From the Friends of Derek J. Howell:
Abingdon, MD, June 17, 2010: Friends of Derek J. Howell announced today the creation of the Derek J.Howell for County Executive Exploratory Committee. Republican Derek J. Howell is a decorated former Maryland State Trooper. He graduated from the Johns Hopkins University where he earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees, with honors. He went on to earn his law degree from University of Baltimore School of Law. Derek is an attorney and Harford County small business owner. Derek also teaches at a local community college, and is an instructor on the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and America’s Founding Fathers. Derek resides in Abingdon, MD with his wife, Jenna. Derek and Jenna are both active members of Mountain Christian Church, where Jenna works as director of operations for student ministries. Derek met Jenna when they both served as sixth grade youth sponsors at Mountain Christian Church.
Krista Wright, a member of the Derek J. Howell for County Executive Exploratory Committee, said “We are delighted that Derek has agreed to explore the opportunity to run for county executive since he is well known in conservative political circles and is committed to his family, community, church and Harford County.”
When asked to comment on the prospect of running for Harford County Executive, Derek stated; “It would be an honor to run for Harford County Executive. As you know I’ve already begun my campaign for Harford County Council District B and I am humbled by the committee’s request for me to consider a greater role in Harford County government. I believe that we need to put our county on a sustainable and sound fiscal path which is the heart of my campaign.” He continued, “as I have said before, I will fight for lower taxes, support public safety, and champion the principle of limited government. My campaign is not about me, but we – we the people; and if we the people desire for me to serve in a different role for Harford County I will accept their call.”
The Derek J. Howell for County Executive Exploratory Committee will present its findings as soon as possible and upon review Derek J. Howell will make a final decision regarding a run for Harford County Executive in 2010.
Derek – Go for it. David Craig & the Current County Council don’t deserve to be in office. They had no problem raising our properties taxes 9% a year. The only reason they stopped was because a few concerned tax payers finally held them accountable. David Craig may be a nice man but he has no business running a County. The man’s only life experience was as a School Administrator. These Government hacks need to experience the real world where consequences occur when you don’t have endless revenues.
Derek has my support as County Council District B which is my district and I feel he will be great on the County Council.
Joan, very kind words from you regarding Derek. I like the cut of your jib!
Braveheart: David Craig has served on the Havre de Grace City Council, Mayor of Havre de Grace and in the Maryland House of Delegates. I think those qualify for other than “school administrator”. You people use only the facts that suit your purpose. Any concerned voter will look up a person’s history and not rely on those who “cherry pick” what they think will advance thier point of view.
Thanks Engineer – David Craig – Good Guy – School Administrator and Government Administrator. Beauracrat with endless taxpayer resources. Like I said – we need someone in office that can manage a budget both short term and long term. Someone that realizes that he can’t continually raise taxes at a 9% clip.
I’ll tell ya how great a guy Craig is; Him and his buddy Jesse Bane sent uniformed deputies in mass to the Council meetings last year to intimidate the public. They sent Government employees in mass to the Council Budget meetings to try to take all of the seats in Council Chambers. They were handing out “pass the budget” buttons. Yeah – David sure is a great guy.
Braveheart, you may want to re-think your handle. If deputies in uniform at a meeting intimidate you, I believe there is counseling for that.
I respect our men and women in uniform, and feel honored to have them in our schools, churches, restaurants and yes, meetings. What convenient political spin you use to characterize their presence at a public meeting. Do they not have a voice too? Is there something you have done to make you so nervous to be around these brave men and women in uniform?
When the state, in this case the county uses an overwhelming uniformed police presence to further a political agenda it is in fact intimidation. Mr. Craig and Mr. Bane should be ashamed.
W.M. Meyers –
1) They don’t intimidate me – nor did I say they did.
2) Seven uniformed deputies clogging the entrance of the Council Chambers may be intimidating to some people. It certainly looked strange since they weren’t usually in attendance.
3) If it is not obvious to you what Bane, Visnow, and Craig tried to do during those Council Meetings than you are simply not very bright.
Engineer, past performance is no predictor of future performance, but Craig’s past fiscal performance is horrible and reckless. What’s a voter to do?
What real facts to you have to support your claims that David Craig’s prior experiences have been reckless and horrible? I just read on here about the AAA bond rating that the county was given.
Truly if those bond rating agencies felt the county was in horrible shape and had was under reckless management, I don’t think they would have given an upgrade in status especially in these economic times. Say what you will about the NY rating agencies…markets and billions of dollars move on their recommendations. So, as a voter, do I take someone’s word for it who masks themselves as “Get Rid of the Craig Plague”, or do I go to Moody’s, Fitch, or S&P for the facts?
Robert Wagner and Joan Ryder are good and honorable people. Joan and I believe that Robert Wagner should be the next Harford County Executive. Robert is well qualified having served as President of the Harford County Council in the past. He has the conservative republican values and leadership skills to manage all of Harford County for the benefit of THE PEOPLE of Harford County.
The forum provided by Dagger allows us to respectfully address the issues and people who are the subject of the articles. It does not allow us to wage personal vindictive retaliatory comments based on a difference of opinion or interpretation. As the several states began the process of ratifying the US Constitution in 1787 there were two opposing sides the Federalists and the Antifederalists. Both sides were allowed to present their views about the constitution not about each other. Our constitution should be revered even more because it was ratified over all the opposition.
Harford County has a spending problem. It has been over spending for all the years Craig has been County Executive without regard because Craig has never had the interest of the taxpaying citizens as a concern of his. Craig is about one thing and that his well being and the well being of his friends. What Craig wants you to believe and what the truth is are two different matters. Every year as the property tax assessments increased Craig could have reduced the property tax rate but he did not. That management decision allowed him to increase spending. How convenient in an election year he makes a very small reduction in the property tax rate. It was the Harford Tax Revolts that got the message through to Craig. He never would have reduced the property tax rate if not for civic action. Craig is a wolf in sheep clothes. The truth has just been published in the Dagger in an article that states $75 million has been spent wastefully year after year. This is a non partisan report authored by Mr. Passoro and Mr. Whiteley. The committee who came to this conclusion was headed by Mr. John Scotten who is the Harford County treasurer. For Craig not even to recognize this over all his years in office demonstrates his misconduct in office and poor performance as county executive. Please review the FY 10-11 budget. There is record spending of nearly One Billion Dollars. Millions have been borrowed that will have to be repaid with interest. Yet Craig boasts that he has reduced spending. No Craig has moved onto a new playing field from Tax and Spend to Spend and Tax. Higher property taxes are coming to pay for not only the wasteful spending documented by John Scotten but also the future debt service from Craigs new borrowings. You and Craig both boast about the bond rating. I encourage both you and Craig to read the current news about the corruption in the bond rating agencies. They appeared before the US Congress about their corrupt practices and their part in the financial collapse. At the hearings the chairman of Moodys said “Do Not Rely On Our Ratings.” If the rating companies are making this statement why would the county executive boast about ratings especially at such a tumultuous time. The rating companies rated many securities as investment grade when they were junk. Since you believe in the bond rating you should purchase these bonds and be happy when Craig raises your property taxes so you can be paid back. Bond ratings are all about money. Who wants to purchase bonds rated as junk. So the rating companies do a great job after the security fails and then come out such as with Greece and downgrade them to junk status. Now to the TIF at Beechtree Estates…Craig has provided a windfall profit of $14 million to his developer friend. This story has been written about in the Baltimore Sun, BBJ and the Aegis. The taxpayers unless the project fails will have to pay these bonds and interest back to the investor. Those purchasing homes in Beechtree Estates will only pay a portion of the property tax for general services. The unpaid amount becomes a tax burden to all the citizens of Harford County.
In the summer of 1787 the US Constitution was formed by 55 delegates who met in the Assembly Room of the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia. These great men called upon by history and service to our country established our republic with republican values. Joan Ryder and Rob Wagner understand those conservative values. It is a true shame that Craig does not. The true political beliefs of Craig have to be his record. A government that has increased in size and scope, a government that has operated with wasteful spending, a government that has raised taxes and a government that has borrowed to the point that increased taxes are on the horizon. This is not the direction the voters of Harford County wanted. We need to change direction and return to core republican values. Craig has failed the republican party and the citizens of Harford County. You could learn much by reading carefully what Joan and Rob are saying. If we are to stay a republic we need the leadership that Rob Wagner can provide. Craig is an elitist and that is not what the great men who framed our constitution in 1787 dared would be our leaders. Ben Frankin was asked after the Constitutional Convention had adjourned “Well, Doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy?” He relied “A republic, if you can keep it.”
I am sure you have followed the news about the rating agencies and the hearing in the US Congress with Moodys. It is reported that these rating agencies are corrupt. They and any financial advisor will tell you not to rely in their ratings. The market is a much better indicator of risk than the rating agencies. The financial collapse was in part because the rating agencies rate junk securities as investment grade. Craig once again is not acting like a county executive. You have to be a fool to invest your money based on ratings when the very same rating companies say not to rely on their ratings. Only Craig would boast about ratings from corrupt rating agencies. Yes it is time to get rid of Craig. Dump the council also.
All you did was spout OPINION on spending, and your feelings about that. There are many other groups who could have a differing view than that of your TEA party rhetoric.
Again, what FACTS do you have to suggest that Harford County or any place Craig has served as an elected offical was mis-managed in a wreckless fashion? Were these places left bankrupt?,in a budget deficit?, Services not provided to citizens? WHAT ARE YOUR FACTS?
Position made for campaign employees, laying employees off, when they keep sick leave abusers, then ask for employees with the years to retire. Loaning monies to builders, ( citizens monies) this is really responsible……RIGHT
Boyd, I must agree with you. Craig gave employee’s who worked for the county for years a cardboard boxes years and ten minutes to leave. They were escorted out of the building by his security officers. It even caused one employee the ultimate! With this savings Craig hires new high dollar employee’s like Jim Ports to suck away the savings. Then offers the buyout because he couldn’t stop hiring friends and family! Are we suprised he started out day one by taking his family member on loan from Hvre De Grace Gov’t. She didn’t have the time needed to collect her retirement. So, Craig brought her to the county gov’t and paid her salary back to Havre De Grace until she met her retirement requirements. Then county employee’s are forced to endure a Personnel Director who has had to be wet nursed through the job. Can I say more; how about bonds for Clark Turner? Do any other builders in Harford County rate as well as Clark. Mr. Wagner knows the county, but a fresh face like Mr. Howell migh be just what we need. Mr. Erlich needs all the vote he can get from our county. Craig is just to polarizing of a figure and will not bring the voters out in the county if he is the only choice!! He should have won his last election by double digits last time, but only muster 4000 + win to a weak opponent. If we want to win statewide we need someone to energize our voters and How can we go wrong with Howell!!
Thomas – well said! I’m going to borrow you post in response to what I wrote below (about his treatment of employees – I think you said it best)
I’m on board!
In my conversations with Derek I have come to believe that he is concerned with doing what is best for all of the citizens not just few. I am supporting him for County Council District B which I live in.
Derek, You will make a good leader for Harford County. If that is your main concern you will not allow Craig to again be County Executive. By opposing Robert Wagner that is exactly what you will have accomplished. Niether you or Robert Wagner will win and we will be left with Craig and a council that must be dumped. Do what is right here and show support for Robert Wagner. A team divided will not prevail. Run for County Council and you will have done the honorable thing and you will do what is best for Harford County. Republicans please unite behind Robert Wagner.
P Critic: You are absolutely right. If Derek H throws hit hat into the ring for Exec, it will just split the votes for those who have decided against Craig between Howell and Wagner. This absolutely cannot happen. I’m sure Craig is salivating over this bit of news as this would just about guarantee his re-election. Mr. Howell, you truly do need to do the right thing and that is to continue to run for the county council seat and then possibly make a run for executive lataer in your career. I’m sure you are an intelligent man and you can see how this would be the absolute worst time to run for County Executive.
Bob Wagner can certainly step aside and work on Derek’s campaign since Derek is a more attractive candidate.
Just some observations from someone who doesn’t have a dog in this fight (although I will say that I like both Craig and Wagner as public servants).
1. Who would have thought 4 or 5 years ago that someone would say “Republicans please unite behind Robert Wagner” with a straight face. Didn’t he vote to appoint O’Malley’s campaign manager and Mikulski’s state director as County Executive?
2. Having more than one person challenge an incumbent doesn’t necessarily split the anti-incumbent vote. Look at the Council Prez race from 2006.
3. Very interesting back and forth about the $30,000 for the Farm Fair. It’s certainly a good cause. But why would somebody personally ask for the money, then tell the rest of their board to not accept it? Hopefully we haven’t heard the last about it. Something doesn’t sit right with me.
4. Whenever somebody refers to “Bob Wagner” I usually stop reading because you obviously don’t know who or what you’re talking about.
Should be an interesting summer…
HoWEll has my vote!!!
Dimera/ Really P Critic: seems to me you feel your vote is the only vote that counts. You’re wrong, we all have a vote and voice- To be frank with you, I BELIEVE this is the perfect time for Mr. Howell to run – Do we want to give David Craig yet another term to spin his wheels and seek out to accomplish his own political agenda? I’m personally not willing to give Craig that chance. We are in the mess because of his lack of leadership – As a Harford County resident I will concede or roll over to your sympathy vote for Craig because the “timing” isn’t good??? Really?
You and I agree on this only: Mr. Howell is an intelligent man and therefore I believe his timing is impeccable and his choice to run pure genius!
You’ll have the opportunity to vote “Really P Critic” as will I – I guess at this point it’s fair to say, our votes will just cancel each other out.
There is not better time than the present to take this county back over.
Howell, you have my full support!
KendellStevenson: In a roundabout way, you have reiterated my point–yes, our votes are going to cancel each other out, which will put Craig back in. Neither Wagner nor Howell supporters want this. Yes, if Mr. Wagner hadn’t already filed to run for County Exec it WOULD be perfect timing for Mr. Howell, but that isn’t what’s happened here. One of these gentleman has to step aside so as not to allow the vote to be split. Actually, I am not “for” Wagner per se, if your man were the only person running, I would surely vote for him. I am ABC-anybody but Craig. Hope this clarifies things.
I hear you Stefano and I apologize if I missed your point – let me give you what could be a real deal breaker:
The last time the public likely heard about Wagner was also about four years ago, during an embarrassing drunk driving stop. He has gone largely unseen and unheard from since that incident, but recently emerged to officially file his candidacy for office.
While Wagner has apologized, it shows an incredible lack of judgment on his behalf. I don’t that this defines the man, but he’s not going to garner the support he’s looking for from MADD – and David Craig is going to run this into the ground.
And while I do believe people make mistakes and I’m not here to judge, I do think when you run for “office” your action are held to a higher standard.
Howell gives this race a new facet that I believe will appeal to many voters – Of course some will go with Wagner, but maybe Wagner is the one who should step down – filing to run first doesn’t make you the better candidate. It just means you filed first – Ultimately we all want Craig out of office –
This race should be interesting to say the very least. Given time, Craig is going to run Wagner into the ground with the DWI – mark my words because Craig has nothing to offer in terms of his current legacy in office – it’s a shattered mess and “The People” are ready to be heard!
I have known Derek Howell for a long time. I have seen his passion for turning the government back into the hands of the people who don’t have their hands in anyone else’s pockets. He is an honest and very capable conservative who understands where Harford County needs to head in our difficult fiscal times.
Well said, “TheUnderdog” – one things is for sure, none of us will be “Underdogs” if Craig loses – a tax increase would be devastating to this county. Mark my words friends, if Craig is elected again, you will see tax increases – and with the new health care reform bill gearing up we’re all in trouble. We’re already living in a depressed market, with foreclosure rate increasing by the day and property value continuing to decrease. Yes, the BRAC, I can just picture Craig, wringing his greedy little hands like the Grinch at Christmas awaiting their tax dollars too. I personally received a letter from my current Heath care provided – as of January 1, 2011, the plan won’t be offered. The craps about to hit the fan unless we make some serious changes.
I believe Howell is the man for the job – solid record, commitment, honorable and dedication to be the voice of the people!
Derek Howell is likely the only person that can both beat Craig and lead Harford County out of its fiscal crisis.
Mr. Craig’s tax and spend addiction effects us all and must be reversed. Craig doesn’t deserve a third term and Harford County can’t afford him.
Join me in urging Derek to run by emailing him today at
The best way to get this rolling is social media – lets do this!
KendellStevenson says, you are correct. People need to let Derek know he has our support. So again, I say join me in urging Derek to run by emailing him today at
Not sure what you all are smoking, but I want some!
Howell is a fiscal conservative and can win since Wagner is obviously unelectable and Craig’s despotism, nepotism and financial mismanagement will doom him against a Derek J. Howell run.
So again, I say join me in urging Derek to run by emailing him today at
Howell may be a good candidate to run for the county council seat. I don’t see what he can bring to the table to run for county executive, he has no experience. I say let him sit a term or so council side,get some knowledge and then throw his hat into the ring for executive. You need to crawl before you can run.
Howell has a distinguished ten year first career as a Maryland State Trooper who put himself through law school and is local practicing attorney. Derek is a common sense citizen grounded in the Constitution and you’d rather have an incompetent tax and spend hack like Craig get reelected or you’d settle for a worse has-been with a checkered past like Wagner?
“Incompetent”? You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Well, I guess your comment settles it, Mr. Engineer?
What a Joke: you can have what we’re all inhaling and that’s your tax dollars going up in smoke – if Craig runs another term, you can be sure taxes will increase again – just more of the same.
I’m ready for positive change and forward thinking. Howell has the determination to do whatever he puts his mind to – as stated above, Derek has a distinguished ten year first career as a Maryland State Trooper, with a Masters Degree, who put himself through law school – you’ll find he graduated with honors.
To top off his accomplishment, his character speaks volumes. As a public official you are held to a higher standard – I assure you if Derek is elected, it will be a refreshing change –
Wow, so much “promise” over the past two years — and where are we now when we look to Washington??? Need I say more? Don’t get caught up in fancy words and empty promises.
There’s one person running for County Executive who has the moral compass, compassion and intellect to lead this county to greatness – That’s Derek Howell!
Derek will walk the talk! And if you ask me it’s about time someone took a stand for all of us!
So again, I say join me in urging Derek to run by emailing him today at
Just because Howell has not served in an elected Harford County position to get “experience” does not mean he isn’t qualified to get the job done. He understands the issues our county faces. He has realistic ideas about how to make improvements instead of 4 more years of the same.
And I agree with GetRidoftheCraigPlague, Howell is a more attractive candidate than Wagner. I’m not sure why Political Critic and Stefano think Howell should rally behind Wagner so not to split the vote opposing Craig. Why can’t Wagner get behind Howell? Just because he filed earlier?
I think David Craig does reside in Harford County so he does pay the same taxes we do, correct?
So, what’s not to like about the last four years, actually, it’s five –
Queen Mary: Where to begin, where to begin???
Raising taxes is just one example or poor management of county resources, it’s time for a creative thinker – nobody wants higher taxes – raising taxes is the only “creative” solution Craig has come up with over the last several years.
FACT: David Craig resides in Harford County
FACT: I believe that’s a stipulation to running for office, is it not?
Beyond “simply” raising taxes, David Craig’s decision making skills and disregard for the safety and well being of those who work beside him is appalling.
Would you please explain what your last sentence means? Only facts please.
Engineer –
I’m re-posting this from above – it’s perfectly said
Thomas Gramenia says:
June 25, 2010 at 12:53 pm
Boyd, I must agree with you. Craig gave employee’s who worked for the county for years a cardboard boxes years and ten minutes to leave. They were escorted out of the building by his security officers. It even caused one employee the ultimate! With this savings Craig hires new high dollar employee’s like Jim Ports to suck away the savings. Then offers the buyout because he couldn’t stop hiring friends and family! Are we suprised he started out day one by taking his family member on loan from Hvre De Grace Gov’t. She didn’t have the time needed to collect her retirement. So, Craig brought her to the county gov’t and paid her salary back to Havre De Grace until she met her retirement requirements. Then county employee’s are forced to endure a Personnel Director who has had to be wet nursed through the job. Can I say more; how about bonds for Clark Turner? Do any other builders in Harford County rate as well as Clark. Mr. Wagner knows the county, but a fresh face like Mr. Howell migh be just what we need. Mr. Erlich needs all the vote he can get from our county. Craig is just to polarizing of a figure and will not bring the voters out in the county if he is the only choice!! He should have won his last election by double digits last time, but only muster 4000 + win to a weak opponent. If we want to win statewide we need someone to energize our voters and How can we go wrong with Howell!!
In addition the employee who took his life was not only a threat to himself but other employees – and Craig was fully aware of this and did NOTHING. I’m sorry he did do something, he made sure he was safe – but not others – it sickens me.
Underdog: If you read my post completely, I stated that one of these men, Wagner or Howell, has to step aside. What absolutely cannot happen is for the vote to be split. I am not taking either candidate’s “side”, I had just resigned myself to vote for Wagner merely because he wasn’t Craig. Now I have to choose between 2 candidates. If every voteris faced with this choice and it goes 50-50 for each candidate, then we all lose.
Why was it okay for Wagner to file as a third candidate when Steve Wright was alive and running? Wagner can’t beat Craig and he should realize it.
If you look at Wagner’s record you’ll find that his personal indiscretions are going to cost all of us votes. In my humble and personal opinion if Wanger is truly interested in seeing change in this county, he withdraw his intent to run for County Executive and back Howell –
Do you realize how much weight that DWI holds? I’m not saying you have to be perfect and again, I’m not judging Wagner, we’re all human, but putting yourself behind a wheel while intoxicated is a sad sad choice.
Craig is going to run this into the ground – As soon as the mudslinging begins Craig will go for the jugular. I’m not saying there’s not redemption beyond a mistake of this nature – again, I going to go back to being held to a higher standard when serving as a County Official – People are always prone to remember the bad before the good – and in this case, this is a major consideration. That night he made the decision to get into a car and not only risk his own life, but the lives of others (your family, my family…..sometimes it’s not real until it’s personal and that’s all to easy to brush aside). Wagner made a reckless decision that carries long term consequences, if not lifetime consequences.
I’ve stated this and I stand behind Underdog in this statement:
Why can’t Wagner get behind Howell? Just because he filed earlier?
Kendell, I agree but it is worse then that, his DWI was about 7 or 8 in the morning. The only thing people are going to picture is what the paper wrote about him wetting his pants. Craig will paint that ugly picture in the voters minds over and over again. Wagner also ran away with the family farm tro cash in leaving his siblings in the cold.
But lets ge back to Craig!!! Why didn’t we get our share of BRAC money Harford 72 million vs Baltimore County 600 MILLION. Craig should have been in court the next day to fight for the county tax payers. But he was busy helping Clark. Oh what about the State Investigation into Craig about the Round-a-bout on route 23 for a friend. If everything goes bad we might have to replace him if he is charged. Craig has served six years already do we need to see four more years. We can’t afford anymore friends and family.
I think that if Mr. Wagner wanted to do what was best for the county he would get behind Howell!!
Howell has a chance to beat Craig either way!! Craig couldn’t even win the support of the citizens of Havre De Grace in the last election. They saw his true colors as will the voters in the county this time!!! So I say Derek run baby run. How bout FOUR YEARS FOR HOWELL!!!!!!!!!!!