From the office of Del. Pat McDonough:
– Prospective Senate Candidate Pat McDonough declares President Obama violated the Constitution and should be “Impeached.”
– Delegate Pat McDonough is the Honorary Chairman of the most successful Petition Campaign in the history of the state of Maryland, placing the “Dream Act” on referendum.
– Delegate Pat McDonough maintains that President Obama has changed the Federal Immigration Act without the permission of the Congress.
– The four- term state lawmaker maintains that if he were a member of the Senate or the House of Representatives, he would initiate the articles of impeachment process.
STATEMENT FROM DELEGATE McDONOUGH: “ President Obama has created a backdoor amnesty law for 15 million illegal aliens through an unlawful policy that circumvents Congress. The consequences and impact of this reckless action on the people of the United States is enormous.”
“Mr. Obama’s administration with its characterization of citizens as terrorists, creation of enemies’ lists, and the attack against state laws with tax payers’ financed litigation is beginning to make Richard Nixon look like a Boy Scout. Lawlessness and disrespect for justice are promoting the illegal alien agenda,” said Delegate McDonough.
1. Forcing people to buy health insurance, the individual mandate has been losing in the courts.
2. Launching a war in Libya ignoring the WAR POWERS ACT.
3. Refusing to enforce the FEDERAL DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT.
4. Injecting race into the VOTING RIGHTS ACT. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. declined to prosecute new Black Panther Party members caught on video openly intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. Two former Justice Department employees were told they should not enforce portions of the law, if the complainants are right.
5. Using the EPA to enforce a radical environmental agenda.
6. Allowing the FCC to grab the internet. Congress and a Federal Appeals Court rejected the Federal Communications Commission’s claim to have regulatory authority over the internet. Yet, the FCC released net neutrality rules.
7. Attacking the state for upholding the federal law. The Justice Department sued Arizona and other states for attempting to enforce the Federal Immigration Act.
8. Using the national Labor Relations Board as a goon squad. The NLRB sued to stop the Boeing Company from building a new plant in the “right to work” state of South Carolina because unions in Washington State objected. Nowhere in the Constitution does the federal government have the right to tell a business where they can operate. These examples were from an editorial in the Washington Times by Robert Knight, a senior fellow for the American Civil Rights Union.
9. Another heavy-handed intervention by the Obama administration has been their regulatory interference in the Gulf drilling process and other energy issues.
Delegate McDonough stated, “This litany of examples is designed to illustrate a consistent pattern of disrespect for the rule of law.”
Bruce O'H. says
Obama routinely circumvents Congress through regulations imposed by his “czars”, and by Presidential Orders.
Unfortunately, an Article of Impeachment would never be accepted or passed by the Senate.
Watcher says
Stop with the ‘czar’ nonsense.
Bruce O'H. says
The Obama Admin uses the term “czars” for those positions…how is it nonsense if I use the term?
Phil Dirt says
Stop confusing him with facts. That’s not fighting fair.
Watcher says
Would like a list of czars going back to the 1940’s. He didn’t invent the term.
Porter says
@Watcher Is this a trick question?
The colloquial term “Czar” in presidential political appointments has been common parlance for most of the 20th century and so far in the 21st century.
Watcher says
Which was precisely my point. But it seemed to me he was attaching a negative connotation to it by A) mentioning it and B) putting the term in quotes.
That’s the kind of subtle thing Fox News does like calling the President’s birthday party a “hip hop BBQ.”
Watcher says
Apologize for my typo. Should have said “would you like a list…” My fault.
Common Cent$ says
Delegate McDonough should be impeached for many reasons, starting with his looks.
Fogdog says
Delegate McDonough has serious issues with reality and we should be sorry he is losing it at an early age.
Bruce O'H. says
Common Cents: Besides his looks, which is a petty personal attack, for which specific issue would you have Del McDonough impeached for? He cogently stated his reasoning with examples. Would you please do the same?
FogDog: What issue, specifically, would you say Del McDonough is out of touch with reality on? And could you give specific reasons to collaborate your argument.
Rob in Bel Air says
They both regularly post here but seldom have anythinhg to backup their arguments. Common Cents has none, Fogdog is still lost in the fog and others here taking insignificant shots at the deleate are just plain and simple libs who want this state a “completely blue state.” Notice they have little to back up what they say.
Kathreen says
I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow ltiearture.
Taxed says
I agree with Bruce O’H 100%.
COMMON CENT$ really stooping to insult his looks. No intelligent points?
Proud to be Liberal says
I love the fact that “Ronnie D” McDonough writes about himself in the third person. Is he trying to get on the Harford County reality show along with “The Situation” Impallaria? This guy is a laugh a minute.
Dave Yensan says
Please, one and all, note that the intelligentsia on this site prefer to insult and attempt to negate the speaker or writer rather than discuss and dispute the argument at hand.
Watcher says
Maybe because the argument at hand is pure lunacy. Yensan, you thinking of running for Mayor and getting your ass kicked again? Please say yes. Pretty please….
Bruce O'H. says
That’s Alinsky tactics on parade…
anonymous says
Sorry but the Baldy McDonut is a media-whore clown who makes up problems to justify the state welfare he receives as an entirely ineffectual representative. His ideas are undeserving of serious consideration. I have no idea why the southern part of the county wants this buffoon to their representative but I look forward to his running for Senate so that I finally get the chance to have my vote counted against him.
MrMarkN says
And your “anonymous” persona simply reinforces the fact that you really have nothing of significance to add to this discussion. You just like to see your “name” to bolster your self esteem???
anonymous says
Glad to see that Baldy McDonut is replacing his Phil Dirt persona with Bruce O’H.
Bruce O'H. says
I can assure you that I am my very own person. I’ve been a resident of HdG for the past 35 yrs. I’m sure Rep McD is quite capable of defending his own statements.
Phil Dirt says
Bruce O’H: Anonymous is a moron. I post as Phil Dirt in a wide range of topics, and this dope only accuses me of multiple identities when it involves McDonough, who he seems to have a very intense personal interest in.
Bruce O'H. says
Ahh, thanks for the insight.
I’m sorry, but with the issues facing our nation right now, especially the economy and lack of jobs, Delegate McDonough should have better things to address than his dislike for Obama and his irrational fears. Yes, the problem of illegal immigrants is something that needs to be addressed as it is a bipartisian issue and affects citizens of all backgrounds. But calling for impeachment is not the way to go. Not to mention, it’s politicians of McDonough’s caliber who are trying to violate the Constitution by trying to re-write it to suit their idelogical needs. This smacks of trying to pander to the radical right wing conservatives for votes, a population that believes they represent all of America.
Bruce O'H. says
People who call for Constitutional govt and balanced budgets are only considered radical by the radical far Left.
We don’t believe that we represent all Americans, we’re aware that there are 30 to 35% of the population that despises a Constitutional Republic, and we have risen from our slumber to slap those radical Leftists back to the kook fringe where they slithered out from…how ya like me now?
J.J.Jingleheimer Schmidtt says
We do not think you are radical. We think you are simplistic and unenlightened social darwinists. As for awakening from your slumber, more like rising from the primordial ooze to choose Rick Perry as your “Lord of the Flies” presidential nominee, after whose crushing defeat you will sink back in to fester.
And we will continue to enjoy the kook fringe with our global view and enlightened mindsets. In case you hadn’t noticed, we happen to be a pretty happy group, who always have and always will feel superior to you.
Porter says
@J.J.JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDTT – “who always have and always will feel superior to you.”
Yes, the intellectual liberal/progressive/left certainly believes that they are superior, but how can it be so since they are economically and financially illiterate?
Bruce O'H. says
This from a man who feels that a dated political model, that was formulated in 1848, and has failed EVERY time it has been tried in the intervening years, at the cost of at least scores of millions of lives, he calls me unenlightened.
The man who voted for a racist, marxist, Chicago thug politician, this man disparages my intelligence.
The man who still supports an inept, in over his head, failure at everything he has touched, President.
This poor fool thinks he is intelligent !!!!!
But he sure is poetic in his smarmy, hyena of the Left, deluded way, isn’t he?
Fed Up says
So trampling the Constitution and failing to execute his duty (that he swore to) is okay with you? The issues raised by Rep. McDonough pertain to your civil rights and mine – socialist liberal or responsible conservative. Step away from the curb and read his rationale out loud – it is common sense. Simply apply your logic to any other country in the world and it is laughable – we are giving away the farm and sticking all the tax payers (the 49% of us who pay) with the bill. Shameful.
Watcher says
McDonough was awfully quiet during the previous administration. Curious…
Paul says
@HDG – President Obama has overreached his executive powers not Pat McDonough.
@ Paul
But McDonough seemed perfectly happy while Bush was in office doing things that would have probably called for the same response he’s given now. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Dissenter says
the united states government has become a drunken fat prostitute. our countries millionaires are her customers and our military is her pimp. this president is not even worthy of comment and besides nothing any citizen has to say or do would be heard or make a difference. maybe yall should spend less time ridiculing each other and smoke more pot…lol