The 15-year-old girl, Kelsey Elaine Brown, who was critically injured in a Feb. 5 accident when the vehicle in which she was traveling struck a snow plow, has died from her injuries.
Maryland State Police reported today (Monday) that the teenager died over the weekend. She had been at Bayview Hospital in critical and unstable condition.
The accident occured on the afternoon of Feb. 5 when the mini-van being driven by the victim’s mother, Carrie Ann Brown of Darlington, struck a dump truck on Paradise Road at the I-95 overpass in Aberdeen. Police said the dump truck, privately-owned by contracted by the Maryland State Highway Administration, was parked on the side of the road and preparing to plow the forthcoming snow.
Here is the original MSP press release:
(Aberdeen, Md.) On February 5, 2010 at approximately 3:09 p.m. troopers from the Maryland State Police Bel Air Barrack responded to northbound Paradise Road (MD 462) at the I-95 overpass, for a vehicle collision.
Preliminary investigation revealed that a 2002 Chevrolet Venture was traveling northbound Paradise Road at the above location. For reasons unknown at this time, the driver of the Venture entered the right roadside where it struck a 1987 Mack Dump Truck. The dump truck was parked on the right shoulder of the roadway standing-by for the pending snow storm. The dump truck is privately owned and was under contract through the Maryland State Highway Administration. A 15 year old female passenger (Kelsey Elaine Brown) suffered serious/critical personal injuries and was transported to Bayview Hospital where her condition remains critical and unstable. The passenger’s mother (Carrie Ann Brown, Darlington, Md.) was also transported to Bayview and is in critical condition.
Younger siblings (6 and 10 year old) were transported to other medical facilities with less serious injuries.
Collision Reconstructionist from the Maryland State Police Bel Air Barrack and the CRASH Team continue to investigate the cause of this collision.
Would like to know why it happened? Is mom being charged with anything? Was she speeding? Was she in the phone? Were her younger kids acting up? There is no way you drift over into the shoulder and hit a dump truck without seeing it there unless she wasnt watching. Its sad that children had to be injured or die because mommy couldnt keep her eyes forward.
I think before were to quick to judge lets get the facts. Im sure this is a pure tragic event.May god bless this family at this time.
Word is that the truck was parked underneath the overpass with his lights out.
I agree with AllenT that we should wait to judge. I’m sure the family is distraught over this.
First of all, it is a crying shame I have to hear about your disturbing post about MY FAMILY through my little sisters friends during the holidays. Second of all, I would like to know if you are from Harford County or if you have no family or life of your own and just sit on your lazy ass reading about others misfortunes. Who do you think you are? You have no clue what happened that day! You are a coward for not responding to anyone elses posts below yours! SHOW YOUR NAME! SHOW YOUR CONTACT information because I would love to give you a piece of my mind! Kelsey was my little sister! And that “mom” your talking about, “that couldn’t keep her eyes on the road” so you say. That mother DOES NOT TALK ON THE PHONE WHILE DRIVING. Nor did she even know how to text in Feb 2010. She had her eyes on the road, every child wearing seat belts, and was doing every damn thing she was suppose to be doing while she was driving! The truck driver is @ fault! He was parked half in the road with NO LIGHTS and he wasn’t even in his vehicle! He left it unattended due to PURE LAZINESS! He has since been sued for 3 million $ for wrongful death & has also turned in his OWN driving license because he knows what he did wrong.On the other hand, YOU need to watch your mouth, because Kelsey had a family and we still ache daily over her loss. ACCIDENTS happen, & I hope to God you never have to experience the pain we have on our shoulders. How dare you leave a comment like that after reading a young girl was killed! have you ever put another persons feelings in front of your own because that comment screams pure heartlessness! My mom has dedicated her entire life to her children and her and Kelsey were the best of friends! “mommy didn’t have her eyes on the road” that will forever burn in my brain. SHOW YOUR SELF! I need to enlighten you in on more than a few things!
Autumn Brown
What you guys don’t understand is there is a family who has to bury their sister and daughter this week. no need to point fingers yet. Accidents happen. They are very upset and aren’t even holding a viewing. It was all very quick for them. Pray for peace to them
I Drove pass that dump truck just before it happend about 10 mins. It was starting to get snowy and icy and I noticed the truck was just a bit in the road way and I had to move to go around safely. I thought to myself and told my family when I arrived home about the truck and that I thought it was a bad place to be sitting no flasher’s/nothing. It was not real safe. I almost called Aberdeen Police and told them about the truck, however it was getting a bit bad with the snow and I did not want to be talking and driving and trying to navigate. I heard the sirens after I arrived home and thought “wow something bad must have happend awful lot of sirens” When I heard it later on the news I was just very sad!! So for those who did not pass by and see the truck for yourself you would not know how alarming that truck was!! careful on comments if you did not even see the truck sitting under that over pass……. I would like to say I feel for that family and the loss of their child!!!!!!! May God Bless them.
it wasnt her fault. it was no ones fault the car slid off the road and hit the plow truck. the mother is not being charged because it wasnt her fault. she WAS NOT speeding. duganz u need to shut the *** up u dont no the *** story. so shut ur mouth. i no watt happened she was my bestfriend and little sister. so dont be starten ***. accidents happen all the time some tragic then others. if u have anytthing to ask feel free to email me at
Duganz dude i dont no what your problem is i dont no if your from maryland or not but at that point in time there was alot i meen alot of snow on the ground so do not say her mom couldnt keep her eyes on the road so fuck you. i knew her she was like my lil sis n she would come to me for alot of things n if she seen this she would FLIP!. so shut the fuck up stupid fuck!!
You tell em cory. yall dont no wat the ### ur taking about there for shut ur ### mouths.