From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
(Joppa, MD – April 5, 2010) Shortly after 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 4, 2010, Harford County Sheriff’s deputies responded to an accident involving a 2007 Honda motorcycle and a 2007 Cadillac Escalade on Singer Road near Atkisson Road in Joppa, MD.
The operator of the motorcycle identified as Richard Vito Genna Jr., age 22, of Abingdon, MD was transported by the Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased.
Preliminary investigation by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit determined that the motorcycle had been traveling at a high rate of speed and was on the wrong side of the road, when it lost control and slid under the front of the Cadillac Escalade.
The driver of the Escalade and two passengers, who were children, were reported to be uninjured at the time of the accident. All occupants of the automobile were wearing seat belts.
As in all fatal motor vehicle accidents, the States Attorney’s Office will review the investigation, however, there are no charges expected.
Im glad the suv occupants were ok…as for the rider, OH WELL! One less jackass on a crotch rocket putting other people’s lives at risk so they can get a rush, good riddance. I feel for the family but the kid made his choices.
you shouldnt say that about people u dont know people make dumb decisions but he was a GREAT person and loved by many
Excuse me u douchebag, that guy was my on the so called crouch rocket was my damn good friend so go to hell u piece of poop
your a f-in idiot, I knew him and went to school with him, he was a good person, oh well, what a piece of sht you are. I guess we will oh well when we see what happens to you one day.
that was my husband that died. he wasn’t a jack ass on a croch rocket. he was a person. a son. a brother. an uncle. a grandson. a husband. you’re a loser. get a life and get off line.
Oh yeah and what about the family he nearly killed because of his reckless behavior and stupidity? Maybe your friend should have cared a little more and he’d still be around.
Don’t get me wrong I’m sorry he’s dead, nobody deserves to die but he made his own decisions and his death was entirely his fault, accepting anything less than that is a sad case of denial. Its too bad his family has to suffer now for his lesson learned.
Some people do deserve to die. Maybe not this idiot, but some people do.
I feel sorry for the driver and children in the Escalade. They have to live with the fact that they were involved in this idiot’s death through no fault of their own.
Darwin wins again.
Your lack of recall regarding your recent post shows your true ignorance and lack of education…. “as for the rider, OH WELL! One less jackass on a crotch rocket putting other people’s lives at risk so they can get a rush, good riddance. I feel for the family but the kid made his choices”
And then to follow it up by “Don’t get me wrong I’m sorry he’s dead, nobody deserves to die”. Dagger is great for allowing people to post, unfortunately you have to read through stupidity. A life lost is always painful for one side of the coin, regardless of how it happened. The lesson can be learned in time and passed on to others in taking precautions that could avoid such events down the road.
to the person who called richie a idiot…your a jackass and u should be ashamed of urself…..thats it. bye bye
His friends all have terrible grammar. Its YOU’RE a jacka$$. “You’re” is the combination of “You are” while “your” is possessive.
Ex. You’re an idiot. vs Your friend is an idiot.
I drive a rig, at least 10,000 times a week,I get motorcycles…crotch rockets…cutting in and out at high speed between me and other traffic. This game seems to go unchecked. The DC beltway is a common area where traffic moving at 55 to 65 has crotch rockets moving at 90 plus mph zigging in and out of traffic. A few days ago a couple was on their bike doing that. I guess this is what one does with a crotch rocket. Yes a rite we should respect. Remember this nonsense when you see a manager at a ind plant parking his crotch rocket…or a teacher.
Now this kid will be mourned as a nice guy…even though he put many people in danger. My question is…would you also embrace a gun enthusiast if he were shooting his pistola all over town..even if it was only in the air…cause he was a nice guy?
Go Dagger!!
i guess all of u who are leaving these rude comments about someone u dont know have piss poor mothers 4 allowing there children 2 grow up to be judgemental smart ass know it alls!
You talkin bout my momma?
And you Sarah, can’t even admit that his own actions led to his death and potentially the death of a family, what did his mom teach him?? Go grieve and eventually ull accept it.
While I would agree that riding a motorcycle is an assumed risk under any circumstance ( and one I indulge in), I also would like to point out that the only witness to the accident was the driver of the other vehicle. Keeping in mind that where interest lies virtue dies his story may be suspect. There is no way to know for certain. (Please do not try to school me in accident reconstruction as I work in the insurance field and have seen many such explanations destroyed under cross examination).
Have a heart, give the guy the benefit of the doubt, and accept that the only person who knows for sure what happened is not able to tell us. As for Mr. Choose, you are one heartless SOB.
Billy Jack with all due respect a high rate of speed is enough to be way to fst the speed limit is plenty fast, on this road particularly with it’s narrow twist and turns. I feel for the victims family and feel for the driver of the vehicle who will need therapy to return to normal. The reality is the driver of the bike for speed alone was reckless with his own life and will suffer the consequences for that reckless disregard of the rules of the road.
I had an occsion a couple summers ago to observe another fatility on our roads as I returned from Hershy Park on 24 South from Bel Air a pack of these bandits flew by me at over 100 mph. I remember saying something is going to happen (I was in front of TGIFriday’s as I approached the light at the play ground I saw lots of them stopped and a car being pounded on so I stopped and tried to lend a hand one of these loevely carless motorist had been ejected from his bike as he hit a car who had no idea they where coming and changed lanes and was killed as he landed on the pavement 25 feet in front of the car he struck. I feel sorry for the family but to be honest again this was a carless person who disregarded their own life and they do not realize the recklessness and the consequences for the families and drivers who are victimized and tramatized as we watch them smear themselves on the road. The Therapy for that senior citizen I saw that night was going to be a lot and I imagine in this case too.
As an insurance worker I would like to ask do you factor in the high rate of dangerous driving into the premium for these vehicles?
Billy…how many righteous insurance claims did you denie today…as a matter of policy?
Go Dagger!
my heart goes out to the mom and her children who will live a long while with images and sounds and sights of what the fellow riding carelessly, too fast and without regard for anyone else on the road…yes…it was his fault…but the pain and suffering of the three occupants of the Escalade were subjected to this…by someone who paid the ultimate price…
prayers for anyone, who is put in a similar situation where someone is killed, and the innocent folks suffer as long as anyone.
You may think I’m heartless but I speak the truth. I will not give the guy the benefit of the doubt… high rate of speed in the wrong lane on that roadway = bike at fault, end of story, thank god he didnt take the innocent family with him on his way out.
P.S. I wont school you on reconstruction but if youre in the insurance field and deal with reconstructionists then you should know that the process is legit and that crash was more than likely very cut and dry, in fact I guarentee that it was.
not always is it cu and dry my dad did reconstruction for years and theres always uncertainties soo yea obviously you jus dont have anything better to do with your time then comment on a death whom has casued many heartaches leave it alone asshole
Oh my bad I thought I was exercising my free speech. Yea there are uncertainties in complicated accidents, this one wasn’t. I never said he wasn’t a nice person, just a moron whilst on a bike.
choose-you are complete moron. There can be many explanations why it happenned the way it did and I don’t think he was trying to kill himself. Accidents happen, see one happenned when your dad did not pull out in time.
So he was accidently driving way over the speed limit on a very curvey and winding road?
No “cisco” you are the moron and you have obviously never heard of accident reconstruction. And you obviously can’t read because nobody said he tried to kill himself. Please have some kind of IQ if you’re going to try and be witty. Oh and there is only 1 “n” in happened.
Any faith I may have had in accident reconstructionists died as I have seen them nullify each others opinions on the stand. If two well schooled individuals can swear to knowing to an almost certain degree what happened in an incident and those opinions are diametrically opposed…..
Billy I understand that in a complex crash, multiple fatalities, overturns, airborne vehicles, etc that two experts can duke it out, but you should know that for a simple crash like this the evidence would be easily found and interpreted. No doubt as to what happened.
Seriously, Who the f*** comments on a death like this. I knew Richie, as well as his wife, and they were both AMAZING people. Richie wasn’t an a**hole, and he wasn’t reckless. Singer road is a hard road in a car let alone a bike! I highly doubt that the man I knew would put ANYONE in danger, let alone him self. Considering this was his first accident since he got his first bike over three years ago, I think that Richie was a very responsible driver, and would never intentionally do anything reckless. Richie lost control, there was nothing more to it. And once you are out of control you can’t do anything but let it happen. We have to mourn the loss of our friend, Now, not only did his mother have to bury Richie’s father, but now her son too. Jessica has to go the rest of her life with out her soul mate, the man she was married too and was with since high school. Richie was to young to die. The accident happened right in front of a friend of mines house, he said it was like the bike went out of control so fast, like It had a mind of it’s own. Richie would never do anything to hurt another human being, Maybe something was wrong with his bike, Maybe the clutch got stuck or the breaks gave out. Needless to say, he didn’t cause his own death, this is a terrible ACCIDENT! It’s horrible that our friend, Jessica’s husband, Donna’s son died. To those who knew this man, and who attended his memorial services, there were over three hundred people there to pay their respects to this man. I am sure the woman and her kids are going to have a hard time, but luckily the kids have no idea what happened, and it will not effect them. As a mother my self, I do feel sorry for the woman driving, but not nearly as sorry as I do for the woman who had to bury her SON! You inconsiderate a**holes needs to stop blaming this ACCIDENT on Richie when YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPEN. You were not there. Every one can sit here and blame him for what he may have caused to the family who gets to home every night to their loved ones. Shut the f*** up already! Go find a life some where off the obituary site.
Jess, I am so sorry you have to read these terrible comments. I hope that these people get what they deserve. Richie was a great man, and he loved your more than anything in this world. He told me that himself, day’s before he died. That all he wanted was to have a family with you. I know you are going through a terrible time, and I just wish I could comfort you some how. I wish you all the best at this terrible time, and you and Mrs. Donna will be in our prayers.
Richie, We all love you, and will miss you so much! I hope you are with your Dad, at peace.
Rest In Peace
Richard Vito Genna Jr
April 23, 1987 – April 4, 2010.
Loving Husband, Son, brother, Friend.
Ms. Folsom,
I am sorry for your loss but I have a few issues with how you level your fault. This road is very curvey but I and many citizens travel it safely on daily basis. The key to safely traveling this road is to remain at or below the speed limit and follow the many speed reduction advisory signs.
According to the preliminary report the cyclist was going at a high rate of speed. These are not the actions of someone who is driving responsibly. These are the actions of someone who is driving irresponsible. I am sure he ws a nice person and had many friends and family and was kind but the fact remains he was driving way to fast and unsafe for that road. The fact that he had not had an accident in three years is hardly what I would consider an expert it simply means he had been lucky until this point.
I honestly could NEVER see Richie doing something that reckless. I knew him very well. I honestly believe that some thing went wrong with his bike, and I am waiting for the investigation to prove that.
Ritchie was amazing?…the way he would twist his wrist and come out from behind traffic before they knew what happened…accelerate past the traffic waiting in line…and cut back in just in time to avoid oncoming traffic, just like in movies (cept the part where he hits the car killing himself…and traumatizing a crap load of people)…..just amazing.
If this is what you call amazing…you got rocks in your head!?
Go Dagger !
oh….lets take a close look at what affect amazing ritchie has long term on the kids involved.
Richie didn’t drive like that, I road with him a ton of times, as did my children! And he never acted in such a manner!
I am seriously sick to my stomach reading these comments. Was it even necessary to post anything at all even if recklessness was the truth? The other people will get their lives back after they get over what happened. but will we ever get Richie back? He was a huge part of my life for so long and for some F*ing idiot to post something that he shouldve never posted in the first place makes me physically ill. How would u like it if one of ur best friends died because they dropped something in the car…and in that split second, they crashed and died? How would you feel if someone just like you got on here and posted..”OH WELL! another reckless driver off the road!”? pray to god that nothing ever happens to you or your dear ones. Jesus, this is absolutely shameful for you to post ANYTHING at all. Richie will be missed, never forgotten, and loved by all the ones who mattered. Karma is a bitch so if i were u, i would apologize for your stupidity.
Wow you are seriously in denial, how sad, I’m sorry for you
Why dont you give me your REAL name, and I’ll come find you and kick your ass for speaking ill of my friend!
The reconstruction is done at the time of the accident, you have the necessary facts, high rate of speed on the wrong side, no malfunctions. But by all means threaten me on the internet instead of accepting reality.
Honestly, you just need to drop your insensitive comments regarding the “facts”. You sound like a real tool and even though I didn’t know this fellow, I think having some compassion for this man’s family would be something you could post and leave it at that. Even if you are right about the “facts”, you don’t know that he may just have made a mistake and he paid for it dearly. Now his family has to pick up the pieces and grieve their loss. I hope someone at the dagger can trace your posts and just post it, so that someone can kick your sorry ass.
Honestly, I don’t have to drop anything. And I’m not too worried about being “traced”, thanks though.
You must lead a pretty pathetic life. I bet you live with your parents weigh over 300lbs and have never had any friends. I mean what kind of heartless bastard sits on a computer speaking ill of a deceased man? He was some one child. He was loved obviously something no one has ever felt for a you.
Oh Tiffany. I’m really sorry you are having so much trouble dealing with the fact that your friend made some bad decisions and caused a crash. If thinking that making some comments (which are nowhere near accurate, if only you knew) makes you feel better then please continue using me in your healing process.
The week before Thanksgiving My Relative was involved with a drinking and driving collision and he killed three people doing so.. yes he was at fault.. yes he was reckless.. but obviously YES it was an ACCIDENT! As well as what happened with Ritchie! ALL of you ASSHOLES that are sitting behind a keyboard typing like you have a set of balls speaking about this wonderful man as if he doesnt matter, i feel sorry for you because you have that hatred in your life. That sense of pleasure getting on a website just to talk shit about someone who lost their life in a ACCIDENT! I went to school with Richie and I also knew him well as a friend. He was one of the most generous loving people you could ever meet. He could always put a smile on someones face! I have spent the past 48 hours at 2 viewings and a funeral surrounded by classmates, teachers, friends, family, everyone! Watching the sorrow on their faces hurt deeply, then we have to sit hear and read your ignorant comments about someone you didnt even know! Do not judge him because just before you do you should make sure your hands are clean. Put yourself in my shoes or anyone who knew him and see if your words/opuinion doesnt change you DICK!
Sorry getting behind the wheel of a car drunk is not an accident it is on purpose! You get no sympathy for that.
I don’t understand your point ron…I said one less jackass on a rocket and then nobody deserves to die and that makes me uneducated? I also stated he made his own decisions and what happened was his own fault. I think my point throughout this thread has been clear so I choose to ignore your weak attempt at insulting me. P.S. cdev is right, drunk driving isn’t an accident.
Anyway this thread is getting redundant so I’m not going to visit it anymore. In conclusion, motorcycle guy got what he deserved for being a jackass and I’m glad he didn’t kill the people in the Cadillac. The end.
I’m going to open a whole new can of worms here. In post 18, Tiffany states that the family had to bury their father. Does anyone know how the father died? Not in a motorcycle accident, but rather, “suicide by cop”. The apple doesn’t seem to have fallen very far from the tree. Not saying Junior tried to kill himself, just saying irresponsible behavior seems to be genetic or environmental in this case.
It was not suicide it was murder. The cop that killed Richies father “thought” he had a gun, which he didn’t. All because an ex girlfriend told cops that Rich Sr said “he’d rather kill a cop than go to jail.” he got killed because some bitch ran her mouth.
You are a serious head case son. You need some anger management, at the very least. Yeah, Senior’s death was “murder” and Junior’s was an “accident”. You are worthless.
Choose, You are just sad and pathetic that the highlight of your day is sitting on the internet talking about a man who is dead. I really hope one day you take your own life so none of us have to listen or be associated around such trash. Your parents should have used birth control. And God, please help us that you never reproduce.
In any way, Richie was a great man, and I really don’t feel sorry for the person who RAN him over. Yes they say he was on the wrong side of the road, but an eye witness also said that he was in his lane and that the other car came out of no where. Normal for a windy road, The Car could have scared Richie and make him wreck, in which the other car ran him over. Which is also a theory in the investigation….
Lol I’m coming out of retirement for one post to inform you that you are hilarious. “Wah my friend’s daddy got lit up by the police but it wasn’t his fault, wah my friend rode a bike like an ass and died but it wasn’t his fault, wah nobody will post their real name but I’m not either and that makes my internet rage overflow”
You are a ra-tard. Oh and tiffany get a grip please, of course he didn’t ride like an ass with you or your kids on the bike…no shit that would be beyond stupid, but for you to make the argument that that means he didn’t do it solo is sad and you need to move out of the denial phase of mourning.
Hey genius I’m pretty sure they would use my real name and I doubt they would add a note saying I posted as create your own adventure so you STILL wouldn’t know.
That comment was for Stefano smart guy.
wow.he came from a small community that no matter how you still died. yeah he might have drove a lil crazy but did that deserve him to die. i had to leave a comment because all of this bullshit excuse my language but thats what this is, because this is someones life that’s over. 22 gone. and you cant have the dencey to have sympathoy something that doesn’t cost you money.doesn’t cost you your time. its a fucking felling man. shame on you. now lets see how many ppl are sad if you die. i dont see how you can actually be petty on someones life. RIP VITO. completly shocking.sad.&tragic.
Agreed completely. I miss him so much every day.
No one says he deserves to die…but…He actually killed himself. It is stupid. He was stupid.
Go Dagger
Having read all the opposing opinions and not knowing either person involved. And being a Motorcycle rider formerly a crotch rocket and for the last 5 years a Harley.
I have also been involved in a motorcycle accident where we went down due to oil or transmission fluid in the road on a winding road at about 20 miles per hour luckily for us there were no vehicle coming the other way otherwise our fate would have been the same as that of the rider in this story. And the last time I checked 20 mph is not a high rate of speed. That accident was not the fault of the rider (I was a passenger) but of who ever had their jalopy ass car leaking all over the road.
I have also on several occasions every month as for we ride as often as possible seen my life flash before my eyes as SUVs’ with children in them, cut us off while the driver is either talking or texting on a cell phone or looking back yelling at their children, and not looking at the road and almost killing my boyfriend and I. So while all this speculations is being thrown around because of the new breed of adrenalin junkies that give all motorcyclists a bad name. I would like to see the facts. Was to roadway examined for a potential cause of the accident? Was the cell phone record of the person driving the escalade checked for calls or texts at the time of the accident? Was the driving record of both drivers check for prior accidents and speeding tickets? Only those who were witness to the accident know what happened. As for if their statements are true or not are to be questioned.
I was also involved in an incident about 10 years ago when I picked up my 3 year old sister from her mother’s house. As we left a 2 year old child ran out in front of me, due to the fact that I was going so slow I was able to stop before running the child over. The parents who claimed to be eye witnesses said that they saw me spin tires out of the parking lot and that I was doing at least 60 miles per hour when I struck their child. Who was running across a busy street? They claimed to have seen me but who was watching thier child with such apparent danger(scarcastic) I called the police and the ambulance came and the child did not have even a scratch or burse on him. So I don’t take anyone’s word for what happened I would only put faith in facts. As for what a court of law deems true or not really comes down to a matter of loop holes. And as for accident reconstructionists is any one posting comments on here besides myself actually a certified reconstructionst?
Just a thought based on the Sherriff’s Dept press release they seem to indicate that the motor cycle was not just speeding but a high rate of speed!
I am not defending any one or taking anyone’s side in this specific incident. I just hate that ALL motorcyclist get a bad rap due to the douch bags out there ridding bikes like jack asses. I hate them just as the rest of you do. My boyfriend and I are safe motorcyclest along with the many other motorcycle entheusist that we ride with. As for all motorcyclest being labled by the acts of the recless ones is wrong. There are many more douch bags speeding in vehicle with 4 wheels then there are on 2 wheels the problems the majority only notices the ones driving like jack asses.
And when a motorcyclist is driving safely and is involved in an accident with another vehicle I can all most guarantee the answer will always be “I didn’t see them”
Everyone drive safely out there and pay attention when driving whether you’re on 2, 3 or 4 wheels. The weather is nice and everyone wants to get out. Unfortunately this means the reckless drivers too.
Oh! RichieC:
The #1 cause in traffic accidents is excessive speed. Regardless if it is 5 miles or 50 miles over the limit!
I think this year the #2 cause might be cell phones….
I agree 2 or 4 wheels but in this case this driver was speeding excessively the huge single skid mark on Singer Road atests to that!
You asked about prior driving records?
Richard Vito Genna Jr. has a less than perfect record as I mentioned below.
4/2/2010 (just days before he died): Following a vehicle too close;
2009 Driving off roadway to pass vehicle;
2008 Spinning tires and running a redlight;
2008 Attempting to drive under the influence;
Some people just never learn. Too late now.
Thanks for mentioning his previous driving record it sounds as he was no stranger to danger! I was not defending this guy on the bike I just want everyone with such strong emotions to realize that not all motorcyclist are douch bags that drive like jack asses. It’s sad when anyone dies no matter the situation. Luckily there were not more people injured by this accident and hopefully everyone reading here with put more thought and focus while they are driving so they are not victim to recklessness by either their own hand or that of others.
I guess since he is one of those drink and drive folks my sympathy level went way down!
Understandably so! I lost a great friend to a drunk driver who was in this county illegally and was so intoxicated that he didn’t even know he was in an accident or at least that’s what he claimed once the interpreter arrived and we were able to communicate. I think penalties should be harsher for drunk drivers. I haven eve n lost a friend who fell victim to his own drunk driving on a motorcycle. The bottom lines are there are millions of drivers out there that have no business being on the road, yet they are driving and endangering everyone in their paths safety. Hopefully this incident will be a wakeup call. And for the repeat offenders of serious traffic violations and any crime for that matter I have to ask why is our judicial system allowing them to continue to endanger society because they had a good lawyer who found another loop hole who’s running our judicial system the judges or the attorneys.
OK all you reconstruction experts…now the rubber meets the ground…ask your dad’s who done it for years…and yourselves who have done it for years…what’s the biggest direct cause of motor vehicle accidents?
Lets see who is honest enough, amongst you, to post the reason! I’m lodging the reason via e-mail with Brian of the Dagger.
Go Dagger!
I knew this name sounded familiar. Tragic ending to both Daddy and son’s lives.
JR was charged with following a vehicle too close on April 2nd 2010, just days before he died; In 2008, he ran a red light and spun his tires; Attempting to drive under the influence in 2008; Driving off roadway to pass vehicle in 2009. I won’t even bother to mention all of his drug charges. For those of you who said he was a great driver and would never put other’s in harm way? I beg to differ. Jessica was about to divorce Richard next week in court as well. That sux. bad karma.
Back in 1998 Genna SR, a convicted murderer, led Harco sheriffs on a manhunt for weeks before finally being shot and killed during a footchase. This was after he after he fled police and vowed to “shoot a cop first” if officers tried to arrest him.
Nobody deserves to die, but this family, were clearly not your model citizens. yikes
Jessica didn’t initiate the divorce, Richie did because she cheated on him. She was a low down dirty skank. Her own fault.
Thats ashame, cause now she’ll get his insurance money. Married and divorced by 22? That sux too.
4.Driver Behavior – Humans tend to blame somebody or something else when a mistake or accident occurs. A recent European study concluded that 80% of drivers involved in motor vehicle accidents believed that the other party could have done something to prevent the accident. A miniscule 5% admitted that they were the only one at fault. Surveys consistently reveal that the majority consider themselves more skillful and safer than the average driver. Some mistakes occur when a driver becomes distracted, perhaps by a cell phone call or a spilled cup of coffee. Very few accidents result from an ‘Act of God,’ like a tree falling on a vehicle.
Speed Kills – The faster the speed of a vehicle, the greater the risk of an accident. The forces experienced by the human body in a collision increase exponentially as the speed increases. Smart Motorist recommends that drivers observe our 3 second rule in everyday traffic, no matter what your speed. Most people agree that going 100 mph is foolhardy and will lead to disaster. The problem is that exceeding the speed limit by only 5 mph in the wrong place can be just as dangerous. Traffic engineers and local governments have determined the maximum speeds allowable for safe travel on the nation’s roadways. Speeding is a deliberate and calculated behavior where the driver knows the risk but ignores the danger. Fully 90% of all licensed drivers speed at some point in their driving career; 75% admit to committing this offense regularly.
Consider this example: a pedestrian walks out in front of a car. If the car is traveling at just 30 mph, and the driver brakes when the pedestrian is 45 feet away, there will be enough space in which to stop without hitting the pedestrian. Increase the vehicle speed by just 5 mph and the situation changes dramatically. At 35 mph, with the pedestrian 45 feet away and the driver braking at the same point, the car will be traveling at 18 mph when it hits the pedestrian. An impact at 18 mph can seriously injure or even kill the pedestrian.
Who are the bad drivers? They are young, middle-aged, and old; men and women; they drive luxury cars, sports cars, SUVs and family cars. Almost every qualified driver I know admits to some type of risky driving behavior, most commonly speeding.
Go Dagger !
Thank you RichieC for an informed posting about the dangers of speeding, which, like you said, everyone does. Compound that with all the other distractions and it is a blessing that more accidents don’t occur.
You may want to check the dates on those so called “charges” on Richie, one of them is from 1963. He wasn’t even alive, and theres one from 1987, he was a baby! The only one that was there is a few from an accident where the brakes in his acura went out and he crashed. So STFU. I know Richie. He got pulled over on 4/2/2010 for following to closely, he was in traffic. I don’t know how you can’t follow closely in fucking traffic.
The posting clearly has the dates listed. He obviously was born in 2008 and 2009. And clean up your filthy mouth.
You actually may want to check YOUR dates. You might be reading the wrong column on the MD Judiciary website. Probably reading birthdates 1987 for Richie and 1963 for his daddy. Regardless, both of them enjoyed spending time in court. I’m pretty sure you can still drive too closely whether you’re in traffic or not. Leave some space between cars. anyway, mute point, one less driver to worry about.
seriously, could this just stop? its painful enough dealing with losing richie, but to read all of this makes it even harder. please, for the sanity of the family and close friends who are dealing with his death, could the disrespect and negativity please just stop? I am trying to be nice and respectful. but honestly, what happened happened, let us all deal with it without the horrible posts. thanks
If you’re sick to your stomach reading the posts, then simply click the X at the top right of your screen. It will make everything go away.
Hey Brittany…I wouldn’t like it if one of my friends died in a car crash, but for the record I don’t associate with people as STUPID as your ex friend richie was so at least it would truly be an accident you imbecile. Your dead friend was a jackass, take karma and shove it up your exit only.
Friends don’t let friends drive like ass-clowns !
Go Dagger !
His Facebook page has been taken down. On it, you would have been able to read the posts about prior driving convictions. These guys on bikes (and in cars) put everyone’s life at risk. A young life was lost and it was his fault. Unfortunately, some people just don’t follow the the rules of the road and it appears that he didn’t have parental guidance to teach him. I have a 20 year old son who would love to buy a motorcycle, but I have told him that I am not in favor of that. You only have to look at the statistics to see the danger factor there.
“Alcohol may have been a factor on the part of the motorcycle driver”
wow, that doesn’t sound good. Has this been determined for sure?
Yikes. I just read that too.
To all of you f*ing pricks who think they can sum up Richies life in one sentence….well, you could’nt be further from the truth. He was a great person. He was a great baseball player. He was a caring uncle, a loving brother and son. A most favored friend. He was trusting…even if it was soon to start to trust someone. He was the life of the party all the time and could make anyone smile. From 4/4/10 and on we have and will raise our glasses to Richie.
Maybe some of us should not be so judgemental when first reading the accident articles. There couldve been a reason why Richie was at a highspeed that morning. Something couldve been wrong to where Richie needed to get back as soon as possible. Or something couldve been wrong with his bike. Maybe that woman was over the double yellow line just a bit. Maybe it just was an accident. You cannot gather an opinion of someone by an accident. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt may just be the best way to go. Richie may have had a past of getting into some trouble but he was finally getting his life on track. He wanted so many things better for himself. It was happening for him now. Why would he want to wreck everything he had going for himself?
Why some people have to say things that arent necessary, is definitely not a shocker, but to say things that arent necessary about certain people losing someone in their lives, well it hurts. And I’m damn sure that everyone has someone in their lives that they would do anything for even if what they were doing wasnt right. Would defend them till the end no matter what they have done. Just like Richie wouldve done for us. if anyone still wants to talk shit about my best friend then come see me my name is murray ill make sure we see eye to eye when we are done talking.
~We love you dude…no matter what. R.I.P. Richie 4/23/87-4/4/10~
My condolences on your lose but there is NO reason to be excecessively speeding on tht road; as your friends accident tragiclly illustrates.
First of all I’m sorry that your name is Murray and you have been forced to deal with that, although it might explain some of your anger issues. Second, stop your wishful thinking, the accident was investigated and your dead friend was at fault because he continued a documented pattern of bad driving, there was no “malfunction”. If all his friends are as stupid as you and the other ones posting on here maybe we should consider that he killed himself so he didn’t have to deal with you all.
I couldn’t give two shit’s less what any one on this forum has to say about my beloved Richie. I loved him, my children loved him, and at the end of the day, that’s all that mattered. Richie would never do anything to hurt his mother, and the allegations are just that, they are NOT fact. I love Richie, and I always will. And i hope he is in Heaven with his Dad.
Why do some think its OK to say somthing nice after the fact,when the chance to do somthing nice has long past?
All it would have taken is a tiny bit of peer pressure…just a smidge.
Seems backwards to me.
Go Dagger!