From Maryland State Police:
(Bel Air, MD) – Charges resulting from a Harford County Grand Jury indictment were served by State Police this morning on a driver involved in a crash last month in which three people were killed.
The accused is identified as Travis N. Gray, 31, of the 3500-block of Day Road, Darlington, Md. He is charged with three counts each of vehicular manslaughter, negligent homicide while under the influence and negligent homicide while impaired. He is charged with one count each of driving while under the influence and driving while impaired.
Gray turned himself in to State Police CRASH Team investigators at 7:00 a.m. today at the Bel Air Barracks. After processing, he was taken to the Harford County Detention Center where he was incarcerated on $250,000 bond.
On December 15, 2009, a Harford County Grand Jury handed up an indictment in this case. The charges were forwarded to State Police investigators for service.
The indictment is the result of a fatal crash that occurred shortly after 4:30 a.m. on November 14, 2009, on Route 543, just south of Prospect Road in Harford County. The Maryland State Police CRASH Team investigation revealed Gray was driving a 2002 Ford F-250 truck north on Rt. 543 when he crossed the double yellow center line and struck a southbound 1998 Ford F-150 truck.
All three occupants of the southbound truck were killed. They were identified as James A. Bielanski, 48, and his wife, Pamela B. Bielanski, 47, and their friend, Robert W. Arbogast, 35. All three victims lived in Street, Md.
Evidence developed during the Maryland State Police CRASH Team investigation was provided to the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office. The State’s Attorney’s Office coordinated presentation of the evidence to the Grand Jury, which prompted the indictment.
WOW, it only took the States Attorney and Grand Jury 32 days to Charge this man. He ruined the lives of so many including himself. A man I know has been waiting 8 months for charges to be filed against a man who was driving drunk on RT 165 at 6 in the morning! The driver hit this man’s wife head on, killing her as she was headed to work.
And it’s not the first time for him driving drunk, but it’s his first fatal. I don’t under stand why it’s taking so long to charge this POS. He’s out walking free as a bird. Maybe they are waiting for him to kill someone else. He has also ruined many lives. The Judicial System need’s to STEP UP. First offence for DWI/DUI should be mandatory jail, then maybe more people will think before getting behind the wheel/handlebar’s and driving under the influence.
FYI the Grand Jury in Harford County is only seated once every two weeks. That would explain some of the delay.
Also contributing to the delay is the level of investigation given to fatal accidents. Every system of each vehicle involved is thoroughly examined, from the brakes to the headlights and everything in between. The road itself is also analyzed, throw in some pretty hefty mathematical calculations to determine speeds and directions of travel (the way the vehicles are found at the scene is often not indicative of the nature of the collision) and then and only then is the offical report issued. These things take time to do correctly and help to ensure the conviction of the guilty driver. Or would you prefer a faster indictment that will not stand up in court?
BTW, you could have looked up all of this on your own before firing off your uninformed opinion from the hip.
all the dumb bastard had to do was pull over, take the keys out of the ignition, sleep it off, call a pal…whatthxxxxever…
but no, he’s got to plow on through the night in a dismal stupor….and kill three people…
they should rent out Ripken Stadium, sell tickets to a sold out crowd and stone the sonofabitch to death…then give the proceeds to the children of the three victims…
now all you whiners take issue with that!!!
And all his friends at the bar could have taken his keys real friends look out for you and others,Lets put the bartenders right there too,his so called friends…,…This isnt the only accident case going on either there also is a man who killed someone on an overpass and that was his second accident that day can we bash him too!!!!
I agree Jimmy! Better yet they should take my ********** brother in law, nephew and my sister and stone them bastards right next to Travis! My nephew allowed Travis to stay in my sister’s bar after it closed and fed him alcohol to the point where Travis couldn’t even walk let alone drive. My quetion is why didn’t my ** nephew take his keys, lock him in the bar or call him a cab! Old School Tavern is just as responsible if not more! I talked to the investigating trooper and I told him my nephew is nothing but a friggin drunk and had no business serving alcohol to anyone after 2:00 am. especially Travis. My nephew lied to the trooper and said he was serving him water…yeah right, I’ve never seen Travis drink water! I told the trooper to pull the surveillance video to find out the truth, the cop didn’t even know that Travis, Jimmy, Jim and my sister were all friends. Well I educated that trooper.
Why wasn’t that little bastard nephew of mine arrested too? It’s illegal to serve alcohol after the bar is closed in both Harford and Cecil counties! Where’s the ** justice there! Where’s the ** cops when you really need them.
I also called Ray the chief inspector of the liquor license board and asked him why Old School Tavern is allowed to serve alcohol after 2:00 am. He’s as dumb as a * rock and had no reply!
If I were the victims familes I would sue ** James B Lunney, Deborah A. Lunney and Jim Lunny. Jim Lunney my nephew holds the liquor license at that *** and drinks like a fish behind the bar…I also told the liquor license *** that… and to this day nothing has been done to Old School Tavern. The cheif inspector Ray even admitted to me that he knows my brother in law, so go figure!
Not only the bar, but I would take everything those asshole own, their house, all their cars, motorcycles and savings!
Since all this, the Lunney’s have had their home number changed and it’s unlisted! Hmmmmmmmmm
Hey do you know where these people live or where they have there ACURA TL
.27 level
I hear she does not work at old school taven,stop putting this crap on our family’s website!!!! You must be an (ex-girlfriend) and jealous!!
This is in response to (sad), I have know Travis for very long time and she was the best thing that ever happened to him. So when you blame someone maybe you should point the finger at yourself. She did not drive the vehicle or force him to do so. You must be the “VILLAGE IDIOT”!!! or a scorned woman!!
I guess the Anne Arundel cop who got drunk and killed the guy on 95 should be getting out of the Harford County Hilton soon. His 9 months should be up.
Stephen M. Wright Political Science Scholarship has been setup on Facebook! By the North Harford Republican Club for a scholarship for a student at Harford Community College!