Several close local races highlighted Tuesday’s general election, with state senate and delegation and the Harford County Sheriff’s races all seperated by just a few percentage points.
Sheriff Jesse Bane narrowly defeated Republican challenger Jeff Gahler in a close battle. The two went back and forth throughout the early returns, with Gahler claiming a brief, slim margin of less than a percentage point over Bane before the incumbent regained the lead.
At about 9 p.m., the mood at the Bane camp was upbeat, but by 9:45 those presented were more somber and the sheriff appeared concerned.
Just before midnight, however, the sheriff said he was just “relieved” with the close win.
“It’s been a long year, a lot of work, a lot of stress, and now I don’t have that,” he said.
Bane said he expected the race would be tight. “I faced a major effort to remove Democrats,” he said. “I was not only fighting to hold onto the office but fighting a movement to remove Democrats and incumbents from office.”
Bane added that he did not believe the filing of charges of theft and misconduct in office against Maj. Mark Forwood, one of his top deputies, just 24 hours before the election, played a role in the slim margin of victory.
“No, I don’t think it played a role,” he said. “The stage was already set months ago.”
Gahler conceded the race via a voicemail to Bane, calling Bane immediately after the last results were made public.
“It’s over, and Jesse has won,” he said. “We both ran very good campaigns. I congratulate him on a well-deserved win.”
Gahler added that he hoped Bane would take action on some of the issue brought to light during the race. Asked about his future plans, Gahler said, “We’ll see what the next few years bring for Harford County.”
District 34 incumbent Sen. Nancy Jacobs narrowly lost to Art Helton in Harford voting, but appeared to retain her seat with strong Republican returns in Cecil County. Across the district, she held a double-digit lead just before 11:30 p.m.
Harford County Council District A incumbent Dion Guthrie defeated challenger Yvonne Baldwin with 55.8 percent of the vote to Baldwin’s 44.1 percent.
In the County Council District F race, incumbent Mary Ann Lisanti edged out challenger Sheryl Davis Kohl, claiming 51.6 percent of the vote to Davis Kohl’s 48.2 percent.
Just before 11 p.m., the mood at Democratic county headquarters was somber, with those present holding out hope for Helton and monitoring the District 34A delegation race.
In that race, Del. Mary-Dulany James led Harford voting, followed by Glen Glass, Patrick McGrady with 24.1 percent, and Marla Posey-Moss. The same order followed in statewide voting just before 11:30 p.m.
Incumbent Delegates Wayne Norman and Donna Stifler maintained an insurmountable lead in District 35A voting, easily claiming re-election to their seats. Stifler said she eager to get back to work, and focus on lowering taxes and improving the local business environment.
“I don’t care who’s governor, we need people to be able to hire other people,” she said.
County Executive David Craig claimed a second election victory, with more than 80 percent of the vote over Constitution Party candidate Mark Fisher. Craig took the stage at his victory party to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ “I Won’t Back Down,” telling those assembled that he would continue to prepare the county for BRAC and move the county school system “from good to great.”
Craig noted that it was his 20th election, but the first in which he did not face a Democratic opponent.
“I believe it was because people in the Democratic party appreciated what I had done as much as people in the Republican Party,” he said. In his speech, Craig spoke of “promises kept,” including education, quality of life, and economic development.
Craig said 60 new jobs are created in Harford County each week.
“Nowhere else in the state can you find anyone else who does that,” he said.
On crime, Craig said, “We’re going to make all of Harford County safe, not just the northern portion, not just the middle portion.”
Gov. Martin O’Malley claimed 32 percent of Harford’s votes with more than ha, while challenger Robert Ehrlich took 63 percent.
Moments after early voting results were announced, Democratic Register of Wills candidate Tom Hopkins conceded the race to Republican Derek Hopkins, delivering a statement to The Dagger at one end of its mobile news lab, while his opponent was congratulated by supporters at the other. In the statement, Tom Hopkins commended Derek Hopkins on a “professional, positive” campaign.
Hopkins gave the first victory speech of the night at Ehrlich/Craig HQ, asking the assembled crowd, “is this a great night for Republicans or what?”
Later, Hopkins said he would hold to his campaign promise and his wife Katrina, a 12-year veteran of the Register of Wills office, would step down shortly. He hoped that she would be able to remain in the court system in some capacity.
Hopkins added that he would cease doing auctioneering business in Harford County or Baltimore County under his own banner, but would maintain out of state business.
In the Board of Education races, Bob Frisch defeated Jansen Robinson for the District A seat, with 66 percent of the vote. In District B, Cassandra Beverley appeared to defeat Ron Eaton, claiming 50.9 percent of the vote to Eaton’s 48.6 percent. Rick Grambo defeated Lorrie Warfield for the District F seat with 55 percent of the vote.
Frisch said he was “humbled” by the result and said it was proof that voters “did their homework.”
About his oversized campaigns, one of which was pictured on The Dagger, he asked, “Does size matter? I think it did matter.”
In what was by far the most combative of the three school board races, Bob Frisch beat Jansen Robinson by a margin of 2 to 1. Robinson said that he planned to continue serving the community and that some good had come out of the campaign, “Now there will be some more eyes on the Board of Education.”
The school board race in Fallston/Abingdon District B ended Election Day with Cassandra Beverley ahead of Ron Eaton by just 291 votes.
Asked whether she was declaring victory, Beverley said that would be “premature”, and she would instead await the results from absentee ballots. With at least 473 absentee ballots to be counted in District B, Bevereley said that she was planning to attend the first absentee ballot canvass scheduled for Thursday, November 4 at the Board of
Elections office in Forest Hill. Beverley said she had not yet heard from her opponent, Ron Eaton. Eaton did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
With 7,008 votes on Election Day, Grambo was the top vote-getter among the all of the school board candidates in all three districts.
“I’m happy that the voters in District D chose me,” Grambo said, “I’m going to work hard to make sure their voice is heard.” Grambo said that he also wanted to thank his North Harford opponent Lorrie Warfield for running a clean campaign.
Nice reporting, I couldn’t find this info anywhere else on the web. You should include the time of publication though, rather than just the date.
Hey, Steve, you are right. Good information. Presented in a timely and more-than-readable fashion. Kudos to Dagger.
To recently retarded, retardedawhile, trigger88, blacula1, Williams:
HA HA HA HA HA!!!! HA HA HA HAHA!!!!! I guess “Jeffy Lube” will still be working on cars…LOL. Bottom line your boy Gahler lost because of his connection with ole’ one eyed Howie, and saying he did not need the union. Not to mention he was way out of his league to go against Bane. Bane crushed him in the debates, and showed why he should still be Sheriff. Well guess what…the Union is strong, Bane is strong, and Gahler will still be inspecting cars. The citizens spoke…4 more years…4 more years…4 more years!!!!
Retardedawhile, yeah I’ll take the PIO job if offered…you’d probably get it if Gahler won…oh wait…he didn’t. So I guess you gotta say retardedawhile longer…LOL.
People reading this probably think this is just rubbing it in Gahler’s face. Well guess what…had he ran a clean race, and not thrown mud around, then I would not be writing this. Bane never, ever threw mud or lied about anything on Gahler. He never played any dirty tricks, or come up with false accusations’ about cover-ups. Bane stayed a gentlemen throughout, and ran as a proud candidate for Sherriff. Sheriff Bane should be proud of that, and the citizens of Harford Co. should be proud they elected a good, honest, fair man again for 4 more years. Everyone saw threw Gahler’s BS, and lies, and mud slinging. That’s just dirty politics, and no one wants that as their Sheriff.
There once was a candidate named Gahler
He took on Howard his campaign was a failure
He painted the county with signs of blue and white
But in the end the citizens did what was right
He stuck his chest out to the Union
Little did he know this would be his ruin
So Jeff try to control your tears
Howard better luck in 4 more years
Nice…very poetic “see ya” I love it!!! I wonder if Gahler will be giving a police discount at all his Jeffy Lube locations?
Sam, I like your poetry and so accurate.
-19 million dollar budget increase
-crime is up… im not really sure how you can deny that one
Harford County and the people living in it are SCREWED because of Bane, thanks….
Give it a rest. Or move to Cecil County. Up to you.
Congratulations to Sheriff Bane on his reelection. I was never interested in the PIO position no matter who won. Enjoying retirement!!
I will be looking forward to your many press releases should you get the PIO position. Your “creative” use of words leaves me spellbound!!
Ha…your still a looser!!!! LOL
eh unions are old and outdated and not needed, in fact they hurt so many
I ask for civility in spite of the fact of questionable tactics in the campaign. I will have to say however, from introspect, that the final vote count does not suggest a landslide win, but rather a sign of the effort that is needed to bridge the rest of the community buying into the effort of the HCSO for overall public safety. Congratulations to all for the hard fought races that have lasted, for some, more than 2 years.
This is always the immediate mission looking forward into the new term for candidates.
Wake up County Council !!…the races were tighter then you thought huh ? For Craig, I’m suprised at the high % you got, if a viable candidate would have been running against you my guess is it would have been more like the council races !
Now it’s time to start doing the right thing for the right reason ! Stop the game playing and the Fab 5 decision making. Treat your employees with respect and give them the credit the deserve ! They run this county day to day, everyday, all year long. Spend money on the important stuff, not the stuff that looks pretty, makes a name for yourself and puts money in all your friends pockets !
Sour Grapes!
Joe, what results are you looking at? The only close Council race was F, which everyone knew would be close because it’s a swing district with evenly divided voter registration.
The fact is that the voters chose to send back the same Council for the first time in the County’s history.
I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that “Joe” is a disgruntled county employee/bureaucrat, probably upset about furloughs or not getting a pay raise at the taxpayers expense.
@Sam-52 – I agree with you 100%. Harford County absolutely made the right choice for Sheriff. I am actually a Cecil County resident. However, Jesse Bane happens to be my cousin….so I watched this race very closely. I read all the garbage Gahler was slinging around. Typical trash….has nothing of real substance to offer the community so needs to rely on trashing his opponent as a way to get votes. Jesse is high-class all the way and doesn’t need to resort to those tactics to get votes. GO JESSE!!!
If you only knew the real facts…This was a wakeup call to Bane.
Let’s hope it is!
hey recently retarded…you guy lost!!! just suck it up and move on. Stop bashing Bane…and stay retarded. you tried to vote him out with lies and bullshit. It didn’t work. We all know the facts so stop crying. LOL…maybe you can get a job at JeffyLube or something.
Congratulations Harford County citizens. This is what those of you who voted for Bane got, a more powerful union that will be buying your future and taking your tax dollars by creating more puppet elected leaders like Bane. All of the Deputies should have the Sheriff title, because they are running the office for another four years.
Yes, it’s sad.
AWWW…and Gahler would have done so much for morals in the agency…NOT!!! You lost…nothing worse then a loser is a cry baby!!! You really think the union just steals money from the public and just keeps it for the deputies? what a joke…next time your in trouble don’t call 911. Next time your a victim of a crime..dont’ call 911. You don’t think the good men and women of the HCSO are worth it…fine…don’t call us. Dont call the State Police…don’t call for help. That way our calls for service will drop and we won’t need the money to pay for police services.
Another sour grapes.
great job of on the spot reporting on an eventful evening, full of ‘ups and downs’ and lots of drama. Saw the dynamic due sitting in the back of that pick-up truck in front of Republican Central on Main street in Olde Bel Air towne. A job well done, on the money fellas, went to bed knowing what the heck was going on.
Thanks for your website this website
not updated.
For all of you who voted for Bane and are celebrating Bane’s vistory–as you should–let me just point out something, almost half the county voted AGAINST Bane. Now, I truly respect Jesse and the person he is and as far as I know, as stated earlier, he ran a clean campaign. But, I can’t help but think that the closeness of the race has to be a sobering reality as he celebrates. My HOPE is that over the next 4 years he will work hard on the issues that caused close to half of Harford County to try and replace him!
I agree but sadly I don’t think he particularly cares about the issues the citizens have.
Also, since I know the executive board of the deputy sheriffs union reads this,let me add that I shared my issues with the tactics they used via their website and still have not gotten a response. That is the kind of “professionals” Bane has in his pocket. He caters to those who he likes and forgets the rest of the county.
Most of the officers in HCSO are stand up officers. It is just a shame that they don’t have the leadership they deserve.
Trust me, there are a lot of deputies who are not happy about some of the mailings that were sent out by the union PAC. Even deputies who were Gahler supporters had no problem with the union putting out material supporting Bane or putting up Bane signs around the county (after all, the union voted overwhelmingly to endorse Bane), however a lot of Bane supporters were and are pissed about the mudslinging mailings. Those mailings were seen by maybe a half dozen deputies (and maybe not even that many) prior to being sent out.
Bane is no leader. He is being led by the Union. Bane has no decision-making skills and the Union has taken advantage of that. The Union started out with admirable intentions but as the saying goes..”absolute power corrupts absolutely”. That is a dangerous condition that presently has no check and balance. The citizens need to be able to trust their sheriff. Sadly it is not “In Bane we trust”…it is “We trust who the Union wants us to trust”.
We now have four more years of mismanagement and business as usual spending by Bane. That will translate into bad policing. I am just waiting for Bane to return to his usual vindictive self. To those deputies that supported Gahler, he will have no mercy on them. Forget promotions and look forward to working midnights. It will happen. To those particular deputies who supported Bane they will get promotions and retain their cushy jobs. And yes, those personal friends of Bane can still get their “overtime” regardless of the budget deficit.
Some day HCSO will have the type of leadership that will transform the agency into a responsive and effective community-based policing entity. The potential is there for the agency to move forward from the “run of the mill” operation that is is now. That is not intended to slight the efforts of the brave men and women that out it on the line every day. It’s a stab at their leadership bith by the Union and Bane. Unfortunately it may take many more elections before the citizens get the message. Until then, don’t expect too much from Bane. (Except those hug-a-thug sessions that Bane is famous for)
Recently retired, Sour grapes! Sour grapes make for good wine, or in your case, WHINE. You are entitled to your opinion. The voters gave you their’s. Get over it.
Sandi: At the end of a busy election is no time to address emails from the public. I’m sure the Union will reply to once things are settled.
Recently Retired: What’s wrong with midnight shift?!?!?!
*reply to you
Getting sent to southern midnights would be more like a reward than a punishment…
The President is away resting at Camp David.
DFC-so a “busy election” is a reason for them to not write a 5 second email that basically says “we dont care what you think”? Because that is what they are going to say. They do what they want, when they want to without thinking about the 100+ deputies who oppose them.
Sandi: You are so right. You would think that during an election, they would be even more vigilant than usual about responding to emails, trying to get every vote. But the union doesn’t do things that way, they don’t have to.
It could be that half the county voted to replace him because half of the registered voters are now Republicans and Republicans almost always vote party lines no matter who the candidate is. Some would vote for a goat if it could register as a republican !!
I 100% agree, Sandi.
I agree with you, too, just dropped in. That’s why we ended up with a democratic gov for 4 more years!
A lot of people vote party lines and pick candidates simply because the R or D by their names. That’s not an uninformed trait limited only to Republicans.
As a registered Republican, I know many others in the party who do just that. But then again, many Democrats do the exact same thing. It’s sad, but 100% true.
Hey Just Dropped In
Fact of the matter is that a good part of the Southern County will pull that Democratic lever 9 out of 10 times because they are brain washed by race brokers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Bill Clinton. Look at the individual poll results and you’ll see
that to be the case.
you mean change his political party?
It makes you wonder with the race coming down so close. What if Mr. Gahler 1. not been associsted with Walters, 2. not made the comments about not needing the unions support. 3. not attack the union after he failed to recieve it’s support. 4. Named his number 2, or cammand staff, or any crime reduction plan. 5. Picked Jack Meckley as his number 2 after the primary. Mr. Gahler would have taken the vote by a landslide and could be today putting in retirement papers with the state, and getting fitted for his new blue uniform.
I have no doubt that Gahler would have won had he not had Howard hanging around his neck…especially if he had picked Meckley to be his #2 (and actually picking Meckely to be his #2 probably would’ve gotten him a close win even with Howard in his camp.) There were a lot of deputies who voted for Bane (and in a lot of cases their families and close friends also) because no one wants any part of Howard being remotely associated with the HCSO ever again. He burned way too many deputies before he retired to ever be trusted again.
Maybe next time around whoever is running as a Republican will be a bit smarter about it and have nothing to do with the Walters.
When you say that Howard “burned way too many deputies before he retired”, what do you mean? Are you saying that he disciplined them inappropriately? I have heard that Howard Walter was very strong on discipline, but I have not heard that he just out and out screwed over people for no reason.
The only people who got in trouble with the previous admin were those that were not doing their jobs. Like the Union president sleeping. Bane gave that deputy a cushy dayshift job, paid him a veteran deputy’s pay, and let him conduct union business on the job. So Bane took a uniform off the street for two years and at the same time claimed to be understaffed. What a joke.
Whoa whoa whoa….hang on a sec…your saying Howard was appropriate in his discipline?!? He targeted deputies for doing the same shit he did when he was on the road. Don’t think for one minute Howie never slept on midnights. They set-up deputies and placed a tracking device on a certain car to target personnel who didn’t see eye2eye with him. Inappropriate? Hell yes!!! No one else in the agency got their cars tracked..just one person. You are honestly going to sit there and say they were fair…BULLSHIT!!!! They dominated personnel at will because they didn’t see eye2eye with him. And then the courts had to step in to force the agency to reinstate their original rank because there was no just cause for the demotion. Don’t you dare try and sell that bull shit on here that Howard and Golding were fair individuals. They acted more like Darth Vader and the Emperor from StarWars then leaders. How dare you sir. How dare you try and say Howard Walter’s actions were appropriate.
By the way how does it feel to loose? LOL Sorry had to end this one on a high note!!! LOL
Whoops. My bad…I misspelled lose. One to many o’s…LOL
I think Sam-52 pretty much covered it.
Sam 52,
I did not say actions were appropriate – I was asking a question? Read my post again. I did not use the word “fair” in my post. Perhaps you are responding to “recently retired”.
My final question was: Did Howard just screw over people for no valid reason? I only heard of one demotion that Sheriff Golding made that was overturned by the court and that was Captain Carlavero (don’t know if I spelled that right) are there any others?
Congratulations to Sheryl Davis Kohl for her clean, positive campaign to unseat incumbent Lisanti for District F County Council.
Sheryl worked closely with her campaign workers to accomplish that mission and we really thought this would be victory year for Sheryl. There were negative things that people told Sheryl to do but she refused to get vicious and we admire her for her integrity and honesty.
Edgewood can look for ward too 4 more years of increased crime….
That’s the spirit. Complain and don’t help. Awesome.
Maybe you are the one is is not open minded. The vietnam vet has already done more for his country that you ever will.
Edgewood could look forward to years of peace and quiet if the so-called justice department would put repeat offenders behind bars where they belong instead of turning them loose on us as fast as law enforcement hauls them in.
Maybe we should be re-thiniking our approach to how we deal with crime because what we are doing now is not working. If the medical profession had the same approach to deal with their issues as the criminal justice system they would just build more graveyards. Doctors strive to correct problems. The CJS just keeps building more prisons. The courts are actually part of the problem. Warrants being issued because someone owes $25 bucks to someone. Warrants being issued on unsubstantiated allegations of assault. The system is broke. I will give you an example. You neighbor who dislikes you, can go the commissioner, fabricate a story of an assault, demonstrate a high level of fear, and the commissioner could issue a warrant. So the deputies arrive at your house or workplace, cart you to the jail, and now you are posting bail to get out. You have to hire an attorney, miss work, etc. All over nothing. It happens every day here. There is no requirement for the police to investigate the matter or for the State Attorney to review the charges before they are sent to the police. Bane has known about these issues. Instead of working to solve these issues he just keeps hiring more people to serve bad warrants. Go figure.
Are you suuggesting that Bane has the ability to change the law? Your complaint should be with the Judiciary, not the sheriff. And as for the Judiciary, if a citizen takes an oath to tell the truth and states they are in fear for their own safety, what other choice is there than to follow the law?
You, Mr. Law and Order, would be one of the first to jump on the judge for being too lenient should some tragedy occur after a denied warrant. There are no easy answers and rethinking our approach to crime is an excellent idea. In reality, the criminals of tomorrow are most likely the behavior problem children of middle school, and early intervention is necessary.
I am not suggesting I have the answer, but I am absolutely certain it will take a cooperative effort on the part of the educational system, legal system, community resources and parents to make any headway.
There have been some changes made under Bane in the past year or so involving tracking at risk kids (mainly ones who have been victims or witnesses of crimes or are living in domestic abuse households) to help provide intervention, counseling, mentoring, etc if they start having discipline issues in school, grades slipping, etc. Hopefully it will pay dividends down the road. The program is similar to has been done in other parts of country and seems to be having some success. It’s not a program that will see benefits immediately, but hopefully it will keep some of these kids from turning into the gang bangers, thieves, drug abusers, drug dealers, etc of the future.
Even just steering a few kids in the right direction is worth the effort when you look at how much criminals cost society in court fees, loss of productivity (for themselves, police officers, victims, witnesses), cost of prisons, etc. I saw an article about a recent study that estimated the cost to society of your average career criminal to be well into the millions of dollars….that’s just for one person.
Billy Jack,
I don’t think Recently Retired used a good example of the many things wrong within the CJS. However, I don’t think that he was suggesting the Sheriff ignore the law. He did say that Sheriff Bane was not, in his opinion, working to solve the problems. We should all work to solve the problems!!
Someone had to say it…
Where are you looking? Not in Edgewood for sure. Bane has done an outstanding job here. Gahler wanted to take the Focus off Edgewood, which would have meant 4 years of increased crime.
Bane never made an arrest in Edgewood. He wouldn’t know how.
Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!! My guy lost…… Boo hoo. Deal with it.
No the citizen’s lost. I will stand my ground.
Ha..and how many arrests did Gahler make in Edgewood? I’m gonna say NONE!!!!
Good job, Dagger. It shows the difference between a medium that gets the news out when it happens versus an old medium (AEGIS) that reported until 10:15 pm last night. We need you Dagger.
Brian, Aaron & Cindy–just wanted to thank you for doing such a great job with the coverage. You guys were everywhere and doing everything–interviews with candidates, updating the results and everything in between–all from the bed of the Dagger Mobile! There were many times when your results were more current than the tally board in David Craig’s HQ, and he had people at all the polling places phoning in the results. Keep on doing what you’re doing and you’ll continue to grow and thrive. GO DAGGER!
Harford County is looking at a very bright future. Congrats for the County Executive!
thanks Dagger for keeping this site clean and cleaning out the trash when people go overboard with profanity, etc.
Wow police whine a lot. You all are ridiculous. Everyone needs to shake hands and grow up. It’s Thursday now. None one changed anyone’s mind here, and Sam-52 needs anger management. Your “retarded” joke provides the public with a great sense of security due to your obvious maturity level. Nice.
Bane won but the county tax payer lost 4 more years of crime going up officers committing crimes 10’s of millions of $$$ waisted on overtime and social programs. No one seems to want to comment on the 40 million expansion of the jail that can’t be staff
Big Blue, give it up. You lost.
Big Blue, at least 10 people tried to explain all of this to you, but you won’t listen. Now, stop whining!
How many deputies committed crimes in the past 4 years besides Forwood?
I think that if the Sheriff’s Office union endorsed Bane than so be it. What I think was ridiculous is that the Union then sends out a negative postcard that holds no merit. I looked up both Bane and Gahler’s qualification’s, did the HCSO Union miss the fact that Gahler was the Troop Commander of several Barrack’s. HCSO Union that was out of line, unprofessional, and your ability to effect political races in the future may be comprimised. It’s about Integrity right? Auto Mechanic? Come On, and this is coming from someone who voted for Bane, so dont try the you support Gahler and thats why your saying it BS.
Mall Cop,
did the Union actually send that out? If they did you are right and that was unprofessional.
Yes the union sent the postcard out Tim. Why can’t people accept that Bane Won and get over themselves.
I think people are over themselves. Had an extended talk this morning with a HCSO Deputy who told me that there are many Deputies unhappy with what is going on in the HCSO. But the election is over and the officers will make the best of the situation.
The Union PAC did send it out and there are a lot of deputies pissed about it. Maybe a half dozen members saw it before it was sent (and I’m not even sure that many saw it…) I’ve heard a few are even canceling their PAC contributions because of it.
Yes they did
Well it is all over and it happened just like I predicted because Capt. Gahler couldn’t lose his association with the Walter team. He failed to capitalize on the chance of a lifetime where almost any Republican could get elected if he/she ran a smart campaign. The results show that Capt. Gahler didn’t. People were voting for any candidate, name unknown, who had an “R” after their name on the ballot. Sheriff Bane a “D” proved that he was the “Real Deal” by beating his opponent by 3,000 votes in Republican Harford County. The real blame for the loss can be placed on Capt. Gahler’s unwillingness to see the forest through the trees as it pertained to the Walter Association. If he would have stuck with Lt. Moore as his second instead of holding the position for Theresa Walter he had a real good chance of winning. Furthermore, I think that if either of the Walters really cared about Capt. Gahler or his career they would have removed themselves immediately but they obviously had their own agenda. I can only hope that Capt. Gahler’s reputation has not been forever blemished by his involvement with people who were clearly only interested in their own best interests. And I also hope that if I ever decide to run for public office the Walters will align themselves with my opponent.
You may be a nice woman falling for the BS spread on this board or you may be a union board member who is throwing out more Walters BS. Either way, the only ones who lost here are the citizens of Harford County. As the latest story on the Dagger reflects, Bane is no angel and he and the union board manipulated the voters in an agenda that was set long ago. Through personal attacks and hiding information from the public, they have succeeded in giving “hug-a-thug” policing another four years. In the mean time, Captain Gahler is back to his well paying state job. I for one hopes he is back in 2014 because after another four years of Bane, the citizens and the deputies will be begging for a change.
If you are the nice woman, then get out there and run for an office and fight for the change you think is needed. It is easy to sit back and annonymously say “if only” to someone else’s effort. It is another thing entirely to put your life up for public review as Captain Gahler was willing to do.
Craig showed his true colors by allowing the Union to put Craig / Bane on the massive amount of signs at polling places. Many voters were confused by the last minute Craig maneuver.
Craig is the ultimate self serving RINO.
Craig is the ultimate politician and will pay a hefty price come 2014.
Ummmmmmmmm he’s a lame duck and can run again there slick
He can’t run again in 2014. He is bound by term limits. He got to the finish the term of his predecessor, the election in 2006 and re-election now. 2014 is it.
sorry I meant to say can’t not can
u really are in the know
Hey Slick – he can’t run for County Executive but he can run for Governor. He may actually win Governor if he runs as a Dem.
Craig will pay a hefty price How? What are you talking about?
He doesn’t know what he is talking about, just look at his last two comments…