From the Office of Del. Pat McDonough:
Maryland Attorney General, Douglas Gansler and Mexican President Felipe Calderone have something in common. Both are public embarrassments and clueless.
During Attorney General Gansler’s recent visit to Baltimore County, he claimed the Arizona Law was “unconstitutional.” I asked him if had read the Arizona Law. His surprising reply was, “No.” That is not the reply that someone would expect from the state’s top public lawyer. Mr. Gansler does not have the privilege of spouting off an uninformed opinion. His elected office as Attorney General provides him with the power to determine the constitutionality of proposed legislation in the General Assembly. Clearly, without deliberation or due diligence, he has declared my proposed Arizona illegal alien legislation unconstitutional before it has been introduced. That kind of conduct is irresponsible and unfair to me and the people of Maryland.
Moreover, Mr. Gansler’s conclusion is wrong. He claims that only the federal government has the authority to regulate immigration laws. There have been more than 150 state laws passed regulating the conduct and policies related to illegals. Gansler promotes hypocrisy by supporting a bill that would permit illegal school children to receive in-state tuition benefit for college. Presently, only Maryland citizens are allowed this advantage. In other words, Gansler maintains it is constitutional to pass a state law benefitting illegals but not constitutional to pass a state law that benefits Maryland citizens.
Attorney General Gansler’s recent decision recognizing gay marriage in Maryland demonstrates the power of his office. It also proves he is the most political and partisan Attorney General in recent Maryland history.
President Calderone of Mexico was invited to speak before a joint session of Congress by President Obama. This is a rare privilege and a high honor for any foreign dignitary. Mr. Calderone proceeded to insult American elected representatives, attack all U.S. citizens who oppose the invasion of illegals from his country, and condemn the Arizona law. This is a man who presides over a declining nation with a corrupt government and a drug culture that is overflowing into our country. When it comes to “illegals,” he is part of the problem, not part of the solution. His train wreck of a government has allowed 20 million of his fellow citizens to violate our law, pump 80% of the drugs into our neighborhoods, and cost taxpayers more than 35 billion dollars a year to support the illegals. He and his country are receiving all the benefits and we are receiving all the burdens. The members of Congress who stood up and applauded Calderone during his speech should also hang their heads in shame.
Mr. Gansler and Senor Calderone are not on the side of the American people. Both should be thrown out of office. For information, you may contact Del. Pat McDonough at 410-238-0025 or e-mail him at
Chuck Anziulewicz says
“Attorney General Gansler’s recent decision recognizing gay marriage in Maryland demonstrates the power of his office. It also proves he is the most political and partisan Attorney General in recent Maryland history.”
Uh, NO, it just proves that he’s capable of doing his job, and determining that there is not Constitutional justification for treating married Gay and Straight couples any differently.
Chuck2 says
I have a permit to can carry a concealed gun in Pennsylvania I am guaranteed this right from the Constitution (2nd Amendment) Gansler say Maryland does not have to recognize my permit but does have to recognize gay marriages from other states. You can you have it both ways?
Cdev says
one is alegal pronouncement (the wedding) the other is not!
Bystander says
please refer to this website to learn which states have concealed carry permit reciprocity. CCP’s are not, repeat not a 2nd Amendment right. Individual states make their own rules with respect to this. Each state sets their own criteria and may consider the “need” of the person who wants a permit.
Chuck2 says
Keep and BEAR arms! I know the states I can carry in and do! Gay marrage is NOT on the Constitution at all!
Cdev says
Correct it is not. However each state is required to give good faith to the legal pronouncements of another state. When states wished to interject themselves in the marrige buisness they opened them selves up to this! It does not have to be in the Constitution for a state to regulate it. In fact it provides that anything not in the Constitution is up to states!
Tim says
So…Chuck A. what you are saying is that my Constitutional right to self defence must be left in the closet and the createation of a super class of people is OK?
Do you really suppose that frontiersman left their guns at home?
Do you really suppose that it is OK the people heterosexual couples that live together should have fewer rights than gays? Do you suppose that the easy way of justifying giving gays super rights is to allow marriage between them? What is next? marriage between siblings or parents? PLEASE do not give me the canned responce about incest as gay marriages are a good example of normal sex being being necessary to be married (in the eyes of some). Gay marriage is simply a money grab…what can I get for nothing. Healthcare? Retirement? Heaven forbid that anyone should work for what they get
Cdev says
You do not have a constitutional right to self defense., You have the right to keep and bear arms as part of a well regulated malitia being neccesary. You also have the right to life liberty and the persuit of hapiness. Where does it say you have the right to self defense?
How does gay marrige give gays super rights. If anything it gives them the same rights. But I don’t think the govt. should have any role in marrige.
Dave says
McDonough wants everyone to “Speak English,” but he mostly seems to speak the language of hatred.
Meg R. says
That’s all McDonough and his co-hort Impallaria seem to do. I think the proper term would be “Hatriot”.
GetRidoftheCraigPlague says
Meg R., what awful and hateful things have McDonough and Impallaria spouted? Is conducting the business of the State of Maryland in English a bad thing? Is having a common unifying language a good thing?
GetRidoftheCraigPlague says
Dave, what hateful thing has McDonough said. He wants English to be the primary language for Maryland in government and law. Citizens can certainly speak any other language they wish.
Cdev says
“Mr. Gansler and Senor Calderone are not on the side of the American people. Both should be thrown out of office. ”
Can someone explain to me why Del Mcdonough believes the president of Mexico should be on the side of the American People?
Perhaps Mr. Mcdonough should be out of office for his lack of knowledge about how government works?
Paul says
Ok, so maybe he shouldn’t be on the “side of the American people”, but he should also not have the utter gall to stand in front of our Congress to spout his opinion on OUR immigration policies! What would happen to an American citizen found illegally in Mexico? And furthermore, if Mexico is so wonderful, then why bother crossing the border at all?
We need to get back to basic common sense with respect to running this country and remembering all those that fought, struggled and died for our freedoms.
Cdev says
fine but that is not what Mr. Mcdonough said! Did he!
amdactivist says
Gansler is one big disgrace to maryland along with a few others
including hisboss/miller/busch/mikulski/cardin/leggitt/frosh/ivey/guittierez/ramirez/munson and ran out of ink. More to follow
Harco Resident says
Pat is certainly entitled to his opinion on this topic. However, I do wish he would drop the “Speak English” slogan. That is simply rude and disrespectful on a human level. I do take issue with immigration polices or lack thereof, however; there is still room for human dignity. I hope this delegate is working on other issues for harford county as well. Whenever he is in the news this seems to be the only issue that is front and center.
Cdev says
That is what he doesn’t want you to know. He has not done anything last session. Thus he lost my vote!
Billy Jack says
Spouting rhetoric that appeals to baser instincts seems to be his calling card. The TALK WHITE campaign is a perfect example of his level of functioning. Nothing substative can be expected from this man.
fedup says
This is so silly. My wife is a foreigner (half of you probably don’t even know a foreigner) and she and many of her friends and classmates have, through work and/or marriage, landed in countries all over the globe. Believe it or not, they did NOT insist that the local government or population learn their native dialects… nor did they insist that all documents and services be provided in their native dialects. It would be racist to assume Mexicans are incapable of learning English. If an individual wants to assimilate into a community they need to learn the local language… much like the other ethnic groups that immigrated to America over the course of history. It’s only here that bleeding hearts want to bend over backwards to accommodate people who don’t want to be bothered with the chore of learning English. Pack a bunch of Mexicans off to Myanmar and lets see who wins the language battle…
As far as Calderone goes, why pay any attention to this buffoon at all? He’s obviously not in control of Mexico so where does he get off criticizing us? Does his government provide all its services in English? He probably got the best night’s sleep of his life while he was safe here in the US.
Talk white says
Gotta love talkin white.
Oh baby!