Interview with Bel Air Town Commissioner Rob Preston:
As part of The Dagger’s coverage of the Town of Bel Air’s municipal election on Nov. 3, the following questions were presented to each candidate for town commissioner.
The five questions (bolded and boxed) were chosen to generate discussion on specific topics. The candidates’ answers have been included verbatim as received by email or reported following an interview.
1.) In short, who are you and why are you running for re-election?
1. Nobody has a greater interest in the success of our Town than I do. I have lived in Bel Air most of my life, attended Bel Air Schools, been married for 40 years, and have two married children (both live in Town) and two grandchildren. I like to restore old Corvettes, ride motorcycles, and sail Hobe Cats. My family has owned and operated Preston’s Stationery on Main Street for 83 years. I am the 3rd generation and actually started working in the store 50 years ago. I am also the 3rd generation to be a Town Commissioner: Grandfather Preston served in the 30’s and Dad served in the 70’s.
I feel it is important to have someone on the board with retail experience. I have lived through many changes on Main Street and know the value of available parking, making deliveries, and generating foot traffic. I first decided to run for office when I saw some complacency toward existing business. Our Town has improved greatly in the last 7-8 years, and I attribute much of that to the Bel Air Downtown Alliance. We are currently going through some very troubling times, and I would like to continue to encourage more retail shops on Main Street.
2.) The town budget has more than doubled this decade. How do you feel this has benefited the town, and how do you handle the budget as commissioner?
2. Increases in our budget have occurred mainly due to inflation. Our dollars from ten years ago are not worth as much today. This is reflected in assessments and has a direct impact on our budget. 7 years ago, when I first looked at the budget, I was surprised that we spent $10,000 a month just to light our streets. Today that amount is $12,000. We are faced with similar increases across the board for insurance, fuel, etc. We also contributed $1,500,000 for a larger auditorium and over $400,000 on a Main Street project.
I believe the budget is a good tool. It reflects both ability and need, and it has to balance. We make decisions on an ongoing basis every month, and I feel our Town has been very conservative with the funds available. This month, we are cutting over $500,000 from this year’s budget due to a change in income.
3.) The commissioners recently voted to table plans to renovate the town hall. Did you support the renovations, and how can the town manage costs and facility shortcomings?
3. I support capital improvements to the police department WHEN ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE. I will not raise taxes for any expansion of town government. When, and if our budget will allow for reasonable improvements without any increases, I will consider the appropriate action. The down turn in our economy may last for awhile longer than expected, however, eventually we will see improvement and the opportunity to correct our issues will be possible. We currently have sufficient capital to overcome any emergency problems.
4.) The town recently completed a renovation of Main Street. Do you feel this has benefited the community, and how should the town handle the logistical problems or improve the town economy in the future?
4. The completion of Main Street has been the most significant change to Bel Air in the last 40 years. The perception of a revitalized Town is in itself enough to start the revival process. Our creation of the Downtown Alliance has had far reaching results that have stimulated growth even in a down economy. Further stimulation that increases foot traffic should improve occupancy rate.
Our largest logistical problem will always be traffic. Unfortunately. we are at the mercy of the state and county governments that control our major access routes. Our ability will be directed toward safety in both speed reduction and pedestrian safety. We currently have neighborhood evaluation programs to assist when issues affect residential areas.
5.) Why do you think you are a better choice for town commissioner than any of the challengers?
5. I have a sincere appreciation for the people who work and live in this community, and together we can continue to make our Town the “Heart of Harford County.” My honest and mature approach to dealing with Town issues and my ability to work fairly to resolve differences add stability to our board. I have years of experience working with the Town budget and have a good working knowledge of planning & zoning issues. I believe I have earned the respect from the Town department heads and management, as well as officials in other cities and county government. My personal commitment to spend the time to oversee Town operations as well as protecting the rights of our residents, makes me a good choice for continuance in office.
A few additional thoughts regarding the budget:
Depending on how you look at priorities, the budget is Good, Bad or Neutral! We have different funds that are separate. Perhaps this will offer additional explanation as to why our budget has increased.
Parking Fund – Supported by users of the garage, meters, and fines. All revenue is used to support parking.
Sewer Fund – Again money generated by users, businesses, hospitals, restaurants, and homes. This is billed as a function of water usage and pays for maintenance and treatment of our sewage. Harford Co. has an agreement with the Town that sets cost for treatment every year.
Special Revenue Fund – This account is used for all grants. Many are state funds for special projects, trees, playgrounds,cultural arts, historic preservation, and the Armory. The money does not come from the local tax rate. It is usually earmarked for a special purpose from the state agency that gives it to us.
These accounts make up $3,000,000 of our budget, but have no effect on our local taxes. I would call this, “Neutral,” possibly, “Good,” depending on viewpoint.
General Fund – This is where most tax money goes. 54.4% is used for public safety (Police) and Public Works. Taxes are established by rate, fixed by the Bel Air Town Board, and assessments are set by the State of Maryland. Our rate has changed $.06 since 1992, and has been at $.50 per $1000 of value for the last 6 years. Our rate is 29% less than other municipalities in Harford County. One reason our rate is less is because we have borrowed very little money. Our debt ratio is very low and we do not spend much on financing.
From Preston’s biography from the town website:
Robert M. Preston has a long history of dedication and outstanding service to the Bel Air Community; one that encompasses a strong commitment to the well being of the Town of Bel Air, as well as Bel Air High School. A life long resident of the Town of Bel Air, he is the grandson of C. Milton Wright, a former superintendent of Harford County public schools. After graduating from Bel Air High School in 1967, he served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. He returned from service to his Country to join a family office supply business, Bel Air Preston’s Stationery, which has operated in the Bel Air community since 1926.
Mr. Preston has been a member of the Bel Air Rotary Club for 30 years and served as past President; he served 10 years as a member of the Bel Air Planning Commission; and is a Board member of the Historical Society of Harford County. He was elected to the Bel Air Board of Commissioners in November 2002 and 2005 and has served 2 years as Chairman of the Town Board.
Assigned Liaison Responsibilities:
-Liaison with County and State
-Commissioner of Administration and Finance
-Commissioner of Events Committee
-Commissioner of Disabled
-Commissioner of Voter Registration
-Commissioner of Public Works
Earned respect from Department heads and Town employees?
No, wonder he probably has never voted against anything since he has been there and is always very generous spending other peoples money to make the bureaucrats happy.
Didn’t he champion a pay raise for the employees this year I, am sure they are knocking them dead there at the stationary store so why not spread the wealth Sound familiar.
I understand that we cannot ask questions specifically targeting any one commissioner/commissioner-to-be which is to keep civility although it sure would be interesting to listen to Preston stutter and stammer when asked some pointed questions. He likes being a commissioner! He likes the Christmas parade by golly!
I have lived and raised children in Bel Air and am troubled by the lack of fiscal restraint shown by both incumbent Town Commissioners- David Carey and Rob Preston. They have forgotten who they were elected to represent. Bel Air has not significantly changed in either physical size or population since they were last elected yet the Town budget has almost doubled. The budget they approved spends about $1,500.00 for every resident of the Town, man, woman and child. They forget that all the spending comes from the people they were elected to represent. It is time for a change .Town residents pay 29% more in property taxes than County residents in similar housing. Sewer charges are more than 158% greater than those paid by County residents. Water was already more expensive than the County and is increasing another 16%. Real estate values are down, people are losing their jobs and yet Town Commissioners Carey and Preston want to spend more than $5 million dollars of your money on a new Town Hall, and they’re going to borrow it. Are you serious? It might be OK for their budgets but not mine. Enough is enough.
In this economic environment, why would anyone even think of approving a 2% pay increase in addition to a 12% increase in the Town share of employee benefits? Commissioners Carey and Preston did. The average salary of all Town employees is more than $52,000
I think If you are making comments about this individual you don’t a thing about him or his family history in Bel Air.
I have known Mr. Preston for over 40 years, and he is not a show boater, bandstander or for himself type of individual. He is a reserved individual whom handles himself as a gentleman would.
Mr. Preston’s family traditions in Bel Air, shows dedication to the community and the overall well being of the town.
Unfortunately our long standing local town employees, along with many of our US government employees think the residence work for them,instead of the other way around. ( We the people for the people)
I think we need to look at the long term position of Town of Bel Air and each individuals past performance.
Do we not understand what “Change” has gotten us so far, our children will never see the end of “Change” at this point.
Please I ask you all to look down deep and see the overall picture. Stop pointing fingers and start looking at the figures on the paper.
Mr. Preston’s company has also had an immense struggle keeping their small business. Just as many small business’ have.
Mr. Preston as well as his dad and grand-dad all stand for value, integrity, morals and the well being of Bel Air. Isn’t that what our Bel Air is?
Look at all of the business’ that surround us. Look at the positive aspects as well as negative and then you weigh for yourself.
Inflation has only reduced the spending of the dollar 25%… not the 100% that the Town’s budget has increased.
This is not about whether Mr. Preston is a nice guy or not. I appreciate the fact that he chose to respond because I doubt that Dave Carey will. Both of them vote the same way. They have served their time. I want fresh ideas and vision. The spending is well beyond the rate of inflation by a 4 to 1 margin, and after all the spending we still have a $4 million plus in capital projects waiting for money.
Preston supported a 2% COLA raise and 12%+/- increase in benefits when there has been NO increase in the cost of living and others are laying off or furloughing emplyees. He supported the expenditure of $309,800 for Town Hall in FY 2009, and another $200,000 in FY 2010 which you should have known was not going to be feasible, money the Town won’t get back. He supports the east-west connector (MacPhail Extension) without regard to the impact it will have on the safety of the children that must walk to school.
Preston has become too close to the staff to be able to make the hard decisions. You haven’t said NO to any significant requests from the staff. It’s as if the Commissioners are working for the Staff as opposed the taxpayers.
You’ve been here long enough to know what the problems are and what is feasible. Do you really think connecting the Mall and Main St is viable? You voted to spend the money. Do you really need someone to tell you what the best use for the Armory garages is, especially with all your retail experience? You voted to spend that money too. How much is enough?
So, Preston will spend money when there’s money there to spend (paraphrasing his words). The criteria for spending money is NOT if you have it, but if it’s worth doing.
He may be a nice guy, but not the guy I want responsible for my tax dollars!! He doesn’t get it at all. Inflation has not been high enough to double costs in 10 years. People who won’t look closely at expenditures and ask tough questions IS the reason.
He’s a caretaker – his family business was handed down to him to take care of, and I believe that he wants to be a Commissioner to be a part of things. Personally, I need a DOer.
He has already raised taxes every year he has been in office. Why would he even suggest that he won’t do it now to expand government? Does he mean he has already expanded it enough?
He and Carey have spent every penny they could, whenever they could and only because they could. To suggest now that they are “fiscal conservatives” only means they don’t have any extra to spend.
I checked the inflation comparison bewildered used because I didn’t believe it. It is accurate. The growth of Town Government exceeds the rate of inflation by 4 to 1 since Preston and Carey took office. How sad. I only hope the voters wake up on Nov 3.
So I am to believe that when the constant yield vote comes up next spring, Preston will vote to adopt the constant yield rate? Last year the constant yield wasn’t adopted and raised our property taxes by 12.5%.
Rob Preston and Dave Carey have had their chance for 8 and 12 years, they won’t change enough for me, it is time for someone else and I’m going to vote for Davis and Adolph. I just can’t see another 4 years of the same kinds of spending decisions.
Note Mr. Preston says that the funds are separate, but they take $400,000 a year to spend in the general fund. Separate is separate!! You raised sewer fees so you didn’t have to raise the property tax rate INSTEAD of cutting spending. I’m for Adolph and Davis too, this has got to stop.
To the complainers….
Come to the forum tonight and ask these questions. Put these candiates on the spot and answer these tough questions during these tough times.
Has anyone read Preston’s campaign flier ? I recently received a copy and it seems he thinks he is a member of VFW post 39. There is only one VFW post 39 that I can find and it is located in St Petersburg Florida. If he means that he is a member of Harford Post 39 of the Maryland Department of the American Legion on Hickory Avenue in Bel Air (although both are veterans organization they are very different) then he simply does not even know what organization he belongs to. Having done some homework and research in this area I found that the American Legion Harford Post 39 was chartered here in Bel Air 80 years ago in 1929 (3 years after his family business was started ) and you would think that he would at least know the name of that 80 year old Organization that he is a member of that has been contributing so unselfeshly to the local community for so many years. Maybe he should be asked when was the last time he visited the post for any reason.
For Mr. Preston to say I will not raise taxes for any expansion of Town Government he should understand the constant yield tax rate.
He seems like a very nice man but clearly is not capable of being a leader.
This is the Town of Bel Air total property tax revenue growth for there budget.
Fiscal year to year of revenue only from property tax alone
FY 01 FY 02
$3,654,825 $3,858,092 +5.6%
FY 02 FY 03
$3,858,092 $3,935,430 +2.0%
FY 03 FY 04
$3,935,430 $4,520,978 +14.9%
FY 04 FY 05
$4,520,978 $4,659,522 +3.1%
FY 05 FY 06
$4,659,522 $5,121,882 +9.9%
FY 06 FY 07
$5,121,822 $5,560,055 +8.6%
FY 07 FY 08
$5,560,055 $5,954,453 +7.1%
FY 08 FY 09
$5,954,453 $6,636,859 +11.5%
FY 09 FY 10
$6,636,859 $7,356,396 +12.4%
The Commissioners of the Town Of Bel Air approved a 12.4% increase in tax revenue due to the constant yield tax rate.
With the Commissioners maintaining the current tax rate of $.500 per $100 of assessments, real property tax revenues will increase by 12.4%resulting in $719,537 in additional revenue.
In order to fully offset the effect of increasing assessments, the real property tax rate should be reduced to $.445, the constant yield tax rate.
Liar Liar, Preston actually said that he does not support the extension of Mac Phail tonight at the debate guess that dreaming of the register wills job has blocked his memory.
Please voters of Homestead Village say no to Pinocchio Rob
MacPhail Road
debate resumes
Two of the town commissioners would
like to see the MacPhail connection, one
is against the idea and two have not
formed an opinion.Commissioner comments
“I have always been a proponent of
extending MacPhail Road,” Commissioner
Robert Preston, the town’s de facto mayor,
said, adding that the extension would
benefit the school system and the town.
“From an emergency standpoint of
getting to the hospital, it just makes
sense,” he said.
Preston, a businessman who has
worked with the town for more than 17
years on this issue, said the only east-towest
roads in Bel Air are Boulton Street,
Route 1 and Wheel Road.
“It’s just a problem when you’re
funneling all of your traffic onto Route 1,”
he said. “Downtown [Bel Air] is congested
enough as it is.”
Stanley Preston’s grand-son would have come out smelling like a rose tonight at the Town Hall Debate….if he had suggested cutting the Town Administrator’s Annual Salary by 15%…starting next year..”
now that would have given him the election for sure…and what about the salary cut?
The Town Admin. would have taken it and kept his job…he knows he’s overpaid…and doubtful he could find a job paying that much anywhere else.
think about boys…
Typical elected officials. Carey and Preston couldn’t answer a simple yes or no question at the forum last night. Everything had to be “qualified”. Preston was asked if he would stay for his entire 4 year term, a simple yes or no, and he talked about “leaving his options open” and that he “wasn’t registered for any other race.” Almost guaranteed that he will file and run for the register of wills ($93k) office immediately after the Town election. Just looking out for himself. What an ass!!
Neither of the incumbents talked about cutting anything. $100K salaries are OK, taxes are OK, sewer fees are OK but they said the next 4 years are going to be “challenging”. When did you figure that out?
I made up my mind last night, I want new blood in office, and given the choices, I’ll take inexperience over Carey and Preston any day. I’m voting for Davis and Adolph.
I see by the Dagger poll that others have made up their minds as well since last night. I hope it translates to the voting booth. Did not like the format last night as it encouraged all to answer the same way w/o any challenge. I agree w/ John Becker, Preston is going for higher office based on his answer and Carey did not say no to an appointed position. Makes me wonder. Carey and Preston must need these positions for their egos. They haven’t done any spending cuts since they were elected, why would they try to convince us they will now? YOU NEED TO CUT SPENDING!!! DUH!!
Hanley, and Davis said they
were not in favor of the extension. Preston
didn’t offer his opinion at the meeting,
but had said earlier he is in favor it.
Extending MacPhail Road has been
in Bel Air’s comprehensive plan since
the 1960s, although the extension of the
road would cut through the south side of
the Bel Air school campus, which is home
to Bel Air Middle and High schools and
Homestead/Wakefield Elementary.
The topic is being revisited because
of the school system’s plans to
Commissioner comments
“I have always been a proponent of
extending MacPhail Road,” Commissioner
Robert Preston, the town’s de facto mayor,
said, adding that the extension would
benefit the school system and the town.
“From an emergency standpoint of
getting to the hospital, it just makes
sense,” he said.
Preston, a businessman who has
worked with the town for more than 17
years on this issue, said the only east-towest
roads in Bel Air are Boulton Street,
Route 1 and Wheel Road.
“It’s just a problem when you’re
funneling all of your traffic onto Route 1,”
he said. “Downtown [Bel Air] is congested
I also was at the forum last night. Frustrated–the forum was formatted specifically so as not to get into back and forth between constituents and the candidates; otherwise, they probably wouldn’t have even gotten through 2 questions. It gave all candidates a fair opportunity to be heard. I think Preston’s “aha” moment was when the last question was asked–can you PROMISE you will fulfill your 4 year obligation as Town Commissioner. He must think we are stupid if he thinks the audience couldn’t see right through his non-answer. I was in disbelief when Carey was discussing the budget and he said something to the effect that the Town was digging deeply in all areas to cut back–they even had to cancel their $3,500 Christmas Party! Is he for real? That sealed it for me. I thought Ricky Davis hit a walk off home run with all his answers and enthusiasm. Adolph seemed to have less factual information than the other candidates, but I think he is genuine, as is Davis, in his quest to better the Town. My mind is definitely made up–bye bye Preston & Carey.
BTW, I think The Dagger team did an outstanding job with the forum. I was glad to see it was so well-attended and that things ran smoothly. Was anyone from the Aegis there? Keep up the good work Dagger!
Aegis failed miserably. They had no one there. FYI- I didn’t mean debate between the audience and the candidates but someone should have been able to ask Preston if his answer was a yes or a no. Someone should have asked Carey what $3500 was going to do for a $15 million budget. There wasn’t any challenge from the Dagger to any of the “non-answers”. I’m w/ you on Adolph and Davis being genuine and I’m willing to trust my tax dollars w/ them.
Has anyone thought to get a financial/criminal history on any of the candidates? How about thinking about what makes any of the candidates qualified to hold the position? Education, background…?
It is easy to tell people what they want to hear but have past actions backed their statements up? I’m not saying who to vote for but from reading these posts, voting someone into office just to get someone out of office is reckless and irresponsible.
When you have a situation where you’ve already got 2 lousy elected officials, ANYTHING is better than what you’re going to get. In this case, Carey and Preston have raised Town taxes every year since they’ve been in office together, an average of $422,000 a year(from Town records). Neither has EVER suggested significant budget cuts of any kind and I’m tired of paying more for the same services. The services haven’t changed in 20 years but my taxes sure have.
I don’t buy the experience argument either. If Carey and Preston were so experienced, how’d they miss the decline in revenue when they approved the budget? Because they think that raising taxes is the answer to ALL budget issues. Preston is a liar when he says he won’t raise taxes, he’ll have no choice w/o significant cuts, and not just employee parties.
In this case, I look at voting Carey and Preston out as doing a good deed on behalf of all Town taxpayers.
Baresident: It’s simply the half full or half empty scenario. Are we voting Carey & Preston out? Or Davis and Adolph in? Same end result. I do not think it is reckless or irresponsible for wanting to vote someone out who has done nothing but waste the taxpayers’ money and then attempt to justify the spending. I think it is quite the opposite. By the way, if anyone is irresponsible it is the no-show Dave Mitchell who claimed he is running solely to oust Carey and Preston. From his comments on this website, he has no clue about any of the intricacies of what is involved to be a Town Commissioner.
Does anyone really think the town can provide the same services as 20 years ago for the same price? I just paid almost $3.00 a gallon for gas this week. 20 years ago it was well under $1.00 a gallon. I agree two bumps on a log could easily out pace both Carey and Preston. But, expenses have gone up, fuel, vehicles, salaries and benefits. Everyone complains about the cost, but Bel Air is fiscally managed better than anyplace else, and as for the services provided, no taxpayers could be more spoiled than those living in Bel Air. No doubt its Carey and Preston’s time to go, but don’t fool yourself into believing everything will suddenly change.
I just hope we see a complete re-structuring of the Town organizational chart getting rid of any waste/departments/personnel etc. Why do we need new DPW trucks to replace trucks that only have 67,000 miles? (FY2010 budget) Why are we spending almost $8 million on payroll for the services we do get? For a Town of 10,000, if a person is capable and deserves a $100,000 salary, they ought to be able to manage the entire Town. Instead we have 6 people at that salary. Generally agree w/ your thoughts and I hope Carey and Preston go.
I can’t believe how smooth and freindly Mr. Preston is while he changes his story to cater to the audience he is addressing. The many faces of Robert Preston have cought up to him this round both in print and on-line. Of course the trick to small town elections is to get all your supporters to the polls and count on apathy from the rest. Bel Air, if you don’t get to polls you deserve what you do get! Stop on by town hall ya’all and Mayor Rob will shake your hand, smile at you, and lie.
By the way, he identified himself with Main Street merchants who deal with customer parking issues. His store has it’s own parking lot. All it needs now is traffic. Wait! I got an idea… Let’s pass a highway in the middle of an elementary school. Jerk!
my take on last night’s Dagger Event for the Candidates…
it was a well-run forum…totally fair and above board, as well it should be…
Based on just what happened inside Town Hall last night for a few hours…here’s my take…
Carey and Davis were ahead, until Carey made the comment about ‘candeling the town Christmas Party’ to cut back…please!!!
Rick Davis was the only one on the panel who was honest about how he felt, no frills…his moment of clarity was pointing out what everyone in the place knew…we have holidays, some are noisey, like St. Patrick’s Day, Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve…and the pubs in town that offer a place for townspeople to celebrate do a great job…live with it folks..
Preston lost a lot of ground to Adolph…who hemmed and hawed way too much for me…kind of came off as a bit aloof…
all the best to Dagger…keep it up
I think the race is Davis and Adoplhs to lose at this point. Carey came off as his usual arrogant self rolling his eyes and making faces during others answers. Then he uses $3500 as an example of a deep budget cut?
I agree that Preston lost ground to Adolph but I got the sense that it was nerves for Adolph more than anything else. He is an engineer so I think it was more looking for the numbers and not being able to find them.
I like Davis for the candor and the no-nonsense attitude.
I like Adolph because he is a numbers guy and doesn’t make decisions without them.
“I Will Not Raise Taxes For Any Expansion Of Town Government”
just means he will raise taxes for every other reason.
“Increases in our budget have occurred mainly due to inflation. Our dollars from ten years ago are not worth as much today.” The budget should have increased 27% from 2001 to 2010 to match inflation but have actually increased 104%.
“We are currently going through some very troubling times, and I would like to continue to encourage more retail shops on Main Street.” Ok, but how? Where is your plan?
We need leaders not followers, someone who is willing to take the initiative and see it through. Mr. Preston- you have just followed the staff. Why shouldn’t we be tired of this? And why do you mislead people with your quotes?
Tell me when you are going to cut my taxes.
Arlen Specter said :Glad to see I am not the only other one who will stoop to any level to try to get re-elected ,Political Party mean nothing were only in this for us.