From Harford County government:
(Bel Air, MD) – – The U. S. Census for 2010 is currently underway, and Harford County Executive David R. Craig is urging all residents of Harford County to complete a 2010 Census questionnaire if they have not already done so. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 72% of Harford County residents have returned their 2010 Census questionnaire – currently making the county the second highest Complete Census Count in the state of Maryland.
Although many Harford County residents have received their 2010 Census questionnaire, there are still some that have not yet received their forms. 2010 Census questionnaires will be mailed through April 12, 2010.
“The census is critical to Harford County, the State of Maryland and our nation. The census is used to help determine how many seats each state will have in the U. S. House of Representatives, as well as boundaries of legislative districts and much more,” County Executive Craig stated. “Obtaining a complete and accurate count of all people living in Harford County at this time is our goal,” the county executive stated.
The United States Constitution requires that every ten years a national census be tallied. The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States, including people of all ethnic groups, both citizens and non-citizens.
The 2010 Census questionnaire is comprised of only 10 questions and is one of the shortest census forms in history. By law, the U. S. Census Bureau is prohibited from sharing an individual’s census questionnaire responses with anyone – including other federal agencies and law enforcement authorities.
Residents who have questions about the 2010 Census questionnaire or have not received one in the mail by April 12 should call 1-866-872-6868 or visit to identify the location of a Questionnaire Assistance Center closest to them. 2010 Census Questionnaire Assistance Centers will be open thorough April 19, 2010.
The U. S. Census Bureau has created an easy-to-use tool that identifies census participation rates by state, county or municipality. To see how Harford County compares to other jurisdictions in Maryland, visit
For further information regarding the 2010 Census in Harford County, contact Dan Rooney, Chair, Census 2010 Complete Count Committee at 410-638-3103, Ext 1374, Monday – Friday during normal business hours.
The Census in this country is a joke. I hear every person you put on the census gets $1000 federal money. This is just a rumor, not sure, but I do know that many are getting 2 or more census forms per household. they are telling people to give adults in house their own form. We taxpayers in this country can’t afford the extra federal $$. It still has to be paid back? I received 2 forms. One for me and one for my over 18 daughter to fill out. I ripped up 2nd one and put it in the my census and mailed it back. How dare them try to rip the citizens off by scams like this. Vote them all out. We have the most corrupt government officials and leaders ever!!!
Activist: What makes me mad is the amount of paperwork and postage wasted by this joke. I received 2 unnecessary mailings advising me to be aware the census form was coming. I then received the census form itself, which, as you saw, had many many pages and I don’t even think my answers took me to the bottom of page one. And, although, this didn’t pertain to my household, I noticed that when asking about race, there was no provision for “bi-racial”. So you are forced to choose one or the other. Do you flip a coin? Check Hispanic because you might get more money for the county than by checking Caucasian? Totally disgusted with this scam, which is typical of how our government is run today. Just be informed at election time!
Blue it said check ll that apply it didn’t sk you to choose one or the other.
Furthermore the Census is Constitutionally mandated!
Cdev: I stand corrected. I’m sure it is Constitutionally mandated; however, there is nothing to say that you must have 2 prior mailings to tell you it is on it’s way. Anyone who is going to take the time to fill it out is going to know it is coming. I don’t think 2 or 10 mailings help to get someone who’s a deadbeat to complete and return it.
That I can believe but the Census is not scam nor waste of time! Which you and others claim!
cdev. If the census is done correctly , its a good thing. But its not. You have to listen to what’s going on with it. Too many going to one household and other things. Seniors are being told to put down all in family even if they live alone. They scamming our federal $$ that we have to pay back spmehow.
amdactivist where do you get seniors are being told to not follow the directions and list only the people residing in their house on April 1, 2010?