Interview with Aberdeen Mayor Mike Bennett:
As part of The Dagger’s coverage of the City of Aberdeen’s municipal election on Nov. 3, the following questions were presented to each candidate for mayor and city council.
The five questions (bolded and boxed) were chosen to generate discussion on specific topics. The candidates’ answers have been included verbatim as received by email or reported following an interview.
1) If you are unsuccessful in your re-election bid and never return to office, what will your legacy be? How do you want to be remembered?
“My legacy when I get out of public life? I really don’t care if people remember my name whatsoever, but did I accomplish things for the city and citizens of Aberdeen? Did I make things better for them?”
Bennett said he didn’t get into politics to develop his legacy, in fact, he admitted his original intent two years ago was to run for city council because he saw problems beginning to develop in Aberdeen. Bennett said he soon realized he didn’t want to serve the city under a mayor who was steering the city in the wrong direction [former mayor Fred Simmons]; so he challenged and ultimately replaced that mayor.
“I want the city to be better off for my having been there. If no one ever remembers my name again, that’s OK.”
2) Do you believe Aberdeen gets enough “bang for its buck” from the city police department? Would Aberdeen be better off dissolving the APD and handing protection over to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office? What changes, if any, are needed within APD – underfunded, overfunded, top-heavy, etc?
Even though Bennett has 39 years of service with Maryland State Police, many perceive there has been a reduction in police activities in Aberdeen because they don’t see him out chasing evil-doers with wearing a bullet-proof vest or carrying a pistol – as Simmons was well known for.
“Why would I want to do that? I did that in uniform for 31 years. That’s not the mayor’s job. That’s the police chief’s job.”
Bennett said the Aberdeen Police Department is overall a “good organization,” but “there are things over there that need to be corrected.”
“We need to refocus efforts in a few areas. I don’t think the guys need to be out on Route 40 hawking traffic tickets. Our people need to be in the neighborhoods making sure the neighborhoods are safe.”
“I think the world of the police department over here and I’m going to give them the tools they need.”
Bennett also pointed out the police department is “fertile grounds for rumor” and wanted to disspell one such rumor – about the disbanding of APD.
“My brain has not even considered that possibility.”
“They have a big supporter in me and when the economy straightens out we’ll start to look at if we can do raises.”
3) What do you believe is the best path to securing Aberdeen an affordable, sustainable, longterm water supply?
[Editor’s note: We got caught up talking about police and annexation and skipped right over this question. It should be noted Bennett just signed off on Amendment 6 of the city’s water agreement with Harford County to provide Aberdeen with a short term water fix. Bennett has said he does not believe the funds are available for the city to build its own, independent water plant]
4) If the Wetlands team came back with another proposal for annexation similar to the one talked about two years ago (including the millions of dollars upfront for city infrastructure, funding for city personnel and equipment, new fire substation, etc), what would your vote be and why?
Bennett said the city is not against growth or annexation and pointed to the Hiob Lane annexation, which he said will fly quickly because it’s the right thing in the right area.
“The expansion and development fits in with the existing community.”
“If that [Wetlands] came in again the only thing that would change my mind on that would be if the citizens are OK with that to proceed. Right now citizens of Aberdeen 2-to-1 have said they are not in favor.”
“Our employers are the citizens. They’re the bosses. They need to be involved in making big decisions like this.”
“I will support logical growth within the development envelope.”
Bennett said one such area of logical growth may be to move Aberdeen east toward the Robinhood Road area because of existing infrastructure.
5) Who do you hope is elected to the city council and why?
Bennett, who calls himself a “pretty private person in a pretty not-so-private venue,” said “I’ll do my talking through the privacy of the ballot box.”
“I think it’s pretty obvious some of the folks I don’t support. If you come by my house, you can get a good idea of that.”
“There’s absolutely no doubt I want change on the council.”
Bennett described his first term as mayor as two years of “fighting and scraping.”
“It’s been a good education, but it hasn’t been fun.”
“I want to be able to have a council I can sit down and have a conversation with.”
Without specifically naming his mayoral race challenger Mike Hiob, Bennett rattled several instances of “the council president” changing his mind and position after they sat down and had seemingly hammered out some issues.
“He made all this noise about the water agreement,” said Bennett about Hiob’s displeasure with not being invited by the mayor to participate in the city’s dealings with the county over water purchases.
Aside from the fact that he already had other council members working on the project, Bennett said he couldn’t let Hiob, a county environmental inspector, sit in on contract negotiations with the county – “it’s a clear conflict of interest.”
From Bennett’s biography on the city website:
Mayor Michael E. Bennett was born, May 26, 1948 in Madison, Indiana. He moved to Aberdeen in 1958 with his family. He graduated from Aberdeen High School in 1966 and went to work with the Aberdeen Police Department as a police dispatcher. He was drafted into the U.S. Army in March of 1968 and served a tour of duty in Viet Nam as an Air Traffic Controller. Mayor Bennett is a retired Lieutenant, Maryland State Police having served for 31 years. He continues to serve the Maryland State Police as the civilian Director of the Electronic Systems Division. Mayor Bennett is starting his 38th year with the Maryland State Police. Mayor Bennett is a life member of the Aberdeen Fire Department, having served since 1964. He is a former Fire Chief and President of that department.
Mayor Bennett lives with his wife, Elaine on N. Rogers Street and they have one daughter, Michele, who resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Mayor Bennett holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology from Siena Heights University, Adrian, Michigan. He has served the City of Aberdeen as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals and is the liaison to the Economic Development Commission of the City. Mayor Bennett also serves as the Co-Chair of the Local Government Service Committee to the BRAC Sub-Cabinet chaired by Lt. Governor Anthony Brown.
I have serious doubt’s. Mayor Bennett did any criminal tracking in communication’s unless it was on a radio. as For A.P.D.I suspect there view of Mayor Bennett is intirely different then his.
Come on Bennett after 39 years with the Maryland State Police and 2 years as Mayor can’t you come up with anything better to criticize the Aberdeen police Department than hawking tickets on Rt # 40.
If that’s it I guess we know why you spent the majority of your career with MSP replacing batteries on radios and the last two years as Mayor working for Art Helton and Steve Johnson. You are not capable of recognizing what is going on in the City of Aberdeen and trying to make a difference.
Just for your information over the past two years while you were out shopping for new furniture and buying water from the County @ $18 a gallon there have been several pedestrian fatalities on US Rt # 40 and too many traffic violations and Drunk Driving incidents to count. Please do not worry Helton or Johnson were not involved.
Perhaps Bennett you would want the Police Officers who deliver the messages to the families about the death of their loved ones from the accidents on Rt # 40 to add we are sorry for your loss however Mayor Bennett does not wants Officers to enforce the traffic laws on Rt # 40 which may prevents traffic fatalities.
If you Bennett are looking for things that are need to be corrected at the Aberdeen Police Department then I would recommend looking in a mirror. There you will find the answer.
I for one will remember Mike Bennett as the mayor who spent more than 20K of taxpayer money to replace 2 year old office furniture because he didn’t want to sit in the same seat that Fred Simmons did. I will remember him as the mayor who allowed for a greeter position at City Hall costing the taxpayers a great deal in salary and benefits. I will remember him as the mayor who could not look me in the eye and justify either of these wastes of money and the mayor who couldn’t field a question without receiving talking points from Art Helton.
As for the APD hawking tickets (I’m guessing police jargon for stopping cars) on RT 40, I know that speed enforcement does reduce accidents, am pretty sure that drunks use the stretch when they pass through to get home after bar hopping, and I personally think that flashing red and blue lights make criminals a little leery about robbing a store. I do like to see the officers in the neighborhood and think that it’s great when the little children talk with them and I really like seeing them “hawking tickets” when stop signs are run. To those APD officers out there on the streets, thank you and hopefully you will get the recognition and respect from the city leaders that you deserve.
I need to set the record straight on a couple of Bennett’s bullets:
BENNET’S ANSWER: “he decided to run for mayor because he realized he didn’t want to serve the city under under a mayor who was steering the city in the wrong direction (Fred Simmons)”.
REALITY: As Council President (title left over from my second term), I met with newly sworn in Mayor Bennett. It was a transition type of meeting. I was welcoming him and basically trying to help out in any way (remember, he had NO experience in office, and I had 4 years). During that meeting, he revealed to me that he had no intention of running for mayor, but that Art Helton had recruited AND convinced him to run for mayor. That’s what he said. I ask that a legitimate reason to run for office? You be the judge.
BENNETT’S ANSWER: “I will support logical growth within the development envelope”
REALITY: The development envelope that keeps getting mentioned by Bennett (and other candidates) is the “Inverted T” that was self imposed by Harford County many years ago (which, by the way has been rendered useless by the fact that IT has been disregarded time and time again). Either way, it has NOTHING to do with the City of Aberdeen. The elected officials from the City of Aberdeen are tasked to to what they think is best for Aberdeen, NOT Harford County. The its OWN Comprehensive Plan, Aberdeen has 15 seperate planning areas within a one mile radius around the current municipal boundry. THIS is Aberdeen’s “development envelope”! May I suggest that the elected officials representing Aberdeen take some time and study the same?
BENNETT’S ANSWER: “aside from the fact that he already had other council members working on the project (water purchase for Harford County), Bennett said he couldn’t let Hiob, a county environmental inspector, sit in on negotiations with the county-“it’s a clear conflict of interest”
REALITY: I had been in earlier high level meetings regarding our water source issue. These meetings included Mike Bennett, Dutch Ruppersberger, County Executive David Craig and his Chief of Staff Aaron Tomarchio, Delegate Mary Dulaney James and County Councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti. These were the initial high level water source meetings attended by this entire group together at City Hall, and shortly afterwards at Dutch’s office in Towson! For Mike Bennett to say that he already had other council members working on the project is an outright lie. I was the council member “working on the project”, until Bennett felt that I was becoming to informed and powerful. No offense to my colleagues on the council, but because of the nature of my inspection position with Harford County for almost 20 years, I think I know infrastructure better than any of them. Bennett just decided to jettison me in favor of his dependable vote and less challenging colleage on the dais, Ruth Ann Young. But I guess it doesn’t matter who Bennett chose from the dais to accompany him to the big “water summit” with Harford County. In the end, (and in Art Helton’s own words to me via an email that I have saved) it was Art Helton himself that hammered out the deal between the City of Aberdeen and Harford County! (I can prove it…remember, I saved the email from King Art!) The question should be, why was Art even there? He wasn’t elected to anything in Aberdeen. Besides, wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest having Art Helton attend? I mean, just a couple of years ago, Art/Ann Helton ran a vicious campaign against David Craig for the County Executive seat that David Craig currently holds. Finally, if it was truly a conflict of interest having me attend (because of my employment with Harford County), then why would County Executive Craig tell me on more than one occasion that he would like to have me attend the water meetings between Harford County and the City of Aberdeen? He clearly wanted me to attend, but Mike Bennett would NOT let that happen.
These are just a few of the many fabrications and outright lies that Michael Bennett has been spreading as of late. I guess it’s true what they say. You are like the company you keep.
I think the real conflict of interest is that Art Helton negotiated for water that he needs for his projects.
As mentioned in a previous Dagger story Art is obviously so proud of his ability to control Mayor Bennett and Steve Johnson that he has kept the “Puppeteer” cartoon on his office wall. Mr. Helton has so little regard for them that he even peed on the Mayor’s garage. Which having watched several Council meetings has rubbed off on the current Mayor and the way he treats the citizens who “employ“ him. That was the most ironic of all his comments.
The water deal is all about EDU’S for Senator HELTON it has nothing to do with the general population of Aberdeen or for potential buisness oppurtunities!This whole water issue has been ongoing since the RHERMAN/WILSON era with nummerous contracts being passed back and forth over the years with no sutainable results!This so called agreement will further deteriorate the citys financial position to a point where the existing TAX PAYER BURDEN WILL BE SO DRAMATIC that Unincorporating may be the only solution!
I really am having difficulty cheering for anyone who continues to erode all possible oppurtunity for the city to climb out of its existing hole and then contiues to add more debt to my household everyday.
Go ahead MAYOR beat your chest you may have just taken an entire city down for one guys personal economic stimulus package! 16 TO 18.00 PER GALLON HOORAY YOU !@#$!@##!!!!!
Mike has said it well as usual. I read the Bennett piece and wondered who gave him all those answers. He actually believes that he is doing good for Aberdeen, yet the train has now passed us by and we end up picking up scraps along the BRAC Track. He attempts not to sound anti-development but in fact has bought into the Anarchists Communists and Terrorist (ACT) line that if we wish hard enough we can go back to the good old days. When was that anyone?
I have had enough as a citizen of Aberdeen. When our elected officials would rather be online patting themselves on the back (see Aberdeen tax and water rates over the past 6 years), than actually looking for solutions to the problems it’s time to go. We don’t need the brownshirts here again. One Fred was plenty. I for one wish I could secede from Aberdeen.
Greg D. you can secede form the City. Pack up your crap and move! You and so many keep posting about the water and sewer rates having been raised. So what? It costs X to make water and the City absolutely has to charge X plus forecast expenses. Maybe you thing that the way Wilson did it, borrow short term and then turn that into long term debt is the way to go. Fred was in the process of fixing eight years of horrible fiscal disasters and it cost money to do it. Now that Bennett has run us into another hole we will have another disaster to repair.
Dave, Atleast you admit that he ran us into “another hole” that “other hole” was while you and others that are currently on the council dug. So who is to blame?
As I have stated before quit pointing fingers at everyone else for being the problem. Maybe the problem is the whole council. Do what you are asked to do and quit crying when you are not asked to do something, there is enough work for everyone.
The city has run good and bad during the 15-20 years just like any other city.
How about the council work for the citizens instead of trying to make a name for themselves.
Mayor Bennett and President Hiob, please answer one question that I have seen online but have not had an answer too, what do our taxes provide for the citizens of Aberdeen?
Josh, I could not agree more. Yensan and tyhe like can only blab and attack. They never will try to work on a solution when it is so easy to point fingers. American politics in general have degenerated to the Yensans of the world. At least the voters were smart enough to oust him.
Good Dave, real good. How many Yensans are in a crap?
While Mike Hiob and I don’t always agree on issues, I think he and many of the good people of Aberdeen have hit the nail on the head regarding the race for mayor of Aberdeen.
A vote for Bennett for mayor is a vote in favor of allowing Art Helton to continue running Aberdeen.
Hey Nancy, BRAC will bring a ton of $$$ to Aberdeen hotels with local and TDY travelers staying in the City during the week. This is a real BRAC windfall, and a fact I am sure you well know. So if Aberdeen had a hotel room tax it would receive much needed revenue. So stay out of Aberdeen’s way and stop blocking us in the legislature. Why does a Hotel tax have to be linked to tourism? It is widely perceived you personally prevented Aberdeen from getting a Hotel tax. Art should stay out of Aberdeen politics and so should you.
Mayor based on what i know i dont think forgetting you will ever be possible,you have sold the CITY OF ABERDEEN a bill of goods and you have associated yourself with people and causes which undermine whats great about this town.
Iknow i will never forget you, THANKS !
I’m dressing up as art h for halloween, anyone tell me where the sisters r 4 rent
If Bennett was a failure, then isn’t Hiob a failure too. Like Hiob said he was the Council President. What ever happens in the city don’t they all vote on it? Hiob has been an elected official for how long? Great job Hiob NOT!
“Coach18” (anonymous)
Give me specifics. I gave you specifics.
HHmmmm; When the people whom the elected officials work for make it clear that they do not like how the City is being run and replace the Mayor and several Council members; you would think that the remaining members would go forth and make Aberdeen a better place. Now we have a Mayor who needs to find some backbone ,but we also have a lot of developers $$ trying to buy their way back into the City through the next election. When will a politician finally show some b@ll$ and come out publically and say NO. Fix the heart of the city, re-develope the vacant, unused/underused spaces and then have them come back with a plan that will be accepted by the people, for the people.
I have watched several council meetings. I don’t have all the council minutes, but you both seem to vote the same way most of the time. You want annexation for more residential property, how are we going to supply water with the current water problem?
Coach 18, are you stupid or do you just enjoy stirring the solids in the septic tank? Bennett excluded Hiob from the beginning. Had Hiob just gone along to get along then your quetion might have had some relevance.
If thats not calling the kettle black I do not know what is. You stir the solids also.
Get to the point and ask questions of those running for the office. They are the ones who should be answering questions.
Josh, you make my point by coming to the top like a good little solid.
I tried asking Mayor Bennett a question or two and was snubbed. On one attempt all I got was er, um, er, um and that didn’t cut it. I, the tax payer, the public of which the man is supposedly serving, could not get an answer to a specific question, ergo I my view of the empty suit is that he should not get re-elected.
I don’t need to ask any more questions. I have enough answers from observing and talking with the legitimate candidates. What will you gain from questions anyway? Get involved and find out the true story of what is and has been going on.
You are correct get involved and ask the questions, lay them out here also. Both come on-line and read the BS on here.
I attend 7 or 8 council meetings a year I hear what goes on.
Politics cloudy the mind especially when you have money thrown at you by all kinds of people who want to help you help them. That is the BS that needs to stop but it won’t.
The elections are over and we now have to live with those elected
I just found a copy, of the Aegis. in a ditch. I expect for weed control. I noticed they support. our worth less Mayor. not surpriseing from the Aegis.
ATT:Delegate has came to my attention. your tire slashing may have been random. there were some other tires slashed in the area.
It appears as though “The Dagger” may have to reset their clock to Eastern Standard Time?
Let me just say that it’s sometimes hard to do the right thing for the people of Aberdeen when the Council vote is always stacked 3 to 2. Mike Hiob and Ron Kupferman can vote for the right thing all day long with the two Ruth’s and the Mayor voting the way of the mis-informed and uninformed vocal minority special interest group who are lead by the shadow advisors. I urge everyone to come out to a city council meeting or watch it on cable and see how this really happens. Go back and research the minutes of the council meetings, you’ll see who makes what motions, who is the second and the results of the vote. I won’t tell you what you’ll find. I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise when you discover that it ain’t always the way you’ve been led to believe. But do it quick, the election is TUESDAY. If you really want to help the city of Aberdeen, just do the right thing.
Gotta add this: JD come to a Planning and Development committee sometime and you might be surprised to find out just how little development space is available inside the city limits. The growth of our city has been carefully planned and thought out. Areas have been annexed into the city for the last thirty years to meet with growth, More areas for development were identified and approved for annexation a long time ago. Much as you might not like it the Wetlands golf course is one of those areas. If the City doesn’t annex and develop it the way it would best benefit the city, Harford county is going to develop the land to suit THEIR best interests and tax benefit. Which way would you rather have it?
Actually I woudl find it quite humerous if the several farms left along Gilbert road went into preservation. Wow ; there’s a new concept; they don’t need large increases in fire/police protection, no addition to water/sewage treatment, no impact on schools or traffic, County road so no impact on Aberdeen DPW and little additional carbon footprint. Guess I look at things from a different point of view, I don’t see cookie cutter homes in 3 colors with cars parked everywhere when I look at a field. On the flip side, I guess when all those people ( oh, yes.. the citizens of Aberdeen, how’d we forget them), rammed it in Fred’s A$$ and said no, and alomst kicked Mike off the council it was just a misunderstanding, they were wrong, they don’t know better. But hey, Mike will fix that, I know he has the backing of the people, at least the developers. He can educate. For the record ,I am not a no-growth person. Just a properly planned and executed growth with decent lots, home style choices, proper open space and ball / rec fields with buffers for the existing homeowners person.
You could have had all that as well as a golf course and 3,000,000 in cash to fix the downsteam issues and you turned it down!How about just being honest and say i am ok with growth in another county or state but not here!
The 2 plans that they put forth for the wetlands did nothing to help the City but a cash up front payment. After that the costs of supporting that area would have been more than the taxes brought in. A developemnt that has large buffers around the surrounding properties. Is screened from the existing roads by large forested buffers (like AA county); Has lots that aren’t postage stamps and a complete mix of home styles/colors and material. Adaquate parking so the streets aren’t jammed up ( think the Grace harbor and Box Hill problems); then you may have something. The county and certainly not Aberdeen do not need another abingdon. Maybe the City and county need to look back to the “pay as you go” that used to be in place.
Final thought; what does happen when the City hits a limit on expansion? when they cannot take the bounderies out more? what is the plan for keeping up with the bills and the services that are required, raise taxes??? I have yet to hear from a city/county/state politician who has that on the radar and can offer a solution.
Please take the time to educate yourself prior to making statements,the Wetlands project was a pay as you go project do you think the the owners thought that the city of Aberdeen could foot any part of the bill to get the development done thats laughable!
Frankly reading one of the posts below i dont think Aberdeen has too much to worry about.
I had an ederly gentelman come to my house on Sunday. He handed me propaganda from four canidates. Mike Bennett, Ruth Elliott, Ruth Ann Young, and Bruce Gardner. Are they running as “a ticket”? I was going to vote for Gardner, but not if he’s a Bennett, Elliott, or Young supporter.
Hooter, All you have to do is look at the yard signs to know that – he is also one on the endorsed red shirt (helton) candidates
Probably not. Helton does this all the time with his flyers. The problem is there is no way to stop it from happening. But I think you are correct,it can hurt some candidates, because they lose votes from people that might think they are aligned with another candidate they don’t like.
Unfortunately, Bruce has gotten his campaign twisted into the mess with the Anarchists, Communists and Terrorists (ACT) and by default Helton. I really think that Bruce is his own man and will not be intimidated by Helton, but that’s not quite good enough for me. He lost my vote when he put Bennett’s sign in his yard.
I don’t remember who said it first but once again the theme of this Aberdeen election could be;” the people generally get the goverment they deserve”.
One candidate is a scared recluse who says he works for the citizens when is reality he refuses to take meetings or discuss issues with the voters.
Mike Hiob has a clear record over his term in office returning every phone call and email, many times after midnight when his meetings run late. He has never refused a meeting from any citizen whether they agree with him or not.
One candidate is completely funded and supported by folks who do not reside within the city but have vested financial interests that run counter to the quality of life for the citizens of Aberdeen. Like the candidate himself his handlers have checkered pasts that offend the sensibilities on honest voters.
Mike Hiob surrounds himself with family and in my mind his greatest endorsement came from his son Adam who also holds an elected position. Mike’s campaign is not run by thugs, carpet baggers, slum lords and solicitors. Mike’s beautiful wife Barbara runs his campaign and along with his daughter Hannah forms the basis for his greatest support.
They say that in order to unseat an incumbent you need to present yourself as a clear difference from the other candidate.
Aberdeen see it clearly. Mike Hiob is a dedicated public servant who has used his previous terms to become educated on the issues that citizens care about and has forged county and state wide relationships that will benefit us all.
Al J,
What can I say but wow! Thanks for your kind and sincere words about my family and me. I’d write more, but it’s getting late and tomorrow’s the “big day”!
Al I’am inclined to believe S.Fred quoted that.for the best interest of Aberdeen & it’s people. MIKE HIOB is the answer.
I put a paper together and think it might be worthwhile on the eve of the election.
Leadership Does Bring Results
I recently received some literature which came from Mike Bennett and appears to be designed to convince me to vote for him for Mayor. I just can not let the opportunity get past me to respond. On the flier the following is stated, followed by my response;
• Negotiated a historic agreement to provide Aberdeen’s water needs for decades to come. – There is nothing historic about the agreement; it is the 6th version of the agreement, and goes back over most administrations. Of note perhaps is that for the next several years, Aberdeen will have to get permission from the County to make any progress at all. In 2007 Aberdeen was well on its way toward having a sustained, unlimited supply of water. State and federal agencies were ready to sign on and help bring this to fruition. Had Bennett simply continued the effort we would be on line for good sustainable water in the next year or so.
• Balanced two city budgets without reducing city services during a steep national recession. – This is required by Charter. The mayor produces a balanced budget for the council to review. This is not an accomplishment since the entire budget is produced by staff.
• Lowered the city tax rate each of the past two years. – Since the assessed value of every city property went up 10% each of the two years, I and everyone else who is supposed to be duped by this nonsense paid significantly more in taxes both years. Calling a tax a duck doesn’t make it a duck.
• Stabilized city finances while creating a “rainy day fund.” – This is a meaningless statement. Every city always has a rainy day fund. It’s where you park money waiting for the other budget mistakes to be revealed.
• Created a city growth plan emphasizing job related development over residential development. – What? We have had a growth plan for ever that emphasizes commercial growth. Having staff prepare an update is not an accomplishment.
• Worked with the state and federal governments to gain $5 million in new infrastructure dollars for Aberdeen. – This is the package that Fred Simmons put together, and now Bennett implies that he did it single handedly.
• Led the effort to deny two annexation proposals that did not meet the city growth vision. – Other than pandering to a very vocal but toothless group this is far from an accomplishment. The first question is: what city growth vision. Both of the proposals met the city development plan which is supposed to reflect the vision. Bennett did not attempt to modify that plan, perhaps because he knew he would never get it past his own council.
In the next section Bennett begins with “Mayor Bennett took office at a time when Aberdeen faced serious problems:”
• A dysfunctional government resulting in poor services and a demoralized staff. – Other than two or three police officers, who are no longer employees, the morale was excellent. Governments by their nature are dysfunctional. Fred Simmons had identified several employees who were not effective, and were being slated for demotions or replacement during the second term. All but one of them is still working for the city; the one who is not has died.
• Serious water supply problems impacting future growth. – The supply was not the problem. The allocation of that supply was and is. The city had authority to draw 1.7 million gallons from its existing well field. Due to incompetence with the DPW, the allocation was arbitrarily decreased to 1.2 million gallons in 2007. After consultation with MDE the allocation was increased to 1.5 million and would have been increased to 1.7 million had the DPW followed through on a study. Buying water from the County is no solution at all.
• Major financial issues resulting from an unsustainable city budget. – The budget would not have been unsustainable if the anti-development crowd not taken control. The actions of the group which became known as ACT caused several projects to be delayed, stopped or withdrawn, causing huge losses to the city.
• No real growth plan to accommodate BRAC related activities. – This is just a simple lie. Aberdeen was proactive about BRAC planning and in several cases drove the county into action. Making a statement of this nature is simply dishonest.
In his 2007 campaign Bennett promised several things which have not come to pass. Honesty and openness have not prevailed during this administration. Having Mr. Helton and/or Mr. Johnson attend important meetings, while keeping his council away and uninformed, isn’t very transparent.
Mr. Bennett calls himself a “leader you can trust.” Trust to do what? What has actually been accomplished during the last two years?
Very astute comments regarding Mike Bennett’s propaganda piece.
They are quite accurate. Thanks for your support!
I’m heading to bed (tomorrow’s the “big day”!)
Well Dave let’s hope the people.of Aberdeen are reading this and do the right thing. vote MIKE HIOB FOR MAYOR.
I am pretty sure the COUNTY/STATE have the area figured out so no need for Aberdeen to worry about the potential growth!I have seen the plan which includes a high tech buisness park just to the south west of the golf course as well as a beautiful elevated road going from rt 40 at 715 up and around Beechtree golf club, the Wetlands golf club ,around to rt 155 terminating at the 95 exit in Havre de Grace can you say hole in the donut!There are forces at work in that area that are much larger than you ,me or Aberdeen for that matter!
Another huge benifit is the BIG INCH WATER LINE runs right theough these properties and down to the city of Baltimore from the Susquehanna river that water source is right there dont think for a minute that Aberdeen has any stake in that game!
I met Mike Bennet one time, in the first part of 2008 when I was a daily train rider from the Aberdeen MARC station to downtown Baltimore. After many complaints arising from the train riders about being ticketed in the station parking lot, Mayor Mike showed up at 6:30 am, while we were waiting for the train (in a fur coat, no less!) and reassured us that we would not be ticketed again. I was momentarily impressed. But, that evening, all of our windshields were a-flutter with another round of parking tickets. And a week after that, again, more tickets. Shortly after that, I stopped taking the train because of the ticketing problem. I don’t know if that station parking lot is in his “jurisdiction” but I really don’t like disingenuousness and empty promises from anyone, let alone politicians. If you can’t fix a problem, just say so.
Looks like all the hot wind on this page didn’t matter in the end the right man for the job won. CONGRATS MAYOR BENNETT!!!!!
Aberdeen will stay in 1980 and “nobody’s gettin’ fat but Mama Cass” (Art Helton in this case). The voters re-elected Mike Bennett to represent Art Helton. Based upon the make-up of the council I’ll give it one year, if there isn’t some measurable progress made by January 1, 2011 I will no longer call Aberdeen home, we will move, it’s plain and simple. If outside special interests are continued to be be allowed to dictate the day to day operations of this city and money is wasted on personal whims at the taxpayer expense I see no alternative then to pack up and move before the city becomes bankrupt.
One thing that I think Mike Bennett, Mike Hiob, Art Helton, and any colorful poster that votes in Aberdeen will agree on, with over 8000 registered voters in this town, a turn out of 1800 is piss poor at best and says to me that many of my “neighbors” just don’t care.
I Second that move. RWinger. thinking about Bel Air but then have too deal with Tully’s ( Grin) property value’s are nothing in Aberdeen have to give house away.
Heard Brac was coming ? I wonder if the Mayor has been told.