From Havre de Grace Mayor Wayne H. Dougherty:
We have achieved a lot over the last four years. When I was elected Mayor I promised accountability, with my focus on public safety and service to the Citizens. I believe in these very difficult times we are faring well in comparison to many other Jurisdictions. The City is economically stable with one of the major issues being the w&s fund. Our efforts at this time have been ongoing and we will continue to work through this difficult task of balancing this fund.
During these difficult four years we continue to do more with less which has been handed down with funds being cut by the state. This is Highway User Funds and Police Aid.
The City of Havre de Grace will survive these difficult economic times by the mere fact that we have employees who know who they serve and that is each and every Citizen of our Great City. We do have our work cut out for us, and we will continue to explore every avenue now and in the coming year to keep the City within a balanced budget with no tax increase.
john mcmichael says
I would totally disagree with the mayor. I see public safety in Havre de Grace as failing under his administration.This year alone the mayor appointed a council member to the board of public safety. That council member insulted the represenitive of the fire department and would not appoligize. So the Susquhanna Hose Company withdrew there represenetive from the board of public safety. The east side of the rte. 40 corridore is loaded with alot of substandard appartments that have burned down with some loss of life and the city takes an awful long time enacting a smoke and carbon monxide alarm incident. This year alone atleast ten apartments have been seriously damaged. One of those appartments is in the mayops back yard. Public safety what a joke ask Helen LOgan oh I forgot she is one who died in an appartment fire thank God for pubblic safety.
Aberdeen Proving Ground Jobs says
Politicians shouldn’t use the words “I Promised”!
Edmund Picard says
I agree with Mr. Dougherty about the great city employees we are fortunate enough to have in the workforce. However, I would like to know what the Mayor’s plans are for the future as opposed to a statement that doesn’t really say much. No tax increase great, but what about the cost of water and other fees.
I feel the citizens deserve a debate between Mr. Dougherty and his apparent opposition Mr. Shank.
john mcmichael says
This has nothing to do about Mr.Shank or politics it is about safety and apparently renters,low income people, [eople on fixed inco,es and retired seniors in Havre de Grace lives are not worthy of consideration as far as having safe houseing io live in . This issue has been addressed by myself to the mayor and he has done nothing to insure safety. In fact I am still waiting for Mr. Millers appoligy to the fire company those who have to put their lives on the line providing fire and rescue for free to the city. Those who have to risk their lives trying to save lives in the very same unsafe fire hazzards the Mayor doesn’t seem to care about.
Edmund Picard says
Mr. John McMichael:
Sir, any suggestions for the voters of HDG? I have had issues with the Police Department that have been ignored by the Mayor that reflect your sentiments. I agree public safety is paramount and without that we as a town are lost. We deserve a leader not a politician.
john mcmichael says
With this present mayor and his agenda I see the final death throws of Havre de Grace. The down town district is no longer a viable business district. Being born and raised two blocks from downtown I see tne downtown area turn from the center of everyday life to too much booze and too many pawn shops and no new businesses that are capable of supporting the lives of everyday citizens. There are many issues this Mayor is willing to turn a blind eye to. In the end downtown will die as I once remember it and the available of booze and bullets always leads to a rise in the crime rate and then the property values in the community drops. It happened in south L.A. and large parts mof Baltimore.So forget public safety drugs, booze, and bullets will rule the day if thing keep going as they are.