From Harford County Government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig has scheduled visits to all eleven public libraries in the county, where he will be available to speak with citizens about all issues pertaining to county government.
Dubbed “County Executive David Craig – Unplugged,” the visits are an opportunity for citizens to speak informally and in-person with the County Executive on a wide range oftopics, including education, recreation, transportation, agriculture, jobs, and financial issues.
“I have always taken the constituent service aspect of my job very seriously,” stated County Executive Craig. “Local government is the form of government that is closest to the citizen, and these visits will allow the County to both provide information, and to receive input,” Craig remarked.
“Often times, citizens do not know whom to contact when they have a problem with government, while others don’t like to speak publically at large meetings. I hope that this casual and informal setting will better enable citizens to have direct and personal access to their government,” added County Executive Craig. “I look forward to meeting and speaking with many of our fellow citizens in the coming weeks,” the county executive stated.
“Harford County Public Library has eleven branches throughout the County and each branch serves as a center for sharing community information. We are pleased that Mr. Craig will be using the library as a venue for the residents of Harford County to speak with theCounty Executive about issues that are of interest to them,” stated Audra Caplan, Library Director.
During these visits County Executive Craig will also be promoting the county’s new information hotline, 410.638.INFO, which will enable citizens to access constituent servicesand information more directly.
The following are the dates and library locations where County Executive Craig will meet with citizens. All sessions will be held from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
-Havre de Grace (120 North Union Avenue, Havre de Grace), Thursday, March 25
-Bel Air (100 East Pennsylvania Avenue, Bel Air), Monday, April 19
-Darlington (1134 Main Street, Darlington), Monday, April 26
-Edgewood (629 Edgewood Road, Edgewood), Thursday, April 29
-Joppa (655 Towne Center Drive, Joppa), Monday, May 3
-Abingdon (2510 Tollgate Road, Abingdon), Tuesday, May 4
-Fallston (1461 Fallston Road, Fallston),Thursday, May 6
-Aberdeen (21 Franklin Street, Aberdeen), Thursday, May 13
-Jarrettsville (3722 Norrisville Road, Jarrettsville), Monday, May 17
-Whiteford (2407 Whiteford Road, Whiteford), Thursday, May 20
-Norrisville (5310 Norrisville Road, White Hall), Monday, May 24
For more information on County Executive David Craig – Unplugged,” contact the County Executive’s Office of Constituent Services at 410.638.3354.
It’s amazing that a $25 filing fee and the Route 40 Republican Club and North Harford County Republican club sponsoring a Community/town Hall meeting in Jarrettsville last Saturday, and the response comes “David Craig Unplugged”! How about cutting taxes, cutting spending and eliminating unnecessary government regulations, without threatening the teacher’s salaries and the Fallston library closing?a
Anyone understad what Wright is babbling about??
Is it English of prattle.
No one really understands Steve Wright. This guy is down right bad news and extremely unstable. Aberdeen was inflicted with this guy when Fred Simmons was Mayor. He pretends to care about taxpayers money, and says that corruption in county government is running rampant.
This is the same guy that took a $100k no-bid contract from his friend and business partner then Mayor Fred Simmons. Interesting use of tax payers dollars. This is also the same guy that according to recent reports denied entry to a Fire Marshall who was doing a routine inspection of Wright’s business. Wright showed up with his thug delegate Impallaria and lied to the inspector by saying that they did not have keys to some hangars at the airpark. In retaliation, Impallaria tries to get Inspector who also happens to be an employee of the Liquor Board inspector fired from the Liquor Board. Dig deeper into this guy and the nasty pus comes to the surface.
Whenever I see an comment such as the one about Steve Wright that is done by an anonymous source I place no credence whatsoever in the content. If there is any truth to the allegations let the person step up and be counted.
John B
John, there are many legitimate reasons to remain anonymous. I will say this about Steve Wright. Have you ever heard of Joseph Steffon?
HarfordWatch: I respect your constitutional right to criticize public officials. However, anonymously slanting the truth is unfortunate and inapropriate. I was hired through my accounting firm by the Mayor and City Council of Aberdeen as a result of uncertainties about how there was a lack of funds to pay bills with a balanced budget. The contract was an hourly contract not a “no bid $100k contract”. The contract was put to writing approved by the City Attorney, City Council, Mayor and I believe the ethics committee. Work was billed hourly and regularly. The billings were monitored by one or more members of the council. The extension of work was approved by the council particularly in light of the fact that the city manager, city finance directly abruptly resigned when questions were raised.
Budget irregularities and a fraud scheme was uncovered and reported to the Mayor. The matter involving public officials was investigated by the Mr. Rohrbaugh’s office of the Special Prosecutor. The matter has been reported in the local press years ago.
I have never said that “corruption in county government is running rampant.”
I do believe there are reasons to investigate budget irregularities in county government and that any waste, fraud and abuse should be eliminated from county government.
Teacher’s pay should not be cut and threats of such for negotiating purposes only are innappropriate in my view. Threats of closing of the Falston public library at budget time is also inappropriate.
You have the facts half wrong again. With regard to the State Fire Marshall’s (Mr. Giles) alleged “routine inspection”, there was nothing routine about it. I oppose illegal and intrusive government inspections of private property both individual and commercial. Patriots fought wars (particularly World War II) to stop such tyranny. Instead of government being flexible enough to fire government beaurcrat’s during downturns in the economy they find “make work” for them to do. Deputy fire marshall Giles (from Havre de Grace where CE Craig was Mayor) made false statements to the manager and owners of the Harford County Airpark. Fire Marshall’s do not have 24-7 jurisdiction to “investigate” and “inspect” anything they desire. Deputy fire marshall’s do not have the legal right in this free county to cut the lock’s off hangars.
Mr. Giles in addition to being a paid state employee of the Fire Marshall’s office, was appointed by County Executive Craig to be on the Harford County Liquor control board. That matter was brought to the attention of the office of the attorney general for an opinion on that seeming “conflict of interest”. That matter was brought to the attention of the County Executive by someone other than me, I am told. I do not know if that has been resolved yet.
Del. Impallaria in his duties attempts to uphold his oath of office to “defend and protect the Constitution.” From personal experience I can report that the County Executive’s administration is again, insensitive to upholding the Constitution. That is one of the reasons I decided to file to run for Harford County Executive.
Del. Impallaria nor I have keys to the hangars which are outside the jurisdiction of the Maryland State Fire Marshall according to our understanding of Maryland law.
While this is not a complete discertation of all the facts, I hope this adequately explains my position. If not, you may call me at 410 – 937-3089.
Stephen M. Wright, CPA, CFE
Candidate for Harford County Executive 2010
Well, then looks like you should ignore 98% of the posts on this site. Just ask around, its out there.
Thank you. You just made my point, suggest that 98% of the people reading your comment ignore it. The other two percent will believe anything anyone tells them.
I don’t know about the allegations you made in your comments concerning Steve Wright. He will have to explain the facts if he chooses to do so. I just find that when a person is not willing to put his name to what he or she says the words are worth nothing and the person is a coward.
all this arguing and no mention of the $2billion hard earned tax dollars that went to illegal aliens last year and many years before that!! Such a shame nobody mentioning the enforcement of our immigration laws on the books but aiding and abetting is always secretive. Many of our leaders have elected to be hush hush on the subject because they want the votes of illegal aliens and they don’t want to be classified a racist which isn’t the case. If our leaders enforce immigration laws, all our citizens would be working. $28 million last year went to incarcerated illegals. Gangs are killing your children when they don’t sign up with them. Gangs are destroying your neighborhoods. Most gang members are Illegally in this state. Thank Omalley, Mike Miller, Mike Busch, Vallario, Munson, Ivey, guittierez, Hammen and many other so called leaders of maryland who support illegal aliens over the citizens of md. If you don’t vote them out, you have nothing to complain about. Enjoy md as it is. Corrupt and Little Mehico!!
How come David Craig is putting out bulletins to the county employees stating they can’t show who they support on their own personal vehicles?… But yet you go to the treasury building and a county employee who doesn’t even work in the treasury department parks his David Craig label blasted car on that county lot? I think I will hand over my bulletin to the Aegis and Record along with pictures,… and maybe even get WJZ,WBAL and WMAR involved in this matter. Lets see what kind of answers David can try to fabricate now. This is a prime example of do as I say not as I do!
You should also report how Craig and Bane tried to intimidate the public at last years budget hearings. Bane’s deputies were in uniform and in mass at some of the meetings. Fred Visnaw and the Deputies Union tried to crowd out the public during the hearings.
As a county employee, I did not receive said letter, nor did any of my other co-workers. If you have a letter, I would like to see it posted on here.
Well, I’ll tell you what kind of answers David Craig has – after reading this post, I contacted the County Executive’s Office. Something I have never done, but am happy to do again! I spoke to David Craig directly and read him this post.
This post is simply a LIE!
Although bulletins have gone out reminding County Employees not to park in the 2 hour and 30 minute spots, this particular bulletin that “Shenanigans” mentions DOES NOT EXIST.
“Shenanigans”, you can do better! Shame on you.