From Harford Community College:
Harford Community College is pleased to announce those students named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2010 semester. Students on the list have achieved high academic honor.
To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have a 3.50 to 3.75 GPA (grade point average). Full-time students must have completed 12 credit hours during the semester. Part-time students are eligible after having completed 12 credit hours and then completing 6 credit hours during the current semester.
Students named on the Dean’s List at HCC are Katelyn Abbott, Forest Hill; Giovanna Acevedo, APG; Ryan Acton, Jarrettsville; Samantha Adams, Jarrettsville; Angela Adkins, York; Chioma Ajuonuma, Bel Air; Elliott Albidress, Bel Air; Hamid Ali, Edgewood; Megan Allen, Bel Air; William Allen, Joppa; Oluwatosin Alo, Edgewood; Angelina Amoriello, Bel Air; Rachel Armiger, Jarrettsville; Amanda Ashe, Abingdon; James Avery, Bel Air; Amy Balcerak, Forest Hill; Audrey Baldwin, Forest Hill; Joshua Baldwin, Forest Hill; Jennifer Bare, Abingdon; Dustin Barilow, Abingdon; Irene Base, Bel Air; Greta Bauerle, Belcamp; Joshua Baynes, Street; Jonathan Becker, Abingdon; Kayleigh Bell, Street; Alice Belt, Forest Hill; Brittani Bennett, Havre de Grace; Tabetha Berg, Churchville; Andrew Bertram, Bel Air; Katherine Bielecki, Jarrettsville; Keri Bienert, Bel Air; Daniel Blackburn, Darlington; Kyle Blackburn, Edgewood; Dennis Borries, Bel Air; Adam Bowers, Bel Air; Crystal Brader, Bel Air; Danielle Braun, Street; Angel Breeden, Bel Air; Grant Bridges, Bel Air; Kristen Brock, Bel Air; Justin Brown, Abingdon; Heather Brunner, Bel Air; Matthew Bruno, White Hall; Matthew Burns, Bel Air; Kimberly Butcher, Jarrettsville; Jessica Calder, Havre de Grace; Teresa Campbell, Brooksville; Robert Carey, Churchville; Kevin Casey, Abingdon; Kristofer Castro, Bel Air; Cortney Chen, Havre de Grace; Carrianne Cicero, Street; Troy Claiborne, Bel Air; Christopher Clasing, Forest Hill; Jennifer Cliffe, Edgewood; Ashlynd Cobb, Aberdeen; John Cocca, Bel Air; Susan Collins, Fallston; Amanda Conte, Edgewood; Craig Conway, Baldwin; Caitlin Cooper, Fallston; Seth Copeland, Edgewood; Rebecca Copenheaver, Street; Benjamin Cornwell, White Hall; Ana Corredor, Aberdeen; Bridget Crenshaw, Forest Hill; Bryan Crossley, North East; Alexis Crownover, Rising Sun; Courtney Cruz, Havre de Grace; Kelly Curran, Bel Air; Keri Damsgaard, Forest Hill; Colin Daniel, Belcamp; Michael Davis, Edgewood; Stephen Davis, Edgewood; Amanda Deasel, Churchville; Anna DeRose, Bel Air; Sara DeRose, Bel AIr; Mercedes Desilets, Baldwin; Duane Dixon, Aberdeen; Jody Dolinger, Fallston; George Donithan, Abingdon; Tina Doud, Delta; Crystal Dowell, Pylesville; Nicholas Dowell, Whiteford; Ashley Dunaja, Abingdon; Eric Duncan, Abingdon; Travis Duncan, Street; Kimberly Dunham, Whiteford; Vira Dziedzits, Bel Air; Kathryn Eaves, Bel Air; Jessica Eckley, Bel Air; Shauntella Edwards, Edgewood; Christopher Eller, Edgewood; Howard Elliott, White Hall; Tristan Elliott, Fallston; Michelle Engle, Bel Air; Amanda Favaro, Bel Air; Livia Fender, Havre de Grace; Erin Ferguson, Bel Air; Justin Fisher, Bel Air; Kevin Fitzsimmons, Bel Air; Lacey Flinn, Darlington; Mary Foltz, Jarrettsville; Rachel Francis, Belcamp; Rick Frankos, Whiteford; Michael Friedel, Havre De Grace; Amy Fritzges, Abingdon; Kacy Ann Gable, Havre de Grace; Rebecca Gaines, Forest Hill; Tyler Galeone, Bel Air; Carol Galicki, Darlington; Marissa Gallagher, Forest Hill; Richard Garcia, Street; Caitlyn Gardner, Bel Air; Brianna Garriss, Forest Hill; Katie Gast, Bel Air; Jeffrey Gaylord, Bel Air; Louisa Germann, Bel Air; Melissa Gibson, Edgewood; Christopher Gnau, Jarrettsville; Darl Gnau, Fallston; Sandra Goette, White Hall; Justin Golec, Abingdon; April Graber, Joppa; Jonathan Grazaitis, Street; Adam Green, Parkton; Brigette Griffin, Bel Air; Leah Griffin, Joppa; Stephanie Griffin, Bel Air; Aaron Grocott, Fallston; Jeffrey Grubb, Bel Air; Megan Gupta, Aberdeen; Corey Guthridge, Bel Air; Michael Hall, Forest Hill; Shana Hall, Abingdon; Stacy Hall, Aberdeen; Chelsie Hallgren, Aberdeen; Leah Halliday, Bel Air; Sarah Hancock, Bel Air; Alexandra Hannon, Havre de Grace; Elizabeth Harrison, Bel Air; Elizabeth Hayes, Abingdon; Megan Heagy, Bel Air; Cara Heasley, Forest Hill; Adam Heilmann, Forest Hill; Matthew Henry, Bel Air; Tiffany Hensley, Bel Air; Lucy Hentges, Jarrettsville; Nicole Herbert, Street; Rebecca Herman, Joppa; Michael Herpel, North East; Brendan Hetmanski, Abingdon; Susan Hickel, Edgewood; Kristin Hilberg, Fallston; Charlotte Hill, Bel Air; Brett Hinzman, Aberdeen; Candice Hofmann, Bel Air; Michele Holzhauser, Abingdon; Cory Hornsby, Norfolk; Danielle Howell, Bel Air; Jennie Howell, Aberdeen; Eric Huber, Joppa; Andrew Hurd, Abingdon; Jonathan Huson, Bel Air; Patrick Illes, Bel Air; Anthony Imperiale, Bel Air; Wanda Ingoglia, Bel Air; Christopher Inmon, Churchville; Colleen James, Westminster; Bryan Jimenez, Bel Air; Michael Jirsa, Joppa; Abigail Johnson, Joppa; Stephanie Johnson, Bel Air; Amanda Jones, Abingdon; Amanda Jones, Havre de Grace; Connor Jones, Aberdeen; Rachel Jones, Belcamp; Tara Jones, Darlington; Erica Julian, Havre de Grace; Christina Kalista, Forest Hill; Katherine Kallmyer, Abingdon; Scott Kappler, Bel Air; Peris Karanja, Abingdon; Scott Kelley, Abingdon; Amanda Kelso, Bel Air; Megan Kile, Whiteford; Margaret Kimura, Abingdon; Vatrelle Kirkland, Joppa; Marilyn Kirkwood, Belcamp; David Kivoto, Belcamp; Michaela Klatt, Belcamp; Marisa Knefel, Bel Air; Joshua Knell, Bel Air; Genevieve Kollar, Pylesville; Katelynn Koski, Bel Air; Caitlin Kowalewski, Forest Hill; Jessica Kraft, Jarrettsville; Jesse Krempel, Aberdeen; Jesse Krout, Abingdon; Christopher Kunkel, Bel Air; Kevin Lackland, Aberdeen; Amy Lamp, Aberdeen; Brittany Lanzetta, Havre De Grace; Ian Lashley McIntosh, Abingdon; Amber Lawson, Havre de Grace; Kelly Lazier, Abingdon; Dennett Lee, Abingdon; Rebecca Lelonek, Bel Air; Justin Lemly, Darlington; Andrew Lipka, Bel Air; Jason Liptrap, Bel Air; Mary Little, Bel Air; Stacy Locke, Abingdon; Noah Loftus, Bel Air; Heather Long, Jarrettsville; Rachael Lubag, Havre de Grace; Zachary Lucas, Bel Air; Andrea Lynch Pyon, Abingdon; Courtney Lyons, Bel Air; Kristen Magnani, Bel Air; Amber Mallory, Abingdon; Margo Manning, Havre de Grace; Viviane Marshall, Bel Air; Courtney Marsiglia, Bel Air; Holly Martin, Havre de Grace; Shannon Marucci, Pylesville; Dustin Marx, Edgewood; Steve Mazor, Parkville; Dana McConaughy, Fallston; Christopher McCray, Havre de Grace; Crystal McEndree, Abingdon; Diane McFaul, Joppa; Alicia McMillan, Bel Air; Brian McNutt, Bel Air; Erin Meadows, Fallston; Brittany Mears, Forest Hill; Marili Mejias, Edgewood; Angel Mergler, Havre De Grace; Katie Meyers, Forest Hill; Peacemaker Mgboji, Bel Air; Ethan Miller, Bel Air; Layne Miller, Bel Air; Ralph Mink, Forest Hill; Kerri Moore, Bel Air; Shari Moore, Joppa; Jessica Moran, Bel Air; Kirsten Mosca, Aberdeen; Jennifer Mothershed, Havre de Grace; Paul Muchene, Essex; William Mueller, Forest Hill; Kathryn Myers, Bel Air; Gennadiy Nagornyuk, Bel Air; Alyssa Natoli, Bel Air; Cornelia Neely, Havre De Grace; Nicholas Neuman, Abingdon; Brian Ngenoh, Aberdeen; Lynnet Ngenoh, Aberdeen; Elvira Nguelewou, Edgewood; Jasmin Nowakowski, Darlington; Zachary Noyes, Bel Air; Nkemakolam Nwaigwe, Forest Hill; Matthew Oates, Abingdon; Kasey O’Brien, Joppa; Lauren Offidani, Street; Marisa Ordanza, Edgewood; Amber Owens, Joppa; Mark Owens, Abingdon; Danielle Palmer, Havre de Grace; Kelleigh Pangratz, Aberdeen; Seema Panjabi, Bel Air; Brynn Parker, Abingdon; Connie Parks, Bel Air; Nicola Pasquinelli, Bel Air; Alex Paul, Belcamp; Rachael Pawley, Joppa; Brittany Pearce, Bel Air; Ansley Penaranda, Belcamp; Steven Peters, Aberdeen; Marilyn-Elizabe Peterson, Churchville; Lauren Phelps, Fallston; Janice Phipps, Aberdeen; Maria Pielert, Upper Falls; Emad Pilpile, Edgewood; Katrina Pirovolidis, Abingdon; Brittany Porter, Joppa; Jillian Pospisil, Joppa; Jordan Purcell, Havre de Grace; Melissa Quackenbush, Havre de Grace; Mark Quinlan, Edgewood; Duane Ragos, ; Miranda Ray, Bel Air; Thomas Reagan, Bel Air; Allison Reichart, Bel Air; Wendy Reinhardt, Forest Hill; Robert Rever, Bel Air; Robin Rice, Bel Air; Michelle Richardson, Bel Air; Melissa Riegel, Abingdon; Ronald Rivera, Street; Jeremy Robinson, White Hall; Kathy Robitaille, Bel Air; Marisol Rodriguez, Havre de Grace; Jamie Rogers, Bel Air; Taylor Rogers, Edgewood; Chris Rood, Pylesville; Ralph Ross, Belcamp; Marissa Rukowicz, Fallston; Kevin Runyon, Bel Air; Theresa Ruppert, Bel Air; Marian Rutledge, Jarrettsville; Jennifer Sams, Edgewood; Justin Sauer, Abingdon; Sara Sayers, Aberdeen; David Schmidt, Fallston; Megan Schmidt, Pylesville; Jamie Schulze, Bel Air; Andrew Scott, Street; Brendan Sedlak, BelAir; Erin Seiler, Parkville; Nicholas Sheets, Bel Air; Nicole Shepherd, Bel Air; Kyle Shiflett, Forest Hill; Genavieve Shipley, Fawn Grove; Barbara Showacre, Bel Air; Rubab Sidik-ayub, Belcamp; Richard Siejack, Fallston; Bianca Sindoni, Joppa; Raven Small, Havre de Grace; LaRelle Smikahl, Cookeville; Ashley Smith, Fallston; Elisia Smith, Aberdeen; Melanie Smith, Forest Hill; Brandon Sparr, Bel Air; Justin Spence, Havre de Grace; Jasmine Spradlin, Aberdeen; Lisa Stalnaker, Edgewood; Jahmane Stanley, Havre de Grace; Leslie Stansbury, Bel Air; Rusty Starks, Baldwin; Gabrielle Stearn, Havre de Grace; Mikynsi Steffan, Aberdeen; Jessica Steiner, Forest Hill; Chelsea Stevens, Aberdeen; Sydnee Stevenson, Abingdon; Jessica Stokes, Abingdon; Dayna Stonbraker, Aberdeen; Derek Stumpf, Bel Air; Christopher Sulin, Fallston; Jamie Svehla, Fallston; Kelly Taylor, Bel Air; Robert Taylor, Aberdeen; Bobby Terry, Havre de Grace; Craig Teufer, Havre de Grace; Alexandros Theos, Fallston; Emily Thompson, Aberdeen; Jamie-Lee Thompson, Churchville; Jaqueta Tilghman, Forest Hill; Christine Topper, Abingdon; Norielle Torbert, Aberdeen; Louis Touko, Edgewood; Kyle Trent, Fallston; David Tribble, Bel Air; Theresa Troedel, Havre de Grace; Michael Tserkis, Edgewood; Dagan Turner, Belcamp; Daniel Turner, Aberdeen; Erica Turner, Belcamp; Khris Uybengkee, Edgewood; Mandi Vanhorn, Joppa; Jessica Veit, Delta; Michael Voelker, Forest Hill; Jennifer Walker, Aberdeen; Meredith Walker, Abingdon; Shatera Walters, Aberdeen; Shelby Walters, Street; Benjamen Waltimyer, Pylesville; Kathryn Ward, Bel Air; William Ward, Pylesville; Kyle Waters, Forest Hill; Andrew Watkins, Fallston; Courtney Webster, Bel Air; Rachelle Webster, Abingdon; Paul Weimer, Bel Air; Benjamin Welch, Bel Air; Brittany Wells, Bel Air; Audrey Werneke, Havre de Grace; Beverly Whaley, Edgewood; Katie Wheeler, Rosedale; Lydia Whiteley, Darlington; Ashley Whiteman, Churchville; Krystina Whitesell, Bel Air; Amy Wibirt, Street; Lydia Wilde, Abingdon; Katelyn Williamson, Forest Hill; Jennifer Wilson, Bel Air; Lauren Winemiller, Timonium; Robbin Witkowski, Forest Hill; Brandon Witt, North East; Christian Wolfe, Bel Air; David Wright, Belcamp; Michelle Wright, Forest Hill; Andrew Yoell, Jarrettsville; Matthew Yoor, Bel Air; Hope Yowell, Monkton; Anthony Zangara, Bel Air; Ambrey Zaun, Bel Air; Rebecca Zepp, Havre de Grace; and Kahla Zimmerman, Pylesville.
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