From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is seeking assistance in locating Kirra Leighann Graves, age 16, last seen wearing a pink shirt with the wording “blue eyed beauty” and blue jeans.
She is described as a white female, height – 5’5”, weight 120 – 125 lbs, with brown hair, and blue eyes. Kirra was last seen in the Aberdeen area near her home on Seven Trails Circle. She is classified as a critically missing child at this time.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Kirra Graves, please contact: Harford County Sheriff’s Office at 410-838-6600.
And somehow this was all the way on page 9 of Wednesday’s Aegis.
Prayers to her family.
My kids walk through the woods in back of my house to get to 7trails and hollywoods to play with friends. When you think your kids are safe they are really not safe.With all the building they are doing in neighborhood bring more people your still not safe at all. You have to watch your back. I hope she is found safe and alive.
I honestly think I saw her standing on the side of Route 7 not far from Abingdon Road yesterday afternoon around 5 PM. She had what looked like a large backpack or a suitcase with her. I called HCSO this AM and let them know. Now, I kinda regret not stopping.
Hi this is Kirras mom we are so desperate to find her can you describe the bag or suitcase ? I believed she left with no phone no $ but if you can describe the bag it may help me realize if its something she owns 16 yr olds have alot of purses & bads KEEP SEARCHING
If so contact HCSO that intersection is covered in cameras. If you can fully. Describe her they may have be able to subpoena the video. It will help a little. At least we will know some of this was definitely free will and not all criminal. Hurry the clock is ticking.
Just saw your post. She was standing on the right side of the road as you head toward Baltimore. She did not have her hand or thumb up as if she was trying to get a ride. I am pretty sure she was right on the shoulder with a house behind her. That is why I believe it was fairly close to Abingdon Road. There are not many houses on that side of the street; especially as you draw closer to your development. The bag was sitting on the shoulder in front of her feet. It ws taller than wide; sort of like a big backpack or a piece of carryon luggage. I “think” it was multi-colored sort of like a rug or upholstery pattern, but I am really not sure. I had not heard of Kirra being missing at that point, otherwise I would have stopped. I did not see anything as I drove home yesterday. I am praying for you all.
My prayers and thoughts are with Kirra and her family during this uncertain time. I hope she is found.
i just looked at her my space, to see and she got on it yesterday! so shes prob still alive.
Hi its Kirras mom that info might be decieving about her logging in on myspace because I used her laptop to check for any relavant info & she stays signed in on myspace so it may look like she had been on line However it was me KEEP SEARCHING!!!!!
I haven’t seen any updates on this! I haven’t seen it on the news. What school did she go to? I have a child at AHS but they said they don’t know her. What other information does anyone have so we can help? I hope she comes home safely! Praying for your family!!
did she run away or was she taken?
i hope you find her!
She has a 22 yr old boyfriend who lives in like Joppa or something I think she could be there did she’s dumb enough to stay there after all of this drama going on, I I know she xxxxs with a lot of guys so I don’t know..
hi its kirras mom wow could we focus on positive thoughts instead of trash talking my daughter I hope you never have an experience of having a family member you love and care about disappear!
Good for you Gretchen for being so polite in your last post. As a mother I feel and understand your immense pain. People that have not been in your situation just cannot understand. However, that is no reason to post such negative information to a public place. Prayers for you and Kirra and “Kid”.
Mom you are strong and Beth thanks for supporting her. As for kid (WHO IS TRULY A KID) grow up. I take it your female by your comment and the way it was worded. Girls are kidnapped and rape every day. You could be next. If mom is wrong prove it. A list of names and addresses (leads as we called them) would help. People she are close too. And people like that may have sent her AWOL (absent without leave). When you grow up you will understand and I will no longer use the thingy (this is the thingy). My friends call me crazy cause I truely am. Unfortunately for you I have sisters and saw your dumb and uncaring post. Mamma Gretchen sorry for not being as sweet but if you ask anyone that knows me I did good. I didn’t curse. Hope all is well.
You do realize authorities can trace your post? Perhaps you should think about that. The crime you’ve committed online is called slander. You can be arrested.
But on another note, you do realize that you lack a serious amount of empathy and sensitivity to a very crucial situation? You should be ashamed of your post.
It’s funny because idk who posted this but ive never had a 22 yr old boyfriend in joppa. Thankyou everyone for caring so much. im safe 🙂
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Kirra. We are all keeping Faith and Hope that Kirra is brought home safe and sound.
Allie’s Mom & Sis
To Kirra’s Family, No matter if she ran to be with a boyfriend or if he took her or someone else did… It is not safe for our children to be out there in that world without the protection and love of thier parents and families. I too have a son (13 years old) who “runs away” I feel your pain and anxiety… From our family to yours we are praying for her safe return.
“kid” I must agree with the rest of the concerned adults on the web searching for kirra you should be very careful what you say about other people especially in writing on the web. You obviously do not have children of your own, so you have no right to trash someone elses child or the way they choose to handle this situation. I to will be praying for you.
To Kirra’s Family,
Everyday when I drive to and from work I will keep my eyes open for her. I generally travel from the Bel Air area to the Joppa area for my daughter’s daycare and then to the Baltimore area for work. And the reverse going home. I will also alert my husband to this as well. He travels a wide spread of Harford County on a daily basis for his work.
I am really sorry about this. I have a 14 year old sister-in-law who decided a few weekends ago to “run away” and has some of the issues that you mentioned in some of your articles. She also left without her cell. It is very scary. I wish you the best of luck.
This is all I’ve been thinking about, and I just hope she is safe and unharmed. She’s too much of a nice girl. =/
Just for the record. I game no kids and I’m not that old. Kid we could use your help. You know something we don’t
Yes I would have to agree! Kid you probabally know things that could really help Kirra’s parents. As hard as it may be to hear some of these things, kids talk! Especially to one another. And whatever it is that you may know, who the boyfriend is, who she was talking to, etc. any of that info could help to lead her parents to where she is.
h, any news on her yet?? ive been looking and am very concrened 9even tho i dont know her) but my thoughts and prayers are with her and her family for a safe return stay strong and keep faith
To Kirra’s family,
I saw a post about Kirra from a friend on facebook and I reposted. So did many of my friends. We are spreading the word and her picture as much as we can. My prayers are with all of you. Be strong!
FOUND: Kirra has been located and reunited with her family.
More details coming shortly.
Is she ok? Where was she found? Please give more details…
Who found her??? Wow, what a great ending….. 🙂 Gretchen, I am so glad you found her safe….
I am very happy Kirra was found SAFE!
It is sad, though, that reports in the Baltimore Sun stated that she is alleging her mother abused her. It is clear she really does need her medication and the supervision of a physician. Her mother certainly has her hands full. The person who dropped her off at the HC Detention Center should be questioned for assisting in her disappearance. Prayers to this young girl and her mother as they work towards recovering from such a difficult ordeal.
You never know but sheriffs office can mow investigate it. Just remember 911 before you run.
I am SO relived to hear she has been found. I know a lot of people were searching and praying. Now I fervently hope that Kirra and her Mom can get on with life and that Kirra can get the help she needs. She should have a lot of living still ahead of her and I hope she is able to enjoy it in the most positive of ways one day at a time.
Its Kirras Mom I still havent slept But she was found safe last night I am so thankful for all of the prayers and searching! its amazing the support I recieved from the community Please know Kirra is safe and recieving the best care possible! Please continue to pray for her! Again thanks to everyones amazing help and support