The New Harford Democratic Club has issued an “Action Alert” to those parents, students, and Harford County residents who are upset with the Board of Education’s decision not to air President Barack Obama’s speech to students.
The alert advises those interested to attend a protest planned to be held Tuesday morning, just prior to Obama’s speech, outside the Harford County Public Schools administration building in Bel Air.
Here is the text of the release:
Many parents of school-age children in Harford County Public Schools are outraged that the Board of Education will not air President Obama’s speech to students on the importance of education. The speech is slated to be live-streamed on Tuesday, September 8 at 11 a.m. A protest of parents and students will be held, starting at 10:30 a.m., outside the School Administration Bldg. on Hickory Ave. in Bel Air. If you feel strongly about this plan to keep our children from hearing this inspirational message from our President, please plan to attend.
I guess some parents aren’t happy seeing their kids grow up to become meth dealers.
If you live stream this speech to all classrooms in HCPS, the network will crash and no one will see the speech. The plan of the school board to record the speech and show it at various times is actually realistic. Schools systems across the country that plan on doing this have not talked to their tech departments.
That may be correct about streaming it, but the classrooms have cable connections and could all successfully view it live on tv without any strain on the network.
Do all classrooms have cable connections?
yup or the school has a modulator and they can acess it
I think that if you check the potential sources of the speech there are at least three besides the live stream on the internet. Including a satellite feed, and one public access international cable channel known as CSPAN.
Yes. We can add President to the list of possible jobs for inner city youth right along side basketball player, football star, or rap artist.
HAHAHA that was funny
This has got to be one of the most embarrassing things I have ever witnessed in my life time. How does anyone choose a sides; left, right, middle…this is a lot like the middle east, a war no one is going to win. We as Americans look at other countries and we judge them for their way of life, but we are doing the exact same thing. The only difference is we are using the kids schools as a battle ground. I am a black man…I wish Obama didn’t become president because he became president at one of the lowest points of American history. Of course being president is not easy, but this is not American at all…scratch that, this is the America of the 1960’s. I don’t see any of the action on the left or right that are actually helping the kids…we all might not see it, but it is teaching them to judge and hate, that is the ONLY lesson they are getting out of all this(I am talking about ALL kids, no matter the color). None of the kids understand half of the crap we bicker about on this site. All they see is 2 sides. They don’t understand the dislikes and likes parents have for the president(and i am not talking race). All they see is the first black president dealing with a lot politics and I bet you if you were to sit you kids down tonight, left, right, middle up and down, and ask them if they understand why mommy and daddy (all races) are doing what they are doing, most of them will not mention any of the reasons you all speak of on this site. They do not understand healthcare, they do not understand propaganda, taxes, ect…all they know when they wake up in the morning is they are going to go school and see their friends(who are different races) and get ready for their daily activities. Most of this stuff we talk about here is coming in between them and their friends who are all different races and nationalities; they are American. This is horrible! People we ALL are going to die, No one is going to escape death, it is God’s way in telling us are above one another. So why not we enjoy the blessings he has placed here for us on earth and Thank him for it everyday? I know my little message I wrote means nothing to anyone and they have a mission to win a war they can not win. I thinking no kids should go to school at all just so the parents can get this week out of their system. everyone can have a choice from there homes. I just wanted to vent this morning because the ones who are really getting hurt, which God hates, is the kids. Seriously look in the mirror and ask yourself why are we fighting. If you don’t want your kids at the school for live broad cast, fine, or good for you; if you do, fine, or good for you. We should be mad at each other for that simple very choice. People come on here and state (I am) not letting or (I am) letting, then vent as if they are looking for a pat on the back or something. Just because you do what does not solve any problems at all. there are millions and millions of people in the world and we will NEVER be on the same page no matter who you are, soccer mom, dentist, Joe blow, landscaper, president, hater, lover, hooker, stay at home mom, stay at home dad, homeless, rich poor, famous…. I hope you get my point. We are ALL free to make up our own minds. Don’t get mad at your neighbor for there choice or because they don’t follow your lead no matter what your choice may be. It is up to us to make up our OWN lives. When you die, you are not taking anything with you, not you house, not you car, not your family, not you dog; NOTHING…it is just God and you, period. So when you get to that gate and he ask you how did you enjoy what I gave you here on earth, trust me, he is not going to feel like listen to how we all sat on this great planet and fought about about only he knows what. God wants us to enjoy life, enjoy the fact we all have choices. Choose to follow no one but God and your own mind. Choice is Good, God blesses you with it; it makes you the person you are. Just hope you are making the right choice, a Godly choice, because like the old joke I use to hear from my Dad…If you saw someone jumping of a bridge, would you jump too?
ps, sorry for spelling and grammar…:-)
I am not even going to get into politics in my comment here. I am simply going to state some facts/opinions to really think about.
1. I know first-hand that there is NO WAY the HCPS network could even handle the bandwidth issues that this would present.
2. HCPS staff have been directly instructed not to live-stream for this very reason. Doing this would go against the rules set forth by the technology decision makers.
3. Teachers are expected to teach the Maryland (formerly Voluntary) State Curriculum. There are 180 allotted days in a typical school year in which to do this. If you are not privy to the expectations that are out there for teachers, have yourself a look at . Since the speech is not available for viewing prior to the “live stream,” how can a teacher make data based instructional decisions about how best to integrate this speech into a lesson?
4. I don’t think that there would be the outrage if Obama would simply tape the speech so it could be downloaded and shown without streaming. There are sites, such as one in particular that is sponsored by Discovery that would probably be able to include the speech, or more appropriate short subject related segments.
No matter what your political beliefs are, I would hope that none of us would forget common sense and good practice when it comes to integrating technology into classrooms. The concept of a seven-second delay has been great with television and radio broadcasts for many years. When we are looking at something live, we have no idea what could come across the waves, intentional or not. There are just some things that school personnel do not have the right to expose children to. Some things should be at the discretion of parents to choose for their children.
Billy Bob,
HCPS classrooms would watch the speech live through their cable tv connection, not a live stream through the Internet. The speech is going to be available online afterwards, so if it’s not viewed live, teachers could review it later and then choose to download or stream it live for their students to watch.
Do you know how many teachers at my school stopped what they were doing to watch the inauguration?
Classrooms have cable. And those that didn’t–computers streamed the inauguration.
My class sure as heck did… was not going to miss that historic event for anything. My classes actually still did their work, but the inauguration was on in the background!
Just an observation, last year there were over 13 half days (outside of holidays) in Harford County schools for teacher time. Nothing against the process but would like to know the challenge in allotting 20 minutes.
That’s on the elementary level.
I think that this is totally outragous I am a college student and I believe that the board of education didnt even have the common decency to show it on live televison from the classrooms (which they can. Instead they just make a decision for the children not to see it. I mean come people you believe what you about the president but do not involve the children leave it up to them rather teach so they can make their own assumption about the president.( if their old enough) I mean we are all americans let us preserve that if nothing else preserve their respect for the postion of the president. I have a younger brother in middle school who adores the president and was looking forward to seeing the speech…so it is not fair to keep him home and have him be marked as absent just to watch the speech that his school system wont show. So, in conclusion I will be PRESENT at the protest to represent my brother unheard voice!
Ang,From the way that was written,do yourself a favor.Skip the protest and head to your own class.
“Teachers are expected to teach the Maryland (formerly Voluntary) State Curriculum. There are 180 allotted days in a typical school year in which to do this. If you are not privy to the expectations that are out there for teachers, have yourself a look at . Since the speech is not available for viewing prior to the “live stream,” how can a teacher make data based instructional decisions about how best to integrate this speech into a lesson?”
First the speech is supposed to be made available today for preview. Such is more than enough time for teachers to make decisions how to best integrate it into a lesson
Second, with regard to the Maryland State Curriculum and valuable class time that is a tenuous argument as Harford County is able and willing to ignore those things not in the curriculum whenever it best suits their agenda.
The following things are not covered by the curriculum I am required to teach, but to which I am still expected to bring my students:
Choral Assemblies
Band/Orchestra Assemblies
Fund Raising Assemblies (Who previews this prior to exposing my students to it? If Harford County is afraid of a live broadcast going wrong why can’t they video tape this and play it later?)
Field trips for other subjects
School pictures (twice a year)
Behavior Assemblies
8th grade day including award ceremony
Student login day (the day students get to redo their computer logins because the office of technology wiped their old passwords)
Talent Show
MSA pep rallies
I am not arguing against the merit of most of these activities. I think the majority are important, but they are not covered by my curriculum nor am I given or expected to give before, during, and after activities.
Something worth mentioning here is that I have been personally criticized by some parent chaparones on field trips that students were expected to “do something” while on a field trip; some chaparones have even instructed groups not to do the activity.
It seems to me that people in Harford County are certainly picky about when activities outside of the curriculum should and shouldn’t be covered.
Finally, if people are so upset about the federal government’s hand in local education I suggest they take a look at Constitution Day–a federally mandated day on which to study the Constitution. It seems like a great idea until you realize that it has to be done on or around September 17 (depending on weekends) and that most curriculum in Harford County has Constitutional education already built in a later date.
Yes, I love doing constitution day a week and a half before i get to a certain unit in my mandated curriculum called…….THE CONSTITUTION.
I don’t care one way or another but two facts I do know:
1) Not every classroom in Harford County has televisions and/or cable. In fact, it took OTIS over a week to prepare for the showing of the inauguration at Edgewood Middle School because of the lack of TVs and cable. And yes, even Fallston schools don’t have TVs in every classroom!
2) As for the protest of parents AND students at 10:30am in front of Central Office: that’s not an excused absence, mom and dad, so don’t even try to get one!
3 points for Common Sense!!! 🙂
Rich I am not bothered by your negativity it is just ignorance. And, I will be continue class 🙂 right after the speech. So thank you anyway though. (Kill em kindness)
Ugh. Run to class. Study hard afterwards. Then, try to write in complete sentences.
Obama school speech: worst fears realized. Brainwashing, Bolshevism and blasphemy. Protect your children!
Why does he have to mess with our kids!!!!!
Children of all ages have already been effected between the war and the economy. Kids are not dumb and see the news and hear parents talking. This man is helping to destroy our country and now he wants to go into our kids classes! The extremist that he chooses to socialize with believe in brainwashing as a child but not in the USA!
Leave our kids out of his agenda and let them be kids!!!
Thank you to HCPS for protecting our children!!!
I hate to reply to this but “Mom” what do you know about the teachers in the classroom with your students? Due to today’s media, we know more than we really want to know about our President, including movie preferences and food dislikes. What do you know about your kids’ teachers? Are they extremists? What political party are they affiliated with? I bet their math teacher could be Communist and sending hidden messages in the Pythagorean theory but you’d never know. I know several teachers who could care less about the education of your child but just like to collect the paycheck and have summers off. Now who should you be worried about?? Think about it.
Obama will speak about the importance of education… why is that so bad?
PS> It’s “affected” not “effected.” Maybe Mr. Obama will address the differences…
The sad part is that the kids who would actually pay attention and listen to the speech are the kids are already motivated about learning. The rest will tune it out after 3 minutes. Why bother?
I think those are the ones he is trying to reach; why give up on them?
if your kids with another group of kids were in the middle of a gun fire and a man or women went to help all the kids out but yours, how would you feel if someone said why bother?
Yep, great comparison. A speech about education versus a mass murdering gunning down children. You must be a lawyer.
Should read mass murderer. See, I have already been inspired to go back and check my work.
It should be broadcasted on PBS and then parents can have the choice on whether there children can view it or not. The schools have already rewritting history, (Holocust,9-11,Vietnam,Gangs, Korea,Kennedy,Finances,etc…) not at the fault of the teachers, they teach what they are told, but rewritten by the politically correct or should I say incorrect. It is not the school systems responsiblity to show this speech, it is us as parents to inform and decide whether or not our children should see the speech.
How did the schools rewrite history?
More apptly the events you named none of which are in the curriculum except for Korea & Kennedy in US History. Particular detials and examples of how they re-wrote historical facts on those topics would be helpful.
I am sorry, the ignorance of the people in this county is astounding.
1) The schools in Harford County are all capable of viewing the speech live on TV in at least one classroom.
2) This speech is not meant to brainwash your children. That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. Perhaps your children should decide what they want to believe rather than have you force feed your beliefs down their throats.
3) Every student should be afforded the opportunity to view this speech, as it is a historic address directed specifically to all students from the President of the United States. It is in no way un-educational, and twenty minutes of time will not hinder the educational process in any way. (As I am a student in Harford County Public Schools, I know.)
HCPS should stop with these ridiculous restrictions.
“Historic speech” – really? Let’s obtain some real perspective here.
True Regan and HW Bush addressed students before but they spent more time and talked about politics and their agenda. Obama is only talking about the importance of an education. But yes this is not the first time a president addressed school children.
Our schools are making history………..But not in a good way….I see why they think we are in the back woods……….or our mine is…
From the speech “Hello everyone – how’s everybody doing today? I’m here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, kindergarten through twelfth grade. I’m glad you all could join us today.”
Perhaps English teachers can discuss this in class and address the improper use of the language. Could be a great educational lesson.
There is nothing wrong with the word choice, punctuation, or grammar in this passage.
“we’ve got” is not proper English. Starting a sentence with a conjunction “And” is also poor structure. The President of the United States in a written, prepared speech can at least speak above a 5th grade level.
Speechwriting is not the same as writing for an English exam, though, right? There is ample room, for instance, for colloquialisms and informalities such as “we’ve got.” The prohibition against starting a sentence with a conjunction is an over-taught grammar myth. But that’s just my take.
I can not believe that Americans really think that our standing President of our United States will say harm to our children…….But you will allow them to cell phones, internet, staying our late nights, rooms in your home where the owners has to knock first, before enter, guns, sleep overs as teens, drugs, cars before the age, sex as long as it is in your homes….Will all just go figure this out…..My hands are up in air over this or these folks who think OUR COMMANDER IN CHIEF WILL DO HARM TO OUR CHILDREN….
History in the making…….ALL HARFORD COUNTY SCHOOLS ARE IN THE BACKWOODS STILL IN 1812, Oh NO!!!!!! 2009
Check out the updated newsflash at They are still sticking to their decision but it appears they are trying to calm the waters – seems they are getting more heat about their decision then they were getting when they got calls protesting the viewing. Still they didn’t really have major lesson plans or activities planned before or after the inaguration viewing in either of my kids classes. Rather than had the tv’s on while they worked and when the swearing in and speech took place they watched and learned.
“In an interview with CNN, Mrs. Bush, a former school teacher, said, ‘There’s a place for the president of the United States to talk to school children and encourage school children’ to stay in school. And she said parents and others also need to send that message.”
I’ll see your Laura Bush, and raise you a Newt Gingrich-
Two examples of a party that welcomes differing opinions and not strict adherence to the party-approved talking points.
I am very displeased with the Board of Education and it decision not to allow our Students to view the Presidents address live on 09-08-09. I remember when I was in High School and then President Reagan was allowed to address the students of Fallston High School in person, there was no content checking or instructional value assessment at that time, why is it so important now?
Not to mention the various local politicians who were allowed to ride the school bus on the first day of school (ie: the first day of School at Bel Air High School), why wasn’t this discouraged, this seems more like pandering to our local officials.
Needless to say, I am very disappointed with the Schools systems decision and would hope that a change in this policy would take place, thus allowing our Students to better informed Citizens.
Frankly, I think people would be a lot less concerned about the president’s speech if he were to provide transcripts to parents prior to it’s airing. Regardless of whether you are a democrat or republican, these people are parents first and have a right to make decisions on what their children are exposed to.
Well it’s out there for all to read! By the way I hope parents screen and read all their kids textbooks as well – god only knows what they’ll be exposed to. I hear the school’s bathroom walls contain more things upsetting than the president’s speech.
LOL!!! Some parent think they are drop their kids off at church…
It seems the Board of Education has reversed its position and will show recordings of the Presidential speech to students, with parents having the option of pulling their children out with a signed note:
I’m glad HCPS changed its mind. The option for parents to allow or to disallow their children to see the speech should have been the original decision in the first place.
Very true. Like most things within this county, the decision is made BEFORE calmer heads can offer alternatives.
The message is simple; stay in school and work hard. Harmless and appropriate. Those who oppose the president’s speech are unpatriotic. There is so much fear and distrust today, that nothing can be achieved.
The children should have been able to hear the Presdient today. There is no hidden political agenda in his speech. There is, unfortunately, a political agenda here in Harford County. I’m just curious, if this was “President McCain” would we even be having this discussion…You may not agree with his political view but he is still the President of the United States and thereby deserves respect!
Meh, the kids would get better advice from watching Bozo the Clown Reruns.
For whatever it is worth the Democrats did the same thing to Bush number 1.
Hope this helps!!!!
This is america you know we have freedom of speech and all, I feel that we as parents can talk to our own kids about staying in school and such not a president. I feel that a lot of kids would stay in school if teachers didn’t make it boring. I know when I was in school I was bored, I am not saying have parties and such but make it interesting for kids so they won’t be bored and such. My kids come home from school and when I ask “How was school today” they are like um ok I guess. why can’t they come home and say “wow mom we did this science project and it was so fun” and start explaining on what they did, instead they come home and can’t remember because they were bored. It sad that they have to have these teachers be scrict and sometimes mean when they are in elementary school. I don’t agree with a president or anyone telling my kids to stay in school, that is mine and my husbands job.
is there somethng inherently bad about the president speaking to students? even Laura Bush thinks that the conservatives have it wrong here. Is a president of the united states a bad influence, or with no standing as the elected leader of our country?
you guys need to get a life. complain about something worth complaining about, you make your selves look unreasonable and foolish.
No, we have rights to speak about what we want especially when it comes to our kids. He don’t need to tell our kids to stay in school. He may be thye president, it don’t mean he needs to speak to our children especially during school time, when they are getting their education.
Seomone will need to talk to them about their grammar then because you obviously aren’t going to be the one to help them with that.
Ok ima HCPS student 8th grader and i think its really dumb that they didnt show it.Yea they can show the DVD but who knows they might edit the video?Its jus sad
What are you doing up at 11:21 on a school night, Gaspatcho? Shouldn’t you be resting for tomorrow?
This is truly sad. It’s like a lose lose for the president. If he does the speech, then it’s “I dont want the PRESIDENT telling my kid to stay in school, thats my job” and if he doesnt do the speech, then its “all the president cares about is the economy, what about the kids staying in school, he doesnt care about the children”. I for one am happy to see a speech letting our children, who are our future, know the importance of an education. I didn’t vote for him but this is our president, whether you like it or not. I dont understand how we are fighting a war overseas, when we can’t even get it together with our own country!
The prvious president said something about WMD’s then it was to bring Peace and Freedom to Iraq then it was accomplished then it wasn’t then it was to keep the terrorist away. I lost track after the new party line came out weekly and the terror level that was always orange.
I’ll be the politically incorrect one on this site. Let’s face it, the reason that “some” parents are up in arms about this speech is because we have a black liberal president that wants to speak to our children (mine included)and they don’t want their poor, influential children to be brainwashed by his liberal urban doctrine.
No parent in their right mind could object to his speech. This is the same message that has been communicated by both republicans and democrats, teachers and parents for as long as I’ve been around. No matter what President Obama states, there will be those that will object to what he says and twist his words to fit their own agenda. Some will do it because he’s liberal, others, sadly, because he’s black.
That is just so untrue. The reason we didn’t want our children to hear his speech is because of the “worksheet” that was released that asked the children, after hearing the speech, to write about how they could help the president reach his goals. That meant he was going to have to talk about his goals and that is what we objected to. The new speech, that was released, is just fine. I have no problems with it. And I don’t understand those who accuse someone of objecting to something because he is a black president. He is also a white president, he is as white as he is black. Why is it that you feel you need to point out that he is part black but you don’t feel you need to say he is part white? Is the black “part” the only thing that matters to you?
A few problems with your statements. One, there is no evidence whatsoever that the Presidents speech was changed. Two, dept of education worksheet does not state to have students write how they could help the president reach his goals. It suggests, write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. Nothing about goals or policies. Therefore, I see no indication that any policy was to be discussed negating your objection. Here is a link to the original worksheet:
What’s objectionable is that I don’t recall hearing this uproar when previous presidents spoke to students, or congressmen or senators visited schools, but I have when president Obama did.
Having read the speech you obviously agree that there is nothing objectionable in it. Why is it then that parents are pulling their children from school and others are allowed to be dismissed during this speech? It’s either because he is black or they disagree with his policies or both. THAT was my assertion above and I stand by it.
Your statement about black and white is silly. People who look black have been and are still in some instances, discriminated against. If you look white, you are not. Race is only skin deep.
White people aren’t discriminated against?? From what I have seen and heard from Obama, he was fortunate enough to have been raised in a home by single mother but also with grandparents supporting him. He was not in an inner city urban environment with a lot of crime and didn’t have to overcome those type of obstacles. He was also fortunate that he could claim his “African American” status to use for admissions and/or college scholarships. There are many that scholarships that outright EXCLUDE caucasians. I know of a student who just got a big scholarship based on being “Hispanic” even though he was born here and his father was too. Where does it end and is it no wonder people get so frustrated?
My biggest problem with the speech was that he was taking time away from students to deliver a message that was really nothing exceptional and/or new. I don’t think the school systems should have been in a position to air this during the day because it really didn’t have anything “teachable” that isn’t already being taught. If he was coming to Harford County to deliver a speech in person that would be very different than just airing it on television. It has nothing to do with race/politics because I would feel the same whomever it was. I would feel like they were trying to promote themselves.
Obama grew up in a family where there was divorce, he moved around a lot including out of the states and then lived with his grandparents. Not an easy life but not exceptionally hard by many standards. I don’t know what your point is. There are also hundreds of scholarships that exclude Jews, Catholics, Irish, Italians, those in the army, etc. Go to any scholarship site (I know this because I recently went to these sites for scholarships for my son). Scholarships tend to be targeted, that’s there nature.
In terms of your objection to the speech being shown in schools, I don’t agree with you but your point is at least understandable. I think when we as parents say something and then it is reinforced in school and then even the President of the United States believes it is important enough to take time to discuss, I think only good can come of that.
My point about Obama was that people have been saying this was such a “teachable moment” because of his upbringing and where he came from. Bill Clinton’s father wasn’t around and he came from “humble beginnings.” Would there have been an uproar if he would have wanted to speak to kids during the day and some people didn’t want him too?
Also my point about race is that some in this country are able to use it to their advantage in ways that many others are not. Even in many jobs you have to fill out what race you are but it is against the law to ask what religion or what your sexual orientation is. I don’t think anyone should be indicating their race either and I believe it is extremely divisive and unneccessary. If the election of Obama proved anything, it is that we need to do away with racial categories and if he would have made a speech saying that, it would have truly been historical and something for students to talk about.
How would they know how to help the president if they didn’t know what the president wanted to do? That doesn’t make any sense? If he didn’t change his speech it would have been posted from the beginning. After all the doubts were raised, things were changed and he posted a speech no one would object to.
Really, when the first President Bush spoke to the students he was investigated by the govt organization, I can’t remember the initials, for wrong doing and wasting money. He was found innocent but they still issued a statement against him for wasting time and money. That same organization praised President Obama.
Parents are allowed to exempt their children from any assignment they want. After the speech I believe most probably won’t choose to do that. It was not knowing what they were going to hear that was causing some parents to be uncomfortable with it.
President Obama was raised by a white mother and grandmother. Isn’t that more important?
What in the world does the race of President Obama’s mother have to do with anything?
RealityTime –
Playing the “race card” is the apex of political correctness.
Joe – Reality Check – I only play cards that are in play. If you don’t believe that race is a factor in this discussion with SOME individuals, you are either naive or blind or both.
I have many very close friends that are black americans. I love them to death. I do not like our President Obama. Not b/c of skin color but b/c he is trying to weaken and destroy our country and the freedoms we live by. Many of my black friend think the same as I do. They did not vote for him just b/c of skin color but b/c of the change and values they thought he had. Now they regret their vote! All you people on hear who are trying to play the race card game.. are the racist. Most people
in our country see beyond skin color but we still have a few who
always use race as an excuse.By the way, I would love to see Condi Rice run in 2012!! She is a true stong american!!!
I don’t think he’s “trying to weaken and destroy our country”. Maybe you think that will be the result of his policies. But this suggestion of Obama as an intentionally malevolent force is a major reason a lot of people view these kinds of criticisms as racist.
I’m glad you have black friends. Please explain to me how he is trying to weaken and destroy our country and freedoms. I saw it under Bush, which is why after voting republican my entire life, I voted for Obama. I don’t see this with Obama.
RealityTime writes “race is a factor in this discussion with SOME individuals”
You are using “race” as weapon against people that disagree with the President since no one has used race to malign the President or his agenda you can’t direct the “race” charge specifically so you do it generally. It is a shameful practice.
Joe – thanks for your keen insight into this issue, ahum.
If my stating that racism still exists in the United States is some sort of revelation to be used as a weapon, then I’m guilty as charged. If you believe that racism has nothing to do with some individuals adamantly against Obama, step away from the crack pipe.
RealityTime –
You are simply bully that beats people up with “the race card”. You want to inject race into a discussion to force folks to prove that they are not “racists”. Your tactic is shameful.
Thanks for being the race card police, Joe. You still haven’t explained what the hell “playing the race card” means in the context of this discussion, though.
Joe – I guess I’m “the race card” bully kicking reality sand in your face. I haven’t asked nor am I interested if anyone is a racist. I’m just stating my observations. You can agree or disagree. I’d be interested in your answer to Matt’s question which you have avoided thus far.
RealityTime –
Sorry, when you prove you aren’t a race card bully I’ll consider answering your questions.
Doesn’t he have to stop being anon.?
Joe –
At this point my guess is that you have no clue of how your false assertion that I’m using the race card fits into any argument, hence, your lack of response.
RealityTime –
All you have to do is prove you aren’t a race card bully.
Joe –
You really are a silly little man with no discernible contribution to this discussion.
RealityTime –
Actually you are silly, petty and above all else a race card bully. You are permanently stained.
Joe – Speaking of stained, check your drawers ’cause the race card bully is in your virtual neighborhood!
RealityTime –
I have no fear of you…a race card bully and troll.
Oooh… Troll… there is some mature name-calling if I have ever seen it. JC needs to expand his vocabulary a bit, but perhaps then he would gain some insight and intelligence, and heck, may even start thinking like a Democrat!
My 8th grade son’s school allowed kids to opt-out of watching the Presidents speech today . Does this mean my son can opt-out of a class if I don’t have any respect for his teacher? What if he is to listen to a lecture on a subject I don’t want him to hear. Can I just send in a little note? And if the principal stops him in the hall, could my son show the same disrespect that HCPS condones in it’s decision on Tuesday and Thursday? My, what a lesson we have had taught the kids this week.
We’ve reinforced the lesson that HCPS have been teaching for years.
1.Let’s not hurt the little darlings feelings (or those of the little darlings parents, even if both are wrong)
2.We will cave to complainers instead of standing our ground on just about any issue. The rules aren’t necessarily the rules.
3.Anyone can opt out of anything they don’t like instead of learning the life lesson that sometimes you have to put up with things or people you don’t like or don’t like you. Everyone needs to be “happy”. So, yes, Susan, you or your son could opt out of a certain class. It’s done all the time.
4.The inmates are running the asylum in HCPS.
Well put.
My daughter said that none of her classmates opted out. She also doesn’t see what the big deal was all about.
I think the Letter to the Editor in the Aegis yeaterdaay about opting out was very interesting.