At the request of Harford County Councilman Dion Guthrie and several Edgewood residents, the Edgewood Community Council has called a special meeting to discuss Bill No. 09-36, Acquisition of Prologis Park, and it’s potential impact to the Edgewood Community.
WHERE: Harford County Council Chambers, 212 South Bond Street, Bel Air, MD 21014: 410.638.3343 or 410.879.2000
WHEN: Wednesday Nov 18, 2009
TIME: 7:00 PM
AGENDA ITEM: Bill No. 09-36, Acquisition of Prologis Park, Edgewood/Waste Incinerator.
You can read the full bill on the county website, but here is some pertinent text from the document:
AN ACT to provide the County Executive, or his designee, with the authorization to execute, on behalf of Harford County, Maryland, an Intergovernmental Installment Purchase Agreement with Maryland Environmental Service, in substantially the form attached hereto, to purchase a parcel of real property, known as Prologis Park, Edgewood, Maryland 21040, containing approximately 134.210 acres, more or less, with all improvements located thereon, for the purchase price of $4,950,000.00 to be paid in semi-annual payments for a term not to exceed 10 years; to pay principal, interest, administrative fees and financing costs on the outstanding balance as specified in the Intergovernmental Installment Purchase Agreement; and providing for and determining various matters in connection therewith.
By the Council, November 3, 2009
Introduced, read first time, ordered posted and public hearing scheduled on: December 1, 2009 at: 6:00 pm
WHEREAS, Harford County has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Baltimore County and the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority to procure the design, permitting, construction and operation of a resource recovery facility to be located in Harford County; and WHEREAS, in order to promote effective solid waste disposal practices, the General Assembly has authorized Maryland Environmental Service (`,`MES”) to acquire real or personal property and to sell, lease, transfer and dispose of any property or interest in it that is has acquired; and WHEREAS, MES is intending to acquire a parcel of real property located in the Edgewood area of Harford County and to convey this property to the County at a later date; and WHEREAS, the County Executive proposes that Harford County, Maryland enter into an Intergovernmental Installment Purchase Agreement with MES, which is attached hereto, to enable the County to acquire real property and improvements known as Prologis Park, Edgewood, Maryland 21040, containing approximately 134.210 acres, more or less, (the “Property”) for $4,950,000.00 to be paid in semi-annual installments for a term of no more than 10 years and with the maximum annual payment not exceeding $342,200.00, except in the year the balance of the purchase price is paid, and beginning no earlier than Fiscal Year 2011; and that he, or his designee, be given the authority to execute such agreement on behalf of Harford County, Maryland; and WHEREAS, the purchase price for the Property is $4,950,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Property, which is located on and adjacent to Trimble Road in Edgewood, Maryland, is being acquired for the purpose of the future design, permitting, construction and operation of a resource recovery facility and/or access thereto;
Just got word from Councilman Guthrie’s office that the date for the Prologis Park meeting has changed. The new date is Tuesday, November 24th, 7:30 p.m. at the Edgewood Senior Center, 1000 Gateway Road, Edgewood, MD 21040.