From the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
The Harford County Campaign for Liberty is hosting a LiberTEA Festival on Tax Day – April 15, 2011 at 5:00PM until 7:00PM. The event will be held at the County Council Chambers office building located at 212 S Bond Street in Bel Air, MD.
This event is the 2-year anniversary of the unofficial kickoff of the Liberty movement across the United States. On April 15, 2009, more than 300 citizens and taxpayers stood in unity against big government spending and growth in the pouring rain in both Havre de Grace and Bel Air.
The name of this festival, LiberTEA, is a play on the words Liberty and TEA Party. The Liberty movement has been very influential in the past 2 years, prompting a huge flip in the US House of Representatives in the 2010 election and a growing conservative involvement in politics nationwide.
The office building at 212 S Bond Street is known as the “Black Box” and the property recently has been condemned by the County Government, prompting Harford County to plan to spend tens of millions of dollars on a new office building in Bel Air.
The LiberTEA Festival will include several patriotic skits and speeches on stage followed by a child-friendly carnival. Hosted by members of the grassroots organization, Campaign for Liberty, there will be games and entertaining educational activities for kids and adults to teach about the role of government. It is an all-ages event, and all supervised kids and grandchildren are welcome.
While the 2010 federal income tax returns are not due until April 18, the traditional deadline to file personal federal returns has been April 15.
The Harford Campaign for Liberty meets on every 4th Tuesday of the month at the Forest Hill Knights of Columbus hall located at 23 Newport Drive in Forest Hill. The Campaign for Liberty’s mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity.
Dan says
Better buy bleach while you can because there’s going to be a run on it as the attendees of this festival will want their “dress whites” as white as they can be.
Watcher says
I sure hope the Tea Party will be paying for this gathering. I don’t want my tax dollars paying for police, permits, port-a-pots, etc. They should pay their own way.
Hacodem says
I totally agree Watcher. But I suspect that since they ignored this post the will have the taxpayers pick up the tab.
Rob in Bel Air says
For those who criticize the Tea Party, please feel free to pour more of your money into Annapolis and Washington. Write your checks payable to Martin O’Malley and Barack Obama. Although you have a right to speak your opinion, so do those who support the Tea Party movement.
I’m guessing that Dan is insinuating that the Tea Party is racist? This is a tactic that liberals and some in the media used in an attempt to discredit those expressing their views about government tax and spend policies (Tea Party). It was proved to be false and obviously it didn’t work based on the last election. Yet you still have Dan and others out there making asinine statements about the Tea Party.
Dan, you need not worry, even if the Tea Party is successful in pressuring the government to be more frugal and accountable in spending our precious tax dollars, you will still get your monthly check.
Dan says
Let’s see … You have a movement that is made up of over 90% white rural Americans that strive to limit minority rights and cut minority services. They’ve used racially loaded photos, signs and slogans in their marches. They’ve protest against and vandalized several different ethnic cultural centers across the country and some of their supporters have actually gone as far as attacking and killing people based solely on their ethnicity.
Why on Earth would anyone think that there were racial undertones to the Tea Party???
Also, the Know Nothing Movement in the mid 19th century and the Nationalist KKK Movement of the 1920’s also thought they were just patriotic Americans fighting for the American way and unfairly labeled as racist.
Sentinel says
Dan, the only Know Nothing party is YOU!
You do nothing but make a slew of unsubstaniated ad homonyn attacks. Killed people? Are you kidding me?? You really have to start taking your meds again. You are obviously a whiney, snivling Big Guv statist. You & your kind resort to throwing our the race card on the second pitch becasue you have no argument or facts to support your assertions. It is not a position of the Tea Party to deny anyone their rights. The main platform is limited Constitutional government, fiscal responsibility, free markets & sound money. Everyone wins in that situation, even Socialist Statists like you!
Seems to me that the proest violence originates with a high degree of regularity from the left. I guess you missed the union goons in Wisconsin & Ohio shoving old ladies around & destroying taxpayer property. I guess you also missed all the nasty,degrading depicitons of President Bush form 2000-2008 but since you agreed with those & likely had some of you own it was OK with you. But in your world I guess that is the highest form of dissent.
How odd that folks like you continue to vilify those who only expect a return to Federalism, a government that lives within its Constitutional boundries & within its means while being accountable to citizens it is supposed to serve. Here’s a question even you can understand. Are the chances of being harmed by an overreaching government greater or smaller under centralized power in DC or under decentralized power in the states??? I have a feeling that your histrionics are due to your realization that the political landscape is changing & that your womb to the tomb Socialist philosophy is on the wrong side of history much like Marx & Lenin.
You sir are the extremist. Now get your Red Star & go play in the street.
hydesmann says
I don’t understand why anyone would hate the Tea Party. It’s just another point of view as opposed to the Dems & Repubs.I also don’t understand why anyone would want their tax money going to illegals,nation building,foreign aid to people who hate us,wars of aggression and fraud and waste.The constitution strictly limits what the Fed. Gov. can do and we passed that point way back in FDR’s time.Wait until the NEW MD. special session is called. As far as taxes go you ain’t seen nothing yet. To quote the Beatles ” if you walk around we’ll tax your feet” or something like that.
Hatetowaste$ says
@ Mr. Hysdesman, “I don’t understand why anyone would hate the Tea Party. It’s just another point of view as opposed to the Dems & Repubs.”
If the Tea Party was just another point of view to the Dems and Repubs, most if not all citizens in the US would probably enjoy this. However, the TP has proven to be an out of control movement that does not realize the unintended consequences that their attitude will bring. Shutting down the government to prove a point is immature and not productive.
Good points you raise: “I also don’t understand why anyone would want their tax money going to illegals,nation building,foreign aid to people who hate us,wars of aggression and fraud and waste.” Did you realize that each year, our tax dollars fund corporate special interests, our elected officials grant special tax breaks to corporations and more while demanding the middle class pay full taxes, etc…Why have big oil companies been given a free ride on taxes during periods of records profits? Why can oil companies continue to raise gas prices when the country is in a massive period of fiscal austerity, yet farmers are restricted from raising the price of milk?
The Tea Party was a nice thought…still can be. There is no reason for them to be an extremist right wing group that wants Church involvement in politics and to impose what they feel are the moral standards that will fix America. I see certain Tea Party “leaders” or “candidates” as jokes such as the two attractive ladies from Delaware and Alaska that gained prominence. The TP must have better candidate somewhere.
I don’t think most Americans hate the TP, rather, most Americans are middle of the road types, who want reform, just not an extreme version.
Bel Air Mom says
The Tea Party is not really a different point of view, it is the Conservative subset of the Republican Party. If you do not agree with the Conservative agenda, then you will not agree with the Tea Party.
I personally am turned off by the branch of the Tea Party that believes in Death Panels, wants the government to stay out of their Medicare and believes that Obama was not born in the USA. I am not saying that they make up a majority of the Tea Party, but they are a component of the Tea Party and the Tea Party leaders do not try to correct these contradictions and myths.
I would be more willing to agree with them if they truly stood for individual liberties for all rather than believing in individual liberties as long as they approve of those liberties.
Cincinnatus says
Bel Air Mom,
You should bring your desire for the purity & sweetness you desire in the Tea Party to the attention of the groups that ally with the left. Their supporters are in the streets at every G-20 meeting setting things on fire, breaking store windows & assaulting cops. Their union goons beat up folks at Town Hall meetings. Notice the SEIU & other union t-shirts
You’ll never see anything like that be perpetrated by any member of the Tea Party. The only people telling others how to live are those who support big government…and they are on both sides of the aisle.
Rob in Bel Air says
You shoulld come forth and tell us what you are all about. There is absolutely no evidence that the TEA PARTY is racist. The black politicians who said they were called racist names lied. It was not on film and not one witness came forth to support the allegation. Quite frankly, it is those who claim racism who are the most racist (and that sounds like you).
Dan says
Tea-Party supporters burnt down a Mosque in Tennessee. That sounds like racism to me.
Rob in Bel Air says
Now you know that’s not true. Are you that much of a racist that you need to make up things. The Tea Party is not interested in Mosques . . . they are interested in a responsible government. You said Tea Party supporters burned this mosque . . . does that mean it was not the Tea Party, but those who support their cause? You need to get your story straight. If a supporter of the NAACP murdered someone, does that mean that the NAACP sanctioned the murder and should be held accountable.
I would like to know your sources (keeping in mind that the liberal media will print anything negative about any person or group that disgrees with the Obama administration – whether it’s true or not). Look what happened to Joe the Plumber when he put Obama on the spot. Obama’s jaw dropped because someone challenged him and revealed the truth. The media went into action and you know the rest of the story.
Remember, you started this with the white sheet business and that said a whole lot about you. Moreover, the more you write the more it confirms who you are. The Tea party and its members are not racist; it’s the likes of you who will make things up about a group you disagree with and who are the most racist. Like I said before, those who claim racism are they themselves the most racist. That’s you ! ! !
Dan says
The protest against the building of the Mosque was officially supported by local Tea-Party groups that also tried to legally block it through the courts and using other local government injunctions, but when they all failed the Mosque was set on fire.
Here is an article that simply describes the fire and that it was ruled arson, so that you might at least be convinced that the fire ever happened at all. No one was ever caught or charged, and I doubt they ever will. That’s how those good old boys operate.
PB says
Could just as easily have been a False Flag operation. You’re taking liberties with the truth.
Dan says
I guess it could just as easily have been a False Flag operation, but it’s not as likely. Also, I’m not taking liberties with the truth, I’m making logical speculations based on the available facts. Only the person or persons responsible for the fire know the “truths” behind the crime and they’re not talking.
amazed... says
@Dan, so you’re willing to state “Tea-Party supporters burnt down a Mosque in Tennessee” without any proof, then back off with “I guess it could just as easily have been a False Flag operation…” simply because you don’t like their beliefs and want to paint as bleak a picture as possible. Interesting. The only report I saw on it mentioned Neo-Nazi’s, but apparently they’re Tea party members too. My only problem with the Muslim faith is that the whole “we’re a religion of peace” thing wears thin when the vast majority will turn a blind eye as you’re beheaded. Either a billion of them aren’t enough to be able to deal with the radical element among them or in their hearts they secretly condone it.
Dan says
@ AMAZED: There’s a big difference between something being “possible” and it being “probable”. Is it possible that the people who were working hard to build a place of worship for themselves and their families burnt it down? Sure, it’s possible, but it’s not probable. I guess it could also be possible that the CIA started the fire or the British Secret Service, but the most likely explanation is that one of the people who were protesting against the Mosque is the one who set it on fire and it just so happens that the local Tea-Party organization and its supporters were the most vocal and passionate about stopping it. So, it doesn’t exactly take a great feat of reasoning to conclude the person responsible is probably a supporter of the Tea-Party.
Retiredawhile says
Burning a mosque in Tennessee would be an act of hatred or discrimination, not an act of racism. What race attends mosque?
Dan says
All races are free to attend a mosque or follow Islam, but in this particular circumstance it is largely attended by people of Middle-Eastern heritage, most of them either immigrants or first generation Americans.
Cincinnatus says
Dan, you should give the Tea Party the same benefit of the doubt that you so readily to give to Muslims. Just because there is a sizable number of them that commit various atrocites doesn’t mean they all jihadis. You need to lighten up.
Cincinnatus says
Man up & prove it Dan. Guessing you have zero factual evidence. Was that one of your MoveOn or PuffPost talking points???
Dan says
When I was growing up we had Native Americans, white Americans, and black Americans. There werent any Muslims burning anything in this country because of a protest of anything. They were in the Mideast. All our Muslim president wants to do is kiss their ass. We keep letting in people from everywhere so we can pay taxes to support them. I say screw them all and leave America for Americans. If you dont agree, then go to a Muslim country and work there and support them and their government.
Dan says
Typical Tea-Party responce, and they weren’t even imaginative enough to use a different user name.
Retiredawhile says
Well, I don’t agree with you, but I do not intend to leave America and live elsewhere. I served over 20 years in the US Armed Forces to protect your right to spew the kind of stuff that you do. It is your right to do so, but it does not make you right!!
Clay says
Well guys, as long as you are willing to keep paying the taxes, then I guess we will be fine. A Mexican girl who was pregnant came into the building here where I work to see social services. The guard asked her, “who is going to pay for that baby?” She pointed to the guard and said, “you are.” Mexicans I have seen here work hard. You know what though? We can only pay for so many people to come here and we only have so much money to pay. When the dollar is worth next to nothing and you are standing in a food line you may rethink your attitude. You can keep giving your dollars to the Indian guy at the service station and keep seeing the money leave our country bound for who knows where. You can watch as the Indian doctors buy their waterfront property. We watch as all the products we used to make are made overseas. And then we have to bend down when the poor Muslims are upset because a preacher decided to burn the Koran? I served four years in the armed services myself and I dont like it.
Retiredawhile says
Maybe you bent down for the poor Muslims because they were upset, but I didn’t. Why would I bend down?
Clay says
Retired, I didnt say anyone in particular bent down for them but you referred to Dan’s comment as if it was some sort of racial hatred. All it says is enough people here that we have to support is enough. I also see this nation as being founded on Christian principles. The bible essentially says that if someone burns the bible and rejects Christ, we are supposed to act with love. The Koran says that a person rejecting their ways should be killed. Some Muslims may act as though they really dont want that, but many still have a soft spot in their hearts for it and some actively support it, for example the leaders of Iran. It is what is causing a lot of trouble here. If Muslims believe that, it is one thing to protest in their own country but another to protest it here. I thought I read that Muslims in Florida were protesting the burning of the Koran. We have enough violence already without them starting it in a Christian nation. I agree. If they dont like it, let them go back to their Muslim nation and be satisfied. No, they want world domination. They dont care who was killed in those planes on 9/11, men, women or children. Christ will come back to rule the world, and in judgment, I wouldnt want to be a Muslim standing in front of Him.
Nice says
Circuit Court of Maryland
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Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Harford County – Civil System
Case Number: 12C11000819
Title: Harford Bank vs Hanley Investments L L C, et al
Case Type: Confessed JudgmentFiling Date:03/25/2011
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Confessed/Consent JudgmntDisposition Date:03/25/2011
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below) Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Harford Bank
Address: 8 West Bel Air Avenue
City: AberdeenState:MDZip Code:21001
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Selba, Esq, Joseph M
Practice Name: Bishop Daneman & Simpson LLC
Address: 1400 South Charles Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21230
Name: Simpson, Esq, Lori
Practice Name: Bishop, Daneman & Simpson LLC
Address: 1400 South Charles St
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21230
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below) Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Name: Hanley, Terence O
Address: 314 E. Broadway
City: Bel AirState:MDZip Code:21014
Aliases Defendant/Respondent
Name: Hanley, Terrence O
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Daneman, Esq, David
Practice Name: Bishop, Daneman, & Simpson, LLC
Address: 1400 S. Charles Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21230
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Hanley Investments L L C
Address: 314 E. Broadway
City: Bel AirState:MDZip Code:21014
Address: 200 South Main Street
City: Bel AirState:MDZip Code:21014
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Daneman, Esq, David
Practice Name: Bishop, Daneman, & Simpson, LLC
Address: 1400 S. Charles Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21230
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:3
Name: Hanley, Debra T
Address: 314 E. Broadway
City: Bel AirState:MDZip Code:21014
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Daneman, Esq, David
Practice Name: Bishop, Daneman, & Simpson, LLC
Address: 1400 S. Charles Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21230
Judgment Information
(Each Judgment is displayed separately.) Judgment Date: 03/25/2011Index Date:03/25/2011Status Date:03/25/2011
Status EnteredAmount:$$570,000.00
For: Harford Bank
Against: Hanley, Terrence O
Judgment Comments: jointly and severally, plus pre-judgment interest in the amount of $12,743.76 (accruing at a per diem rate of $85.89), plus late fees in the amount of $997.68; and attorney’s fees in the amount of $85,500.00 (15% of the principal balance due), for a grand total of $669,241.44, plus costs and post-judgment interest at the legal rate.
Judgment Date: 03/25/2011Index Date:03/25/2011Status Date:03/25/2011
Status EnteredAmount:$$570,000.00
For: Harford Bank
Against: Hanley, Debra T
Judgment Comments: jointly and severally, plus pre-judgment interest in the amount of $12,743.76 (accruing at a per diem rate of $85.89), plus late fees in the amount of $997.68; and attorney’s fees in the amount of $85,500.00 (15% of the principal balance due), for a grand total of $669,241.44, plus costs and post-judgment interest at the legal rate.
Judgment Date: 03/25/2011Index Date:03/25/2011Status Date:03/25/2011
Status EnteredAmount:$$570,000.00
For: Harford Bank
Against: Hanley Investments L L C
Judgment Comments: jointly and severally, plus pre-judgment interest in the amount of $12,743.76 (accruing at a per diem rate of $85.89), plus late fees in the amount of $997.68; and attorney’s fees in the amount of $85,500.00 (15% of the principal balance due), for a grand total of $669,241.44, plus costs and post-judgment interest at the legal rate.
Judgment Date: 03/25/2011Index Date:03/25/2011Status Date:03/25/2011
Status EnteredAmount:$$570,000.00
For: Harford Bank
Against: Hanley, Terence O
Judgment Comments: jointly and severally, plus pre-judgment interest in the amount of $12,743.76 (accruing at a per diem rate of $85.89), plus late fees in the amount of $997.68; and attorney’s fees in the amount of $85,500.00 (15% of the principal balance due), for a grand total of $669,241.44, plus costs and post-judgment interest at the legal rate.
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order) Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 03/25/2011Close Date:03/25/2011Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Complaint & Affidavit Confessed Judgment, Exhibits and Line Requesting Entry by
Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
File Date: 03/25/2011Close Date:03/25/2011Decision:
Document Name: Judgment Indexed on 03/25/11
Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 03/25/2011Close Date:03/25/2011Decision:
Document Name: Confessed Judgment Notice Sent
This is an electronic case record. Full case information cannot be made available either because of legal restrictions on access to case records found in Maryland rules 16-1001 through 16-1011, or because of the practical difficulties inherent in reducing a case record into an electronic format.