From Harford County government:
The Harford County Department of Public Works, in cooperation with Harford County Public Schools, has planned the construction of rain gardens at Forest Hill and Hickory Elementary Schools.
Construction at Forest Hill Elementary School began the week of April 25th and is expected to take three to four weeks to complete. Construction at Hickory Elementary School is anticipated to begin the week of May 16th and is expected to take two to three weeks to complete.
Small groups of students from the Gifted and Talented programs of each school have been involved in planning the projects including the selection of plants. Students from each school will have the chance to plant one or two perennials in the gardens.
The purposes of the rain gardens are to (1) improve water quality from storm water run-off from the parking lots and rooftops at the schools; (2) include the students in the planning and construction of the projects; and (3) allow the students to interact with individuals representing a variety of professions that they could consider pursuing as careers.
These projects were identified as part of the Deer Creek Watershed Restoration Action Strategy. For more information about the strategy visit
This is an example of TARP money in action. Swing by these schools and see how many jobs have been created. Also, check to see if Md workers are filling these jobs. Please be prepared to see mostly Hispanic workers completing these projects. Meanwhile, HCPS is terminating positions at Central Office and classroom teaching jobs. So rainwater management is more important than retaining education jobs. What a sad situation.