From Americans for Prosperity-Maryland:
Americans for Prosperity-Maryland activists and local business leaders will rally this Wednesday at noon on Lawyers Mall to speak out against increasing the gas tax.
“Annapolis should be looking to support struggling families and work alongside businesses during tough economic times,” said Deputy State Director Nick Loffer. “Instead, Marylanders are seeing policies introduced that scare away small businesses and make it harder for families to pay the bills.”
The Maryland General Assembly has proposals to raise the gasoline tax by .10 cents a gallon and put a .04 cents sales tax on total purchases at the gas pump. At current gas prices, Marylanders would be hit with a minimum .22 cents increase per gallon.
“We are proud that business leaders and citizens are standing up against these ill-advised taxes,” said Loffer. “Americans for Prosperity hopes that our policy makers in Annapolis will put themselves in the shoes of struggling families and of small businesses and realize they should not pass any taxes this session.”
What: Rally against the gas tax
Who: Americans for Prosperity
Gary Brooks – Entrepreneur – Barley and Hops Brewery and Restaurant
Trish Date – Small Business Owner
Bob Bauman – Engineer and Entrepreneur
When: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at Noon.
Where: Lawyers Mall in Annapolis
An additional .22 cents a gallon? Because the O’Mally adminstration can’t balance the budget? That’s just crazy that it’s even being considered!
I applaud any organization that attempts to keep politicians in check; but the thugs in Annapolis are beyond the influence of anyone or any group that does not benefit them directly (through contributions). They don’t care what the majority of Maryland citizens think or want (except for those in Baltimore City, Montgomery and PG counties and some in Howard and Baltimore Counties. Forget the rest of us because we don’t vote for these jokers. without a doubt, we will see increases in the gas tax, alcohol tax, and some fees will increase (what Bob Ehrlich was critized for – how soon they forget).
I’m leery of any group run by a man who has made billions from oil, David Koch. It’s amazing how much influence you can have spreading populist ideas when you’re a billionaire. When he ran for against Reagan his campaign called for the abolition of Social Security, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and public schools. The Dagger should at least make him buy an ad because God knows he can afford it.
I call that a, GOOD start.
You know why? The alphabet bureaucracies have too much power, reach to far, and trample upon too much freedom. That and they spend too much money!
Period. We don’t have it any more and as a 20 something, I REFUSE to pay for the sins of my parent’s generation of borrow and spend and tax and spend more than tax receipts.
Newsflash, but the day of reckoning is here. It’s being written in the state houses, and we still have yet to convince Washington leadership we want real reform and spending cuts. Bloomberg released a polling study today saying that most Americans don’t want cuts to medicare or an increase in the social security retirement age along with benefit cuts, despite these and other handout expenditures making up 40% (YES 40%) of the federal budget. Before you get to screaming, the defense budget, inclusive of discretionary spending which helps fund Iraq and Afghanistan, is a total of almost 30% of the total federal budget. The rest goes almost entirely to debt service (30%).
When our retirement (social security) has been raided by biggov politicians, and our transportation trust funds have been raided by power hungry state pols, it’s time for a change. I’m sick of paying for mistakes from the 40~80 crowd, and guess what, so are my friends. Not only that, but I’m guaranteed to have a harder time finding work, along with a weakening dollar, higher taxes (to service the needless DEBT that have gone to those 40% of total budget social programs), and a lower standard of living, the words NO MAS come to mind.
The Ponzi scheme of tax, borrow, inflate, hope for more babies and immigration to affect the demographic/actuarial projects to justify economic enslavement is just about done. So get on board. Hell, even Europe is doing it!
@SKEPTICAL VOTER – What are your opinions of Michael Moore, George Soros, Al Gore, all of whom are very wealthy?
@PORTER. What SKEPTICAL VOTER meant was ‘I’m leery of any group run by a man who has made billions from oil’ AND DOESN’T THINK LIKE ME. Would Skeptical be leery if Koch thought like Skeptical? I think not!!
Nice turn out with the AFP in Annapolis today. Anybody who thinks additional gas taxes are in order, with gas going up by the minute, is nuts.