry for the seniors that may lose their homes, have lost their ability to pay the bills and are “too rich” to qualify for help. Something is definitely wrong in this system… I am angry at the fool that decided to close the landfill to “save” money. Where is the ‘green’ in that? County gov. wants to protect our environment, yet force the folks to drive to the farthest away landfill. Why? I’ll bet that was a political move, as was the “alleged” closing of the Fallston library, too. Of all of the waste in this county budget, think about it. What makes folks mad? The operating budget is full of non-essential stuff. Zoning, building inspectors, evidently, grant writers are not doing a very good job getting grants to keep libraries and parks and rec programs moving, the age for pensions, the amount of health care paid, are but a few places that may need to be trimmed. The P and Z dept. could contract out the inspections as needed. The full time public works “shovel leaners” could also be contracted out as needs arrive and money is available. We really do not need full time ” grass cutters” when folks are shoveling their snow or driveways themselves.I do not see the need to buy new cars each year. My car is over 5 years old and runs fine. Why do we have to have a new maintenance dept. if they continue to buy new cars and are not “maintaining” the cars they have? These questions rise when one looks at the amount of tax that is required to run this county, this state and God forbid if the CAP tax passes. If the jobs were needs based rather than “we could use” the budget cuts would be apparent to the people in charge. The funds come from tax payers…according to the folks that are currently complaining, $54.00 is not enough…or too much.
Personally I love walking into some dirty section 8 apartment or row home and seeing a big screen tv, $3000 stereo, PS3, etc in it and finding out the person living there is a single mother with multiple kids and no job (or at best a job working at Burger King.)
Tiny tax payer
You are pretty angry, you may be happier if you got one of the do nothing, county jobs, but save for the fact that you would have to know something about something to work for us. According to you govt is not needed for anything. Wow, could society and America be what it is today without govt?
When there is a human emergency, should you just rely on the goodwill of others to take you to the emergency room, who will answer 911?.
Who will teach you and your chlldren the skills needed to succeed in this demanding technical world?
Who will repair water mains? Make sure fire hydrants work? Keep our parks and recreation centers? Who will plow the snow and clear the roads? Who will make sure your local gathering place keeps hot food hot and cold food cold?
From what you say, maybe you should live in Iraq or Iran where you will pay, pray, and say what others tell you to think. At least in America you can have your say and vote accordingly.
I am by the way, for lower taxes, and think that govt spends money in uneeded programs and projects. But I do think most of the obligatory spending this county does is mandated by federal (No child left behind…..Federal ID act) that force the county to spend 50% of the peoples money is a declining student enrollment system, an ever increasing amount of money. And the State of Maryland, by witholding transportation revenue that should be coming to Harford County and give it to their democratic strongholds.
I am too angry at people that think that is fair to put a tax reduction of the backs of county employees and did not affect Sheriff, EMT’s, 911, HCC and HCPS. In all the 10% cut was borne by 25% of county govt.
In the end you will get what you pay for. There ain’t no free lunch anywhere!!!!
It’s time the Sheriff’s Department got rid of their take home car policy. Every single officer gets a car! Even the ones who live out of county and out of state! So you are paying for gas and maintenance on vehicles whose drivers don’t even live in Harford County, much less the State of Maryland. What a waste–an officer works an 8-hour shift so the vehicle is left sitting 2/3 of the time, unless, of course, the officer is running errands and hauling his family around on personal business in the company car. Time to tell Sheriff Bane what we think of his policy.
Tiny Tax payer & DW. One of our biggest, waste is public assistance. they continue to abuse the system. Food stamp’s are issued on a plastic card. supposedly the person useing it is the owner.
Any given day. on the street you can buy a $ 100.00 Dollars worth of food for $50.00 Dollars if they are haveing a bad day. $ 40.00 Dollars a $100.00 the system of public assistance is being victimized & no cure.
Question ? does any one know ? if Appointed & Elected Official’s intend to cut there pay ?
County employee,
Please explain the statements that led you to believe that the gov’t would help in an emergency? The folks that helped during Katrina were helped faster by churches than by the state. On a local level, the churches here in this county are wonderful. The help with food, clothing, rent, job training and counselling, tutoring and life skills as well as with transporting folks to and from doctors/hospitals. The churches, salvation army, purple heart, boy scouts, girl scouts, among many other resources are available for the people who need help. The gov’t is in the way a lot of the times. The inspectors that hold up projects because they can, the troopers that pull over teens for no reason other than cause they can, the amount of paper work involved in checking out the “problem” is so complicated and useless, that yes, I do not see a need for much of the govt. as it is now. I believe that we as Americans do best when we are allowed to suceed or to fail, not to be bailed out, taxed to death and harassed because of a “politically correct” phrase. I heard a beautiful older woman talking to her daughter at a local restaraunt the other day and she said, “Isn’t that colored woman pretty?” and her PC daughter turned bright red and told her mother to hush. That is the kind of gov’t I am tired of hearing. If some one is pretty, “colored, white or other”, acknowledge it and move on. The group in Edgewood is called Mocha Moms, a support group for women of color. Which color?
I’m sick and tired of hearing about Harford County money or Maryland money, or the federal money…….governments don’t have money, it’s OUR money, the government takes it through taxes and spends it as if it’s their money. How about we the people deciding on how OUR money is spent. Frankly, I don’t want to see county employees, my employees, lose jobs or give up pay, but on the same note I don’t want to see MY money being wasted on jobs that are created so that friends of those in power will have a job. Are there county employees that are making 6 figures, there sure are, do WE really need to pay them 6 figures, absolutely not. Anyone who enters in to civil service looking to make big bucks entered for the wrong reason. If Harford County government could simply show me justification on how MY money is being spent I would be happy. When my son wants money for gas, I demand to know what he spent his money for and what he intends to use the car for. Very simplified analogy, but that is what WE THE TAXPAYERS must ask of the government that is using OUR money.
Tiny tax payer
Is Harford County building a turtle crossing?
Second Roe V Wade says an abortion is your choice
Wanting to Kill youself is not sane.
Driving on the wrong side of the road and killing someone is you infringing on their choice to live.
Vitnam Vet If refering to the BOE they do not make much anyway.
Rob #45
The county does not own the fire companies, or you can bet they would close them. It’s the typical 11th hour save but I have to cut something else bla bla bla…..
County employee,
Private schools provide a much better education than a government will. The Red Cross provides disaster relief more efficiently than any government agency. The only exception might be the National Guard.
Government is not the answer to every problem or situation that comes about in society. The government and it’s employees might want to think they are the only ones that can save us, but nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, it seems like they are only trying to save their power or save their jobs with the decisions they make.
As I read the various comments I notice that many writers want less government, less government intrusion into their lives and want greater personal choice. They point to government and the poor (freeloaders) as being the problem and if they would only go away then we would be free to run our lives as we see fit. God this sounds wonderful. Everyone taking responsibility for themselves and pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. This sounds great until a problem lands in their back yard and then they want to know where the government is to bail them out.
When you get sick because our food supply was not properly monitored then you want to know when “somebody” is going to do something about it. You want to cut off assistance to the poor until you see a homeless child in the streets and then you want to know why somebody doesn’t do something about it. One writer even advocated for the freedom to drive on the wrong side of the street if they wanted to and they would accept the consequences. How will they accept the consequences when a mother and her children are killed due to your irresponsible actions. This is why we have a police force paid by tax payer money to enforce laws. How many of the people of Fallston said that somebody should do something about it when they learned there were dangerous chenicals in their drinking water due to the negligence of Exxon. Did the greedy people at Exxon take responsibility. Should we do away with government overisght hoping that businesses will act in good faith. How many readers have elderly parents who are in need of help. Are they freeloaders who should pull themseves up by their boot straps. How many said that the government should do something to help them.
A final word about welfare or public assistance. An able bodied adult is not eligible for assistance. An adult who is homeless might be able to find a shelter to spend the night but he / she will not receive cash assistance. A low income parent with children is eligible for assistance. They are eligible for assistance for a period of five years throughout their lifetime. In other words, any parent who receives assistance for a perioid of five years cannot receive further assistance, period. The assistance was established for the benefit of the children. I don’t know any adult who would trade places with somebody living on public assistance or in section 8 housing which is frequently gang infested as are the section 8 areas in Edgewood. I sure don’t want to be the one to tell a child to pull themselves up by the bootstrap, do you?
it is useless to talk to some of you. You have your own views and I have mine. Katrina was a national disaster, that no one could have prevented, save from not having a New Orleans built in a bath tub in the first place. As I recall, police, National Guard and Army were there as soon as possible. Yes, there were private concerns there faster such as Red Cross and local churches. The problem is that some of you don’t want an effective govt, but will complain once there is an event that can’t be prevented and somehow govt is responsible for it.
At the same time that you say that govt can’t do anything, you will say that we have the best Armed forces, are they part of govt or not. I would say for the money we pay we get the best possible service possible. For example, if Harford county wants great grant writers to find sources to pay for things that improve our quality of life, these people need to be trained, and paid accordingly.
I know all about paying taxes too, I am also a tax payer, not just you. I want responsible govt that does not tax us out of our homes. I know that private schools provide a better service, but they don’t really have to teach everyone, the troubled youth, disabled, learning challenged and provide altenative learning to comply with federal dollars received, because they don’t receive them. Its a non-argument really, comparing a system for all vs. a selective system with better supports because if you pay for it (tuition) then you are a more invested parent than sending you kid to public school.
Tiny tax payer,
Thank you. You’ve restored my faith in the stupidity of people in general, not that I really had any doubts…
It’s apparent Dave just spent the last 30 years, working low income houseing he has seen the waste & devastation some of these people can create. the filthy kid’s the empty refrigerators.
The men liveing on the women. Able Bodyed that should be working liveing off of the taxpayer. the 5 year term is a joke.
People in Section 6 include:
Veterans, disabled, elderly, poor and working families.
To treat most of the people as criminals is just sterotyping. Most of the families in subsidized housing either work and don’t make enough to rent at market prices, or without the subsidy would be homeless, living in cars in your subdivison. There is fraud, but eventually those doing bad get weeded out and have to pay restitution or be removed from the program.
Those with their daddy living in the home are also caught, from tips, and other sources. It is your responsability to report abuses to the system, so that it can help those that it was created to help. To just bitch about it is useless, unless you actively report any suspicious activity. Local property taxes or county funds are not spent on Section 8, just to let you know, so reducing county budget does not reduce federal programs.
Section 8 contributes more that $10 million to the local economy, if you are a landlord it can help pay for your investment and keeps many a neighborhoods without vacant homes. In fact, you probably won’t know anyone on section 8 on your block or community, but they are in all parts of the county, not just in the rte 40 corridor. There are families in Norrisville, Joppa, Fallston, Street, Whiteford and so on.
It is basic class warfare, to just blame your problems on people less fortunate than you. Yes, it sucks when people that don’t deserve, receive something that they shouldn’t. I think that some of the writers here, really don’t know anything about these programs, but one can just blame them for everything and somehow that’s ok.
Let’s put some of the blame on the private sector too….banking, specially and how they have cost our future generations trillions of $$$. The private market is so efficient and wonderfull, not need for regulation, because they will regulate themselves….what a joke. Self interest and greed make an unregulated market take risks that the whole economy is now in the dumpster. Businesses ripping of the consumer abound, insurance companies, credit card issuers, car manufacturers on the dole, and pharmacuticals charging an arm and a leg for prescriptions that they sell in other countries….that are more regulated for pennies on the $$$. Defense manufacurers charging and overcharging for weapon systems and airplanes that never actually are delivered because the product does not do what it was suppossed to do. Enron, and Constellation Energy and the such, you begin to see that private enterprise has also a hand in our pocket.
Businesses are now too big to fail, but somehow is ok to let your local govt fail to deliver, because the $54.00 that you save can help enrich the coffers of Exxon and the like that keep raising gas prices even though the price of crude has not increased more than $25.00 per barrell from its lows of a few months back, but the retail cost is $1.59 more per gallon from its low.
People can’t control the private market, so we’ll just take it out on the public sector instead.
To Vietnam Vet,
First, thank you for your service to our country. You certainly deserve my respect and admiration. However, your comments could not have more wrong. I have not worked with section 8 housing for the past thirty years. I have never lived in section 8 housing or near section 8 housing. But as a Christian I have reached out to those in need and have found that many did not have the opportunities that I had growing up. They did not have parents who valued education or had the means to send their children to college. They did not grow up in homes where they had good role models and proper nutrition and medical care. Most of the poor i know work and work hard. While we say all men are created equal, this is not true. There are many people with borderline intelligence or mental illness that simply won’t have the same opportunities that somebody with higher intelligence will have. Let’s face it, go to any wealthy neighborhood and you will find that most of the residents are highly intelligent and educated. you simply cannot pass law school with an IQ of 70.
Oh and by the way, get your facts straight!!! The five year maximum for financial assistance is law and is not a joke. I dare you to go down to the welfare office and apply for services. If you are able bodied you won’t get anything. By the way, I do know plenty of Vietnam vets who get disability and don’t work when they are physically able to work. They have emotional disabilities. I don’t hear you complaining about them.
Predictable wishfull thinking, cut my taxes,but not a cut in the services you want and need.
So instead we go to the lowest common denominator,…class warfare. Blame on the poor, disabled, and elderly on Section 8. As if living on a rental subsidy and food stamps makes the American dream. Most people receving assistance would rather be able to be self sufficient to not depend on govt help.
Section 8 has nothing to do with the county budget. Become informed about what your property taxes pay. 50% goes to the school system, 20% for Sheriff and prisons, and the remaining 30% for all departments in the county jurisdiction.
The cuts affected departments within the 30%, not the remaining 70%. The departments affected will reduce services, and you will find out the extent of them should you need the services.
Good night Mandy!!! Keep up the good work while I take my well deserved vacation. Funny, I know.
Dave I’am surprised we still have have any ”Christian’s” there going the way of the horse. well first of all I’AM speaking Able body’s capable of working maybe you need to ride with the police department.
I just spent 31 years working low income houseing,I will say they have a lot of people fooled. trip’s to Hershey Park tractor pull’s a week in Ocean City all at the expense of the tax payer. live in boy friend who might on occasion work ! but more likely to be found selling Dope on the street corner. they are waiting with out stretched hand’s for your Money.
There are plenty of people living in section 8 housing who are able bodied and have no reason why they can’t work other than they’re too damn lazy to get up before noon and think job hunting consists of going to the closest McDonald’s, dropping off an application and then waiting three weeks for a phone call. Many of them may not “technically” be collecting welfare or food stamps, but they’re living with someone who is.
Believe it or not there was even one who went to court, claimed he was “looking for a job” and when the judge asked him what time he got up the guy said “around noon.” The judge gave him probation and one of the conditions of his probation was that every morning the guy had to be in that judge’s courtroom from 8 am to noon for a month or a warrant would be issued for his arrest. Guess what, not even a week later we arrested him on a bench warrant issued by that judge violation of probation.
I personally have been in several houses or apartments where not one person living there had a steady job (or if they did, it was one person making minimum wage at a fast food place) with nicer stuff than I have in my house and between my wife and I we make over $100k/year.
The police see it all the time. These people know how the system works and how to play it to their maximum benefit.
DW and Dave,
I am not sure you understood what I was trying to convey earlier. The gov’t. that provides services is made up of “we the people”, not an institution or a thing. It has gotten out of control. The gov’t mushroomed into a giant spiderweb of intricate paths to “fix” stuff…whether or not it’s broken.
The idea of starting class warfare because of a disagreement of how the taxes are used is an idea that will make great headlines, just as the Fallston library did. The use of our money,(taxes) without our input is a surefire way to lose the democracy that we have. Being aware of the freedoms and rights we have , like free speech, voting rights, and not acting to keep those rights is where we lose our democracy. I am not willing to lose my freedoms and that is why I am opposed to waste and to frivolous non-essential projects. My examples include all gov’t. levels, IE. new parks and rec facilitiies, new take home cars, new turtle crossings, or sec. 8 violators. or wasted teacher/student/ administrators…do we need another program that will only help city kids or do we need to save the cows from ticks..What would work best to solve a lot of problems is to allow the people involved to develop a solution and have the people fix it.
If people want to play softball, they get together a group to play, they don’t need to form a league and buy uniforms and a team manager and astro turf fields…they grab their balls and bats and gloves and go play. We don’t need to have govt or school involvement in all parts of our lives. The difference is I think that big gov’t causes more problems than it fixes and you seem to think that it is the answer to all problems. We disagree.
One more point, the facts that the services that may be cut due to the budget restraints may be blessing in disguise. If you know ahead of time that the wait for papers or to see a county worker is going to be long, the waiting time can be used more effectively by reading, finding alternative solutions, writing your legislators, being pro-active in the system instead of re-active. None of us is as smart as all of us, but each of us is unique. DW, I am not stupid.
Section 8 contributes $10 million to the local economy? Are you kidding? The government, at whatever level, takes tax money from people who produce and distributes it through people who cannot provide for themselves or their family, no matter the reason, justified or not.
Maybe if the government did not subsidize and inflate prices for all, these people could afford to pay their own way.
Your point is well taken. There is a redistribution of income from the have’s to the have not’s, But if that rental housing money is not used by Harford County, the the state of Maryland would be in charge of it in Harford County. I can just see and hear the uproar that it would be if Annapolis would have complete control where subsidized housing gets spent in the county.
Section 8 does contribute $$$ to the local economy. The $$$ are the tax payers for sure, but these $$$ could easily be spent someplace else on subsidized housing, which includes disabled and elderly housing as well.
Your reasoning that they inflate rents is arguable, but the govt does not pay more that a fair market rent for units, not a top of the market price. HUD’s directives apply to all counties in the nation. We can choose not to have a housing agency administer the program, but then the state has to manage it, do you really want someone from Annapolis directing Section 8 in Harford County? At least at the local level, there is input from the population. The administering agency has an administrative plan, and the public can comment and review the plan yearly.
You can make a philosophical argument as to the need of the govt to be involved in rental housing, but that horse left the barn a long time ago. The only thing you can do now is become involved so that the program in place can use the tax payers $$$ without fraud and be accountable to the tax payer for it, but I guess that would take some work on your part, and you just rather complain about the size, scope, and intrusive nature of govt.
Just because you are not in need of assistance, does not mean that there are not legitimate uses for it in the county, and just because you are blessed to not need it, does not mean that others can do the same. I rather pay taxes to keep homeless people of my block, or have families set up tent cities or slum grounds somewhere in a public area.
We are a nation that spends $40 billion on so on housing related activity thru HUD and also a nation that gives the Dept of Defense $$$400 billion just to keep up the current military infrastructure. There is a disconnect here. My argument would be to reduce the overall spending in all depts. The Navy just awarded a contract to build another 2 nuclear submarines that the Navy did not need, at a cost of $4 billion each. I suppose that having sea supremacy is important, but we did not need 2 more submarines to do so, we are already the only military superpower.
Tiny Tax Payer,
I don’t believe I called you or anyone else stupid. I just pointed out that there are rampant abuses occurring with section 8 housing.
county employee,
Defense spending is mandated in the Constitution. It is one of the original and most important function the government has to do. I am not sure if there is a housing for all amendment.
civics 101. I believe the every law passed by congress is part of the constitution.
I know we need an Army. Govt has many functions. I pointed out the exorbitant cost of running a millitary establishment, and the relative cost of all housing in comparisson to millitary spending.
speaking from the perspective of someone who once was on welfare and received multiple lines of public assistance 18 years ago- it’s intended as a hand up, not a hand out. I was on assistance for six months as a newly single mom with two toddlers while I trained for a career. I do know that the system can be abused, but I do know in other situations it does work. Unfortunately it’s like any other law or program – it keeps the hones person honest, and the rest do as they will.
County Employee – coming from a DOD background, with the escalating threat around the globe, N. Korea, Iran, Pakastan, etc., 2 more subs is a good idea. Why? Subs are the only real stealth defense measure we have left in an era of sattelite imagery that can give you someones house number off their mail box, and that image is refreshed every couple hours.
Juls the success story’s are far to few. like your’s. I worked 31 years in low income houseing I watched the kid’s growing up turn to public support those kid’s haveing kid’s . Better known as Baby’s haveing Baby’s.
May be we can blame that on sex education in school’s.
County Employee,
Every law passed is not part of the Constitution. The only way anything is changed in the the Constitution is by adding an Amendment. That’s why certain get challenged on whether or not they are constitutional and get overturned or upheld by the Supreme Court.
As far as being the only superpower left in the world…unless we want to be playing catch up to China in 20 years and have them dominating the globe we need to continue to invest in things like new military weapons systems and replacing old equipment.
Civic studies 102
An amendment is an additon to the basic natural rights afforded by the constitution, or creates a new right that can not be repealed by the courts, or congress. The 18th amendment abolished alcohol, and the 20th amendment abolished the 18th amendment.
The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, and the 19th amendment insured that genger can not be used to restrict voting rights. You see amendments are all together different than laws. But they all are what makes the constitution, that is a collection of rights, and laws.
Laws are part of the constitution, but they can be expanded upon, revised and the the courts can declare them unconstitutional. State legislatures must approve amendments by 2/3 of the states for them to become law, but laws only need congress to pass them without the consent of the states.
Maybe if you worked in govt, you would know these things.
I know we need a strong army, and I support that, I however think many $$$ are wasted on weapon systems that don’t work, $1,000 toilets and the like. The cost of our millitary stablishment is enormous compared to most domestic spending. The example regarding the submarine comes from a news story a while back. While having another submarine maybe a good idea to you, is funny that the Navy did not request one, it was pork that created the need for a new system since most of them are made in New Hampshire and their Senators worked to authorize their commission, not the the Navy needed or wanted it.
County Employee,
I don’t know where you took this Civics 101 of yours, but most of what you’ve been saying is just incorrect. Everyone knows that laws passed by legislative bodies are not part of the Constitution. If they were, then they could never be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Something can only be added to the constitution through the amendment process, which requires 2/3 majorities in both Houses of Congress and majority votes in at least 3/4 of the states (not 2/3 like you stated).
You’re also confusing all amendments with the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments). Amendments like 17, 20, 22, and 27 have nothing to do with rights.
County employee,
Sorry, but you’re wrong. Laws passed by legislatures are not part of the Constitution, only what was in the original document and the Amendments are additions and changes to that document. The process of how Amendments are passed you have are correct, but for some reason you’re thinking laws are part of the Constitution and I have no idea why. Working for the government has absolutely nothing to do with understanding (or not understanding) the difference between laws and the Constitution so I’m not sure why you even bring it up (in any case, I do work for the government so that reasoning wouldn’t work anyway…)
There is nothing unconstitutional about say…smoking crack. It’s illegal, but it’s not unconstitutional.
Article I of the constitution creates the legislative body to create laws. Amendments and laws and rights are all part of the constitution. An act of Congress to create an agency such as HUD or the FAA is valid even if not spelled out in a right or an amendment.
Other than that, some just choose to see some things, and not others.
Nutty Proffessor,
I believe I said some of the same things you said….
Dear God, County Employee. Look at what the others have tried to tell you. I know that we can always tell a government worker, just not much. The Constitution grants or prohibits the making and enforcing law. Law and Constitutional rights are two entirely different thing. A law is supposed to be constitutional but does not and can not change the Constitution. It’s really that simple. That said, there are untold laws that are unconstitutional and any number of people wearing black bathrobes for a living who also don’t understand this simple concept. The decision in Roe v. Wade is a perfect example; it cites the Constitutional “right to privacy.” That right is in the 117th amendment.
The original comment was about whether a law can be treated as part of the constition or not. It has evolved into mush, just because some t writers treat parts of it as true and parts as fiction. Roe vs. Wade, was made up law and we all know it because it did not derive from a right of the people.
I think I know what I am talking about since I have taken Constitutional Law classes…….any law passed by Cogress becomes part of the constitution by the fact the Article 1 gives Congress the power to do so. Yes, they can be overturned by a court, amended and abolished, and they don’t have the approved by all states, that’s why they are laws not amendments or rights.
Your argument is the same that income tax opponents have used for decades to question the legality of taxing income because it was not an original function spelled out in the Constitution.
This is my last comment on this thread.
County employee,
You better go read Article I of the U.S. Constitution before you start using to try to back up your argument (and before you start mentioning other Articles you should actually read them as well to make sure they say what you think they say.) It talks a lot about granting legislative powers, which house can pass what type of laws, where impeachment proceeding are held, etc, but nothing about laws being passed by Congress becoming a part of the Constitution…
Just admit you were wrong on this and let it go. The more you argue it the more foolish you look which unfortunately makes your arguments in other areas look weak (when in fact they are valid.) Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes you just gotta say “Yep, I was wrong” and move on.
I swear this employee is trying to prove the saying; “Those who can do, those who can’t teach, and those who have no clue go into government.”
I think we have our first nominee for the list of county employees in the next round of cuts.
How about the Director of Tourism? Is that a luxury item or a necessity? That position was added during the Craig administration.
The lollars generated in tourism are clean dollars. People visit our county where they purchase goods and services and then they leave, they don’t use our services pernanently and leave $$$$.
Tourism should be promoted to bring additional economic activity, just ask the hotels, motels and recreation centers as well as restaurants and shops if promoting the county is a good idea or not. Havre de Grace, Bel Air and Aberdeen are centers which house many historic and significant places. In additon our natural resources are abundant from gardens to golf courses to natural habitat.
The office of Tourism is no doubt a luxury that pays for itself.
I sympathize with those dealing and directly suffering due to the budget cuts. I hope that measures such as cutting library hours and services will be temporary and we will find ways to restore these in the long term, starting within a year or so.
This may be as good a time as any to consider moving away from proprietary software in Harford County government offices and public libraries, and schools.
For example, I do not know how much we taxpayers are currently spending to make Microsoft Office available on these computers but it is not necessary to spend public money on proprietary software, particularly for something so basic as MS Office for which a free and excellent alternative exists, namely Open Office. It would serve the public to learn about this alternative, which they could continue using at home, thus saving in their personal finances as well. Open Office contains all the same applications and allows for saving files in a form that is compatible with the Microsoft versions and therefore can be opened on a machine using those programs. Since anyone can freely download Open Office from their website, it should not actually be necessary to save a file in the Microsoft format, but the option is there for people who wish to do so.
Bravo Aravinda – many government agencies are going to Open Office and Linux as a cost saving measure, and are seeing great success. There are a lot of things like this that can be done without laying people off.
One company I worked for stopped providing foam and paper cups for employees for coffee and water, asking employees to bring their own mugs. A bottle of dish soap was a whole lot cleaner and more environmentally friendly than a thousand disposable cups.
How about a push to cut back on paper record keeping. My company does that. They discourage printing and copying and encourage the use of e-mail and digital document/file storage. This cuts back on paper and toner usage.
Office Sharing – we have the technology, lets use it. Have people work opposite days sharing a cubicle – one day from the office, one day from home. This saves electricity and cost of floor space.
There are a lot of ways to cut costs, we just need to be more creative and get out of the rut of tradition.